PDL :: Volume #8

#726: pill emperor wooden conceal

Looks at the dishevelled hair and dirty face black ink wolf, smiling of Qin Shi loses one's voice: I said that you do this, actually for what?” 看着蓬头垢面的墨狼,秦石失声的笑了笑:“我说,你这样做,究竟是为了什么呢?” For nine revolutions of calcedony grass, to pursue the alchemy main road!” black ink wolf not vague, very direct start to talk, keeps off in the Qin Shi front. “为了九转玉髓草,为了追求炼药大道!”墨狼没有隐晦,很直接的开口,挡在秦石的面前。 Qin Shi knit the brows, was harassed time and time again like this, he feels several points of disgruntledness slightly, cold sound track: I have said that nine revolutions of calcedony grass you cannot attain, I urged you dead this heart.” 秦石皱了皱眉,被一次一次这样骚扰,他略微感到几分不悦,冷声道:“我说过,九转玉髓草你拿不到,我劝你还是死了这份心吧。” The word, his body in a flash, bypasses the black ink wolf to depart. 言罢,他身躯一晃,绕过墨狼就欲离去。 Bang!! But cultivation of black ink wolf for great, six days of peak degrees, holds the shoulder of Qin Shi, body in a flash blocks Qin Shi. 但墨狼的修为不浅,有六天巅峰的程度,一把抓住秦石的肩膀,身躯一晃的又将秦石挡住。 This, Qin Shi has gotten angry thoroughly, vigorous such as the great strength blows out indifferently: What's wrong? Soft isn't good, wants to snatch hardly?” 这一下,秦石彻底怒了,浑厚如宏的力量漠然爆出:“怎么?软的不行,想要硬抢吗?” The congealing rain, Lingyun, Kong Xianhui three people of complexion are also serious. 凝雨、凌云、孔贤慧三人也面色严肃。 The black ink wolf shakes the head, said very much sincerely: I will not snatch, I am not that person, but I hope you to be able nine revolutions of calcedony grass to me.” 墨狼摇摇头,很诚恳的说:“我不会抢,我不是那种人,但是我还是希望你能将九转玉髓草给我。” I know that nine revolutions of calcedony grass are also very definitely important to you, nine revolutions of calcedony grass have the formidable nourishment to the soul, thinks you for oneself or the injury of personal maidservant? However have you thought? Nine revolutions of calcedony grass are Pin Lingcao, wants its refinement words, I dare to say with you that takes a broad view at entire Chaos Domain, besides me, even if in the territory pill king is unable to build up, you keep him to be also useless, is only the futile effort.” “我知道,九转玉髓草对你肯定也很重要,九转玉髓草对灵魂有着强大的滋补,想必你是为了自己或是身边人的伤势吧?但是你想过没有?九转玉髓草乃是地品灵草,想要将其炼制的话,我敢这么和你说,放眼整个乱域,除了我以外,就算是内域丹王也无法炼化,你留着他也没有用,只是徒劳。” However words that takes directly, rather not to know how to use things sparingly, let alone I thought that you should to take him, but can practice the compounded drug him? Otherwise will not pass for half a month, I can also feel the aura of nine revolutions of calcedony grass on you.” Here, holding up the head of black ink wolf exceptionally self-confidence: Such, only then I can help you.” “而直接服用的话,未免暴殄天物,何况我觉得,你应该不是要服用他,而是要将他练成丹药吧?否则不会半个月过去,在你身上我还能感觉到九转玉髓草的气息。”说到这,墨狼异常自信的昂起首来:“那样,只有我能帮到你。” Hears the analysis of black ink wolf, the Qin Shi brow fierce wrinkle, in the eyegrounds reveals several points of amazed. 听闻墨狼的分析,秦石眉头猛皱,眼底间露出几分惊诧。 Truly, the black ink wolf said right, before he considered to collect the dark green flame duplicate miracle cure the home remedy, has not actually thought how must refine it, the dark green flame duplicate miracle cure is a day of compounded drug, moreover is day until the acme compounded drug, can refine its Alchemist, in the world also few. 确实,墨狼说的没错,之前他只是考虑收集苍炎复灵丹的丹方,却没有想过要如何炼制它,苍炎复灵丹乃是天品丹药,而且是天品直至极致的丹药,能够炼制它的炼药师,天底下也没有几名。 But after the moment, he has not displayed, exploratory smiling of: Your this saying, rather said was too full? If in the territory pill kings cannot refine, why you can?” 但片刻后,他并未表现出来,试探性的笑了笑:“你这话,未免说的太满了吧?如果内域丹王都不能炼制,那你凭什么能?” I said me to be able, my energy!” “我说我能,我就能!” black ink wolf aggressive side dew smiles, at once he rubs gu several in the sloppy pocket, pulls out a pill's green gold card, on the card is carving a forceful pill stove. 墨狼霸气侧露的一笑,旋即他在邋遢的衣兜里蹭咕几下,掏出一张丹青色的金卡,卡片上刻着一个铿锵有力的丹炉。 Sees this gold card, Qin Shi to do slightly puzzled, but the congealing rain and Kong Xianhui both are obviously rapid in nearby breath, fierce drinking sound: This is pill emperor: Wooden conceal?” 看见这张金卡,秦石稍作不解,但凝雨和孔贤慧两者在旁边的呼吸明显急促起来,猛的喝声:“这是丹皇:木藏?” The Kong Xianhui jade eye shrinks slightly, shouted to clear the way to the inking wolf tenderly: Wood hides Duncas, are you apprentice in wooden conceal?” 孔贤慧玉眼微微一缩,冲着墨狼娇喝道:“木藏丹卡,你是木藏的徒弟?” Accommodates regarding their startled, some black ink wolf as if early expectations, shrugging has tacitly approved the guess of Kong Xianhui, but also therefore, Kong Xianhui fell into for a long time did not speak. 对于两人的惊容,墨狼仿佛早有预料,耸了耸肩算是默认了孔贤慧的猜测,但也正是因此,孔贤慧陷入了长久的不语。 Qin Shi from side puzzled: „Is this wooden conceal, who?” 秦石从旁边略带不解:“这木藏,是什么人?” Wooden conceal congealing rain from side deep attracted the mouth to attract, the excrescence on face does not shake: Wooden conceal, is one is not any influence, was actually called existences of eight territory pill emperors, he is god general existence, it is said his hermetic art, has been the degree of being lost in thought not measures, the following compounded drug 100% practiced not saying that took a broad view at entire world of human beings many place and day grade god pill, 80% stems from his hand.” “木藏”凝雨从旁边深深的吸了口吸,连脸上的赘肉都不晃了:“木藏,是一个不属于任何的势力,却被称之为八域丹皇的存在,他是一个神一般的存在,据说他的炼丹术,已经达到出神莫测的程度,地品以下的丹药100练成不说,放眼整个人界许多的地品、天品级的神丹,八成都是出自他手。” Really has this person?” The corners of the mouth of Qin Shi twitch several, leaks off for several points with amazement: Nine chief ministers of state following compounded drug, 100% refinements?” “竟然有这种人?”秦石的嘴角抽动几下,漏出几分骇然:“九品以下丹药,100的炼制?” That said that refines the demon symbol to be similar to him? Even said that refines the demon symbol also to want the highly effective technology compared with him. 那岂不是说,和他炼制魔符差不多?甚至说,是比他炼制魔符还要高效的技术。 Um, the old fogies in eight territories, sometimes also request to help in him, but his residence is very covert, little will expose in the common people eyes , is the non-native official invited to serve at court elders in eight territories.” Here, in the congealing rain shifty eyes flashed through several points of difference: No wonder, the hermetic art of this black ink wolf like this such as the hot ultramarine, he is the apprentice of wooden storehouse senior!” “嗯,就连八域的老家伙们,有时候也要求助于他,但他的居所十分隐蔽,很少会暴露在世人眼中,同时也是身为八域的客卿长老。”说到这,凝雨贼眼中闪过几分异样:“难怪,这墨狼的炼丹术会这样如火纯青,原来他是木藏前辈的徒弟!” Hears these, Qin Shi falls into the short dreariness, high and low sizes up from the look of black ink wolf, question: You determined that you are willing to help me?” 听闻这些,秦石陷入短暂的沉寂,上下从墨狼的眼神中打量,问句:“你确定,你愿意帮我?” I to not help you, I want to inquire about the refine the pill of immortality main road.” The black ink wolf vision is fiery, can visit him to the refine the pill of immortality, has achieved an enchanted chase. “我不是为了帮你,我只是想要探寻炼丹大道。”墨狼目光火热,能看出来他对炼丹,已经达到了一种疯魔的追逐。 Deeply inspired, the Qin Shi big hand spreads out, he has not taken out nine revolutions of calcedony grass, but gives the black ink wolf the home remedy of dark green flame duplicate miracle cure. 深吸了口气,秦石大手摊开,他并未将九转玉髓草取出,而是将苍炎复灵丹的丹方递给墨狼。 You have a look at this, can you refine?” “你看看这个,你能炼制吗?” Sees the dark green flame duplicate miracle cure home remedy, the look of black ink wolf to stare, the human is startled all of a sudden in same place, he shakes the home remedy hand to keep trembling. 看见苍炎复灵丹的丹方,墨狼的眼神一瞪一瞪,人一下子就吃惊在原地,他握着丹方的手都不停哆嗦起来。 This, is this day of god pill?” “这,这是天品神丹?” In black ink wolf that look reveals the excitement that cannot say. 墨狼那眼神里流露出说不上的兴奋。 Um, you guess right, I want to refine the above compounded drug to rescue one to I very important person, if you can help me refine!” “嗯,你猜的没错,我想炼制上面的丹药救一个对我很重要的人,如果你能够帮我炼制的话!” No, I am not good!” But has not expected, has not waited for Qin Shi saying that throughout the self-confidence black ink wolf shakes the head indifferently, in the complexion reveals several points of unwillingness: Although does not want to acknowledge, but this compounded drug refines depending on me now, can only destroy your spirit grass, I withdrew my words!” “不,我不行!”但未料,没等秦石说完,始终自信的墨狼漠然摇头,脸色上露出几分不甘:“虽然不想承认,但这丹药凭我现在炼制,只能毁坏了你的灵草,我收回我刚才的话!” Looks the black ink wolf that renounces, Qin Shi has gawked first staring, at once feels relaxed smiles: I had not said that asks you to refine now, be honest with you, the above these six types of goods, I only had also found nine revolutions of calcedony grass, other five types besides territory boundary beast pill, know nothing, I think, when I seek the raw material for medicine is complete, do you help me?” 看着决绝的墨狼,秦石先是愣了愣,旋即释然的一笑:“我没说叫你现在炼制,不瞒你说,上面的这六样物品,我也只找到了九转玉髓草,其余五样除了域境兽丹以外,一无所知,我想,等到我将药材寻找齐全时,你来帮我?” Hears, the black ink wolf moves obviously, among the looks is releasing excitedly, but hesitant for a long time he not anxiously complying, but said the sentence: I cannot promise you now, but after staring you collect the uneven raw material for medicine, can tell me, if I could not refine, I helped you look for my master.” 听闻,墨狼明显动心,神色间释放着激动,不过犹豫了许久他并未急着答应,但却说句:“我现在不敢向你保证,但瞪你收集齐药材后可以告诉我,如果我炼制不了的话,我帮你找我师父。” Really?” Qin Shi black pupil one happy, if can let the wooden storehouse refinement that eight territory pill emperors have, that absolutely is the best result. “真的?”秦石黑眸一喜,如果能让那个八域丹皇存在的木藏炼制,那绝对是最好的结果。 The black ink wolf nods: Um, when you make me think the repayment of this home remedy.” 墨狼点点头:“嗯,就当你让我看这丹方的回报吧。” Smiling of Qin Shi satisfied, after several exchanges, he discovered that the black ink wolf is a very interesting person, besides to rigid on alchemy, is a very sincere person, is very suitable to be the friend, is only as a result of him year to year the refine the pill of immortality, some self-closings, friend are not slightly many. 秦石满意的笑了笑,经过几番交流以后,他发现墨狼是个挺有意思的人,除了在对炼药上的执着以外,是一个很真挚的人,很适合做朋友,只是由于他常年炼丹,略微有些自闭,身边的朋友不多。 But this to Qin Shi this team is not the issue, do not forget their here, big rare and beautiful flowers exist. 但这对秦石这个团队来讲不是问题,别忘了在他们这里,还有一个大奇葩存在呢。 Really, their voice just fell, congealing rain fatty before gathering up with a laugh, the small eye ka, inside is completely greedy **, said to the inking wolf: „Did small wolf wolf, we discuss a matter?” 果然,两人话音刚落,凝雨胖子就笑呵呵的凑上前,小眼睛咔吧咔吧的,里面满是贪婪的**,冲着墨狼道:“小狼狼,咱们商量个事啊?” What matter?” black ink wolf vigilant withdraws one step. “什么事?”墨狼警惕的退后一步。 Oh, be not drawing back anxiously, I am not interested in the man, I only am interested in the wealth and contribution value.” Congealing rain shameless smiling of: „Don't you want the refine the pill of immortality? I can help you, is inferior to this, you later give me the compounded drug that you refine, is the same with the big brother, his demon symbol also gives me, I help you auction, what spirit grass then you needed you and I said that I helped you collect, after such, you refine the pill of immortality well on the line, time-saving reduced effort, was good? I, take 20% advantages, 20%!” “哎呀,别急着退啊,我对男人不感兴趣,我只对钱财和贡献值感兴趣。”凝雨恬不知耻的笑了笑:“你不是想要炼丹吗?我可以帮你啊,不如这样,你以后将你炼制的丹药给我,和大哥一样,他的魔符也给我,我帮你们拍卖掉,然后你需要什么灵草你和我说,我帮你收集起来,那样以后你就好好的炼丹就行,省时省力,多好?我吗,就要两成利,就两成!” Congealing rain the technique of big flickering started, depending on a glib tongue originally also some black ink wolves of contradiction, bit by bit tempts to swallow the bait, starts to move, finally complied unexpectedly? 凝雨的大忽悠之术又开始了,凭一张三寸不烂之舌将本来还有些抵触的墨狼,一点一点的引诱上钩,开始动心,最后竟然就答应了? Qin Shi looks in side that immediately links the feeling that some of his types to be deceived, helpless shaking the head: This dead fatty, really sufficed!” 秦石在旁边看着,顿时连他自己都有种上当受骗的感觉,无奈的摇摇头:“这死胖子,真是够了!” Afterward, the black ink wolf must leave, but heard the wife who reaches the clouds contracts the stubborn illness, lives curiously to the medical skill infatuated his heart, then proposed that must go hand in hand with four people. 事后,墨狼本要离开,但一听说凌云的内人患有顽疾,对医术痴迷的他心生好奇,便主动提出要和四人结伴而行。 Regarding this, Qin Shi naturally cannot reject. 对此,秦石自然不会拒绝。 Reaches the clouds lived in five areas, to treat an illness to Hui Er hands over the house rent the contribution value not to stay behind continually, the first half month also received the diplomatic note book of foreign country, is good because of having congealing rain fatty, has solved the urgent matter for him. 凌云本来住在五区,为了给惠儿治病连交房租的贡献值都没有留下,前半个月还收到了外域的通牒书,好在有凝雨这胖子在,才替他解了燃眉之急。 Congealing rain fatty is also really kind, Lingyun requests him to be the master, he gives Lingyun naturally house in an area, after this matter, Qin Shi realized gradually that the congealing rain loves money is only the pure love, was feeling inferior from childhood, his for fear that others were not looking down upon, therefore on making money of breaknecking, but he looked at money was really not very heavy. 凝雨这胖子也算够意思,凌云拜他为师,他大方的送给凌云一座在一区的房子,也是经过这件事情,秦石渐渐意识到,凝雨爱钱只是单纯的爱而已,是一种来自儿时的自卑,他不生怕别人瞧不起,所以就玩命的赚钱,但他将钱看的真的不是很重。 Otherwise will not purchase homes to Lingyun naturally, after all any house in area, the price will not be lower than 200,000 contribution values. 否则也不会大方的给凌云买房子,毕竟一区的任何一座房子,价格都不会低于200000贡献值。 Naturally the premise is, recently with Qin Shi, the congealing rain had also gained much. 当然前提是,这些日子跟着秦石,凝雨也是赚了不少。 Arrives in house that reaches the clouds, crudeness that very inside arranges, only then a round table bed, several make tea simply has. 来到凌云的房子里,里面布置的很简陋,只有一张圆桌一张床,几个简单点茶具。 Said that you did come back?” “云,你回来了?” Several people just entered the room, hears sound persuasive elusive sound weak resounding, Qin Shi several people to look in the direction that the sound resounds, is lying down a sickness dispirited female on the bed, this female looks like very delicate, but the slick and outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent petite appearance, draws the attention of everyone actually, has several points of morbid state beautiful. 几人刚进屋,就听见声婉转空灵之音微弱的响起,秦石几人朝着声音响起的方向望去,在床榻上躺着一个病怏怏的女子,这女子看起来十分的柔弱,但是八面玲珑、秀外慧中的娇小模样,倒是让人眼前一亮,带有几分病态美。 Hui Er.” Reaches the clouds goes forward to support the female hastily. “惠儿。”凌云连忙上前扶住女子。 Qin Shi from behind slightly with rapt attention: Originally is this female Hui Er?” 秦石从后面微微凝神:“原来这女子就是惠儿?” But has not waited for him to open the mouth, the congealing rain stares on helplessly from side snort: I depend, does the good pretty sister-in-law, reach the clouds your boy this has a concubine?” 而没等他开口,凝雨从旁边干瞪眼的哼了哼:“我靠,好漂亮的弟妹,凌云你小子这是金屋藏娇啊?” Reaches the clouds ill-humored curling the lip: storehouse tender possibility, but do you look here likely are [gold/metal] Wu?” 凌云没好气的撇撇嘴:“藏娇可能,但你看我这里像是金屋吗?” When spoke this saying, feeling inferior of his eyeground reveals without doubt. 说这话时,他眼底的自卑袒露无疑。 „Does big brother Qin Shi, you help me give Hui Er to look?” Lingyun is filled with the worry, at once has several by stages Xu looks toward Qin Shi. 秦石大哥,你帮我给惠儿瞧一瞧?”凌云满心担心,旋即带有几分期许的朝秦石望去。 The Qin Shi silent meeting, nods. 秦石沉默一会,点点头。 He also goes forward with the black ink wolf, they revolve all for the different miraculous glows, the former is the light golden psychic force, but the latter is burns the day to boil the sea the exceedingly high raging fire. 他和墨狼同时上前,两人运转起皆为不同的灵光,前者是淡淡的金色精神力,而后者则是焚天煮海的通天烈火。 Two strengths sneak into Hui Er within the body rapidly, in regards. 两股力量迅速窜入惠儿的体内,内视一番。 For a long time, in Sea of Consciousness is mapping Hui Er in situation, sends out the mist of black air/Qi to flash past together slightly, making his black pupil be startled indifferently. 许久,识海中映射着惠儿的内况,一道微微散发着黑气的雾气一闪而过,令他的黑眸漠然一怔。 Really is the fairyhood?” “果然是魔性?” !! !!
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