PDL :: Volume #8

#727: pill stove ranking

Throws to seize to admire the black evil aura of Hui Within the body, a Qin Shi brow wrinkle, in this evil aura, has been full of the ominous demon charm: It seems like suspects with me similar?” 扑捉到慕惠体内的黑色邪气,秦石的眉头一皱,在这邪气上,充满了凶魔的魔力:“看来和我猜想的差不多吗?” But he takes back the strength, has not opened the mouth saying that but looks from side to the black ink wolf, he wants to take a look at this black ink wolf, actually some big skills. 但他收回力量,并未开口道出,而是从旁边看向墨狼,他想要瞧瞧这个墨狼,究竟有多大的本事。 The black ink wolf is very earnest, probably the hemiprism fragrant time, his limpid eye suddenly stares in a big way, among the looks reveals several points of stern. 墨狼十分认真,大约半柱香的功夫,他清澈的眼睛才突然瞪大,神色间露出几分严峻。 Looks at his look, Qin Shi question: How is it?” 看着他的神色,秦石问句:“怎么样?” The black ink wolf for a long time, shakes the head silent: In her within the body, very strange strengths, that strength was not the Lingyun said ominous beast, was not artificial, if I have not guessed that the cona strength should came from demon!” 墨狼沉默许久,才摇摇头:“在她体内,有一股十分诡异的力量,那力量并不是凌云所说的凶兽,也不是人为,如果我没猜错那力量应该是来自魔界!” Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi hears, slightly feels to be startled, in the heart to admiring of black ink wolf and increases the integral. 秦石听闻,微微的感到吃惊,心中对墨狼的佩服又增加积分。 Has saying that this black ink wolf worthily is the apprentice of pill emperor, must know, since hundred years ago, the ominous demon is very scarce in the activity of world of human beings, therefore few people can distinguish the fairyhood, even if were occasionally several people also lived over a hundred years of eight territory old fogies, has not thought that this black ink wolf actually knows. 不得不说,这墨狼不愧是丹皇的徒弟,要知道自从百年前,凶魔在人界的活动就十分稀少,所以很少有人能够辨别出魔性,就算是偶有几人也都是活了上百年的八域老家伙们,没想到这墨狼竟然知道。 Under his gratified point, question: What means does that have to cure?” 他欣慰的点下头,问句:“那有什么办法能够治愈吗?” black ink wolf not anxiously response, but gave Mu Huihao under the [lineage/vein], said: I do not dare saying that if this fairyhood eruption, is the big [gold/metal] immortal is reincarnated also not live her, after all the fairyhood strength is not humanity can withstand, but throughout suppresses with the medicine before Lingyun well, this fairyhood is also in the embryonic form now, if with the positive thing refinement the compounded drug, in addition the external force tows the fairyhood from outside, should be able to discharge within the body it.” 墨狼没有急着回应,而是又给慕惠号了下脉,才道:“我不敢说,如果这魔性爆发,就是大罗金仙转世也就不活她,毕竟魔性的力量不是人类所能承受,但是好在凌云之前始终用药物压制,这魔性现在还处于雏形,如果用一些至阳之物炼制成丹药,再加上外力从外面牵引魔性,应该能够将其排出体内。” Starts to hear front, Lingyun soon has cried, afterward relaxing of gradually: I said that you can do not gasp for breath greatly.” 开始听见前面,凌云都快要哭了,后来才渐渐的松了口气:“我说,你能不能不要大喘气。” I said is truth, is Alchemist I must consider completely the situation.” black ink wolf stereotypical curling the lip. “我说的都是实话,身为炼药师我要将情况全部都考虑到。”墨狼呆板的撇撇嘴。 Looks at the appearance of inking wolf, the Qin Shi bursting out laughing forced smile, Alchemist this appearance? It is not right, Lin Yu not. 看着墨狼的样子,秦石哑然苦笑,难道炼药师都这个样子吗?不对啊,麟宇也不是啊。 Was good, since has not erupted, that is good, this matter Lingyun must well under thanks the black ink wolf.” Qin Shi said from side, but some few words he had not said that is the fairyhood eruption, he also has the means to cure Mu Hui, after all Evil Spirit the name of two big ancient times demon Venerable did not have unearned reputation. “行了,既然没有爆发,那就再好不过了,这事凌云要好好感谢下墨狼。”秦石从旁边笑说,但有一句话他没有说,就是就算魔性爆发,他也有办法治愈慕惠,毕竟邪魔的两大远古魔尊之称可不是浪得虚名。 So long as is not the strong ominous demon fairyhood, Evil Spirit Baleful Qi can swallow it. 只要不是超强的凶魔魔性,邪魔煞气都能将其吞噬。 Reaches the clouds the grateful destroy by floods or rush of water wolf to express gratitude: black ink wolf, although shortly after we know, but this time has been lucky you, so long as you can help me cure Hui Er, after the life that I reach the clouds was you, so long as you had the matter to want me to do, even if wanted me dead, I did not refuse under any circumstances.” 凌云感激的冲墨狼道谢:“墨狼,虽然咱们认识不久,但这次多亏了你,只要你能帮我治好惠儿,我凌云的命以后就是你的了,只要你有事情要我做,哪怕是要我死,我也在所不辞。” This saying is very false, but stems from the mouth of Lingyun, actually exceptionally sincere, Qin Shi can feel, if the black ink wolf said that now makes Lingyun die, reaches the clouds meets without the slightest hesitation, brandishes a sword to commit suicide. 这话很假,但出自凌云之口,却异常的真挚,秦石能感觉出来,如果墨狼现在说让凌云死,凌云真的会毫不犹豫,挥刀自尽。 Henceforth can also look that reaches the clouds to care about Mu Hui. 从此也能看出来,凌云有多在乎慕惠。 Said!” Mu Hui affected flood got angry. “云!”慕惠感动的泛红了眼。 Actually the black ink wolf, his is called Alchemist of lunatic, the temper goes straight there and comes straight back, which has listened to such artificial words? Has blushed all of a sudden unexpectedly, said awkwardly: No, leaves this, actually I also very thanked you, can let under my delve into the fairyhood, like this also had the greatest advantage to my alchemy technique.” 倒是墨狼,他一个被称为疯子的炼药师,性子直来直去的,哪听过这么矫情的话?一下子竟然脸红了,尴尬道:“别,别这样,其实我也挺感谢你,能让我钻研下魔性,这样对我的炼药术也有莫大的好处。” No matter what, was you have saved Hui Er.” Lingyun shakes the head, said very much decidedly: Later you were the brothers who I reached the clouds.” “不管怎样,都是你救了惠儿。”凌云摇摇头,很决然道:“以后你就是我凌云的兄弟了。” Brother?” “兄弟?” The black ink wolf has gawked staring, obviously in his world, not these two characters, the meaning that but he can reach the clouds clearly, on the cheeks leaks off to wipe the rare joy. 墨狼愣了愣,显然在他的世界里,并没有这两个字,但他还是能够明白凌云的意思,脸颊上漏出抹罕见的喜悦。 Qin Shi shakes the head in side, said: You were good, first gave Hui Er therapy, all and other benefit injuries convalesced said again.” 秦石在旁边摇摇头,道:“你们两个行了啊,先给惠儿疗伤吧,一切等惠儿伤势痊愈了再说。” They then awkward grasping head. 两人这才尴尬的抓抓脑袋。 To the matter that Mu Hui therapy, Qin Shi gives black ink the wolf, he always waits and sees from side, if has any mistake, he can also prompt subsidizes. 给慕惠疗伤的事,秦石就交给墨狼了,他始终从旁边观望,如果出现什么差错的话,他也能够及时的进行补助。 What is main, he refines the dark green flame duplicate miracle cure to awaken Shu Zhongyu, Shu Zhongyu is in his life one of the final several people, is one of his three spouses, he must very earnest treatment, unable to be careless, therefore he also wants to have a look at the black ink wolf alchemy skill. 最主要的是,他炼制苍炎复灵丹是为了唤醒书中玉,书中玉是他生命中最终的几个人之一,也是他三个爱人之一,他一定要非常认真的对待,不能草率,所以他也想看看墨狼炼药的本事。 The black ink wolf nods, on straw paper simple writes down several types of herbal medicines, these herbal medicines all are in society to the positive valuable rarities, is good is huge in the relationship network of foreign country because of the congealing rain, if changes into a person, within one day really the collection is uneven. 墨狼点点头,在草纸上简单的写下几种草药,这些草药全是世间至阳的稀世珍宝,好在凝雨在外域的关系网庞大,如果换成一个人的话,一天之内还真收集不齐。 The herbal medicine purchase is completed, the black ink wolf starts the refine the pill of immortality, compounded drug that he must refine named: Is addicted to the erysipelas, is an extremely positive fierce compounded drug, can scatter the fairyhood evil aura. 草药采购完成,墨狼开始炼丹,他要炼制的丹药名为:嗜火丹,是一种极阳的烈性丹药,能够驱散魔性的邪气。 He rubs hands, takes out pill stove a greatly, pill stove enough three people high, above filled all kinds of ominous beasts to carve the mark, among each ominous beasts was disclosing boundless spirit pressure, resembled these ominous beasts is the lifelike reality exists to be the same, makes in the house immediately the dignity of hundred beast gatherings. 他搓搓手,将一口大丹炉取出,那丹炉足足有三人多高,上面充满了各式各样的凶兽雕纹,每一尊凶兽间都透露着磅礴的灵压,就好像这些凶兽都是活灵活现的真实存在一样,令房屋中顿时有一种百兽汇聚的庄严。 Good mysterious pill stove!” “好神奇的丹炉!” Qin Shi looks lifelike hundred beast charts are unable to bear acclaimed. 秦石看着栩栩如生的百兽图也是忍不住的赞叹一番。 Hundred animal-shaped incense burners?” Kong Xianhui changes countenance from nearby elegant face. “百兽炉?”孔贤慧从旁边俏脸动容。 Hundred animal-shaped incense burners? What is that?” Qin Shi curious question. “百兽炉?那是什么?”秦石好奇的问句 The famous article pill stoves that „when hundred animal-shaped incense burners, are wooden conceal just made a debut in the past uses, ranks when the world of human beings third pill stove, was only the reputation of wooden conceal was afterward getting bigger and bigger, the help built up the territory refinement compounded drug, builds up pill stove that the territory territory commanding general was listed first: The black flame stove bestows to wooden conceal, made these hundred animal-shaped incense burner burying trails gradually, has not thought that today again appears unexpectedly here.” Kong Xianhui sighs with emotion: Wooden conceal can pass to black ink hundred animal-shaped incense burners the wolf, it seems like he is thinks highly to the black ink wolf very much.” “百兽炉,是木藏当年刚出道时使用的名器丹炉,也是排名在人界第三的丹炉,只是后来木藏的名声越来越大,有一次帮助炼域炼制丹药时,炼域域主将排名第一的丹炉:黑炎炉赠送给木藏,才令这百兽炉渐渐的埋没踪迹,没想到今日竟然在这里再次出现。”孔贤慧感慨道:“木藏能将百兽炉传给墨狼,看来他对墨狼很是器重啊。” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, nods: Um, black ink wolf boy is very wise without appearing to be, although seems a some brain, but to matter actually very rigid, if this person entered right the line, must have not the small achievement.” 秦石恍然大悟,点点头:“嗯,墨狼这小子挺有内秀,虽然看上去有些愣头愣脑,但是对事却十分的执着,这种人如果入对了行,必有不小的成就。” Truly, from stopping up you several days of the matters has been able to look.” Smiling sentence that Kong Xianhui teased intentionally. “确实,从堵了你十几天的这事上就能看出来。”孔贤慧故意调侃的笑句。 Hears, Qin Shi stared one ill-humoredly, is this loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points? Stirs up Kong Xianhui to obstruct the surface to smile bashfully. 听闻,秦石没好气的瞪了一眼,这是哪壶不开提哪壶是不是?惹得孔贤慧遮面羞笑。 Was disinclined to manage Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi has congealed with rapt attention, question: Do not smile, pill stove rank that you said a moment ago what's the matter?” 懒得去理孔贤慧,秦石凝了凝神,问句:“别笑了,你刚才说的丹炉排行是怎么回事?” Kong Xianhui holding in forcefully, fragrant cheek flood red light recited: pill stove ranking? Is because the process of refinement compounded drug needs raging fire burning down, especially regarding the place above god level compounded drug, the temperature anomaly of refinement is frantic, profound iron profound crystal will also be melted, therefore the demand of Alchemist to pill stove is also getting higher and higher, afterward had this pill stove rank slowly.” 孔贤慧强行的憋住,香腮泛红的轻吟:“丹炉排行榜啊?是由于炼制丹药的过程需要烈火焚烧,特别是对于地品以上的神级丹药,炼制的温度异常狂热,就连玄铁玄晶在其中也会被融化,所以炼药师对丹炉的需求也就越来越高,后来慢慢就有了这丹炉排行。” Can be accepted pill stove rank all for in society Top Grade pill stove.” Here, Kong Xianhui raised eyes to look toward the central giant pill stove: Especially this row in the first three pill stoves, takes these hundred animal-shaped incense burner examples, in these hundred animal-shaped incense burners has over a hundred types of Desolate Beast beast fires, can considerably increase builds up the time of spirit grass, with successful probability.” “能入围丹炉排行的皆为世间极品的丹炉。”说到这,孔贤慧举目朝中央的巨大丹炉望去:“特别是这排在前三名的丹炉,就拿这百兽炉举例,这百兽炉里面拥有上百种荒兽兽火,能够大大增加炼化灵草的时间,和成功几率。” Qin Shi suddenly: So that's how it is.” 秦石恍然:“原来如此。” He has not thought that really also has this matter. 他没想过,竟然还有这种事。 Then is only third, black flame stove that it is said wooden conceal uses, black flame that has, is the day profound different fire, can burn savage completely, very including spiritual power and psychic force.” Kong Xianhui ridiculed to say. “这才只是第三,据说木藏所用的黑炎炉,其中拥有的黑炎,是天玄异火,连灵力、精神力都能够焚尽,十分的凶残。”孔贤慧讪笑而说。 Can burn including spiritual power?” “连灵力都能燃烧?” Does Qin Shi suction port cold air/Qi, in the world really have this type of flame but actually? Must know that the flame is the fabricated body, is the spiritual power derivative, that wants combustion spiritual power, actually to need the how high temperature? 秦石倒吸口冷气,世上竟然还有这种火焰?要知道,火焰本是虚妄之体,也不过是灵力的衍生物,那想要燃烧灵力,究竟需要多么高的温度? Thinks of this, he is even more curious to this pill stove list pill stove on, the black pupil in question that the eye socket has relayed transferring: That ranks second?” 想到这,他对这丹炉榜上的丹炉越发好奇,黑眸在眼眶中转了转的问句:“那排名第二的呢?” Second!” The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is light, the elegant face changes stern many: pill stove that is listed second, named: Nether world Gu Lu, this pill stove has been lost for over a hundred years, the flame that it is said it includes, the flame from ghostdom, can imprison the soul of human body, is a very savage pill stove, the user without doubt is not the ignition **.” “第二!”孔贤慧黛眉轻蹙,俏脸变的严峻不少:“排名第二的丹炉,名为:幽冥古炉,这丹炉已经失传了上百年,据说它含有的火焰,是来自冥界的火焰,能够禁锢人体的灵魂,是一个非常凶残的丹炉,使用者无疑不是引火**。” Is this?” “是这样?” In the Qin Shi foreheads dodges the corridor scared look, imprisons the soul? 秦石眉宇间闪过道惧色,禁锢灵魂? Bang! 轰! But at this time, a very blazing strength roared in the house, Qin Shi their discussion interruptions, several hundred types of different color flame erupted in hundred animal-shaped incense burners, the microscopic several people will compel to draw back one step. 而在这时,一股十分炽热的力量在房屋中咆哮,将秦石两人的议论打断,数百种不同颜色的火焰在百兽炉中爆发,生生将微观的几人逼退一步。 Good terrifying temperature.” “好恐怖的温度。” Qin Shi has licked the dry corners of the mouth surprisedly, but then starts, when he sees the refine the pill of immortality technique of black ink wolf, stayed directly silly in same place. 秦石惊讶的舔了舔干涩的嘴角,而这才只是开始,当他看见墨狼的炼丹手法,直接就呆傻在了原地。 Under hundred types of flame, the black ink wolf is absorbed, unexpectedly very adept separates it, familiar and easy fuses when toward pill stove, which several types of flame starts the preheating herbal medicine with, when the herbal medicine builds up with which several types of flame, finally when becomes pill with which several types of flame, acts bashful is very accurate. 在百种火焰下,墨狼忘我一般,竟十分娴熟的将其分开,轻车熟路的朝丹炉中融合,开始预热草药时用哪几种火焰,将草药炼化时用哪几种火焰,最后成丹时用哪几种火焰,拿捏的都十分准确。 This refine the pill of immortality technique, Qin Shi wants not to dare to imagine. 这种炼丹手法,秦石想都不敢想象。 Originally he always did not understand, the herbal medicine that one pile varies disorderly throws into a stove, came out to turn into the sphere the compounded drug? Now looks at the control of inking wolf, he was thoroughly understands. 原来他始终不理解,一堆杂乱不一的草药扔进一个炉子里,怎么出来就变成球形的丹药了呢?现在看着墨狼的操控,他算是彻底明白了。 This needs the big will and patience. 这需要多大的毅力和耐性。 Really is a wizard.” Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, he looks at once to nervous Lingyun, suddenly before thinking anything's gathering up: Right Lingyun, had not asked you, where Mu is Hui injured?” “真是个鬼才。”秦石苦笑的摇摇头,旋即他看向紧张兮兮的凌云,突然想起来什么的凑上前:“对了凌云,一直没有问你,慕惠是在哪里受伤的?” Where is injured?” Lingyun recalls, sinking sound track: In Chaos Domain, is away from archives pavilion very near place.” “在哪里受伤?”凌云回想一番,沉声道:“就在乱域,距离公文阁挺近的地方。” Archives pavilion? Concrete what's the matter?” “公文阁?具体怎么回事?” Is this, on that day I and Hui Er received a duty, goes to a wooded mountain to hunt and kill Desolate Beast together, we that Desolate Beast severe wound, saw Desolate Beast suffocated, but when I want to strike in him finally, from the underground of archives pavilion does not know that what's the matter, hears the sound huge howling suddenly.” “是这样,那一天我和惠儿接受了一个任务,是一同去一个山林里猎杀一只荒兽,本来我们已经将那荒兽重伤,眼看着荒兽就奄奄一息了,但就在我想给于他最后一击时,从公文阁的地下不知怎么回事,突然传来声巨大的吼叫声。” That howling I think also to feel that now the hair is terrified, ten points terrifying, is this roaring, Desolate Beast look that suffocated suddenly flood black, the whole body braves the black mist, threw toward me all of a sudden, finally Hui Er to save me, gives to shove open me, she was actually injured by that Desolate Beast, turns into now this appearance.” “那吼叫声我现在想想还感觉到毛发悚然,十分的恐怖,也是这声吼叫,本来奄奄一息的荒兽眼神突然间泛黑,全身都冒起黑色的雾气,一下子就朝我扑了过来,结果惠儿为了救我,将我给推开,她却被那荒兽所伤,才变成现在这副模样。” Desolate Beast demon?” 荒兽魔化?” !! !!
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