PMG :: Volume #3

#728: Cannot Cheng Mo

Lin Feng eyesight slowly has transferred, looked to Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou, however at this moment, that pair of pupil that cold, was cold they unable to recognize this was initially that delicate youth of outstanding ability. 林枫目光缓缓的转过,看向了君莫惜唐幽幽,然而此刻,那双瞳孔是那么的冷,冷得他们都无法认出来这是当初那清秀俊逸的青年。 In the middle of that pair of jet black pupil of Lin Feng, completely is the demon light, with billowing killing intent. 林枫的那双漆黑瞳孔当中,全部都是魔光,和滚滚的杀意 Footsteps one cross, the light of demon sword murders rolling moves, Lin Feng direct one step steps to go toward Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou. 脚步一跨,杀伐的魔剑之光滚滚而动,林枫直接一步朝着君莫惜唐幽幽跨去。 „It is not good, Lin Feng will kill them.” The crowd as if is Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou was worried that these two should be evidently the Lin Feng friend, male handsome appearance Fei Yang \ flying upwards, a face healthy tendency, but the female is also the graceful beautiful appearance, if cutting to have killed by a Lin Feng demon sword sword, that was a pity. “不好,林枫会杀了他们两个。”人群仿佛都在为君莫惜唐幽幽担心,这两人看样子应该是林枫的朋友,男子俊朗神采飞扬,一脸正气,而女子也是优雅美貌,若是被林枫的魔剑一剑给斩杀了,那就太可惜了。 Jun Mo Xi also knit the brows, had discovered this moment Lin Feng has danger how, the meaning of that realm of the devil was too terrifying, as if must crash him, his healthy tendency crazily was being suppressed, even if he does not have the release. 君莫惜也皱了皱眉,发现了此刻林枫有多么的危险,那股魔道之意太恐怖了,仿佛要将他压垮来,他身上的正气都被疯狂的压制着,即便他没有释放。 Tang Youyou eyesight stiff looks at Lin Feng, like this, exactly to have how anything, Lin Feng, became devil, in the eye pupil is the demon light. 唐幽幽目光僵硬的看着林枫,怎么会这样,到底发生了什么,林枫,怎么成为了魔头,眼眸中全是魔光。 The body of Lin Feng is getting more and more near, the indifferent air/Qi of that realm of the devil is also getting more and more intense, as if must embezzle them. 林枫的身体越来越近,那股魔道的冷漠之气也越来越强烈,仿佛要将他们两个吞没掉。 Lin Feng.” Jun Mo Xi gives a loud shout, billowing noble does not give a thought to the suppression of demon air/Qi, the crazy release, that noble puts the body of Lin Feng directly, covers the body of Lin Feng, does not have the attack strength, some are only overwhelming, is the healthy tendencies. 林枫。”君莫惜大喝一声,滚滚的浩然正气不顾魔气的压制,疯狂的释放而出,那股浩然正气直接扑在林枫的身上,将林枫的身体笼罩,没有攻击的力量,有的只是浩然、是正气。 Lin Feng feels this noble as if to have the uncomfortable feeling, billowing demon light really and is more fearful, demon sword holding up in hand slowly, air/Qi of murdering as if must embezzles the body of Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou. 林枫感受到这股浩然正气似乎生出不舒服的感觉,身上的滚滚魔光更甚、更可怕,手中的魔剑缓缓的举起,一股杀伐之气仿佛要将君莫惜唐幽幽的身体都吞没掉。 Lin Feng, who sees clearly us is.” Jun Mo Xi gives a loud shout once again, his body does not draw back instead enters, the golden yellow noble covers him and Lin Feng body in together, the crazy release, this makes the heart of crowd tremble, secret worried for him, was this person insane, at this time also dares to approach Lin Feng, present Lin Feng the insanity, perhaps directly cutting to kill him at the scene. 林枫,看清楚我们是谁。”君莫惜再度大喝一声,他的身体不退反进,金黄色的浩然正气将他和林枫的身体一起笼罩在其中,疯狂的释放,这一幕让人群的心都是一颤,暗暗的为他捏了一把汗,这人是不是疯了,这时候还敢靠近林枫,如今的林枫已化疯魔,说不定就会直接将他给斩杀当场。 Tang Youyou also mind one tight, worried, eyesight stubbornly is staring at Lin Feng, shouted to clear the way: Lin Feng, is more sober.” 就连唐幽幽也心神一紧,捏了把汗,目光死死的盯着林枫,喝道:“林枫,清醒一些。” Under that noble covers, the eye pupil of Lin Feng had a sobriety, the demon light as if dissipated, sword also slightly in his hand, stiffly in void middle, but his eyesight, then closely was staring at front two forms. 那股浩然正气笼罩之下,林枫的眼眸微有了一丝清醒,魔光仿佛消散了下,他手中的剑也微微一顿,僵在了虚空当中,而他的目光,则是紧紧的凝视着面前的两道身影。 Walks!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, billowing realm of the devil spirit crazy plunged Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou two people, the noble of that rushing also directly by his realm of the devil spirit embezzling, has embezzled not hidden does not have the trace. “走!”林枫怒喝一声,滚滚的魔道气息疯狂的扑向君莫惜唐幽幽二人,那股澎湃的浩然正气也直接被他身上的魔道气息给吞没掉了,吞没得无隐无踪。 Body of Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou maliciously trembles, Lin Feng drinks suddenly, the billowing demon air/Qi bang on their bodies, having made their bodies fly to draw back. 君莫惜唐幽幽的身体狠狠的一颤,林枫猛然一喝,滚滚的魔气轰在了他们的身上,让他们的身体飞退。 In the eye of optical scintillation realm of the devil, on Lin Feng completely is indifferent murdering spirit, making the spatial crowd almost want to suffocate. 眼中魔道之光闪烁,林枫身上全部都是冷漠的杀伐气息,让下空的人群几乎想要窒息。 They noticed that the eye pupil of Lin Feng is moving slowly, when Lin Feng eyesight falls on them, their bodies immediately stiff there, moves is unable to move, probably must suffocate to be the same, that binocular pupil, was too fearful, sees their times, makes them feel that has a pair of invisible hand to pinch on their necks, momentarily wants them dead. 他们看到林枫的眼眸缓缓移动着,当林枫目光落在他们身上的时候,他们的身体立刻都僵硬在了那里,动都无法动弹,就好像要窒息一样,那双眼眸,太可怕了,看到他们的时候,就让他们感觉有一双无形的手掐在他们的脖子上,随时要他们死。 killing intent, the body of Lin Feng, completely is fearful realm of the devil killing intent, present he, was being controlled the mind by that demon sword probably, was corroded the will by the demon sword. 杀意,林枫的身上,全部都是可怕的魔道杀意,现在的他,好像在被那魔剑所控制心神,被魔剑侵蚀意志。 Quite fearful, although Lin Feng kills to run these powerhouses, but he seemed also truly fell into the realm of the devil at this moment, like such that he said that degenerated voluntarily the demon, must kill these people.” “好可怕,林枫虽然杀跑那些强者,但此刻他自己好似也真正的堕入了魔道,就像他自己说的那样,自愿堕落成魔,也要将那些人杀了。” The crowd does not dare to look at Lin Feng, feared that Lin Feng is in a rage to kill them, but present Lin Feng the Tian Qi Layer powerhouses together kill, but also who was he could not massacre, Xue Yue Country, nobody can limit Lin Feng, if Lin Feng went crazy, must the rivers of blood, probably die completely. 人群都不敢看林枫,就怕林枫一怒之下来杀他们,现在的林枫可是天武境的强者都一起杀,还有谁是他杀不掉了,雪月国,已经没有一个人能够限制住林枫了,若是林枫发狂,必血流成河,全部要死。 Roar......” in the mouth of Lin Feng exudes together the sound of whooshing, the demon cloud tumbling continuous, he at this moment wants to kill people, however his moral nature has a sound to tell him, cannot kill. “吼……”林枫的嘴中发出一道嘶吼之声,魔云翻滚不休,此刻的他想要杀人,然而他心底有个声音告诉他,不能杀。 Bites the lip, has drop drop blood to infiltrate, but also is remaining is telling him, here, is his family member friend, he cannot kill. 咬了咬嘴唇,有滴滴鲜血渗出来,还残余着告诉他,这里,很多都是他的亲人朋友,他不能杀。 Little Feng!” 小枫!” In the ground, Yue Meng He and the others looked up Lin Feng, reveals to hope the look of wing, Lin Feng, how he can fall into the realm of the devil. 地面上,月梦荷等人抬起头看着林枫,露出希翼的神色,林枫,他怎么能够堕入魔道。 Sovereign!” Yun Hai Sect whooshes one completely, is staring at the void voice, making the body of Lin Feng slightly tremble, as if sobered several points, however the sword of realm of the devil, as before that cold, as if momentarily possibly once again lifts the murder. “宗主!”云海宗的全部嘶吼一声,盯着虚空中的声音,让林枫的身体都微微一颤,仿佛又更加的清醒了几分,然而魔道之剑,依旧是那么的冷,仿佛随时都可能再度举起来杀人。 Bang, bang!” The billowing sound conveys, that side the front door of imperial palace, many cavalries and forms treads, they have controlled the imperial palace, however at this moment, Lin Feng, he falls into the realm of the devil unexpectedly, Lin Feng, how can to become demon. “轰、轰隆隆!”滚滚的声音传来,在皇宫的大门那边,许多铁骑和身影踏出来,他们已经将皇宫都控制了,然而此刻,林枫,他竟然堕入魔道,林枫,怎么能够成魔。 The uniform sound resounds, these look the sword that Lin Feng holds up slowly, simultaneously * the warhorse, immediately only heard the sound of bang to spread, all officers knee down, roar to make noise: General!” 整齐划一的声音响起,那些看着林枫缓缓举起的剑,同时*了战马,随即只听轰的一道声音传出,所有将士单膝跪地,怒吼出声:“将军!” The trim space is silent, only then the air/Qi of realm of the devil is tumbling, the sound of that uniform General changes all at once, the genuine imposing air/Qi, this air/Qi direct impact clouds, break in the middle of the Lin Feng mind, making the body of Lin Feng maliciously tremble under. 整片空间寂静无声,只有魔道之气在翻滚,那整齐划一的将军之声化作一股气,真正的凛然之气,这股气直冲云霄,冲入林枫的脑海当中,让林枫的身体又是狠狠的颤栗了下。 Sovereign!” The person of Yun Hai Sect saw Lin Feng to have the response, knelt, roared to make noise, their sounds fused in together, change similarly all at once, although person spirit was not strong, the air/Qi that but tens of thousands of people simultaneously bloomed, their faith, wanted formidable not to know many compared with the noble, was affecting the heart of Lin Feng. “宗主!”云海宗之人看到林枫有了反应,也都纷纷跪地,怒吼出声,他们的声音融合在一起,同样也化作一股气,虽然一个人身上的气息不强,但成千上万人同时绽放的气,他们的信念,比浩然正气还要强大不知道多少,影响着林枫的心。 The demon light in Lin Feng eye pupil dissipated gradually some, is grasping demon sword keeping is shivering, degenerates the demon, he must become murders really devil, wants to become demon, must become the sober demon, how otherwise he revenges, his how slaughter extinguishes the people and slaughters of Taishu Family to extinguish the East China Sea dragon palace, the slaughter extinguishes the jade day emperor's clan, these people, must die. 林枫眼眸中的魔光渐渐的消散了些许,握着的魔剑在不停的颤抖着,堕落成魔,他真的要成为杀伐魔头吗,要成魔,也要成为清醒的魔,不然的话他怎么报仇,他怎么屠灭太叔家族的人、屠灭东海龙宫,屠灭玉天皇族,那些人,都要死。 Meng Qing.” In the middle of the eye pupil of Lin Feng that realm of the devil, as if drop of tears staying behind slowly, the hand, shivers more and more fiercely. 梦情。”林枫那魔道的眼眸当中,仿佛有一滴泪缓缓的留下,手,颤抖得越来越厉害。 „......” Roared crazily, Lin Feng has turned over to the sheath the demon sword, in the middle of straight insertion own body, the body trembled, went toward the distant place unexpectedly. “啊……”疯狂的怒吼了一声,林枫将魔剑归鞘,直接插入自己的身体当中,身体一颤,竟朝着远方而去。 Hum......” the sound of light sound spreads together, the snow white form has delimited void, throws toward him, making the body of Lin Feng maliciously trembles, there, immediately, whole body snow white snow then has jumped stiffly into his bosom exquisite, that pair of gigantic beautiful eye pupil looks at his eye, a little bit clear teardrops is glittering, the snow white down is extruding his body, drilled toward his bosom. “呜呜……”一道轻响之声传出,雪白的身影划过虚空,朝着他扑来,让林枫的身体狠狠的一颤,僵硬在了那里,随即,一头浑身雪白的雪玲珑便扑入了他的怀中,那双硕大的美丽眼眸看着他的眼睛,一滴滴晶莹的泪珠在不停的闪烁着,雪白的绒毛挤压着他的身体,朝着他的怀中钻了钻。 Meng Qing!” The eye pupil of Lin Feng as if sobered several points, the same drop of tears drop, demon, has the tears similarly. 梦情!”林枫的眼眸仿佛更清醒了几分,同样一滴泪滴落,魔,也同样有泪。 Closely hugs the snow in bosom to be exquisite, Lin Feng footsteps one cross, goes toward the distant place, vanished in this void unexpectedly directly. 紧紧的拥抱着怀中的雪玲珑,林枫的脚步一跨,朝着远处而去,竟然直接消失在了这片虚空。 Space billowing demon cloud dissipation gradually, is returning to normal, quick, ice-cold spirit thorough disappearance of realm of the devil, the sky restored the dark clouds to cover, however the heart of crowd, was unappeasable for a very long time, today a war, does not know that many people, the entire imperial palace field littered with corpses, the army of Duanren city had the anger to slaughter the imperial palace, occupied the Xue yue most sacred place. 天上滚滚的魔云渐渐的消散,在恢复正常,很快,魔道的冰冷气息彻底的消失,天空恢复了阴云笼罩,然而人群的心,却久久无法平息,今日一战,不知道死了多少人,整个皇宫尸横遍野,断刃城的军队带着怒火屠戮了皇宫,占据了雪月最神圣的地方。 But the Yun Hai Sect going to bride's home to escort her to the wedding team does not know that many people, the Snow Dragon health/guard, Xue Yue Sovereign Monarch and Duan Ren emperor, as well as fearful existence of that several Tian Qi Layer, died, Lin Feng demon sword, the world discoloration, everyone must slaughter, only when Meng Qing plunges into he cherishes the time, his eye pupil, restored to wipe gently, the gentleness of demon. 云海宗的迎亲队伍也不知道死了多少人,还有雪龙卫,雪月君王段人皇,以及那几个天武境界的可怕存在,都死了,林枫魔剑一出,天地色变,谁都要屠杀,只有当梦情跳入他怀中的时候,他的眼眸,才恢复了一抹温柔,魔的温柔。 Now, is Xue yue, whose world? 如今,雪月,是谁的天下? Original Xue yue, when takes Lin Feng as Venerable, however Lin Feng actually falls into the realm of the devil, by the demon sword influence mind will, was brought to murder to leave, because he does not want to kill here person. 本来雪月,当以林枫为尊,然而林枫却堕入魔道,被魔剑影响心神意志,带着杀伐离开,因为他不想杀这里的人。 Then, present Xue yue, perhaps will be the Yun Hai Sect world. 那么,如今的雪月,恐怕将是云海宗的天下了。 Lin Feng!” Countless people sees that the form of [say / way] departure, Lin Feng has saved them, actually to become demon. 林枫!”无数人的看着那道离去的身影,林枫拯救了他们,却自己成魔。 Body of Jun Mo Xi and Tang Youyou also stiff in that silent for a long time, Tang Youyou footsteps suddenly one cross, goes in the Lin Feng direction unexpectedly, making the Jun Mo Xi eye pupil concentrate. 君莫惜唐幽幽的身体也僵在那,沉默了许久,唐幽幽的脚步突然一跨,竟朝着林枫的方向而去,让君莫惜眼眸一凝。 Danger.” Jun Mo Xi has drunk one. “危险。”君莫惜喝了一声。 He cannot be fascinated.” In the mouth of Tang Youyou puts out together the firm and resolute sound, but immediately resolutely however pursues in the direction that Lin Feng leaves. “他不能入魔。”唐幽幽的嘴中吐出一道坚毅的声音,随即毅然而然的朝着林枫离开的方向追去。 The Jun Mo Xi eye pupil trembles slightly, immediately clenches teeth saying: I return to the empire to look to have the law of explaining.” 君莫惜眼眸微微一颤,随即咬牙道:“我回帝国去找有没有破解之法。” Then, his form also speeds away to leave, just arrived at Xue yue to return to Dragon Mountain Empire! 说罢,他的身影也疾驰离开,刚来到雪月又要返回龙山帝国 : It is not enchanted, how to achieve Buddhahood! Thanks hitting of commander to enjoy, thanks hitting of several other brothers to enjoy! :不疯魔,如何成佛!谢谢统帅的打赏,也谢谢另外几位兄弟的打赏! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 728 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第728章 Cannot become the demon address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 不能成魔地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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