PMG :: Volume #3

#730: The snow month exchanges ownerships

Looks at that pair of nimble and resourceful beautiful eye pupil, Lin Feng probably saw Meng Qing is the same, the meaning of realm of the devil as if restrained unexpectedly, was lowering the head slightly, his eye pupil was bringing several points of sobriety, however spirit, was very cold. 看着那双灵动美丽的眼眸,林枫就好像看到了梦情一样,身上的魔道之意竟仿佛收敛了些,微微低着脑袋,他的眼眸带着几分清醒,然而身上的气息,还是非常冷。 Tang Youyou sees Lin Feng not to continue cold Shi again, the heart also slightly relaxed some, her very clear Lin Feng that once and Lin Feng fought side-by-side a how tenacious heart had, so long as he believes that certainly can defeat the demon, even if were the incomparably formidable demon. 唐幽幽林枫没有再继续冷视自己,心也微微放松了些许,曾经和林枫并肩作战的她很清楚林枫拥有一颗怎样坚韧的心,只要他坚信,就一定能够战胜魔,即便是无比强大的魔。 Does not dare to depend on Lin Feng to be near, Tang Youyou in set to sit from a Lin Feng ten meters status, that peaceful sitting there. 没有敢靠得林枫太近,唐幽幽在距离林枫十米之地位置坐了下来,就那么安静的坐在那里。 Lin Feng also became peaceful, such as an demon god was the same, sits in that motionlessly, but held that snow to be exquisite, as if that was his only. 林枫也变得安静了起来,就如一尊魔神一样,坐在那一动不动,只是抱着那头雪玲珑,仿佛那是他的唯一。 The dim light of night like black ink, covers the earth gradually, one round cold and dreary moon/month lift-off slowly, under the day of moon, the moonlight passed is being indifferent and miserable, with night breeze, appeared especially cold. 夜色如墨,渐渐将大地笼罩,一轮凄冷的月缓缓的升空,在太阴之日下,月光都透着冷漠和凄凉,伴随着一阵晚风,显得格外的冷。 However although the moon/month is cool, actually circle especially, above the land on slopes, Lin Feng gains ground, looks at that full moon, he cherishes the snow also to be exquisite same as him, looks up moon that together void middle is hanging, at this moment, probably returned to their first meeting time, that night, Lin Feng mood extremely low, to protect him, the Yun Hai Sect person died completely, Protector Bei has sent out the underground palace him, making him enter the center of violent wind filled with dust range, however in the trough time of his life, he has met like the fairy maiden woman, Meng Qing. 然而月虽凉,却格外的圆,坡地之上,林枫抬头,看着那圆月,他怀中的雪玲珑也和他一样,一起抬头看着虚空当中悬挂的月亮,这一刻,就好像是回到了他们第一次见面的时候般,那一夜,林枫的心情极其的低落,为了保护他,云海宗的人全部死了,北老将他送出了地下宫殿,让他走进了黑风岭的腹地,然而就在他人生的低谷时期,他遇到了如仙子般的女人,梦情 Now, is this round cold and dreary full moon, similarly in the middle of mountain range, however that fairy maiden, peaceful lying down in the bosom of Lin Feng, was actually rumbled by these bastards to become Yaoxing. 如今,又是这轮凄冷的圆月,也同样是在山脉当中,然而那仙子,却安静的躺在林枫的怀中,被那些混蛋轰成妖形。 Thinks of these people, in the middle of the eye pupil of Lin Feng reappeared fearfully murders the indifferent meaning, eyesight is icy cold, kills, his Lin Feng does not extinguish these East China Sea dragon palace and jade day emperor's clan, in vain manner. 想到那些人,林枫的眼眸当中又浮现了可怕的杀伐冷漠之意,目光冰凉,杀,他林枫不灭那些东海龙宫和玉天皇族,将枉为人。 This grade of deep hatred, pledges to fight to the death must report, if his inadequate demon, perhaps now the imperial palace rivers of blood, the death, completely will be his family member and friend, is unable to live, this time will be lucky. 这等血仇,誓死都要报,若他不成魔,恐怕现在皇宫血流成河,死的,将全部是他的亲人和朋友,一个都无法活着,这次是侥幸。 But the causes of all matters, because he has not complied to join the East China Sea dragon palace, because of his existence, will affect the jade day emperor's clan, therefore, these people must extinguish him, even kills his person, in their eyes, the human life was not called the human life, the weak one, only then slaughtered share. 而一切事情的起因,只是因为他没有答应加入东海龙宫,因为他的存在,会影响到玉天皇族,所以,那些人要灭他,甚至杀他身边的人,在他们的眼中,人命根本就不叫人命,弱者只有被屠杀的份。 This lesson, Lin Feng he, even if becomes the demon will always remember that he dies records, does not dare to forget. 这一次的教训,林枫他即便成魔都会铭记,他死都会记着,不敢忘。 The demon light tumbles in the eye, air/Qi of person murdering extremely, in Lin Feng not far away, has one group of flame to live, Tang Youyou sits by the flame, on the face has several wisps of dust, in his hands is taking a tree fork, is roasting the wild meat, the flame that in the meantime, that gives birth to can also bring faint trace warm feeling. 魔光在眼中翻滚,杀伐之气极其的人,在林枫不远处,有着一团火焰生起,唐幽幽坐在火焰旁,脸上有着几缕灰尘,在他的手中拿着一根树叉,正在烤着野肉,同时,那生出的火焰还能带来一丝丝暖意。 Stays in the Lin Feng side, in addition today the reason of day of moon, Tang Youyou was not such feeling better, by her cultivation base, will actually feel somewhat coldly. 呆在林枫的身边,再加上今日太阴之日的缘故,唐幽幽可不是那么的好过,以她的修为,竟然会感觉有些冷。 The sound spreads, air/Qi of meat fragrance is filling the air in the dark night, unceasing fluttering, a moment later, barbecue thorough roasting is ripe, Tang Youyou delimited two barbecue, immediately was selecting with the fork a giant barbecue, slowly arrived at the Lin Feng side, giving Lin Feng. 噼里啪啦的声响传出,一股肉香之气在黑夜中弥漫着,不断的飘动,片刻之后,烤肉彻底的烤熟,唐幽幽将烤肉划成了两块,随即用叉子挑着其中一块巨大的烤肉,缓缓的走到林枫的身边,将之递给林枫 Lin Feng looked up Tang Youyou one, the cold light in eye pupil vanished some, put out a hand, he received the barbecue that Tang Youyou has handed over, said: Youyou, you leave quickly, I do not know when will unable to control itself to injure you.” 林枫抬起头看了唐幽幽一眼,眼眸中的冷光消失了些许,伸出手,他接过了唐幽幽递过来的烤肉,说道:“幽幽,你快离开吧,我不知道什么时候控制不住自己会伤害你。” Originally you also recognize me.” Tang Youyou whispered, the hidden bitterness eye pupil has swept Lin Feng one, in the sound as if somewhat complained. “原来你还认得我。”唐幽幽嘀咕了一声,幽怨的眼眸扫了林枫一眼,声音中似乎有几分埋怨。 „The strength of demon sword momentarily possibly corrodes my will, now my will temporarily occupied the powerful, momentarily possibly made a false counter-accusation, I do not want to injure you.” Lin Feng looks up Tang Youyou, even if he at this moment has several points of sobriety, but the sound is that indifferent. “魔剑的力量随时可能侵蚀我的意志,现在我的意志只是暂时的占据了强势,随时可能被反噬,我不想伤害你。”林枫抬头看着唐幽幽,即便此刻的他有着几分清醒,但声音还是那么的冷漠。 I will not leave, removes the fairyhood until you thoroughly, if at that time you caught up with me to walk again, I then walked.” Tang Youyou said lightly, in the sound is somewhat rigid, immediately she sits her position, was worrying to that barbecue, makes an effort very much, as if in venting unhappiness in heart. “我不会离开的,直到你彻底褪去魔性,那时候你若是再赶我走,我便走。”唐幽幽淡淡的说了一声,声音中有几分执着,随即她坐回自己的位置,对着那烤肉撕咬了起来,很用力,似乎是在发泄心中的不快。 Tang Youyou at this moment, is passing willful of several points of young girl, under the moonlight, is very beautiful, however Lin Feng does not have the mood to appreciate this beautiful. 此刻的唐幽幽,透着几分少女的任性,在月光下,很美,然而林枫却没有心情欣赏这份美。 Removes the fairyhood thoroughly, where is so easy, nine handle demon swords all come out of the sheath, thorough has broken comfortable of body, he could not suppress the demon sword, but the will in demon sword very formidable, has been corroding him, must let his Lin Feng to become demon. 彻底褪去魔性,哪里有那么容易,九柄魔剑全部出鞘,彻底的破开了身体的舒服,他已经压制不住魔剑了,而魔剑中的意志则是非常的强大,一直在侵蚀着他,要让他林枫成魔。 At that time fought time, he wanted the thorough extrication, thorough degeneration to become demon, only missed slightly, truly degenerates into the demon, but ten million/countless simultaneously kneed down to him in audiences, roared sovereign with the General time his mind by fiercely trembling, restored a wisp of Pure Brightness, then existence of Meng Qing, making him not dare to degenerate the demon, making him start to resist, had present deadlock. 当时战斗的时候,他想要彻底的解脱,彻底的堕落成魔,只差丝毫,就真正沦为魔了,只是在千万之众同时向他单膝跪地,吼出宗主和将军的时候他的心灵受到剧烈的震颤,恢复了一缕清明,而后梦情的存在,让他不敢堕落成魔,让他开始抵挡,才有了现在的僵持。 But if said that wants him to seal to return to within the body the demon sword not to be impossible as before, the demon sword already thoroughly released, he does not have that strong strength sealing the demon sword. 但若是说要他和以前一样将魔剑封回体内已经不可能了,魔剑既已彻底释放出来,他没有那么强的力量将魔剑给封回去。 ............ ………… Early morning Xue Yue Country palace wall, is bringing several points of tranquility, however in Xue Yue Country each household, some people are very not certainly calm. 清晨的雪月国皇城,带着几分平静,然而雪月国的每一户中,一定有人的心情很不平静。 The person in matter of palace wall yesterday early completely knows, even toward each corner spread of Xue Yue Country in the past, the matter of yesterday, extremely had really shocked, now shocks the crowd that these witnessed to feel somewhat numbly. 昨日之事皇城中的人早已经全部知道,甚至朝着雪月国的每一个角落蔓延过去,昨日之事,实在是太过震撼了,震撼得那些亲眼目睹的人群现在都感觉有些麻木。 Lovesick Forest as well as the Yun Hai Sect person goes to discuss marriage, however waits for their, is the ambush, the Duan Ren emperor brings Duan Wu Dao to come out personally, must slaughter the team that goes to bride's home to escort her to the wedding, that is a plot, afterward, the crowd knew the 20 years ago anecdotes, the Xue yue four big talent original past was the good brothers, but greedy of Duan Ren emperor has destroyed this sentiment, but Duan Ren emperor also achievement he in the Xue yue supreme status. 相思林以及云海宗的人前去提亲,然而等待他们的,是伏击,段人皇带着段无道亲自出来,要屠杀迎亲的队伍,那是一个阴谋,随后,人群知道了20年前的轶事,雪月四大天才原来昔日是好兄弟,只是段人皇的贪婪毁了这份情,但段人皇也成就了他在雪月至高无上的地位。 Afterward, Lin Feng such as the wife of fairy maiden changed to Heavenly Monster, the terrifying powerhouses of jade day emperor's clan appeared, suppresses Meng Qing, again then, was the Deity Palace person, the Duan Wuya true feature present world, was the powerhouse in East China Sea dragon palace appears, each, made the person popular-feeling shiver, until finally, Lin Feng grasped the demon sword, wanted the slaughter to extinguish all Tian, cut to kill the world. 后来,林枫如仙子的妻子化作了天妖,玉天皇族的恐怖强者出现,镇压梦情,再然后,又是神宫的人,段无涯的真实面目现世,然后又是东海龙宫的强者出现,每一幕,都让人群心颤抖,直到最终,林枫手持魔剑,要屠灭诸天,斩杀天下。 However, Lin Feng, takes falling into the realm of the devil as the price. 不过,林枫,是以堕入魔道为代价。 In the middle of the imperial palace, Yun Hai Sect as well as the cavalry of Duanren city return now still in cleaning up the battlefield, before the imperial palace person by the thorough slaughter, yesterday, is being the day of bleeding, from now on the future, Xue yue no longer is Xue yue of Duan, Xue yue, should the forest. 皇宫当中,云海宗以及断刃城归来的铁骑现在还在清理着战场,皇宫以前的人已经被彻底的屠杀掉了,昨日,就是流血的日子,从今往后,雪月将不再是段家的雪月,雪月,应该性林。 Even if Lin Feng is not, all people the seat of king, had also left Lin Feng, waits for Lin Feng to come back, if Lin Feng does not want the position of this king, confers rank and title again to others, but the Xue yue true control seat, must leave Lin Feng, nobody dares to have the objection. 即便林枫不在,所有人也一直将君王之席,留给了林枫,等林枫回来,林枫若是不要这君王之位,再册封给别人,但雪月真正的掌控席位,一定是要留给林枫的,没有人敢有异议。 Void middle, incomparably huge antiquity Monster Beast Kunpeng float in that in carrying on the back of Kunpeng, Lin Hai and Yue Meng He and the others, Yun Fei Yang. 虚空当中,无比巨大的上古妖兽鲲鹏悬浮在那,在鲲鹏的背上,林海月梦荷等人都在,还有云飞扬 Yun Fei Yang, the matter of here, apologized you.” Lin Hai knew the beginning to end of matter, to Yun Fei Yang was saying thanked. 云飞扬,这边之事,谢过你了。”林海已经知道了事情的始末,对着云飞扬道一声谢。 I and Lin Feng this are good friends, is not worth mentioning, later Xue yue takes responsibility by you, always mutually will not encroach with Mo Yue Country.” “我和林枫本就是好友,何足挂齿,以后雪月由你们做主,将与摩越国永世不互相侵犯。” Um.” Lin Hai nodded, this was also he wants saying that Yun Fei Yang helped them take Xue yue, moreover with Lin Feng was the good friend, from now on Xue yue and Mo Yue, should be the ally, the mutual non-aggression opposite party. “嗯。”林海点了点头,这也是他想说的,云飞扬帮助他们拿下了雪月,而且和林枫是好友,今后雪月摩越,就该为盟国,互不侵犯对方。 Then do you have what plan?” Lin Hai was asking to Yun Fei Yang. “接下来你有何打算?”林海对着云飞扬问道。 Returns to Mo Yue, immediately cultivates a period of time, heads for the mystical place in it place, you do not need too to be worried about Lin Feng, I believe that he can cope with this time crisis, I can feel that will be quick I again and Lin Feng meets, will enter the mystical place together.” “回摩越,随即修炼一段时日,就启程前往秘境所在之地,你们也不用太担心林枫,我相信他能够克服此次的危机,我能够感觉到,很快我会再和林枫碰面的,一起进入秘境。” Hope so.” Lin Hai sighed, Lin Feng now to become demon, he does not know where Lin Feng went, moreover he and Yue Meng He injury did not have, impossible to seek for Lin Feng, all, looked at the Lin Feng good fortune, no one knows that in the future will be what kind. “希望如此。”林海叹息了一声,林枫如今成魔,他也不知道林枫去了哪里,而且他和月梦荷伤势都还没好,也不可能去寻找林枫,一切,就都看林枫的造化了,谁都不会知道未来会怎样。 I believe Lin Feng, you should also believe him.” Yun Fei Yang smiles, said: Was good, I must go back.” “我相信林枫,你们也应该相信他。”云飞扬一笑,说道:“好了,我要回去了。” Um.” Lin Hai and the others are cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Yun Fei Yang slightly, immediately trod Qiong Qi to get down the Monster Beast Kunpeng. “嗯。”林海等人对着云飞扬微微拱手,随即踏着穷奇下了妖兽鲲鹏。 The Kunpeng incomparably giant wing opens, the strong winds are billowing, bringing Yun Fei Yang to leave. 鲲鹏无比巨大的羽翼张开,狂风滚滚,带着云飞扬离开。 After Kunpeng goes far away, Lin Hai and Yue Meng He look at this palace wall and this imperial palace, later this Xue yue, nobody can fetter them again, has that price, is extremely serious, their rather all have not occurred. 等到鲲鹏远去走后,林海月梦荷看着这皇城、这皇宫,以后这雪月,再也无人能够束缚他们,带那代价,太过惨重,他们宁愿一切都没有发生。 I somewhat am worried about Little Feng.” Yue Meng He said one. “我还是有些担心小枫。”月梦荷开口说了一声。 Lin Hai sighed, shakes the head saying: „The Little Feng luck has been good, hopes that this time can also turn bad luck into good, the future road, is doomed him to walk, moreover Little Feng is different from us, his road, but also is too long!” 林海叹息了下,摇头道:“小枫一直都运气不错,希望此次也能逢凶化吉,未来的路,注定要他自己走,而且小枫和我们不一样,他的路,还太长!” : Ten deliver, tomorrow morning must go to the company to go to work, reminds brothers one to look in the evening that continues to seek a support, does not erupt easily. :十更送到,明天早上要去公司上班,提醒兄弟们一声晚上看,继续求一声支持吧,爆发不容易啊。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 730 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第730章 Xue yue exchanging ownerships address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 雪月易主地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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