PDL :: Volume #8

#737: Second quenches the god Dharmakaya

Feels the pressure that crashes suddenly, the Qin Shi heart sinks, but he on adjustment good himself, the under foot to make an effort to stamp immediately, toward clear air burst shoots. 感受到突然坠落的压力,秦石心头一沉,但他马上就调整好自己,脚下用力一跺,朝着晴空爆射出去。 Qin Shi!” 秦石!” In Kong Xianhui several people of hearts in great surprise, the hearts of worry mentioned on the throat. 孔贤慧几人心中大惊,一个一个担心的心都提到嗓子眼上。 Jie Jie, Qin Shi, you pours is also has to expose the air/Qi, is one match who is worth admiring, but was a pity that you were the same with Fu Jun, choose mistakenly the position, elected mistakenly the enemy.” Sikong Lingnan has licked the licking lips angle, said with a smile. “桀桀,秦石,你倒也算是有点破气,是一个值得敬佩的对手,但是可惜你和付军一样,选错了站位,选错了敌人。”司空岭南舔了舔嘴角,笑道。 Few idle talk, begin.” Qin Shi narrows the eyes the eye, palm effort slightly, Lei Guang of galloping tumbles together, immediately circles to his body surface: Palace error!” “少废话,动手吧。”秦石眯眯起眼,手掌微微的用力,一道奔腾的雷光翻滚一圈,马上就绕到他的体表:“宫阙!” Fights with Sikong Lingnan, Qin Shi feels the unprecedented pressure, he does not dare to have careless of least bit, because he knows, so long as he makes a mistake one time, possibly was the result of being killed. 和司空岭南交手,秦石感到前所未有的压力,他不敢有半点的马虎,因为他知道只要他失误一次,可能就是丧命的结果。 During the playing chess, four palace error offer a sacrifice , the thunder light rapid integration of galloping, covers the lavender palace error armor from the flesh of Qin Shi. 对弈间,四座宫阙祭出,奔腾的雷光快速融合,从秦石的肌肤上覆盖出淡紫色的宫阙铠甲。 Good, I help you, uses fights with you fully, letting you dead is more honored.” Sikong Lingnan feels interlocking of thunder light, the corners of the mouth raises slightly, eight palace error, the blazing hot armor covers the whole body. “好,那我就成全你,动用全力和你打,让你能死的光彩一些。”司空岭南感受到雷光的交错,嘴角微微一扬,八座宫阙一出,炽热的火铠覆盖全身。 His dragon rest flame is fearful, twists including the surrounding air. 他的龙息火焰非常可怕,连周围的空气都扭曲起来。 Bang! 砰! Their rapid exploding shoot, under a positive collision, Qin Shi stared staring fiercely, among the arms has transmitted the intense stabbing pain. 两人迅速的爆射,一次正面的碰撞下,秦石猛的瞪了瞪眼,手骨间传来强烈的刺痛。 Desert decides desolated!” “大漠荒芜决!” Is suppressing the pain, desolated mark one after another winds the gathering, 100, 200, 300, 500, 800, eventually achieve 800 to arrive at the mark to wind, in that mark winds to disclose that very fearful desolated aura, takes Qin Shi as the center of circle, the earth of under foot changes into the dust sand immediately, as if all vitalities were swallowed to be the same. 强忍着痛感,一道一道的荒芜纹络汇聚,100,200,300,500,800,最终足足达到800到纹络,在那纹络间透露出十分可怕的荒芜气息,以秦石为圆心,脚下的大地马上化为尘沙,仿佛一切的生机都被吞噬一样。 Was wound to cover by 800 desolated grains, lets Sikong Lingnan accident slightly, he can feel that from Qin Shi, with not too same imposing manner, said with a smile half a month ago: He he, does not see for half a month, originally has striven?” 被800道荒芜纹络笼罩,让司空岭南微微的意外,从秦石身上他能感觉到一股,和半个月前不太一样的气势,笑道:“呵呵,半个月不见,原来是有所精进了啊?” Has not progressed, wins you with what?” Qin Shi shrugs. “没有进步,拿什么赢你?”秦石耸了耸肩。 hear that, the Sikong Lingnan handsome face sinks: Drinks, extremely arrogant!” The word, his big hand toward previous, five fire dragons projects from the fingertip, one volume from his mourning clothes, explodes throwing that shoots to strike to that 800 desolated mark winds. 闻言,司空岭南俊脸一沉:“喝,狂妄!”言罢,他大手朝上一番,五条火龙从手指尖上射出,从他的白衫上一卷,爆射的扑击向那800的荒芜纹络。 Bang! 轰! Both encounter, have the huge impulse, Qin Shi for this reason fierce knitting the brows, explodes hastily draws back several steps, but this, he has not forgotten to attack, in the palms makes an effort to grasp, on the space ring dodges, the cutting off the water supply sword took out by him, wan character sword-light is glittering the black and lightning, straight dividing to Sikong Lingnan. 两者交锋,产生巨大的冲击力,秦石为此猛的皱眉,连忙爆退数步,但就算这样,他都没有忘记出击,手掌间用力一握,空间戒指上一闪,断水剑被他取出,一个卍字剑光闪烁着黑色和闪电,笔直的劈向司空岭南。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Sikong Lingnan looks back indifferently, seeing that huge sword-light to be startled slightly, cuts off the water supply after is the Upper Tier famous article, that foot cuts off the air the strength, he does not dare to belittle. 司空岭南漠然回首,看见那巨大的剑光微微吃惊,断水毕竟是上品名器,那足矣斩断空气的力量,连他也不敢小觑。 Flame demon crack day explodes!” “炎魔裂天爆!” His rapid withdrawing, a huge hot demon makes threatening gestures one after another, rips open the horizon the cloud layer, rips open toward that Swastika Sword . 他迅速的退后,接连一只巨大的火魔张牙舞爪,撕开天际的云层,就朝那卍剑撕开。 Bang! 轰! The Qin Shi pupil eye stares, that hot demon is very tyrannical, appears in his side directly, making him not dare negligent fast to knead together the hand imprint: Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl!” 秦石眸眼一瞪,那火魔十分强横,直接就出现在他的身边,令他不敢大意的快速捏合手印:“舍利衣钵!” Bang! 轰隆! A Jinta just appeared, by that huge hot demon hit in the same place, both were produced the fierce remaining prestige directly immediately, looks that Jinta many people knit the brows. 一座金塔刚出现,直接被那巨大的火魔撞击在一块,两者顿时产生剧烈的余威,看着那金塔不少人皱了皱眉。 „Is this psychic force? Is he Demonic Talisman Master?” “这是精神力?他还是个符魔师?” Xing Moyuan is startled slightly, but in his Deng Kaigeng is so, throughout presbyopia slightly flood bright, greedy discussing of widow who does not remarry: He he, good mysterious spiritual martial arts.” 邢墨鸢微微吃惊,而在他身边的邓凯更是如此,始终古井无波的老眼微微泛亮,贪婪的念道:“呵呵,好神奇的精神武学。” The word, he said to Xing Moyuan: Xing ghost, meets you to attain the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, does this baby you give me?” 言罢,他冲邢墨鸢道:“邢老鬼,一会你拿到彩霞云灵芝,这小娃娃你就交给我吧?” Gives you?” Xing Moyuan knit the brows, nods: Ok, so long as I can attain the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, to be how good.” “交给你?”邢墨鸢皱了皱眉,点点头:“行,只要我能拿到彩霞云灵芝,怎么样都行。” Here, his hesitant, said: But I suggested that you should better not bring back to Chaos Domain him, if you want this spiritual martial arts, takes after outside, directly has killed him, otherwise returns to Chaos Domain, possibly somewhat will be troublesome.” 说到这,他犹豫一下,道:“但我建议,你最好还是别将他带回乱域,如果你是想要这精神武学,在外面拿到手以后,就直接杀了他吧,否则回到乱域的话,可能会有些麻烦。” Troublesome?” Deng Kai questioned snort: „Can a kid of four days of boundary, what cause to trouble to me?” “麻烦?”邓凯质疑的哼了哼:“一个四天之境的小家伙,能对我造成什么麻烦?” He he, do not look down on him, he can the trouble that you create, that may really not be small.” Xing Moyuan presbyopia dodges the ruthless offense, said: He has the relations with that four fellows.” “呵呵,你可别小瞧他,他能给你造成的麻烦,那可还真是不小呢。”邢墨鸢老眼一闪狠戾,道:“他和那四个家伙有关系。” That four fellows?” Deng Kaixian has gawked staring, at once look fierce sinks, as if thinks anything's shouting to clear the way: You said that Yuwen does die young?” “那四个家伙?”邓凯先是愣了愣,旋即眼神猛的一沉,仿佛想起来什么的喝道:“你是说,宇文殇?” Xing Moyuan helpless nod: Um.” 邢墨鸢无奈的点点头:“嗯。” Has been affirmed, Deng Kai was not calm, Lian Bei cannot bear after behind dry hand trembles: Has not thought that he dies young with Yuwen unexpectedly related.” 得到肯定,邓凯不在淡定了,连背在身后的枯手都忍不住一颤:“没想到,他竟然和宇文殇有关。” Sees his appearance, Xing Moyuan curls the lip: Now also thought that what he does make to be inadequate to trouble to you? Do not forget, the three years ago matters, by the disposition that Yuwen dies young, if he went out, certainly will not give up! If you lead this boy to return to Chaos Domain, that happen to have given him the opportunity.” 看见他的模样,邢墨鸢撇撇嘴:“现在还觉得,他给你造不成什么麻烦吗?你别忘了,三年前的事,以宇文殇的性格,他要是出关了,一定不会善罢甘休!如果你带这小子回到乱域,那就正好给了他机会。” I knew!” “我知道了!” Hears Xing Moyuan words, before Deng Kaizai does not have the silence, in his presbyopia, flashes through together the clear scared look unexpectedly. 听闻邢墨鸢的话,邓凯再也没有之前的沉默,在他的老眼里,竟是闪过一道清晰的惧色。 Right, is the scared look. 没错,是惧色。 Can look that he dies young to Yuwen fears. 能看出来,他对宇文殇非常惧怕。 Bang! 轰! Jinta and hot demon in each other ablations, that remaining prestige clearing slowly, Qin Shi then explode to shoot finally, his rapid change hand imprint on vault of heaven: Soul palace!” 金塔和火魔在彼此的消融间,那余威终于慢慢的散尽,秦石这才爆射而出,在天穹上他迅速变化手印:“魂殿!” Three fine state of mind palaces reappear, again forms the armor from the flesh of Qin Shi. 三座精神魂殿浮现,再一次从秦石的肌肤上形成铠甲。 Coverages of palace error, soul palaces and under two big armor, strength several fold promotion of Qin Shi, spiritual power or the psychic force, reach the unprecedented altitude. 宫阙、魂殿、两大铠甲的覆盖下,秦石的力量数倍提升,无论是灵力还是精神力,都达到前所未有的高度。 Connects, his big hand grasps, a void vortex twitches before him, the essence between world swarms toward him immediately, making the strength that he will consume a moment ago adjust slightly. 接连,他大手一握,一个虚空的漩涡在他面前抽动,天地间的精气马上朝他蜂拥,让他将刚才耗损的力量微微调整。 Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body?” 乱域圣灵体?” This kid, treasure is really many.” “这小家伙,身上的宝贝真是不少啊。” Many people discussed that but also had surprisedly. 不少人议论起来,但还有更惊讶的呢。 Restores spiritual power, Qin Shi and Sikong Lingnan confrontation is unceasing, but sky over his forehead, glitters throughout a very mysterious mark, in that mark center is a sonorous god character. 恢复灵力,秦石和司空岭南交锋不断,而在他的眉宇上空,始终闪烁一个十分玄奥的印记,在那个印记中央是一个铿锵的神字。 That mark flashes through the purple from time to time, from time to time flashes through the golden color, no matter but flashes through that time, the striking power that Qin Shi blows out will count the overlay doubled and re-doubled. 那印记时而闪过紫色,时而闪过金色,但不管闪过那一次,秦石爆出的攻击力都会成倍数叠加。 God character Secret Art!” “神字诀!” Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique!” 星陨霸体决!” Timely rain rain and dew decides!” “甘霖雨露决!” This time, Qin Shi spelled to try. 这一次,秦石是真的拼尽全力了。 He his several ** gate offers a sacrifice to completely, lets him defends in the attack on, reaches the unprecedented altitude. 他将他的几**门全部祭出,让他无论是在攻击上还是防御上,都达到前所未有的高度。 Looks at the change of Qin Shi, the surrounding discussion sound is getting more and more intense, always silent step Jingxian, among the pupil colors dodges a corridor several points of difference. 看着秦石的变化,周围的议论声越来越强烈,就连始终沉默的步景贤,眸色间都闪过道几分异样。 „Is this strength, the rain road horizon?” “这力量,是雨路天涯?” His look stays in the waist of Qin Shi throughout, stays on that together radiant gold and jade number and route plate, lets in his limpid pupil heart, is out of sorts lax. 他眼神始终停留在秦石的腰间,停留在那一块璀璨的金玉腰牌上,让他清澈的眸心中,涣散失神。 Bang! 砰! The war launches, Qin Shi and Sikong Lingnan launch the splendid playing chess from the upper air, in the under black market many people were scared, no matter what they have not imagined, this is a showdown of a four days of boundary and eight days of boundary. 大战展开,秦石和司空岭南从高空上展开精彩的对弈,下方黑市里不少人都傻眼了,任他们谁也不曾想象过,这是一个四天之境和一个八天之境的对决。 In the hand is grasping cutting off the water supply, but the big hand was murdered the claw package by the ominous demon, the evil spirit strength howls toward Sikong Lingnan unceasingly, but is this, from beginning to end, Qin Shi has not used the demon symbol, but is not he does not want to use, said accurately does not dare to use, if he uses the demon symbol, that Zhang Zhenlong's demon symbol, could make him achieve seven days of boundaries, in addition his all cards in a hand, perhaps really can exceed Sikong Lingnan, but do not forget also to have Deng Kai in the distant place, if he uses the demon symbol, Deng Kai will not stand by, such instead. Gain does not equal the loss. 手中握着断水,而大手又被凶魔弑爪包裹,凶煞的力量不断朝司空岭南呼啸,但就算是这样,从始至终,秦石都没有动用魔符,而不是他不想用,准确说是不敢用,如果他动用魔符,那一张真龙的魔符,或许能让他达到七天之境,再加上他所有的底牌,说不定真的能够胜过司空岭南,但是别忘了在远处还有一个邓凯呢,如果他动用魔符,邓凯绝不会袖手旁观,那样反而。得不偿失。 But is also this, making him lose he biggest boost. 而也是这样,让他失去了他最大的助力。 Bang! 轰! The confrontation is unceasing, suddenly after hundred moves, if said the competion consumption, perhaps under this day also few people are the Qin Shi matches. 交锋不断,眨眼间百招过后,若是说比拼消耗,恐怕这天下也没有几人是秦石的对手。 Sikong Lingnan also realizes this point, complexion gradually is pale, the dry hand in chest one revolution, strikes Qin Shi shakes draws back, is not delaying with Qin Shi. 司空岭南也是察觉到这一点,脸色渐渐的铁青下来,枯手在胸膛一转,一击将秦石震退,不在和秦石拖延下去。 Kid, a little skill, but arrived here.” Sikong Lingnan angry drinking sound, his indifferent raising hand, the billowing rainbow spouts in his palms at once, that raging fire as if must burn down including the world is completely same, straight irrigates toward Qin Shi. “小家伙,有点本事,但就到这里吧。”司空岭南愤怒的喝声,旋即他漠然的扬起手,滚滚的长虹在他手掌间喷出,那烈火仿佛连天地都要焚烧殆尽一样,笔直的朝着秦石灌溉下去。 That strength exceptionally strong, fierce in the flame great tiger that on the vault of heaven forms galloping, the tigers mouth unceasingly is still expanding, is treadonning the rainbow crazy worry to Qin Shi. 那力量异常的强劲,猛的在天穹上形成奔腾的火焰巨虎,虎口还在不断扩张,脚踏着长虹疯狂的撕咬向秦石 Qin Shi fierce stares the big eye, that pressure is the same like Mount Tai. 秦石猛的瞪大眼,那一股威压如泰山一样。 Bang! 轰! When Qin Shi wants to shunt again, all, by that great fire fierce tiger fierce combustion, his blood had been sprayed without enough time, flew upside down on kilometer far. 秦石再想躲开时,一切已经来不及了,被那巨火猛虎狂烈的燃烧一番,他一口鲜血就喷洒出去,倒飞出去了上千米远。 But when the people think when he must defeat, Qin Shi supine beginning suddenly, the hand is opened by he is gripping throughout gently, the dragon rest flame revolves in his hand together unceasingly. 而就在众人以为他要战败时,秦石突然间的仰起头,始终被他攥着的手轻轻张开,一道龙息火焰在他手上不断旋转。 Quenches the god Dharmakaya! Steals!” “淬神法身!盗取!” The strength of that non- attribute attribute spouts from Qin Shi within the body, that spark seethes immediately, goes through the huge setting the prairie afire sea of fire. 那无属性的属性之力从秦石体内喷出,那一丝的星火马上翻腾起来,辗转成巨大的燎原火海。 Drinks, what move is this?” “喝,这是什么招数?” Does not know, his unexpectedly larceny the others' strength of attribute?” “不知道,他竟然偷窃了别人的属性之力?” Quenches the god Dharmakaya?” Deng Kai, Xing Moyuan, people could not suppress the surging emotions was excited, Xing Moyuan even regretted that complied to give Deng Kai Qin Shi. “是淬神法身?”邓凯、邢墨鸢、一众人已经压制不住心潮的激动了,邢墨鸢甚至已经后悔,答应将秦石交给邓凯了。 He discovered that the body of this Qin Shi, simply is a treasure vase. 他发现,这秦石的身上,简直就是个聚宝盆啊。 Sikong Lingnan counter-attacked, knitting the brows of by own flame cannot bear: Snort, is in front of my to play with fire, a little showed off meager skills before an expert?” 司空岭南被自己的火焰反扑,忍不住的皱了皱眉:“哼,当着我的面玩火,是不是有点班门弄斧了?” The word, he grasps vigorously, the raging fire of that exceedingly high penetrating place, suddenly by his induction port, but also in this moment, his back wing shakes, breakthrough before the body of Qin Shi. 言罢,他大力一握,那通天彻地的烈火,突然被他吸入口中,而也就是在这个片刻,他背后的羽翼一震,一步突破秦石的身前。 Bang! 轰! The Qin Shi complexion changes, was struck to fly, but also is this time, Sikong Lingnan circles behind, a palm broke Qin Shi palace Que Hehun Palace. 秦石脸色一变,被一击击飞,而也是这个功夫,司空岭南绕到背后,一掌震碎了秦石的宫阙和魂殿。 That opening, many people , under shook the head: Must finish, the disparity in boundary is too big, the boy did not have the hope.” 那豁口一出,不少人在下方摇了摇头:“要结束了,境界上的差距太大,那小子没有希望了。” Step Jingxian is slightly heavy from the distant place complexion, palm gently moves toward on, Kong Xianhui is also so, the quiet profound left deviation had torn off by him, but in this time, the vault of heaven suddenly becomes gloomy. 步景贤从远处脸色微微沉重,手掌轻轻的朝上挪动一下,孔贤慧也是如此,幽玄左倾已经被他扯下,但就在这个功夫,天穹突然间变得暗淡。 But in this gloomy, step Jingxian's presbyopia slightly absent-minded, the strength that links him to dread very floats off sky over the black market suddenly. 而在这暗淡下,步景贤的老眼微微失神,一股连他都十分忌惮的力量突然在黑市上空浮起。 The people raise eyes, the form does not know together when appeared when that clouds, but this form whole body is binding Zhen's blue armor, sees clearly that armor, the Kong Xianhui jade eye is blurred: Quenches the god Dharmakaya?” 众人举目,一道身影不知何时已经出现在那云霄之上,而这身影全身裹着湛蓝色的铠甲,看清楚那铠甲时,孔贤慧玉眼迷离:“淬神法身?” !! !!
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