PDL :: Volume #8

#739: Reaches the clouds is seized

Hears the Kong Xianhui words, Yuwen dies young relaxing of feels relieved, at once he silent for a long time, said: I acknowledged that when I just approached you, is holds point approaches you, for the Chaos Domain life empty hole.” 听闻孔贤慧的话,宇文殇如释重负的松了口气,旋即他沉默了许久,说道:“我承认,我刚接近你时,是保有目地性的接近你,是为了乱域的生灵虚洞。” Life empty hole?” “生灵虚洞?” Hears these four characters, quiet blue several people amazed has held breath a cold air/Qi. 听到这四个字,幽青几人惊诧的倒吸了口冷气。 Qin Shi knit the brows, to quiet blue question: Quiet blue elder brother, where is this life empty hole?” 秦石皱了皱眉,冲幽青问句:“幽青哥,这生灵虚洞是个什么地方?” Reveals several to segregate quiet blue heavily, sinking sound track: Life empty hole, is the Chaos Domain forbidden area, it is said Chaos Domain ancient times lethal weapon: The whole wide world cancels Yu, in this life empty hole, but has been full of the wild soul strength, is similar to the meat grinder of soul is the same, anybody enters, definitely will be frightened out of one's wits, always can not be reincarnated, even if the territory boundary can be also same greatly, therefore this whole wide world cancels Yu quietly already for a long time, has not been published.” 幽青露出几分凝重,沉声道:“生灵虚洞,乃是乱域禁区,据说乱域的远古凶器:八荒勾玉,就在这生灵虚洞中,只是其中充满了狂野的灵魂力,如同灵魂的绞肉机一样,任何人进入其中,都必然会魂飞魄散,永世不得超生,就算域境大能也一样,所以这八荒勾玉已经沉寂许久,没有问世了。” Has this matter?” Qin Shi is startled slightly, Lian Yujing can greatly the soul can tear, is actually that what terrifying strength? “有这种事?”秦石微微吃惊,连域境大能的灵魂都能撕裂,那究竟是什么恐怖的力量? But he cares is not this, what he cares is what relations Kong Xianhui and this life empty hole has? Therefore curious looks toward them. 但他关心的并不是这个,他关心的是孔贤慧和这生灵虚洞有什么关系?为此好奇的朝两人望去。 Kong Xianhui pressed frowning: You continued.” 孔贤慧蹙了蹙眉:“你继续说。” everyone / influential family knows that the life empty hole just likes the soul meat grinder, links the Chaos Domain old fogies also very to dread regarding there, but you are different, your system is special, you are the ancient empty ketone body, the soul unusual force, has the ability that instantaneous restores, therefore Chaos Domain wants to borrow your empty ketone body, enters with this to the life empty hole, obtains whole wide world to cancel Yu.” Yuwen dies young to heave a deep sigh. 大家都知道,生灵虚洞犹如灵魂绞肉机,对于那里连乱域的老家伙们也十分忌惮,但是你却不一样,你的体制特殊,你是古虚酮体,灵魂异常的强迫,拥有瞬间恢复的能力,所以乱域才想要借用你的古虚酮体,用此进入到生灵虚洞之中,取得其中的八荒勾玉。”宇文殇长叹一声。 Hears, Qin Shi knit the brows, the system of Kong Xianhui is special, before this point he early, listened to Evil Spirit saying that but heard the words that Yuwen died young, made him feel that inexplicably several points disliked. 听闻,秦石皱了皱眉,孔贤慧的体制特殊,这一点他老早以前就听邪魔说过,只是听到宇文殇的话,莫名让他感到几分反感。 Kong Xianhui is suddenly enlighted, smiling of satire: He he, therefore , you intentionally provoke me, deceives my sentiment, deceives Chaos Domain me, for this life empty hole?” 孔贤慧恍然大悟,讽刺的笑笑:“呵呵,所以说,你故意招惹我,欺骗我的感情,将我骗来乱域,就是为了这个生灵虚洞?” Yuwen war casualty hear that, first is helpless nod, at once immediately shook the head: „It is not, I acknowledged I have a point approaches you, but you should also understand me, my Yuwen dies young at the most, the foot steps on, matter that if I am not willing to do, nobody can force me, I like you, therefore goes to approach you.” 宇文殇闻言,先是无奈的点点头,旋即又马上摇了摇头:“不是,我承认我是有所目地的接近你,但是你也应该了解我,我宇文殇头顶天,脚踩地,如果我不愿意做的事,没有人能够强迫我,我是真的喜欢你,所以才去接近你。” I asked you, in the three years? Most needs your three years in me, where did you go to? In I live in these three years that might as well die, where did you go to?” “那我问你,这三年呢?在我最需要你的这三年,你都去了哪里?在我生不如死的这三年里,你都去了哪里?” In the three years!” Yuwen dies young the angry getting hold of fist, cold Dao: Three years ago, the Chaos Domain old fogies found me, prepares the condition of breakthrough territory boundary for me on own initiative, to be honest I had moved at that time, but I have not been promising them anxiously, afterward was they promises me in the three years, they will not call you to take risk absolutely, will not ask you to enter the life empty hole, I complied.” “这三年!”宇文殇愤怒的握紧拳,冷道:“三年前,乱域的老家伙们找到我,主动为我准备出突破域境的条件,说实话我当时真的动心了,但我并没有急着答应他们,后来是他们答应我这三年,他们绝对不会叫你冒险,不会叫你进入生灵虚洞,我才答应下来。” Moreover, they said that they found to borrow the ancient empty ketone body the means that but this means are the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum!” “而且,他们说他们找到能够借用古虚酮体的办法,而这个办法就是彩霞云灵芝!” Pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum?” “彩霞云灵芝?” Right, they said that so long as has the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, can not need you to take risk, therefore I in me before closing up, have arranged not Ning Pei side you, and seeking help great crag.” “没错,他们说只要有彩霞云灵芝,就能够不用你去冒险,所以我才在我在闭关之前,安排了勿宁陪在你身边,并且求助巨岩。” That meeting, only then the great crag achieves the day of summit boundary, I then asked him to help me seek for the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, actually after unexpectedly afterward he found the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, knows that Chaos Domain absolutely did not have anything to borrow the ancient empty ketone body the means that the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum truly can make them obtain the ancient empty ketone body, but actually must sacrifice your life.” “那一会,只有巨岩达到天巅境,我便求他帮我去寻找彩霞云灵芝,却不料后来他找到彩霞云灵芝以后,才知道乱域根本就没有什么借用古虚酮体的办法,彩霞云灵芝确实能够让他们得到古虚酮体,但是却是要牺牲掉你的性命。” Great crag knows after this news, he severe wound in three territory disciple, led pink clouds Yun Lingzhi to flee Chaos Domain at the same night, went into the chaos cemetery, because of this matter, he became the eight territory wicked list seventh most wanted terrorists, is because this has killed him.” Yuwen dies young sorrowful shaking the head. “巨岩知道这个消息以后,他连夜重伤了三名内域弟子,才带着彩霞云灵芝逃离乱域,跑到了混沌坟场之中,也是因为这件事,他才成为了八域恶榜第七的通缉犯,也是因为这样才害死了他。”宇文殇哀痛的摇摇头。 But hears this word, the Qin Shi moral nature sinks, suddenly when remembers the great crag at the point of death to he has spoken words, if is really this that Yuwen died young saying that passing that all can also say. 而听闻此言,秦石心底一沉,突然想起巨岩临死时对他说过的话,如果真的是宇文殇说的这样,那一切也就都能够说的通了。 In the three years, I do not know that you received these many pain, if I know, even if gives up the breakthrough territory boundary, will certainly not permit!” The look that Yuwen dies young told all people, he has not lain. “这三年,我不知道你受了这么多的苦,如果我知道的话,就算放弃突破域境,也一定不会允许!”宇文殇的眼神告诉所有人,他没有说谎。 Kong Xianhui gently trembles, the tender body one was weak, her infatuated looks at Yuwen dead young, for a long time after for a long time, shaking the head that she struggles suddenly: No, is not this, how can be this?” 孔贤慧轻轻的一颤,娇躯一下就瘫软了,她痴迷的望着宇文殇,许久许久后她突然挣扎的摇摇头:“不,不是这样,怎么会是这样?” She cannot believe that three years that she hates, the truth however is this appearance, that type the strength that makes the human be bewitched, making the heart of her whole person break to pieces. 她不敢相信,她憎恨的三年,真相就然是这个样子,那一种让人着魔的力量,让她整个人的心都碎了。 Although you are not willing to believe that but this is the truth!” Yuwen dies young helpless shaking the head, looks at the pain of that person, his heart in drop blood. “尽管你不愿意相信,但这就是真相!”宇文殇无奈的摇摇头,看着那伊人的痛苦,他的心在滴血。 He hopes that is withstanding that painful person is he, but is not Kong Xianhui. 他多希望,在承受那份痛苦的人是他,而不是孔贤慧 In this solemn and stirring truth, the people were silent. 在这份悲壮的真相里,众人都沉默了。 I do not believe that I do not believe!” Kong Xianhui consciousnes almost must collapse, shoves open the arm that Yuwen dies young, the withdrawing several steps of staggering, almost falls on the ground. “我不相信,我不相信!”孔贤慧神智几乎要崩溃了,一把推开宇文殇的手臂,踉跄的退后数步,差一点摔在地上。 Qin Shi is quick of eye and hand in behind, an arrow step goes forward to support her: „Are you how is it?” 秦石在后面眼疾手快,一个箭步上前扶住她:“你怎么样?” I, I want to leave here, asking you to lead me to leave!” She grabs Qin Shi, in that tearful eyes is glittering the hope. “我,我想离开这里,求求你带我离开!”她抓着秦石,那泪眼中闪烁着祈求。 Qin Shi nods: Good, my this leads you to leave.” 秦石点点头:“好,我这就带你离开。” He holds Kong Xianhui, disregards audience many vision, is treading void departs toward the distant place, although he knows that Yuwen dies young is loving Kong Xianhui, but he did not allow Kong Xianhui injured. 他抱起孔贤慧,无视全场诸多的目光,踏着虚空的朝远处离去,尽管他知道宇文殇是爱着孔贤慧的,但是他决不允许孔贤慧受伤了。 Quiet blue several people of helpless shaking the head, was sets out to follow. 幽青几人无奈的摇摇头,也是起身跟了上去。 The direction that looks at several people of departures, Yuwen dies young to reveal the color of pain, Zhao Xin sighs with emotion in side: Big brother, don't you pursue?” 看着几人离开的方向,宇文殇露出痛苦之色,赵信在旁边感慨道:“大哥,你不去追吗?” „, Calling her to be calm, now at this time, asking her to stay side me, instead will bring to her troublesome.” Yuwen dies young infatuated shaking the head. “不了,叫她冷静冷静吧,现在这个时候,叫她呆在我身边,反而会给她带来麻烦。”宇文殇痴迷的摇摇头。 At this time, you still had been thinking of her.” “都这个时候了,你还在为她着想。” In the three years, truly is I owes her.” Yuwen dies young to put out saying that later his air/Qi field big change, reveals wipes fierce killing intent: Therefore I want these three years, all injures her person to pay the price!” “这三年,确实是我欠她的。”宇文殇吐出道,之后他的气场大变,露出一抹狰狞的杀意:“所以我要这三年,所有伤害她的人付出代价!” Word old that can side, prepare to begin?” “言老那一面,要准备动手了吗?” Um, the word always has the graciousness to us, although golden eagle old had been killed by Qin Shi that boy, but Deng Kai and Xing Moyuan and this matter cannot be inseparable from.” hum of Yuwen war casualty sarcastic comments, his complexion sinks at once slightly, body in same place slightly in a flash, changes into the remnant shade, vanishes in spatial. “嗯,言老对我们有恩,而且虽然金鹰老道被秦石那小子杀了,但是邓凯和邢墨鸢和此事也脱不了干系。”宇文殇冷言冷语的哼声,旋即他的脸色微微一沉,身躯在原地微微一晃,化为残影,消失于空。 Shaking the head that Zhao Xin several people of pain sighed, departed. 赵信几人苦叹的摇摇头,跟着离去。 But from beginning to end, step Jingxian looks below all in the vault of heaven upper extreme, finally vision slightly visits in the direction that Qin Shi departs, in the presbyopia flashes through together Ai Mo and missing gloss. 而至始至终,步景贤在天穹上端看着下方的一切,最终目光微微的朝秦石离去的方向探望,老眼中闪过一道哀默与思念的光泽。 Leaves the black market, Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui returns to the Chaos Domain foreign country. 离开黑市,秦石孔贤慧回到乱域外域。 Entered the room, Kong Xianhui will seal up in her boudoir, Qin Shi also knows that she needed calm, this matter only then she wants to understand that was good. 一进入房间,孔贤慧就将自己封闭在了她的闺房里,秦石也知道她需要冷静一下,这种事情只有她自己想明白才行。 Returns to the room, Qin Shi to enter in the dark check, before with Sikong Lingnan confrontation, he also by heavily injury, prompt getting rid that although Yuwen dies young, these injuries are not fatal, but if does not cure with a sense of urgency, must leave behind the unmentionable diseasea. 回到房间,秦石进入暗格中,之前和司空岭南的交锋中,他也受到了不轻的伤势,虽然宇文殇的及时出手,这些伤势并不致命,但若是不抓紧治愈,必会留下暗疾。 In the dark check, Qin Shi sits cross-legged to sit on the rush cushion of that thorn [gold/metal], the timely rain rain and dew was revolved by him definitely rapidly, the emerald green colored vitality winds through from the bloodlines, making his bloodlines start to restore gradually. 在暗格中,秦石盘膝坐在那个刺金的蒲团上,甘霖雨露决迅速被他运转,翠绿色的生机从血脉中流过,令他的血脉开始渐渐恢复。 After three sidereal revolutions, makes his gloomy dantian restore several points of gloss, but spiritual power in sixth spirit vein also gradually well-illuminated, making his cultivation to strive several points. 三个周天以后,才让他暗淡的丹田恢复几分光泽,而第六条灵脉中的灵力也渐渐通亮,让他的修为又精进几分。 He now, according to the words of blood sorcerer, should be the false five days of boundaries, but in addition his spirit cultivates is, with various ** the gate gives up study, even if seven days of peak he also has a confidence war. 他现在,按照血巫师的话来讲,应该算是伪五天之境,而加上他的精神修为,和各**门绝学,就算是七天巅峰他也有信心一战。 After all before, he can kill seven days of Late Stage Jane Zhunji, he believes that so long as he in practicing, when sixth spirit vein spiritual power is full, even if eight days of Initial Stage he can also contend, does not beat, at least not like before facing Sikong Lingnan passive. 毕竟在之前,他就能够将七天后期的简准击杀,他相信只要他在修炼一番,等到第六条灵脉灵力饱满,就算是八天初期他也可以抗衡,就算不敌,起码也不会像之前面对司空岭南那样被动。 But the matter is unpleasant, when he prepares to continues to practice, together the rapid sound of footsteps him breaks, makes frowning of he cannot bear. 但事不如意,就在他准备要继续修炼时,一道急促的脚步声将他打断,令他忍不住的皱起眉头。 Bang! 砰! In crashing in room that a fatty is sweating profusely, this fatty without doubt is the congealing rain, seeing Qin Shi he to be about to cry, not the big small eye thoroughly vanished: Big brother, you came back finally!” 一个胖子满头大汗的冲进房中,这胖子无疑是凝雨,看见秦石他都快哭了,本来就不大的小眼睛彻底消失:“大哥,你总算回来了!” Qin Shi looks at this dreadful fatty, surprise question: What's the matter, your slow point said!” 秦石看着这个猥琐的胖子,诧异的问句:“怎么回事,你慢点说!” Cannot be slow, is slow, reached the clouds he to die!” “不能慢,再慢一点,凌云他就要没命了!” Um?” The Qin Shi black pupil concentrates: How reached the clouds he?” “嗯?”秦石黑眸一凝:“凌云他怎么了?” Reaches the clouds he, reached the clouds he to be seized by Xu Yan!” “凌云他,凌云他被徐岩抓走了!” Xu Yan?” Qin Shi at heart, a standing up body: Actually what's the matter?” “徐岩?”秦石的心里咣啷一下,一下站起身子:“究竟是怎么回事?” The congealing rain made an effort to rub to breathe heavily several thick air/Qi, anxious [say / way]: I do not know that in several other day, the big brother and quiet blue elder brother they just left Chaos Domain, one crowd creates the family that the disciples of world group will reach the clouds suddenly to sphere, will reach the clouds to give to grasp with Mu Hui, these day I abandoned the Boss vigor to ask that these all were Xu Yan do, they in have created in Xu Yanguan the prison cell of world group headquarters, Mu Hui tied up in Xu crag room, a Xu Yan day took off Mu Hui clothes, to date Mu Hui already only remaining underwears!” 凝雨使劲揉喘了几口粗气,才焦急的道:“我也不知道,就在几日前,大哥和幽青哥他们刚离开乱域,一群创世团的弟子突然将凌云的家围住,将凌云和慕惠全都给抓了去,这几日我废了老大劲才问出来,这些全都是徐岩做的,他们将徐岩关在了创世团总部的牢房里,慕惠就捆绑在徐岩的房间里,徐岩一天脱掉慕惠一件衣服,到今天为止慕惠已经只剩下内衣了!” What?” Qin Shi is burning with anger immediately. “什么?”秦石顿时怒火中烧。 That bastard also said that said that if the big brother wants them to be safe and uneventful, that must create the world group to go!” Shouting curses that the congealing rain contorts one's face in agony. “那个畜生还放出话来,说若是大哥想要两人安然无事,那就必须自己去创世团去!”凝雨呲牙咧嘴的叫骂。 Qin Shi fierce getting hold of fist. 秦石猛的握紧拳。 Bang! 砰! But at this moment, the beautiful figure bursts in addition together, is the same with the appearance that the congealing rain just started, rapid before rushing to the Qin Shi body. 而就在这时,另一道倩影破门而入,和凝雨刚开始的模样一样,急促的冲到秦石身前。 Qin Shi begins supinely stares, is this beautiful figure not just fog pledge parents Ye Ling? 秦石仰起头一愣,这倩影不正是雾盟的衣食父母叶玲吗? Ye Lingjie, you how?” “叶玲姐,你又怎么了?” Ye Lingkou breathing heavily tender gas channel: Fog pledge, the fog pledge received to attack, Sikong Lingnan in a moment ago, leading numerous disciples to encircle the fog pledge, and has injured our fog pledge several hundred disciples.” 叶玲口喘娇气道:“雾盟,雾盟受到袭击了,司空岭南就在刚才,率领众多弟子将雾盟围剿,并且伤了我们雾盟数百弟子。” What?” “什么?” The black pupil of Qin Shi expands once more, wipes the anger blowout that could not say. 秦石的黑眸再次扩张,一抹说不出的怒火喷出。 Walks, we first fog pledge!” “走,我们先雾盟!” The circumstance is urgent, Qin Shi does not dare to delay, the whole body glitters purple Ben Lei, dodges from the entrance position, then leaps forward toward the headquarters of fog pledge. 情势急迫,秦石不敢在耽搁,全身闪烁起紫色的奔雷,从门口的位置一闪,便朝雾盟的总部跃进。 !! !!
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