PDL :: Volume #8

#738: Initially dies young with Yuwen

The Chest of Qin Shi trembles fiercely, because nobody is clearer than him, in entire Chaos Domain only then two quench the god Dharmakaya, on his body, but another then on the body that Yuwen dies young. 秦石的心口剧烈一颤,因为没有人比他更清楚,整个乱域之中只有两件淬神法身,一件在他的身上,而另一件便是在那宇文殇的身上。 „Is he Yuwen dies young?” “他就是宇文殇?” Qin Shi fierce grips the tight fist, raises head to take a look at sky over the clouds youth of outstanding ability, blue old very fair and clear, a little meaning of wealthy family disciple, but cannot see slightly empty boasting from his body, instead gives people a very steadfast steadiness. 秦石猛的攥紧拳,仰头打量着云霄上空的俊逸青年,青年长的十分白净,有一点富家弟子的意思,但从他的身上看不见丝毫浮夸,反而给人一种非常踏实的稳重。 He has thought innumerable with scene of Yuwen war casualty meeting, has not actually thought can be this picture. 他想过无数次和宇文殇会面的场景,却没想过会是这副景象。 His some are not willingly, pinching tightly fist maliciously, but he has to acknowledge that was Yuwen dies young to get rid to save him, Yuwen died young is really too strong, that unusual conditions air/Qi field, even can with step Jingxian mutually pi you, equally matched. 他有些不甘心,狠狠的捏紧拳,但他又不得不承认,是宇文殇出手救了他,宇文殇真的是太强了,那股浑然天成的气场,甚至能和步景贤相互睥你,不相上下。 „Does Yuwen die young?” Quiet blue several People is startled, to Qin Shi question: Yuwen who Brother Qin, you spoke died young, but that three years ago caused a stir in the Chaos Domain monstruous talent?” “宇文殇?”幽青几人大吃一惊,冲着秦石问句:“秦老弟,你说的宇文殇,可是那个三年前轰动乱域的妖孽?” Qin Shi helpless shrugging, is default. 秦石无奈的耸了耸肩,算是默认。 Quiet blue with amazement stares big eye: Really is he? Did Brother Qin, you know him?” 幽青骇然的瞪大眼:“真的是他?秦老弟,你认识他?” Qin Shi shakes the head, sighed painstakingly: Did not know that this is also my first time, sees him.” 秦石摇摇头,苦叹道:“不认识,这也是我第一次,看见他。” Why does he save you?” Feels quiet blue curious. “那他为什么救你?”幽青感到好奇。 But to this issue, Qin Shi is somewhat awkward, he does not know how should explain, but looks at toward Kong Xianhui of distant place the black pupil. 而对这个问题,秦石有些尴尬,他也不知该如何解释,只是将黑眸朝远处的孔贤慧望去。 Yuwen war casualty emergence, making Kong Xianhui be out of sorts, her whole person looked like the bolt from the blue is the same, unprecedented was blurred, is in-situ. 宇文殇出现,让孔贤慧失神了,她整个人就像是晴天霹雳一样,前所未有的迷离,愣在原地。 That man, making her love, has hated, has missed, angry, even many times, she has thought and this man perishes together. 那个男子,让她爱过,恨过,思念过,愤怒过,甚至多少次,她想过和这个男子同归于尽。 But sees him when once more, she hesitated, heart of ups and downs, mighty waves. 但再次看见他时,她犹豫了,沉浮的心,波澜了。 Sees the Kong Xianhui difference, the quiet blue several people seemed also understood anything, squints, has not opened the mouth, but in several people of hearts, was more curious to the Kong Xianhui status. 看见孔贤慧的异样,幽青几人好似也明白了什么,相觑一眼,没有开口,但在几人的心中,对孔贤慧的身份更加好奇。 Yuwen dies young!” “宇文殇!” , not only recognizes is Qin Shi that Yuwen dies young they, Xing Moyuan and Deng Kai people all are the mind tremble, especially Deng Kai, he withdraws terrified one step, has covered the lid that the cape makes an effort. 认出宇文殇的不光是秦石他们,邢墨鸢及邓凯一众人全部是心神一颤,特别是邓凯,他悚然的退后一步,将斗篷使劲的盖了盖。 He he, Deng Elder, did not need to hide, I already saw you.” Yuwen war casualty start to talk, his voice is very light, has actually been full of a special magnetism, as if entire world is revolving him to revolve to be the same. “呵呵,邓长老,不用躲了,我早就看见你了。”宇文殇开口,他声音很平淡,却充满了一股特殊的磁性,仿佛整个世界都在围绕着他旋转一样。 The body of Deng Kai senile trembles: Yuwen dies young, your breakthrough?” 邓凯老态的躯体一颤:“宇文殇,你突破了?” Yes, three years, finally are breakthrough.” “是啊,三年了,总算是突破了。” Yuwen dies young is very free and easy, at once he looked at toward Qin Shi the vision, opens the mouth to Xing Moyuan: Xing Elder, is foreign country elder, your this injures the foreign country disciple to fear that blatantly is somewhat improper?” 宇文殇很洒脱,旋即他将目光朝秦石望了一眼,冲着邢墨鸢开口:“邢长老,身为外域长老,你这样公然伤害外域弟子怕是有些不妥吧?” I!” Xing Moyuan expert grips the fist, early did not have the arrogance, resentful laughter: He he, where words this is, in this all misunderstands.” “我!”邢墨鸢老手攥拳,早没了刚才的傲气,悻悻的笑声:“呵呵,这是哪里话,这里面全都是误会。” Misunderstanding?” Yuwen dies young to smile: Such is best, in that case, I must lead these people to walk, Xing should Elder not have the opinion?” “误会吗?”宇文殇笑了笑:“那样最好,那样的话,我要带这几个人走,邢长老应该没有意见吧?” Xing Moyuan hear that, presbyopia sinks, but after the moment, nods again and again: That is natural, before I also said with Zhao Xinji person, after you go out, we find an opportunity well poly one gathers, said that in the past in foreign country, I also look at your several growth, did you say?” 邢墨鸢闻言,老眼一沉,但片刻后,连连点头:“那是当然,之前我还和赵信几人说,等到你出关以后,咱们找个机会好好的聚一聚,怎么说当年在外域的时候,我也算是看着你们几个成长的,你说呢?” That is natural.” “那是自然。” Yuwen dies young contemptuously snort, at once his eye as well as creates the bodies of world group numerous disciple to sweep away in Xing Moyuan, Deng Kai, corners of the mouth icy raising, that short instance, as if coagulated including his surrounding air, making all people on the scene turn very quiet, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily previous. 宇文殇轻蔑的哼了哼,旋即他的眼在邢墨鸢、邓凯以及创世团众多弟子的身上横扫,嘴角冷冰冰的扬起,那一个短暂的瞬间,连他周围的空气仿佛都凝固了,让在场的所有人都屏住呼吸,大气都不敢喘上一下。 The vision has swept finally, he slight restraining: Happen, some gratitude and grudges, have not calculated, when comes back Chaos Domain, I well and certain people calculate.” 目光一直扫到最后,他才轻微的收敛一下:“正好,有些恩怨,一直也没有算呢,等到回来乱域,我会好好的和某些人算一下。” ! 咣啷! Xing Moyuan, Deng Kai, create the people moral nature of world group to tremble, the pressure of that territory boundary such as the Mount Tai avalanche is the same, routs the moral nature defense line of people. 邢墨鸢、邓凯,创世团的众人心底一颤,那域境的压力如泰山崩塌一样,生生将众人的心底防线击溃。 Good, I awaited respectfully your honorable self in Chaos Domain.” Xing Moyuan is pale the face, dies young to nod to Yuwen, at once his without the slightest hesitation, the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum does not want, slow the god has shouted to Sikong Lingnan several people: We walk!” “那好,那我就在乱域恭候大驾了。”邢墨鸢铁青着脸,冲着宇文殇点点头,旋即他毫不犹豫,连彩霞云灵芝也不要了,缓过神就冲着司空岭南几人喊道:“我们走!” The word, he flees to the wilderness, although the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum can help him to enter Chaos Domain, but he does not dare dead young with Yuwen hurriedly, a territory boundary big energy, even if all of them joins up to be multiplied by ten, is not the match who Yuwen dies young. 言罢,他落荒而逃,虽然彩霞云灵芝能助他进入乱域,但是他可不敢和宇文殇造次,一个域境大能,就算是他们所有人联合起来乘以十,也绝不是宇文殇的对手。 Compared to enter Chaos Domain, he wants to live. 相比进入乱域,他更想多活一阵。 Looks that Xing Moyuan and the others left, Qin Shi is hanging the heart puts down finally. 看着邢墨鸢等人离开,秦石悬着的心终于放下。 Shortly after Xing Moyuan leaves, four forms find out in the fog slowly, four people of Zhao Xin, Dong Qing, day raise, not Ningxia. 而在邢墨鸢离开不久,四道身影在云雾中缓缓探出,四人正是赵信、董清、天扬、勿宁。 Rather do not see thin and pale Qin Shi, before rushing that worries about: I said you, how to make oneself such distressedly? Wound serious?” 勿宁看见憔悴的秦石,担忧的冲上前:“我说你这人,怎么又把自己弄得这么狼狈?伤的严重吗?” Qin Shi awkward shaking the head: Is unimportant.” 秦石尴尬的摇摇头:“不要紧。” Has not said importantly, previous time sees you, you were almost killed, these time is this.” Rather do not love dearly for the Qin Shi wrap. “还说不要紧,上一次看见你,你就差点被人打死,这一次又是这样。”勿宁心疼的替秦石包扎。 Another side, Zhao Xin stands erect in the side that Yuwen dies young, his vision has several points to hate, dies young to say to Yuwen: Big brother, the great crag died.” 另一方,赵信矗立在宇文殇的身旁,他的目光带有几分怨恨,冲着宇文殇道:“大哥,巨岩死了。” Um, I came late, was I have harmed him.” Yuwen dies young shaking the head that rebukes oneself, anger like is the flame explodes to shoot. “嗯,我还是来晚了,是我害了他啊。”宇文殇自责的摇摇头,一股怒火像是火焰一样爆射出来。 Because of Xing Moyuan, wanted me saying that should kill them a moment ago!” The day raises the angry scolding sentence. “都是因为邢墨鸢,要我说刚才就该杀了他们!”天扬愤怒的骂句。 Yuwen dies young to shake the head: Now is also not the time, this situation does not suit him dead!” Here, his fist gripped slightly gathers, in the eye pupils flashed through together the limpid cold current: But, he must pay the price for his actions sooner or later, is the price of blood!” 宇文殇摇摇头:“现在还不是时候,这个场合不适合他死!”说到这,他的拳头微微攥合,眼眸间闪过一道清澈的寒流:“但是,他早晚要为他的所作所为付出代价,是血的代价!” hear that, the Zhao Xin three people squints, that kills intent is also not vague. 闻言,赵信三人相觑一眼,那一份杀意也是毫不隐晦。 Shortly , Yuwen dies young to lower the head, stays on the beautiful figure tender body together, all hates, all angers, all as if melt to be the same, only remaining that forever missing and admire without limits. 而言罢不久,宇文殇低下头去,在一道倩影的娇躯上停留,一切的怨恨,一切的愤怒,一切的一切仿佛都消融一样,只剩下那永无止境的思念和爱慕。 Kong Xianhui feels that blazing flame, the emaciated tender body cannot bear trembles gently, she immersed, like is falls into the deep sea. 孔贤慧感受到那份炽热的火光,羸弱的娇躯忍不住轻轻一颤,她沉醉了,像是陷入深海一样。 Qin Shi looks at two people who faces one another for a very long time from side, shakes the head, he knows the truth that he said that must become known in the world shortly , but regardless of the truth is anything, he will stand in the Kong Xianhui side, accompanies her, this is his commitment. 秦石从旁边看着久久相望的两个人,不由间摇摇头,他知道他所说的真相,就要在不久后大白于天下,但无论真相是什么,他都会站在孔贤慧的身旁,陪伴她,这是他的承诺。 Therefore, he faces forward to step one step. 为此,他朝前迈上一步。 Do not go!” But rather suddenly do not hold on him in side, is angry no wonder that: Makes them exchange, the sister-in-law's hatred to the big brother is the misunderstanding, the big brother has not betrayed her, the big brother was also deceived.” “你别去!”而勿宁在旁边突然拉住他,嗔怪道:“让他们两个人去交流吧,大嫂对大哥的憎恨全是误解,大哥从来都没有背叛过她,大哥也是受到了欺骗。” Hears, Qin Shi has been startled being startled, after beginning supinely, he in the look that Yuwen dies young, felt love, making him clear rather not deceive him, a person anything can camouflage, has not had this love unable to install, foot float Yu Kong who finally lifted, has not fallen. 听闻,秦石怔了怔,仰起头后他在宇文殇的眼神中,感受到了一股浓浓的爱意,让他清楚勿宁没有骗他,一个人什么都可以伪装,未有这份爱意是装不出来的,最终抬起来的脚悬浮于空,也是没有落下。 He also wants to know that actually this truth is anything. 他也想知道,这真相究竟是什么。 Virtuous!” “贤惠!” In facing one another, Yuwen dies young heaves a deep sigh finally, falling slowly before the Kong Xianhui body. 在相望中,宇文殇终是长叹一声,缓缓的落在孔贤慧身前。 Listens that to have two characters of remorse pleasantly warmly, the Kong Xianhui jade eye is lax, but she shook the head immediately, withdraws one step: Your admitting mistakes person, I do not know virtuous that you said who is, I am called the hole every month.” 听着那温软中带着自责的两个字,孔贤慧的玉眼涣散,但她马上摇了摇头,退后一步:“你认错人了,我不知道你说的贤惠是谁,我叫做孔月月。” You can deceive all people, but you cannot deceive me!” Yuwen died young says the sentence earnestly, went forward to grasp Kong Xianhui. “你能骗过所有人,但是你骗不过我!”宇文殇认真的说句,上前就想抱住孔贤慧 But Kong Xianhui like receiving an electric shock, the fierce raising white hands shove open him, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Do not bump me, I had said your admitting mistakes person, three years ago Kong Xianhui already died!” 孔贤慧像触电一样,猛的扬起玉手将他推开,娇喝道:“你别碰我,我说过你认错人了,三年前的孔贤慧早就死了!” You leave this, I know these three years, I called you to be wronged, sorry!” Yuwen war casualty pain light [say / way]. “你别这样,我知道这三年,我叫你受委屈了,对不起!”宇文殇痛苦的轻道。 But heard this word, has cried, she who Kong Xianhui could not bear lost one's voice was roaring: Drinks? Sorry? Do not say with me sorry, you now and I said that sorry usefully? I asked you, when I needed you, you where? Is subject to the humiliation in me, then no use time, where did you tell me you?” 而听闻此言,孔贤慧忍不住的哭了,她失声的咆哮着:“喝?对不起?别和我说对不起,你现在和我说对不起有用吗?我问你,在我需要你的时候,你在哪里?在我备受屈辱,那么无助的时候,你告诉我你在哪里?” Now I with great difficulty have faded from the memory you, obliterates from my world your form gradually, you appeared, why? Why, do you why want such to do? So is why cruel?” “现在我好不容易淡忘了你,将你的身影渐渐从我的世界里删去,你又出现了,为什么?为什么,你为什么要这么做?为什么这么残忍?” Is listening to that women's three years of hate, the world seemed to be low-spirited. 听着那女子三年的怨恨,世界仿佛都黯然了。 Zhao Xin, Dong Qing, day raise and Ningxia and Qin Shi, quiet blue, several people not stare in a big way the eye completely, but the quiet blue several people are also slightly infatuated, as if has thought anything. 赵信、董清、天扬、勿宁、秦石、幽青、几人全部都瞪大了眼,而幽青几人也是微微痴迷,仿佛想了什么。 Originally, she is three years ago, that and does Yuwen die young Kong Xianhui that is always together?” Shaking the head that several people smile bitterly. “原来,她就是三年前,那个和宇文殇形影不离的孔贤慧?”几人苦笑的摇摇头。 Three years ago, nobody does not know Kong Xianhui, at that time she and Yuwen died young, was really in Chaos Domain the lover of Xian Sha other people. 在三年前,没有人不知道孔贤慧,那个时候她和宇文殇,真的是乱域中羡煞旁人的情侣。 But the love of this feeling day sobbing place, inexplicable shatter three years ago, that is a misleading riddle topic, nobody knows the reason. 而这份感天泣地的爱情,就在三年前莫名的破碎,那一直是一个让人迷惑的谜题,没有人知道原因。 Yuwen died young to tremble trembling, did not have the Venerable prestige again, instead was the child of wrong thing likely: „It is not this, matter is not this, I have not thought must abandon you, I love you.” 宇文殇颤了颤,再也没有了刚才的尊威,反而像是个做错事的孩子:“不是这样的,事情不是这样的,我从来没想过要抛弃你,我那么爱你。” Loves me? He he, you such love my right? You use me, deceives from the family me, making me withstand three years of humiliation, you such loved my right? Then Yuwen dies young, I told you, your love, I could not withstand!” Kong Xianhui disappointed shaking the head. “爱我?呵呵,你就是这么爱我的对吗?你就是利用我,将我从家里骗来,让我承受了三年的屈辱,你就是这么爱我的对吗?那么宇文殇,我告诉你,你的这份爱,我承受不起!”孔贤慧失望的摇摇头。 „It is not this!” Yuwen died young to enhance several decibels, can visit him now the unusual pain, he was holding the fragrant shoulder of Kong Xianhui, lowered the head, shivers saying: I acknowledged that I approach you, has a point, I also acknowledged that I have deceived you, but you cannot suspect that my heart, I love you, once was, the present is, later can also be, I have been loving you!” “不是这样!”宇文殇提高了几个分贝,能看出来他现在非常的痛苦,他扶着孔贤慧的香肩,低着头,颤抖道:“我承认,我接近你,是有所目地,我也承认,我是欺骗过你,但是你不能怀疑我的心,我是真的爱你,曾经是,现在是,以后也会是,我一直都爱着你!” Zhao Xin several people were unable to continue watching, clenches teeth saying: Sister-in-law, you listen to the big brother to explain that the big brother he was also deceived, among you true misunderstanding, is because Chaos Domain gets up!” 赵信几人看不下去了,咬牙道:“大嫂,你听大哥解释,大哥他也是被骗的,你们之间真正的误会,全都是因为乱域所起!” Qin Shi also stepped has gone forward several steps, he said the sentence to Kong Xianhui lightly: Virtuous, do not feel embarrassed themselves, you return to Chaos Domain to come, isn't wants to know the truth? If you do not want to know, then we leave now, but you ask that own heart, are you resigned?” 秦石也迈上前了几步,他冲着孔贤慧淡淡说句:“贤惠,不要为难自己了,你回到乱域来,不就是想要知道真相吗?如果你不想知道,那么我们现在就离开,但是你问问自己的心,你甘心吗?” I!” Kong Xianhui sobbed, she cries makes the human love dearly specially, like this sobbed for a long time, has wiped tears that made an effort, self-ridiculed died young to sneer to say to Yuwen: Good, said that you explained that making me listen, in your mouth the so-called misunderstanding is anything.” “我!”孔贤慧哽咽了,她哭的特别让人心疼,就这样抽泣了许久,才使劲的抹了抹眼泪,自嘲的冲着宇文殇冷笑道:“好啊,说吧,你解释吧,让我听一听,你口中所谓的误会是什么。” !! !!
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