PDL :: Volume #8

#736: Shan Tiao

His crazy laughing. 他疯狂的大笑。 Bang! 轰! The bang sound resounds on ten thousand meters vault of heaven, immediately in ten thousand li (0.5km) clear sky is the same like the disruption, such as the disposition of great crag, the rough uninhibited fluctuation fills the world, crazy swallowed Gao Deng, Hao Gang several people, buries. 巨响声在万米的天穹上响起,顿时万里的晴空中如碎裂一样,如巨岩的性格,粗犷不羁的波动弥漫天地,疯狂的将高登、郝刚几人吞噬,埋没。 No!!!” “不!!!” Many create the disciples of world group under that impulse, the flesh was worn down by cuns (2.5cm), the blood evaporates, the skeleton changes into the dust, the skeleton not saves. 诸多创世团的弟子在那冲击力下,肌肤被寸寸消磨,血液蒸发,骨骸化为尘埃,尸骨无存。 Gao Deng, Hao Gang, such as their so day summit boundary can, unable to escape the tragic death under the impact of this strength greatly the destiny. 高登、郝刚、如他们这般天巅境的大能们,在这股力量的冲击下也没能逃过惨死的命运。 That strength, Lian Yingcheng shiver, if not for step Jingxian responded rapidly, big constrained the vault of heaven from, kept off the remaining prestige, perhaps half hawk city must change into the ruins. 那力量,连鹰城都颤抖一下,若不是步景贤反应迅速,一只大手从下方拖住天穹,将余威挡下,恐怕半个鹰城都要化为废墟。 Henceforth obviously, that step Jingxian is how strong, without using any strength, a hand keeps off the remaining prestige that several hundred people do not resist. 从此可见,那步景贤是多么强势,没有动用任何的力量,一只手就挡下来数百人毫无抵抗的余威。 But is this, the earth outside hawk city wall trembles fiercely crazily, inch by inch was penetrated, the sea level drops the kilometer, suddenly is four sides the hawk city of link forest, turns into independent mountain peak of one all of a sudden in the ruins. 但就是这样,鹰城城墙外的大地剧烈狂颤,一寸一寸的被击穿,海平面生生下降千米,眨眼间本来是四面环林的鹰城,一下子变成一座在废墟中独立的山峰 Qin Shi looks at the great crag from exploding the position, the pinching tightly fist maliciously, feels for the great crag at heart solemn and stirring, has to say after true understanding, he discovered that this great crag is a real man, the man of firm. 秦石看着巨岩自爆的位置,狠狠的捏紧拳,心里为巨岩感到悲壮,不得不说从真正的了解以后,他发现这个巨岩是个真汉子,铁铮铮的汉子。 He lowered the head, is looking at the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum in hand, suddenly the surging emotions cannot say the turbulent waves that surge. 他低下头,看着手中的彩霞云灵芝,一时间心潮说不上的激浪涌起。 , He also understood gradually, real in great crag mouth looks like, what said is he and Yuwen dies young, Dong Qing they have also spoken this words, but he too did not understand that what meaning before the great crag just before the end the words are, this pink clouds Yun does Lingzhi also die young with Yuwen related? 渐渐的,他也明白了,巨岩口中的真像,说的是他和宇文殇,董清他们也说过这种话,只是他不太理解,巨岩临终前的话是什么意思,难道这彩霞云灵芝还和宇文殇有关? This Yuwen dies young, probably is everywhere, probably enters Chaos Domain to start from Qin Shi, all are revolving Yuwen war casualty revolving. 这宇文殇,好像无处不在,好像从秦石进入乱域开始,一切就都在围绕着宇文殇旋转。 No, never enters Chaos Domain to start, all died young to tow by Yuwen, Kong Xianhui, Dong Qing, the fog pledge, creates the world group, as well as present great crag. 不,是从未进入乱域开始,就一切都被宇文殇所牵引着,孔贤慧,董清,雾盟,创世团,以及现在的巨岩。 This Yuwen dies young, is actually what fellow?” “这宇文殇,究竟是个什么样的家伙呢?” Inexplicable within, Qin Shi has not sought a meeting to this element, felt with his complicated fellow curious. 莫名间,秦石对这个素未谋面,却已经和他千丝万缕的家伙感到好奇。 Great crag from exploding, Xing Moyuan sinks shamelessly, looks that these create the world group disciples to wither away in the explosion, making him bristle with anger, but his anger, not because of the tragic deaths of these disciples, because he cannot grasp the great crag exactly. 巨岩自爆,邢墨鸢老脸一沉,看着那些创世团弟子一个一个在爆炸中消亡,让他怒发冲冠,但他的愤怒,并不是因为这些弟子的惨死,而是因为他未能活抓巨岩。 The explosion has continued half double-hour, when the remaining prestige clears thoroughly, Xing Moyuan lowers the sound: Quick, gives me to look the corpse of great crag!” 爆炸持续了半个时辰,在余威彻底散尽时,邢墨鸢低呵声:“快,给我将巨岩的尸体找出来!” The remaining disciples hear the order, entire was silly, stared staring: Xing Elder, this great crag from exploding, already the corpse not saved, on this where looks for his corpse?” 残余的弟子们听见命令,一个一个全傻了,瞪了瞪眼:“邢长老,这巨岩自爆,早已尸首无存,这上哪里去找他的尸体啊?” Is the corpse not saves, turns the sod three feet, must look to me his space ring, no matter with any means that must take pink clouds Yun Lingzhi!” Xing Moyuan angry shouting curses, in this is he enters the territory, final opportunity. “就算是尸首无存,挖地三尺,也要将他的空间戒指给我找出来,不管用什么办法,一定要将彩霞云灵芝拿到手!”邢墨鸢愤怒的叫骂,这是他进入内域,最后的机会了。 When he is breathless, Deng Kai bends at the waist to go forward suddenly, shakes the head: Xing ghost, asking your person to call a halt, did not need to look.” 而正当他气急败坏时,邓凯弓着腰突然上前,摇摇头:“邢老鬼,叫你的人停手吧,不用去找了。” Um? What meaning?” Xing Moyuan knit the brows. “嗯?什么意思?”邢墨鸢皱了皱眉。 Deng Kaixiao did not speak, dry hand toward under one finger, that position Qin Shi place. 邓凯笑而不语,枯手朝着下方一指,那个位置正是秦石所处的地方。 Qin Shi is not knowing quite the same as that Kong Xianhui several people arrive at side him, sees the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum in Qin Shi hand one startled, question: This is, pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum? Qin Shi, a moment ago outcome what's the matter? Great crag how suddenly from exploding?” 秦石正浑然不知,孔贤慧几人走到他身边,看见秦石手中的彩霞云灵芝一惊,问句:“这是,彩霞云灵芝?秦石,刚才究竟是怎么回事?巨岩怎么突然就自爆了?” Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, elaborated: „The toxin of great crag did not have the medicine to be solvable, he does not want to make this pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum fall into Xing Moyuan hand, therefore gives me him, then from exploding.” 秦石无奈的摇摇头,阐述道:“巨岩的毒素已经无药可解,他不想让这彩霞云灵芝落入邢墨鸢手里,所以就将他交给我,然后自爆了。” Heard Qin Shi to say superficially that Kong Xianhui several people actually could not bear fearful and apprehensive. 听到秦石轻描淡写的说完,孔贤慧几人却忍不住心惊肉跳。 Quiet azure sighed the forced smile that sighed: Does not know really said your boy anything is good, this space falls the meat pie the good deed to fall on you.” 幽青喟叹的苦笑:“真不知道说你小子什么是好,这种天上掉馅饼的好事都能落在你身上。” But hear that, Qin Shi actually shakes the head: Good deed? I did not think so!” 而闻言,秦石却摇摇头:“好事?我可不这么觉得!” Um?” “嗯?” Several people have gawked staring, but in this time, the innumerable [say / way] sharp vision suddenly punctures, making the quiet blue several people feel that on face burning ache, was startled hastily. 几人愣了愣,而就在这个功夫,无数道锋利的目光突然刺下,令幽青几人感到脸上火辣辣的疼痛,连忙一惊。 Xing Moyuan lowered the head following the Deng Kai's dry hand, his eyes recognize Qin Shi to come, moreover solely is not he, Sikong Lingnan as well as creates the disciples of world group also to recognize Qin Shi, stared in a big way the eye: Is that boy?” 邢墨鸢顺着邓凯的枯手低下头,他一眼就认出秦石来,而且不单单是他,司空岭南以及创世团的弟子们也都认出秦石,一个一个瞪大了眼睛:“是那小子?” He how in this?” People's obscure discussion. “他怎么在这?”众人费解的议论。 Qin Shi feels numerous vision, at heart fierce sinks, arrives at the hand back rapidly behind, but he late one step, Xing Moyuan saw that pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, loudly shouted to clear the way: Is the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum!” 秦石感受到众多目光,心里猛的一沉,迅速将手背到身后,但他还是晚了一步,邢墨鸢已经看见了那彩霞云灵芝,大喝道:“是彩霞云灵芝!” At once, his pale complexion reveals suddenly happily: Ha Ha, is really the day does not perish I, you wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come not to be all time-consuming, has not thought of the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum unexpectedly in your boy hand!” 旋即,他铁青的脸色突然露喜:“哈哈,真是天不亡我,踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫啊,没想到彩霞云灵芝竟然在你小子手上!” The Qin Shi complexion changes, hastily toward retroceding. 秦石脸色一变,连忙朝后退开。 „To run?” “想跑?” Xing Moyuan sinks shamelessly, dry hand void raises, strength of the ominous strength throws toward Qin Shi, the strengths of nine days of boundaries are very strong, forms the cyclone in the Qin Shi top of the head instantaneously, making latter's body one stiff. 邢墨鸢老脸一沉,枯手虚空的一扬,一股凶力之力就朝秦石扑去,九天之境的力量很强,瞬间在秦石的头顶上形成气旋,令后者的身躯一僵。 His strength intensifies unceasingly, that stance has to pinch greatly to explode Qin Shi is the same. 他的力量不断加剧,那架势大有要生生将秦石捏爆一样。 Bang! 砰! But in a minute, that cyclone disintegrates suddenly, beyond the step Jingxian's begins from ten thousand meters upper air slightly, a very rough strength blocks the world, this made Qin Shi heavy relaxing. 而片刻,那气旋突然瓦解,步景贤从万米外的高空上微微动手,一股十分粗犷的力量将天地封锁,这才令秦石沉重的松了口气。 Step boss, what do you mean?” Xing Moyuan shifty eyes stare. “步老板,你这是什么意思?”邢墨鸢贼眼一瞪。 Step Jingxian shakes the head, to Qin Shi position one finger: I said that in my black market, does not allow others to cause trouble.” 步景贤摇摇头,冲着秦石的位置一指:“我说了,在我黑市里,绝不允许别人闹事。” Xing Moyuan stares, this discovers the Qin Shi position in the hawk city black market, shameless immediately pale. 邢墨鸢一愣,这才发现秦石所处的位置还是在鹰城黑市中,老脸马上就铁青了下来。 Step Jingxian in this, he did not have idea with Qin Shi, not getting the following has cold sound shouting to clear the way: Brat, looks in you is also my foreign country disciple, so long as you give me pink clouds Yun Lingzhi, I can give your way out.” 步景贤在这,他拿秦石还真就没辙,不得以下只好冷声的喝道:“臭小子,看在你也是我外域弟子,只要你将彩霞云灵芝交给我,我可以放你一条生路。” Smiling of Qin Shi taunt: Xing Elder, you are when my idiot? Let alone hands over the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, even if no this pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, you thought that among us the hatred can also melt?” 秦石嘲讽的笑了笑:“邢长老,你是当我白痴吗?别说是交出彩霞云灵芝,就算没有这彩霞云灵芝,你觉得我们之间的仇恨还能够化解吗?” You!” Xing Moyuan fist grasps: He he, has saying that the courage of your boy is not small, what matter do you dare to participate? You try, I want to take a look but actually, can you treat in this black market for a lifetime!” “你!”邢墨鸢拳头一握:“呵呵,不得不说,你小子的胆魄不小,什么事你都敢参与是不是?那你就试一试,我倒想看看,你能不能在这黑市里待上一辈子!” Such remarks, the Qin Shi complexion is pale. 此言一出,秦石的脸色铁青下来。 Xing Moyuan said right, he is impossible to treat here for a lifetime, he must leave here sooner or later, at that time let alone was he, perhaps Lian Youqing several people also because he was implicated. 邢墨鸢说的没错,他不可能在这里待上一辈子,他早晚要离开这里,那个时候别说是他,恐怕连幽青几人也会因为他受到连累。 Kong Xianhui grips in his pink / white fist gathers, the sharp nail punctures the flesh slightly, another hand firmly is gripping the quiet profound left deviation, she has made the worst preparation. 孔贤慧在他的身后粉拳攥合,略微锋利的指甲刺破肌肤,另一只手牢牢的攥着幽玄左倾,她已经做了最坏的准备。 But at this moment, Sikong Lingnan goes forward suddenly, from Xing Moyuan ear does not know that said anything, Xing Moyuan hears to knit the brows, the silent meeting, nodded. 而就在这时,司空岭南突然上前,从邢墨鸢的耳边不知说了什么,邢墨鸢听闻皱了皱眉,沉默一会,点了点头。 Xing Moyuan nods, Sikong Lingnan goes forward several steps to say to Qin Shi: Qin Shi? Previous time was you destroys me to rip the spatial broken hot claw, has to say your truly a little innate skill.” 邢墨鸢点头,司空岭南上前几步的冲秦石道:“秦石是吧?上一次就是你毁了我的撕空碎火爪,不得不说你确实有点天赋。” Let alone these useless, you jump suddenly, what words had to say? Said directly, but I urged you, to make me exit, let alone that I will not exit.” Qin Shi can affirm that a moment ago Sikong Lingnan and Xing Moyuan definitely said any wicked scheme. “别说那些没用的,你突然跳出来,是有什么话要说吧?直接说吧,但是我劝你,要是想让我出去,那就别说了,我不会出去的。”秦石敢肯定,刚才司空岭南和邢墨鸢肯定说了什么鬼主意。 Saying with a smile of Sikong Lingnan accident: He he, very intelligent, but intelligently is not good, I give you now an opportunity, if you can grasp, can perhaps live is leaving this . Moreover the these people of your side can also live, you said that you do come out not to come out?” 司空岭南意外的笑道:“呵呵,挺聪明的啊,但是太聪明可不好,我现在给你个机会,如果你能够把握住的话,说不定能够活着离开这,而且你身边的这些人也能活下来,你说你出来还是不出来呢?” hear that, the Qin Shi black pupil is low and deep: What opportunity?” 闻言,秦石黑眸低沉不少:“什么机会?” You, with me, one-to-one Shan Tiao, if you can win me, you and they can leave, the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum we do not want, but if you cannot keep off, then on the handing over pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum of little darling? How?” Sikong Lingnan shrugs to say. “你,和我,一对一单挑,如果你能赢了我,你和他们都能离开,彩霞云灵芝我们也不要了,但是如果你挡不下,那就乖乖的交出彩霞云灵芝吧?如何?”司空岭南耸了耸肩道。 Shan Tiao?” “单挑?” Qin Shi silent meeting, Kong Xianhui and quiet blue hastily anxious urged: Qin Shi, should not be swindled, you possibly are not his match!” 秦石沉默一会,孔贤慧和幽青连忙焦急的劝道:“秦石,别上当,你不可能是他的对手!” This is a plot, should not be swindled!” “这就是个阴谋,你别上当!” Yes, his eight days of boundaries, but you have four days of boundaries, previous time he has almost killed you, you cannot hit!” “是啊,他八天之境,而你才只有四天之境,上一次他差一点杀了你,你不能去打!” The Qin Shi complexion is ugly, he also clear, he is not Sikong Lingnan match, if Evil Spirit regains consciousness perhaps also somewhat the stratagem which ensures success, but now, is impossible. 秦石脸色难看,他心里也清楚,他绝不是司空岭南的对手,如果邪魔苏醒的话或许还有几分胜算,而现在,毫无可能。 Is listening to below shouting curses, Sikong Lingnan shakes the head, said once again: Naturally, you can also choose to give up, but you, if misses this time, that this opportunity may again not have the second time, moreover like this continues to consume, may not have the advantage to you, you stay in the black market, truly is enough security, but fog pledge?” 听着下方的叫骂,司空岭南摇摇头,再度道:“当然,你也可以选择放弃,但是你要是错过这一次,那这机会可就再也没有第二次了,而且这样继续耗下去,对你们可没有好处,你们呆在黑市里面,确实是足够安全,但是雾盟呢?” ! 咣啷! The following words, have hit several people of heartstrings all of a sudden. 后面的话,一下子击中了几人的心弦。 Looks at several people of poverty-stricken appearances, Sikong Lingnan as if satisfied , to continue saying: If I if did not remember incorrectly, Fu Jun should be in breakthrough now? But your several also here, you said that the fog pledge will be what kind of?” 看着几人窘迫的模样,司空岭南仿佛非常满意,继续道:“如果我要是没记错的话,付军现在应该正在突破吧?而你们几个又在这里,那你们说雾盟会怎样呢?” Sikong Lingnan, do you want to be what kind to the fog pledge?” “司空岭南,你想对雾盟怎么样?” Is what kind to the fog pledge? That must think your performance.” Sikong Lingnan shaking the head with a laugh, sound actually exceptionally cold and gloomy. “对雾盟怎么样?那就要看你们的表现了。”司空岭南笑呵呵的摇头,声音却异常的森冷。 Just like, Qin Shi several people were silent, they are personality people, is not that type can, for live on dishonorably, but abandons the personal maidservant in the petty people who does not attend, especially Shen Fengchun, contorting one's face in agony shouted curses: ***, Sikong Lingnan, you must dare to injure my fog younger sworn brother child slightest, my slaughter completely you entire created the world group, the father and you spell!” 俨然,秦石几人沉默了,他们都是性情中人,绝不是那种能为了自己苟活,而弃身边人于不顾的鼠辈,特别是沈逢春,呲牙咧嘴的叫骂道:“***,司空岭南,你要敢伤我雾盟弟子分毫,我就屠尽你们整个创世团,老子和你拼了!” Bang!! But has not waited for Shen Fengchun to begin, Qin Shi puts out a hand to hold Shen Fengchun shoulder, to shaking the head that he smiles: All get up because of me, making me come.” 但没等沈逢春动手,秦石伸手抓住沈逢春的肩膀,冲着他微笑的摇摇头:“一切因我而起,让我来吧。” Qin Shi!” Several People is startled. 秦石!”几人大惊。 But Qin Shi has not responded, he knows that this time, he cannot evade, alone faces forward to take one step, leaps to black market outside, raises head smiled to Sikong Lingnan: Come, I accompany you to hit!” 秦石没有回应,他知道这一次,他不能逃避了,独自朝前迈出一步,跃出到黑市的外面,仰着头冲司空岭南笑了笑:“来吧,我陪你打!” Plants!” “有种!” Just like, Sikong Lingnan imposing manner such as great, covers instantaneously in the sky of entire hawk city, connects his big hand to grasp void, the might of that eight days of boundary, such as the ginger tide is common, thorn to Qin Shi. 俨然,司空岭南的气势如宏,瞬间就覆盖在整个鹰城的上空,接连他的大手虚空一握,那八天之境的威力,如姜潮一般,刺向秦石 !! !!
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