PDL :: Volume #8

#730: Yuwen war casualty breakthrough

„, Our fog pledge is also interested in this duty, but big brother Fu Jun closes up, everyone / influential family does not dare to move rashly, since Brother Qin had this idea, then equaled on everyone / influential family, I with Dunhuang and spring and you together, cannot say can also divide on thick soup.” Shakes the head to sigh quiet blue. “罢了,我们雾盟对这次任务也感兴趣,只是付军大哥闭关,大家都不敢冒然行动,既然秦老弟有这想法,那就大家合计合计,我和敦煌、大春三人和你一起,说不上也能分上一羹。”幽青摇摇头叹道。 Qin Shi thinks: This is also good.” 秦石想了想:“这样也好。” His words, a little are truly weak. 他自己的话,确实有点势单力薄。 But reaches an agreement first, this duty differs from the past, we wait and see first, if there is a danger, immediately chooses to give up, is not worth for a duty, loses the life.” “但是先说好,这次任务不同以往,我们先去观望一下,如果有危险的话,就马上选择放弃,不值得为了一个任务,丢掉性命。” Quiet azure urged one, but looks at complying of Qin Shi laughter, he knows that this saying also spoke in vain, by the Qin Shi disposition, he decided the matter that did, did not arrive to have no recourse, he is will not drop absolutely. 幽青叮嘱一声,但看着秦石嬉笑的答应,他就知道这话又白说了,以秦石的性格,他决定做的事,不到迫不得已,他是绝对不会放手的。 Was smiled by the Qin Shi air/Qi , to continue to say quiet blue: Ok, created world group to owe us in any case that many, these time could not complete the task, must pound to disturb to them, cannot make their days feel better.” 秦石气笑,幽青继续道:“算了,反正创世团欠了我们那么多,这一次就算是完不成任务,也要给他们捣捣乱,不能让他们的日子好过了。” Shen Fengchun and Dunhuang their war ended, the return assembly hall of whole body sweating, hears to participate in the duty, Dunhuang is good, Shen Fengchun is the same with Qin Shi, two eyes brave the golden light: Good, matter that so long as can with creating the world group does against, I lift both hands both feet to approve, Brother Qin, elder brother very you!” 沈逢春和敦煌两人的大战结束,满身虚汗的回到会议厅,一听闻要去参加任务,敦煌还好,沈逢春和秦石一样,两眼睛直冒金光:“好啊,只要是能和创世团对着干的事,我都举双手双脚赞成,秦老弟,哥哥挺你!” Decides that in the future half day the people, quiet azure has not been arranging several people to the fog pledge guest room in anxiously, later and following person confesses several simply. 决定下来,往后的半日里众人并未急着出发,幽青将几人安排到雾盟的客房中,之后和下面的人简单交代几句。 Wang Kun, Yao Yi, Ye Ling, these, you defended in the fog pledge on , how leave alone created the world group to incite, you wanted the managing well following disciple on the line, all, when we came back, the big brother went out, said again.” Quiet azure told that said. “王坤,姚毅,叶玲,这几日,你们守在雾盟,别管创世团怎么挑唆,你们就只要管好下面的弟子就行,一切等到我们回来,大哥出关,再说。”幽青吩咐的说。 Relax, we know in heart.” “放心吧,我们心里有数。” Three people of distinct affairs, complying with one voice. 三人分明事理,异口同声的答应。 All confession ended, before several people must leave, Ye Ling desirably has also prepared the rich good food for the people: These you are bringing, is used to appease hunger on the road, when necessary can also supplement some spiritual power, this line goes far away, careful conduct.” 一切交代结束,在几人要离开前,叶玲还刻意为众人准备了丰厚的美食:“这些你们带着,用来在路上充饥,必要时还能够补充些灵力,此行远去,小心行事。” Ye Ling worries grips quiet azure, sees to see for several points to admire from that beautiful pupil. 叶玲担忧的握住幽青,从那美眸见看见几分爱慕。 Sees their reluctant to part types, Qin Shi saying with a smile that is suddenly enlighted in side: He he, I said how also to have the good food, originally has the intrigue, for desirably the quiet blue elder brother prepares.” 看见两人恋恋不舍的样,秦石在旁边恍然大悟的笑道:“呵呵,我说怎么还有美食,原来是有奸情啊,刻意为了幽青哥准备的啊。” Scram!!” 滚开!” Quiet blue scolded the sound indignantly, annoyed to roar the party to laugh. 幽青气愤骂声,惹来哄党大笑。 When like this to the dusk, some people treadons void, breaks through the clouds flies to escape toward Chaos Domain outside. 就这样时至黄昏,一干人才脚踏虚空,冲破云霄的朝着乱域外飞遁。 But what several people do not know, just broke through Chaos Domain big in several people of body shades, entire Chaos Domain has unprecedented to alarm. 而几人不知的是,在几人的躯影刚刚冲破乱域大阵,整个乱域发生前所未有的惊动。 Bang! 轰! From territory, strength of the startled day, able to move unhindered over a million meters expansion. 从内域,一股惊天之力,纵横上百万米的扩张开。 That strength is too ominous, is degree that average man is unable to hope to attain, Third Rank Chaos Domain big is causing the ripples, an invisible air/Qi field several fold spreads, the place of being mad place covering, spiritual power dries up. 那力量太凶,是常人无法企及的程度,连带着三层乱域大阵都引起涟漪,一股无形的气场数倍扩散,气场所笼罩之处,灵力枯竭。 Bang! 砰! In the territory, in extremely profound void, the boundless form shoots up to the sky together, white long unlined close-fitting gown that this form wears, long very of outstanding ability, a long hair flutters against the wind, in the eye pupils that limpid trace, looks like does not have the mighty waves level of the lake, making the human look, is unable to extricate oneself. 在内域中,一个极为幽深的虚空里,一道苍茫的身影冲天而起,这身影穿着的白色长衫,长的十分俊逸,一头长发迎风飘荡,眼眸间那清澈的痕迹,就像是毫无波澜的湖面,让人一望,无法自拔。 The emergence of this form, has alarmed entire Chaos Domain. 这身影的出现,惊动了整个乱域 Was that person, breakthrough?” “是那个人,突破了?” This person, including some did not ask that the old monsters of fact show face in public, entire Chaos Domain falls into the unprecedented tense atmosphere. 此人一出,连一些不问事实的老妖怪都抛头露面,整个乱域陷入前所未有的紧张气氛。 „Is this remaining prestige the strength of domain? Is Yuwen dies young?” “这余威是领域之力?是宇文殇?” Right, if Kong Xianhui here, will certainly recognize this handsome man, he is not just Kong Xianhui likes hating Yuwen dies young? 没错,若是孔贤慧在此,一定会认出这个英俊的男子,他不正是孔贤慧爱过恨过的宇文殇吗? After three years, the entire three years, he aspires to seize the territory boundary finally, that to the boundary of high supreme peak. 历经三年,整整三年,他终于问鼎域境,那个至高至上的巅峰之境。 In foreign country, the interior of archives pavilion, word old throughout closed look, indifferently opening, including that pollution and senile, under feeling fierce strength impact, suddenly melts to disperse, only remaining excited. 在外域,公文阁的内部,言老始终闭合的眼神,漠然间的睁开,连那一丝浑浊和老态,在感受到狂烈的力量冲击下,一时间都消融而散,只剩下激动。 Three years, finally breakthrough?” “三年,终于突破了吗?” His dry hand back after behind, inward the direction of territory stares: Waited for is so long, has subsided fully for three years, can all erupt finally?” 他枯手背在身后,朝内域的方向凝望:“等待了这么久,整整平息了三年,一切终于要爆发了吗?” Periphery that Yuwen dies young, is a unique domain, but from this domain, cannot feel any vitality, only then his boundless prestige, here only belongs to his place, he is the overlords within these ten thousand meters. 宇文殇的周边,是一个独特的领域,而从这个领域里,感受不到任何的生机,只有他磅礴的威信,这里是只属于他个人的地方,他就是这万米之内的霸主。 He static Fang Jiu, making a fist slightly, the palm makes an effort, among the air produces the fierce ripples immediately, over ten thousand meters territory boundary gets together rapidly, gathers, that pressure, gradually diverges. 他静止了方久,才微微的握拳,掌心用力,空气间顿时产生剧烈的涟漪,上万米的域境迅速聚合,汇聚成一点,那股威压,才渐渐散去。 Ningxia and day do not raise, Dong Qing, Zhao Xin, four people to shoot up to the sky, stand erect in the front of this man, four people have cried, especially Ningxia, do not throw the male arms directly: Big brother you awoke.” 勿宁、天扬、董清、赵信、四人冲天而起,矗立在这男子的面前,四人哭了,特别是勿宁,直接扑进男子怀里:“大哥你醒了。” The look of man concentrates, is hugging the little girl in bosom, reveals to wipe with him is mad the gentleness of field being incompatible, has rubbed girl's luxuriant: Um, three years, making you be worried.” 男子的眼神一凝,搂着怀中的小女孩,露出抹和他气场格格不入的温柔,揉了揉女孩的秀发:“嗯,三年,让你们担心了。” Yuwen dies young very gently, cannot feel the least bit vicious tendencies on him, moreover in his limpid look, has glittered not to say the sadness, is very faint. 宇文殇十分柔和,在他身上感觉不到半点戾气,而且他清澈的眼神中,一直闪烁着一股说不上的忧愁,很淡漠。 He does not help up fragrant shoulder rather, said to the younger sister like a brother: In the three years, what has to be wronged? Said with the big brother.” 他扶起勿宁的香肩,像一个大哥哥一样对妹妹说:“这三年,有没有受到什么委屈?和大哥说。” Does not have, no, you can breakthrough be good.” Not Ning Yao shaking the head of cherry lips. “没,没有,你能突破就好。”勿宁咬着樱唇的摇着头。 The day raises, Dong Qing, the Zhao Xin three people to weep, the day raises uninhibited stared staring, curls the lip saying: This girl, this will be clever, knows that said didn't have? Was that injured by Ren Guodong a short time ago what's the matter? Restored hasn't the unmentionable diseasea to the present?” 天扬、董清、赵信三人喜极而泣,天扬不羁的瞪了瞪眼,撇嘴道:“这丫头,这会乖了,知道说没有了?那前不久被任国栋所伤是怎么回事?暗疾到现在还没恢复呢吧?” Hears, among Yuwen war casualty pupil colors flashes through several points of cold and gloomy, big hand, an invisible strength by Ningxia, his brow do not wrinkle the wrinkle at once: „Were you injured?” 听闻,宇文殇眸色间闪过几分森冷,大手一番,一股无形的力量透过勿宁,旋即他的眉头皱了皱:“你受伤了?” Tender body rather do not tremble gently, stares the day to raise one, nods. 勿宁的娇躯轻轻一颤,瞪了天扬一眼,才点点头。 Ren Guodong? That three years ago boy since territory?” “任国栋吗?那个三年前进入内域的小子?” A vision revolution that Yuwen dies young, when does not leave rather four people, the sunlight of that big boy with is gentle, looks like receives the cold current invasion to be the same, vanishes indifferently, by cut-throat, was blocked crazily. 宇文殇的目光一转,而当离开勿宁四人身上时,那一份大男孩的阳光和而温柔,就像是受到寒流入侵一样,漠然消失,被一股凶狠,一股疯狂所遮拦。 Rather four people do not smile bitterly, reason that before several people said that Qin Shi dies young with Yuwen looks like very much, said is this point, Yuwen dies young the person who only cares about him to care about, as for his enemy with worrying human, he looks like the nightmare is the same. 勿宁四人不由苦笑,之前几人之所以说秦石和宇文殇很像,说的就是这一点,宇文殇只在乎他在乎的人,至于他的敌人与愁人,他就像是噩梦一样。 Three years ago, that crazy form, rises to challenges from the surrounding, in enters the lunatic in territory, the Chaos Domain disciple also remembers with eternal gratitude now. 三年前,那个疯狂的身影,从外围披荆斩棘,一路杀入内域的疯子,乱域的弟子现在还镂骨铭心。 ! 咻! In a minute, what nobody saw clearly to have, Yuwen died young has not used the strength of domain, without using spiritual power, but relied on the most basic speed, harassed the look of people, before letting his body, baseless were many a person's shadow to come, but if this person's shadow Qin Shi, certainly can recognize, was not just that Ren Guodong? 片刻,没人看清楚发生了什么,宇文殇没有动用领域之力,没有动用灵力,只是凭借最基本的速度,就扰乱众人的眼神,让他身前凭空的多出一个人影来,而这个人影若是秦石在,就一定能够认出来,不正是那个任国栋吗? Ren Guodong sees Yuwen dead young, trembles at heart, before where has, dignity when Desolate Beast mountain range, startled [say / way]: Space, Yu elder brother? Your breakthrough?” 任国栋看见宇文殇,心里一颤,哪有之前在荒兽山脉时的威严,惊道:“宇,宇哥?您突破了?” Was you have injured my female apprentice?” Yuwen dies young light question. “是你伤了我师妹?”宇文殇淡淡的问句 Ren Guodong has gawked, at once after not seeing rather, the heart fresh scared look, the fist pinches, he did not explain the explanation that the day summit Third Rank strength blows out, effort wants to break away Yuwen dead young. 任国栋愣了下,旋即看见勿宁后,心生惧色,拳头一捏,他连解释都不解释,天巅三层的力量爆出,用力的就想挣开宇文殇。 Bang! 轰! But has not waited for Ren Guodong to make an effort, within the body then such as pulled out is spatially same, Yuwen dies young to look to his eye pupil, flashes through together cold and gloomy, a air/Qi field coagulation of nihility, 但没等任国栋用力,体内便如被掏空一样,宇文殇看向他的眼眸中,闪过一道森冷,一股虚无的气场凝固, Ren Guodong the pupil stares, that panic-stricken color crazy jump, connects the nihility the air/Qi field crush, his chest hollowly gets down, ten ribs break off completely. 任国栋瞳仁一瞪,那惊恐之色疯狂的跳出,接连虚无的气场碾压而过,他的胸膛就凹陷下去,十根肋骨全部折断。 Puff!” “噗!” Blood spraying, Ren Guodong whole body paralysis. 鲜血喷射,任国栋全身瘫痪。 The entire process, is less than three seconds, to the feeling of bystander, is Yuwen dies young anything not to do, because his movement is too quick, the naked eye is unable to throw to seize. 整个过程,前后不到三秒,给外人的感觉,就是宇文殇什么也没做,因为他的动作太快,肉眼根本无法扑捉。 But as a result, Ren Guodong has abandoned, thorough has abandoned, although also not until death, but this whole life he does not want to strive, this wanting his life was crueler. 但结果是,任国栋废了,彻底的废了,虽然还不至死,但这辈子他都别想在有所精进,这比要了他的命还要残忍。 Yuwen dies young indifferent shaking the head: You should thank, in these three years breakthrough, my disposition was smoothed by grinding, otherwise you already died.” 宇文殇漠然的摇摇头:“你应该感谢,在这三年的突破里,我的心性被磨平许多,否则你早就死了。” The word, his big hand, Ren Guodong the remnant body crashes, vanishes in ten thousand meters rift valley. 言罢,他大手一张,任国栋的残躯坠落,消失在万米的裂谷中。 Yuwen dies young to take back the vision, looked that has not looked at that Ren Guodong, the limpid cold pupil such as the sharp sword is common, thorn to all around, cold Lidao: Friend who my Yuwen dies young, so long as I am also living, that nobody can injure, any person anything influence.” 宇文殇收回目光,看都没看那任国栋,清澈的寒眸如利剑一般,刺向四周,冷厉道:“我宇文殇的朋友,只要我还活着,那就没人能够伤害,无论是什么人什么势力。” The innumerable will of the people rise disturbedly, this Yuwen died young is really too aggressive. 无数人心升忐忑,这宇文殇实在是太霸气了些。 But discards Ren Guodong, he does not look toward rather four people, was similar to changes individual was the same, was anxious in his look, opened the mouth to four people: She?” 而废掉任国栋,他朝勿宁四人望去,如同变化了个人一样,在他的眼神里充满担忧,冲着四人开口:“她呢?” ! 咣啷! Four people fierce trembles, reveals all of a sudden far. 四人猛的一颤,一下子露出迥然。 Yuwen dies young to knit the brows, during is gentle flashes through several points of lonely: Speech?” 宇文殇皱了皱眉,温柔之中闪过几分冷清:“说话啊?” Big brother, you are calm first.” “大哥,你先冷静一下。” I asked again one time, she?” The sound that Yuwen dies young changed, all around air burns. “我再问一次,她呢?”宇文殇的声音变了,四周的空气都燃烧起来。 Zhao Xin shakes the head, he too understands Yuwen dead young, if he did not say that it is estimated that must leave the important matter, for this reason goes forward one step: Me, the sister-in-law she is all right, she also in Chaos Domain, is only in the three years, she received some painstakingly, we old fogies by in territory were deceived.” 赵信摇摇头,他太了解宇文殇,如果他再不说,估计就要出大事了,为此上前一步:“我来说吧,大嫂她没事,她也在乱域,只是这三年,她受了些苦,我们都被内域的老家伙们骗了。” Hears Kong Xianhui in Chaos Domain, and is safe, the air/Qi of withering Yuwen dies young diverges much, but therefore has not relaxed, icy [say / way]: Actually what's the matter?” 听闻孔贤慧乱域,并且安全,宇文殇的肃杀之气才散去不少,但并未因此而缓和,冷冰冰的道:“究竟怎么回事?” Zhao Xin helpless all sorts of facts that in the three years, Kong Xianhui will experience passed on to Yuwen die young. 赵信无奈的将这三年,孔贤慧所经历的种种事迹转告给宇文殇。 But the anger that each hear of characters, Yuwen dies young on the rise three points, especially was hearing Kong Xianhui to stay for three years in the brothel, that killed intent unable to block: This group of old bastards! Deceives me unexpectedly?” 而每听一字,宇文殇的怒火就上升三分,特别是在听闻孔贤慧在青楼呆了三年,那一股杀意遮拦不住:“这帮老畜生!竟然骗我?” Looks that angry Yuwen dies young, Zhao Xin as if early has the expectation to be the same, hastily withdraws several steps, sighed to sigh: Actually, these years, Chaos Domain to use big brother and sister-in-law throughout, all for life empty hole, three years ago they coordinate big brother breakthrough, the original intention to avoid the big brother, then starts to the sister-in-law, after all they thought that some big brother use values, naturally, a territory boundary big energy, how won't have the use value?” 看着愤怒的宇文殇,赵信仿佛早有预料一样,连忙的退后几步,喟叹道:“其实,这些年,乱域始终都是为了利用大哥和大嫂,一切都是为了生灵虚洞,三年前他们配合大哥突破,本意就是想避开大哥,然后对大嫂下手,毕竟他们觉得大哥还有些利用价值,当然,一个域境大能,怎么会没有利用价值呢?” The anger cannot suppress again, mountain peak of Yuwen war casualty under foot blasts open: I must see her!” 怒火再也压制不住,宇文殇脚下的山峰都炸裂:“我要见她!” !! !!
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