PDL :: Volume #8

#725: Liu Ming whereabouts

Qin Shi in guest room to the discussion of outside does not have to know, but sits on the rush cushion puffing in gulps, looks by fifth spirit vein of seal, the corners of the mouth is risen, leaks off to wipe superficial smiling: It seems like, was successful?” 客房内的秦石对外界的议论是毫无所知,只是坐在蒲团上大口大口的喘着粗气,看着被封印的第五条灵脉,嘴角上扬,漏出抹浅淡的笑:“看来,是成功了吗?” Um, succeeded.” “嗯,成功了。” The blood sorcerer worries for him. 血巫师替他捏了把冷汗。 Qin Shi relaxed, the big hand in front one revolution, the attraction of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body forms one to swallow the vortex in the palm, the spiritual power inspiration within the body between world, this makes the body that he overdraws once more be alleviated fast. 秦石松了口气,大手在胸前一转,乱域圣灵体的引力在掌心形成一个吞噬漩涡,快速将天地间的灵力吸入体内,这才让他再次透支的身躯得到缓解。 But what lets his accident is, after he spiritual power inspiration within the body, sixth spirit vein is unexpectedly indistinct has glittered several points of brilliance, making him one startled: Well? What's all this about?” 但让他意外的是,他将灵力吸入体内后,第六条灵脉竟然隐隐约约间闪烁过几分光彩,令他一惊:“咦?这是怎么回事?” Is false breakthrough, your fifth spirit vein by seal, spiritual power that therefore you absorb now, will pour into sixth spirit vein completely, after Feng Leisuo the thunder disaster seal, making your within the body have the false breakthrough phenomenon, in other words you now are the false five days of boundaries.” “是伪突破,你的第五条灵脉被封印,所以你现在吸收的灵力,全部会注入进第六条灵脉,封雷锁将雷劫封印以后,让你体内出现了假突破的现象,也就是说你现在是伪五天之境。” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” Qin Shi accident has been startled god: Such words, that said that breakthrough five days ago, I then can carry on the practice of sixth spirit vein?” 秦石意外的怔了怔神:“如此的话,那岂不是说,在突破五天之前,我便能进行第六条灵脉的修炼?” Um, probably is this meaning, because Feng Leisuo has this effect, therefore hundred years ago is the treasure that the people snatch insanely, if after all you can cultivate fully sixth spirit vein, such is directing Lei Jie who falls five days of boundaries, wants to cross the disaster is easy.” “嗯,大概就是这个意思,也正是因为封雷锁有这种奇效,所以在百年前是众人疯抢的宝贝,毕竟如果你能够将第六条灵脉修满,那样在引落五天之境的雷劫,想要渡劫可谓是轻而易举。” Qin Shi heart fresh happy expression, blood sorcerer said right, what is most important, this he does not need to be worried that in the future halted, perhaps also will have any miracle to occur. 秦石心生喜色,血巫师说的没错,最重要的是,这样的话他也不用担心,在接下来的日子里止步不前了,说不定还会有什么奇迹发生。 Was surmising the excited heart, Qin Shi searches toward out of the window, at this time is the toward evening, the setting sun is the same like the gold, motley earth. 怀揣着激动的心,秦石朝窗外探去,此时已是黄昏时分,夕阳如金子一样,斑驳大地。 He has pinched the fist, an exhausted meaning cannot suppress again. 他捏了捏拳,一股疲惫之意再也压制不住。 Finished finally.” “总算是结束了。” He thought aloud in the moral nature that at once stands up from failure falls down on the bed, he anything does not think now, wants heavy sleeping well. 他在心底自言自语,旋即翻身就栽倒在床榻上,他现在什么也不想想,就想好好的沉沉的睡上一觉。 Next day. 翌日。 In the morning, the East is already white, first wipes the dawn such as a pair of gentle big hand, is caressing each inch of earth, each point, scatters the darkness that the moonlight brings gradually, to race lazily misconception. 清晨,东方既白,第一抹晨曦如一双温柔的大手,爱抚着大地的每一寸,每一分,将月色带来的黑暗渐渐驱散,给人种懒洋洋的错觉。 The eyelid of Qin Shi beats gently, that pair of black pupil opens indifferently, again revealed was his profoundness and aggression in those days specially. 秦石的眼皮轻轻跳动一下,那双黑眸漠然睁开,再一次露出往日专属于他的深邃和霸气。 Fabricated air/Qi field extends the proliferation. 虚妄的气场延绵扩散。 He has pinched the fist, corners of the mouth rising gently: Relaxed was so long, body also restored was similar, was the time must continue to begin.” 他捏了捏拳,嘴角轻轻的上扬:“放松了这么久,身子也恢复的差不多了,是时候要继续开工了。” He must do at some Chaos Domain also a lot. 他在乱域还有很多事情要做。 He just left the guest room, a Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow bunch, treads the footsteps to welcome to come hastily: How is it? Did the injury restore?” But when she grips the big hand of Qin Shi, feels several points of strangeness, amazed [say / way]: „Does this feeling, in your spiritual power have the fluctuations of five days of boundaries? Your breakthrough?” 他刚离开客房,孔贤慧的黛眉一簇,连忙踏着玉步迎上前来:“怎么样?伤势都恢复了?”但当她握住秦石的大手时,不由感觉到几分诡异,惊诧道:“这感觉,你灵力中有五天之境的波动?难道你突破了?” Looks on a short that person, Qin Shi shakes the head with a smile, has rubbed her luxuriant: Does not have breakthrough, but is also similar, in brief was progressive.” 看着比自己矮上一头的伊人,秦石笑着摇摇头,揉了揉她的秀发:“没突破,但也差不多,总之是进步了。” Hears, the beautiful pupil of Kong Xianhui flood startles the color, blushing on elegant face is rich: Does not know really should say you are lucky or anything, this enters the Chaos Domain three months over, your strength has promoted these many.” 听闻,孔贤慧的美眸泛起骇色,俏脸上的红晕浓郁:“真不知该说你是幸运还是什么,这才进入乱域三个月出头,你的实力就提升了这么多。” Qin Shi shrugs, he is truly lucky. 秦石耸了耸肩,他确实挺幸运。 At once he does not have was saying, but is sincere is grasping the white hands of Kong Xianhui: Virtuous, recently pressed you.” 旋即他没在多说,而是真挚的握着孔贤慧的玉手:“贤惠,这些日子难为你了。” No, seeing you to be all right, I also calculated to feel at ease, after all only then you can constant accompanying in my side was right?” “没有,看见你没事,我也算安心了,毕竟只有你能始终如一的陪在我身边对吗?” Um, my meeting!” “嗯,我会!” That is good, you one can wait, congealing rain that fatty in the morning, said that if looks for you, after calling you wake up, to send greetings to him, he catches up immediately.” Kong Xianhui raises the head to flutter. “那就好,你一会等一下,凝雨那个胖子早上来过,说有要是找你,叫你醒来以后传音给他,他马上就赶过来。”孔贤慧翘首轻扬。 Congealing rain?” “凝雨么?” Outside the Qin Shi theme, point under gently, he had guessed correctly slightly at once most likely the congealing rain looked for him for anything. 秦石稍作意外,旋即轻轻的点下头,他八成已经猜到凝雨来找他是为了什么了。 Worthily is the know-it-all, working efficiency is high.” He smiles lightly, together fog pledge special-purpose passes message takes out, with reading the strength spreads to: Dead fatty, the big brother I awoke!” “不愧是万事通,办事效率还是蛮高的吗。”他淡淡一笑,将一道雾盟专用的传音器取出,用念力传入其中:“死胖子,大哥我醒了!” Big brother? Big brother?” “大哥?大哥?” Passes message in Riima to remember that fatty dreadful voice. 传音器里马上想起那胖子猥琐的声音。 You are waiting for me, I fly immediately!” “你等着我啊,我马上就飞过去!” In hears the sound that pants, smiling of Qin Shi cannot bear, at once he is waiting, being bored to death sits down from the sofa, in the hand grasps Kong Xianhui to seep the good green tea to him, tasting gently. 听闻里面气喘吁吁的声音,秦石忍不住的笑了笑,旋即他在等待之中,百无聊赖的从沙发上坐下,手中握着孔贤慧给他沁好的清茶,轻轻的品尝。 Congealing rain fatty is really, short the time of half double-hour flying has not burst, on obese face streaming with sweat, but the excited color actually cannot cover up. 凝雨这胖子真可谓是飞来的了,短短不过半个时辰的功夫就破门而入,肥胖的面庞上汗流浃背,但兴奋之色却遮掩不去。 Big brother, you awoke finally.” “大哥,你总算醒了。” He three and two steps stepping goes forward, reaches the clouds also follows in him behind. 他三步并两步的迈上前,凌云也跟在他身后。 According to Kong Xianhui, reached the clouds pays a return visit the congealing rain probably is the master, started has traded the hearsay the deal. 孔贤慧说,凌云好像还拜凝雨为师了,做起了贩卖小道消息的勾当。 Regarding this Qin Shi full heavy line, thought that does not know congealing rain fatty how flickering others, have taken road of not turning over to Lingyun. 对此秦石满头黑线,心想不知凝雨这胖子又怎么忽悠人家了,将凌云带上了一条不归之路啊。 How is it? Investigated thoroughly?” Qin Shi opens the mouth. “怎么样?查清楚了吗?”秦石率先开口。 Does not have him to expect, the congealing rain looked for him for matter of Liu Ming, selecting that the head made an effort, the above excrescence shook, Qin Shi even curious, this fatty achieves such large scale movement the head? 不出他所料,凝雨找他正是为了柳明之事,脑袋使劲的点了点,上面的赘肉直晃悠,秦石甚至不由好奇,这胖子是怎么将脑袋做到这么大幅度的运动? Won't be tired? 难道不会累吗? Investigated thoroughly.” The congealing rain has snatched the teacup in Qin Shi hand, tosses down, moderate said: Six months ago, Liu Ming truly had left Chaos Domain, moreover very for a long time, this matter he makes is very covert, no one had said that I through asked in several brothers of business pavilion management.” “查清楚了。”凝雨抢过秦石手中的茶杯,一饮而尽,才缓和道:“半年前,柳明确实离开过乱域,而且还是挺长时间,这事他弄的挺隐蔽,谁也没有说,我是通过在事务阁办事的几个兄弟才问出来。” Where did he go to?” Qin Shi spirit. “他去了哪里?”秦石精神起来。 But mentioned the whereabouts, the face of congealing rain was slightly pale, hesitant has not opened the mouth for a long time, lowered the head, the right-hand man rotated unceasingly. 但提起去向,凝雨的脸庞略微铁青,犹豫了许久也没有开口,就低着头,左右手不断转动。 Qin Shi knit the brows: Hasn't inquired?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“没有打听出来?” „It is not, inquired, but this position had the little trouble.” The congealing god of rain inked ribbon somewhat struggles, sighed painstakingly. “不是,打听出来了,只是这个位置有一点点的麻烦。”凝雨神色带有几分挣扎,苦叹道。 Where?” “什么地方?” Eight territory wicked list neutral areas.” “八域恶榜所处的中立地区。” Neutral area? Chaos cemetery?” Qin Shi with rapt attention, in the black pupils dodges corridor several points of stern slightly. “中立地区?混沌坟场?”秦石微微凝神,黑眸间闪过道几分严峻。 Regarding this, he slightly has hearing, initially when to the reform chased down, Kong Xianhui many have mentioned several, the neutral areas in eight territories, was called the place of chaos cemetery. 对此,他略有耳闻,当初被向维新追杀时,孔贤慧多少提起过几句,八域的中立地区,也是被称之为混沌坟场的地方。 The chaos cemetery, in the center of eight territory connecting points, is in the world of human beings unusual does not turn over to the place that eight territories have jurisdiction over, in the there unusual confusion, the merpeople is promiscuous, nowhere was not filling with the death aura, but person who can survive, without doubt was not the issuing a warrant for arrest objects on eight territory wicked lists, in society dangerous hormicidal mania demon gathered there completely. 混沌坟场,在八域相接处的中央,是人界中少有不归八域管辖的地方,在那里非常的混乱,人鱼混杂,无处不充满着死亡气息,而能从中生存的人,无疑不是八域恶榜上的通缉对象,世间险恶的杀人狂魔全部都聚集在那里。 What does he go to there to make?” In the eye pupils of Qin Shi flashes through the ruthless offense. “他去那里做什么?”秦石的眼眸间闪过狠戾。 The congealing rain shakes the head: I do not know that what I can affirm, he stayed long time in the chaos cemetery, he leaves Chaos Domain to returning to Chaos Domain, has used for two months, almost cannot catch up with the surrounding to inspect.” 凝雨摇摇头:“那我就不知道了,但我能够肯定的是,他在混沌坟场停留了很长时间,他离开乱域到回到乱域,足足用了两个月的时间,差一点就赶不上外围考核。” „Did you determine?” Qin Shi question. “你确定?”秦石问句 The congealing rain strikes one's chest: Guarantees with the life.” 凝雨拍着胸脯:“用性命担保。” Has been responded, the Qin Shi complexion is once more cloudy, if the congealing rain said right, then he almost can conclude, Su not abandoned should in the chaos cemetery. 得到回应,秦石的脸色再次阴沉,如果凝雨说的没错,那么他几乎可以断定,苏不弃应该就在混沌坟场。 However, the degree of hazard of chaos cemetery, must be higher than several times compared with eight territories, although eight territories are formidable, but has humanity, but the chaos cemetery is just the opposite, like worthless is mediocre there human life, every day had the hundreds of people dead a tragic death, without any legal sanction. 不过,混沌坟场的危险程度,远比八域还要高出几倍,八域虽然强大,但却有所人道,而混沌坟场则恰恰相反,在那里人命如草芥般平庸,每天都有数以百计的人惨死,没有任何的法律制裁。 No matter what, at least narrowed scope the range, always compares anything not to know strongly.” “不管怎样,起码将范围缩小了,总比什么也不知道强。” Qin Shi is thinking, has pinched the fist, read to search into to explode in the god flame Zhu: Does not leave, the words of congealing rain, should you hear?” 秦石想着,捏了捏拳,将神念探入进爆炎珠中:“不离,凝雨的话,你应该听到了吧?” For half a month, Su does not leave the rare centralized look. 半个月来,苏不离罕见的集中神色。 His whole body is passing the evil spirit strength of slightly: Um, not abandoned definitely in chaos cemetery, I must save her, I cannot visit her to suffer hardship.” 他周身透着微微的凶煞之力:“嗯,不弃肯定在混沌坟场,我要将她救出来,我不能看着她受罪。” You know well, but you must wait, now enters the chaos cemetery, that greets our, only then died, moreover I must do at some Chaos Domain also a lot.” Looks that Su does not leave restores the charm, Qin Shi relaxes much. “你知道就好,但你还要等等,现在入混沌坟场,那迎接我们的只有死亡,而且我在乱域还有很多事情要做。”看着苏不离恢复神韵,秦石放松不少。 Su does not leave struggles for a long time, nods finally. 苏不离挣扎许久,最终还是点点头。 Qin Shi, thank you!” 秦石,谢谢你!” All right, so long as you can well on the line, I also wants to have a look with own eyes, among you that sentiment, is actually how feeling day shakes.” Qin Shi free and easy smiling. “没事,只要你能好好的就行,我也想亲眼看看,你们之间的那份感情,究竟是如何的感天撼地。”秦石洒脱的笑了笑。 Comforts Su not to leave, he happily has patted the congealing rain: Contribution value that dead fatty, good of this office, later the demon symbol sells, you take 20%.” 安抚好苏不离,他欣慰的拍了拍凝雨:“死胖子,这一次办的不错,以后魔符卖出的贡献值,你就拿两成吧。” Really?” Congealing rain small eye stares in a big way, has rubbed the excited palm: These has gotten rich, these has gotten rich, when the big brother do you refine the demon symbol? Or we now?” “真的?”凝雨小眼睛瞪大,搓了搓兴奋的手掌:“这一下发财了,这一下发财了,大哥你什么时候去炼制魔符?要不我们现在就出发吧?” Qin Shi stared staring, had been smiled by this fatty air/Qi, his being disinclined manages him, scolded the sentence: Hui Er the injury cure that anxious anything, will reach the clouds first good to say again.” 秦石瞪了瞪眼,被这胖子气笑了,他是真懒得理他,骂句:“急什么,先将凌云的惠儿的伤势治愈好再说吧。” The congealing rain laughs foolishly several, he also knows which is the lighter and which is the heavier. 凝雨憨笑几声,他也知道孰轻孰重。 Qin Shi crosses the congealing rain, before arriving at Lingyun body: Lingyun, walks, you guide, I accompany you to go to your Hui Er therapy now.” 秦石越过凝雨,走到凌云身前:“凌云,走吧,你带路,我现在就陪你去给你的惠儿疗伤。” Real big brother?” “真的吗大哥?” Reaches the clouds in the intelligent pupil eyes to flash through several points of excitement, that sincere is such limpidity, making Qin Shi feel temperate. 凌云聪慧的眸眼间闪过几分激动,那一份真挚是那样的清澈,令秦石不由感到温和。 He helps Lingyun, skillful is for personal reasons. 他帮凌云,纯熟是因为个人原因。 Perhaps is because his sentimental line is winding, is separated by with the three girls of his deeply love ten thousand li (0.5km), the person who therefore he likes this real personality very much , helping Su not leave like him. 或许是因为他的感情线曲折,和他深爱的三个女孩都相隔万里,所以他很喜欢这种真性情的人,就像他帮助苏不离一样。 Under his point gently, after affirmation, the surging emotions mighty waves that reaching the clouds, are moved to tears gratitude one, has turned round shows the way toward the mansion outside. 他轻轻的点下头,得到肯定以后,凌云的心潮波澜,热泪盈眶的感激一声,才回过身的朝豪宅外领路。 The Qin Shi three people reorganize, followed from behind. 秦石三人整理一下,从后面跟了上去。 Qin Shi weighs in the moral nature, Evil Spirit Totem of left hand was held up by him, the black pupil stares from above throughout, if Hui Er the injury is really the fairyhood is the result, then can cure successfully, looked at Evil Spirit . 秦石在心底衡量,左手的邪魔图腾被他举起,黑眸始终从上面凝望,如果惠儿的伤势真是魔性所致,那么能不能成功治愈,就看邪魔了。 He thinks like this, but is taking mansion few steps, the chaotic form in a flash, blocks his way together at present. 他这样想,但是就在迈出豪宅没几步,一道混乱的身影在他眼前一晃,将他的去路挡住。 Sees this form, Qin Shi to knit the brows, spasm several that the corners of the mouth cannot bear. 看见这身影,秦石皱了皱眉,嘴角忍不住的抽动几下。 black ink wolf?” “墨狼?” This form, unexpectedly is the black ink wolf, but those who most make Qin Shi terrified is, black ink wolf dressing up at this moment, to completely was unexpectedly same half a month ago. 这身影,竟然是墨狼,而最让秦石悚然的是,墨狼此时此刻的装扮,竟与半个月前完全一样。 Not good reading wants to disperse in Qin Shi at heart. 一个不好的念想在秦石心里散开。 „Won't this boy, like this have defended half a month in out of the door?” “这小子,不会就这样在门外守了半个月吧?” !! !!
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