PDL :: Volume #8

#733: Nine mark demon symbol

Depending on presently in situation in field, let alone is three minutes carries off the great crag, can the Gordon three people in great Iwate insist that three minutes were two said. 凭现在场上的情况,别说是三分钟带走巨岩,高登三人能不能在巨岩手上坚持三分钟都是两说。 Bang! 砰! The black market transmits the fierce explosive. 黑市传来剧烈的爆响。 Gordon big hand wields, the rock of under foot shivers several, the muscle of whole body rises suddenly suddenly, the blue vein rolls, like a poisonous snake, his body in a flash, displays at once with his build extremely incompatible speed. 高登大手一挥,脚下的岩石颤动几下,全身的肌肉猛然暴涨,青筋滚动,像一条毒蛇一样,旋即他身躯一晃,施展出和他体型极为不符的速度。 Looks at this flexible fatty, Qin Shi remembers the congealing rain. 看着这灵活的胖子,秦石不由想起凝雨。 Bang! 轰隆! Gordon just wanted to withdraw, Hao Gang with the Xu Jingbo two wing converging attack, a person of fist, in the fist wind thunder and lightning crash, sprayed the raging fire, hit hard toward the great crag chest. 高登刚欲退后,郝刚和徐靖博两翼夹击,一人一拳,拳风上雷电交加,喷射烈火,朝着巨岩胸口就重击下去。 These two fists sink very much, was torn including the cold wind. 这两拳很沉,连冷风都被撕裂。 The slight fever warm current throws great crag, his look sinks, huh: Acts recklessly!” The word, his sharply stops, the body such as an image of Buddha is the same, stable standing erect in same place, then the rough big foot pulls up, makes an effort to stamp. 微热的暖流扑上巨岩,他眼神一沉,哼哧一声:“不知死活!”言罢,他一个急停,身躯如一尊佛像一样,稳固的矗立在原地,而后粗犷的大脚拔起,用力一跺。 Bang! 轰! An invisible surfing extends to expand, frightens toward eight sides. 一股无形的冲浪延绵扩开,朝八方震慑。 Hao Gang trembled with Xu Jingbo tiger body, the body of approaching one stiffly in same place, the people looked carefully, in the great crag surrounding air, fluttered unexpectedly the innumerable sandstorm, that sandstorm reduced the density of air firmly, the invisible fabricated gas, turned into the indestructible protecting shield all of a sudden. 郝刚和徐靖博虎躯一颤,逼近的身躯一下僵硬在原地,众人仔细一瞧,在巨岩周围的空气里,竟然飘动起无数风沙,那风沙将空气的密度牢牢压缩,本来无形的虚妄气体,一下子变成坚不可摧的护盾。 But this had not finished, the great crag half step transfers, held Hao Gang wrist, the innumerable travel fatigue gatherings, his palm suddenly turned into the firm rock superhuman hand, hundred meters, made an effort to grasp. 而这还没有结束,巨岩半步挪移,一把抓住郝刚的手腕,无数风尘汇聚,他的手掌一刹那间就变成坚固的岩石巨掌,足足有百米,用力一握。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Hao Gang arm by crumb, was the smashing. 郝刚的手骨被生生捏碎,是粉碎。 Volume!” The whinning sound of Hao Gang pain, the back wing shook, spells works loose the great crag that tried, a face was angry: Great crag, you dare to injure me!” “额啊!”郝刚痛苦的哀嚎声,背后的羽翼一震,拼尽全力的挣脱巨岩,一脸愤怒:“巨岩,你敢伤我!” Hey, injures you to be light, has to plant you, I ensure cannot let slip, certainly will pinch to explode your head!” The great crag sound is very thick, the words that spoke is also very thick, likely is not a innate skill remarkable day summit big energy, gives the race actually the feeling of hoodlum vagabond. “嘿嘿,伤你是轻的,有种你在过来,我保证不会失手,一定会捏爆你的脑袋!”巨岩声音很粗,说的话也很粗,一点不像是一个天赋卓越的天巅大能,倒是给人种流氓地痞的感觉。 But also this, making Qin Shi of distant place knit the brows. 但也正是这样,令远处的秦石皱了皱眉。 He faces forward to take one step, enters in Deng Kai's barrier, at once the revolution psychic force, induces from the surroundings of this great crag to true feelings unexpectedly reveals. 他朝前迈出一步,进入邓凯的屏障内,旋即运转精神力,竟从这巨岩的周围感应到一股真情流露。 He discovered that although this great crag the long devils, the sound is uncouthly, but the side does not have any vicious tendencies, with that unpardonably wicked cruel, handling matters of great crag is instead broad and level, is not artificial, occasionally can also see several points of rigid from his look, with warm. 他发现,这巨岩虽然长的凶神恶煞,声音粗鲁不羁,但身边却没有任何戾气,和那种十恶不赦的暴戾,反而巨岩的处事坦荡,丝毫不做作,从他的眼神里偶尔还能看见几分执着,和热情。 Qin Shi accident is thinking at heart: This enthusiasm what's the matter? Looks carefully, this fatty but actually likely is not an unprincipled person, otherwise that vicious tendencies, should unable to cover up.” 秦石意外的在心里想:“这股热情是怎么回事?仔细一瞧,这胖子倒并不像是坏人,否则那股戾气,应该是遮掩不住的。” From achieving soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, Qin Shi can induce the person personal character field, he still remembers now that to the reform, simplification and Jane Zhun, Sikong Lingnan and including Gordon several people on the scene, many somewhat ominous strength, that ominous strength originates in the bone, did not say that can hide hides, but on the body of this great crag, his actually anything could not feel. 从达到魂咒符魔师,秦石就能感应人体气场,他现在还记得,向维新、简化、简准、司空岭南、包括在场的高登几人身上,多少都有几分凶力,那一股凶力是来源于骨子里,不是说能够隐藏就隐藏的,但在这巨岩的身上,他却什么也感觉不到。 Virtuous, is this great crag, what person?” Qin Shi curious question. “贤惠,这巨岩,是一个什么样的人?”秦石好奇的问句 The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is light, said: He? Except that in practice some innate skill, what other is a careless person, he does not have what plans, works the simple and crude, a little sticks to one's own way of doing things, but the human actually does not go bad, I remember for three years ago, Yuwen dies young since territory, he felt that is not convinced, asked Yuwen dead young to fight one, finally died young to defeat by Yuwen, but he like the average man, because of defeating to be annoying, instead died young to admire to Yuwen.” 孔贤慧黛眉轻蹙,道:“他吗?除了修炼上有些天赋,其余的算是一个粗人吧,他没有什么心机,做事来简单粗暴,有一点我行我素,但人却是不坏,我记得三年前,宇文殇进入内域,他感觉到不服气,就找宇文殇打了一架,结果被宇文殇战败,但他并没有像常人一样,因为战败而懊恼,反而对宇文殇佩服有加。” I remember, when once his breakthrough Qi Deviation, Yuwen dies young has also rescued his life , helping his successful comforting in within the body hot tempered courage vigor, after that their relations are also good, he and Yuwen died young saying that his life was Yuwen dies young to rescue, he owed Yuwen dead young a life.” “我记得,有一次他突破走火入魔,宇文殇还救过他的命,帮他成功的安抚住体内暴躁的血气,自那之后两人的关系也挺好,他和宇文殇说过,他的命是宇文殇救的,他欠宇文殇一条命。” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi is more accidental, from the Kong Xianhui words, this great crag likely is not the evil person, instead is a very sincere fellow, will this fellow reduce to the so distressed situation? 秦石更加意外,从孔贤慧的话中来看,这巨岩更不像是恶人,反而是个很真挚的家伙,这种家伙怎么会沦落到这般狼狈的地步? The confrontation is unceasing, the black market center, a great crag person, two legs are the same like Mount Tai, reliable standing on the ground, has one man guards the pass greatly, the meaning that Yorozuo opens. 交锋不断,黑市中央,巨岩一人,两腿如泰山一样,牢固的立在地上,大有一夫当关,万夫莫开的意思。 Gordon three people of strenuous clenching teeth, the body received the injuries of varying degrees, three people of Lian Juyan body did not approach. 高登三人吃力的咬咬牙,身上都受了不同程度的伤势,三人连巨岩的身都接近不了。 The time passes fast, isn't three minutes of that also the matter of blinking? Quick, two minutes crossed, Deng Kai barrier rocks fiercely, in the [gold/metal] Mongu mark of surrounding, presented many openings, must disrupt shortly. 时间快速流逝,三分钟那还不是眨眨眼的事?很快,两分钟已过,邓凯的屏障剧烈晃动,外围的金芒古纹上,已经出现不少的豁口,眼看着就要碎裂了。 Xing Moyuan was anxious, orders to say to behind over a hundred disciples: All creates the world group disciple, jointly attacks, this time, must take the great crag!” 邢墨鸢急了,冲着身后的上百弟子命令道:“所有创世团弟子,联合出击,这一次,一定要将巨岩拿下!” This minute, is his final opportunity. 这一分钟,是他最后的机会。 Deng Kai in the relaxed, dry hand does not keep shivering, the territory boundary can greatly the Venerable prestige is inviolable, even if nine incantation Demonic Talisman Master is not good. 邓凯不在轻松,枯手不停颤抖,域境大能的尊威是不可侵犯的,就算是九咒符魔师也不行。 Xing ghost, this is three demon symbols, to Gordon they, fast solution, if that old fogy catches up, all without enough time.” The Deng Kai hoarse roar, the front light dodges, three demon symbols offer a sacrifice. “邢老鬼,这是三张魔符,给高登他们三人,速速解决,如果那老家伙赶来,一切就都来不及了。”邓凯沙哑的吼声,胸前光影一闪,三张魔符祭出。 Sees three demon symbols, Qin Shi at heart, nine soul incantations in the demon symbol is such limpid: „Is this nine incantation demon symbols?” 看见三张魔符,秦石心里咣啷一声,在魔符上九道魂咒是那样清澈:“这是九咒魔符?” Not only Qin Shi, the quiet blue several people of looks sink. 不光秦石,幽青几人眼神一沉。 Has not thought that also has this demon symbol on Deng Kai, if Gordon several people use, that great crag has not hoped.” “没想到,在邓凯身上还有这种魔符,如果高登几人使用,那巨岩就没希望了。” This degree of demon symbol, was too fearful.” “这种程度的魔符,太可怕了。” Must know that is not nine incantation Demonic Talisman Master, certainly can refine nine incantation demon symbols, after all Desolate Beast any of nine days of boundaries, is existence that on Ancient Ferocious Beast List nominates, has consciousnes of superelevation, is no one can surrender. 要知道,不是九咒符魔师,就一定能炼制九咒魔符,毕竟九天之境的荒兽任何一只,都是远古凶兽榜上提名的存在,都拥有超高的神智,不是谁都能够降服。 Therefore, nine incantation demon symbols, said that can change the course of events is not overrated. 所以,一张九咒魔符,说能扭转乾坤也不为过。 Withdraws, that demon symbol ignites, the beastly nature of has intense making a false counter-accusation!” Is Demonic Talisman Master, Qin Shi holds Kong Xianhui, being far away barriers of several void capers. “退后一点,那魔符引燃,其中的兽性拥有很强烈的反噬!”身为符魔师,秦石一把抓住孔贤慧,几个虚空跳跃的远离屏障。 Roar --!” “吼--!” Three demon symbols ignite, the Gordon three people of tiger bodies rouse, the giant beast empty shades of three headage hundreds of zhang (333m) evolve, in three people of back deafening roaring. 三张魔符引燃,高登三人的虎躯抖擞一下,三头数百丈的巨兽虚影演化而出,在三人的背后震耳欲聋的咆哮。 Three people of forehead dodge, the Desolate Beast empty shade enters the body, the solemn three people of flesh explode, Gordon whole body is dormant in the place, becomes a fierce poisonous scorpion. 三人的眉心一闪,荒兽的虚影入体,俨然三人的肌肤就爆裂开,高登全身蛰伏在地,成一只狰狞的毒蝎。 Really, is all phenomena on earth poisonous scorpion that Ancient Ferocious Beast List is listed 400 th!” “果然,是远古凶兽榜排名第400的万象毒蝎!” Roar --!” “吼--!” Gordon evolves, Hao Gang followed with Xu Jingbo. 高登演化,郝刚和徐靖博紧随其后。 Hao Gang changed into the cobra gold, Xu Jingbo is wrapping the polar bear of silver brassard. 郝刚化为金色眼镜蛇,徐靖博则是套着银色臂铠的白熊。 423 rd: [gold/metal] Yan melts the [gold/metal] cobra! 467 th: Three revolutions of snow bears! Unexpectedly all was the first 500 ancient times ominous beast!” “第423名:金眼融金眼镜蛇!第467名:三转雪熊!竟全是前500的远古凶兽!” In this Deng Kai hand, really also has this background!” “这邓凯手上,竟然还有这种底蕴!” More and more scared, black market marketplace defiant people also whoop, they the villains from eight sides, watched the fun are not afraid of getting into trouble big saying with a smile: This time, Chaos Domain has gotten down the initial capital actually.” 越来越恐慌,黑市的市井刁民们也议论纷纷,他们本来就是来自八方的恶棍,看热闹不怕事大的笑道:“这一次,乱域倒是下了血本啊。” Um, look, that great crag, if were seized in the black market, should arouse very big disturbance in the world of human beings, after all for so many years, but also nobody dares to cause trouble here, even if eight territories are also same.” “嗯,看一看吧,那巨岩要是在黑市被捉,应该会在人界引起很大的风波,毕竟这么些年来,还没人敢在这里闹事,就算八域也是一样。” One minute, if that person does not appear, this great crag should not have the hope.” “一分钟,如果那个人不出现,这巨岩应该没有希望了。” Several unimportant people approve resentfully: Truly, nine incantation demon symbols, this Top Grade most precious object, wants including eight territories crazy, does not know that this called the fellow of great crag, actually to have done what matter, making Chaos Domain so excited, snatched the Chaos Domain territory main wife to be inadequate?” 几个小人物悻悻的认可:“确实,九咒魔符,这种极品至宝,连八域都要疯狂一番,也不知道这叫巨岩的家伙,究竟做了什么事,让乱域这么激动,难道是抢了乱域域主的夫人不成?” Has the possibility!” “有可能!” Three demon symbol asterism are shortly big, low-spirited that the black market changes, the Gordon three human body changes, the glow light revolves around three people, like vortex. 眼看着三道魔符星芒大起,黑市都变的黯然,高登三人体型变化,萤火般的光影在三人周围旋转,像漩涡一样。 On the great crag crude face is dodges the corridor to congeal finally certainly, with stern: Three nine incantation demon symbols, you give up, morning a point and I said that you have this treasure, did I give up? Really not to know how to use things sparingly!” 巨岩粗暴的脸上终是闪过道凝绝,和严峻:“三张九咒魔符,你们真是舍得啊,早一点和我说你们有这种宝贝,我是不是就放弃了?真是暴殄天物!” You give up now also with enough time!” Xing Moyuan stubborn drinking sound. “你现在放弃也来得及!”邢墨鸢桀骜的喝声。 The great crag shakes the head, sneers saying: That is not good, has sufficed not to know how to use things sparingly, can that let these three demon symbol display functions?” 巨岩摇摇头,冷笑道:“那可不行,都已经够暴殄天物了,那总要让这三张魔符发挥点作用吧?” The word, his cross previous step, a rock great hand found out, grasps covers entirely [gold/metal] Lin the snake tail to Hao Gang, the strength was oversized, the fabricated space broke to pieces, the hurricane clothing, the innumerable grains wound likely in the palm proliferate: Wind crag tearing claw!” 言罢,他跨前一步,一只岩石巨手探出,抓向郝刚布满金鳞的蛇尾,力量过大,虚妄的空间都碎开,飓风被具象化,无数纹络在手掌中扩散:“风岩撕裂爪!” This strikes, is too strong. 这一击,太强。 Is the air wave, Qin Shi several people is only shaken draws back, probably giant Mount Tai, falls to be the same from the upper air of thousands of rice straightly, resembles this to shoot down under to the feeling of person, this black market must not have. 光是气浪,秦石几人便被震退,好像有一座巨大的泰山,从千万米的高空中笔直落下一样,给人的感觉好像这一击落下,这个黑市都要没了。 But at this time, a huge white light in a flash, the huge body the great hand mask, Xu Jingbo held up the polar bear great hand, one inch fought with the fists 18 sounds, the shock-wave, the positive birthplace injected the great crag in one after another palm. 而在这时,一道巨大的白色光影一晃,庞大的身躯将巨手遮挡,徐靖博举起白熊巨手,一个寸拳打出18道响声,一股一股冲击波,正面贯射入巨岩的掌心里。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The palm of that ominous strength, under white ray suddenly static, but leaves to present together the fissure from the palm one after another unexpectedly, that fissure, then once started , it can hardly stop, like spider web great hand corrosion. 那凶力的手掌,在白色的光线下戛然静止,而接连竟然从掌心出出现一道裂痕,那裂痕一出,便一发不可收拾,像蛛网一样将巨手侵蚀。 „Is this strength, unexpectedly stronger than the great crag? Is day of summit Seven Rank?” “这力量,竟比巨岩还强?难道是天巅七层?” Looks at the fragments the great hand, in field raises to clamor. 看着碎粉的巨手,场上升起喧哗。 A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, is staring at the big polar bear of distant place, others do not know, but is Demonic Talisman Master he is clear, nine incantation demon symbols, is impossible to promote four boundaries, this Xu Jingbo does not have day summit Seven Rank certainly, but crosses day summit Fifth Rank. 秦石眉头一皱,凝望着远处的大白熊,别人不知,但身为符魔师的他却清楚,一张九咒魔符,也不可能提升四个境界,这徐靖博绝没有天巅七层,只不过才过天巅五层 But he can break the great crag the great hand, many are this demon symbol originally Desolate Beast characteristics, bear class Desolate Beast in the strength, that absolutely is an outstanding person, is very terrifying, only then these Jane unusual animals, can look disdainfully with it. 但他能破开巨岩的巨手,多是这魔符原本荒兽的特性,熊类荒兽在力量上,那绝对是佼佼者,是很恐怖的,只有那些奇珍异兽,能够与其睥睨。 That struck a moment ago, Qin Shi dares to assert, even if a ten thousand meters peak, withstood from the center strikes, will be crushed the powder. 刚才那一击,秦石敢断言,就算是一座万米高峰,从中央承受一击,都会被击碎成粉末。 If not for here black market, if not for there is a Deng Kai barrier, it is estimated that was the impact, took a broad view at ten thousand meters not to have the life again, early became the ruins. 这里若不是黑市,若不是有邓凯屏障,估计就是刚才的冲击,放眼万米已经再无生灵,早成废墟。 Drinks, a little skill.” “喝,有点本事。” The great crag shakes draws back several steps, the look is low and deep. 巨岩震退几步,眼神低沉下来。 He the palm behind, no one has seen, the arm of his thumb place, already attacked distortion, small arm now also numb is hard to wield. 他将手掌背后,谁也没有看见,他拇指处的手骨,已经被冲击的扭曲了,小臂现在还酥麻的难以挥动。 The strength of that three revolutions of snow bears, was really too strong. 那三转雪熊的力量,实在是太强硬了。 The foot breaks the sea, the foot the broken mountain. 足矣断海,足矣碎山。 ---- ---- Today is 520, wish world all male compatriots to vindicate successfully, hugs the beautiful woman to turn over to quack. 今天是520,祝天下所有男同胞们表白成功,抱得美人归嘎嘎嘎。 !! !!
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