PDL :: Volume #8

#734: Step Jingxian

In the distant place, Qin Shi worries for great crag, the reason has two points, the first point, he and Xing Moyuan, created the hatred of world group already not to melt, he does not think that Xing Moyuan completed the task, in smooth since territory. 在远处,秦石替巨岩捏了把冷汗,原因有两点,第一点,他和邢墨鸢、创世团的仇恨早已不可化解,他可不想邢墨鸢完成任务,在顺利的进入内域。 Second, after hearing the Kong Xianhui words, he raises for several points to admire to the great crag, he did not think that this type has the person of true feelings, will make the matter of that being perfidious, in this definitely has the misunderstanding, or is the plot, is in territory these old monsters, these high-level clever tricks. 第二点,是从听闻孔贤慧的话以后,他对巨岩升起几分敬佩,他不觉得这种拥有真情之人,会做出那种背信弃义的事,这里面肯定有误会,或者说是阴谋,是内域那些老妖怪,那些高层的诡计。 Although he also once had a hanging curtain to that 5 million reward, but the gentleman is avaricious, will take being correct, Qin Shi will not turn back on own conscience. 虽然他也曾对那5000000的奖励有所垂帘,但君子爱财,取之有道,秦石不会违背自己的良心。 He looks to central, that section in confusion. 他望向中央,那狼藉的地段。 He is not worried about Xu Jingbo but actually, although the strengths of three revolutions of polar bears are astonishing, but must have the shortcoming advantageously, in Xiong Lei the speed, is the fatal lameness, in addition cultivation of great crag is the suppression, should be able to cope, truly what makes his anxious is, that Gordon who has not gotten rid in behind. 他倒不担心徐靖博,虽然三转白熊的力量惊人,但有利必有弊,熊类的速度上,是致命的瘸腿,加上巨岩的修为压制,应该能够对付,真正让他紧张的是,那个在后面尚未出手的高登。 That fierce poisonous scorpion, ruthless offense vision. 那一身狰狞的毒蝎,狠戾的目光。 Because he knows, after demon Fu Mohua, Gordon's cultivation to really have actually achieved day of summit Seven Rank, even under the Desolate Beast body and spirit, he must exceed great crag several points. 因为他知道,经过魔符魔化以后,高登的修为却是真实的达到了天巅七层,甚至在荒兽的体魄下,他还要胜过巨岩几分。 Bang! 轰! The fist palm to bumping, must be broken including the entire world probably is the same, the great crag did not have the beforehand relaxedness, with Xu Jingbo confrontation, he does not meet the tough head-on with toughness in the choice, but is the superiority of display speed. 拳掌对碰,好像连寰宇都要被震碎一样,巨岩没了之前的轻松,和徐靖博的交锋下,他不在选择硬碰硬,而是发挥速度的优势。 Palace error sacrifice!” “宫阙・祭!” Nine rock palace error lift off, the strength union of imperial palace error, is very fearful, on the great crag body surface, exposes the rock helmet and armor, back rock wing, each inch soul-stirring, swings the person heartstrings. 九枚岩石宫阙升空,九宫阙的力量结合,是非常可怕的,在巨岩体表上,展露出岩石盔甲,背后的岩石羽翼,每一寸都惊心动魄,荡人心弦。 Shi Yu shakes, hurricane moves, he jumps onto hundred meters fiercely, strikes to cross Xu Jingbo, connects his palm flood the faint yellow light, counts on the fingers a ball, projects like the shell gravel one after another. 石羽一震,一股飓风吹动,他猛的跃上百米,一击越过徐靖博,接连他掌心泛起淡黄色的光影,屈指一弹,一枚一枚如炮弹般的石子射出。 These gravel, are not the common gravel, the material that but forms by the spiritual power compression under highly, leaves far away can also see these strange grains to wind from above, is such mysterious. 这些石子,可不是寻常石子,而是由灵力高度压缩下形成的物质,离着老远还能从上面看见那些古怪的纹络,是那样神奇。 Bang! 轰隆! Xu Jingbo bear waist was hit several, staggering rocks several steps, but this is also only a start, the empty shade of great crag in a flash, leaves behind a remnant shade in Xu Jingbo surroundings, this remnant shade cannot distinguish the genuine and fake Qin Shi, the number injects by the gravel of thousand various schemes from out of the blue. 徐靖博的熊腰被击中好几下,踉跄的晃动几步,而这还只是个开始,巨岩的虚影一晃,在徐靖博的周围留下一圈残影,这一圈残影连秦石都分辨不出真假,数以千百计的石子破空射入。 The bear body of Xu Jingbo hundred zhang (333m), looks like the living target is the same, is the target of public criticism. 徐靖博百丈的熊身,就像是活靶子一样,众矢之的。 Roar --!” “吼--!” If Xu Jingbo rushes to calling out of thunder, the gigantic fist shells carelessly. 徐靖博如奔雷的嚎叫,硕大的拳头胡乱轰击。 The black market was chaotic, thorough was chaotic. 黑市乱了,彻底乱了。 The peak showdown of day summit boundary, the barrier central smashing that Deng Kai sets up, full is the sores. 天巅境的巅峰对决,将邓凯设立的屏障中央粉碎,满是疮痍。 But all these, when Gordon personal appearance moves will be broken, Gordon's scorpion tail flings, has to sweep away the meanings of thousand armed forces greatly, defeats great crag dozens remnant shades. 而这一切,在高登身形挪动时将被打破,高登的蝎尾一甩,大有横扫千军的意思,将巨岩数十道残影击破。 Bang! 砰! On his scorpion tail point, but also is glittering the purple fog, like one group of evil spirits toxic gas, earth serious corrosion. 在他的蝎尾尖上,还闪烁着紫色云雾,像一团凶煞的毒气一样,将大地严重的腐蚀。 The fishy smell of irritating the nose made many people knit the brows. 刺鼻的腥味令不少人皱了皱眉。 Bang! 轰! The great crag flies upside down under Gordon's forcing suddenly, left arm by piercing maliciously. 巨岩在高登的逼迫下骤然倒飞,左臂被狠狠的刺穿。 Other ink marks, finished!” Gao Deng sneers, this minute such as a century is equally long-time, Hao Gang in behind swinging snake body, moved. “别墨迹了,结束吧!”高登冷笑一声,这一分钟如一个世纪一样长久,郝刚在后面摆动蛇身,也动了起来。 Three people unite once more, before the strength is actually several times, Hao Gang very drew out the snake head, the mouth spits the snake letter, black violently poisonous Lian Xuantie can melt, are sending out the odor exploded unceasingly shoots. 三人再次联合,实力却是之前的几倍,郝刚挺起蛇首,口吐蛇信,黑色的剧毒连玄铁都能融化,散发着恶臭的不断爆射。 Bang! 轰! A great crag body revolution, gigantic rock big hand to Hao Gangzhua, but the rock was melted the honeycomb by the venom quickly, a hole hole was distressed. 巨岩身躯一转,硕大的岩石大手冲着郝刚抓下,但岩石很快就被毒液融成蜂窝,一个窟窿一个窟窿的狼狈极了。 His big foot stamps, wants to dodge to draw back once more, but Gordon does not know when has circled to his, the giant pliers make an effort to cut the space, that opening one after another, likely path to abyss, fierce cuts in the great crag chest. 他大脚一跺,想再次闪退,但高登不知何时已经绕到他的身后,巨大的钳子用力划破空间,那一道一道的裂口,像是通往深渊的道路,猛的在巨岩胸膛划开。 Bang! 砰! Great crag thoroughly by severe wound, palace error armor disruption. 巨岩彻底被重伤,宫阙铠甲碎裂。 But he has not given up, he does not need to win, so long as endured this minute well, but is one minute, now is too difficult to him. 但他没放弃,他不需要赢,只要熬过这一分钟就好,但就是一分钟,对他现在来讲都太难了。 The speed of day summit boundary, almost can look disdainfully with the speed of light, pursues the lightning, one minute, enough three people get rid over a hundred times. 天巅境的速度,几乎可以和光速睥睨,追逐闪电,一分钟,足够三人出手上百次。 Bang! 轰隆! In the great crag mouth spurts the blood, Qin Shi cannot repress from behind, wants to go forward, but some Kong Xianhui as if early expectations, are sideways to block him: Do not meddle, otherwise you will die, this time I blow out fully, I could not help you, I cannot make you take risk.” 巨岩口中喷血,秦石从后面按耐不住,想要上前,但孔贤慧仿佛早有预料,侧身将他挡住:“不要插手,否则你会死的,这一次就算我爆出全力,我也帮不了你,我不能让你在冒险了。” The Qin Shi fierce pinching tightly fist, the Kong Xianhui words he knows that depending on his cultivation is, in this crowd of person eyes, is the ants that does not dare to strike. 秦石猛的捏紧拳,孔贤慧的话他知道,凭他的修为,在这群人眼里,就是一个不敢一击的蝼蚁。 Do not be worried that matter such conclusion easily, the great crag was not will be delaying that minute, but and other person.” Kong Xianhui comforting said: Black market had such big matter, that person will definitely not stand by, by the disposition of that person, is very it is estimated that difficult to be friendly today!” “你也别担心,事情不会这么轻易的结束,巨岩并不是在拖延那一分钟,而是在等一个人。”孔贤慧安抚道:“黑市出了这么大的事,那个人肯定不会袖手旁观,以那个人的性格,估计今日很难善了!” „Is that person who you said who?” Qin Shi surprise question. “你说的那个人是谁?”秦石诧异的问句 The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is dignified, bird's eye view black market: Hawk city black market boss, step Jingxian!” 孔贤慧黛眉凝重,俯瞰黑市:“鹰城黑市的老板,步景贤!” Step Jingxian?” Qin Shi knit the brows. “步景贤?”秦石皱了皱眉。 Um, look, that person must come immediately, after he arrives at this, all will have the tremendous changes, reason that Xing Moyuan several people urgent, not because of that three minutes, but is step Jingxian's existence, that is the fellow who eight territories must give precedence out of courtesy continually.” Kong Xianhui serious [say / way]. “嗯,看着吧,那个人马上就要来了,等到他来到这以后,一切都会发生翻天覆地的变化,邢墨鸢几人之所以急迫,也不是因为那三分钟,而是步景贤的存在,那可是连八域都要礼让的家伙。”孔贤慧郑重道。 Qin Shi hear that, is believed by oneself diligently, by oneself was calmed down, to throw the vision toward the central battlefield once again. 秦石闻言,努力让自己相信,让自己冷静下来,再度朝着中央的战场抛去目光。 Hope can catch up.” “希望能赶上吧。” Why does not know, he too does not want to make the great crag die. 不知为何,他不太想让巨岩死。 The pressure of great crag is getting bigger and bigger, Gordon, Hao Gang, Xu Jingbo three collaborated, the strength under the stimulation of movement of demon symbol was enormous, the Gordon empty shade in a flash, one fled to the great crag behind, the scorpion tail ripped open the space, condensed a purple shell in 1 : 00. 巨岩的压力越来越大,高登,郝刚,徐靖博三者联手,在魔符的催动下力量极大,高登虚影一晃,一下窜到巨岩身后,蝎子尾巴撕开空间,在一点上凝聚出一颗紫色的炮弹。 Under the shell twinkle, Hao Gang very drew out the snake head, the blowout is sending out the mucilage of toxic gas, fused in the shell on that scorpion tail, both had the terrifying instantaneously the mighty waves, rippled including the air. 炮弹闪烁下,郝刚挺起蛇首,喷出散发着毒气的粘液,融合进那蝎尾上的炮弹中,两者瞬间产生恐怖的波澜,连空气都荡漾起来。 Hey, the great crag, finished!” “嘿嘿,巨岩,结束了!” Gordon's fierce low drinks the sound, shoots the shell fierce birthplace, strikes to hit on the left arm of great crag. 高登狰狞的低喝声,将炮弹猛的贯射出去,一击击中在巨岩的左臂上。 Bang! 砰! The great crag was shaken flies, rolled from the ground continually three, very when sets out, his left arm has paralyzed, the intense corrosion gas overflows. 巨岩被震飞,从地上连滚了三圈,挺起身时,他的左臂已经瘫痪了,强烈的腐蚀气体溢出。 The Qin Shi complexion is ugly: Is the snake venom?” 秦石的脸色难看下来:“是蛇毒?” Not only so, all phenomena on earth poisonous scorpion is in itself also the violently poisonous thing, this two venom fusions, are fearful, even if the day summit big energy, if no antidote, perhaps also the brace is about seven seconds!” “不光如此,万象毒蝎本身也是剧毒之物,这一次两种毒液融合,更是可怕至极,就算是天巅大能,若是没有解药的话,恐怕也撑不过七秒!” Shaking the head that quiet azure sighed: Great crag time was ends!” 幽青叹息的摇摇头:“巨岩这次算是完了!” Bang! 砰! But on this time, in black market suddenly in an uproar, startled the color to raise in the eye pupils of countless person, seeing the great crag following movement, Qin Shi several people to jump to set out directly, cannot halt. 但就这时,黑市中突然哗然,骇色在无数人的眼眸里升起,看见巨岩接下来的动作,秦石几人直接跳起身,站不住了。 The great crag is very resolute, right hand Cheng Ren, holds up then cuts off the left arm, the black bloodstain sprays in the artery, looks around person is fearful and apprehensive. 巨岩十分果决,右手成刃,举起便将左臂斩断,黑色的血迹在动脉里喷洒,看着旁边的人都是心惊肉跳。 That is own arm, said that chopped chops? 那可是自己的手臂啊,说砍就砍了? Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, the eyelid beats several, raises to the guy of this simple and crude several points of respect, just that seemed like the simple movement, was no one has the matter that the courage and courage did. 秦石捏紧拳,眼皮跳动几下,对这个简单粗暴的大汉又升起几分敬意,就刚刚那个看似简单的动作,可不是谁都有勇气和胆魄做出来的事。 Wants father's life? It is not good depending on your several babies!” The great crag drags the remnant arm to laugh wildly the sentence, fights an intent more ruthless offense. “想要老子的命?光凭你们几个小娃娃可不行!”巨岩拖着残臂狂笑句,战意更加狠戾。 Has saying that Gordon several people were frightened by the great crag, in movement slow a racket, but the expert showdown, patted then suffices. 不得不说,高登几人被巨岩震慑住了,动作上缓慢了一拍,但高手对决,一拍便够了。 Bang! 砰! Great crag control rock, forms to raise hand in right hands, held Hao Gang snake tail, pulled up the big foot, forcibly the death hole of stepping snake, seven cuns (2.5cm) place. 巨岩操控岩石,在右手间形成举手,一把抓住郝刚的蛇尾,拔起大脚,用力的踩住蛇的死穴,七寸之处。 Crag Beng seal!” “岩崩印!” Six glow flash, a mark of nihility dodges, a hundred zhang (333m) high Mount Tai blows out, crush altogether to Hao Gang, Hao Gang snake body twitched fiercely several, the beastly nature in within the body was struck the powder directly, changed into the person, Bang flew upside down over a hundred meters far. 六芒闪动,一个虚无的印记一闪,一座百丈高的泰山爆出,一股脑的碾压向郝刚,郝刚的蛇身剧烈抽搐几下,体内的兽性直接被击散,化为人身,砰一声倒飞出上百米远。 Bang! 轰隆! Hao Gang departed, drinking sound that Xu Jingbo was worried about, but has not waited for him to respond, great crag effort held his gigantic bear brain: I have said that the father wants crumb your heads!” 郝刚飞出,徐靖博担心的喝声,而没等他反应过来,巨岩一手用力的抓住他硕大的熊脑:“我说过,老子要捏碎你们的脑袋!” Bang! 砰! Vigorously, Xu Jingbo ** departs, originally overwhelming superiority three people, moment on remaining Gordon. 大力下,徐靖博**飞出,本来绝对优势的三人,片刻就剩下高登一人。 But this had not finished, the great Iwate arm flings, turns round to stare to Gordon: Then, this you, wild boy!” 而这还没有结束,巨岩手臂一甩,回身就瞪向高登:“接下来,该你了,猖狂的小子!” Gordon had been scared by imposing manner of great crag, suddenly unexpectedly has forgotten the resistance, hastily after dodges to draw back several steps. 高登被巨岩的气势吓坏了,一时间竟忘了抵抗,连忙朝后闪退几步。 „To run?” “想跑?” But the great crag does not give him the opportunity, quickly, body originally changes into the rock, fleshly body indifferent reappearing in Gordon front, the gigantic rock great hand is the same like the meteor, during spatial rubs the spark, hits hard. 但巨岩可不给他机会,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,原本的身躯化为岩石,肉身漠然的浮现在高登胸前,硕大的岩石巨手如陨星一样,和空期间都摩擦出火花,重击下去。 Very strong!” Qin Shi but actually suction port cold air/Qi. “好强!”秦石倒吸口冷气。 This great crag, simply is the murder machine. 这巨岩,简直就是个杀人机器。 Baby, knows when to stop.” But when great crag performance one-man show, Deng Kai of distant place shakes the head, the dry hand holds up, ten fingers open and close with the middle finger slightly, two air waves same puncture like sword-light: Has abandoned my three demon symbols, if in cannot surrender you, that may really be loses disgraced in a big way.” “小娃娃,适可而止吧。”而就在巨岩上演独角戏时,远处的邓凯摇摇头,枯手举起,十指和中指微微开合,两股气浪如剑光一样刺出:“废了我三道魔符,若是在不能降服你,那可真是丢人丢大了。” Bang! 轰! The great crag was covered by the air wave, tiger body intense shivers several, his vision indifferently one black, Sea of Consciousness by that intense psychic force influence. 巨岩被气浪笼罩,虎躯强烈的颤抖几下,他的目光漠然一黑,识海被那强烈的精神力影响。 While this Kung Fu, Gaodeng recovers: I have killed you!” 趁此功夫,高登回过神来:“我杀了你!” The scorpion tail flings, brushes in the chest of great crag, at once is several rib break sounds, Hao Gang also crawled to set out in the distant place, the hand imprint kneaded together rapidly, the flame became the long line is the same, prolonged spraying. 蝎尾一甩,抽打在巨岩的胸膛,旋即就是几根肋骨断裂声,郝刚在远处也爬起身,手印迅速捏合,火焰成长龙一样,绵长喷射。 Revenges to Xu Jingbo!” “给徐靖博报仇!” Falling that the consecutively two strengths, great crag dodges turns in the place, a bright red bloodstain incarnadine chest, several devastations, he finally to limit. 连续两股力量,巨岩躲闪不及的摔翻在地,一口嫣红的血迹染红胸口,几番的摧残,他终是到了极限。 Bang! 轰隆! The rib break of great crag, blood became dark slightly, although he has cut off the left arm, but has also achieved the dragging, now the toxicity must manifest suddenly, he gave up the resistance: Hey, kills one person, calculated the value?” 巨岩的肋骨断裂,血液已经微微发黑,尽管他斩断了左臂,但也只是做到了拖延而已,现在毒性就要发作,他放弃了抵抗:“嘿嘿,杀死一人,也算值了吧?” In his eyes does not have the scared look, but somewhat was not resigned and self-ridiculed: Yuwen dies young, can help your, if you also protect are not good your woman, that you came to below, I could not forgive you!” 他眼里没有惧色,但是有几分不甘心和自嘲:“宇文殇,能帮你的就这些了,如果你还保护不好你的女人,那等你来了下面,我饶不了你!” The word, he closed glances. 言罢,他闭合上眼。 Shout! 呼! In the people turn very quiet , an invisible cold wind rolls up and pushes along, the old form reappears together slightly, strangeness that very he presents, nobody sees him from where. 而在众人屏住呼吸中,一道无形的冷风卷动,一道苍老的身影微微浮现,他出现的十分诡异,没有人看见他是从何处而来。 But he stood before the great crag body. 但他就是站在了巨岩身前。 In my hawk city black market, that cannot the deceased person, this custom everyone is unchangeable.” The old men alone were facing Gordon, Hao Gang both, Xing Moyuan and Deng Kai people, actually a calm of face, smiled. “在我鹰城黑市,那可是不能死人,这个规矩谁也不能改变。”老者独自面对着高登,郝刚两者,邢墨鸢及邓凯众人,却一脸的从容,轻轻一笑。 Step Jingxian?” “步景贤?” !! !!
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