PDL :: Volume #8

#740: Xing Moyuan of wily old fox

All the way, the Qin Shi mind is worried, he has not expected, after hawk city black market matter, creates the world group also to dare hurriedly, secretly to pray that unexpectedly is quiet blue they not to have an accident is good. 一路上,秦石心神烦闷,他怎么也没料到,经过鹰城黑市的事以后,创世团竟然还敢造次,暗暗祈祷幽青他们别出什么事才好。 After half double-hour, he arrives at the fog pledge the headquarters, this time fog pledge in confusion, the bird's eye view from the upper air gets down, below botanical garden was burnt down, several hundred disciples all received the injury that the weight varies. 半个时辰以后,他来到雾盟的总部,此时的雾盟十分狼藉,从高空中俯瞰下去,下方的园林都被焚烧,数百名弟子皆是受到了轻重不一的伤势。 Quiet blue elder brother!” “幽青哥!” Qin Shi dodges to plunder, leaps before the quiet blue body, the quiet blue left arm arm has broken to pieces, on the forehead has together the alarmed scar, in that scar four toward the surroundings is also shooting the flame. 秦石闪掠一下,跃到幽青的身前,幽青的左臂手骨都碎了,额头上有一道触目惊心的疤痕,那疤痕上还朝周围四射着火焰。 „Is this wound, Sikong Lingnan does?” The Qin Shi pupil shrinks, quiet blue seven days of Late Stage, in his impression, creates the world group to be able such heavy person who he injures, perhaps also only then Sikong Lingnan. “这伤,是司空岭南做的?”秦石瞳仁一缩,幽青七天后期,在他的印象里,创世团能将他伤的这么重的人,恐怕也就只有司空岭南了。 Quiet blue does not leave nod of accident. 幽青不出意外的点点头。 I must kill him!” “我要去杀了他!” Ye Ling follows, sees that scar beautiful pupil one cold, although she has five days of boundaries, but that anger made the surrounding air change was blazing. 叶玲紧随其后,看见那疤痕美眸一寒,尽管她只有五天之境,但那股怒火却令周围的空气都变的炽热起来。 The word, she wants to turn around, holds her quiet blue quick of eye and hand: Ye Ling, you do not go, the present fog pledge, nobody is his match.” 言罢,她就欲要转身,幽青眼疾手快的抓住她:“叶玲,你别去,现在的雾盟,没有人是他的对手。” Ye Ling was held, loves dearly cried. 叶玲被抓住,心疼的都哭了。 Qin Shi at the side silent meeting, looks all around surrounding question: „Does that create the people of world group?” 秦石在旁边沉默一会,环顾周围的问句:“那创世团的人呢?” Hears quiet blue, unwilling [say / way]: Walked, Sikong Lingnan led several hundreds to create the world group disciple a moment ago, such as lightning general has launched a half hour of crush attack to the fog pledge, the attack of that degree was really too strong, we radically irresistibly, were only he, eight days of boundaries, destroyed the day to extinguish, sufficiently trampled flat our fog pledge.” 幽青听闻,不甘道:“走了,司空岭南刚才率领数百创世团弟子,如闪电一般的对雾盟进行了半个小时的碾压式攻击,那种程度的攻击实在是太强了,我们根本无法抵抗,光是他一个人,八天之境,毁天灭地,就足以踏平我们雾盟。” But he does not have such to do, right?” Qin Shi as if early has saying of expectation, said: But when the fog pledge receives the hand in the desperate edge suddenly, then proposed what requests is right?” “但他没有这么做,对吗?”秦石仿佛早有预料的接过话,说道:“而是当雾盟在绝望的边缘时突然收手,然后提出了什么要求对不对?” Nod that self-ridicules quiet blue: Um, he said that wants you within three days to hand over the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, if within three days cannot see the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, that must extinguish our fog pledge.” 幽青自嘲的点点头:“嗯,他说,要你三天之内交出彩霞云灵芝,如果三天之内看不见彩霞云灵芝,那就要灭了我们雾盟。” Here, he looked angrily to these disabled disciples: This time, he has routed the morale of troops of fog pledge, the present fog pledge, does not have the big brother, it may be said that survives in name only.” 说到这,他愤怒的看向那些伤残弟子:“这一次,他将雾盟的军心击溃了,现在的雾盟,没有大哥在,可谓是名存实亡。” Pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum?” “彩霞云灵芝?” Um, actually, Xing Moyuan simply has not thought gives up the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, before chose to make concessions when the hawk city black market, but was because Yuwen died young in reason, moreover in hawk city black market, step Jingxian not no matter what his recklessly unseemly behavior.” “嗯,其实,邢墨鸢根本没有想过放弃彩霞云灵芝,之前在鹰城黑市时选择退让,不过是因为宇文殇在的原因,而且在鹰城黑市,步景贤也不会任他肆意妄为。” But returns to the Chaos Domain foreign country to be critically different now, Yuwen dies young after all is also in the territory disciple, but he is the big elder in foreign country, Yuwen dies young is impossible to get rid to him rashly, in such will bring to the attention of territory old fogies surely.” “但是现在回到乱域外域就大为不同,宇文殇在强毕竟也是内域弟子,而他又是外域中的大长老,宇文殇不可能贸然对他出手,那样必定会引起内域老家伙们的注意。” Quiet blue pinching tightly fist maliciously: He already planned, must come back the foreign country to rob to pink clouds Yun Lingzhi, but he is the elder is not good to get rid, therefore draws support creates the hatred of world group and fog pledge, and happen to catches up with big brother Fu Jun breakthrough, the present fog pledge does not create the match of world group.” 幽青狠狠的捏紧拳:“他早就计划好,要回来外域对彩霞云灵芝抢夺,而他身为长老不好出手,所以就借助创世团和雾盟的仇恨,而又正好赶上付军大哥突破,现在的雾盟根本不是创世团的对手。” Good sly Xing Mo kite!” Qin Shi cold and gloomy narrows the eye: I already should think, the fellow of that wily old fox, how can such relinquishing easily!” “好一个狡猾的邢墨鸢!”秦石森冷的眯起眼睛:“我早就应该想到,那个老奸巨猾的家伙,怎么会这么轻易的作罢呢!” In the fog pledge headquarters in confusion, people were all silent, the surroundings complete silence, the deathly stillness is ordinary. 在狼藉的雾盟总部,一众人全都沉默了,周围鸦雀无声,死寂一般。 Quiet azure heaved a deep sigh, said to Qin Shi: Brother Qin Shi, this is our fog pledge matter, you did not want to participate, these time was doomed is our fog pledge disaster, regardless had any you unable pink clouds Yun Lingzhi to give them.” 幽青长叹一声,冲着秦石道:“秦石老弟,这是我们雾盟的事,你就不要在参与进来了,这一次注定是我们雾盟的劫难,无论发生什么你也不能将彩霞云灵芝交给他们。” Doesn't participate?” Smiling of Qin Shi satire, shakes the head at once: I think not to participate, perhaps they will not permit.” “不参与吗?”秦石讽刺的笑了笑,旋即摇摇头:“我想不参与,恐怕他们也不会允许。” Um? What meaning?” Quiet blue puzzled. “嗯?什么意思?”幽青略带不解。 Qin Shi dodges the spunk, will reach the clouds is seized, as well as Mu Hui the bitter experience, passed on with Xu Yanchong his rumor to quiet azure, smiled: Their this clearly comes to me, was I implicates the fog pledge to be right.” 秦石一闪怒意,将凌云被捉,以及慕惠的遭遇,和徐岩冲他的传言转告给幽青,笑了笑:“他们这分明就是冲我来的,是我连累了雾盟才对。” One hear of this matter, stare the big eye quiet blue, fierce grips tightly the fist: Good Xu Yan, to make this mean matter to come unexpectedly?” 一听此事,幽青瞪大眼睛,猛的将拳头攥紧:“好一个徐岩,竟然做出这种卑鄙的事来?” Therefore , I want to withdraw, feared that will be they will not permit, I do not think, for will live on dishonorably, but shoulders the infamy of being perfidious.” Qin Shi has rubbed the nose, huh the making noise vicious tendencies, connect him to stare to the fog pledge opposite angle direction, that creates the position of world group headquarters, said coldly: Let alone, big brother Fu Jun has said that I am also fog pledge one, how that this did fight intent to be short of me?” “所以说,我想要退出,怕是他们也不会允许,我可不想为了自己苟活,而背负背信弃义的骂名。”秦石揉了揉鼻子,哼哧出声戾气,接连他瞪向雾盟的对角方向,那个创世团总部的位置,冷言道:“何况,付军大哥说过,我也是雾盟一员,那这份战意又怎么能少了我?” Is surprised several points of quiet blue, at once gratified smiling of: Big brother has not misread you actually, is only you may , to be clear, Kong Xianhui she!” 幽青感到几分意外,旋即欣慰的笑了笑:“大哥倒是没有看错你,只是你可要想清楚了,孔贤慧她!” In the future words, he had not said that but he knows that Qin Shi can definitely understand, the Kong Xianhui status is special, if he participates, once the Kong Xianhui exposition, must involve a bigger trouble, or plot. 再往后的话,他没有说,但是他知道,秦石肯定能明白,孔贤慧的身份特殊,如果他参与进来的话,那一旦孔贤慧暴露,必会牵扯出更大的麻烦,或是阴谋。 Qin Shi shakes the head with a smile: I will not allow her to participate, this is my matter.” The word, among his profound pupil colors, such as just fell into the curtain of night the starry sky, flashes through together the unusual gloss suddenly. 秦石笑着摇摇头:“我不会让她参与进来,这是我自己的事情。”言罢,他深邃的眸色间,就如刚刚陷入夜幕的星空,突然间闪过一道异样的光泽。 That gloss, quiet azure, including cannot bear tremble in the Qin Shi behind congealing rain with Ye Ling, that gloss gives their feeling probably is in the thousand years, the iron rule that cannot be moved is the same, no matter what no one can think that this renouncing, stems from a 20 over youth unexpectedly. 那光泽一出,幽青和叶玲、包括在秦石身后的凝雨都是忍不住哆嗦一下,那光泽给他们的感觉就好像是千年中,一个不可触碰的铁律一样,而任谁也想不到这种决绝,竟是出自于一个不过20出头的少年。 The self- domain of this youth was too formidable, matter that he decides, that is the heaven, is irreversible. 这少年的自我领域太强大了,他决定的事情,那就是苍天,也不可逆。 Looks at Qin Shi decidedly, why quiet blue does not know, relaxes suddenly much, under racket of effort Qin Shi shoulder: Good brothers, our same place, to create the world group to play with this, even if dies finally, must make them delaminate the skin, making them understand that our fog pledge does not have the coward!” 看着秦石的决然,幽青不知为何,突然间放松不少,用力的拍下秦石肩膀:“好兄弟,那我们就一起,和这创世团玩一玩,哪怕最后是死,也要让他们脱层皮,让他们明白,我们雾盟没有孬种!” Qin Shi smiles embarrasedly, in the smiling face has filled self-confidence, but under self-confidence is meaning of the scared withering, cold Dao: Fighting side-by-side is right, but let alone this mourning angry words, I do not want dead here, true damn should have someone else is right.” 秦石讪讪一笑,笑容中充满了自信,而在自信下是一道令人胆寒的肃杀之意,冷道:“并肩作战是对的,但别说这种丧气话,我可不想死在这里,真正该死的应该另有其人才对。” The word, his palm makes an effort suddenly, its below earth shivers several points: Injures my Qin Shi brothers, that is the absolute monarch, I will not let off him absolutely!” 言罢,他的掌心突然用力,其下方的大地都为之颤抖几分:“伤我秦石的兄弟,那就算是天王老子,我也绝对不会放过他!” Indifferently, how many people are quiet blue in same place, these words are that familiar, probably three years ago also some people had said in Chaos Domain similar words, but how many days ago that person was to also say, was that person not just Yuwen dies young? 漠然,幽青几人愣在原地,这一句话是那么熟悉,好像三年前也有人在乱域说过同样的话,而那个人在几天前也是说过,那个人不正是宇文殇吗? Is shape how? 是何其的像? But three years ago, Yuwen died young to create to be his miracle, was called the Chaos Domain first monstruous talent the miracle, that was Qin Shi of successor, will die, or surmounted? The quiet blue several people anticipate. 而三年前,宇文殇创造出了属于他的那份奇迹,被称之为乱域第一妖孽的奇迹,那身为后来者的秦石,是会夭折,亦或是超越呢?幽青几人不由的期待起来。 This youth, is extremely uncommon. 这个少年,太过不凡。 On his body, good to have a charm, that charm foot the infection common people, let the Death Qi heavy fog pledge headquarters, inexplicable raises a fighting spirit. 在他的身上,好想拥有一种魔力,那种魔力足矣感染世人,让死气沉沉的雾盟总部,莫名的升起一股斗志。 Night. 夜晚。 Qin Shi alone returns with the Kong Xianhui mansion in first, he at the outside silent meeting, surveys into the Kong Xianhui boudoir by the psychic force, Kong Xianhui was still sitting alone on the bed, beautiful pupil lax absent-minded, did not have the least bit sentiment. 秦石先是独自回到和孔贤慧的豪宅里,他在外面沉默一会,凭借精神力探测入孔贤慧的闺房,孔贤慧仍是独自的坐在床榻上,美眸涣散失神,没有半点感情。 Qin Shi shakes the head, he knows that Kong Xianhui has not gotten strength back, her also need more time ponder and calm, these time to her attack was really too big. 秦石摇摇头,他知道孔贤慧还没有缓过劲来,她还需要更多的时间去思考与冷静,这一次对她的打击实在是太大了。 But was like this just right, facilitates Qin Shi to handle the following matter, he drew the black robe, covered the body, at once the under foot treads, changes into everywhere Lei Guang the remnant shade, dodged to plunder to vanish from the room. 但这样正好,方便了秦石做接下来的事情,他拉动黑袍,将身躯遮盖,旋即脚下一踏,化为漫天的雷光残影,从房间中闪掠消失。 When he appears again, in the mansion above hundred meters places, his deep inspiration, light snort said: Virtuous, sorry, do not blame me, these time in any event, I cannot make you take risk for me.” 他再次出现时,已经是在豪宅上空百米处,他深深的吸了口气,轻哼道:“贤惠,对不起,不要怪我,这一次无论如何,我都不能让你替我冒险。” At once, his big hand, five fingers aim at five different directions, connects in Sea of Consciousness fierce shivers, is at variance with the strength of common vigorous soul such as the river tide to surge, forms a lot of golden Buddhist relics from the sky. 旋即,他大手一番,五根手指指向五个不同的方向,接连识海中剧烈的颤抖起来,异于寻常的浑厚灵魂之力如江潮涌动,从上空形成千百枚金色舍利。 Concentrates!” “凝!” He manipulates the hand imprint, on the fingertip jumps an antique mark, is similar to Sanskrit is the same. But this Sanskrit mark like has the suction, made the surrounding golden Buddhist relics fast orderly arrangement, started to revolve along the ground of mansion, First Rank, two, Third Rank, Fifth Rank, nine, ultimately formed nine high giant Jinta, firmly sealed off the mansion. 他摆弄手印,指尖上跳起一个古香古色的印记,如同梵文一样。而这梵文印记像是拥有吸力一样,令周围的金色舍利快速的有规律的排列起来,沿着豪宅的地基开始旋转,一层,两层,三层,五层,九层,最终形成九层高的巨大金塔,牢牢的将豪宅封锁。 Breaks!” “断!” Jinta, he by the strength of soul, mansion spiritual power and outside shuts off. 金塔一出,他凭借灵魂之力,将豪宅内部的灵力和外界切断。 Completes these, Qin Shi long relaxes: Shouted this, some people will not disturb you, calming the mind well pondered one.” 做好这些,秦石才长松口气:“呼这样,就不会有人打扰到你了,好好的静下心思考一番吧。” He smiles to Jinta, his sentiment to the Kong Xianhui, such as once he opinion was the same, is that type of good friend is difficult to seek a female friend, is similar to his sister is the same, he hopes that Kong Xianhui can come out of the shadow, but is not when is most no use, he in her wound the salt water that scatters a severe pain. 他冲着金塔轻轻一笑,他对孔贤慧的感情,就如曾经他所言论一样,是那种高山流水难寻一的红颜知己,如同他的妹妹一样,他希望孔贤慧能走出阴影,而不是在最无助的时候,他在她的伤口上在撒上一把剧痛的盐水。 The tip of the toe falls on the spire, his deep spout foul air, but connects his pupil at present gentle nothing left, only remaining cold and gloomy murderous intentions. 脚尖落在塔尖上,他深深的吐出口浊气,而接连他眸眼下的温柔荡然无存,只剩下森冷的杀机。 But is also this time, a dreadful fatty gathers side him. 而也是这个功夫,一个猥琐的胖子凑到他身边。 How is it? Inquired?” Qin Shi looks back on question. “怎么样?打听到了吗?”秦石回首问句 The congealing rain has rubbed the whole body excrescence: Um, reaches the clouds truly is detained in creating the dungeon of world group, moreover such as you expect, the reason that because of fog pledge caused heavy losses, these created the alert of world group to be very low on , tomorrow night they will also prepare to be ahead of time Qing Gong, prepared the banquet.” 凝雨揉了揉满身的赘肉:“嗯,凌云确实被关押在创世团的地牢中,而且也如你所料,因为雾盟被重创的原因,这几日创世团的戒备很低,明日夜里他们还准备要提前庆功,准备宴席。” Banquet? He he, good, that lets their glee feasts, turns into the funeral banquet.” Qin Shi smiles, connects him to escape void, returns to the fog pledge with the congealing rain the headquarters. “宴席?呵呵,那好,那就让他们的庆功宴,变成丧宴吧。”秦石轻轻一笑,接连他虚空一遁,和凝雨回到雾盟的总部。 Midnight, the fog pledge headquarters were still were in highly vigilantly, but only the Qin Shi people know that this vigilant was a false appearance. 夜半时分,雾盟总部仍是处于高度警惕,但只有秦石众人知道,这份警惕不过是个假象。 He and congealing rain directly enter the fog pledge the assembly hall, assembly hall inside sea of people, what is the head is quiet azure, Shen Fengchun, as well as Dunhuang several people, was different from the past, in this time Lian Wu pledge each department, ability quite high also gathered here, after the people saw Qin Shi, stood up. 他和凝雨直接进入雾盟的会议厅,会议厅里面人山人海,其中为首的是幽青、沈逢春、以及敦煌几人,不同于往日,这一次连雾盟各个部门中,能力比较高的也都汇聚在此,众人看见秦石以后,同时站起身来。 Brother Qin, the management of fog pledge all in this, had anything to plan you to say with everybody.” Quiet blue start to talk. “秦老弟,雾盟的管理层全都在这了,有什么计划你就和大伙说说吧。”幽青开口。 ---- ---- The father of protection has been injured, the father who dawn wishes the protection shallowly here will soon be restored to health. 守护的父亲受伤了,晓浅在这里祝愿守护的父亲早日康复。 !! !!
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