PDL :: Volume #8

#729: Day level duty

Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui accompany to arrive at fog pledge, here mansion Venerable the prestige as before, Qin Shi stands erect in out of the door, pats the travel fatigue on black robe, with Kong Xianhui forward mansion abreast in row. 秦石孔贤慧结伴来到雾盟,这里的豪宅尊威依旧,秦石矗立在门外,将黑袍上的风尘拍去,和孔贤慧并排的迈进豪宅。 After the previous time matter, the fog younger sworn brother child admires to Qin Shi, especially after knowing Qin Shi and in the territory has the relations, in the heart is envies, sees Qin Shi respectful greeting. 经过上次的事,雾盟弟子对秦石都佩服有加,特别是知道秦石和内域有关系以后,心中更是羡慕不已,一个一个看见秦石恭敬的打招呼。 Regarding this, Qin Shi is also disinclined to explain anything, is only friendly response. 对此,秦石也懒得去解释什么,只是友好的回应一番。 Arrives at the fog pledge the assembly hall, quiet azure, Dunhuang and Ye Ling, Shen Fengchun, as well as the management of fog pledge here, the people see Qin Shi to welcome completely. 来到雾盟的会议厅,幽青、敦煌、叶玲、沈逢春、以及雾盟的管理层全部在此,众人看见秦石纷纷迎上。 Quiet blue two steps go forward, feels the Qin Shi within the body unusual conditions spiritual power: Drinks, the brat, several day does not see, strove evidently?” 幽青两步上前,不由感受到秦石体内浑然天成的灵力:“喝,臭小子,几日不见,看样子又精进了啊?” Yes, thanks to everybody.” “是啊,托大伙的福。” In this group of people, Qin Shi always feels very warm. 在这群人中,秦石总感受到十分的温暖。 Shen Fengchun temper is brightest crisply: Brother Qin, did you strive? Recently were itchy, when accompanied the elder brother I to fight one, compared notes together.” 沈逢春的性子最朗爽:“秦老弟,你又精进了?这些日子手都痒痒了,什么时候陪哥哥我打一架,一起切磋切磋啊。” Facing this military person, Qin Shi smiles persuasively: Big brother Shen felt relieved that I accompany you to practice.” 面对这武夫,秦石婉转而笑:“沈大哥放心,有空我就陪你来练练。” Shen Fengchun excited sets out from stool, [say / way] of being ready to fight: We may reach an agreement, the elder brother is waiting for you.” 沈逢春激动的从凳子上起身,摩拳擦掌的道:“那咱们可说好了啊,哥哥等着你。” „Can you not violate the young tiger? Brother Qin the injury just restored, if you want to fight, I accompany you!” Is the sworn enemy, Dunhuang scolding sentence that curls the lip in side. “你能不能不犯彪?人家秦老弟伤势刚恢复,你要是想打架,我来陪你!”身为死对头,敦煌在旁边撇撇嘴的骂句。 Come! Who fears whom!” “来啊!谁怕谁!” Shen Fengchun not stimulated, looks like the firebrand is the same, a little flame can light, they opened the mouth to quarrel, started fortunately, but the crack abused each other, afterward everyone refused to accept anyone, side violent anger Long Yin, a side exposed the carapace, simply leapt the assembly hall to hit. 沈逢春不受激,就像是干柴一样,有点火苗就能点燃,两人开口就吵了起来,开始还好,只是破口对骂,后来谁也不服谁,一方暴怒龙吟,一方展露龟甲,干脆跃出会议厅真的打了起来。 Is feeling the wild with rage complementary waves, the Qin Shi full heavy line. 感受着狂怒的余波,秦石满头黑线。 These two rare and beautiful flowers!” “这俩奇葩!” Smiling of is unalarmed by strange sights quiet blue. 幽青见怪不怪的笑了笑。 Qin Shi default shrugging, this they put out one alone, perhaps to fear insufficient, but they crowd together, absolutely is the second congealing rain. 秦石默认的耸了耸肩,这俩人单独拿出一个,或许不足为惧,但俩人凑在一起,绝对就是第二个凝雨。 He shakes the head, at once the black pupil sweeps in the crowd, nonchalant knitting the brows head of: Well, big brother Fu Jun? How to have seen him?” 他摇摇头,旋即黑眸在人群中一扫,不经意的皱了皱眉头:“咦,付军大哥呢?怎么没看见他?” „Hasn't he, you asked him to have the matter?” “他没在,你找他有事吗?” Speaking of Fu Jun, quiet blue showed the strange look suddenly, in the atmosphere including assembly hall was anxious. 提起付军,幽青突然露出怪异的神色,连会议厅中的气氛都紧张起来。 Qin Shi light [say / way]: Truly a little matter, before I listened to big brother Fu Jun saying that he possibly wanted breakthrough recently, in my hand happen to have one hundred years ago supernatural object, can block the thunder disaster, before I tested personally, truly, I think big brother Fu Jun to be able with obtaining him.” 秦石淡淡的道:“确实有点事,之前我听付军大哥说,他最近可能就要突破了,我手上正好有一个百年前的神物,能够将雷劫进行封锁,之前我自己亲自试用,确实可以,我想付军大哥应该能够用得到他。” Qin Shi had not said that he saw Fu Jun Lei Jieyin, but said Fu Jun soon breakthrough, because he complied with Fu Jun to conceal him. 秦石并未说他看见了付军的雷劫印,只是说付军快要突破了,因为他答应过付军将其隐瞒。 But he said that the air of assembly hall as if coagulated. 但他言罢,会议厅的空气仿佛凝固。 Seal Lei Jieyin?” Quiet blue opens the mouth, in the demeanor has the question. “封印雷劫印?”幽青率先开口,声色中带有质疑。 Qin Shi nods, at once he revolves the sixth spirit vein strength, the spirit prestige scatterings of five days of boundaries, although is weak, but actually really exists: I now, was seal fifth spirit vein, actually I had four days of boundaries.” 秦石点点头,旋即他运转第六条灵脉的力量,五天之境的灵威散射,虽然非常微弱,但却真实存在:“我现在,就是封印了第五条灵脉,其实我才只有四天之境。” Has this matter?” The people surprised shout. “有这种事?”众人惊讶的喊声。 If Qin Shi is the same, to seal Lei Jie the matter, they do not hear, but sees the situation that Qin Shi exposes, even if they think that does not believe is not good. 秦石一样,对封印雷劫的这种事,他们也是毫无耳闻,但看见秦石展露出的情况,就算他们想不相信也不行了。 However quiet blue not but therefore reveals happily, instead on the face flashed through cannot say poverty-stricken of together, drove back the hand of Qin Shi: Truly is a good thing, but I think that the big brother should not use.” 不过幽青并未因此而露喜,反而面庞上闪过一道说不上来的窘迫,将秦石的手推回:“确实是个好东西,但是我想大哥应该用不到了。” Um?” Qin Shi knit the brows: Couldn't use? What meaning?” “嗯?”秦石皱了皱眉:“用不到了?什么意思?” Quiet azure sighed, at once he has not opened the mouth, but raised eyes toward the foreign country most Eastern cloud layer. 幽青叹了口气,旋即他没有开口,只是朝外域最东方的云层举目。 Qin Shi looks following the quiet blue vision, this discovered that there is specially Lei Jie a direction that provides for foreign country disciple breakthrough, but Lei Jiezhen the sky had been covered by the dense and numerous thunder clouds, the world is dim. 秦石顺着幽青的目光望去,这才发现那里是专门为外域弟子突破提供的雷劫阵方向,而雷劫阵的上空已经被密密麻麻的雷云覆盖,天地昏暗。 He fierce shakes: „Are that thunder clouds, big brother Fu Jun bring in? Has big brother Fu Jun been forced breakthrough?” 他心里猛的一震:“那雷云,难道是付军大哥引来的?付军大哥已经被迫突破了?” Quiet blue partly sits on the chair, palm vigorous gives to pinch to split the teacup, bitter and astringent nod: Um, has not thought that big brother concealed was so long, he already can the breakthrough eight days, always for we did not have breakthrough, we had also misunderstood him before, previous time he and Sikong Lingnan fought, the spiritual power serious debt in within the body, after injury cure, he also wanted to suppress Lei Jieyin, but Lei Jieyin to the limit, several times has almost directed full to fall in the headquarters of fog pledge, going Lei Jiezhen who this had no recourse.” 幽青半坐在椅子上,手掌大力的将茶杯都给捏裂开,苦涩的点点头:“嗯,没想到,大哥隐瞒了这么久,他早就已经能够突破八天,始终为了我们没有突破,我们之前还误会了他,上一次他和司空岭南交手,体内的灵力严重亏空,伤势治愈以后他本是还想要压制雷劫印的,但是雷劫印已经饱满到了极限,几次差一点就在雾盟的总部引落,这才迫不得已的前往雷劫阵。” The mood in room is in the doldrums, several fog pledge high level pinching tightly fists maliciously, the sound of interarticular bone friction resounds, rebukes oneself to say quiet blue: Brothers for us.” 房间中的情绪低迷,几名雾盟高层狠狠的捏紧拳,关节间骨头摩擦的声音响起,幽青自责道:“大哥都是为了我们。” Qin Shi takes back the vision, waved to pat the quiet blue shoulder: Do not think, since occurred, rebukes oneself to be also useless, we can do now, is other brothers Fu Jun comes back, believes that big brother Fu Jun, big brother Fu Jun definitely does not have the issue, he can definitely smooth breakthrough, after he returns once more, we fight shoulder to shoulder.” 秦石收回目光,挥手拍了拍幽青的肩膀:“别这么想,既然已经发生了,自责也没有用,我们现在能做的,就是等付军大哥回来,相信付军大哥,付军大哥肯定没问题,他肯定能够顺利突破,等到他再次回归以后,我们并肩而战。” I know that we believe him.” “我知道,我们都信他。” Under quiet blue several people of points maliciously, Fu Jun breakthrough has not made them fall into scared, instead because of paying payout of armed forces is moved, fights intent to be full. 幽青几人狠狠的点下头,付军的突破并未让他们陷入恐慌,反而因付军的付出而感动,战意十足。 Creates the world group, I must make them pay the price.” “创世团,我一定要让他们付出代价。” Qin Shi happily smiles, at once he suddenly stern question: Was right, big brother Fu Jun does the breakthrough matter create the world group to know?” 秦石欣慰一笑,旋即他突然严峻的问句:“对了,付军大哥突破的事创世团知道吗?” Created the world group and fog pledge already did not die continuous, if were created the world group to know that Fu Jun was crossing the disaster, they will definitely not let up this opportunity, therefore Fu Juncai did not go to breakthrough. 创世团和雾盟早已不死不休,如果被创世团知道付军在渡劫,那他们肯定不会放过这种机会,也正是因此付军才迟迟不去突破 Quiet blue forced smile: How can not know that foreign country disciple breakthrough, must register, but governs the disciple in registration office creates the person of world group.” 幽青苦笑:“怎么会不知道,外域弟子突破,必须要进行登记,而掌管登记处的弟子就是创世团的人。” But the word, he also said immediately: Temporarily has not needed to be worried that now creates the world group should not to have the time to aim at us, recently presented a day level duty in Chaos Domain, they are busy that duty the matter.” 但言罢,他马上又道:“不过暂时还不用担心,现在创世团应该没有功夫来针对我们,最近在乱域出现一个天级任务,他们都忙着那个任务的事呢。” Day level duty?” “天级任务?” The Chaos Domain duty, altogether is divided into five types, separately is the surrounding duty, the foreign country duty, in territory duty, level duty, day level duty. 乱域任务,一共分为五种,分别是外围任务,外域任务,内域任务,地级任务,天级任务。 These five duties, surrounding duty is to feed specially the surrounding enslaves, the foreign country is to the foreign country disciple, in the territory internal territory disciple, each duty is accomplished, will obtain the rich reward, is many disciples in the Chaos Domain livelihood. 这五种任务,外围任务是专供外围奴役的,外域是对外域弟子,内域对内域弟子,每一次任务完成,都会得到丰厚的奖励,是很多弟子在乱域的生存之道。 However level and day level, two duty different former three, so long as is the Chaos Domain disciples can receive, but the danger coefficients of these two duties are extremely high, especially the day level, it is said in Chaos Domain, many years had not presented the day level duty. 但是地级、天级,两种任务不同前三者,只要是身为乱域弟子都能够领取,不过这两种任务的危险系数极高,特别是天级,据说在乱域中,已经很多年都没出现过天级任务了。 Qin Shi knows this matter, surprised question: What duty?” 秦石知道这事,惊讶的问句:“什么任务?” Quiet blue bitter and astringent smiles, then big hand one, a reel emerges. 幽青苦涩一笑,然后大手一摊,一张卷轴浮出。 Is this.” “就是这个。” This?” Qin Shi curious received the reel, on seeing dense and numerous handwriting, he stares the facial features all of a sudden in a big way: Takes the eight territory wicked list seventh great crags the severed heads? Rewards 5 million contribution values?” “这个?”秦石好奇的将卷轴接过,但看见上面密密麻麻的字迹时,他一下子将眉眼瞪大:“取八域恶榜第七巨岩的首级?奖励5000000贡献值?” Great crag?” “巨岩?” But hears these two characters, throughout peaceful Kong Xianhui trembles gently. 而听到这两字,始终安静的孔贤慧轻轻一颤。 But regarding her unusuality, Qin Shi question: What's wrong? Do you also know this great crag?” 而对于她的异常,秦石问句:“怎么?你也知道这个巨岩?” Biting cherry lips that Kong Xianhui Bei Chiqing trembles, light point broad and handsome forehead: Um, if I have not remembered incorrectly, the great crag should also be the Chaos Domain disciple? Before Yuwen dies young has not entered the territory, in does the territory natural talent highest disciple, how become the issuing a warrant for arrest objects of eight territory wicked lists?” 孔贤慧贝齿轻颤的咬住樱唇,轻点螓首:“嗯,只是如果我没记错,巨岩应该也是乱域的弟子吧?是在宇文殇没进内域前,内域天资最高的弟子,怎么会成为八域恶榜的通缉对象?” Chaos Domain disciple?” Qin Shi is startled slightly, curious to quiet looks blue: „Is quiet blue elder brother, this appearance?” 乱域弟子?”秦石微微吃惊,好奇的冲幽青望去:“幽青哥,是这个样子吗?” Hears quiet blue, obviously is somewhat surprised, but he knows that the Kong Xianhui status is uncommon, has been unalarmed by strange sights nod: She said right, before great crag, truly is our Chaos Domain disciple, however three years ago his severe wound two day summit within the boundaries territory disciple, and has stolen away in the territory most precious object, Pin Lingcao: The pink clouds cloud ganoderma lucidum, since then ran away the chaos cemetery, became the issuing a warrant for arrest objects of eight territory wicked lists.” 幽青听闻,显然有些吃惊,但他知道孔贤慧的身份不凡,也就见怪不怪了的点点头:“她说的没错,巨岩之前确实是我们乱域的弟子,但是三年前他重伤了两名天巅境内域弟子,并且偷走了内域至宝,地品灵草:彩霞云灵芝,自此之后就逃到了混沌坟场,成为了八域恶榜的通缉对象。” The word, quiet azure sighed to sigh: Actually this duty, when Chaos Domain already was not the secret, the great crag fled Chaos Domain, Chaos Domain issued to issue a warrant for arrest, was only the chaos cemetery is extremely dangerous, these years no one went far away to provoke the great crag, but the form of great crag suddenly appeared in the skyhawk black market a short time ago, these attracted the Chaos Domain innumerable disciples, it is said Xing Moyuan went in person the battlefield, prepared to take the great crag.” 言罢,幽青喟叹:“其实这个任务,在乱域早已不是什么秘密,巨岩逃离乱域时,乱域就下达通缉,只是混沌坟场太过危险,这些年谁也不远去招惹巨岩,不过前不久巨岩的身影突然在天鹰黑市出现,这一下才吸引了乱域无数弟子,据说邢墨鸢都亲赴战场,准备将巨岩拿下。” Xing Moyuan also?” “邢墨鸢也去了?” The Qin Shi surprised drinking sound, Xing Moyuan is the foreign country big elder, begins including him personally, obviously precious of this duty. 秦石吃惊的喝声,邢墨鸢是外域大长老,连他都亲自动手,可见这任务的珍贵。 In his black pupil flashes through several points of gloss. 不由间,他的黑眸中闪过几分光泽。 But sees this gloss, quiet azure they gawked with Kong Xianhui staring, the moral nature simultaneously reappeared not good reading to think, quiet blue strange different way: I said that your boy won't want to meddle this duty?” 而看见这道光泽,幽青和孔贤慧两人是愣了愣,心底同时浮现一个不好的念想,幽青怪异道:“我说,你小子不会是也想要去插手这个任务吧?” Why not?” “为什么不呢?” Qin Shi indifferent shrugging, he is not the fellow who that type can know one's place, let alone the reward of this duty is very rich, that is the entire 5 million contribution values. 秦石无所谓的耸了耸肩,他可不是那种能安分守己的家伙,何况这次任务的奖励十分丰厚,那可是整整5000000的贡献值啊。 Had that 5 million contribution values, he can be Evil Spirit exchanges demon soul, that is also he pledges Evil Spirit for a long time matter. 有了那5000000贡献值,他就能够为邪魔兑换森古魔魂了,那也是他承诺邪魔许久的事。 Gets what one deserves your side always to trouble unceasingly.” Scolding sound that Kong Xianhui rebukes: „When just entered Chaos Domain, I urged you do not stir up trouble specially, now looked like is regarded as the neglected advice.” “活该你身边总是麻烦不断。”孔贤慧嗔怪的骂声:“刚进乱域时,我特意叮嘱过你不要惹事,现在看来全都被当作是耳旁风了是吧。” Qin Shi awkward smiling, he does not want like this, but considers, which thinks person who an achievement enterprise, an achievement side overlord, has the ambition, doesn't grow in the troublesome stack? 秦石尴尬的笑了笑,他也不想这样啊,但试想一下,哪个想成就一番事业,成就一方霸主,有野心的人,不是在麻烦堆积中成长出来的? The corona that wants to enjoy the top dog, naturally must withstand the inhuman bitter experience. 想要享受人上人的光环,就自然要承受非人的遭遇。 This point, Qin Shi already looked pale, he was not willing the ordinary host, why by the day that oneself haven't liked? Feeling of this risking one's life, good. 这一点,秦石早已看淡,他本来就不是甘愿平凡的主,何必让自己过自己不喜欢的日子呢?况且这种出生入死的感觉,挺好。 Also, he was only participates in the duty, do not bring death. 再说,他只是去参加任务,又不是要去送死。 Looks the appearance that Qin Shi thinks little, Kong Xianhui and quiet blue knows, no matter what they divulged the day , the stop Qin Shi, they too understood Qin Shi. 看着秦石不以为意的模样,孔贤慧和幽青就知道,任他们两个说破天,也阻拦不了秦石,他们太了解秦石了。 ----- ----- Thank may Eva's birthday present, specially in addition. 感谢可爱娃的生日礼物,特此加更。 !! !!
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