PDL :: Volume #8

#732: Chaotic black market

Xing Moyuan is poverty-stricken immediately, changes in his behind innumerable disciple complexion, several people do not know that the black market the terrifying, goes forward to probably revolve spiritual power, obloquies saying: Snort, does a mangy dog, fearfully what have? Catches directly him not and that's the end?” 邢墨鸢顿时窘迫,在他身后的无数弟子脸色一变,其中几人不知黑市的恐怖,上前就欲要运转灵力,大骂道:“哼,一个癞皮狗,有什么可怕的?直接将他抓出去不就是了?” Bang! 砰! But spiritual power flees in all directions in the bloodlines, the face of that several disciple becomes flushed immediately, in the strength suppression by black market, explosion one after another was resounded, several disciples explode the body to perish directly. 灵力在血脉中流窜,那几名弟子的面庞马上涨红,被黑市中的力量压制,一声一声的爆炸响起,几名弟子直接爆体而亡。 Fellow not awfully.” “不要命的家伙。” Qin Shi shakes the head in the corner, this youth regardless , is only when suitable to serve as the cannon fodder. 秦石在角落里摇摇头,这种愣头青无论在何时,都只适合充当炮灰。 Really, several people explode the body, other disciples are vigilant immediately that no one in revolution spiritual power rashly, dares hurriedly. 果然,几人爆体,其余弟子们马上警惕起来,谁也不在冒然的运转灵力,不敢造次。 Idiot, do not move, here has the strength of domain, once there is external spiritual power, will immediately be pushed aside, explodes the body to perish!” Xing Moyuan warned. “白痴,都别动,这里有领域之力,一旦有外来灵力,马上就会受到排挤,爆体而亡!”邢墨鸢警告道。 Finds out the situation, pestle that the people are dumbfounded in same place, looks that puts the brazen on the center the great crag, does not have the means of least bit actually. 了解情况,众人大眼瞪小眼的杵在原地,看着在中央放赖皮的巨岩,硬是没有半点的办法。 Xing Moyuan clenched teeth, but behind is following three disciples in him, these three disciples very delicate, is different from other creation world group disciples. 邢墨鸢咬了咬牙,而在他身后跟随着三名弟子,这三名弟子非常的清秀,不同于其余的创世团弟子。 From these three disciple eyes, Qin Shi can see several points of differentness, is comfortableness that one type cannot say, moreover these three people are not scared because of the strength of domain, surrounds, be with smile on the face. 从这三名弟子眼中,秦石能够看出几分迥异,是一种说不上来的自在,而且这三人并未因领域之力而恐慌,环抱着手,面带微笑。 Under Qin Shi fierce shivering, in these three people, making him feel panic-stricken, this feeling probably is right, probably when facing Ren Guodong is the same. 秦石猛的颤抖下,在这三人身上,让他感受到一股惊恐,这种感觉就好像是对,就好像是在面对任国栋时一样。 Is the day of summit boundary?” Qin Shi surprised start to talk. “是天巅境?”秦石吃惊的开口。 Kong Xianhui also sees three people, a black eyebrow coloring eyebrow bunch: Is their three?” 孔贤慧也看见三人,黛眉一簇:“是他们三个?” „Do you know them?” Qin Shi curious question. “你认识他们?”秦石好奇的问句 Um!” The light point broad and handsome forehead of Kong Xianhui vigilance, her footsteps move after at once gently, hides away the tender body in the darkness intentionally, the tight white hands loosen, said: These three people, the central that person, created the regimental commander of world group, the name is Gordon, five years ago since territory, is a innate skill very remarkable fellow, should present cultivation for have day of summit Fifth Rank?” “嗯!”孔贤慧警觉的轻点螓首,旋即她玉步轻轻挪后,故意将娇躯隐遁在黑暗之中,紧张的玉手才松开一点,道:“这三人,中央那人,是原来创世团的团长,名字叫做高登,五年前进入内域,是一个天赋很卓越的家伙,现在的修为应该有天巅五层了吧?” Originally creates the regimental commander of world group?” Qin Shi stares the big eye. “原来创世团的团长?”秦石瞪大眼睛。 Um, in his two, was called Hao Gang, was called Xu Jingbo, was the high level of original world group, present cultivation not to be lower than day of summit Third Rank, their this group of people, were under Xing Moyuan support since territory, therefore they very much respected to Xing Moyuan, this time should also be Xing Moyuan invites them.” Kong Xianhui low voice explanation sentence. “嗯,在他身边的两人,一个叫做郝刚,一个叫做徐靖博,也是原创世团的高层,现在的修为都不会低于天巅三层,他们这群人,算是在邢墨鸢的扶持下才进入内域,所以他们对邢墨鸢都很尊敬,这一次应该也是邢墨鸢将他们请来。”孔贤慧小声的解释句。 Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, but in him surprised, a unprecedented intense feeling erupts from the bottom of the heart, this type anxious not from oppression in spiritual power, but is one type came from the spiritual suppression, lets his fierce looking askance, the black pupil pierces the crowd, falls on one throughout in the peaceful form. 秦石恍然大悟,而在他惊讶中,一股前所未有的紧张感从心底爆发,这种紧张绝不是来自于灵力上的压迫,而是一种来自于精神上的压制,让他猛的侧目,黑眸刺穿人群,落在一个始终安静的身影上。 This form whole body is binding ash-gray cape, cannot see clearly the appearance, but Qin Shi from he humpbacked shape can conclude slightly that this is over fifty-year-old, the seventy years of age old man. 这身影全身裹着灰色斗篷,看不清容貌,但是从他微微驼背的形态上秦石能断定,这是一个年过半百,古稀之年的老者。 From this old man, he could not feel that the slight vicissitudes, instead the energetic air/Qi of whole person exceptionally thrives, like is the scorching sun that daybreak just raised. 只是从这老者上,他感觉不到丝毫的沧桑,反而整个人的精神气异常勃发,像是黎明时分刚刚升起的骄阳一样。 But in him frightened, the old man raises head unexpectedly slightly, a pair such as the vision of bayonet comes, such as jabs into the Chest of Qin Shi to be the same all of a sudden, making the Qin Shi black robe tremble fiercely, continual withdrawing several steps. 而就在他惊悚中,那老者竟微微仰头,一双如刺刀的目光迎面而来,如一下子刺进秦石的心口一样,令秦石的黑袍剧烈一颤,连续退后数步。 Short moment looking at each other, behind Qin Shi flows out the sweating directly. 短短的片刻对视,秦石背后直接就流出虚汗。 Good fearful constriction.” “好可怕的压迫感。” He breathes heavily the previous several thick air/Qi, moves out of the way the vision hastily. 他喘上几口粗气,连忙将目光挪开。 From this old person, he feels a Gordon more terrifying strength. 从这老人身上,他感觉到比高登更加恐怖的力量。 „Did he also come?” But regarding this old man, the quiet blue several people of complexions changes, looks flood red, the murderous intention rises from all directions. “他也来了?”而对于这老者,幽青几人脸色一变,一个一个眼神泛红,杀机四起。 Qin Shi question in a low voice: Quiet blue big brother, is actually this old man what origin?” 秦石低声的问句:“幽青大哥,这老者究竟是什么来历?” Clenches jaws quiet blue, such wishes one could to tear into shreds this old man to be the same, scolds: He is chief Demonic Talisman Master of current foreign country Fu Mo meeting: Deng Kai!” 幽青咬牙切齿,那样子恨不得要撕碎这老者一样,骂道:“他就是现任外域符魔会的首席符魔师:邓凯!” „Is he Deng Kai?” Qin Shi in great surprise. “他就是邓凯?”秦石大惊。 Three years ago was he and Xing Moyuan has framed chief Demonic Talisman Master of previous Fu Mo meeting, and sent golden eagle old to be stranded me in the fondness of countryside flatters the night.” Kong Xianhui also very much repels to this old man: This person is very sinister, is that type eats the human not to spit the host of bone livingly, moreover his spirit cultivate to very formidable, it is said several months ago, breakthrough to nine mark Demonic Talisman Master, the status in Chaos Domain was very high, is not existence that Xing Moyuan can look disdainfully.” “三年前就是他和邢墨鸢陷害了上届符魔会的首席符魔师,并且派金鹰老道将我困在野性媚夜。”孔贤慧对这老者也很排斥:“此人十分阴险,是那种活生生吃人不吐骨头的主,而且他的精神修为十分强大,据说在几个月以前,已经突破到了九纹符魔师,在乱域中的地位很高,不是邢墨鸢能睥睨的存在。” Nine grains?” “九纹?” Is Demonic Talisman Master, Qin Shi is clearer than anybody nine mark Demonic Talisman Master the fearfulness, that absolutely is not the degree that nine days of boundaries can look disdainfully. 身为符魔师,秦石比任何人都清楚九纹符魔师的可怕,那绝对不是九天之境所能睥睨的程度。 Must know that perhaps his oneself does not have what fearfulness, what however is fearful is the demon symbol on his hand, as well as behind him is willing to risk one's life in order to the huge influence of demon symbol for him. 要知道,他自身或许没有什么可怕,但是可怕的是他手上的魔符,以及他背后愿意为他出生入死以求魔符的庞大势力。 Invited including him, Xing Moyuan this time was really all -out effort fully, but actually also no wonder, if cannot take the great crag, cannot enter the foreign country, his also few year of skills.” Shen Fengchun scolded sentence ill-humoredly. “连他都请来了,邢墨鸢这次真是拼劲全力了,但是倒也难怪,如果不能将巨岩拿下,不能进入外域的话,他也没有几年活头了。”沈逢春没好气的骂句。 Several people of moods felt to constrain, did not have the beforehand relaxedness. 几人的心情感到压抑,没有了之前的轻松。 Sufficiency that very it seems like, this time Xing Moyuan prepares, we want to meddle, is a little difficult.” Shaking the head that quiet azure sighed, looked at toward Qin Shi the vision, his fearful Qin Shi was causing any trouble, urged: This matter, arrived here, did not want to penetrate.” “看来,这一次邢墨鸢准备的很充足,咱们想要插手,有点难啊。”幽青叹息的摇摇头,将目光朝秦石望去,他可怕秦石在惹出什么事端,叮嘱道:“这件事,就到这里吧,不要在深入了。” Qin Shi is narrowing the eyes the eye, although does not want to give up, but he must consider for the general situation, nod that finally the heart unwilling sentiment does not hope. 秦石眯眯着眼睛,尽管不想放弃,但他还是要为大局考虑,最后心不甘情不愿的点点头。 Time unceasing passing, Xing Moyuan as well as he behind creates the world group disciples to lose the patience gradually, they were enraged by the rascal of great crag thoroughly. 时间不断的流逝,邢墨鸢以及他身后的创世团弟子渐渐失去耐心,他们彻底被巨岩的无赖激怒。 Gao Deng goes forward one step, cold Dao: Xing Elder, do not delay with him, asking Deng Kai senior to get rid, took away him forcefully.” 高登上前一步,冷道:“邢长老,别和他拖延了,叫邓凯前辈出手,强行将他带走吧。” Yes, this way, when is a head?” Hao Gang with the Xu Jingbo disgruntled [say / way]. “是啊,这样下去,什么时候是个头?”郝刚和徐靖博不悦道。 Xing Moyuan hesitant meeting, nod goes toward Deng Kaiwang: „Can you be good?” 邢墨鸢犹豫一会,点点头的朝邓凯望去:“你能行吗?” Always silent Deng Kai stands up straight, his incisive presbyopia looks all around in the black market, holds up three fingers: Three minutes.” 始终沉默的邓凯挺起腰杆,他尖锐的老眼在黑市环顾一圈,举起三根手指:“三分钟。” Three minutes?” Xing Moyuan clenched teeth, complies saying: Sufficed!” “三分钟吗?”邢墨鸢咬了咬牙,答应道:“够了!” Hears, Deng Kai raises hand, he acts very cleanly, is not loathsome, from him is flood [gold/metal], Qin Shi can feel first from the distant place that these [gold/metal] completely are the strength of soul, the strength of very pure soul. 听闻,邓凯举手,他动作很干净,丝毫不拖泥带水,从他周围先是泛起金芒,秦石从远处能感觉出来,这些金芒全部是灵魂之力,非常纯粹的灵魂之力。 Between the strength and spiritual power soul have the innate resistance, former, the constriction in black market is obviously light some, while this opportunity, Deng Kaiku hand makes an effort to grasp, the strength of golden light soul like is a balloon, continual inflation several, achieve a about hundred meters translucent aperture. 灵魂之力与灵力间有先天抗性,前者一出,黑市内的压迫感明显淡薄些许,趁此机会,邓凯枯手用力一握,金光灵魂之力像是一个气球一样,连续的膨胀几下,达到近百米的半透明光圈。 The aperture covers, internal creation world group disciples are obviously relaxed several points, before the black market pressure was pushed aside, Xing Moyuan presbyopia concentrates, shouts to Gordon several people: Is now, begins!” 光圈覆盖,内部的创世团弟子明显轻松几分,之前黑市的压力被排挤出去,邢墨鸢的老眼一凝,冲着高登几人喊道:“就是现在,动手!” Gordon look dodges the stern countenance, under foot gathers the Third Rank vortex continuously, spouts the flame approaches toward the great crag: Snort, the brazen is so long, was also this suffices?” 高登眼神一闪厉色,脚下连续汇聚三层漩涡,喷出火焰的就朝巨岩逼近:“哼,赖皮这么久,是不是也该赖够了?” Gao Deng goes forward, Hao Gang got rid with Xu Jingbo one after another, the palace error armor covered the whole body, the back was the fabricated wing, made an effort to shake, the air was broken, encircled toward the great crag from two wings. 高登上前,郝刚和徐靖博接连出手,宫阙铠甲覆盖全身,背后是虚妄的羽翼,用力一震,空气都被震碎,从两翼朝巨岩围剿。 Bang! 轰! In the black market explodes to shoot to fill the light immediately, the residents of many black market in great surprise, receive shove open the central aperture that hastily spreads paving. 黑市中顿时爆射起弥漫光影,不少黑市的市民大惊,连忙收起摊铺的推开中央光圈。 Bang! 轰隆! The explosive again and again, the black market ground shivers. 爆响连连,黑市的地面都颤抖起来。 Gordon and Hao Gang, the Xu Jingbo three people of strengths were very strong, each fist each palm Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, Qin Shi several people look from the surrounding cannot bear fearful and apprehensive. 高登和郝刚、徐靖博三人的力量很强,每一拳每一掌都惊天动地,秦石几人从外围看着都忍不住心惊肉跳。 The powerhouse of day summit boundary, was really too strong, was far from nine days of summits can compare. 天巅境的强者,实在是太强了,远非九天之巅能比。 However, they have forgotten an issue probably, that is the status that the great rock floor comes, must know that the great crag also once was in Chaos Domain the territory disciple, moreover was next to the monstruous talent that Yuwen died young, his cultivation to be weak? 不过,他们三人好像忘了个问题,那就是巨岩原来的身份,要知道,巨岩也曾是乱域内域弟子啊,而且还是仅次于宇文殇的妖孽,难道他的修为会弱吗? Answer obviously not. 答案显然是不。 The dazzling three flames heave in sight, throughout sits in the great crag of ground begins supinely, the corners of the mouth despise raises gently: He he, is really three does not know kid who respects the senior, said that I am also your senior fellow-pupils, comes up to quarrel with my pointed weapons, appropriate?” 刺眼的三道火光映入眼帘,始终坐在地上的巨岩仰起头,嘴角蔑视的轻轻扬起:“呵呵,真是三个不知道尊重前辈的小家伙,怎么说我也算是你们的师哥,上来就和我兵刃相向,合适吗?” Dies to be imminent, thanks to you also has the mood to smile!” “死到临头,亏你还有心情笑!” Gordon satirized the sentence, the form like ghosts and demons, among rests rotated three side the great crag, found out from the raging fire, behind to great crag under snapshot. 高登讽刺句,身影如鬼魅,一息间在巨岩身旁转动三圈,从烈火中探出,冲着巨岩背后抓拍下。 Bang! 砰! But at the same time, the great crag moved finally, his body is the same like the hill, rises straight from the ground, the look stares, when that wild air/Qi field, the contrast ratio compelled draws back Sikong Lingnan formidable hundred times, the black market earth to rock before fiercely, hundred meters density by the giant stone of compression flood, was welcomed together forcefully to Gordon's palm. 而与此同时,巨岩终于动了,他的身躯如山丘一样,拔地而起,眼神一瞪,那一股狂野的气场,照比之前逼退司空岭南时强大百倍,黑市的大地剧烈晃动一下,一块百米密度被强行压缩的巨石泛起,冲着高登的掌心迎上。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The hot palm and giant stone impact, two startled days strengths erupt in the black market, the remaining prestige that produces tears the space immediately, in they look at each other form giant black hole. 火掌和巨石冲击,两股惊天的力量在黑市爆发,那产生的余威顿时将空间撕裂,在两人对视间形成一个巨大的黑洞。 People fierce one startled: Day summit Seven Rank?” 众人猛的一惊:“天巅七层?” Qin Shi has alone sucked the tongue, should this strength be equally matched with Zhao Xin? Is he has always seen in human, existence of ranking among the best. 秦石独自咂了咂舌,这力量应该和赵信不相上下了吧?算是他平生见过的人里,数一数二的存在。 Kong Xianhui not accidental nod: „The natural talent of great crag, takes a broad view in eight territories, absolutely can also arrange goes forward hundred, three years ago he marches into the day summit, now achieves 70%, progress was very slow, I think , if not the three years ago accidents, he should die young to be the same with Yuwen now, together in impact territory boundary shackles.” 孔贤慧并不意外的点点头:“巨岩的天资,放眼在八域里,也绝对能够排的上前百,三年前他就步入天巅,现在才达到七成,进步的已经很慢了,我想如果不是三年前的意外,他现在应该和宇文殇一样,一同在冲击域境桎梏呢。” Here, Kong Xianhui ridicule looked at the eye Gordon three people: „The Gordon three people too overestimated themselves, in the three years them the territory mixed truly good, has enjoyed the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, moreover under the territory resources, the strength also progressed by leaps and bounds, but compared with the great crag, still had not the small disparity, but this disparity is far from the day after tomorrow, should be the innate kindness, the heaven to great crag innate skill, is not the average man depends can make up the day after tomorrow.” 说到这,孔贤慧嘲弄的看眼高登三人:“高登三人太高估自己了,这三年他们三人在内域混的确实不错,算是风生水起了,而且在内域资源下,实力也是突飞猛进,不过和巨岩相比,仍是有不小的差距,而这差距绝非后天,应该是先天的恩惠,苍天给巨岩的天赋,远不是常人靠后天就能弥补的。” Qin Shi hears, has the profound meaning looks at a great crag, can make Kong Xianhui say such high appraisal, the strength of that this great crag seems like not really small. 秦石听闻,别有深意的望眼巨岩,能让孔贤慧说出这么高的评价,那这巨岩的实力看来真的不小。 These was interesting.” “这一下有意思了。” Resentful looks to Xing Moyuan several people, in the Qin Shi heart badly smiles. 悻悻的看向邢墨鸢几人,秦石心中坏笑。 !! !!
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