PDL :: Volume #8

#735: Some matters want to ask

„Is he step Jingxian?” “他就是步景贤?” Qin Shi stared staring, sweeping quantity from this old man. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,从这个老者身上扫量。 This old man, is such ordinary, the light from the appearance, does not have what difference with the common old person, but is only that eye, is somewhat different. 这老者,是那样的普通,光从外貌上面,和寻常的老人家没有什么区别,但唯独是那双眼睛,有些不同。 In his look, does not have pollution, not a point by the vicissitudes that the years corrode, instead all over the body bright, was disclosing the light gloss. 在他的眼神里,没有一点浑浊,没有一点被岁月侵蚀的沧桑,反而通体明亮,透露着淡淡的光泽。 But that gloss, such is full of the suction, gathers the entire black market in the pupils of walnut instantaneously, several thousand meters black market such as stops the water to be the same, is instant quiet. 而那份光泽,又是那样充满吸力,瞬间将整个黑市聚集在核桃的眸子间,数万米的黑市如止水一样,刹那沉寂。 Caught up?” “赶上了吗?” Qin Shi spout foul air, after step Jingxian appears, he mentioned that the heart of throat puts down inexplicably. 秦石吐出口浊气,在步景贤出现后,他提到嗓子眼的心莫名放下。 Why does not know, he has a feeling, is this old man appears, today Xing Moyuan their desires must be disillusioned, they did not have the opportunity to strike to kill the great crag again. 不知为何,他有种感觉,就是这老者出现,今日邢墨鸢他们的愿望就要破灭了,他们再也没有机会击杀巨岩了。 Gordon do not know step Jingxian, was blocked the way suddenly, obloquies saying: „Doesn't the old codger who where comes, want to live?” 高登两人不认识步景贤,被突然挡住去路,大骂道:“哪里来的老不死,不想活了吗?” Scram!!” 滚开!” Hao Gang wanted to the gathering spirit, but he has not raised hand, the brow wrinkled suddenly, he discovered that he isn't able to summon spiritual power unexpectedly? Moreover spiritual power in joined bodies was found time, present he is the same like the mortal. 郝刚欲要聚灵,但他尚未举手,眉头猛然皱起,他发现他竟然无法召唤灵力?而且连体内的灵力都被抽空,现在的他就如凡人一样。 Does not know so-called!” “不知所谓!” Step Jingxian's faint shaking the head, his dry hand in chest one revolution, the picture next Eight Diagrams chart, about two strengths, hits Gordon at once one after another fiercely, their statures tremble, one vanishes in the field of vision of people. 步景贤淡漠的摇摇头,旋即他枯手在胸膛一转,画下一个八卦图,接连左右两股力量,猛的击中高登两人,两人的身躯一颤,唰一下就消失在众人的视野中。 Here are not the place that can act unruly, if must hit, get lost to hit!” Step Jingxian's icy hum, stares at once to Xing Moyuan: Xing did Elder, Chaos Domain, prepare to break with my hawk city black market agreement?” “这里可不是们能撒野的地方,若是要打,滚出去打!”步景贤冷冰冰的哼声,旋即凝望向邢墨鸢:“邢长老,难道乱域,准备打破和我鹰城黑市的协议了吗?” Step Jingxian!” “步景贤!” Xing Moyuan trembles, in not confident, only then dreads. 邢墨鸢哆嗦一下,在没有刚才的坦然,只有畏惧。 Deng Kai also hastily opens the mouth, compensates to say with a smile: Step boss, where words you are, we do not break the agreement, this time is only an accident.” 邓凯也连忙开口,赔笑道:“步老板,你这是哪里话,我们可没有要打破协议,这一次只是一个意外。” Accident? Not like? Makes an arrest in my black market, your courage suffice in a big way.” “意外?不像吧?在我黑市里抓人,你们的胆子够大的了。” Step Jingxian ridicules the sound, at once his empty palm wields, the spatial warping of black market, knot of Deng Kai my humble home rocks, changes into the nihility directly. 步景贤讥笑声,旋即他虚掌一挥,黑市的空间扭曲,邓凯舍下的结界晃动一番,直接化为虚无。 Bang! 轰! Ties was shattered, the air/Qi field in black market aggravates suddenly, probably the vault of heaven collapsed was the same, creates the disciples of world group to whin, lying of pain on the ground, Lian Xing Moyuan looked to be pale, explode withdraw from over a hundred meters far. 结界破碎,黑市里的气场突然加重,好像天穹都塌了一样,创世团的弟子哀嚎一声,一个一个痛苦的趴在地上,连邢墨鸢都面露才苍白,爆退出上百米远。 „The constriction of good terrifying!” “好恐怖的压迫感!” Qin Shi one startled, he has not seen step Jingxian to get rid, reverses the original intention qualitative scene? What concept is this? 秦石一惊,他根本没见步景贤出手,就将本意定性的场面扭转?这是什么概念? „Is this ability of territory boundary?” “这就是域境的能力吗?” The Qin Shi heart lives the admiration, that step Jingxian is such optional, but its strength is actually crush , the unruly creation world group, ended the defeat under this strength a moment ago, Xing Moyuan they resists weak resists, the dark forces form the one-sided trend. 秦石心生敬佩,那步景贤是那样的随意,但其力量却是碾压式的,刚才还桀骜不驯的创世团,在这股力量下完败,邢墨鸢他们连抗争都无力抗争,黑势力形成一边倒的趋势。 Only Deng Kai, is good, nine mark Demonic Talisman Master, making his mind very formidable, has not come under the step Jingxian's influence. 唯独邓凯,算是好一些,九纹符魔师,让他的心神非常强大,才没有受到步景贤的影响。 But so, is sweating again and again. 但就如此,也是虚汗连连。 This time, is a lesson, goes back, depending on you, wants to cause trouble in the black market, that is not quite competent, asking you in Chaos Domain the old fogies in territory to come, perhaps somewhat is possible, naturally, the premise is they want with the words that my hawk city black market has no consideration for face.” The pressure has continued for a half minute, step Jingxian the palm gently. “这一次,算是一点教训,回去吧,凭你们,想在黑市闹事,那还不太够资格,叫你们乱域内域的老家伙们过来,或许还有些可能,当然,前提是他们想和我鹰城黑市撕破脸的话。”威压持续了半分钟,步景贤才将掌心轻轻。 Bang! 砰! But here, Deng Kai shifty eyes gather, the psychic force faces forward to find out, the invisible strength winding stops Jingxian. 而在此,邓凯贼眼一合,精神力朝前探出,无形的力量缠绕住步景贤。 Sees this movement, in innumerable will of the people panic-stricken, this Deng was Kai insane? Step Jingxian has let off them, does he also dare to provoke step Jingxian unexpectedly on own initiative? 看见这个动作,无数人心里惊恐,这邓凯难道是疯了吗?步景贤都已经放过他们了,他竟还敢主动去招惹步景贤? Bang! 轰! Step Jingxian is angry immediately, the dark blue white sending temple hikes up calmly: Chaos Domain, do not go too far!” 步景贤顿时大怒,沧白的发鬓无风飘起:“乱域,别欺人太甚!” The word, his big hand grasps, the tremendous strength explodes to shoot, the air in hawk city black market was found time instantaneously, connects his empty shade in a flash, the five fingers to creating the world group grasp void, that strength makes many disciples explode the body to perish, Xing Moyuan vitality tumbles. 言罢,他大手一握,巨大的力量爆射出去,鹰城黑市中的空气瞬间被抽空,接连他虚影一晃,五指冲着创世团虚空握下,那力量之强让不少弟子爆体而亡,邢墨鸢的气血都翻滚起来。 Bang! 砰! Xing Moyuan, Deng Kai people were flown by fierce striking. 邢墨鸢、邓凯众人被猛的击飞。 In over ten thousand meters space, the step Jingxian unique Qingyun, shocks the myriad things depending on strength of the, in these ten thousand meters spaces, all is only him. 上万米的空间中,步景贤独步青云,凭一己之力将万物震撼,在这万米的空间里,一切都只属于他一人。 That is the Venerable prestige of territory boundary. 那是域境的尊威。 Qin Shi stared staring in side, gathering great crag side quietly, he does not want to participate in the confrontation of these old monsters, only wants to take advantage of this opportunity, rescues the great crag: Gives me the hand, I lead you to leave this!” 秦石在旁边瞪了瞪眼,悄然的凑到巨岩身边,他可不想参与这些老妖怪的交锋,只想趁此机会,将巨岩救走:“将手给我,我带你离开这!” Sees Qin Shi, falls down the great crag has gawked the god, at once he stares at Qin Shi for a long time, must as if see through Qin Shi to be the same. 看见秦石,瘫倒在地的巨岩愣了愣神,旋即他凝视了秦石许久,仿佛要看穿秦石一样。 Qin Shi has several points of vacant, rapid [say / way]: Quickly, not a bit faster, without enough time!” 秦石带有几分茫然,急促道:“快一点,再不快点,就来不及了!” Now the situation is stern, the ghost knows that will then have any accident. 如今事态严峻,鬼知道接下来会发生什么变故。 But the great crag shakes the head suddenly, says with a smile: Like, looks like , was really looks like!” 但巨岩突然摇摇头,笑道:“像,真像,真是太像了!” What were you saying?” Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “你在说什么呢?”秦石不解道。 Nothing.” Shaking the head that the great crag feels relaxed, less than a half second of time, probably had completely understood the bustling place past events are the same, he grabs the hand of Qin Shi suddenly, but did not call Qin Shi to save him to leave, but with vigorously, drew Qin Shi to him side: Little brother, I was incurable, Chaos Domain this time, has gotten down the initial capital, but you can appear, it seems like day I, asked you unceasingly, complied with my matter!” “没什么。”巨岩释然的摇摇头,前后不到半秒的功夫,好像看透了红尘往事一样,他突然抓住秦石的手,但并不是叫秦石救他离开,而是用大力,将秦石拉到他身边:“小兄弟,我没救了,乱域这一次,是真的下了血本,但是你能出现,看来天不绝我,求你,答应我一件事!” What matter?” Qin Shi knits the brows to say. “什么事?”秦石皱眉道。 The great crag clenched teeth, suddenly takes out a spirit grass in the space ring, that spirit grass glitters is dazzling the color ray, the interior is full of very strength quite the same as, gives Qin Shi: This is the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, I give you him now, you must promise me, helping me preserve.” 巨岩咬了咬牙,突然在空间戒指里取出一株灵草,那灵草闪烁着炫彩光芒,内部充满非常浑然的力量,递给秦石:“这是彩霞云灵芝,我现在将他给你,你要答应我,帮我保存好。” Pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum?” Qin Shi surprised stares the big eye. “彩霞云灵芝?”秦石惊讶的瞪大眼睛。 Right, promises me, must promise me, regardless has anything, do not give Chaos Domain it, even if to having no recourse, it destroying!” Great crag entreaty grabs the hand of Qin Shi. “没错,答应我,一定要答应我,无论发生什么,都不要将它交给乱域,哪怕到了迫不得已,将它给摧毁掉!”巨岩哀求的抓着秦石的手。 Looks at the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, all of a sudden, Qin Shi does not know unexpectedly should not know what to do. 看着彩霞云灵芝,一下子,秦石竟不知该如何是好。 All beginning to end, all are because this spirit grass, this spirit grass so is really precious? Actually does this spirit grass have what significance? 一切的始末,全都是因为这株灵草,这株灵草真的就这么珍贵吗?这灵草究竟有什么意义? Qin Shi question: Why is I?” 秦石问句:“为什么是我?” He he, perhaps is, you look like with that person very much.” The great crag shakes the head, smiles the sentence: Kid, seeing Yuwen dead young, you told him for me, my great crag this whole life did not owe others anything, his assigned me also gives back to him, this whole life brothers arrived at this, asking him the next generation certainly to look for me, we were competing with!” “呵呵,或许是,你和那个人很像吧。”巨岩摇摇头,笑句:“小家伙,看见宇文殇,你替我告诉他,我巨岩这辈子不欠别人什么,他的那条命我也算是还给他了,这辈子兄弟就走到这了,叫他下辈子一定来找我,我们在比试一番!” Speaking of finally, his laughter was even more frivolous. 说到最后,他的笑声越发轻狂。 At once, his palm, shakes Qin Shi with a supple strength unexpectedly draws back one step, dragging such as the distressed body shade of remaining years of life to run out of the black market, escapes the vault of heaven. 旋即,他手掌一番,竟用一股柔力将秦石震退一步,拖着如残烛的狼狈躯影冲出黑市,遁上天穹。 On the vault of heaven, step Jingxian and Xing Moyuan people play chess, the step Jingxian's look is faint throughout, as if on this day within does not have anything to bring back his heartstrings, with caring. 在天穹上,步景贤和邢墨鸢众人对弈,步景贤的神色始终淡漠,仿佛这天地间没有什么能勾起他的心弦,和在意。 But in this type faint, Xing Moyuan and the others the heart sinking valley, in ten thousand meters space, an invisible strength throughout the crush, making them not dare to breathe heavily the atmosphere. 而在这种淡漠下,邢墨鸢等人却心沉谷底,在万米的空间里,一股无形的力量始终碾压,让他们连大气都不敢喘一下。 Step boss, gives us great crag, our Chaos Domain is willing to pay the huge price to compensate you.” Xing Moyuan implored. “步老板,将巨岩交给我们吧,我们乱域愿意出巨大的价格来补偿你。”邢墨鸢祈求道。 Step Jingxian shakes the head: This is not issue of compensation, but is the matter of principle, the rule of hawk city black market cannot break, looked in face that in your Chaos Domain offends, this time I can not investigate that you walk.” 步景贤摇摇头:“这不是补偿的问题,而是原则问题,鹰城黑市的规则不能破,看在你们乱域触犯的面子上,这一次我可以不追究,你们走吧。” You!” “你!” Xing Moyuan closes tightly jaw: Step boss, you leaves goes too far, although your cultivation to be very strong, but has not been in able to move unhindered the situations in eight territories, if compels anxiously me us, that consequence you cannot undertake.” 邢墨鸢咬紧牙关:“步老板,你别太过分,虽然你的修为很强,但也没到纵横八域的地步,如果真的将我们逼急我,那后果你承担不起。” Ha Ha, my step Jingxian, this whole life has not known any consequence, is matter that I cannot undertake!” Step Jingxian's aura change, sound callous. “哈哈,我步景贤,这辈子还不知道什么后果,是我承担不起的事!”步景贤的气息变化,声音冷酷 But regarding this, Xing Moyuan several people are poverty-stricken. 而对此,邢墨鸢几人窘迫。 Step Jingxian does not yield, they absolutely cannot carry off the great crag today, now step Jingxian has not erupted, if step Jingxian begins, in that these ten thousand meters will turn into the dust immediately. 步景贤不让步,那他们今天就绝对带不走巨岩,现在步景贤还没有爆发,如果步景贤真的动手,那这万米中马上就会变成尘埃。 ! 咻! But in people anxious, the great crag jumps onto suddenly, his whole face chuckle, does not have slight fear. 但在众人紧张中,巨岩突然跃上,他满脸轻笑,没有丝毫的畏惧。 Great crag?” “巨岩?” Sees the great crag, people very surprise, he knows obviously, so long as hides in the black market, Xing Moyuan they how him, but at this time flushed? 看见巨岩,众人十分诧异,他明明知道只要躲在黑市,那邢墨鸢他们就奈何不了他,但怎么这个时候又冲出来了? Step Jingxian knit the brows, the great crag looks back to look to him, holds the fist in the other hand smiles: Step boss, many thanks your assisting, although I do not know that because of me , because the black market rule cannot break, but is I put to trouble to you after all, makes me solve.” 步景贤皱了皱眉,巨岩回首看向他,抱拳一笑:“步老板,多谢您的相助,虽然我知道不是因为我,是因为黑市的规则不能破,但毕竟是我给你添了麻烦,就让我自己来解决吧。” The word, he looks back on the surface toward Xing Moyuan: „Does Xing ghost, want my life? Has the skill you to come to take!” 言罢,他回首面朝邢墨鸢:“邢老鬼,想要我的命是吗?有本事你们就过来取吧!” Xing Moyuan people look one happy: Step boss, leaves the black market, the words here, you had no right to meddle probably, here was the jurisdiction of my Chaos Domain, be not looking for trouble for oneself!” 邢墨鸢众人神色一喜:“步老板,离开黑市,在这里的话,你好像就无权插手了,这里是我乱域的管辖,别在给自己找麻烦!” Begins!” “动手!” Xing Moyuan does not dare to delay, for fear that the great crag is running back the black market. 邢墨鸢不敢耽搁,生怕巨岩在跑回黑市。 Gao Deng, Hao Gang, as well as over a hundred creation world group disciples exploded shoot to saying, encircled the body of great crag all round. 高登、郝刚、以及上百的创世团弟子爆射冲云,将巨岩的身躯团团围剿。 But is also this time, the great rocky spit angle raises wipes the strange smiling face, when the people are away from his hundred meters, his lifting up high right hand suddenly. 但也是这个功夫,巨岩嘴角扬起抹诡异的笑容,就在众人距离他百米时,他突然间的高举右手。 „Does Chaos Domain, want to kill me? It is not easy, my great crag today is in the life this certainly, but will not make you feel better, everyone / influential family together dies in this!” Smiling of great crag has alarmed people, but this is only a start. 乱域,想杀我吗?没那么容易,我巨岩今日就是命里该绝,但也绝不会让你们好受,大家就一起死在这吧!”巨岩的笑惊动了众人,而这只是个开始。 Makes the people feel that what truly is terrified, his following movement. 真正让众人感到悚然的是,他接下来的动作。 His five fingers open and close, nine palace error run out of the forehead, the strength in each palace error is very wild, like ignited bomb, the unceasing beat, has the possibility of explosion anytime. 他五指开合,九座宫阙冲出眉心,每一座宫阙中的力量都十分狂暴,像是被引燃的炸弹一样,不断的跳动,随时都有爆炸的可能。 Realizes this, countless people one startled: This movement, does this great crag want from exploding?” 察觉这一幕,无数人一惊:“这动作,这巨岩难道想要自爆?” The people pupil shrinks, subconscious exploding draws back the kilometer, Qin Shi also frowned under, in the hand is grasping that pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, constraining that cannot say. 众人瞳孔一缩,下意识的爆退千米,秦石在下面也皱起眉头,手中握着那株彩霞云灵芝,有一股说不上的压抑。 Damn, blocks him quickly!” Xing Moyuan rapid drinking sound. “该死,快拦住他!”邢墨鸢急促的喝声。 But he late, the great crag whole body by the rock package, one after another dazzling ray had been tucked up the cloud layer, tears the air, the giant rebellion flashes. 而他还是晚了,巨岩全身被岩石包裹,一道一道刺目的光线撩开云层,将空气都撕裂开,巨大的暴动闪动。 Yuwen dies young, owes your time, was thoroughly also you, gave me to take care of your woman well, did not want to make her receive to injure!” “宇文殇,欠你的这一次,算是彻底还你了,给我好好照顾好你的女人,不要在让她受到伤害了!” !! !!
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