PDL :: Volume #8

#722: Truth

Yes, does not have breakthrough, but was also quick, this month, therefore big brother is not at now, younger brother younger sisters are innocent, I naturally must be responsible for them, I do not want to wait for big brother breakthrough, was accused my this to be the elder brother by him does not do one's duty to the utmost.” Zhao Xin very natural shrugging. “是啊,没突破呢,但是也快了,就在这个月吧,所以现在大哥不在,弟弟妹妹们不懂事,我自然要对他们负责了,我可不想等着大哥突破,被他指责我这个做哥哥的不尽责任。”赵信很自然的耸了耸肩。 Is built in the vault of heaven, the space between eyebrows of Xing Moyuan seventy years of age slightly flood black, hearing Zhao Xin reply to relax, henceforth can look that he dies young dreading to Yuwen. 立于天穹上,邢墨鸢古稀的眉间微微泛黑,听见赵信的回答不由松了口气,从此能看出来他对宇文殇十分的忌惮。 That, your younger brother younger sisters, truly are not quite truly sensible, moreover rather did some go too far? Bullies my foreign country nobody? Although your growth are quick, but has not arrived at the foot in Chaos Domain, lawless situation?” “那确实,你这几位弟弟妹妹,确实不太懂事,而且未免有些太过分了吧?难道是欺负我外域没人吗?虽然你们的成长很快,但还没到足矣在乱域中,无法无天的地步吧?” Xing Elder, you do not give our Dai Gaomao, where do we have the lawlessness? Our sighted people did not speak the code words, today we come to here, wants to discuss a matter with you.” Zhao Xin shows a faint smile, aims at Qin Shi: This is also my younger brother, today's matter is he is not right, has given such big trouble to you, but he enters shortly after the foreign country after all, in the custom is not quite clear, does not know that you can me a face, such turn?” “邢长老,你也别给我们戴高帽,我们哪里有无法无天?咱们明人不说暗话,今天我们来这里,是想和你商量个事的。”赵信微微一笑,指向秦石:“这位也是我弟弟,今天的事是他不对,给你添了这么大的麻烦,但毕竟他才进外域不久,规矩上不太清楚,不知你能不能给我个面子,就这么翻过去吧?” Qin Shi has gawked the god, when his Brother Cheng? But looks that what nearby Kong Xianhui then understood, pours has not started talking, is only in the heart discontented, was this also the lying down (spear|gun)? 秦石愣了愣神,什么时候他就成弟弟了?但看着旁边的孔贤慧便明白了什么,倒也没有开口说话,只是心中不满,他这是又躺枪了啊? Turns?” “翻过去?” Hears these three characters, Xing Moyuan corners of the mouth twitch several, in the eye flash through several meat pains. 听见这三个字,邢墨鸢嘴角抽搐几下,眼中闪过几道肉痛。 „Are you are cracking a joke? Entire business area was destroyed this, died several hundred disciples, you said that like this turns? How do you make me confess with above?” Xing Moyuan cursed angrily. “你是在开玩笑嘛?整个商区被毁成这样,死了数百名的弟子,你说就这样翻过去?你让我怎么和上面交代?”邢墨鸢怒骂。 But regarding his disaffection, Zhao Xin is completely at ease, shakes the head saying: You were needless to say these with me, I know that you had the means that I think, if today created the world group to win, this matter should also be pressed by you? After all in the old fogies in territory, were always concerned with the foreign country, right?” 但对于他的不满,赵信坦然自若,摇头道:“你不用和我说这些,我知道你有办法,我想如果今日创世团赢了的话,这件事情应该也会被你压下来吧?毕竟内域的老家伙们,对外域从来都是不闻不问,对吗?” The moral nature clever trick was seen through, Xing Moyuan presbyopia is low and deep, silent a meeting, he said with a smile: If I don't comply?” 心底的诡计被识破,邢墨鸢的老眼低沉,沉默了一会,他笑道:“那如果我不答应呢?” Doesn't comply?” “不答应吗?” Zhao Xin smiling face also gradually coagulates, connects his profound pupil heart changes, a tremendous strength covers the entire business area, Xing Moyuan in cannot bear frown. 赵信的笑容也渐渐凝固,接连他深邃的眸心一变,一股巨大的力量笼罩整个商区,邢墨鸢在其中都忍不住皱起眉头。 I naturally have the means to call you to comply.” “我自然有办法叫你答应。” The sound resounds, the atmosphere of business area enforces, Xing Moyuan and Zhao Xin look for a very long time. 声音响起,商区的气氛严肃起来,邢墨鸢和赵信两人久久对望。 Zhao Xin air/Qi field is very strong, moreover look very adept, if Xing Moyuan fills wild fierce tiger, Zhao Xinbian is dormant for a long time big dragon. 赵信的气场很强,而且神色非常的娴熟,如果说邢墨鸢是充满野性的猛虎,赵信便是蛰伏已久的巨龙。 He spiritual power control good of , does not have the slight side dew, is only the oppression in a Xing Moyuan all around hundred meters range, Xing Moyuan of getting old felt immediately the under foot sinks, the presbyopia stared staring. 他将灵力控制的很好,没有丝毫的侧露,只是压迫在邢墨鸢周遭百米的范围内,上了年纪的邢墨鸢顿时感觉到脚下一沉,老眼瞪了瞪。 But in the short deadlock, Xing Moyuan suddenly smiled: „Does anything comply, said that I was also your once teacher, this minor matter I can achieve, will help you.” 而就在短暂的僵局中,邢墨鸢突然笑了:“什么答不答应,怎么说我也是你曾经的导师,这点小事我能够做到,自会帮你了。” He opens the mouth, in the field the tight atmosphere suddenly diverges. 他开口,场上紧张的气氛才突然散去。 Smiling of Zhao Xin satisfied: This is best, that many thanks Xing.” 赵信满意的笑了笑:“这样最好,那就多谢邢老了。” Thanked does not need, when Yuwen died young went out, remembers that shouted I drank the cup happy bar, everyone / influential family also well poly one gathered, you said right?” Xing Moyuan false smile snort, but he carries after behind dry hand, is pinching tightly maliciously, psst makes noise. “谢就不必了,等到宇文殇出关的时候,记得喊上我喝杯喜酒吧,大家也好好的聚一聚,你说对吧?”邢墨鸢皮笑肉不笑的哼了哼,而他背在身后的枯手上,则是狠狠的捏紧,吱吱作响。 Hears Xing Moyuan words, Sikong Lingnan and Xu Yan jump, everywhere unwilling low shouted to clear the way: Xing Elder, may not!” 听闻邢墨鸢的话,司空岭南和徐岩腾起身来,满目不甘的低喝道:“邢长老,不可啊!” Yes, this opportunity is rare, so long as has killed Fu Jun, the foreign country again did not have anything to threaten us to create the world to roll.” “是啊,这次机会难得,只要杀了付军,外域就再也没有什么能够威胁到我们创世团了。” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” But regarding them, the Xing Moyuan depressing roar, how he can not know that Fu Jun does die, creates the world group to be able able to move unhindered the truth of foreign country? 但对于两人,邢墨鸢压抑的吼声,他岂会不知道付军一死,创世团就能纵横外域的道理? However this situation, can he not comply? Let alone is Zhao Xin, Dong Qing he is not necessarily able to win, moreover these three people are the lunatics who became famous, long ago stirred up trouble in the foreign country innumerably, in the company the old main house gate of territory very has a headache, can let these three people of deferences perhaps only then Yuwen died young. 但是这种情况,他能不答应吗?别说是赵信,就连董清他都未必能够赢过,而且这三个人都是出了名的疯子,早年在外域中就惹事无数,连内域的老家门都十分头疼,能够让这三人遵从的恐怕就只有宇文殇了。 If chose and them at this time encounters, does not do well his short remaining life to stay here. 如果这时候选择和他们三人交锋,弄不好他的老命都要留在这里。 First goes back, here is foreign country, in them the territory disciple is impossible forever to keep this, later we have are the opportunity begin.” Xing Moyuan stared one to them, at once his vision with rapt attention, quiet blue, several people of bodies 11 has swept from Fu Jun, Qin Shi slightly, that ruthless offense is such clear. “先回去,这里是外域,他们内域弟子不可能永远留在这,以后咱们有都是机会动手。”邢墨鸢冲着两人瞪了一眼,旋即他的目光微微凝神,从付军、秦石、幽青、几人的身上11扫过,那一份狠戾是那样的清晰。 Finally, his enhanced dust goes. 最终,他扬尘而去。 Sikong Lingnan and Xu Yannie have pinched the fist, at heart angry to the extreme. 司空岭南和徐岩捏了捏拳,心里愤怒到了极点。 Xu Yan stared on Qin Shi for a long time, meaning of it goes without saying that hatred, his hatred to the Qin Shi is not inferior to Jane Zhun , because Qin Shi has harmed his several under the hands / subordinates, striking to kill by the disciple of sword sect. 徐岩在秦石身上瞪了许久,那股憎恨之意不言而喻,他对秦石的恨意不亚于简准,就是因为秦石害了他几名手下,被剑宗的弟子给击杀。 But this situation, he does not dare hurriedly, but when he wants to leave, the vision from reaching the clouds has stopped the moment, suddenly flashes through the strange color, the cold current rises from all directions together. 但这种情况,他也不敢造次,而就在他欲要离开时,目光从凌云身上停顿了片刻,突然闪过一道诡异之色,寒流四起。 That cold current is fleeting, he sets out to escape. 那寒流稍纵即逝,他起身远遁。 Lead walked, created the world group disciples to follow hastily flurriedly. 领头的都走了,创世团弟子连忙慌乱的跟了上去。 Looks crowd that is escaping, Qin Shi and Fu Jun and the others deep putting out tone, they know that today's matter arrived here, was completely finished. 望着远遁的人群,秦石和付军等人深深的吐出口气,他们知道今日的事到这里,算是彻底的结束了。 The fog pledge was also guarantees. 雾盟也算是保下来了。 Brother Qin, this time many thanks you, your words, next year today possibly were our fog pledge gala.” Fu Junting severely wounded body, is holding the fist in the other hand to say to Qin Shi. “秦老弟,这一次多谢你了,要不是你的话,明年的今日可能就是我们雾盟的祭日了。”付军挺着重伤的身躯,冲秦石抱拳道。 hear that, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head: Do not thank me, if thanked, thanks her, this group of people and I did not have anything to relate.” The word, he looked at one to Kong Xianhui. 闻言,秦石无奈的摇摇头:“别谢我,要是谢的话,去谢谢她吧,这群人和我可没什么关系。”言罢,他冲孔贤慧看了一眼。 Kong Xianhui jade surface absent-minded, has several points to be heavy and embarrassed slightly, the beautiful pupil do not raise four people to pace back and forth in Ningxia and Zhao Xin, Dong Qing, day throughout. 孔贤慧的玉面失神,略微带有几分沉重和难堪,美眸始终在勿宁、赵信、董清、天扬四人身上徘徊。 Virtuous Sister Xi!” “贤惠姐!” Rather do not leap, walks arm in arm in the bosom of Kong Xianhui, but Kong Xianhui therefore has not relaxed, icy opens the mouth to several people: Ningxia, can not tell me, this outcome what's the matter?” 勿宁跃下,依偎进孔贤慧的怀中,但孔贤慧并未因此而缓和,冷冰冰的冲着几人开口:“勿宁,你能告诉我,这究竟是怎么回事吗?” I!” Rather the cherry lips do not open, reveals several points of awkwardness, looks back goes toward Zhao Xinwang. “我!”勿宁樱唇张了张,露出几分为难,回首朝着赵信望去。 Zhao Xin smiles bitterly, before arriving at the Kong Xianhui body: Sister-in-law, do not feel embarrassed rather, in the three years she was closed the confinement, does not know many to outside matter.” 赵信苦笑,来到孔贤慧身前:“大嫂,别为难勿宁了,这三年她被关了禁闭,对外面的事不知道多少。” Good, you said!” Smiling of Kong Xianhui ridicule. “那好啊,你说!”孔贤慧嘲弄的笑了笑。 Looks under the Kong Xianhui beautiful pupil the deep hatred, Zhao Xin feels awkward, it seems like in the three years passed, she also bears in mind. 看着孔贤慧美眸下深深的恨意,赵信不禁感到尴尬,看来这三年过去了,她还都记在心里啊。 He raised to Dong Qing and day looked at one, said: Actually, our three are big brother’s sworn brothers, but the sister-in-law has not seen them.” Here, he has pinched the fist: Three years ago, I then guessed correctly that by sister-in-law's disposition, return Chaos Domain that can do everything possible, therefore I then asked Dong Qing to hide the strength, went to the surrounding to be the deacon, a short time ago when the sister-in-law just entered Chaos Domain, actually we have realized.” 他冲董清和天扬看了一眼,道:“其实,我们三个都是大哥的结拜兄弟,只是大嫂没有见过他们两个而已。”说到这,他捏了捏拳:“三年前,我便猜到,以大嫂的性格,一定会想方设法的回到乱域,所以我便叫董清隐藏实力,去了外围做了执事,前不久大嫂刚进乱域时,其实我们就已经察觉到了。” A Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow bunch: Is this?” 孔贤慧黛眉一簇:“是这样?” Dong Qing goes forward two, nods: Um, my order, is responsible for protecting the sister-in-law.” 董清上前两步,点点头:“嗯,我的命令,就是负责保护大嫂。” Hears, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted in side, when remembers suddenly Kong Xianhui just entered the foreign country, Dong Qing to that difference that Kong Xianhui displays, that does not belong to the men and women love, actually very cares about the look that as well as respects. 听闻,秦石在旁边恍然大悟,突然间想起孔贤慧刚入外域时,董清对孔贤慧所表现出来的那份异样,那份不属于男女之间的爱慕之情,却十分在乎以及尊敬的神色。 This no wonder, in surrounding you always desirably take care of us.” “这样就难怪了,在外围的时候你总是刻意照顾我们。” Um.” Dong Qing smiled, turns round to say to Qin Shi: Previous time, you strike to kill the evening of simplification, Jane Zhun and Liu Ming must come to the surrounding to kill you, is I arranges the day to raise to block them, otherwise you think your boy, can the safe and uneventful entry foreign country? Lives now?” “嗯。”董清笑了笑,回身冲着秦石道:“上一次,你击杀简化的晚上,简准和柳明就要来外围想杀你,也是我安排天扬去拦下他们,否则你以为你小子,能够安然无事的进入外域?活到现在?” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” Qin Shi is slightly surprised, at once when remembers he just entered the foreign country, Liu Ming gets rid to stop Jane Zhun picture, all were become known in the world finally. 秦石略微惊讶,旋即想起他刚进外域时,柳明又出手阻拦简准的画面,一切终算是大白于天下了。 But at this time Kong Xianhui sneered suddenly: He he, you thought that you do do this specially greatly? Am I should also thank you?” 但这时孔贤慧突然冷笑:“呵呵,你们是不是觉得,你们这样做特别伟大?我是不是还应该谢谢你们?” Virtuous Sister Xi you leaves this, the Second Brother they are also worried about you, now in the old fogies in territory are looking for you, your situation is very dangerous!” “贤惠姐你别这样,二哥他们也是担心你,现在内域的老家伙们都在找你,你的处境十分危险!” I do not need, I do not need your worries, my situation danger? Yes, but this is not just Yuwen dies young to see? Isn't he wants to use me? Like this shouldn't he be happier?” The willow eyebrows of Kong Xianhui are pressed, excitement that mood suddenly changes, rises to blush drinks tenderly. “我不需要,我不需要你们的担心,我的处境危险?是啊,但这不正是宇文殇想要看见的吗?他不就是想要利用我吗?这样他不应该更开心吗?”孔贤慧的柳眉蹙起,情绪突然变的激动,涨红着脸的娇喝。 Virtuous Sister Xi!” Rather the small and weak tender body gently do not shiver, the beautiful pupil is moist: You left said like this that I was Yuwen elder brother, we were well-meant to you!” “贤惠姐!”勿宁弱小的娇躯轻轻颤抖,美眸都湿润起来:“你别这样说,无论是我还是宇文哥,我们对你都没有恶意!” Is well-meant? Snort, laughable, is really laughable!” Kong Xianhui demeanor Li Ren, she casts off back luxuriant, the jade refers to not rather four people: I told you, I did not need, I did not need your protections, did not need your help, you left me, I was live die, had nothing to do with you, died young with Yuwen irrelevant, you rolled!” “没有恶意?哼,可笑,真是可笑之极!”孔贤慧声色厉荏,她甩开背后的秀发,玉指指着勿宁四人:“我告诉你们,我不需要,我不需要你们的保护,不需要你们的帮助,你们都离我远一点,我是生是死,和你们无关,和宇文殇无关,你们滚!” Go away!” “滚啊!” Her roaring heartily, nod that but rather four people of aloof, finally her Bei Chizhi do not shiver: Good, good, good, you do not roll, do I leave the line?” 她尽情的咆哮,但勿宁四人无动于衷,最终她贝齿只颤抖的点点头:“好,好,好,你们不滚,我滚行吧?” She holds on Qin Shi: We walk!” 她拉住秦石:“我们走!” Sister-in-law!” “大嫂!” Zhao Xin four people of opening the mouth shouts, but has not waited for them to go forward, Qin Shi has turned round suddenly, shakes the head to their four people: I thought that you best don't with, although I can feel that your several are really probably well-meant, but her present is very excited, unavoidably will make any extreme matter.” 赵信四人开口喊声,但未等他们上前,秦石突然回过身,冲着他们四人摇摇头:“我觉得,你们最好别跟过来,虽然我能感觉出来,你们几个好像真没有恶意,但是她现在的情绪很激动,难免会做出什么过激的事情。” Here, the black pupil of Qin Shi was slightly heavy, wiped the color of withering such as the cold current to flash through generally: Moreover, I have said that I will protect her, because if your she were injured, no matter I you are in anything the territory, I will certainly make you pay the price!” 说到这,秦石的黑眸微微沉重,一抹肃杀之色如寒流一般闪过:“而且,我说过,我会保护她,如果因为你们她受到了伤害,那我不管你们是什么内域,我一定会让你们付出代价!” The word, Qin Shi turns round to overtake Kong Xianhui. 言罢,秦石回身追上孔贤慧 Hears the Qin Shi words, Zhao Xin four people of slightly absent-minded, being startled in same place, has not pursued actually, Zhao Xin silent for a long time, looks black robe youth who leaves, was mad smiles: This brat, I have not misread him actually.” 听闻秦石的话,赵信四人微微失神,不由的怔愣在原地,硬是没有追击上去,赵信沉默了许久,看着离开的黑袍少年,被气笑了:“这臭小子,我倒是没有看错他。” --- --- Second, today on renewal these many, today is the dawn shallow birthday, son's birthday mother's difficult date, to thank for 21 years ago, my mother led me to this world, hoping everyone / influential family can help to leave a message, gives me this great mother. 第二更,今天就更新这么多了,今天是晓浅的生日,儿的生辰娘的难日,感谢21年前,我的母亲将我带到这个世上,希望大家能够帮忙留言,送给我这位伟大的母亲。 The renewal is also on the when 16 th zero designated. 16号更新也是零点定时。 !! !!
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