PDL :: Volume #8

#721: Wind and cloud change

Does not see rather the strong attack, Xu Yan and others created the disciple anxious air/Qi of world group, reveals the color of fear, but while this opportunity, quiet azure, Dunhuang and Shen Fengchun, under numerous fog younger sworn brother child comforting Fu Jun, insane same killing to creating world group disciple. 看见勿宁强势的攻击,徐岩等创世团的弟子焦躁气啦,一个一个露出恐惧之色,而趁此机会,幽青、敦煌、沈逢春、众多雾盟弟子安抚下付军,疯一样的杀向创世团弟子。 Brats, should recompense to the blood debt blood!” “兔崽子们,该到血债血偿的时候了!” Shen Feng is spring resolute, Long Claw, will create the disciples of world group to tear, his anger made morale suddenly to increase, in the battlefield have unprecedented to reverse, the fog pledge is the counterattack, one-sided will create the psychological defense line of world group disciple to beat. 沈逢春大刀阔斧,龙爪一手一个,将创世团的弟子生生撕裂,他的怒火已经令士气暴增,战场上发生前所未有的逆转,雾盟算是逆袭,一边倒的将创世团弟子的心理防线击垮。 But this merely is a start, made their desperate matter occur in the next second truly, on the vault of heaven has a fierce demolition, at once the cloud layer peak turns into the emerald green colored indifferently, a thousand zhang (3.33 m) high towering Gu Song took the clouds as earth, the extremely arrogant uninhibited growth, the loose leaf blossomed. 但这仅仅是个开始,真正令他们绝望事发生在下一秒,天穹上产生一股剧烈的爆破,旋即云层的顶端漠然变成翠绿色,一颗千丈高的参天古松以云霄为土,狂妄不羁的生长,散叶开花。 Bang! 砰! Together remnant shade like the shell crash earth maliciously, but this remnant shade is not others, creates the big regimental commander of world group: Sikong Lingnan. 一道残影如炮弹般狠狠的坠落大地,而这残影不是别人,正是创世团的大团长:司空岭南。 Sikong Lingnan green Daoist robe is torn to pieces, his whole body was the bright red bloodstain, chest several degrees hollow, the contrast ratio just Qin Shi, went beyond, in an extremely difficult situation. 司空岭南的青色道袍支离破碎,他全身都是鲜红的血迹,胸膛几度凹陷,照比刚刚秦石,也是有过之而无不及,狼狈不堪。 Supports in the crushed stone in ruins, his spitting blood in gulps, does not have the tiny bit calm again, instead will be the scared look without limits forever. 撑在废墟里的碎石上,他大口大口的吐血,再也没有一丝一毫的从容,反而是永无止境的惧色。 He has feared, feared. 他怕了,真的怕了。 He at is not match rather. 他根本不是勿宁的对手。 Regimental commander!” “团长!” But Sikong Lingnan defeat, became has created the blasting fuse that the world group collapsed, originally also forcefully numerous disciples of support, thorough gave up, the desperate aura in creating the disciple heart of world group spread like the river tide. 而司空岭南的战败,也成了创世团崩溃的导火索,本来还强行支撑的众多弟子,彻底的放弃了,绝望的气息如江潮般在创世团的弟子心中蔓延。 The disciples who surrounds in the surrounding was shocked completely. 在外围围观的弟子们全部惊呆了。 That god is common, the legend is ordinary, did the second kills Fu Jun Sikong Lingnan, like this defeat? 那个神一般,传奇一般,秒杀付军的司空岭南,就这样战败了? The time of half double-hour, all had not had the tremendous changes, the entire business area was created the whinning sound of world group disciple, the praying for rescue sound, the weeping sound, fills. 前后不过半个时辰的功夫,一切发生了翻天覆地的变化,整个商区都被创世团弟子的哀嚎声,求救声,哭声,充满。 Finished!” “结束了!” Not rather ice-cold looks to rip to empty Lingnan, in the delicate beautiful pupils actually flashes through rare killing intent. 勿宁冰冷的看着撕空岭南,柔弱的美眸间却闪过罕见的杀意。 On the vault of heaven, towering Gu Song's bough trembles, the acicular pine needle layer upon layer falls, such as one is the same the incisive bayonet, explodes to Sikong Lingnan shoots. 天穹上,参天古松的树干一颤,针形的松叶层层落下,如一把把尖锐的刺刀一样,冲着司空岭南爆射。 Silver pine needle rain.” “银松叶雨。” Shortly, the atmosphere coagulation of business area, over ten thousand people turn very quiet completely, the atmosphere do not dare to breathe heavily holds the breath to visit. 顷刻,商区的气氛凝固,上万人全部都屏住呼吸,大气不敢喘的屏息探望。 This seems like is the confrontation of two big influences, is actually upper-level gambling, if before Fu Jun defeated, the fog pledge ended, but now similarly so, Sikong Lingnan, if died, then created the world group also to perish, even if the fog pledge did not get rid to them, he can also not fight to burst. 这看似是两大势力的交锋,其实不过就是上层的博弈,之前若是付军战败,雾盟就完了,而现在同样如此,司空岭南若是死了,那么创世团也就亡了,就算雾盟不对他们出手,他也会不战而溃。 „Does bold daughter, dare to be so wild in my foreign country?” “大胆小女,竟敢在我外域如此猖狂?” Perhaps the heaven is doomed, creates world group should not perish, in this most essential crucial point, Xing Moyuan form appeared, he drags the Daoist robe that the [gold/metal] pigment figure is winding, the under foot is the light cool breeze, the dry hand wields, the space high and low fierce emergence fault, the wave cuts off myriad pine tree needles all at once. 或许上天注定,创世团不该亡,在这最关键的节骨眼上,邢墨鸢的身影出现了,他拖着金色纹络的道袍,脚下是淡淡的清风,枯手一挥,空间上下猛的出现断层,一股气浪将万千的松树针叶生生斩断。 Bang! 砰! This strikes very strongly, nine days of pressure as if were inferior including the vault of heaven, the jade eye rather do not shrink slightly, the white arms intersect hastily in the front, forms an aquamarine barrier. 这一击很强,九天的威压仿佛连天穹都比了下去,勿宁的玉眼微微一缩,皓腕连忙交叉在胸前,形成一个碧绿色的屏障。 But is this, she cannot bear was shaken draws back several rice. 但就是这样,她都忍不住的被震退数米。 Is Xing Elder?” “是邢长老?” Xing Moyuan appearance, making the situation in field transform once more, this was the wind and cloud not has measured, all people know that Xing Moyuan creates world group back control. 邢墨鸢的出现,让场上的情况再次转变,这真可谓是风云莫测了,所有人都知道邢墨鸢才是创世团背后的操控者。 This situation, will he do? 这种情况,他会怎么做? Rather do not see Xing Moyuan pressed the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, the sneering sound: Old fogy, these many years passed, originally you have not died.” 勿宁看见邢墨鸢蹙了蹙黛眉,冷笑声:“老家伙,这么多年过去了,原来你还没死啊。” Not Ningxia? He he, has not thought that you have reached this altitude? In the past when you were selected the candidate who into the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost raised, I felt that your skill was not small, has not thought that the progress so will be unexpectedly fast!” Xing Moyuan spoke of this, paleness that shamelessly changed, ruthless offense to rather do not scold: But do not forget, here is the foreign country, who is here Boss, in you think you to enter the territory, don't I dare to injure you?” “勿宁?呵呵,没想到,你已经达到这种高度了?当年你被选中成为乱域圣灵提的候选人时,我就感觉到你的本事不小,没想到进步竟然会这么快!”邢墨鸢说到这,老脸变的铁青,狠戾的冲着勿宁呵斥:“但是你别忘了,这里是外域,谁才是这里的老大,你以为你进入内域,我就不敢伤你了吗?” Incense stick shoulder rather have not shaken shaking: Injures me? Depending on you?” 勿宁的香肩抖了抖:“伤我?就凭你吗?” In front of many foreign country disciples not to be insulted by, Xing Moyuan shameless could not hang obviously, the opacitas look stared: Snort, how many years do not see, wing hard? I make you take a look, can I injure you!” 当着诸多外域弟子的面被勿宁侮辱,邢墨鸢的老脸明显挂不住了,浑浊的眼神一瞪:“哼,几年不见,翅膀硬了是吧?那我就让你瞧瞧,我能不能伤了你!” The word, Xing Moyuan air/Qi field like the rainbow, inflated several multiples once more, the air of entire foreign country is thin, waits and sees the disciples who to hold the breath in the surrounding. 言罢,邢墨鸢的气场如虹,再次膨胀了几个倍数,整个外域的空气都稀薄起来,在外围观望的弟子们纷纷屏息。 Xing Elder must begin!” The people yell. “邢长老要动手了!”众人叫喊。 Qin Shi in the rear area controls one's breathing ** does not leave ten, after the black pupil opens, sees this, worry slightly. 秦石在后方调息的**不离十,黑眸睁开后看见这幕,微微的担心起来。 No matter what, rather do not get rid for him. 不管怎么说,勿宁也是为了他才出手。 But when Xing Moyuan will soon begin, on the vault of heaven hears ringing the laughter suddenly, this laughter is unconventional, expansive sky. 但就在邢墨鸢即将动手之际,天穹上突然传来朗朗的笑声,这笑声放荡不羁,长空兮兮。 Ha Ha, Xing Elder, what you make? My younger sister is innocent, do you also want to lower oneself to the same level with him?” “哈哈,邢长老,你这是做什么?舍妹不懂事而已,难道你老人家还要和他一般见识?” Follows the emergence of sound, in the cloud layer the Xing Moyuan spirit pressure is scattered several points. 伴随声音的出现,云层上邢墨鸢的灵压都被驱散几分。 „Is this strength nine days of boundaries?” “这力量是九天之境?” By the sound vibration of liking thunder reverberating in one's ears, one group of disciples were been again surprised. 被如雷贯耳的声音震动,一群弟子再次惊讶。 Xing Moyuan presbyopia concentrates: What person?” 邢墨鸢的老眼微凝:“什么人?” He he, this several years, Xing didn't Elder know me?” The body that the day raises falls slightly, he was still the appearance of being insufferably arrogant, gently was treading void, fell on not rather side. “呵呵,这才几年,邢长老就不认识我了?”天扬的身躯微微落下,他仍是不可一世的样子,轻轻的踏着虚空,落在勿宁身边。 Day raises the elder brother!” Not rather as if early some expectations, smart-alecky collects. “天扬哥!”勿宁仿佛早有预料,俏皮的凑上去。 „Does day raise? Is you!” Obviously, Xing Moyuan knows day to raise, but connects his sword horizontal, raises the body that to make him feel several partial pressures from the day: Has not thought that your boy was also this degree unexpectedly?” “天扬?是你!”显然,邢墨鸢认识天扬,但接连他的剑目横起,从天扬的身上让他都感觉到几分压力:“没想到,你小子竟然也达到这种程度了?” Yes, although illuminated you to miss, but I was young, my time were very much, this whole life should have the opportunity to move the territory boundary, but I thought that Xing you not necessarily, the life will possibly have drawn near?” Smiling of day ridiculed. “是啊,虽然照你老差了点,但是毕竟我年轻啊,我的时间还挺多的,这辈子应该有机会触碰到域境,不过我觉得邢老你可能就未必了,寿元快到了吧?”天扬讥讽的笑了笑。 Xing Moyuan shameless sinks, day said that his pit of the stomach, had said in former Kong Xianhui, his life has drawn near, the natural talent of this whole life also reaches the limit, only if can have the miracle to appear, otherwise did not have the breakthrough possibility. 邢墨鸢的老脸一沉,天扬说中了他的心坎,早在之前孔贤慧就说过,他的寿元已经快到了,这辈子的天资也达到极限,除非能有奇迹出现,否则没有突破的可能了。 Snort, brat, but this, now also the foot wants your life depending on me!” The Xing Moyuan dry hand holds up slightly, kills intent to be big. “哼,臭小子,但就算这样,凭我现在也足矣要你的命!”邢墨鸢枯手微微举起,杀意大起。 But has not waited for him to move, smiles in Kong Xianhui Dong Qing lightly, stands up from failure to leap to the side that the day raises, blows out after the strength in within the body, Xing Moyuan who will lose one's temper actually depresses. 但没等他行动,在孔贤慧身边的董清淡淡一笑,翻身跃到天扬的身边,将体内的力量爆出后,硬是将动怒的邢墨鸢压下。 Xing doesn't Elder, see for a long time?” Dong Qing is graceful, casts off the long gown before body. “邢长老,好久不见啊?”董清落落大方,甩开身前的长袍。 Sees Dong Qing, many disciples are surprised, frowned including Qin Shi, in the pupils dodges the corridor with amazement: Dong Qing? Nine days of boundaries?” 看见董清,不少弟子惊讶,连秦石也是皱起眉头,眸间闪过道骇然:“董清?九天之境?” Dong Qing?” “董清?” Sees Dong Qing, Xing Moyuan is shameless, but merely is the moment, he as if realizes this anything, the opacitas presbyopia draws, fierce searches toward the vault of heaven distant place. 看见董清,邢墨鸢老脸阴沉,但仅仅是片刻,他仿佛意识到这什么,浑浊的老眼收拢成一点,猛的朝天穹远处探去。 Under his vision, together the ease form slowly falls, but in instant, the entire foreign country that this form appears trembles. 就在他的目光下,一道悠然的身影缓缓落下,而在这身影出现的刹那,整个外域都是为之一颤。 Zhao Xin corners of the mouth are hanging the faint smile throughout, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 赵信的嘴角始终挂着浅笑,负手而立。 The consecutively three people of appearances, the business area seethed with excitement. 连续三人的出现,商区沸腾了。 Three, three nine days of boundaries are they all in the territory disciple? In addition beforehand female, in altogether four territory disciple?” “三名,三名九天之境他们全是内域弟子?加上之前的女子,一共四名内域弟子?” Day, can actually this make which type?” “天啊,这究竟是要闹哪样啊?” The disciples in foreign country are frightened, in territory disciple Chang Rili they could not see, even does not know that in territory actually where, but this, does one time present four people unexpectedly? 外域的弟子们惊悚起来,内域弟子常日里他们根本见不到,甚至不知道内域究竟在什么地方,而这一下,竟一次出现四人? But Kong Xianhui also because of the appearance that Zhao believes slightly absent-minded, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is dignified: Zhao Xin? Is he?” 孔贤慧也因赵信的出现微微失神,黛眉凝重:“赵信?是他?” „Do you know him?” But at this time, Qin Shi conformed to simplicity on the accurate corpse to bring back nine revolutions of calcedony grass, leapt to her side, question. “你认识他?”而在这时,秦石将九转玉髓草从简准的尸体上取回,已经跃到她的身边,问句 Silent Fang Jiu, Kong Xianhui linking Bei Chi light point broad and handsome forehead, she did not know that the day raises with Dong Qing, is actually knows Zhao Xin: Um, he is the Second Brother who Yuwen dies young, before Yuwen died young when being busy with breakthrough, was he has defended in my side, his innate skill was good, three years ago had nine days of peak.” 沉默了方久,孔贤慧才咬合贝齿的轻点螓首,她不认识天扬和董清,却是知道赵信:“嗯,他是宇文殇的二弟,之前宇文殇在忙于突破时,一直是他守在我的身边,他的天赋非常不错,三年前就有九天巅峰。” Here, her phoenix eye narrowed the eyes, sizes up several on the body that Zhao believed \; Now looks like, he should be the day of summit boundary.” 说到这,她的凤眼眯眯起来,在赵信的身上打量几番\;“现在看来,他应该已经是天巅境了。” Day summit boundary, hissing!” “天巅境,嘶!” Qin Shi has held breath a cold air/Qi, that altitude he crosses obviously, simply is not humanity, now he remembers initially in the Desolate Beast mountain range and Ren Guodong encountered the scene, the heart fresh fear of not being able to bear, carried the class sweating. 秦石倒吸了口冷气,那种高度他可见过,简直就不是人类,现在他一想起当初在荒兽山脉和任国栋交锋时的情景,都忍不住的心生后怕,背流虚汗。 But in them astonished, a meat toot toot the fatty gathers among suddenly them, his excited look, said robustly: Big brother, Eldest sister, were you too flamboyant? Actually in the company did the people in territory know?” 而就在两人惊愕中,一个肉嘟嘟的胖子突然凑到两人中间,他一脸兴奋的神色,虎头虎脑道:“大哥,大姐,你们俩太牛逼了吧?竟然连内域的人都认识?” I did not know!” Kong Xianhui stared congealing rain one, shakes the head. “我不认识!”孔贤慧瞪了凝雨一眼,摇摇头。 Qin Shi has gawked staring, is the spreading out hand of forced smile: She, if did not know that I was more impossible to know.” 秦石愣了愣,也是苦笑的摊开手:“她要是不认识,我就更不可能认识了。” Hears, the small eye of congealing rain changes: No, didn't you possibly know? Their this clearly is helps your, if did not know that they don't help me? You look at the foreign country crowd of disciple surprised appearances, they have not seen in the territory disciple, wanted me to say is inferior to this, big brother eldest sister you and they discussed that we made in the evening a faction is right and so on, the banquet, then publicized the receive fees, let them and these great people came near body contact, how is it? I ensure can gain one greatly!” 听闻,凝雨的小眼睛一变:“别啊,你们怎么可能不认识?他们这分明就是来帮你们的啊,要是不认识,他们怎么不帮我呢?你们看外域这群弟子惊讶的模样,他们都没怎么见过内域弟子,要我说不如这样,大哥大姐你们和他们商量一下,咱们晚上弄个派对之类的啊,宴席啊,然后公开收取费用,让他们和这些大人物来个近身接触,怎么样?我保证能大赚一笔!” The congealing rain was saying endlessly, Qin Shi felt immediately at heart worried, arrived at this crucial point, his how many major rises, were almost killed in this, this fatty actually also some moods are thinking how to make money? 凝雨喋喋不休的说着,秦石顿时感觉到心里烦闷,都到这个节骨眼了,他几次大起大落,差点就丧命于此,这胖子竟然还有心情想着如何赚钱? What is most important, achieved on the attention these monstruous talent unexpectedly? If known by them, it is estimated how many life insufficient congealing rain die? 最重要的是,竟然把注意都达到这几个妖孽身上了?要是被他们知道,估计几条命都不够凝雨死吧? This fatty, was drunk. 这胖子,也是醉了。 They very tacit choice disregards, to this fatty can only so. 两人很默契的选择无视,对这胖子只能如此。 Zhao Xin appearance, Xing Moyuan tranquil does not get down again, presbyopia exceptionally dignified flashing through wipes cold and gloomy: He he, I know that the day raises with Dong Qing appears, your this is the Second Brother definitely also in side, but does Yuwen die young? How not to have seen him, didn't have breakthrough?” 赵信的出现,邢墨鸢再也平静不下来了,老眼异常凝重的闪过抹森冷:“呵呵,我就知道,天扬和董清出现,你这做二哥的肯定也会在身边,但是宇文殇呢?怎么没有看见他,难道还没有突破吗?” !! !!
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