PDL :: Volume #8

#724: Seal Lei Jie

By gust of wind dishevel luxuriant, Kong Xianhui has been startled the god slightly, arrives at side Qin Shi: This fatty? What you have filled to him ** medicine, whole person probably demented?” 被疾风吹乱了秀发,孔贤慧微微的怔了怔神,走到秦石身边:“这胖子怎么了?你给他灌了什么**药,整个人好像都癫狂了呢?” Qin Shi cannot bear make noise, innocent shrugging that smiles: Who knows that this matter may not relate with me.” 秦石忍不住笑的出声来,无辜的耸了耸肩:“谁知道呢,这事可和我没有关系。” That is strange.” Kong Xianhui will not believe Qin Shi, can make into this congealing rain fatty, it is estimated that also only then Qin Shi can achieve, but she has not closely examined, the white hands search, a precious spirit grass gives Qin Shi: These, completely are the spirit grass that treats the internal injury, I want to your injury some functions.” “那才怪呢。”孔贤慧才不会相信秦石,能将凝雨这胖子弄成这样,估计也就只有秦石能做到,但她也没有追问下去,玉手一探,一株一株珍贵的灵草递给秦石:“这些,全部都是治疗内伤的灵草,我想对你的伤势会有些作用。” Qin Shi affected received the spirit grass, at once he silent a meeting, said: That virtuous!” 秦石感动的接过灵草,旋即他沉默了一会,道:“那贤惠!” I knew, recently gave me, I was those words, so long as I were also living, nobody can approach you.” “我知道了,这些日子交给我吧,我还是那句话,只要我还活着,就没人能够接近你。” Qin Shi has revealed several points of tender feeling: Many thanks.” 秦石流露过几分温情:“多谢了。” Was right, that called the black ink wolf was still defending in out of the door, can you exit to say one with him first?” The Kong Xianhui phoenix eye sparkled, suddenly said the sentence. “对了,那个叫墨狼的还在门外守着呢,你要不要先出去和他说一声?”孔贤慧的凤眼闪了闪,突然说句。 hear that, Qin Shi is surprised: „Is he also defending?” He somewhat admires to this black ink wolf, this boy to refine the pill of immortality held to read is also too deep? 闻言,秦石大吃一惊:“他还守着呢?”不由间,他对这个墨狼有几分佩服,这小子对炼丹的执念也太深了吧? To be honest, if not nine revolutions of calcedony grass, trades to do any is the same, he possibly let, but nine revolutions of calcedony grass were not good, this was related to the Shu Zhongyu safety, he cannot regress. 说实话,如果不是九转玉髓草,换做任何一样,他可能都让出来了,但是九转玉髓草不行,这事关书中玉的安危,他决不能退步。 Ok, is willing to defend, asked him to defend, when has met with nobody to manage him, has run into a wall, oneself went back.” The Qin Shi sigh, returns to the guest room at once. “算了,愿意守,就叫他守吧,等过一会见没人理他,碰壁了,自己就回去了。”秦石叹息声,旋即回到客房里。 In the guest room, he sits cross-legged to sit , is puncturing on the rush cushion of lotus flower show, supposes to shield to tie in the surroundings of this rush cushion, becomes a golden ancient clock is ordinary, seals him. 在客房里,他盘膝坐在一个刺着莲花秀的蒲团上,在这个蒲团的周围设下屏蔽结界,成一个金色的古钟一般,将他封在其中。 He silent half sound, at once profound black pupil slightly closed, his surrounding air circulation speeds up instantaneously, the wind direction is promiscuous. 他才沉默了半响,旋即深邃的黑眸微微闭合,瞬间他周围的空气流通加快,风向混杂。 Close your eyes, he has not been transporting the merit anxiously, but regards to oneself in first, this time injury was really too serious, now looks to the situation in within the body, twitching that his corners of the mouth could not have borne, this five main internal organs (entrails), the rib, the arm, the meridians, the bloodlines, whole body, did not have a complete institute. 闭上眼,他并未急着运功,而是先对自己内视一番,这一次的伤势实在是太严重了,现在看向体内的情况,他嘴角还忍不住的抽搐,这五脏六腑,肋骨,手骨,经络,血脉,全身上下,就没有一处完好之所。 A little is unfair to this body.” “真是有点对不起这幅身子了。” Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, spreads out the palm at once, kneads together a tedious hand imprint, makes up on the knee, the ray that the five fingers flood the light asterism, four project immediately just likes the nighttime sky glow, is and out, is quite mysterious. 秦石苦笑的摇摇头,旋即将手掌摊开,捏合一个繁琐的手印,搭放在膝盖上,五指马上泛起淡淡的星芒,四射出的光线犹如夜空萤火,忽隐忽现,颇为神奇。 Timely rain rain and dew decides!” “甘霖雨露决!” spiritual power circles three in the whole body, the blood pulse that will be bathed in blood to stop up opens, after letting the whole body achieves to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, his fast turn-around the timely rain rain and dew decides. 灵力在周身盘旋三圈,将被浴血堵塞的血脉冲开,让全身达到融会贯通以后,他快速运转起甘霖雨露决。 Coordinates the Holy Ghost flower, the glow on vault of heaven to enter the oronasal, turns into the emerald green colored vitality slightly, is mild that torn to pieces body. 配合上圣灵花,天穹上的萤火进入口鼻,微微变成翠绿色的生机,温润起那支离破碎的身躯。 The recuperation injury is an extremely slow process, each step must act bashful, proceeds in an orderly way, cannot finish in a hast. 调养伤势是个极为缓慢的过程,每一个步骤都要拿捏好,循序渐进,不能急于求成。 Otherwise, is very easy to create haste makes carelessness, the result when things reach their extreme they turn back, is good in the recent day Qin Shi does not have what important matter, pours rarely also idle and unmentionable diseasea in within the body starts the struggle. 否则,很容易造成欲速不达,物极必反的结果,好在最近的日子里秦石没有什么要事,倒也难得清闲的和体内的暗疾做起斗争。 In the guest room the livelihood does not divide, suddenly is half a month. 客房中日月不分,眨眼就是半月。 During this, the unmentionable diseasea in within the body looks like the fortress that thousands of people guard, he attacks inch by inch, finally breaks through when completely, poured makes him take not the small effort. 这期间,体内的暗疾就像是千万人镇守的堡垒,他一寸一寸进攻,最终全部攻破时,倒真让他费了不小的力气。 But what is most important, this is also only a beginning, although the unmentionable diseasea restored, but his body still very empty, for this reason he gives his spirit grass to grind Kong Xianhui, after spiritual power wraps through the oronasal sends in the abdomen. 但最重要的是,这还只是个开端,虽然暗疾恢复了,但他的身子仍然很虚,为此他将孔贤慧给他的灵草碾碎,用灵力包裹后通过口鼻送入腹中。 Under the property nourishment, in the Qin Shi pale complexion reappears for several points to blush, are many several to have wiped the scarlet. 在药性的滋补下,秦石苍白的脸色上才浮现几分红晕,多了几抹血色。 Similar?” “差不多了吗?” The Qin Shi spout presses in chest for a long time foul air, that gas some slightly became dark, moreover has the faint trace bloodstain above. 秦石吐出口压在胸膛许久的浊气,那气体都有些微微发黑了,而且在上面还带有丝丝血迹。 But puts out, the Qin Shi injury is also the thorough restoration. 但一口吐出,秦石的伤势也算是彻底恢复。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! But the matter like this is always accidental, although this injury brings the huge pain to Qin Shi, but did not have the advantage. 但事情总是这样意外,这一次伤势虽然给秦石带来巨大的痛苦,但也不是了无好处。 After this intense overdrawing, that type from some zero processes, making the dantian obtain very good progression, on the lavender nucleus Ben Lei fled in all directions, in the upper extreme of fifth bloodlines, mapped a Thunder dragon of being dormant unexpectedly. 经过这一次强烈的透支,那种从零化有的过程下,让丹田得到了十分良好的增进,淡紫色的晶核上奔雷流窜,在第五道血脉的上端,竟然映射出一条蛰伏的雷龙。 But at the same time, the Qin Shi forehead flashes, that purple Lei Jie prints limpidly obviously. 而与此同时,秦石的眉心闪动,那紫色的雷劫印清澈可见。 Wanted breakthrough?” “要突破了?” Qin Shi is startled slightly, first is reveals to wipe pleasantly surprised, but pleasantly surprised turns immediately gloomy. 秦石微微吃惊,先是露出抹惊喜,但惊喜马上变成阴沉。 breakthrough no doubt is the good deed, but achieved the shackles at this time, actually not necessarily is any good deed, he was not many in the Chaos Domain time, if carries on breakthrough now, little said must in delaying half a month. 突破固然是好事,但这个时候达到桎梏,却未必是什么好事,他在乱域的时间本就不多,如果现在进行突破的话,少说也要在耽搁半月。 Moreover, he antagonizes people innumerably, half a month time, will probably create the world group to sneak attack him, Zhao Xin and the others could guarantee him for a while, but may not be first. 而且,他树敌无数,半个月的功夫,保不齐创世团会对他进行偷袭,赵信等人或许能保他一时,但决不可能是一世。 Does not know really should say me to be lucky, or said me unfortunately!” Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, binds tightly black robe on the body, but in one hesitant in struggling, he has finally chosen giving up, takes out Feng Leisuo. “真不知道是该说我幸运,或是说我不幸!”秦石苦笑的摇摇头,将黑袍裹紧在身上,而在一番的犹豫与挣扎中,他最终还是选择了放弃,将一个封雷锁取出。 Seal Lei Jieyin?” “封印雷劫印吗?” Lowers the head, Qin Shi light nan several, the vision looks at Feng Leisuo throughout, in the heart is having several points of disorderly mighty waves. 低着头,秦石轻喃几声,目光始终望着封雷锁,心中带有几分杂乱的波澜。 Blood sorcerer, how can this thing use?” “血巫师,这个东西要怎么用?” You pour into to want in breakthrough spirit vein your spiritual power completely, then makes this spirit vein achieve saturated, such spirit vein can produce with Lei Jieyin wipes the relation, was you in those days directed to fall Lei Jieqian the relation.” “你将你的灵力全部注入进要突破灵脉中,然后让这条灵脉达到饱和,那样灵脉会和雷劫印之间产生一抹联系,就是你往日引落雷劫前的联系。” After both form the relation, you enter in this Feng Leisuo fast swallowing the abdomen, will block him on soon breakthrough spirit vein, such both's relations will be blocked.” The blood sorcerer explained one, at once said seriously: But this process, you must be exceptionally careful, if carelessly, not only cannot seal Lei Jie, Lei Jie also forcefully be directed, at that time depending on your present preparation, cannot resist.” “在两者形成联系以后,你将这封雷锁快速的吞入腹中,将他封锁在即将突破灵脉上,那样两者的联系就会被封锁起来。”血巫师解释一句,旋即严肃道:“但这个过程,你要异常小心,若一个不慎的话,非但不能封印雷劫,雷劫还会被强行引下,那时候凭你现在的准备,抵挡不住。” Hears, the Qin Shi complexion is pale, did this rather also too take risks? 听闻,秦石的脸色铁青,这样做未免也太冒险了吧? He even suspected, blood sorcerer not in intentionally pit he? When he died by Lei Jiepi, then does he quite make a getaway? But one wants not to be right, if no strength of his soul, the blood sorcerer is unable to survive, they now are grasshopper on a rope, what his pit do make? 他甚至怀疑,血巫师不是在故意坑他吧?等到他被雷劫劈死,然后他好逃之夭夭?但一想也不对啊,如果没有他的灵魂之力,血巫师根本无法存活,两人现在就是一条绳上的蚂蚱,他坑自己做什么啊? Hesitant meeting, Qin Shi doubt looked toward the blood sorcerer, finally sets firm resolve kneads together Feng Leisuo, the big hand flood the light asterism, is holding in front of him with spiritual power oneself. 犹豫一会,秦石狐疑的朝血巫师看了看,最终下定决心的将封雷锁捏合,大手泛着淡淡星芒,用一股灵力将他托到自己面前。 Ok, bets one!” “算了,赌一把吧!” Qin Shi is dignified, at once fixes Feng Leisuo, in he starts to regard his within the body. 秦石凝重,旋即将封雷锁固定,他开始内视自己的体内。 The fifth article spirit vein that changes is very rough, the above thunder attribute is similar to must spatter in all directions to be the same, Qin Shi nipping jaw gently, complete spiritual power will pour into to spirit vein in slowly. 第五条变的灵脉十分粗犷,上面的雷属性如同要迸溅出来一样,秦石轻轻的咬了咬牙关,将全部的灵力缓缓注入到灵脉中。 This process, he is very careful, but after receiving the nourishment of spiritual power, spirit vein such as the lion tiger roared, in the abdomen of Qin Shi was shifty, very bad chaotic. 这个过程,他十分小心,而受到灵力的滋补以后,灵脉如狮虎般的咆哮起来,秦石的腹中翻云覆雨,十分糟乱。 If in within the body of person is a world, that Qin Shi is one is full of the crisis and incredible world now. 如果说一个人的体内就是一个世界,那秦石现在则是一个充满危机、荒诞的世界。 Sea of Consciousness Cheng Gan, dantian Cheng Kun. 识海成乾,丹田成坤。 Thunder and lightning crash, blood like rain. 雷电交加,血液如雨。 Under this ominous strength, the complexion that Qin Shi just restored is once more pale, the disorder of among the respites also changing, but in fifth spirit vein is saturated, his forehead transmitted the stabbing pain suddenly the hot feeling, Lei Jieyin has glittered continuously several. 在这种凶力下,秦石刚恢复的脸色再次苍白,喘息间也变的紊乱,而就在第五条灵脉饱和间,他的眉心处突然传来刺痛的热感,雷劫印连续闪烁了数下。 In an area, outside the mansion, on the vault of heaven gathers the light thunder clouds immediately, moreover in unceasing expansion, 10,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 30,000 meters. 在一区,豪宅外,天穹上马上就聚集起淡淡的雷云,而且还在不断的扩张,10000米,20000米,30000米。 Sees this, innumerable disciple surface leak startled accommodate. 看见这幕,无数弟子面漏惊容。 This is, Lei Jieyun? Can some people here breakthrough?” “这是,雷劫云?难道有人要在这里突破?” You carefully look, isn't this Qin Shi dwelling? Can he strive?” “你们仔细看,这不是秦石的住处吗?他难道又要精进了?” Qin Shi? Was a short time ago, that causes two side influence confrontation, fellow who finally in the company the territory brings in? Does he actually live in this?” 秦石?就是前不久,那个引起两方势力交锋,最后连内域都引来的家伙?他竟然住在这?” Um, moreover he is Demonic Talisman Master, you have forgotten a short time ago the Demonic Talisman Master breakthrough matter, not also in this mansion!” “嗯,而且他还是个符魔师,你们忘了前不久符魔师突破的事,不也正是在这个豪宅吗!” Quite fierce!” Shouting that the innumerable disciples envy. “好厉害!”无数弟子羡慕的呼喊。 But in the guest room, Qin Shi does not know quite the same as that he once more became the focal point, but concentrates fully is blocking Lei Jieyin the process. 而在客房中,秦石浑然不知,他又再次的成为了焦点,只是全力集中在封锁雷劫印的过程。 Is now!” The blood sorcerer drinks the sound hastily. “就是现在!”血巫师连忙喝声。 The Qin Shi black pupil stares, big hand holds Feng Leisuo, does not dare to have pours into the dantian that the slightest pulls rank. 秦石黑眸一瞪,大手抓住封雷锁,不敢有分毫托大的就注入丹田。 Its seal, in you want on breakthrough spirit vein!” “将它封印在你要突破灵脉上!” Qin Shi said according to the blood sorcerer that before Feng Leisuo pushes fifth day spirit vein, connects him to exhaust the complete strength, turns on Feng Leisuo the above cover, a wild suction roared. 秦石按照血巫师所说,将封雷锁推送到第五天灵脉前,接连他用尽全部的力量,将封雷锁上方的盖子打开,一股狂野的吸力咆哮而出。 That strength is very uninhibited, batters in the Qin Shi dantian, at once he locks fifth day immediately spirit vein, such as is big and hungry, the wild wolf of eating what is offered is the same, swallows to Qin Shi fifth spirit vein. 那力量十分不羁,在秦石的丹田内横冲直撞,旋即他马上就锁定第五天灵脉,如一头饥肠辘辘,饥不择食的野狼一样,冲着秦石的第五条灵脉就吞噬下去。 Feng Leisuo internal free-air anomaly is huge, jet black such as night, cannot see the bottom, but under fifth spirit vein was swallowed by him, immediately perishes in this darkness. 封雷锁内部的空间异常庞大,漆黑如夜,一眼看不见底,而第五条灵脉在被他吞噬下,马上就沉沦在这片黑暗之中。 But followed perishing of spirit vein, Qin Shi within the body 80% spiritual power is found time to be the same probably, all fell into to Feng Leisuo. 而伴随灵脉的沉沦,秦石体内八成的灵力好像都被抽空了一样,全部陷入到封雷锁中。 Seal!” “封印!” Two forceful phrases were shouted by the blood sorcerer, connects the black pupil of Qin Shi to make an effort to stare in a big way, pinches tightly the fist all of a sudden, was broken by biting including the lip, this gathers the sealing thunder lock catch in his dantian. 两个铿锵有力的字眼被血巫师喊出,接连秦石的黑眸使劲瞪大,一下子捏紧拳头,连嘴唇都被咬破了,这才将他丹田中的封雷锁扣合。 Bang! 轰! But is the time of moment, an invisible impulse explodes in the house shoots. 而就是片刻的功夫,一股无形的冲击力在房屋中爆射。 In the mansion surrounding, the people look at the day in curious raising eyes, wants to take a look at Qin Shi to bring in the how huge thunder clouds, with breakthrough. 在豪宅外围,众人都在好奇的举目看天,想要瞧瞧秦石能够引来多么庞大的雷云,和突破 But at this moment, that invisible strength passes through the mansion, takes in the clouds directly, such as an incisive sharp sword inserts the heart to be the same. 而就在这时,那无形的力量贯穿豪宅,直接摄入云霄中,如一把尖锐的利剑插进心脏一样。 Bang! 轰隆! Was affected by the strength, the thunder clouds Bang blasting open, the darkness pale goes immediately, on the vault of heaven reveals deep blue that ten thousand li (0.5km) such as wash once more. 受到力量的影响,雷云砰的炸裂开,黑暗马上就淡去,天穹上再次露出万里如洗的碧蓝。 People under ray surprised stared staring, partly makes a sound some people to open the mouth: Well? This, what's all this about? Thunder clouds? Reaching an agreement breakthrough?” 众人在光芒下吃惊的瞪了瞪眼,愣半响才有人开口:“咦?这,这是怎么回事?雷云呢?说好的突破呢?” The crowd winked confused eye. 人群眨了眨迷茫的眼睛。 Was defeated? Was this breakthrough is defeated?” Thinks of this, many people feel possible: Estimate is, after all was just created the regimental commanders of world group to hit remnantly, for half a month wants to carry on breakthrough, overestimate one's capabilities!” “失败了?这是突破失败了?”想到这,不少人感到可能:“估计是,毕竟刚被创世团的团长打残,半个月就想要进行突破,不自量力!” This breakthrough, his cultivation to be affected, did not say that by severe wound, at least in a short time, was impossible to restore.” “这一次突破,那他的修为都会受到影响,不说被重伤吧,起码短时间内,是不可能恢复了。” The disappointed color flashes through in the foreheads of crowd, shook the head, gradually dispersing. 失望之色在人群的眉宇间闪过,摇了摇头,渐渐散开。 !! !!
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