PDL :: Volume #8

#720: In territory helper

Is you? Dong Qing?” “是你?董清?” The Kong Xianhui phoenix eye is confused, reveals several to wipe inconceivable, standing that Dong Qingzheng smiled faintly in her behind. 孔贤慧的凤眼迷乱,露出几抹不可思议,董清正浅笑的站在她身后。 Since Qin Shi they enter the foreign country, again has not seen Dong Qing, but Kong Xianhui surprised is not this matter, pressure that but gushes out from Dong Qing Within the body. 自从秦石两人进入外域,就再也没有见过董清,但孔贤慧惊讶的不是这事,而是从董清体内涌出的压力。 This is Dong Qing second time stops her. 这已经是董清第二次将她制止住。 You let loose me!” But the moment, Kong Xianhui rebukes drinks tenderly, effort wants to cast off Dong Qing, Qin Shi is on the verge of death now, she cannot delay. “你放开我!”但片刻,孔贤慧嗔怪的娇喝,用力的想要甩开董清,秦石现在危在旦夕,她不能耽误。 But how no matter what she makes an effort, Dong Qing big hand has not moved a point, originally only then he of seven days of boundaries, spiritual power in within the body such as the volcanic eruption is the same, layer upon layer outward gushing out of turbulent waves. 但任她怎样用力,董清的大手都不曾挪动一分,本来只有七天之境的他,体内的灵力如火山爆发一样,层层激浪的朝外涌出。 Just like, his surrounding air fluctuates several. 俨然,他周围的空气波动几下。 Bang! 轰! Eight days of boundaries, nine days of boundaries, nine days of summits! 八天之境,九天之境,九天之巅! Dong Qing cultivation increases for the violent, slowly has stopped in nine days of summits, at once in his delicate eye pupil shows a faint smile, shakes the head to Kong Xianhui: He said is very right, if you do not want to annoy troublesome to him, you should better do not choose to get rid, otherwise has brought in the old fogies in territory, no one want to live today departure.” 董清的修为暴增,一直在九天之巅才缓缓停下,旋即他清秀的眼眸中微微一笑,冲着孔贤慧摇摇头:“他说的很对,如果你不想给他惹麻烦,你最好就不要选择出手,否则引来了内域的老家伙们,你们今天谁也别想活着离开。” Hears, a Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow bunch, tender body fierce rouses, stares the big eye: „Do you know my status? Actually are you who?” 听闻,孔贤慧黛眉一簇,娇躯猛的抖擞一番,瞪大眼:“你知道我的身份?你究竟是谁?” Who I am unimportant, but I can guarantee you not dead.” Dong Qingyan, has not been saying a character, but is full Han helpless looks to Qin Shi. “我是谁不重要,但是我能保你们不死。”董清言罢,没在多说一字,而是满含无奈的冲秦石望去。 Qin Shi creakies under Sikong Lingnan's oppression, eight days of Initial Stage strengths attack on the vault of heaven unceasingly, his rib one, shaking breaks, his five internal organs dislocation, vitality adverse current. 秦石在司空岭南的压迫下摇摇欲坠,八天初期的力量在天穹上不断冲击,将他的肋骨一根,一根的震断,他的五脏都错位了,气血逆流。 Bang! 砰! Under the powerful impact, a clear sound resounds in the face of Qin Shi, the First Rank First Rank split leather bag disruption, Wang Zheng Yi Rongzhu was crushed. 在强烈的冲击下,一声清脆的声响在秦石的面庞响起,一层一层干裂的皮囊碎裂,王政的易容术都被生生击碎。 But when he exposes, below people are startled slightly. 而就在他暴露时,下方的众人微微吃惊。 Yi Rong?” Several disciples shouted that makes noise. “易容?”几名弟子喊出声来。 The distant place already in the ruins auction market, Lin Xing saw the change of Qin Shi is also tenderly accommodates infatuated, the almond eyes stop for a long time, gently alone nan on the Qin Shi resolute and good-looking face: Has not thought that his long originally is so delicate?” 远处早已废墟的拍卖场上,林杏看见秦石的变化也是娇容痴迷,杏眼在秦石刚毅而俊俏的脸庞上停顿许久,才不由的轻轻独喃:“没想到,他长的原来这么清秀?” Xu Yan sees clearly the Qin Shi portrait, just like changes below look, in the fist in hip pinches maliciously, the spiritual power remaining prestige that produces was broken including the earth: Drinks, unexpectedly is he?” 徐岩看清秦石的真容,在下方的神色俨然大变,在胯间的拳头狠狠捏起,产生的灵力余威连大地都被震碎:“喝,竟然是他?” Remembers in beast field all sorts, wipes the meaning of withering from his moral nature flood. 想起在兽场时的种种,一抹肃杀之意从他的心底泛起。 The only surprised person, perhaps has not been Dong Qing, he already knows that Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui status, flashes through several shock in the eye pupil: He he, this boy, Second Brother guesses really right, is really not a peaceful host, this thinks enters the foreign country three months later the matter that can have, has not thought then for short one month, already this.” 唯一一个没有惊讶的人,或许就是董清了,他早就知道秦石孔贤慧的身份,在眼眸中闪过几道震惊:“呵呵,这小子,二哥猜的果然没错,真不是个安生的主,本以为进入外域三个月以后才会发生的事,没想到这才短短一个多月,就已经这样了。” Kong Xianhui does not have he such big leisurely mood, the Qin Shi half wall turns into the blood person, golden Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique large male deer Armor struck piece by piece on the wane, she felt that her heart has broken to pieces, struggling must set out: Qin Shi!” 孔贤慧可没他这么大的闲心,秦石半壁都化成血人,金色的星陨霸体决麟甲被击的片片凋零,她感觉她的心都碎了,挣扎的就要起身:“秦石!” Do not move!” Dong Qing knit the brows, control strength aggravates once more. “别动!”董清皱了皱眉,手心的力量再次加重。 But has not expected, Kong Xianhui fierce looking back, writes off to intend to the beautiful pupils to flash through: You let loose!” 而未料,孔贤慧猛的回首,一抹杀意在美眸间闪过:“你放开!” Dong Qing trembles, such instance, he on the body of Kong Xianhui felt that a sense of crisis, Kong Xianhui does want to kill him really? 董清一颤,就那么一个瞬间,他在孔贤慧的身上感到一股危机感,孔贤慧是真的想要杀他? Shaking the head that he smiles bitterly: Do not impulse, this boy cannot die, some people will get rid for him, moreover this person you also knew.” 他苦笑的摇摇头:“你别冲动,这小子死不了,有人会替他出手,而且这个人你还认识。” hear that, Kong Xianhui is agitated and puzzled. 闻言,孔贤慧烦躁而不解。 But at this moment, graceful beautiful figure floats together empties, flashes the rough huge attraction in the surroundings of this beautiful figure, the world is gathering round her to revolve to be the same probably. 但就在这时,一道曼妙的倩影浮空而过,在这倩影的周围闪动着粗犷的巨大引力,天地好像都在围着她旋转一样。 Not Ningxia?” “勿宁?” Sees this beautiful figure, Kong Xianhui to be surprised. 看见这倩影,孔贤慧大吃一惊。 Rather the petite appearance do not dodge to plunder in vault of heaven, thousands emerald green rattan then when her waist winding, when Sikong Lingnan in this clashes the Qin Shi Chest hits hard, the rattan is similar to the whisker is the same, Qin Shi tying up from outside to inside, after pulls! 勿宁娇小的模样在天穹闪掠,数以万计的翠绿藤条便在她腰间缠绕,就在司空岭南在此冲秦石心口重击时,藤条如同触须一样,将秦石从外到内的捆住,朝后一扯! Qin Shi fierce did not knock it off rather behind, but small hands rather do not raise one after another, an impulse of ruthless offense explodes shoots to go, emerald green colored rattan fearless flame, Sikong Lingnan attack fierce crushing. 秦石猛的被拉倒勿宁身后,而接连勿宁的小手一扬,一股狠戾的冲击力爆射而去,翠绿色的藤条无惧火焰,将司空岭南的攻击猛的击碎。 Bang! 轰隆! This strikes very heavily, Sikong Lingnan has not gotten back one's composure, left shoulder fierce was pierced, a severe pain made him knit the brows, exploded rapidly draws back. 这一击非常沉重,司空岭南尚未回神,左肩猛的被刺穿,一股剧痛令他皱了皱眉,迅速爆退。 The numerous disciples in business area in an uproar: Who is this woman? Did she repel Sikong Lingnan unexpectedly? Is she also eight days of boundaries?” 商区的众多弟子哗然:“这女人是谁?她竟然将司空岭南击退了?难道她也是八天之境?” Sure, haven't you seen her strength also above Sikong Lingnan?” “肯定啊,你没看见她的力量还在司空岭南之上吗?” You look quickly, look at her wear!” “你们快看,看她的穿着!” But in frightened, a person raises hand suddenly, does not aim at black clothing rather, has an embroidery in her black clothing center, is a gigantic in character. 而在惊悚中,一人突然举手,指向勿宁的青衣,在她的青衣中央有一个刺绣,是一个硕大的内字。 In territory? Is this woman in the disciple in territory?” In sees the character, the people are unable to be calm again, must know that in any person of territory, is not the foreign country can contend, the start is eight days of boundaries. “内域?这女人是内域的弟子?”看见内字,众人再也无法冷静了,要知道内域的任何一人,都不是外域能够抗衡的,起步便是八天之境。 But what is most important, their status are noble, the elder in foreign country saw that must give precedence out of courtesy three points. 而最重要的是,他们的身份高贵,就连外域的长老见到都要礼让三分。 But the people are puzzled, in the territory little meddles the matter of foreign country, was this time? Arrives at the foreign country unexpectedly on own initiative? For this nameless boy? 但众人不解,内域很少插手外域的事,这一次是怎么了?竟然主动来到外域?难道就是为了这个无名的小子? Thinks of this, the people look to the Qin Shi vision raise with amazement: This boy, is actually what status, first is Fu Jun and entire fog pledge helps one another, now in do the territory disciples appear continually?” 想到这,众人望向秦石的目光中升起骇然:“这小子,究竟是什么身份,先是付军和整个雾盟相助,现在连内域弟子都出现了?” The people have held breath a cold air/Qi. 众人倒吸了口冷气。 Rather do not support Qin Shi, looks that on Qin Shi Chest in confusion trembles, Qin Shi wound was too serious, ten ribs all crush, the flesh explodes, the chest is hollow. 勿宁扶住秦石,看着秦石身上的狼藉心口一颤,秦石伤的实在太严重了,十根肋骨皆是粉碎,肌肤爆裂,胸膛凹陷。 „Are you how is it?” She is enduring the spunk, is worried to say. “你怎么样?”她忍着怒意,担心道。 Qin Shi has spurted several blood continuously, his consciousnes blurred, this is his in history injury final one time, he even felt one arrived in Gate of Death. 秦石连续喷了数口鲜血,他的神智已经模糊了,这是他有史以来伤势最终的一次,他甚至感觉自己已经到了鬼门关。 His all-out effort has congealed fully with rapt attention, he knows that rather do not appear, he saves a life today, before the tight heartstrings put down, shake the head. 他拼劲全力的凝了凝神,他知道勿宁出现,他今日算是捡回了条命,之前紧绷的心弦放下,摇摇头。 Cannot die!” Shivering that his whole body keeps directing. “死不了!”他全身不停使唤的颤抖。 Rather do not nip the silver tooth, is angry no wonder that: You know to show off power, previous time is also this, must make oneself is so distressed.” 勿宁咬了咬银牙,嗔怪道:“你就知道逞强,上一次也是这样,非要把自己弄的这么狼狈。” Said that I am also a sick person, can't you consider?” Qin Shi shouts to treat unjustly, he does not want like this, but can always bump into the terrible business, what means can he have? “怎么说,我也是病号,难道你就不能照顾一下吗?”秦石大喊冤枉,他也不想这样啊,但是总能碰上麻烦事,他能有什么办法? Ok, you recuperate first, when I solve here, I am coming back to help you therapy.” “算了,你先休养一下,等我将这里解决,我在回来帮你疗伤。” Does not need to manage me, I am all right.” “不用管我,我没事。” hum that Qin Shi shows off power, relies on remaining spiritual power to awaken the Holy Ghost flower one after another, the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body displays to open, massive spiritual power emerge toward him. 秦石逞强的哼声,接连凭借残余的灵力唤醒圣灵花,乱域圣灵体施展而开,大量的灵力朝他涌入。 Not rather with amazement absent-minded: Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body? Did you practice successfully?” 勿宁骇然失神:“乱域圣灵体?你修炼成功了?” Qin Shi nods with a smile, connects him not to open the mouth, but rapid revolves from within the body the timely rain rain and dew definitely, moistens his broken five internal organs by that formidable vitality, with bloodlines. 秦石笑着点点头,接连他没有开口,而是将甘霖雨露决迅速从体内运转,凭借那强大的生机来滋润他残破的五脏,和血脉。 Looks at the Qin Shi movement, rather do not reveal to wipe reluctantly, during she is helpless, the beautiful pupil stays on the Qin Shi resolute face throughout, flashes through the color of admire nobody realizes together unexpectedly. 看着秦石的动作,勿宁露出抹无奈,而在她无奈之中,美眸始终停留在秦石刚毅的脸庞上,竟闪过一道没有人察觉到的爱慕之色。 Does not let fellow who the human is free from worry!” “不让人省心的家伙!” She in moral nature whisper one silently, the blame said. 她在心底默默的嘀咕一声,责怪道。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” But at this time, Sikong Lingnan stood firm the body of exploding draws back, the left hand covered the blood hole on shoulder, in the eye pupils is flashing through several points of fierceness. 而在这时,司空岭南稳住爆退的身躯,左手捂着肩膀上的血洞,眼眸间闪过几分狰狞。 Hears that fierce, rather do not snort contemptuously snort, being bossy drinks to Sikong Lingnan tenderly: Who I am, do you manage me? Boys, you very fiercely? To fight? Come, the elder sister accompanies you!” 听闻那厉声,勿宁嗤之以鼻的哼了哼,颐指气使的冲着司空岭南娇喝:“我是谁,你管我呢?小子,你很厉害是吧?想打架是不是?来,姐姐陪你!” Hears this saying, the crowd full heavy line of business area, the corners of the mouth meat pain twitches several. 听到这话,商区的人群满头黑线,嘴角肉痛的抽搐几下。 Dares such to talk with Sikong Lingnan in the foreign country, perhaps also only then this girl? 在外域敢这么和司空岭南对话的,恐怕也就只有这个女孩了吧? Sikong Lingnan is the complexion is also pale, he has not expected, today's matter unexpectedly in territory disciple bringing. 司空岭南也是脸色铁青下来,他怎么也没有料到,今日的事竟将内域弟子给引来。 Not rather charmingly angry, the white hands such as the color butterfly on handsome wields, the brilliant purple and red flowers are in full bloom one after another, the forehead to Sikong Lingnan then explodes to shoot. 勿宁娇嗔,玉手如彩蝶般就翩翩挥动,一朵一朵姹紫嫣红的花朵怒放,冲着司空岭南的眉心便爆射下去。 Damn!” “该死!” Looks at the force the spirit pressure, before Sikong Lingnan does not have the tranquility again, reveals to wipe the deep dignity and anxiety. 看着强迫的灵压,司空岭南再也没有之前的平静,露出抹深沉的凝重和紧张。 Strength rather extremely should not be high, although is only eight days of boundaries, but has practiced her of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, must feel ashamed of one's inferiority including many nine days of boundaries, therefore let alone is a Sikong Lingnan, is 100 Sikong Lingnan ties up, not necessarily is her match. 勿宁的实力极高,虽然只是八天之境,但修炼了乱域圣灵体的她,连许多九天之境都要自愧不如,所以别说是一个司空岭南,就是100个司空岭南捆绑起来,也未必是她的对手。 Bang! 砰! Sikong Lingnan resists hastily, but his blazing flame should not be nominal in rather front the motion, just lit from the air, immediately all around be not swallowed by rather attraction. 司空岭南连忙抵抗,但他的炽烈火焰在勿宁面前行动虚设,刚刚从空气中点燃,马上就被勿宁周遭的引力吞噬。 Bang! 轰隆! Two bangs, Ning Ya Sikong Lingnan be not leaving the move continuously continuously, her phoenix eye extremely cloudy and cold, if carefully watches can discover that she to the position that Sikong Lingnan gets rid , is the Qin Shi severe wound position. 连续两次巨响,勿宁压着司空岭南连续出招,她的凤眼极为阴冷,如果仔细观看的话就能发现,她对司空岭南出手的位置,全是秦石重伤的位置。 Bang! 砰! Occupied completely the superior creation world group, immediately falls into passively. 本来占尽优势的创世团,马上就陷入被动。 Sikong Lingnan was suppressed, the quiet blue several people of imprisonments are also torn to pieces, after several people gain the freedom, leaps to fast paying side the armed forces. 司空岭南被压制,幽青几人身上的禁锢也是支离破碎,几人获取自由以后,快速跃到付军身旁。 Big brother, are you how is it?” Quiet blue worry is pinching fist. “大哥,你怎么样?”幽青担心的捏着拳。 Fu Jun shakes the head under supporting by the arm of people. 付军在众人的搀扶下摇摇头。 He always stares at the vault of heaven, looks at the above picture, quiet blue also helpless smiling sentence: „The skill of this boy, is not really small, Lian Neiyu got rid.” 他始终凝望天穹,看着上方的画面,幽青也是无奈的笑句:“这小子的本事,真是不小啊,连内域都出手了。” Yes , he we now are also stranded.” Lian Shen Feng spring this military person has to acknowledge, to Qin Shi exit praise. “是啊,要不是他,咱们现在还被困着呢。”连沈逢春这个武夫都不得不承认,对秦石出口赞美。 Fu Jun nods, the forced smile said: Um, it seems like that this time, the survival of our fog pledge, must hand over in his hand.” 付军点点头,苦笑道:“嗯,看来这一次,我们雾盟的存活,就要交到他的手上了。” But thinks of these, among his mind inspires the mighty waves, in the hand is grasping that black name card, stares in the direction of archives pavilion: Master, is you? Is you are helping me is right?” 而想到这些,他的脑海间引动波澜,手中握着那张黑色的名片,朝着公文阁的方向凝望:“师父,是你吗?是你在帮我对吗?” Bang! 轰! The confrontation of two big eight days of boundaries, this time solely was not the business area, faced including five areas shatter, rather do not kill intent like the rainbow, the cold and gloomy white hands punctured unceasingly. 两大八天之境的交锋,这一次不单单是商区了,连五区都面临破碎,勿宁的杀意如虹,森冷的玉手不断刺出。 Bang! 砰! Under this attack, Sikong Lingnan is repulsed again and again, regardless of he is how tyrannical in the foreign country , compared with in territory disciple, is far from. 在这种攻击下,司空岭南连连败退,无论他在外域怎样强横,和内域弟子相比较起来,相差甚远啊。 This, all became the variables.” “这一下,一切又成变数了。” Recognized disciples who the fog pledge must defeat, at heart silently hum. 认定雾盟必败的弟子们,在心里默默哼声 But in any event, the matter of today forever will be always remembered by them, each impact will then make them shiver several, unceasing withdrawing. 但无论如何,今日之事都将被他们永远铭记,每一次的冲击便会令他们颤抖几下,不断的退后。 Burns the day raging fire to burst on vault of heaven unceasingly, that vitality abundant Kifuji like is a whip, winding in airborne brushes unceasingly. 焚天般的烈火在天穹上不断破裂,那生机盎然的木藤像是鞭子一样,曲折的在空中不断抽打。 ---- ---- Every day is two chapters continuously renews, today is the dawn is shallow *** the birthday, in this hopes that everyone / influential family can help the dawn bless shallowly, tomorrow also will be the dawn shallow birthday, within this week should be only two, if will look next week next week will erupt. 现在每天都是两章连续更新,今天是晓浅***生日,在此希望大家能帮晓浅祝福一下,明天也是晓浅的生日,这一周之内应该都只有两更了,如果下周看的话下周爆发。 !! !!
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