PMG :: Volume #3

#731: The monster in sierra

The Nine dragons mountain range deep place, jet black Demon Shadow is leading the way together gradually, the body of this Demon Shadow, is passing meaning of fearful indifferent spirit and murdering, in his shoulder, snow white small monster peaceful lying there, the time on the face of that Demon Shadow moves two with her snow white flexure of claw. 九龙山脉深处,一道漆黑的魔影在缓步前行着,这魔影的身上,透着可怕的冷漠气息和杀伐之意,在他的肩头,一头雪白的小妖安静的趴在那里,时候用她的雪白爪子在那魔影的脸上挠动两下。 That Demon Shadow each after a period of time, the air/Qi of indifferent murdering becomes formidable, the eye pupil can become ice-cold, bloodthirsty, Murderous Qi extremely heavy, whenever at this time, he will then gain ground, looked that lies in the snow of own shoulder is exquisite, sees that pure busy attractive eye, the air/Qi of his murdering bloodthirsty then cannot help but was suppressed, immediately weakening slowly, was suppressed by the will by him. 魔影每过一段时间,身上的冷漠杀伐之气就会变得强大,眼眸会变得冰冷、嗜血,杀气极其的重,然而每当这时,他便会抬起头,看一眼趴在自己肩头的雪玲珑,看到那双纯净无暇的漂亮眼睛,他身上的杀伐嗜血之气便会不由自主的受到压制,随即慢慢的变弱,被他以意志镇压住。 Lin Feng, he degenerates the demon for Meng Qing, now, he restrains himself because of Meng Qing, is insufficient into the sword slave, becomes the tool of murdering. 林枫,他为梦情而堕落成魔,如今,他又因梦情而克制住自己,不至于成为剑奴、成为杀伐的工具。 In Lin Feng, together form static, three days, Tang Youyou is feeling each change of Lin Feng, feels Lin Feng demon air/Qi strong and weak, in the heart is sighing, that snow is occupying what kind of component in his heart exquisite, can make him look that will then restrain that fascinated impulsion. 林枫的身后,一道身影静静的跟着,三天来,唐幽幽感受着林枫的每一次变化,感受着林枫身上的魔气强弱,心中叹息,那雪玲珑到底在他心中占据着怎样的分量,能够让他看一眼便将克制那入魔的冲动。 Tang Youyou is entirely believed by the reason, if no snow exquisite in the side, Lin Feng degenerated now the demon, is unable to control itself. 唐幽幽完全由理由相信,若是没有雪玲珑在身边,林枫现在已经堕落成魔,无法控制自己了。 In process of will fight, your will unceasing becomes must tenacious, but the demon will is actually weakening, finally, you can defeat the will of demon on the 1st.” Tang Youyou said in the heart secretly that she believes that Lin Feng can certainly achieve. “在意志战斗的过程中,你的意志不断的变得更加的顽强,而魔的意志却在削弱,终于一日,你能够战胜身上的魔之意志。”唐幽幽在心中暗自说道,她坚信,林枫一定能做到的。 Although Lin Feng has been silent, continuously that cold, but she is very clear, Lin Feng also has the will of consciousness and realm of the devil is fighting, he alone is walking in the Nine dragons mountain range, after is fears is uncontrolled slaughters innocent humanity. 虽然林枫一直沉默,一直是那么的冷,但她很清楚,林枫也有意识的和魔道的意志在战斗,他独自在九龙山脉中走着,为的就是怕走出去之后不受控制而屠戮无辜的人类。 Front, a mountain peak spans in that in this mountain peak below hole, as if has a continuously spookiness to seep, should be the Monster Beast lair. 前方,一座山峰横亘在那,在这山峰下方的洞内,仿佛有着一缕缕妖气渗透出来,应该是妖兽的巢穴。 However Lin Feng like has not actually seen, the footsteps do not have stopping of slightest, as before firm proceeds. 然而林枫却像是没有看到一样,脚步没有分毫的停下,依旧坚定的往前走着。 Approaches that mountain peak, a cave mansion under mountain also gradually became clear, outside the cave mansion, several person's shadows, was protecting cave entrance unexpectedly, this made Tang Youyou eyesight stagnate slightly, really had the person. 靠近那山峰,山下的一个洞府也渐渐变得清晰了起来,在洞府之外,竟有几道人影,守护着洞口,这一幕让唐幽幽目光微微一滞,竟然有人。 On that several person's shadows does not have monster spirit, only if formidable Heavenly Monster own spirit complete restraining, otherwise should be true humanity. 那几道人影身上没有妖的气息,除非是强大的天妖将自己的气息都完全的收敛住,否则应该是真正的人类。 That several people also saw walks Lin Feng and Tang Youyou that two people toward here, eyesight cannot help but slightly stagnates, immediately in the middle of their eye pupils reveals wipes cold smiling. 那几人也看到了朝着这边走来的林枫唐幽幽二人,目光不由得微微一滞,随即他们的眼眸当中露出一抹冷冽的笑。 Lin Feng shot a look at several people of one lightly, immediately walks in the side direction of mountain peak, planned that bypasses this mountain peak to continue to face forward, however, that several people actually as if did not plan that makes Lin Feng such leave, sees only their personal appearance to dodge slightly, stopped unexpectedly the body of Lin Feng. 林枫淡淡的瞥了几人一眼,随即朝着山峰的侧方向走去,打算绕过这山峰继续朝前,然而,那几人却似乎并不打算让林枫就这么离开,只见他们的身形微微一闪,竟然将林枫的身体阻拦住了。 The brow selects, air/Qi of fierce kicking out fearful murdering, fearful ice cold realm of the devil spirit that cold, making that several people only feel that entered in the middle of the icehouse, even the body is trembling. 眉头一挑,一股可怕的杀伐之气凶猛的扑出,可怕的冰寒魔道气息是那么的冷,让那几人只感觉进入了冰窖当中,甚至身体都在瑟瑟发抖。 Good heavy demon air/Qi.” Several people of heart secret passage, immediately footsteps slowly draws back, does not dare to block Lin Feng again, this person, they as if cannot stir up. “好重的魔气。”几人的心头暗道一声,随即脚步缓缓的退开来,不敢再拦住林枫,此人,他们似乎惹不起。 Um?” The indifferent sound passes on together, making several people of bodies slightly one stiff, stopped in moved same place does not dare to move. “嗯?”一道冷漠的声音传出来,让几人的身体都微微一僵,停在了原地动都不敢动弹。 Takes to bring in them.” Monster evil sound transmitting slowly, passes on together from the hole of that mountain range, this sound as if there is charm to be the same, that several people of body does not dare to retrocede the slightest, eyesight ice-cold throws toward Lin Feng and Tang Youyou. “将他们带进来。”一道妖邪的声音缓缓的传来,是从那山脉的洞中传出来的,这道声音仿佛拥有魔力一样,那几人的身体再也不敢后退分毫,目光冰冷的朝着林枫唐幽幽投去。 Um?” Tang Youyou sees several people of unusual brow slightly wrinkles, is only together the sound, made them probably fascinated be the same, was quite strange, in that cave, was occupied by any person. “嗯?”唐幽幽看到几人的异常眉头微微一皱,只是一道声音,就让他们好像入魔了一样,好诡异,那山洞里面,到底居住着什么人。 Indifferent spirit blooms from that several people of body, they toward Lin Feng walking slowly, in the pupil completely are the cold light. 冷漠的气息从那几人的身上绽放而出,他们都朝着林枫缓缓的走去,眸子中全部都是冷光。 As if was feels their cold light, the hand of Lin Feng has placed carrying on the back slowly, there, air/Qi of fearful realm of the devil was tumbling, cold Swordsmanship spirit of ice cold bloodthirsty bloomed, as if had a handle fearful sword, was momentarily possible the sheath. 似乎是感受到了他们身上的冷光,林枫的手缓缓的放在了背上,在那里,一股可怕的魔道之气在不停的翻滚着,冰寒嗜血的寒冷剑道气息绽放而出,仿佛有一柄可怕的剑,随时可能出鞘。 Lin Feng, does not want.” Lin Feng behind Tang Youyou shouted one: You cannot use him again, otherwise, you will kill me, killed your snow to be exquisite.” 林枫,不要。”林枫身后的唐幽幽喊了一声:“你不能再使用他了,否则,你会杀了我,杀了你身上的雪玲珑。” Really, hears Tang Youyou the body of words Lin Feng slightly one stiffly, body cold intent blooms, he then uncontrolled takes the demon sword, as if the invisible strengths were summoning him, summoned him to use the demon sword to fight. 果然,听到唐幽幽的话林枫的身体微微一僵,身上冷意绽放的时候,他便不受控制的去取魔剑,仿佛有一股无形的力量在召唤他,召唤他使用魔剑战斗。 Looked at one toward Meng Qing of shoulder, saw that the eyes of that double action person as if revealed pretty eyesight, the hand of Lin Feng have put slowly, but the cold meaning has not actually dissipated, ice-cold eyesight stubbornly was staring at front several people. 朝着肩头的梦情看了一眼,看到那双动人的眼睛似乎露出楚楚动人的目光,林枫的手缓缓的放了下来,但寒冷之意却并未消散,冰冷的目光死死的盯着面前的几人。 Kills!” A character falls, the body of Lin Feng is fearful cold killing intent, the footsteps treads completely, boundless realm of the devil spirit blooms, huge incomparable darkness was in charge to rumble toward the form together, this black being in charge wrapped the opposite party whole person directly. “杀!”一字落下,林枫的身上全部都是可怕的寒冷杀意,脚步踏出,无边的魔道气息绽放而出,一巨大无比的黑暗掌印朝着一道身影轰了出去,这黑色的掌印直接将对方整个人都包裹在其中。 Bang!” The fierce sound spreads together, the black realm of the devil is in charge seal on the body of opposite party, the direct bang kills one person. “轰隆!”一道剧烈的声响传出,黑色的魔道掌印印在对方的身上,直接轰杀一人。 However, other three forms like have not detected quite the same as , to continue to come toward the Lin Feng attack . Moreover, is turns the palm unexpectedly into the sharp claws, grasps toward Lin Feng. 然而,另外的三道身影像是浑然没有发觉一样,继续朝着林枫攻击而来,而且,竟是化手掌为利爪,朝着林枫抓来。 The air/Qi of crazy tumbling Lin Feng realm of the devil, changes to together the fearful fork, that is the fork that the night witch-doctor uses, the footsteps one cross, the fork pricks a person in within the body directly, punctured by far to fly his body. 林枫身上的魔道之气疯狂的翻滚,化作一道可怕的叉子,那是夜叉魔使用的叉子,脚步一跨,叉子直接刺入一人的体内,将他的身体都刺得远远的飞了出去。 Other two's attack direct bang on the body of Lin Feng, the body of Lin Feng actually moved has not moved, only then endless fearful realm of the devil spirit in the crazy tumbling, submerges their forms, submerges in the middle of spirit of this realm of the devil. 另外两人的攻击直接轰在了林枫的身上,林枫的身体却动都没有动一下,只有无尽的可怕魔道气息在疯狂的翻滚,将两人的身影都淹没掉,淹没在这股魔道的气息当中。 The cold brightness twinkle of ice-cold bloodthirsty, a Lin Feng double palm violent force racket, the direct bang on their heads, their body then direct soft lying down, again did not have the least bit to live. 冰冷嗜血的寒光闪烁,林枫的双掌猛力一拍,直接轰在了两人的脑袋上,两人的身体便直接软软的躺下,再没有了半点生息。 The free time of short twinkling, four people, died in the hand of Lin Feng completely, did not remain. 只是短短瞬息的工夫,四人,全部死在了林枫的手上,一个不剩。 Tang Youyou behind Lin Feng static looks at all these occurrences, present Lin Feng, will be quite fearful, kills people will not fluctuate spirit, every will strike must kill, that four people of strength will not be weak, has Seventh Xuan Qi Layer Eighth Layer cultivation base, but in the Lin Feng front, actually will be such collapsing at the first blow, by slaughtering easily. 唐幽幽林枫后面静静的看着这一切发生,如今的林枫,好可怕,杀人连气息都不会波动一下,每一击都是必杀,那四人的实力都不弱,拥有玄武境七重八重修为,但在林枫的面前,却是如此的不堪一击,被轻易的屠戮。 Also, what making Tang Youyou have doubts, behind that three people after the experience to the Lin Feng terrifying strength, launch the attack to Lin Feng why fierce does not fear as before, probably also and Lin Feng is equally fascinated, loses the reason. 还有,让唐幽幽疑惑的是,后面那三人在见识到林枫恐怖实力之后,为何依旧悍不畏死的对林枫发动攻击,好像也和林枫一样入魔,失去理智。 Her eyesight, cannot help but went to that cave. 她的目光,不由自主的投向了那山洞。 Lin Feng, flood the eye pupil of fearful cold light, is looking similarly to that cave, the killing intent twinkle is uncertain. 林枫,泛着可怕的冷光的眼眸,同样看向那山洞,杀意闪烁不定。 Useless humanity, real waste.” Together monster different sound slowly passes from the cave, simultaneously flutters to come together, a fearful spookiness. “没用的人类,真废物。”一道妖异的声音缓缓的从山洞中传出来,同时一起飘荡而来的,还有一股可怕的妖气。 Monster Beast!” The eye pupil of Tang Youyou trembles, in the middle of the cave has Monster Beast, moreover this Monster Beast has also controlled a moment ago by several human powerhouses who Lin Feng kills, but can also the mouth spit the criticism, then this Monster Beast, is Heavenly Monster! 妖兽!”唐幽幽的眼眸一颤,山洞当中拥有妖兽,而且这妖兽还控制了刚才被林枫杀的几个人类强者,还能口吐人言,那么这妖兽,是天妖 The spookiness is getting more and more intense, directly from that cave crazy throws, seems fearful swirl is the same, arrives at behind, outside of cave, a spookiness changes to the hurricane, the crazy anger eats delicacies, curls up dust, extremely fearful. 妖气越来越强烈,直接从那山洞中疯狂的扑出来,就好似一阵可怕的漩涡一样,到后面,山洞的外面,一股妖气化作飓风,疯狂的怒啸,卷起一片尘土,极其的可怕。 Heavenly Monster and good fearful spirit.” Tang Youyou mind one tight, in this cave, has Heavenly Monster. 天妖、好可怕的气息。”唐幽幽的心神一紧,这山洞中,拥有天妖 Fearful tornado has curled, as if the shadow glitters from the cave, immediately, that spookiness fires into the sky directly, surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) place all big monster small monsters can feel this fearful spookiness, ran away crazily. 一阵可怕的旋风卷过,仿佛有一道黑影从山洞中闪烁而出,顿时,那股妖气直接冲向天空,方圆百里之地所有的大妖小妖都能够感受到这股可怕的妖气,疯狂的逃窜了起来。 Died several useless humanity, came two, becomes my monster slave, pours also well.” The spookiness of wreaking havoc is as before terrorist, then that swirl weakening gradually, until presented a back in the place of that spookiness soaring to the heavens, the back of person, the monster of changing from. “死了几个没用的人类,又来了两个,成为我的妖奴,倒也不错。”肆虐的妖气依旧恐怖,然后那漩涡却渐渐的变弱,直至在那片妖气冲天之地出现了一道背影,人的背影,化形之妖。 This back is thin, the outline as if there is shadow unexpectedly, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, quite somewhat the person of high skill style, imitates humanity, unexpectedly also lifelike. 这背影瘦削,轮廓竟仿佛有暗影,负手而立,颇有几分高人风范,模仿人类,竟也惟妙惟肖。 However the response of Lin Feng and Tang Youyou with he imagines seems to be different, they moved have not moved, making his cold snort, in the middle of the monster different eye pupil flash through together the evil light, immediately his body, slowly has transferred, started to face up to these two human unexpected visitors truly. 然而林枫唐幽幽的反应似乎和他想象中的不一样,两人动都没有动,让他冷哼了一声,妖异的眼眸当中闪过一道邪光,随即他的身体,缓缓的转过,真正开始正视这两位人类不速之客。 When his eyesight falls on that youth instant, his body could not bear unexpectedly shivered slightly, appeared somewhat stiff! 然而当他的目光落在那青年身上的刹那,他的身体竟忍不住微微颤抖了下,微显得有些僵硬! : Was not erupts traceless not to be powerful, was really the weekend rests to erupt, on Monday must catch up toward the company from the family, long live understanding! :不是爆发完了无痕不给力,实在是周末休息才能爆发,周一就要从家里往公司赶,理解万岁! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 731 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第731章 The monster address in mountain range for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 山脉中的妖地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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