PMG :: Volume #3

#729: The fight of will

Tang Youyou imperial is spatial and good, chilly eyesight is passing several points of firm and resolute color. 唐幽幽御空而行,清冷的目光透着几分坚毅之色。 Lin Feng, you cannot certainly to become demon!” 林枫,你一定不能成魔!” Clenched teeth, in her mind recalled that the unconventional delicate man, this kind of talent character, how he could to become demon, that be the misfortune of common people, does not know that many people will die. 咬了咬牙,她的脑海中又回想起了放荡不羁的清秀男子,这样一个天才人物,他怎么能成魔,那是苍生的不幸,不知道有多少人会死。 The strength of mind and thought of person is extremely formidable, genuine big will, can break through own limit unceasingly, the will is firm and resolute, can control all. 人的心灵和意念的力量是极其强大的,真正大毅力者,能够不断突破自身的极限,心志坚毅着,能够控制住一切。 Especially regarding Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator is so, the martial arts practice, cultivates the strength, more importantly, is cultivates the mind and tempers own will, does not have the tenacious heart and formidable will, is impossible becomes the powerhouse of martial arts. 尤其是对于武修而言更是如此,武道修炼,修炼力量,更重要的,是修心、锤炼自己的意志,没有坚韧的心和强大的意志,不可能成为武道的强者。 So long as Lin Feng can grasp his heart, he can definitely defeat the strength of realm of the devil by the strength of will, such as Lin Feng saw that snow is exquisite, his whole person will sober to be the same, because in his heart, in the middle of his soul the brand mark that snow exquisite form, that snow is exquisite, should be the person who the Lin Feng wife, he loves melts. 只要林枫能够把握住他的心,他完全可以凭借意志的力量战胜魔道的力量,就如林枫看到那雪玲珑,他整个人都会清醒一样,因为他心中、他的灵魂当中烙印着那雪玲珑的身影,那雪玲珑,应该就是林枫妻子、他爱的人所化了。 Has that fearful realm of the devil spirit direction, Tang Youyou traces Lin Feng not to be difficult, although Lin Feng at this moment early did not know the far distance, but that fearful realm of the devil spirit is, so long as following this fearful demon air/Qi, certainly can find Lin Feng. 有着那股可怕的魔道气息指引,唐幽幽追踪林枫并不困难,虽然此刻的林枫早已经不知道去了多远的距离,但那股可怕的魔道气息一路都是,只要顺着这股可怕的魔气,就一定能够找到林枫的。 The body keeps howls in void, Tang Youyou does not know one walked the far distance, in her front, presented a piece of mountain range, is the Nine dragons mountain range, realm of the devil spirit, extends to enter in the middle of the mountain range, means that Lin Feng entered the mountain range. 身体不停的在虚空中呼啸,唐幽幽也不知道自己走了多远的距离,在她的前方,出现了一片山脉,是九龙山脉,魔道气息,延伸进入山脉当中,也就意味着林枫进入了山脉。 Without any hesitation, the Tang Youyou footsteps have stepped, following that demon air/Qi also to enter in the mountain range, traced was very long, she went to the mountain range very deep place, entered in the mountain range several hundred li (0.5km), but has not actually seen any Monster Beast shadow, the Lin Feng place visited, slaughtered all realm of the devil spirit to bloom, where had Monster Beast to dare to bring death, all ran away. 没有任何的犹豫,唐幽幽的脚步跨了出去,追随着那股魔气也进入了山脉里面,又是追踪了很久,她已经到了山脉很深的地方,进入了山脉里面好几百里地,但却没有看到任何妖兽的影子,林枫所过之处,屠杀一切的魔道气息绽放,哪里有妖兽敢来送死的,全部跑掉了。 „The air/Qi of realm of the devil, was getting more and more thick.” The Tang Youyou footsteps have slowed down gradually, her clear feeling realm of the devil spirit was getting more and more intense, means that she now, more and more enters from Lin Feng. “魔道之气,越来越浓了。”唐幽幽的脚步渐渐放缓了下来,她清晰的感受到魔道气息越来越强烈了,也就意味着,她现在,距离林枫越来越进了。 Blood!” Tang Youyou looks toward somewhere the place, there some blood, formidable Monster Beast died there, was cut down by the sword direct sword, on the corpse was also passing the billowing demon air/Qi, was needless saying that Tang Youyou also knows, definitely was Lin Feng. “血!”唐幽幽朝着某处地方看去,那里有些鲜血,一头强大的妖兽死在了那里,是被剑直接一剑劈杀的,尸体上还透着滚滚的魔气,不用说唐幽幽也知道,肯定是林枫了。 Not is only a head, here died many formidable Monster Beast, without the exception, was killed by sword neat cutting completely, regardless of Monster Beast strong, but in front of Lin Feng of fascinated condition, how can escape the misfortune at this moment, only needed a sword to suffice. 不仅仅是一头,在这里死了不少强大的妖兽,没有例外,全部都是被一剑干脆利落的斩杀,无论妖兽有多强,但在此刻入魔状态的林枫面前,怎么能够逃脱得了厄运,都只需要一剑就够了。 Was quick.” “快了。” Tang Youyou felt that indifferent demon air/Qi was richer several points, the body descends in the place, immediately slow walks toward the front, he does not dare to be too quick, the present Lin Feng condition is unstable, was perhaps possible one impulsive to kill her, in that case, rather died too injust. 唐幽幽感觉到冷漠的魔气更浓郁了几分,身体降落在地,随即缓慢的朝着前方走去,他不敢太快了,现在的林枫状态太不稳定了,说不定就可能一冲动将她都杀了,那样的话,也未免死得太冤了。 Was near.” The heart of Tang Youyou as if clutched to tighten, was somewhat anxious, she could not achieve mind like still water. “近了。”唐幽幽的心仿佛都揪紧了起来,有些紧张,她做不到心如止水。 On land on slopes of distant place, has a giant stone, there, has impressively throws over the form of black realm of the devil long gown to sit above together, is having several points of dreary lonely meaning, dreary middle, is passing billowing indifferent spirit, is the demon indifferent air/Qi, making the person not dare to approach. 远处的一块坡地上,有着一块巨大的石头,那里,赫然有着一道披着黑色魔道长袍的身影坐在上面,带着几分萧瑟孤独之意,萧瑟当中,透着滚滚的冷漠气息,属于魔的冷漠之气,让人不敢靠近。 However this seems like the indifferent demon, his body slightly is actually curling and shrinking, in bosom faint trace holds snow fox snow to be exquisite, eyesight looks at the distant place, as if fell into the middle of the remote memory. 然而这看似冷漠的魔,他的身体却微微卷缩着,怀中丝丝的抱着一头雪狐雪玲珑,目光看着远方,仿佛陷入了遥远的记忆当中。 Snow exquisite peaceful lying down in the bosom of Lin Feng, demon cold intent seems unable to disturb her, her body, only then the warm feeling, accidentally, she also will move two to move, is wriggling toward the bosom of Lin Feng. 雪玲珑安静的躺在林枫的怀中,魔的冷意仿佛无法干扰到她,她的身上,只有暖意,偶然间,她还会动两动,朝着林枫的怀中蠕动着。 At this time, the snow stretches out the snow white furry small claw exquisite, grasps on the face of Lin Feng, as if must grasp the Lin Feng corner of the eye residual tears the trace, that soft small claw, movement very gentle, seems the female is stroking the beloved man to be the same. 此时,雪玲珑伸出雪白毛绒绒的小爪子,在林枫的脸上抓了抓,仿佛要抓去林枫眼角残留的泪的痕迹,那柔软的小爪子,动作非常的轻柔,仿佛是女子在抚摸着自己心爱的男人一样。 Lin Feng feels gentleness in claw, eyesight has transferred slowly, looked that is exquisite to the snow, indifferent eyesight of his realm of the devil, as if dissipated some, sobered several points, has revealed a rare gentle meaning. 林枫感受到爪子中的温柔,目光缓缓转过,看向雪玲珑,他那魔道的冷漠目光,仿佛消散了些许,清醒了几分,露出了一丝难得的温柔之意。 The snow sees smiling of Lin Feng corner of the eye exquisite, exudes one hum the low and deep sound, in the middle of that pair of juicy attractive pupil is passing the smiling face of faint trace, because as if the gentle smiling face of Lin Feng very appears excited. 雪玲珑看到林枫眼角的笑,发出一声呜呜的低沉声响,那双水灵漂亮的眸子当中透着丝丝的笑容,仿佛因为林枫的温柔笑脸而很显得兴奋般。 Lin Feng supports exquisite the snow, places on the snow exquisite head own face, realm of the devil dissipated indifferently some, in his eye pupil has revealed rare smiling. 林枫将雪玲珑拥住,将雪玲珑的脑袋放在自己的脸上,魔道的冷漠消散了些许,他的眼眸中又露出了难得的笑。 Nearby Tang Youyou clear sees this slight one, this time she felt in unexpectedly the heart is somewhat grieved, eyesight is passing several ruddiness, what love is, can make the monster so affectionate, making the demon remove his demon intent. 一旁的唐幽幽清晰的看到这细微的一幕,此时的她竟感觉心中有些酸楚,就连目光都透着几丝红润,到底是什么样的爱情,能够让妖如此深情,让魔褪去他身上的魔意。 She discovered that she actually to that attractive snow white Monster Beast, somewhat envies, for several points to envy. 她发现,她竟然对那头漂亮的雪白妖兽,有几分羡慕、几分嫉妒。 Tang Youyou does not know that experience of Lin Feng and Meng Qing, she is not certainly able to feel this demon and monster affection, once when Lin Feng did went down in the world, such as fairy maiden Meng Qing starts to appear in his life, making him teach to ride a horse and listen to him to tell the story, has been following, transforms the monster until the present, this sentiment, was irreplaceable, in this world, nobody was together for a long time compared with Meng Qing and Lin Feng. 唐幽幽不知道林枫梦情的经历,她当然也无法感受到这魔与妖的深情,曾经在林枫做落魄的时候,如仙子般的梦情开始出现在了他的生活当中,让他教骑马、听他讲故事,一直跟随着,直到如今幻化成妖,这份感情,是无可取代的,在这个世界,没有人比梦情林枫相处得更久。 Meng Qing, is experiencing Lin Feng all times, the time and he desolate incompetent time that he dies by heartbreak, he magnificently becomes the time of talent, Meng Qing, forever is peaceful side him, even if he degenerates now the demon, Meng Qing was plunged into his bosom reckless, so long as with him in the same place, did not leave not abandoned, had no regret this life. 梦情,经历着林枫所有的时刻,他伤心欲绝的时刻、他落寞无能的时刻、他辉煌成为天才的时刻,梦情,永远都是安安静静的在他身边,即便如今他堕落成魔,梦情还是不顾一切的跳入了他的怀中,只要和他在一起,不离不弃,无悔今生。 Footsteps slowly approaches toward Lin Feng, the Tang Youyou footsteps are very slow and are very gentle, seems feared that will alarm Lin Feng to be the same. 脚步缓缓的朝着林枫靠近,唐幽幽的脚步很缓慢、很轻柔,仿佛是怕会惊动林枫一样。 At this time, the eye pupil of Lin Feng has transferred suddenly, ices the glow of stabbing pain cold indifferent realm of the devil together on the body of Tang Youyou, making her footsteps also slightly one stiff, stopped there, moved does not dare to move. 此时,林枫的眼眸遽然间转过,一道冰寒冷漠的魔道之芒刺痛在唐幽幽的身上,让她的脚步也微微一僵,停在了那里,一动都不敢动。 In the middle of the double pupil of Lin Feng, of optical scintillation realm of the devil, killing intent, is covering the body of Tang Youyou, must make Tang Youyou suffocate. 林枫的双眸当中,魔道之光闪烁着,有一股杀意,将唐幽幽的身体都笼罩住,要让唐幽幽窒息。 Eye pupil of Tang Youyou stubbornly is staring at Lin Feng, that and Lin Feng is looking at each other, eyesight is not willing to leave for a very long time. 唐幽幽的眼眸死死的盯着林枫,就那么和林枫对视着,目光久久不肯离开。 Lin Feng!” 林枫!” Tang Youyou gentle shouted, she does not believe that she is unable to make the thought of Lin Feng move, she does not believe that Lin Feng can result in the killer to him under. 唐幽幽轻柔的喊了一声,她不相信,她无法让林枫的意念动一下,她不相信,林枫能够对他下得了杀手。 Walks.” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out together the low and deep sound, however Tang Youyou actually shook the head. “走。”林枫的嘴中吐出一道低沉的声音,然而唐幽幽却是摇了摇头。 Walks!” Lin Feng roars, ice cold piercing Murderous Qi puts the body of Tang Youyou completely, he cannot guarantee own thorough degeneration to become demon, will massacre when Tang Youyou. “走啊!”林枫怒吼一声,冰寒刺骨的杀气全部都扑在唐幽幽的身上,他不敢保证自己什么时候会彻底的堕落成魔,将唐幽幽也杀掉。 I do not walk.” Tang Youyou has also been roaring to Lin Feng, eyesight is tenacious: Lin Feng, you can control your, since you present can maintain sober, means that you can defeat that demon air/Qi, you must believe itself, you can.” “我不走。”唐幽幽也对着林枫吼了一声,目光坚韧无比:“林枫,你可以控制住自己的,你既然现在能够保持清醒,就意味着你能够战胜那股魔气,你要相信自己,你可以的。” You cannot to become demon, otherwise, you will possibly kill your lover and your family member friend, you must believe you.” “你不能成魔,否则,你可能会杀了你的爱人、你的亲人朋友,你一定要相信你自己。” Tang Youyou almost roars is saying, she must make Lin Feng understand that the strength of mind and will, can defeat all, so long as Lin Feng wants, he can certainly be able to control. 唐幽幽几乎是吼着说出来的,她要让林枫明白,心灵与意志的力量,可以战胜一切,只要林枫愿意,他一定可以控制得住。 The body of Lin Feng trembles slightly, brilliance disorder of eye pupil twinkle extremely, spirit is also fluctuating, can control, the corrosion that the will of demon sword was too fearful, already keeping his will, this way, he sooner or later thorough degeneration to become demon, will perhaps become the demon god. 林枫的身体微微一颤,眼眸闪烁的光华极其的紊乱,身上的气息也在波动着,能控制吗,魔剑的意志太可怕了,已经在不停的侵蚀他的意志,这样下去,他恐怕早晚会彻底的堕落成魔,变成魔神。 Lin Feng, you cannot tell itself not to be good, since now, you certainly, the strength of attentive strength and will, defeats him.” Tang Youyou saw that own words as if had some functions, is roaring to make noise to Lin Feng, she believes that so long as Lin Feng can defeat this demon the will, when he recovers truly, will be a transformation, the transformation of will, the superego transformation. 林枫,你不能告诉自己不行,既然现在可以,你就一定可以,用心的力量、意志的力量,去战胜他。”唐幽幽看到自己的话似乎有了一些作用,对着林枫怒吼出声,她坚信,只要林枫能够战胜这股魔的意志,当他真正复苏的时候,将又是一次蜕变,意志的蜕变,超越自我的蜕变。 Defeats the demon?” Lin Feng muttered whispered, the double fist gripped tightly, makes the sound, the snow makes hum the sound exquisite, the body beat slightly, grasps toward his face on, that nimble and resourceful eye pupil smiling face so was pure and bright, as if must melt the heart of Lin Feng. “战胜魔吗?”林枫喃喃低语了一声,双拳紧握,发出咔嚓的声响,雪玲珑发出呜呜的声响,身体微微跳动了下,朝着他的脸上抓了抓,那灵动的眼眸笑容是那么的纯净而灿烂,仿佛要将林枫的心都融化掉。 : Nine, the fresh flower hit to enjoy not to have the sound, sought the support, 3288 brother, you also became the leader. :九更,鲜花打赏没有动静了,求支持,3288兄,你也成掌门了呢。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 729 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第729章 The fight address of will for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 意志的战斗地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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