PDL :: Volume #8

#731: Rascal great crag

! 咻! Outside tumultuous times mountain. 乱世山外。 One crowd of light have stroked, but in this light, a black robe youth is such obvious, without doubt is the Qin Shi people who rushes to the hawk city black market. 一群光影拂过,而在这光影中,一个黑袍少年是那样明显,无疑是赶往鹰城黑市的秦石众人。 Since this has been Qin Shi enters Chaos Domain, first time leaves Chaos Domain, has been used to territory 50 times of spiritual power, after this leaves, lets his knitting the brows, simply is the day badly leaves, said with amazement: Originally had not felt that this present feels again, on this day within spiritual power is really thin, no wonder practices a way, the person who ten million counts spills into, finally can aspire to seize peak, only then few people, is really the world of law of the jungle.” 这是秦石进入乱域以来,第一次离开乱域,习惯了内域50倍的灵力,这离开以后还让他不禁的皱了皱眉,前后简直就是天差地别,惊讶道:“原来没有感觉,这现在再感觉一下,这天地间的灵力真是稀薄,难怪修炼一途,数以千万计的人涌进其中,最终能够问鼎巅峰的只有寥寥几人,真是个弱肉强食的世界。” Recalled own this walks, in which Xin Suanku burns, Qin Shi sighs with emotion. 回想自己这一路走来,其中的辛酸苦辣,秦石不由感慨。 But no matter what, although little had not eaten painstakingly for these years, but he was also boils now has raised one's head, at least in once small empire, his absolute foot bird's eye view. 但不管怎么说,虽然这几年苦没少吃,但现在他也算是熬出头了,起码在曾经的小帝国中,他绝对足矣俯瞰。 Is away from the goal in his heart, still has very big distance, moreover competitive power that in this distance, he must withstand, was once how many times in five years, dozens times, even several hundred times, because can achieve this degree of person, which is not a innate skill remarkable side overlord, or God's favored one? Competes with them, must concentrate 100% spirits, cannot have neglecting of slightest, with relaxing. 只是距离他心中的目标,仍然有着很大的距离,而且在这段距离中,他所要承受的竞争力,将是曾经五年中的几倍,几十倍,甚至几百倍,因为能够达到这种程度的人,哪一个不是天赋卓越的一方霸主,或是天之骄子?和他们竞争,必须要集中100的精神,不能有分毫的怠慢,和放松。 Otherwise, waits for Qin Shi, only then eliminates. 否则,等待秦石的只有淘汰。 Indifferently, his profound look staring to the hawk city East, in the black pupils cannot see the slightest again the naivete, only then limpid boundless color definitely, with severe. 漠然,他深邃的眼神凝视向鹰城所处的东方,黑眸间再也看不见分毫的稚气,只有清澈无垠的决色,和严厉。 „, Just wait, I will not disappoint you, that past youth, wanted the King to return immediately.” “诸位,等着吧,我不会让你们失望,那一个昔日的少年,马上就要王者归来了。” Eastern, is the Scarlet Flame Empire direction. 东方,正好是赤炎帝国的方向。 A few words, he wants saying that listens to too many people. 一句话,他想说给太多的人听。 On going to the road in hawk city, can always see the Chaos Domain disciple, many are the young disciples in some foreign countries, but also some strength uncommon in territory disciples come with admiration. 在前往鹰城的路上,总能看见乱域弟子,其中多数是些外域的小弟子,但也有些实力不凡的内域弟子慕名而来。 Qin Shi kept a serious look, people maintained high-speed are always speeding away, has only used less than three day time, then arrived to the hawk city, this contrast ratio Qin Shi they were initially quick the entire five times. 秦石的表情严肃起来,众人始终保持着高速疾驰,仅用了三日不到的时间,便抵达到鹰城,这照比秦石两人当初快了整整五倍。 Although is curtain of night, but the hawk city was still brilliantly illuminated, especially the former residence place outside hawk city black market, in each lane entrance, heated the rhyme the spirit pressure of ominous strength. 尽管已经是夜幕时分,但鹰城仍是灯火通明,特别是鹰城黑市外的古宅处,每一个巷口里,都温韵着凶力的灵压。 Qin Shi several people stop in tens of thousands meters clear sky, Qin Shi surveys in the hawk city with the psychic force, knit the brows: Drinks, good, around this black market, has ambushed several hundred Chaos Domain disciples unexpectedly?” 秦石几人在几万米的晴空上停下,秦石用精神力在鹰城里探测一番,皱了皱眉:“喝,好么,在这黑市周围,竟然潜伏了数百名的乱域弟子?” That is the affirmation, the artificial wealth dies, birds die in pursuit of food, 5 million contribution values, the foot makes many disciple birth control not die competes.” Quiet blue not accidental light [say / way]. “那是肯定,正所谓,人为财死,鸟为食亡,5000000的贡献值,足矣让许多弟子不计生死的去争夺。”幽青并不意外的淡淡道。 Nod of Qin Shi approval, but was this little too also crazy? 秦石认可的点点头,但这也有点太疯狂了吧? Walks, the advanced black market, Xing Moyuan and creates the people of world group should in inside.” Shen Fengchun has wielded the scolding sentence of fist: This time, cannot certainly make them successfully be completed!” “走吧,先进黑市,邢墨鸢和创世团的人应该就在里面。”沈逢春挥了挥拳头的骂句:“这一次,一定不能让他们顺利完成!” Several people nod, fall in former residence. 几人点点头,落在古宅里。 Outside the mural through former residence, several people enter to the hawk city black market, here like was still lively in the past, all kinds of sound of voices and noise resound unceasingly. 通过古宅外的壁画,几人进入到鹰城黑市,这里仍如往昔般热闹,各种各样的吆喝声不断响起。 Feels this not to have gentle of being out of sorts feeling, Qin Shi smiled: You let alone, this great crag will select the place actually.” 感受着这毫无违和感的平和,秦石笑了笑:“你们别说,这巨岩倒是会挑地方。” Um, in this hawk city black market, only if not want awfully, otherwise nobody dares to stir up trouble from this, therefore in the black market instead be safer than the outside.” “嗯,在这鹰城黑市里,除非是不想要命了,否则没有人敢从这惹事,所以黑市中反而要比外界安全了许多。” Quick, Qin Shi several people walk randomly in black market, realized many creation world group disciples. 很快,秦石几人在黑市里游走一圈,就察觉到了诸多的创世团弟子。 This group of people are Sikong Lingnan lead, create all elites of world group to be transferred. 这群人是司空岭南带队,创世团的所有精英全部被调动出来。 It seems like, creates the world group to regard as important this duty very much.” The Qin Shi black pupil falls on Sikong Lingnan, fierce dodging corridor limpid murderous intention. “看来,创世团很看重这个任务啊。”秦石黑眸落在司空岭南的身上,猛的闪过道清澈的杀机。 Shakes the head quiet blue: Is creates the world group to regard as important, rather is Xing Moyuan regards as important.” 幽青摇摇头:“与其说是创世团看重,倒不如说是邢墨鸢看重。” How did this words say?” Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “此话怎讲?”秦石不解道。 In the past by the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum that the great crag robbed, in implicated the spirit grass that the territory old fogies very much cared about, it is said was related to a Chaos Domain very important plan, therefore the initiator of this duty, was these old fogies.” “当年被巨岩抢走的彩霞云灵芝,是一株连内域老家伙都很在乎的灵草,据说事关乱域一个很重要的计划,所以这次任务的发起人,也是那些老家伙们。” Quiet blue , to continue saying: Xing Moyuan, although now in Chaos Domain, is the foreign country biggest elder, bare handedly obstructs the day in the foreign country, however his life has reached the limit, if in not being able to find the breakthrough opportunity, ten years must die in a sitting posture, he wants since territory urgently, looks for the breakthrough opportunity, will not hesitate to start creates the world group, anxious completes this task.” 幽青顿了顿,继续道:“邢墨鸢虽说现在在乱域中,是外域最大的长老,在外域可谓是赤手遮天,但是他的寿元已经达到极限,如果在找不到突破的机会,不出十年就要坐化,他是迫切的想要进入内域,寻找突破的机会,才会不惜发动创世团,急切的完成这个任务。” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, in the heart raises several points of curiosity, was in quiet Qingkou said that Chaos Domain very important plan, but he did not have to ask, because he knows that the matter of that degree, quiet blue was impossible to know, he asked also in vain asked. 秦石恍然大悟,心中升起几分好奇,就是幽青口中所说,乱域很重要的计划,但是他没有多问,因为他知道,那种程度的事,幽青不可能知道,他问了也是白问。 Bang! 砰! But at this time, created the direction of world group to hear the collision sound suddenly, Sikong Lingnan was hit by a strong guy drew back one step, staggering has almost not fallen on the ground. 而在这时,创世团的方向突然传来道碰撞声,司空岭南被一个健硕的大汉撞退一步,踉跄的差点没摔在地上。 Guy long is very ominous, the Kong Xianhui tender body trembles gently: Is the great crag?” 那大汉长的很凶,孔贤慧的娇躯轻轻一颤:“是巨岩?” Great crag?” “巨岩?” Qin Shi several people of fierce bracing oneself: „Is this guy, the great crag?” 秦石几人猛的提起精神:“这大汉,就是巨岩?” Kong Xianhui affirmative nod: Mistakenly.” 孔贤慧肯定的点点头:“错不了。” Qin Shi has licked the licking lips angle, this great crag stems from his expectation actually, he thinks that can make Kong Xianhui say, innate skill does not miss existence that Yu Yuwen dies young, is the fellow who seems has an imposing appearance, has not thought long is so crude? 秦石舔了舔嘴角,这巨岩倒是出乎他的预料,他本以为能让孔贤慧说,天赋不差于宇文殇的存在,怎么也是个看上去器宇轩昂的家伙吧,没想到长的这么粗暴? Difficult to be inadequate, to serve as contrast his villain role image? 难不成,是为了衬托他反派角色的形象吗? I said that your several tagalongs, don't think very bothersome?” The sound of great crag is very thick, points at Sikong Lingnan to scold: I urged you, till here, you several individual with me, otherwise left here, I pinched to explode your heads.” “我说,你们几个跟屁虫,难道不觉得很烦吗?”巨岩的声音很粗,指着司空岭南骂道:“我劝你们啊,就到这里为止吧,你们几个别跟着我了,否则的话离开这里,我就将你们的脑袋捏爆。” Sikong Lingnan trembles, imposing manner of this great crag is too strong, without spiritual power, will create the world group about hundred disciples to shake unexpectedly draws back. 司空岭南哆嗦一下,这巨岩的气势太强,在没有灵力的情况下,竟然就生生将创世团近百名的弟子震退。 Really is the simple and crude fellow.” “真是个简单粗暴的家伙。” Because this guy shakes draws back Sikong Lingnan, Qin Shi several people raises to this guy at heart unexpectedly several points of favorable impression. 因为这大汉震退司空岭南,秦石几人的心里竟对这大汉升起几分好感。 Sikong Lingnan look coagulation of outstanding ability, he was too tiny in front of the great crag. 司空岭南俊逸的眼神凝固,在巨岩面前他太渺小了。 But he not timid, smiled: Great crag, you do not need to frighten us, if you dare to leave this, you why can treat of first half month here? Now outside is the Chaos Domain disciple, has to plant you to come out to pinch to explode my head to show actually me.” 但他没有胆怯,笑了笑:“巨岩,你也不用吓唬我们,如果你敢离开这的话,你何必要在这里待上半月之久?现在外面全是乱域的弟子,有种你倒是出来捏爆我的脑袋给我看看啊。” Hey, the guts of your boy are not small, you continue with me, you looked that I can pinch to explode your head.” Great crag cold snort, his makes an effort to stamp at once, a strength fierce shakes Sikong Lingnan draws back. “嘿嘿,你小子的胆量不小,那你就继续跟着我,你看我会不会捏爆你的脑袋。”巨岩冷哼一声,旋即他脚下用力一跺,一股力量猛的将司空岭南震退。 But then, the movement of this big fellow made the crowd stare, he unexpectedly while the time that Sikong Lingnan withdrew, dispersed the leg on entering nearby crowd, disappeared all of a sudden. 但接下来,这大块头的动作令人群一愣,他竟趁着司空岭南退后的功夫,撒开腿就窜进旁边的人群,一下子就不见了。 Sikong Lingnan has gotten back one's composure in behind, obloquies saying: Damn, do not let him run, previous time by his Yi Rong, we who harmed looked for half a month, these time must observe closely him!” 司空岭南在后面回过神,大骂道:“该死,别让他跑了,上一次被他易容,害的咱们找了半个月,这一次一定要盯住他!” Creates the world group disciples to proliferate immediately, seeks for the great crag separately the form. 创世团弟子马上扩散,分头寻找巨岩的身影。 Qin Shi several people squint, hides away in the crowd. 秦石几人相觑一眼,也隐遁进人群中。 Bang! 砰! But at this moment, in the barrier outside black market transmits the drastic fluctuation, the First Rank First Rank ripples like are the spray in sea level, at once Xing Moyuan is the foreign country disciple of head, swarms to enter. 但就在这时,黑市外的屏障上传来剧烈波动,一层一层的涟漪像是海面上的浪花一样,旋即邢墨鸢为首的外域弟子,蜂拥而入。 The great crag has not run away far, was embezzled by this hundreds of human tides directly, firmly surrounds it in the hawk city black market center. 巨岩尚未逃远,直接被这数以百计的人潮吞没,牢牢的将其围堵在鹰城黑市的中央。 Great crag, ran away these years, these time to the end, has also been without a fight, said that the indifference zone main can also use judgment to treat, otherwise!” “巨岩,逃了这么些年,这一次也到头了,束手就擒吧,说不定域主还能够酌情对待,否则!” Xing Moyuan opens the mouth, but has not waited for him saying that the great crag rocks several huge body bones from the middle: Otherwise how is it? Has killed me? Depending on your this old fogy, with this crowd of small mixed wools, perhaps is unqualified?” 邢墨鸢开口,但没等他说完,巨岩从中间晃动几下庞大的身子骨:“否则怎么样?杀了我吗?就凭你这老家伙,和这群小杂毛,恐怕还不够格吧?” Xing Moyuan is cloudy immediately, cold Dao: Great crag, I know that your innate skill is good, three years ago achieves nine days of boundaries, now should also in the day summit boundary? However here may not only be I, the disciples in many in territories also catch up, best not to make struggling that does not have.” 邢墨鸢顿时阴沉,冷道:“巨岩,我知道你的天赋不错,三年前就达到九天之境,现在应该也在天巅境了吧?但是这里可不光是我,许多内域的弟子也都赶来,你最好别做无所的挣扎。” Under the threat of Xing Moyuan, the atmosphere in field is stern, countless people look toward the great crag, how will want to take a look at this big fellow then to do. 在邢墨鸢的威胁下,场上的气氛严峻起来,无数人朝巨岩望去,想要看看这个大块头接下来会怎么做。 But has not expected, the great crag is very free and easy, said accurately is the rascal, two one smiling of: Who said that I can struggle? Here is the hawk city black market, even if your Chaos Domain, here hasn't enforced the law the power? To kill me? Come, I stand in this, if I wrinkle the eyebrow, the father I am you raise, you come actually, do you dare?” 但未料,巨岩很是洒脱,准确说是很无赖,两手一摊的笑了笑:“谁说我要挣扎了?这里是鹰城黑市,就算是你们乱域,在这里也没有执法权吧?想要杀我?来啊,我就站在这,我要是皱下眉,老子我是你养大的,你倒是来啊,你敢嘛?” The voice of great crag just fell, under field suddenly silent. 巨岩的话音刚落,场下戛然寂静。 One group of people ka the eye, feel helpless all of a sudden. 一群人咔吧咔吧眼睛,一下子不知所措。 Isn't this great crag, rather too concerned about face? 这巨岩,未免也太不要脸了吧? But has saying that the Xing Moyuan of words of great crag to truly played the deterrent role, Xing Moyuan shameless pale, stared staring: You!” 但不得不说,巨岩的话对邢墨鸢确实起到了威慑作用,邢墨鸢的老脸铁青,瞪了瞪眼:“你!” The hawk city black market, is in eight territories the biggest off-the-books deal center, in eight territories, nobody is willing to provoke here on own initiative, because here is the chaos cemetery is equally matched, was a merpeople is promiscuous, gathered in the places of countless evil person, the one who was most important was the hawk city black market boss, was one cultivates for very strong territory boundary big energy, eight territories must think over. 鹰城黑市,是八域中最大的黑市交易中心,八域中,没有人愿意主动招惹这里,因为这里是和混沌坟场不相上下,是一个人鱼混杂,汇聚了无数恶人的地方,最重要的是鹰城黑市的老板,是一个修为很强的域境大能,就连八域也要掂量掂量。 This time, if not the great crag, for the pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, is not related to the Chaos Domain very important plan, perhaps will not choose this chess. 这一次,如果不是巨岩,不是为了彩霞云灵芝,不是事关到乱域很重要的计划,恐怕都不会选择走这一步棋。 The boss of hawk city black market is the same with pill emperor wooden conceal, is existence that eight territories are not willing to offend, after all the territory boundary is the Pyramid peak in this mainland, a territory boundary can reverse greatly are too many. 鹰城黑市的老板和丹皇木藏一样,是一个八域也不愿意得罪的存在,毕竟域境已经是这片大陆的金字塔顶端,一个域境大能能够扭转太多。 Xing Moyuan clenched teeth, is angry: Drinks, truly, you said right, how here I truly do not dare you, but also was really interesting, three years ago will the great crag that was fearless, reduce to this appearance unexpectedly? Only then can close right up against the asylum of hawk city black market to live on dishonorably?” 邢墨鸢咬了咬牙,愤怒道:“喝,确实,你说的没错,在这里我确实不敢怎么样你,但是也真是有趣了,三年前天不怕地不怕的巨岩,竟然会沦落到这副模样?只有要靠着鹰城黑市的庇护才能苟活吗?” Mr. Xing, you do not need to stir up me, everyone / influential family was not a child, this method was useless, have I on this, you been able I to be what kind of today?” The great crag does not care, sits on the ground unexpectedly, has me not to walk greatly, how you love how the meaning of place. “邢老头,你不用激我,大家都不是小孩子了,这种手段没有用,我今天就赖在这了,你能把我怎么样吧?”巨岩是真的不在乎,竟一屁股坐在地上,大有我就是不走了,你爱咋咋地的意思。 !! !!
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