PDL :: Volume #8

#723: Should rest

Thanks to you can also smile, I must tell virtuous Sister Xi the truth of matter!” Rather not can not understand three people, full is must pursue toward Kong Xianhui that worries. “亏你们还能笑,我要将事情的真相告诉贤惠姐!”勿宁不能理解三人,满是担忧的就要朝孔贤慧追去。 But has not waited for her to set out, Zhao Xin puts out a hand to block her immediately. 但没等她起身,赵信马上伸手将她拦住。 Useless, in sister-in-law, that hatred already was at heart ingrained, even if you told her the truth, told her big brother not to deceive, she will not believe you, instead will think that you were also deceiving her.” Zhao Xin shakes the head. “没有用的,在大嫂的心里,那份憎恨早已根深蒂固,就算你将真相告诉她,告诉她大哥也别骗了,她也不会相信你,反而会觉得你也在骗她。”赵信摇摇头。 Hears, Ning Cu frowning, not the willingly tenderness do not drink: What to do did you say? Must look that the sister-in-law does misunderstand like this to the big brother?” 听闻,勿宁蹙了蹙眉,不甘心的娇喝:“那你说怎么办?难道就要看着大嫂这样对大哥误会下去?” Xie Ling must be the bell person, when the big brother goes out, perhaps will have the favorable turn.” Forced smile that Zhao Xinkui sighed: At least the sister-in-law is all right, this is more important than anything, then went out on and other brothers.” “解铃还须系铃人,只有等到大哥出关,或许才会有转机吧。”赵信喟叹的苦笑:“起码大嫂没事,这比什么都重要,接下来就等大哥出关吧。” Three people squint, helpless nod. 三人相觑一眼,无奈的点点头。 Another side, Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui alone leave, he always remains silent, following silently in Kong Xianhui behind, because he knows that he said now anything is also useless, sentimental matter can only become aware by Kong Xianhui. 另一方,秦石孔贤慧独自离开,他始终保持着沉默,默默的跟在孔贤慧身后,因为他知道他现在说什么也没用,感情这种事只能靠孔贤慧自己去悟。 However passes through this time, he Yuwen died young for three years ago betrays the Kong Xianhui matter to be also many for several points to question. 但是经过这次,他对宇文殇三年前背叛孔贤慧的事又多了几分质疑。 He almost can conclude that these definitely have any unknown misunderstanding. 他几乎可以断定,这其中肯定有什么不为人知的误会。 Qin Shi, you said that I did misunderstand him really?” But in the silence, Kong Xianhui has turned round suddenly, has filled struggling in her beautiful pupil: I feared that I am quite afraid.” 秦石,你说我是不是真的误会他了?”而在寂静中,孔贤慧突然回过身,在她的美眸中充满了挣扎:“我怕,我好害怕。” Qin Shi knows that Kong Xianhui hated for three years, experienced suffering three years of grievance, now tells her, all these are all false, was really too cruel, that was just like such as is taking a blade, made an effort in her pit of the stomach twisted to be the same randomly. 秦石知道,孔贤慧憎恨了三年,受尽了三年的委屈,现在告诉她,这一切全都是假得,真的是太残忍了,那就好比如拿着一把刀,在她的心窝使劲的乱绞一样。 His deep inspiration, holds in the arms the fragrant shoulder of Kong Xianhui: Do not fear, do not want to be too many, all will reveal the truth.” 他深深的吸了口气,搂住孔贤慧的香肩:“别怕,也别想太多,一切都会真相大白。” You will not leave me is right? You will be accompanying me in my side, right?” Kong Xianhui jumps into the Qin Shi bosom, shivering. “你不会离开我对不对?你会在我身边陪着我,对吗?”孔贤慧扑入秦石的怀里,不停的颤抖。 Is hugging the girl in bosom, loving dearly that cannot say, protection of Qin Shi ** combustion: Um, I will be accompanying you, how regardless of the result, to have accompanied you to come out of the trough.” 抱着怀中的女孩,有一股说不上的心疼,秦石的保护**燃烧:“嗯,我会陪着你,无论结果如何,一直陪着你走出低谷。” Is feeling the Qin Shi sincere promise, Kong Xianhui the obedient light point broad and handsome forehead, this gradually calm many, later her anything has not gone saying that because she does not know really should say anything. 感受着秦石真挚的许诺,孔贤慧才乖顺的轻点螓首,这才渐渐的冷静不少,之后她什么也没有去说,因为她真的不知道该说什么。 Now she has soon exploded, she is calm. 现在她快要炸了,她要冷静。 But falls into once more silent, the brow of Qin Shi actually suddenly wrinkles, he feels one from the back, locks to his vision, made his fierce turning round. 但再次陷入沉默中,秦石的眉头却突然皱起,他从背后感觉一股,锁定向他的目光,令他猛的回过身。 Is you?” “是你?” Sees form that pursues to come tightly, Qin Shi to knit the brows. 看见紧追而来的身影,秦石皱了皱眉。 This form is the wear very sloppy, dishevelled hair and dirty face appearance, but for all this Qin Shi was still one recognized him to come, wasn't this person competing for that lunatic Alchemist of nine revolutions of calcedony grass at the year auction with him, the black ink wolf? 这身影是个穿着非常的邋遢,蓬头垢面的样子,但尽管如此秦石仍是一眼就认出他来,这人不正是在年度拍卖会上和他争夺九转玉髓草的那个疯子炼药师,墨狼吗? Pursued me to be so long, weren't you tired?” “追了我这么久,难道你不累吗?” The black ink wolf shakes the head: So long as can attain nine revolutions of calcedony grass, is not tired.” 墨狼摇摇头:“只要能拿到九转玉髓草,就不累。” Hears, Qin Shi has gawked god, this black ink wolf is really also interesting enough, had that big campaign a moment ago, is destroyed in a moment including the entire business area, does he really have the thoughts to ask nine revolutions of calcedony grass? 听闻,秦石愣了愣神,这墨狼也真够有意思,刚才发生那么大的战役,连整个商区都毁于一旦,他竟然还有心思来求九转玉髓草? But nine revolutions of calcedony grass, Qin Shi is will definitely not hand over, for these nine revolutions of calcedony grass he has paid too, if not for these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, today noisily will not become this. 但九转玉髓草,秦石是肯定不会交出去,为了这九转玉髓草他已经付出太多,若不是这九转玉髓草的话,今日也不会闹成这样。 If so, I urged you to give up, I will not give you nine revolutions of calcedony grass.” The word, Qin Shi not zaili society black ink wolf, with Kong Xianhui shoulder to shoulder goes to an area. “如果是这样,那我劝你还是放弃吧,我不会将九转玉髓草交给你的。”言罢,秦石不在理会墨狼,和孔贤慧并肩的前往一区。 But what makes him have a headache, this black ink wolf very tenacious, has pursued Qin Shi to return to an area, Qin Shi to go forward one step, he goes forward one step, which Qin Shi goes, he goes. 但让他头疼的是,这墨狼十分的固执,一直追着秦石回到一区,秦石前进一步,他就前进一步,秦石去哪,他就去哪。 With me? Ok, I go home, how I think you also with me!” “跟着我是吧?行,我回家,我看你还怎么跟我!” Qin Shi pursued feels agitated, simply directly returns to the mansion, the room door lock, he did not believe the black ink wolf also to be able with! 秦石被追的感到烦躁,干脆直接回到豪宅里,将房门锁了起来,他就不信墨狼还能跟进来! Enters the mansion fiercely, Qin Shi staggers several steps, puts out a hand in his nearby Kong Xianhui hastily, pays him, lets him, so as to avoid falls on the ground. 进入豪宅,秦石猛的踉跄几步,在他旁边的孔贤慧连忙伸手,一把将他付出,才让他免得摔在地上。 „Is your injury so serious?” Looks Qin Shi that loses color, Kong Xianhui worries. “你的伤势还这么重?”看着面无血色的秦石,孔贤慧担忧起来。 Qin Shi eats clenching teeth of pain, to be honest, he for does not make the bystander look, therefore throughout is supporting by hard and stubborn effort the body, his body already reached the limit, the timely rain rain and dew cure strength definitely is truly formidable, but his injury is out of the ordinary, before skin flesh wound cure, but is only the unmentionable diseasea has over a hundred. 秦石吃痛的咬了咬牙,说实话,他是为了不让外人看出来,所以才始终硬撑着身子,不过他的身子早就到达极限了,甘霖雨露决的治愈力确实强大,但是这次他的伤势非比寻常,之前只是将皮外伤治愈,但光是暗疾就有上百处。 In regards, looks at dislocation five internal organs, the veins meridians of break, shaking the head that he sighed: It seems like this time, does not have ten days of half a month, was does not restore possibly with ease.” 内视一番,看着错位的五脏,断裂的筋脉经络,他叹息的摇摇头:“看来这一次,没有个十天半个月,是不可能轻松的恢复了。” I and other, I give you to prepare some herbal medicines, which recently your do not go, well dull at home therapy.” Kong Xianhui virtuous has made the pot tea to Qin Shi, delivers to the teacup the hand of Qin Shi, asking him to lie low on the bed. “我等一下,我去给你准备些草药,这些日子你哪也别去了,好好的呆在家里疗伤吧。”孔贤慧贤惠的给秦石泡了壶茶,将茶杯送到秦石的手中,叫他平躺在床榻上。 Looks at Kong Xianhui to leave, Qin Shi has not spoken. 看着孔贤慧离开,秦石没有说话。 He this recuperated really well, this playing was really too big, almost played to kill, now thinks also to feel several points of fear. 他真的该好好调养了,这一次玩的实在是太大了,差一点就玩出人命来了,现在想想还感到几分后怕。 But is lying low, he has pondered, has about creating the world group and fog pledge matter, has about the matter that Kong Xianhui and Yuwen die young, child who as well as Yu Luocha and he soon must have an accident, in Qin Xuexin of horizon, Shu Zhongyu of deep sleep. 而在平躺中,他思考了许多,有关于创世团和雾盟的事,有关于孔贤慧和宇文殇的事,以及玉罗刹和他即将要出事的孩子,和远在天边的沁雪心,沉睡的书中玉 Thinks that he feels the headache, wanted him to handle the matter that is really too many, that exhausted feeling made him feel that the scant of breath, even suffocated. 想着想着,他感觉到头痛,要他做的事情真是太多了,不由那份疲惫感让他感觉到呼吸困难,甚至窒息。 This has not known how long, he has fallen asleep unexpectedly, to having the knock resounds him to wake up, smart jumps from the bed, looks surrounding safe and sound, made an effort to rub the ache head, recently his nerve stretched too tightly, was a little nervous. 就这样不知过了多久,他竟然睡着了,一直到有敲门声响起他才醒来,一个机灵从床榻上跳起,看着周围安然无恙,才使劲揉了揉疼痛的脑袋,最近他的神经绷得太紧,有点紧张兮兮了。 Relaxes several points, in his big hands flood the light miraculous glow, is grasping to the door void, opens the door. 缓和几分,他大手间泛着淡淡的灵光,冲着房门虚空一握,将房门打开。 What comes is the congealing rain, in the congealing rain behind is Lingyun. 来的是凝雨,在凝雨身后是凌云。 „Did you come?” Sees them, Qin Shi is not accidental. “你们来了?”看见两人,秦石并不意外。 But sees Qin Shi, they are very accidental, especially congealing rain that fatty, the small eye narrows the eyes becomes a slit, knits the brows: Big brother, was not I says you, you should rest, this month you stretched too tightly.” 但看见秦石,两人却十分意外,特别是凝雨那胖子,小眼睛眯眯的成一条缝隙,皱眉道:“大哥,不是我说你,你真的该休息了,这一个多月你绷得太紧了。” I am all right.” “我没事。” Anything is all right, you have a look at your eye!” Congealing rain ill-humored hum, draws Qin Shi to arrive at the mirror , before once. “什么没事,你自己看看你的眼睛!”凝雨没好气的哼声,旋即拉着秦石来到镜子前。 Looks in mirror, Qin Shi was shocked. 看着镜子里的自己,秦石愣住了。 The original black pupil is sending out at this time blood red, was been one after another densely covered like the spider web blood thread, and has the thick dark pouche under the eyelid with the pouch, where likely is a normal person, looks like a monster is simply same. 本来黑色的眸子此时正散发着血红,被一条一条如蛛网般的血丝密布,而且在眼皮下有浓浓的黑眼圈和眼袋,哪里像是个正常的人啊,简直就像是个怪物一样。 „The previous month, you are busy refining the demon symbol, the latter month you are busy practicing martial arts, had that important matter a moment ago, your calculation well, how long haven't you rested one to think calmly and steadily? You think again how long you haven't relaxed?” Drinking sound that the congealing rain loves dearly. “前一个月,你忙着炼制魔符,后一个月你又忙着修炼武学,刚才就发生了那种大事,你自己好好的算一算,你已经多久没有睡过一个安稳觉了?你再想一想,你有多久没有放松了?”凝雨心疼的喝声。 Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, probably is really such a matter. 秦石无奈的摇摇头,好像真是这么回事。 Relax, I know in heart.” “放心吧,我心里有数。” Should better know how things stand.” The congealing rain curls the lip, ridicules the sentence: You such boil, was the machine must discard, you me did not tell that some of your many important matters haven't done? Don't when the matter has not completed, you were dying!” “最好有数。”凝雨撇撇嘴,笑骂句:“就你这么熬,就是机器也要报废了,你不是跟我说你还有很多大事没做吗?别等到事情没做完,你就死翘翘了!” Was good, one will be virtuous, under I rest well, happen to must cure the injury.” “行了,一会贤惠回来,我就好好的休息一下,正好也要治愈下伤势。” You!” Congealing rain helpless opening mouth, shakes the head finally actually: Ok, making your rest estimate impossible, at least therapy does not need to consume the energy.” “你!”凝雨无奈的张了张嘴,最后倒是摇摇头:“算了,让你只是休息估计也不可能,起码疗伤不需要太耗精力。” Warm feeling winds through from the heart, this fatty is really good for Qin Shi. 一股暖意从心头流过,这胖子是真的为了秦石好。 At once, Qin Shi turning round appearance Lingyun: Lingyun, you stands firm Hui Er the situation with the fan blade wooden miracle cure first, when my injury restores to come, I in the past gave your Hui Er therapy, ok?” 旋即,秦石回身面相凌云:“凌云,你先用扇叶木灵丹稳住惠儿的情况,等到我的伤势恢复过来,我就过去给你的惠儿疗伤,好吧?” Reaches the clouds said hastily: „Not anxious big brother, your injury is important.” 凌云连忙道:“不急大哥,你的伤势重要。” Qin Shi nods, he now is very exhausted, an energy does not have, if he has not guessed wrong, Hui Er the body should receive the fairyhood, but is he is also unwilling facing the fairyhood the general idea. 秦石点点头,他现在是真的很疲惫,一点精力都没有,如果他没有猜错,惠儿的身上应该是受了魔性,而面对魔性就算是他也不甘大意。 Said with Lingyun [say / way] that the Qin Shi look transferred the extension, read the strength to spread to exploding in flame Zhu. 和凌云道说,秦石神色转了转,念力传入到爆炎珠中。 Since knew matter that Su not abandoned has not died, the mood that Su does not leave is very in the doldrums, look difference faintly recognizable uncertain, pours also no wonder, if this matter occurred on Qin Shi, perhaps which he also very to goes. 自从得知苏不弃没死的事情,苏不离的情绪就十分低迷,神色异样的飘渺不定,倒也难怪,如果这事情发生在秦石身上,他恐怕也好不到哪去吧。 After all that is the deep love woman. 毕竟那是自己深爱的女人。 Does not leave, Liu is Ming you who when not abandoned will abduct also?” Hesitant for a long time, Qin Shi asked one. “不离,柳明是什么时候将不弃掳走的你还着吗?”犹豫了许久,秦石还是问了一声。 Su did not leave the lax look to wink winking, silent meeting: Was six months, first two months of surrounding inspection.” 苏不离涣散的眼神眨了眨,沉默一会:“是半年前吧,外围考核的前两个月。” This? I knew.” A Qin Shi eye revolution, clashes the congealing rain fatty to say at once: Dead fatty, these, asking you to select the matter on , helping me inquire, where Liu Ming had gone six months ago, this matter was very important to me, you helped me work as the matter office, if investigated thoroughly, contribution value that later the demon symbol sold, you took 20%.” “这样吗?我知道了。”秦石眼睛一转,旋即冲凝雨胖子说:“死胖子,这几日,求你点事,帮我打听一下,柳明在半年前都去过什么地方,这件事情对我很重要,你帮我当件事情办,如果查清楚的话,以后魔符卖出的贡献值,你就拿两成吧。” Really?” “真的?” Mentioned the contribution value, the congealing rain look glitters [gold/metal]. 一提到贡献值,凝雨的眼神都闪烁起金芒。 Qin Shi loses one's voice has smiled, this fatty also really sufficed: Um, lives up to one's words.” 秦石失声的笑了,这胖子也真是够了:“嗯,说到做到。” Good, the big brother you could rest assured that this foreign country did not have my congealing rain unable to inquire the news that you are waiting for my good news, I ensure Liu Ming, every day puts on any color underpants to ask to you including him.” The congealing rain strikes one's chest the guarantee to say. “好嘞,大哥你放心,这外域还没有我凝雨打听不来的消息,你就等着我的好消息吧,我保证把柳明上上下下,连他每天穿什么颜色的内裤都给你问出来。”凝雨拍着胸脯保证道。 Nod of Qin Shi satisfied, if the congealing rain, he also really believes that he has this skill, after all the congealing rain in the surrounding know-it-all, the given name of detective is not the rumor. 秦石满意的点点头,如果说是凝雨的话,他还真相信他有这个本事,毕竟凝雨在外围万事通,包打听的名号可不是空穴来风。 Ok, Big brother, you rest first, I make Liu Ming the news now, after your injury restores, you told me, I ensure to clearness that you completed.” Congealing rain full Yanjing is dodging golden light, only rapidly thought of that 20% profit, after Qin Shi beckoned with the hand holds on Lingyun, the wind general enhanced dust departs. “行,大哥,你先休息吧,我现在就去弄柳明的消息,等你的伤势恢复以后你告诉我,我保证给你完成的明明白白。”凝雨满眼睛闪着金光,就光迅思那两成的利润了,冲着秦石摆摆手后就拉住凌云,风一般的扬尘离去。 They leave, Kong Xianhui comes back coincidentally, she greeted and hits, looks at the congealing rain that has not come with 2.581 million types, vanished in her field of vision directly. 两人离开,孔贤慧刚巧回来,她连招呼都没来的及打,就看着凝雨跟2581000样,直接就消失在她的视野里。 !! !!
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