PDL :: Volume #8

#728: Chaotic territory fairyhood

Qin Shi knit the brows, look unprecedented enforces. 秦石皱了皱眉,眼神前所未有的严肃起来。 Just started, he also thought is only the coincidence, when the association got up he just entered the foreign country, in the archives pavilion, the word always calls the reel that he registered, he space-independent that felt from the reel, in addition in the burrow of Desolate Beast mountain range, iced the Long Long's blue difference, as if nowhere disagreement fairyhood in Chaos Domain was related. 刚开始,他还以为只是巧合,但联想起他刚入外域时,在公文阁,言老叫他登记的卷轴,他从卷轴后面感受到的独立空间,再加上荒兽山脉的地穴里,冰龙龙青的异样,仿佛在乱域里无处不和魔性有关。 It seems like I guess right, in this Chaos Domain really fishy.” “看来我猜得没错,这乱域里果然有鬼。” In the heart meditates, later Qin Shi had not been asking, but were many mind in moral nature, decided that has the opportunity to go to the archives pavilion to nose carefully. 心中默念,之后秦石没在多问,只是在心底里多了个心眼,决定有机会要去公文阁仔细查探一番。 He always thought that here is hiding any huge plot, especially unites the Kong Xianhui beforehand words, hundred years ago matter that demon and Chaos Domain war stop inexplicably. 他总觉得,这里隐藏着什么巨大的阴谋,特别是联合孔贤慧之前的话,百年前魔界和乱域的战争莫名休止的事。 Then, the people look at the inking wolf skilled refine the pill of immortality, when entire house the one-man show of black ink wolf, his refine the pill of immortality, with usually acts like a different person, each movement passing clouds and flowing water, neat, is such radiance and dazzling. 接下来,众人看着墨狼熟练的炼丹,整个房屋中成了墨狼的独角戏,他炼丹时,和平时判若两人,每一个动作都行云流水,干净利落,是那样的璀璨和耀眼。 Bang! 轰! Probably passed half double-hour, hundred animal-shaped incense burners suddenly fierce rocks several, over a hundred types of flame gather, all of a sudden vanish in the people eyes, the red compounded drug that a brand mark the flame mark is winding drops out from the mouth of pill stove. 大约过了半个时辰,百兽炉突然剧烈的晃动几下,上百种火焰汇聚成一点,一下子消失在众人眼中,一颗烙印着火焰纹络的赤色丹药从丹炉的壶嘴中掉出。 Compounded drug, the breath of people are obviously rapid, especially winds in the visible above flame mark, the complexions of several people changed, the flame mark winds really has enough eight. 丹药一出,众人的呼吸明显急促起来,特别是在看见上面的火焰纹络,几个人的脸色都变了,火焰纹络竟然有足足八道。 Nine chief ministers of state eight mark miracle cures?” “九品八纹灵丹?” Nine chief ministers of state eight mark miracle cures, this already infinite avenue of approach, even if also is very rare in Chaos Domain. 九品八纹灵丹,这已经无限接近地品了,就算是在乱域也十分罕见。 „Under makes Mu Hui take tries, will meet me to use the beast fire, will assist her from outside, helping her compel outside body the demon air/Qi.” The black ink wolf has wiped the sweat, dispatches the compounded drug. “让慕惠服下试试吧,一会我会在用兽火,从外面辅佐她,帮她将魔气逼出体外。”墨狼抹了抹汗水,将丹药递出。 Looks at the compounded drug, Lingyun shivers several, for a long time after he its result, clenches teeth saying: „The black ink wolf, I reach the clouds to owe you.” 看着丹药,凌云颤抖几下,许久他将其结果后,咬着牙道:“墨狼,我凌云欠你的。” The word, he will admire Hui to help up from the bed. 言罢,他将慕惠从床榻上扶起。 Mu Huijiang is addicted to under flame Dantun, in the fair jade surface raises immediately crimson, the body temperature rises, the entire photograph is a stove is the same, feels hot slightly. 慕惠将嗜炎丹吞下,白皙的玉面上马上升起绯红,体温上升,整个人像是一个火炉一样,微微发烫。 Is now.” “就是现在。” The black ink wolf mental perception concentrates, the slender five fingers will separate, comforting gently in admiring Hui's collar bone place, over a hundred beast hot tuck dive, like a evil dragon of evil spirit, pours into Mu Hui the fragrant body at once. 墨狼慧眼一凝,将修长的五指分开,轻轻的安抚在慕惠的锁骨处,旋即上百种兽火翻腾而起,像一条凶煞的恶龙一样,灌入慕惠的香体之内。 That beast fire is admiring Hui Within the body to flee in all directions, flees from several hundred meridians middle reaches, will be addicted to the flame pill's property to stimulate, making Mu Hui the body temperature increase completely once more is apart from, all around presents the heat wave including her air. 那兽火在慕惠体内流窜,从数百根经脉中游窜,将嗜炎丹的药性全部激发,令慕惠的体温再次增距,连她周遭的空气都出现热浪。 Qin Shi depending on reading the strength waits and sees, will see that fire dragon to admire the fairyhood of Hui Within the body to besiege, connects Mu Hui the tender body to tremble fiercely several, demon air/Qi crazy struggling. 秦石凭念力观望,一眼就看见那火龙将慕惠体内的魔性围攻,接连慕惠的娇躯剧烈哆嗦几下,魔气从中疯狂的挣扎。 But the property dissolved completely in admiring Hui's within the body, this demon air/Qi has no place to go radically, has no way out in the blood of seething with excitement, finally fierce makes the broken Mu Hui white delicate arms. 但药性已经全部溶解在慕惠的体内,这魔气根本无处可逃,在沸腾的血液之中走投无路,最终猛的挣破慕惠的玉臂。 Compelled.” “逼出来了。” The black ink wolf great happiness, looks that breathes heavily to the demon air/Qi of full vault of heaven continuously the previous several thick air/Qi: This has been all right, lets admire Hui training several days, can be restored to health.” 墨狼大喜,看着冲盈天穹的魔气连续喘上几口粗气:“这样就没事了,让慕惠修养几天,就能康复了。” Lingyun hears, grasps Mu Hui, looks loving dearly that her pale facial features cannot say: Hui Er, you heard, your sickness was finally good, later we could not separate again.” 凌云听闻,一把抱住慕惠,看着她苍白的面容说不上的心疼:“惠儿,你听见了,你的病终于好了,以后我们再也分不开了。” Um, is not separated.” “嗯,再也不分开。” Admires Huian static walking arm in arm in Lingyun bosom. 慕惠安静的依偎在凌云怀中。 Is feeling their full loves, Qin Shi from side slightly absent-minded, remembers own three females, goes down in the world to smile: Really is the two people of Xian Sha other people.” 感受着两人满满的爱意,秦石从旁边微微失神,不由想起自己的三个女子,落魄而笑:“真是羡煞旁人的两个人啊。” Do not be sad, I believe that finally a day, the feeling emotion person finally becomes a family member.” Sees his difference, Kong Xianhui comforts one. “别难过,我相信终于一天,有情人都会终成眷属。”看出他的异样,孔贤慧安慰一句。 Um!” Qin Shi nods, holds down the fragrant shoulder of Kong Xianhui, smiles the sentence: Similar words, I also give to you, the feeling emotion person has the family member finally, if the feeling emotion person, all misunderstanding will untie finally.” “嗯!”秦石点点头,按住孔贤慧的香肩,笑句:“同样的话,我也送给你,有情人终有眷属,如果是有情人的话,一切误会终会解开。” hear that, the beautiful pupil of Kong Xianhui is slight, biting silver tooth of making an effort, she knows what Qin Shi said to refer to was Yuwen dies young, but she does not know really that they were the feeling emotion people. 闻言,孔贤慧的美眸轻微涣散,使劲的咬住银牙,她知道秦石所言所指的是宇文殇,但她真的不知道,她们算不算有情人。 All, when perhaps when only then they meet once more can assert. 一切,或许只有等到两人再次相见时才能够断言吧。 Qin Shi also understands that worry of Kong Xianhui, smiled has not been speaking, but supine beginning silently, is looking up to Baleful Qi that on the vault of heaven circles. 秦石也明白孔贤慧的担忧,笑了笑没有在说话,而是默默的仰起头,仰望着在天穹上盘旋的煞气 Kid, disturbing others couple to be so long, finally you also did a meaningful matter.” Qin Shi told the foul air, at once his black pupil concentrates, the five fingers of left hand were slightly curving, grasped to the vault of heaven void. “小家伙,打扰了人家两口子这么久,最后你也做点有意义的事吧。”秦石吐口浊气,旋即他的黑眸一凝,左手的五指微微弯曲,冲着天穹虚空一握。 Receives!” “收!” Evil Spirit Totem blossoms in radiant splendor, at once the wild with rage suction locks Baleful Qi, howling swallows in Baleful Qi Evil Spirit Totem. 邪魔图腾大放异彩,旋即狂怒的吸力锁定煞气,呼啸的将煞气吞噬到邪魔图腾之中。 Happen to the Evil Spirit severe wound, you treat as the nourishment to him.” “正好邪魔重伤,你就给他当做养料吧。” The evil aura struggles two in Totem, but with is compared with Evil Spirit that two big demons revere, delicate, quick fell by intense making a false counter-accusation, but therefore on low-spirited for a long time Evil Spirit Totem, glitters finally several points of gloss. 邪气在图腾中挣扎两下,但和身为两大魔尊的邪魔相比,弱不禁风,很快就被强烈的反噬掉,而因此黯然已久的邪魔图腾上,也终于闪烁起几分光泽。 But Evil Spirit has not regained consciousness, that time in stalactite cave, Evil Spirit to protect him received very heavy wound, is not several wisps of demon air/Qi can restore, he must seek for more demon to come to be good nutritiously. 邪魔还是没有苏醒,那一次在钟乳洞中,邪魔为了保护他受了很重的伤,不是几缕魔气就能恢复的,他必须要寻找更多的魔物来滋补才行。 Mu Hui the injury restores, the black ink wolf alone lowers the head in side, looks, silent Fang Jiu, as if in the aftertaste beforehand feeling, to him of [say / way] of pursue acme refine the pill of immortality, has discovered to be the same at once probably, startled shouts: Everybody, I must say good bye now, I must go back the refine the pill of immortality!” 慕惠的伤势恢复,墨狼独自在旁边低着头,望着手,沉默了方久,仿佛在回味之前的感觉,旋即对炼丹之道追求极致的他,好像有所发现一样,惊喊道:“各位,失陪一下,我要回去炼丹!” Qin Shi has not blocked him, because he knows that this sensibility needs the turning point, if were disturbed, possibly also has the opportunity to move again. 秦石没拦他,因为他知道,这种感悟需要契机,如果被人打扰的话,可能再也么有机会触碰。 Let alone, he also has very important matter to do. 何况,他也有很重要的事要做。 Then, where do you want to go to?” “接下来,你要去哪里?” Leaves room that reaches the clouds, Kong Xianhui in Qin Shi behind question. 离开凌云的房间,孔贤慧秦石身后问句 Qin Shi considers, looks at toward the headquarters of fog pledge vision: Goes to the fog pledge, before has implicated big brother Fu Jun, had not expressed gratitude with him, moreover I have a type of thing to hand over to pay the armed forces big brother.” 秦石斟酌一番,将目光朝雾盟的总部望去:“去雾盟吧,之前连累了付军大哥,一直也没和他道谢呢,而且我有样东西想交给付军大哥。” The word, his big hand rubs gu several in pocket, Feng Leisuo a flight recorder appears in the hand. 言罢,他大手在衣兜里蹭咕几下,一枚封雷锁的黑匣子出现在手中。 ! 咻! Two light dodge, such as washes on the vault of heaven that to dodge to plunder from an area. 两道光影一闪,从一区如洗的天穹上闪掠而过。 But what they do not know, shortly after they leave, in a covert Xiangzikou, three wear creates the disciple of world group clothing to bravely step forward. 而两人不知的是,在两人离开不久,在一个隐蔽的巷子口里,三名穿着创世团服饰的弟子挺身而出。 It seems like Xu Yan manages guesses right, goes back Bing Bao.” “看来徐岩执事猜的没错,回去禀报吧。” Three people squint, flies to escape toward the position of Qin Shi reversed direction. 三人相觑一眼,朝着秦石反方向的位置飞遁。 In the diagonal line place of fog pledge, creates the headquarters of world group. Here, is a luxurious architectural complex, the contrast ratio fog pledge headquarters also wants on big several times, creates the high level of world group to live in this completely. 在雾盟的对角线处,是创世团的总部。在这里,是一个奢华建筑群,照比雾盟的总部还要大上几倍,创世团的高层全部居住在此。 Three people circle to the architectural complex behind, enters one in bejeweled jade palace, the mansion that can still bravely step forward, the mansion altogether is divided into Third Rank, three people arrive at a Third Rank room, room above are carving big Xu Word. 三人绕到建筑群后面,进入一个在琼楼玉宇中,仍能挺身而出的豪宅,豪宅总共分为三层,三人来到第三层的一间房间,房间上面刻着大大的徐字。 Three people knocked on a door, shove open the door. 三人敲了敲门,推开房门。 In the house the ray is dim, is used to the window, the lamp is not having, to far away can hear the female to be charming ** the sound, 34 meat groups wriggle on the bed. 房屋中光线昏暗,惯着窗户,灯也没点,离老远就能听闻女子娇羞的**声,34个肉团在床榻上蠕动。 But in the uppermost man, is Xu Yan. 而在最上面的男子,正是徐岩。 Sees three disciples, several females under Xu Yan body pulls hastily the quilt, wants to block from white and shiny **, but Xu Yan does not have the meaning that must stop slightly, scolds the sound to three disciples: Comes not to know to knock on a door, you and others my.” 看见三名弟子,在徐岩身下的几名女子连忙将被子扯过来,想要遮住白花花的**,但徐岩却没有丝毫要停止的意思,冲着三名弟子呵斥声:“进来也不知道敲门,你们等我一下。” The word, the tearing quilt that he makes an effort, causes the tender breathing heavily sounds of several females, hugged several females to tumble for a long time, finally satisfied boldly thrusting forward on the bed, to the several female sneering sounds of crotch: He he, your how many, are exactly good, is comes out from the brothel? Later remains to create the world group, serves me.” 言罢,他用力的扯开被子,引起几声女子的娇喘声,抱着几名女子在床上翻滚了许久,最终才满足的挺起身来,冲着胯下的几名女子冷笑声:“呵呵,你们几个,活不错啊,是不是都是从青楼出来的啊?以后就留在创世团吧,伺候我。” Many thanks Xu Yan manages.” “多谢徐岩执事。” One hear can enter creates world group, several females were continually shy have forgotten, excited held Xu Yan to kiss several. 一听能进入创世团,几名女子连羞涩都忘了,兴奋的抱着徐岩又亲了几口。 Xu Yan arrogant snort, the disorderly clothing will pick up, has gotten back one's composure to three disciple question: How is it? Verified white?” 徐岩傲慢的哼了哼,将杂乱的衣物拾起,才回过神的冲着三名弟子问句:“怎么样?都查明白了吗?” Three people said hastily: Um, Qin Shi and that were called Lingyun's relations to be truly uncommon, went out goes to reach the clouds there, Lingyun was outside Chaos Domain, a disciple of small family, with his together also had his fiancee, Mu Hui.” 三人连忙道:“嗯,秦石和那个叫凌云的关系确实不凡,才出关就去了凌云那里,凌云是乱域外,一个小家族的弟子,和他一起的还有他的未婚妻,慕惠。” This?” Xu Yan narrows the eye, cold and gloomy smiling: Good, Qin Shi, this time I must make you pay the price.” The word, he orders to say to three disciples: Finds an opportunity, will reach the clouds to grasp with his fiancee, closes to create in the basement of world group Lingyun, his fiancee, sends my this to be good.” “这样吗?”徐岩眯起眼睛,森冷的笑笑:“好,秦石,这一次我一定要让你付出代价。”言罢,他冲着三名弟子命令道:“找个机会,将凌云和他的未婚妻抓来,将凌云关到创世团的地下室里,他的未婚妻吗,送来我这就行。” Yes!” Three disciple respectful complying , a person of eye transferred at once, question: Big brother, why don't we start from the congealing rain? Congealing rain that fatty and should Qin Shi relations, be nearer than Lingyun?” “是!”三名弟子恭敬的答应,旋即一人眼睛转了一圈,问句:“大哥,我们为什么不从凝雨下手?凝雨那胖子和秦石的关系,应该比凌云更近吧?” You understand anything!” Xu Yan disgruntled huh the sound, said: Congealing rain that fatty cannot move easily, although his skill is not big, but in his hand grasped the handles of many influences, secret, if catches him, that was equal to that in giving to create the world group to antagonize people, now in this crucial point, do not cause complications, but this Lingyun is different, he does not have what background, in Qin Shi does not have the territory to support, I to wanting to look, what this time he can also have skill.” “你懂什么!”徐岩不悦的哼哧声,道:“凝雨那胖子轻易不能动,虽然他自己的本事不大,但是他手上掌握了许多势力的把柄,秘密,如果将他抓来,那等于在给创世团树敌,现在这个节骨眼上,不要节外生枝,但这个凌云就不一样,他没有什么背景,秦石不是有内域撑腰吗,那我到想要瞧一瞧,这一次他还能有什么本事。” Three disciples suddenly, this is also Xu Yan in the business zone time, finally looks to the reaching the clouds look, why has been full of the meaning of withering. 三名弟子恍然,这也是徐岩在商区时,最后看向凌云的眼神里,为何充满了肃杀之意。 Right big brother, yesterday heard, the Qin Shi breakthrough five days of boundaries were defeated!” Disciple hesitant, goes forward one step, thinks highly to say. “对了大哥,昨日听闻,秦石突破五天之境失败了!”一弟子犹豫一下,上前一步,恭维道。 breakthrough failure? Is this news true?” 突破失败?这消息属实吗?” Is true, yesterday in an area, Qin Shi has brought in five days of thunder clouds, but afterward that thunder clouds, when tens of thousands meters are not suddenly steady, was shaken disperses.” “属实,昨日在一区,秦石引来了五天雷云,但后来那雷云在几万米的时候突然不稳,被震散了。” „Were thunder clouds shaken disperse?” Xu Yan shifty eyes one bright, gushing out that the happy expression cannot cover up: Good, good, good, the breakthrough failure of Heaven Realm, that will create the huge injury after all, it seems like is really the God helps me, this time I must make him know that offends my Xu Yan in the foreign country is any consequence, I must call him to live to might as well die!” “雷云被震散了?”徐岩的贼眼一亮,喜色遮掩不住的涌出:“好,好,好,天境突破失败,那毕竟会造成巨大的伤势,看来真是老天爷都帮助我啊,这一次我一定要让他知道,在外域得罪我徐岩是什么后果,我要叫他生不如死!” The word, Xu Yan seven days of peak strengths destroy Huanglong, kneading together that the fist psst makes noise, wipes limpid killing intent such as ceratop to go to sea general, flashes through from his eye pupil unceasingly. 言罢,徐岩七天巅峰的力量直捣黄龙,拳头吱吱作响的捏合,一抹清澈的杀意如角龙出海一般,不断从他的眼眸中闪过。 Qin Shi, the game started.” 秦石,游戏开始了。” !! !!
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