PMG :: Volume #3

#727: Fearful Lin Feng

Looks person who these escape, the demon light in Lin Feng eye that cold, the demon sword holds up, inexhaustible realm of the devil sword air/Qi crazy howling. 看着那些逃跑的人,林枫眼中的魔光是那么的冷,魔剑举起,无穷无尽的魔道剑气疯狂的呼啸。 Kills!” Shouted angrily, the fearful realm of the devil light beam cut from the space, cut to kill not to know far, in the world as if presented a black gap. “杀!”一声怒喝,可怕的魔道光束从天上斩下去,斩杀到不知道多远,天地间仿佛出现一条黑色鸿沟。 Gets rid to block him together.” That imperial robe powerhouse roars, a sword that this cuts covers the space, they in the middle of the sword air/Qi, are unable to fend completely. “一起出手挡住他。”那龙袍强者怒吼一声,这斩下的一剑将空间都笼罩,他们全部都在剑气当中,根本无法闪避得开。 Roar!” The body of person of East China Sea dragon palace, a leader fearful blue dragon empty shade of face upwards to roar, roared toward the sky, simultaneously demon sword of a pair of Shuanglong claw in toward void grasped. “吼!”东海龙宫之人的身上,一头头可怕的苍龙虚影仰天怒吼,朝着天空咆哮,同时一双双龙爪朝着虚空中的魔剑抓去。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” that to cut to kill from the sky, but below demon light swallows all, the blue dragon must cut to kill, the dragon claw was cut the crack to fall completely, does not have to prevent. “嗤、嗤……”那从天空斩杀而下的魔光吞噬一切,苍龙也要斩杀,龙爪全部被斩裂掉,无可阻挡。 Go away!” That imperial robe powerhouse rave, blue dragon empty shades soar to the heavens, bang the collision above the demon light, making the light beam of demon sword dissipate. “滚!”那龙袍强者狂吼一声,一道道苍龙虚影冲天,轰隆隆的碰撞在魔光之上,让魔剑之光束消散了许多。 „......” The sound of whooshing spreads together, is Tian Qi Layer light of powerhouse fallen demon sword tears, dies again cannot die, the light of this time demon sword has not dissipated unexpectedly completely. “啊……”一道嘶吼之声传出,又是一个天武境的强者被落下的魔剑之光撕裂掉,死得不能再死,这时候的魔剑之光竟然还没有完全消散。 Walks.” The imperial robe powerhouse is reckless, crazy departure, but short does not know where instantaneously has fled. “走。”龙袍强者不顾一切,疯狂的离开,只是短瞬间就不知道逃往了哪里。 In the eye pupil of Lin Feng flood the ray of murdering, demon Yun in sky is tumbling as before crazily, his eye pupil has transferred, looked to other people, that the jade day emperor's clan powerhouse and Yu Mo of arrival teacher, had Duan Wu Dao and the others. 林枫的眼眸中泛着杀伐的光芒,天空中的魔云依旧在疯狂的翻滚着,他的眼眸转过,看向了其他人,那到来的玉天皇族强者和禹墨的师尊、还有段无道等人。 „It is not good.” That void jade day emperor's clan powerhouse footsteps one cross, appeared in the Duan Wu Dao side instantaneously, no matter how, brought Duan Wu Dao to walk first, Duan Wu Dao must enter the talent of mystical place for the jade day emperor's clan, cannot die, like Duan Wu Dao this talent, even if their jade day emperor's clan few were more suitable than to enter the mystical place Duan Wu Dao. “不好。”那虚空中的玉天皇族强者脚步一跨,瞬间出现在了段无道的身边,不管如何,先带段无道走,段无道是要替玉天皇族进入秘境的天才,不能死,像段无道这种天才,就算他们玉天皇族都没有几个比段无道更适合进入秘境的。 Really, Lin Feng grasps the demon sword, killed directly toward Duan Wu Dao, contained the sword of Swordsmanship will to cut to kill directly. 果然,林枫手持魔剑,直接朝着段无道杀来了,蕴含剑道意志的一剑直接就斩杀而出。 We also walk.” The powerhouses of that jade day emperor's clan shouted angrily, the air/Qi of terrifying emperor blooms, the double palm is uneven, the space presented giant emperor air/Qi to be in charge. “我们也走。”那玉天皇族的强者怒喝了一声,恐怖的皇者之气绽放而出,双掌齐出,天上出现了一巨大的皇气掌印。 Bang!” The sword light with being in charge to collide in together, destroys together. “轰!”剑光与掌印碰撞在一起,一起毁灭。 The powerhouse any stop of that jade day emperor's clan, has not pulled up Duan Wu Dao to walk directly, Taishu empties to turn head simultaneously with the Yu Mo teacher to rumble to attack together, impediment Lin Feng. 那玉天皇族的强者没有任何的停顿,直接拉起段无道就走,太叔空和禹墨师尊回过头同时轰出一道攻击,阻隔林枫 The Lin Feng eye pupil being possessed by a demon light blooms suddenly, is staring at them, makes their eye pupils maliciously trembles, seemed seized the throat to be the same by hand of the realm of the devil. 林枫眼眸中魔光遽然间绽放,盯着他们二人,直让两人的眼眸狠狠的一颤,仿佛被一只魔道之手掐住了喉咙一样。 Awful.” They as if realized that Lin Feng at this moment terrifying, they really have the time to help the person of jade day emperor's clan, now guarantees own life to be most important. “糟糕。”两人仿佛意识到此刻的林枫有多恐怖,他们竟然还有时间帮助玉天皇族的人,现在保自己的命才最要紧。 Body one cross, they flee in the different directions, are holding a lucky mentality, hopes that Lin Feng do not find themselves. 身体一跨,两人朝着不同的方向逃离,抱着一丝侥幸的心态,希望林枫不要找到自己。 A Lin Feng eyesight revolution, the footsteps step forward directly, pursues toward the Yu Mo teacher, inexhaustible killing intent made the body of Yu Mo teacher shiver, ended, his complexion crazy drastic change, came to kill Lin Feng, has not thought that Lin Feng has not killed, actually must kill itself. 林枫目光一转,脚步直接跨出,朝着禹墨师尊追去,无穷无尽的杀意禹墨师尊的身体都在颤抖,完了,他的脸色疯狂的剧变,前来杀林枫,没想到林枫没杀死,却要害死自己。 Bang!” The Yu Mo teacher as if felt that demon light must arrive, body slightly one stiff, immediately swallows all demon swords to cut from the space, roared crazily, but he has not escaped the misfortune that was cut to kill eventually. “轰隆隆!”禹墨的师尊仿佛感觉到了一道魔光要降临,身体都微微一僵,随即一股吞噬一切的魔剑从天上斩下来,疯狂的咆哮了一声,但他终究没有逃过被斩杀的厄运。 Died, is a Tian Qi powerhouse, was cut to kill at the scene. 死了,又是一个天武强者,被斩杀当场。 This powerhouses, may be Tian Qi, sufficiently easily a formidable Tian Qi powerhouse in destruction Xue yue country's, but now, life actually such not being able to withstand. 这一个个强者,可都是天武啊,足以轻易覆灭雪月一国的强大天武强者,但现在,性命却如此的不堪。 It seems that demon language, the world is unkind, wants incarnation to become demon, the slaughter to extinguish all Tian, takes the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing, at this moment, Lin Feng seems the person of that tenth demon, must take the myriad things as the dogs and hay worthless thing, cuts to kill completely. 就好似那道魔语,天地不仁,要化身成魔,屠灭诸天,以万物为刍狗,此刻,林枫就好似那成魔之人,要以万物为刍狗,全部斩杀。 After Lin Feng has killed the Yu Mo teacher, empties toward Taishu directly strides to go, this time Taishu ran away to be very far spatially, the speed of Tian Qi Layer powerhouse is too fast, can vanish in a flash, Lin Feng Demonic Eye looks at that back, as before that cold, he knows himself unable to overtake, therefore, he has not pursued. 林枫杀了禹墨师尊之后,又直接朝着太叔空跨步而去,此时的太叔空已经逃到了很远,天武境强者的速度太快,转瞬间就能够消失,林枫魔瞳看着那道背影,依旧是那么的冷,他知道自己追不上,所以,他没有追。 The closing one's eyes pupil, the heart and demon sword tight connected, roar: Kills......” 闭上眼眸,心与魔剑紧紧的相连,怒吼一声:“杀……” Demon Yun Paoxiao who the sound of terrifying angry eating delicacies lets the space tumbles, immediately the demon sword in Lin Feng hand changed to together the photoemission of realm of the devil, toward Taishu air-launched, the sword of realm of the devil, itself contained the life and will, quickly to inconceivable. 恐怖的怒啸之音让天上的魔云咆哮翻滚,随即林枫手中的魔剑化作一道魔道之光射了出去,朝着太叔空射了出去,魔道之剑,本身就蕴含生命与意志,快到不可思议。 „......” Frightened whooshing sound distant transmitting, the crowd saw together immediately that demon light has embezzled that form, has killed, Taishu empties, died. “啊……”一道恐惧的嘶吼声远远的传来,随即人群看到那魔光吞没了那道身影,杀了,太叔空,也死了。 Bang!” Carries the billowing demon saying that the demon sword comes toward Lin Feng, returned to the hand of Lin Feng directly, Lin Feng stands in the middle of void , he looks like an demon god is the same. “轰隆隆!”携带滚滚的魔云,魔剑朝着林枫而来,直接回到了林枫的手中,林枫站在虚空当中,他,就像是一个魔神一样。 In the middle of the eye pupil of Lin Feng, demon optical scintillation, only then endless murdering and indifference, nobody can approach him, otherwise must kill. 林枫的眼眸当中,魔光闪烁,只有无尽的杀伐和冷漠,没有人能够靠近他,否则都要杀。 Little Feng......” 小枫……” Lin Feng!” 林枫!” Yue Meng He and Lin Hai eyesight stiff there, is staring at the void form. 月梦荷林海目光都僵在那里,盯着虚空中的身影。 Lin Feng has turned head, visited them, but in eye, actually only then the cold light of realm of the devil, Lin Feng at this moment seems not beforehand Lin Feng, is the demon. 林枫回过头,看了一眼他们,但眼中,却只有魔道的冷光,此刻的林枫仿佛已经不是以前的林枫,是魔。 The body shivered slightly, Lin Feng puts aside eyesight, immediately footsteps one cross, fell above the ground, eyesight was staring at a front form, Xue Yue Sovereign Monarch. 身体微微颤抖了下,林枫目光移开,随即脚步一跨,落在了地面之上,目光盯着前方的一道身影,雪月君王 The imperial robe powerhouse in East China Sea dragon palace has carried off Duan Wuya, has not actually taken away him, will not take away him, he to the East China Sea dragon palace, without any use value. 东海龙宫的龙袍强者带走了段无涯,却没有带走他,也不会带走他,他对东海龙宫,没有任何的利用价值。 When the danger arrives, he can only be an abandoned child, looks at fascinated Lin Feng at this moment, in his eye does not have the fear, only then sighed. 当危难降临的时候,他就只会是个弃子,看着此刻的入魔的林枫,他的眼中没有恐惧,只有叹息。 Has not thought that I plan the life, must win Duan Ren emperor eventually, but is actually the day, cannot calculate the fate.” The kings were sighing shaking the head: Has not thought that you controlled the demon sword to degenerate unexpectedly the demon, from now on, does not know that had many people to die in your hands.” “没想到我算计一生,终究要赢段人皇一回,但却算不过天,算不过命数。”君王叹息着摇头:“没想到你竟然掌控了魔剑堕落成魔,今后,也不知道有多少人要死在你的手里。” Then, his eye pupil has closed slowly, as if knows one cannot escape this disaster, facing demon Lin Feng, he must die, simply does not have any hope of escaping. 说罢,他的眼眸缓缓的闭上了,仿佛知道自己逃不过这一劫难,面对化魔的林枫,他必死,根本没有任何逃脱的希望。 Pupil of Lin Feng that cold, the eye pupil that murders projects the demon light, the sword wields together, Xue Yue Sovereign Monarch dies, was killed. 林枫的瞳孔还是那么的冷,杀伐的眼眸射出一道魔光,剑挥下,雪月君王死,被杀。 Until now, Xue Yue Sovereign Monarch and person of Duan Ren emperor Xue Yue Country control, died, crown prince Duan Wu Dao and Duan Wuya fled with the powerhouse, but the Xue yue elite armed forces Snow Dragon health/guard also completely died, in addition Yun Fei Yang hit the imperial palace with the Monster Beast Kunpeng, as if Xue yue, must exchange ownerships, from now henceforth, Xue yue, is the Lin Feng world, naturally, Lin Feng now to become demon, this was a variable. 到如今,雪月君王雪月国掌控之人段人皇,都死了,太子段无道段无涯跟着强者逃离了,而雪月的精锐之军雪龙卫也已经全部死,再加上云飞扬妖兽鲲鹏将皇宫都打下来,似乎雪月,要易主了,从今以后,雪月,将是林枫的天下,当然,林枫现在成魔,这是个变数。 Lin Feng.” At this time, the void middle sound conveys together, the crowd gains ground, saw the form that void above Thunder Mang appears in that the body is passing the light of thunder and lightning, looks at Lin Feng. 林枫。”此时,虚空当中一道声音传来,人群抬起头,就看到虚空之上雷莽的身影出现在那,身上透着雷电之光,看着林枫 You can also live unexpectedly, if you do not have a tenth insanity, remembers with the agreement of Deity Palace, otherwise, the consequence is proud.” Thunder Mang looks at the realm of the devil pupil in Lin Feng eye to let somebody cool off or calm down said one. “你竟然还能活着,若是你没有成疯魔,记得和神宫的约定,否则,后果自负。”雷莽看着林枫眼中的魔道瞳孔冷冷的说了一声。 In the Lin Feng eye is demon light, the footsteps one cross, the body shoots up to the sky, making headstrong eyes pupil concentrate slightly, immediately, the demon sword wields, the light of fearful realm of the devil blooms toward him together. 林枫眼中全是魔光,脚步一跨,身体冲天而起,让雷莽的眼眸微微一凝,随即,魔剑挥动,一道可怕的魔道之光朝着他绽放而出。 „Do you dare?” Thunder Mang shouted angrily, thunder and lightning perhaps crazy toward the Lin Feng demon sword bang in the past, but Lin Feng at this moment entered the insanity, but also there are what takes into consideration and has what does not dare, only then murdered. “你敢?”雷莽怒喝一声,恐怕的雷电疯狂的朝着林枫的魔剑轰过去,但此刻的林枫都已入疯魔,还有何顾及、有何不敢,只有杀伐。 Kills!” “杀!” Lin Feng drinks one coldly, whole body is bloodthirsty realm of the devil Murderous Qi, the sword once more cuts to kill completely, this icy cold cold overbearing sword makes headstrong thorough awoke, Lin Feng, was fascinated, he in the same old way kills. 林枫冷喝一声,浑身全部都是嗜血的魔道杀气,剑再次斩杀而出,这冰凉冷冽的霸道一剑让雷莽彻底的醒了,林枫,已经入魔了,就连他照样杀。 Lunatic.” Thunder Mangleng drinks one, the billowing and fearful sturdy thunder and lightning bang above the demon sword, his footsteps had transferred, crazy departure, who the person who hopes and changes to the insanity fights. “疯子。”雷莽冷喝一声,滚滚而可怕的粗壮雷电轰在了魔剑之上,他的脚步转过,疯狂的离开,谁愿去和一化作疯魔的人战。 Lin Feng is a sword cuts down, Thunder Mang the head shrinks, the purple thunder and lightning makes bang the sound, his speed was faster, fleeing rapidly. 林枫又是一剑劈杀而出,雷莽脑袋一缩,紫色的雷电发出轰隆隆的声响,他的速度更快了,急速的逃离。 But in simultaneously, the distant place has two Monster Beast to come toward here, on that two Monster Beast has two separately, a man and a woman, sees present their eyesight is one stiff. 而在同时,远处有两头妖兽朝着这边而来,那两头妖兽上分别有着两人,一男一女,看到眼前的一幕两人的目光都是一僵。 How like this, completely is the fearful demon air/Qi. 怎么会这样,全部都是可怕的魔气。 Lin Feng,” 林枫、” Lin Feng!” They simultaneously shouted that the sound comes, originally they are hear Lin Feng to want the big marriage Jun Mo Xi as well as Tang Youyou that impressively from Dragon Mountain Empire catches up with, but they see, is fascinated Lin Feng! 林枫!”两人同时喊出声音来,原来他们赫然是听闻林枫要大婚从龙山帝国赶来的君莫惜以及唐幽幽,但他们看到的,是入魔的林枫 : Yesterday since rushed fifth, that today's ten could not run away, the tears sought the support! :昨天既然冲到了第五,那今天的十更跑不掉的,泪求支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 727 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第727章 Fearful Lin Feng address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 可怕的林枫地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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