PMG :: Volume #3

#740: Tianchi snow

Lin Feng eyesight looks toward the snowy mountain of distant place, incorruptible, as if the world frozen was lived, extremely magnificent. 林枫目光朝着远处的雪山看去,一片冰霜,仿佛天地都被冰封住了,极其的壮观。 What is more shocking, in numerous with day uneven snowy mountain, is crowding around a giant pond unexpectedly, the great pond is hanging, is connecting the surrounding snowy mountain, emits the steaming mist, making the entire Tianchi Xue mountain take the air/Qi of several points of dense fog. 更令人震惊的是,在众多与天相齐的雪山,竟簇拥着一巨大的池,巨池悬空,连接着周围的雪山,其中冒出腾腾的雾气,让整个天池雪山带上了几分迷雾之气。 Tianchi.” Lin Feng muttered whispered, only one, he then felt to shock, this, perhaps was Tianchi in Tianchi empire. “天池。”林枫喃喃低语了一声,只一眼,他便感到震撼,这,或许便是天池帝国中的天池吧。 Eight people of bodies continue to glitter, then arrived at snowy mountain quickly, here is the same with Tianchi Xue mountain the place of border, void downward is falling gently unceasingly the snowflake, but compares to there bleak, here actually appears extremely lively, the boundless vast snowy area, has many forms, their eyesight go to that Tianchi Xue at the foot of the hill forms, there, is making pavilions, in the middle of the pavilion, many person's shadows use the writing skill, seems recording anything. 八人的身体继续闪烁着,很快便来到了雪山脚下,这里和天池雪山的边境之地一样,虚空中不断往下飘落着雪花,不过比起那里的荒凉,这里却显得极其的热闹,无边辽阔的雪地,有着许多的身影,他们的目光都投向那天池雪山脚下的一道道身影,在那里,建造着一座座亭台,亭台当中,有不少人影用手笔,似乎在记录着什么。 Some often people walk to go forward, whispers several with the form that in the pavilion sits, writes a letter on another's behalf by the finger, carves own name on the jade nature paper. 不时的有人走上前,和亭台中坐着的身影低语几声,以手指代笔,在玉质纸上刻下自己的名字。 Really was registering.” The crowd saw that this eyesight concentrates, the Tianchi Xue mountain recruits to enter other people and empires in mystical place is different, their assigning will not let entry in Tianchi, but carries on the inspection choice to the entire empire, although perhaps this very complicated, but Tianchi, for absolute rightness, he rather so complicated, is not willing to omit in the empire to have the talent courage and wisdom youth truly, after all, Tianchi is impossible to see by the eye where truly the entire empire has the talent. “果然在报名了。”人群看到这一幕目光一凝,天池雪山招纳进入秘境中的人和其它帝国不同,他们不会指定让天池中的进入其中,而是面向整个帝国进行考核挑选,虽然也许这很繁复,但天池,为了绝对的公正,他宁愿如此的繁复,也不愿意遗漏掉帝国中真正有天赋胆识的青年,毕竟,天池不可能真正靠眼睛就看出整个帝国哪里有天才。 This is the principle that Tianchi handles matters, is the Tianchi empire can have the reason of so great cohesiveness. 这是天池处事的原则,也是天池帝国能拥有如此强大凝聚力的原因。 Finally must see Tianchi Xue.” Huangfu Long cracks into a smile, looks at Lin Feng to say immediately: Walks, we register together.” “终于要见到天池雪了。”皇甫龙咧嘴一笑,随即看着林枫道:“走,我们一起去报名。” Lin Feng nodded, he has not rejected, such that such as Huangfu Long said that steps into the mystical place along with Tianchi empire, is he best choice. 林枫点了点头,他没有拒绝,就如皇甫龙所说的那样,随天池帝国一方踏入秘境,是他最好的选择。 The group arrived at place of pavilion, the old man in pavilion looks up one several people, the corners of the mouth has had the light smiling face: Young fellow, good, you are hopeful.” 一行人来到一处亭台之地,亭台中的老者抬起头看了一眼几人,嘴角含着淡淡的笑容:“小伙子,不错,你们都有希望。” Hey, I must marry the person who Tianchi Xue becomes my wife.” The Huangfu Long simple and honest tracing head, making old person eyesight concentrate slightly, gains ground looked at carefully Huangfu Long one carefully, immediately said with a smile: Tianchi Xue cultivation base, but the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer peak, wants to marry her person to be many, if you want to marry Tianchi Xue to be your wife, may also probably diligently be well good.” “嘿嘿,我是要娶天池雪当我妻子的人。”皇甫龙憨厚的摸了摸脑袋,让老人目光微微一凝,抬起头仔细的端详了皇甫龙一眼,随即笑道:“天池雪修为可是玄武境九重巅峰,想娶她的人很多,你要想娶天池雪做你的妻子,可还得好好努力才行。” The old person hears the Huangfu Long words not to have anger and blame, on the contrary, encourages unexpectedly. 老人听到皇甫龙的话没有愤怒和责怪,相反,竟是鼓励。 Come, carves your name.” The old men hand the Huangfu Long front the jade nature paper, Huangfu Long above quarter their name, immediately the handwriting vanishes unexpectedly does not see. “来,将你的名字刻上去。”老者将玉质纸递到皇甫龙的面前,皇甫龙在上面刻下自己的名字,随即字迹竟然消失不见。 Huangfu Long, hopes that you can have the successful opportunity.” The old person was also saying with a smile to Huangfu Long, immediately Lin Feng walked up, the old person looked at Lin Feng one, eyesight, in the body of Lin Feng has stopped under: „Aren't you person in Tianchi empire?” 皇甫龙,希望你能有成功的机会。”老人又对着皇甫龙微笑道,随即林枫走上前去,老人看了林枫一眼,目光林枫的身上停顿了下:“你不是天池帝国的人?” „It is not, I come from a small country.” The Lin Feng nod said. “不是,我来自一个小国。”林枫点头道。 Good, you carve your name to be possible , to be clear, was equal to that you are willing to represent my Tianchi empire to enter the mystical place, means that you acknowledged you are the person in Tianchi empire, if later did has harmed the matter of empire, thinks that the consequence you were also clear.” The old person has exhorted one patiently, the meaning of actually not having hindered, reminds Lin Feng merely. “那好,你刻下自己的名字可要想清楚了,等于你是愿意代表我天池帝国进入秘境,也意味着你承认自己是天池帝国的人,以后若是做了损害帝国之事,想必后果你也清楚吧。”老人耐心的嘱咐了一声,却一点没有阻碍的意思,仅仅是提醒林枫 I understand that I am making anything.” Lin Feng has smiled, carved name in the jade, immediately has fallen back on the one side. “我明白自己在做什么。”林枫笑了下,将名字刻在了玉上,随即退到了一旁。 The old person is smiling shaking the head, this youth talent is very good, but seemed to be colder, although on the face has a smiling face, but has the faint trace to let the indifference that the person is unable to be intimate with throughout, should experience many matters. 老人微笑着摇头,这青年天赋很不错,但似乎冷了些,虽然脸上挂着笑,但身上却始终带着丝丝让人无法亲近的冷漠,应该经历了不少事情。 Immediately, follows five people that is coming together to carve own name, but Tang Youyou somewhat hesitates, she and Lin Feng situation is different, she is the person of Dragon Mountain Empire, however Dragon Mountain Empire, does not have the qualifications to enter the mystical place, therefore she can only enter on behalf of Deity Palace, however, she, if carves this name, then means that he is the person in Tianchi empire, this then made her somewhat feel embarrassed. 随即,跟随着一起而来的五人都纷纷刻下了自己的名字,但唐幽幽却微有些犹豫,她和林枫的情况不同,她是龙山帝国之人,然而龙山帝国,是没有资格进入秘境的,因此她只能代表神宫进入,然而,她若是刻下这名字,便意味着他是天池帝国的人,这便让她有些为难了。 Youyou.” Lin Feng was shaking the head to Tang Youyou, Tang Youyou looked at Lin Feng one, immediately unfolds the face to smile: Mo Xi and his father, will not blame my.” 幽幽。”林枫对着唐幽幽摇了摇头,唐幽幽看了林枫一眼,随即展颜一笑:“莫惜和他父亲,不会怪我的。” Then, Tang Youyou also own name, carved on the jade paper. 说罢,唐幽幽也将自己的姓名,刻在了玉纸上。 Was good, you can move in the surroundings, can on the snowy mountain have a look, three days later, will start formally to elect the person, you when the time comes on time returned to this to be then OK.” The old men were saying to several people that the group nod in abundance, gets out of the way. “好了,你们可以在周围活动一番,也可以上雪山看看,三天后,会正式开始选人,你们到时候准时回到这便可以了。”老者对着几人说道,一行人纷纷点头,都走开来。 „Can we, on the snowy mountain?” Asking of Lin Feng doubts, on that middle path, as if many people are treading the white snow, on the face is having several points of solemn and respectful meaning, walks toward the snowy mountain on. “我们,可以上雪山?”林枫疑惑的问道,在那条中间的道路上,似乎有不少人正踏着白雪,脸上带着几分肃穆之意,朝着雪山上走去。 Naturally, Tianchi is sacred place of empire, all people hold the heart of pilgrimage to come here, Tianchi never stops, however, in Tianchi the person of practice has the institute of own practice, we actually cannot disturb, in order to avoid affects their practice.” “当然可以,天池是帝国的圣地,所有人秉着朝圣之心来到这里,天池从不阻拦,然而,天池中修炼之人有自己的修炼之所,我们却不能打扰,以免影响到他们的修炼。” Huangfu Long responded to one, said with a smile gruffly: We go to the snowy mountain to have a look, could meet Tianchi Xue also perhaps.” 皇甫龙回应了一声,憨笑道:“我们去雪山看看吧,也许能遇到天池雪也说不定。” Lin Feng will certainly not reject, eight people along with the front crowd, together are also treading middle that the path that is spread by the white snow, slowly walks toward the snowy mountain on. 林枫当然不会拒绝,八人也随着前方的人群,一起踏着中间的那条由白雪铺成的道路,缓缓的朝着雪山上走去。 Nobody imperial is spatial and good, Lin Feng clearly sees, in the middle of the following five people of eye pupils, is carving the solemn and respectful dignified meaning, Huangfu Long that even if looks down on the world is also so, such that just like in his mouth said that he at this moment, is goes on a pilgrimage, Tianchi, regarding the Tianchi empire, is sacred place. 没有人御空而行,林枫分明看到,在后面五人的眼眸当中,都刻着肃穆庄严之意,即便玩世不恭的皇甫龙也是如此,正如他口中所说的那样,此刻的他,是来朝圣,天池,对于天池帝国而言,便是圣地。 However, the road of pilgrimage is not as if smooth, such walks toward the snowy mountain on, even if they are maintaining the quite quick speed, but passed several double-hour as before, they arrive at the snowy mountain the high place. 然而,朝圣之路似乎并不平坦,就这么一路往雪山上走,即便他们保持着颇快的速度,但依旧过了好几个时辰,他们才来到雪山的高处。 Places in the white snow mountain group, was towered white snows that to wrap by the surroundings in the middle, Lin Feng eyesight looks toward under that as if the heart became open. 身处于白茫茫的雪山群中,被周围耸立的一座座白雪包裹在中间,林枫目光朝着下方看去,仿佛心胸都变得开阔了些。 But in his flush front, in that giant vast Tianchi emits the water vapor as before unceasingly, under the so cold illussion, the snow in Tianchi will not freeze the ice unexpectedly, the water vapor that braves fills the air with the snowy mountain in the middle, has increased the ideal condition of several points of snow for the snowy mountain, even seems richer including the world vitality several points, making the person sigh with emotion the natural strength the great strength. 而在他齐平的前方,那巨大浩瀚的天池中依旧不断冒出水汽,在如此冷的幻境之下,天池中的雪竟不会冻结成冰,冒着的水汽弥漫与雪山当中,为雪山增添了几分雪之意境,甚至连天地元气都仿佛更浓郁几分,让人感慨自然力量的强大。 Tianchi Xue, looks quickly, is Tianchi Xue.” At this time, sounds of the calling out in alarm spread, making eyesight of crowd concentrate, eyesight looks around in all directions. 天池雪,快看,是天池雪。”此时,一道道惊呼之声传出,让人群的目光都是一凝,目光四处张望。 The eye pupil of Huangfu Long is transfers quickly, instantaneous, his eyesight fell above that highest snowy mountain peak, by the remote space, the crowd can see that peak snowy mountain the place of edge, had whole body together such as form static standing of snow in that eyesight was looking into the distance of empire. 皇甫龙的眼眸是转得最快的,瞬间,他的目光落在了那座最高的雪山巅峰之上,透过遥远的空间,人群能够看到那巅峰雪山的边缘之地,有一道浑身如雪的身影静静的站在那,目光眺望着帝国的远方。 She is peaceful and auspicious, looks like in snow the elf, on the whole person, is the snow colors, is only her full Tou the black long hair, is embellishing snow white of surrounding world. 她安静、祥和,就像是雪中之精灵般,整个人身上,都是雪色,唯独她那满头的黑色长发,点缀着周围世界的雪白。 Good beautiful, Tianchi Xue, was too beautiful, moreover cultivation base is the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer peak, if can marry her for the wife, that was too then happy.” The crowd sees that snow color form, in eyesight is having the meaning of several points of expectation, Tianchi Xue, is the saintess in Tianchi empire, in the dreams of countless person sweetheart. “好美、天池雪,太美了,而且修为玄武境九重巅峰,若是能够娶到她为妻,那便太美好了。”人群看着那道雪色的身影,目光中带着几分憧憬之意,天池雪,是天池帝国的圣女,无数人的梦中情人。 Tianchi Xue, you are my.” Together ringing the sound direct impact clouds, making the eye pupils of all people tremble, immediately eyesight has transferred, looks in somewhere the direction. 天池雪,你是我的。”一道朗朗之声直冲云霄,让所有人的眼眸都是一颤,随即目光转过,朝着某处方向看去。 Lin Feng speechless, body very decisive withdrew several steps toward behind, other people also retrocede, that is having the whole face excited meaning, had not realized quite the same as people angry eyesight Huangfu Long is raising head, looks saintess who that snowy mountain goes against. 林枫一阵无语,身体很果断的朝着后面退后了几步,其他人也都后退,那带着满脸兴奋之意,浑然没有察觉到众人愤怒目光皇甫龙正仰着头,看着那雪山顶的圣女。 Bastard.” “混蛋。” Good shameless fellow, he had any qualifications saying that this words, overreached oneself.” “好无耻的家伙,他有什么资格说这种话,不自量力。” The crowd hates to clench teeth, eyesight can Huangfu Long swallowing, but that fellow completely has actually disregarded, eyesight looks at void the form, is grasping the fist, Tianchi Xue, certainly is his wife. 人群一个个恨得咬牙,目光都能将皇甫龙给吞了,但那家伙却全部无视了,目光只是看着虚空中的身影,握着拳头,天池雪,一定是他的妻子。 As if hears below shout, Tianchi Xue eyesight slowly looks like toward, immediately crowd mind one tight, has a wisp of tense meaning unexpectedly, however Tianchi Xue, but looks at Huangfu Long, that to boast shamelessly fellow. 似乎是听到下方的喊声,天池雪目光缓缓的朝着下方看来,顿时人群心神一紧,竟生出一缕紧张之意,然而天池雪,只是看着皇甫龙,那大言不惭的家伙。 , Tianchi Xue looked at Huangfu Long one, in eyesight has not revealed any emotion to fluctuate, along with, even if moved back eyesight, has turned around, along with, even if vanished in the line of sight of people. 只是一眼,天池雪看了皇甫龙一眼,目光中没有露出任何的情感波动,随即便将目光移回,转过身,随即便消失在了众人的视线当中。 Good arrogant woman.” Tang Youyou said in a low voice that similarly is woman, she can feel the arrogance in Tianchi Xue innermost feelings, even if she only saw an opposite party look. “好高傲的女人。”唐幽幽低声说道,同样是女人,她能够感觉到天池雪内心中的高傲,即便她只看到了对方的一道眼神。 „Does your wife, have her beautiful?” Tang Youyou looked at snow in Lin Feng bosom to be exquisite, cannot bear ask, that made Lin Feng fall into the female of realm of the devil, she wants to have a look at her true body very much with own eyes. “你的妻子,有她美吗?”唐幽幽看了一眼林枫怀中的雪玲珑,忍不住问了一声,那让林枫堕入魔道的女子,她很想亲眼看看她的真身。 Naturally.” In the Lin Feng eye reveals wipes the gentle smiling face, the expression is such affirmation, without a doubt! “当然。”林枫眼中露出一抹柔和的笑容,语气是那么的肯定,毋庸置疑! : Today pit father, when leader met to wait for several hours, went home to clash the cell phone fee result money to be swallowed, cannot continue the sufficient fee, the cell phone was at the stopped state unable to send the chapter, finished a chapter of running Internet cafe to come, must make up one to tomorrow, I can 9 : 00 am Zhong Fa. :今天坑爹了,等领导开会等了几个小时,回家去冲手机费结果钱被吞,不能继续充费,手机处于停机状态无法发章节,写完一章跑网吧来了,靠,要到明天补一更了,我会明早九点来钟发。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 740 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第740章 Tianchi Xue address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 天池雪地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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