PDL :: Volume #8

#719: The ominous demon murders the might of claw

Rips day broken hot claw!” “是撕天碎火爪!” Rips the day broken hot claw? That once ranked first ten in the contribution room, in Middle Tier good fortune level martial arts of ninth position?” “撕天碎火爪?那个曾经在贡献斋排名前十,在第九位置的中品造化级武学?” Right, is that it is said fog pledge greatly left eye, three years ago was ripped the day broken hot claw to injure by this, this rips the day broken hot claw foot the tearing heaven, separates the lava, all exist in name only in its front!” “没错,就是那个,据说雾盟大当家的左眼,三年前就是被这撕天碎火爪所伤,这撕天碎火爪足矣撕裂苍天,断开熔岩,一切在其面前都形同虚设!” In moment that this hot claw reappears, the heartstrings of innumerable disciple stagnate. 在这火爪浮现的片刻,无数弟子的心弦停滞。 Quiet azure, Shen Fengchun, innumerable fog pledge disciple look Ai Jue. 幽青、沈逢春、无数雾盟的弟子神色哀决。 Rips reappearing of day broken hot claw, lets their thorough despairs, they have not been able to forget, three years ago Fu Jun rips under the day broken hot claw to be abandoned the picture of left eye in this. 撕天碎火爪的浮现,让他们彻底的绝望,他们至今还无法忘记,三年前付军在这撕天碎火爪下被废去左眼的画面。 But now, the control of Sikong Lingnan to ripping day broken hot claw obviously handy, this strikes Fu Jun not any hope. 而如今,司空岭南对撕天碎火爪的操控明显更加的得心应手,这一击下付军没有任何的希望。 Dies under ripping the day broken hot claw, was does right by your status, if can have the next generation, hopes that you can elect to the position.” Sikong Lingnan indifferent shaking the head, his left hand holds up at once slowly, but is this seems like among the slow movements, every time moves one inch, the vault of heaven splits a point, burns the day to boil the sea the heat wave to melt the earth. “死在撕天碎火爪下,也算是对得起你的身份了,如果真的能有下辈子,希望你能够选对站位。”司空岭南漠然的摇摇头,旋即他的左手缓缓举起,但就是这看似缓慢的动作间,每移动一寸,天穹就裂开一分,焚天煮海的热浪将大地融化。 Said goodbye!” “再见了!” Sikong Lingnan fierce treads, the perfect remnant shade stretches hundred meters together, to paying the forehead ominous strength of armed forces grasps. 司空岭南脚下猛的一踏,一道极致的残影拉伸百米,冲着付军的眉心凶力抓下。 Wind that howls, as if time static. 那呼啸的风,仿佛将时间都静止。 The heartstrings of innumerable disciple mentioned. 无数弟子的心弦提起。 This time, fog pledge managed a household dead greatly, the fog pledge was also thoroughly ended, later the foreign country did not have the fog pledge again, only remaining created the world to roll one, alone big!” “这一次,雾盟大当家死定了,雾盟也算是彻底完了,以后外域再也没有雾盟了,就只剩下创世团一家,一家独大!” Fog pledge has not hoped!” “雾盟没希望了!” The disciples of fog pledge were imprisoned completely, Fu Jun is also the fish on block, can only to Sikong Lingnan butchering, numerous disciple disappointed shaking the head. 雾盟的众弟子全部被禁锢,付军也是砧板上的鱼肉,只能任由司空岭南的宰割,众多弟子失望的摇摇头。 One generation of heroes, must die like this , is powerless. 一代英豪,就要这样陨落,再也无力回天。 But the matter is engaged in beyond expectation, when the people recognized when Fu Junbi dies without doubt, the bleak form reappears together suddenly, such as Ben Lei glitters to both's center generally. 但事情从事出人意料,就在众人认定付军必死无疑之际,一道萧条的身影突然浮现,如奔雷一般闪烁到两者的中央。 In the field of vision of people, has as if forgotten anything, chief criminal who the instigator of that this campaign, that causes this root of trouble, and was before makes the countless person surprised black robe youth. 在众人的视野中,仿佛忘记了些什么,那一个这场战役的始作俑者,那一个引起这场祸端的罪魁祸首,而又是之前令无数人惊讶的黑袍少年。 He he, was neglected.” “呵呵,被人忽略了啊。” Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe, slightly chuckle in warm currents of howling. 秦石裹紧黑袍,在呼啸的暖流间微微轻笑。 Um?” “嗯?” Sudden of Qin Shi appears makes to completely understand the disciples who following picture are surprised, many person laughings loudly shouted one after another: Is the boy who that strikes to kill Jane Zhun?” 秦石的突然出现令本来已经看透下面画面的弟子们大吃一惊,接连不少人轩然大呼:“是那个击杀简准的小子?” What does he want to make? Insane? Comes up to resist the Sikong Lingnan ripping day broken hot claw unexpectedly? He not awfully?” “他要做什么?难道疯了吗?竟然上去抵挡司空岭南的撕天碎火爪?他不要命了?” Countless person pupils shrink, but Fu Jun, quiet azure as well as Kong Xianhui and the others are hair song gets up. 无数人瞳仁一缩,而付军、幽青以及孔贤慧等人则是毛发悚起。 Qin Shi!” 秦石!” Brother Qin, made way quickly!” The consciousness of Fu Jun originally wallowed gathers suddenly, bellowing of losing one's voice. “秦老弟,快让开!”付军本来已经沉迷的意识骤然聚集,失声的大吼。 The life and death, he already looked pale, in fights before Sikong Lingnan, he has prepared sacrifice, if made his any brothers be killed because of him, he died pities insufficient. 生死,他早已看淡,在和司空岭南交手前,他就已经做好了牺牲的准备,但是若让他任何一个兄弟因他而丧命,他死不足惜。 Also because knows this point, quiet azure will endure the blade to shear the severe pain of chest to answer deals with armed forces' request, with stopping Shen Fengchun. 也正是因为知道这一点,幽青才会忍着刀割胸口的剧痛答应付军的请求,和阻拦沈逢春。 But in shouting of people, Qin Shi does not have the vacillation of slightest, instead looks back to worried numerously his people show a faint smile. 而在众人的呼喊中,秦石没有分毫的动摇,反而回首冲着众多担忧他的人们微微一笑。 Everybody, the matter because of me, I cannot make the turtle in behind, this will be gossipped by others, moreover I do not want dead here, these time accommodates my willful one time.” “各位,事情因我而起,我总不能在后面做缩头乌龟吧,这样会被别人说闲话的,况且我也不想死在这里,这一次就容我任性一次吧。” Qin Shi deep has inhaled a cold air, the word, his light getting back one's composure, has not paid attention to the surrounding any mood, the black pupil stares to Situ Lingnan. 秦石深深的吸了口凉气,言罢,他淡淡的回过神,没有理会周围任何的情绪,黑眸凝望向司徒岭南。 The Situ Lingnan ripping day broken hot claw is imminent, that space fissure one after another, finds time his surrounding air. 司徒岭南的撕天碎火爪迫在眉睫,那一道一道的空间裂痕,将他周围的空气抽空。 Countless people have pinched tightly cold sweat for Qin Shi. 无数人替秦石捏紧了冷汗。 But at this moment, he disregards the hurricane, suddenly lowered the head, looks at the middle finger on left hand, on the space ring twinkle several points of Xumi slightly. 而就在这时,他无视飓风,突然低下头,看着左手上的中指,空间戒指上微微的闪烁几分须弥。 Pair of jet black and dense evil clutches took out by him, that evil clutches enough half meters, above was covered by terrifying Baleful Qi. 一双漆黑而森然的魔爪被他取出,那魔爪足足有半米长,上面被恐怖的煞气笼罩。 This evil clutches, the Qin Shi back presents several points of absent-minded directly, as if presents the big demon that empty shakes in his vertebra place, the demon eye four are shooting the spooky red light, exceptionally frightened. 这魔爪一出,秦石的背后直接出现几分恍惚,在他的脊椎处仿佛出现一尊虚晃的大魔,魔眼四射着幽幽红光,异常的惊悚。 Are this evil clutches, not just the ominous demon that Evil Spirit helps him refine murder the claw? 这魔爪,不正是邪魔帮他炼制的凶魔弑爪? The ominous demon murders the fairyhood of claw to be huge, initially after the Evil Spirit refinement was completed, had warned he do not build up easily, if presents the moment the accident, then to Qin Shi is the fatal threat. 凶魔弑爪的魔性非常庞大,当初邪魔炼制完成以后,就警告过他不要轻易炼化,如果出现片刻的意外,那对秦石来讲可谓是致命的威胁。 Card in a hand that but at this time, Qin Shi can think, only remaining this was the same, only then murders the claw to build up this ominous demon, may keep off Sikong Lingnan the strikes. 但此时,秦石能够想到的底牌,就只剩下这一样了,只有将这凶魔弑爪炼成,才有可能挡下司空岭南的这一击。 Success or failure, all depended on you.” “成败,就全都靠你了。” Qin Shi helpless smiling, this time is really the unrestrained gambling, he has not expected, he and Jan's accurate individual gratitude and grudges, will transform the Chaos Domain for three years unexpectedly the biggest campaign. 秦石无奈的笑笑,这一次真是豪赌啊,他怎么也没有料到,他和简准的个人恩怨,竟然会转变成乱域三年来最大的战役。 But things have gotten to this point, Qin Shi is not the indecisive person, his moral nature instead exceptionally tranquil, big, in the ominous demon murders on the claw to stroke, the black pupil stares in a big way. 但事已至此,秦石不是犹豫不决的人,他心底反而异常的平静,将大手在凶魔弑爪上拂过,黑眸瞪大。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Just like, the ominous demon murders the claw to integrate the flesh of Qin Shi at the naked eye obvious speed, originally crushes his arm, that tearing feeling made Qin Shi feel the pain of web immediately. 俨然,凶魔弑爪以肉眼可见的速度融入进秦石的肌肤,将他原本的手骨生生粉碎,那种撕裂感顿时令秦石感到钻心的痛苦。 Insists!” “坚持住!” The Qin Shi forehead sweats to warn itself in moral nature. 秦石额头冒着虚汗的在心底警告自己。 Qin Shi, you cannot be defeated, some of your commitments have not done, some of your also many relatives and friends must protect, you cannot die here, you must succeed!” 秦石,你不能失败,你还有许多承诺未做,你还有许多亲友要守护,你不能够死在这里,你一定要成功!” Is this will, making him forcefully maintain finally consciousnes, demon air/Qi of evil spirit flees in all directions in his within the body, his black pupil unceasingly changes red, is grow darking, is struggling. 就是这股毅力,让他强行的保持最后着一股神智,一股凶煞的魔气在他体内流窜,他的黑眸不断变红,在变黑,在挣扎。 Sees this, numerous disciples reveal startled accommodate. 看见这一幕,众多的弟子露出惊容。 But in the short moment, Sikong Lingnan offensive already fell, such as a broken day (spear|gun) pricks toward the Qin Shi forehead generally. 而就在短暂的片刻,司空岭南的攻势已然落下,如一把破天枪一般朝秦石的眉心刺入。 This boy died!” “这小子死定了!” Countless people concluded in the heart, the side that even does not endure goes excessively, but in this crucial point, the First Rank fabricated darkness suddenly explodes shoots, camouflages the sunlight of scorching sun. 无数人在心中断定,甚至不忍的侧过头去,但就在这个节骨眼上,一层虚妄的黑暗突然爆射,将骄阳的日光都遮蔽起来。 Bang! 轰! The business area has wild impact immediately, that impact made the earth crush directly, innumerable bejeweled jade palace became the powder by the crush, the sea level of business area dropped hundred meters. 商区顿时产生狂野的冲击,那冲击令大地直接粉碎,无数的琼楼玉宇被碾压成粉末,商区的海平面生生下降百米。 The chap, is cracked again, is the powder. 龟裂,再龟裂,然后是粉末。 Good terrifying impulse!” One group of disciples could not withstand. “好恐怖的冲击力!”一群弟子已经承受不住。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! But when absent-minded, a clear sound resounds from the vault of heaven, making many disciples raise to go fiercely, calm. 而就在失神之余,一声清脆的声音从天穹上响起,令不少弟子猛的扬起头去,凝神静气。 Clears when the impact air/Qi field, the broken vault of heaven reappears once again, the pupil of people stares indifferently in a big way, is not dared to believe to full floaded operation by one. 就在冲击的气场散尽,残破的天穹再度浮现时,众人的眸子漠然瞪大,被一股不敢置信灌满。 You look quickly!” “你们快看!” Sees only on the vault of heaven, Qin Shi and Sikong Lingnan meet as an equal, centered on them, the discussing area will divide into two. 只见在天穹上,秦石和司空岭南两人分庭抗礼,以两人为中心,将商区一分为二。 In the hand of Qin Shi, is pair of savage evil clutches without doubt, that evil clutches exceptionally ominous strength, above flood light dim light. 秦石的手中,是一双凶残无疑的魔爪,那魔爪异常的凶力,上面泛着淡淡幽光。 He has succeeded, finally refined the ominous demon to murder the claw successfully. 他成功了,终于是成功的炼制了凶魔弑爪。 But what he rejoices, the ominous demon murders the claw not to disappoint him, kept off to rip the day broken hot claw, has to say Evil Spirit , in this ominous demon murdered on the claw to invest were really too many, Qin Shi can also feel above the clear fairyhood now. 而他所庆幸的是,凶魔弑爪没有让他失望,真的挡下了撕天碎火爪,不得不说邪魔在这凶魔弑爪上真的投入了太多,秦石现在还能够感觉到上面清晰的魔性。 The world is split in the position that both encounter, from the Qin Shi rear area, is inundates the non- horizon the darkness and Baleful Qi, Sikong Lingnan back is the dreadful sea of fire, as if wants the burnout vault of heaven, the burnout earth is the same. 天地在两者交锋的位置被分裂,从秦石的后方,是漫无天际的黑暗与煞气,司空岭南的背后则是滔天火海,仿佛要燃尽天穹,燃尽大地一样。 Rumble this, this what's the matter?” “咕噜这,这怎么回事?” „The boy, did the boy unexpectedly keep off Situ Lingnan attack?” “那小子,那小子竟然将司徒岭南的攻击挡下了?” Countless people are frightened, but this is also only starts, a squeal is deafening: „It is not right, you look to rip on the day broken hot claw quickly!” 无数人惊悚,但这还只是开始,一声尖叫声震耳欲聋:“不对,你们快瞧撕天碎火爪上!” The people raise eyes to go, thorough eating is one after another in-situ. 众人举目而去,接连彻底的吃楞在原地。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Again a clear sound, on ripping the day broken hot claw murders the position that the claw wants to move with the ominous demon, presented the innumerable [say / way] dense and numerous small fissures unexpectedly, these small fissures the places of connection, above flood light black Baleful Qi, once for a while tumbling, has been full of the intense corrosion and swallowing strength. 再一次一声清脆之音,在撕天碎火爪上与凶魔弑爪想触碰的位置,竟然出现了无数道密密麻麻的小裂痕,这些小裂痕的交接之处,上面泛着淡淡黑色煞气,时不时的翻滚一圈,充满了强烈的腐蚀和吞噬之力。 Bang! 砰! After several seconds, a picture of shocking audience, rips the opening spread of day broken hot claw to open again, sees only that including the sharp claws that the vault of heaven can tear into shreds, unexpectedly changes into everywhere powder pink / white, such as the dust falls. 数秒后,再一幕震惊全场的画面,撕天碎火爪的裂口蔓延而开,只见那连天穹都能撕碎的利爪,竟然生生的化为漫天齑粉,如尘埃般落下。 Bang! 轰! This has alarmed all people, the business area is unable to be quiet again. 这一幕惊动了所有人,商区再也无法平静。 Fu Jun, quiet blue, as well as all disciples hearts of fog pledge mentioned. 付军、幽青、以及雾盟的所有弟子都心脏提起。 What had? Rips the day, ripped the day broken hot claw to be broken? Is this real? Actually has this boy made what?” “发生了什么?撕天,撕天碎火爪被震碎了?这是不是真的?这小子究竟做了什么?” Wizard knows!” “鬼才知道!” The people have choked maliciously a spit. 众人狠狠的噎了口吐沫。 Sikong Lingnan pupil shrinks, looks at the evil clutches on the wane, he always on the faint face, finally is flashes through embarrassedly, with the meat pain. 司空岭南瞳仁一缩,看着凋零的魔爪,他始终淡漠的面庞上,终是闪过到难堪,和肉痛。 Boy, you angered me!” “小子,你惹怒我了!” His complexion changes, eight days of Initial Stage strengths such as great depress, the entire business area changes is heavy. 他脸色一变,八天初期的力量如宏压下,整个商区都变的沉重下来。 Qin Shi! Shunts quickly!” 秦石!快躲开!” Fu Jun, Kong Xianhui various person complexion in great surprise. 付军、孔贤慧诸人面色大惊。 But their words late, the brow of Qin Shi wrinkled, when he gets back one's composure, a fire dragon of hundred zhang (333m) rises straight from the ground, worries to him. 但他们的话还是晚了,秦石的眉头皱紧,当他回神之际,一条百丈的火龙拔地而起,冲着他就撕咬下去。 His moral nature sinks, the strength of this fire dragon rises unexpectedly once more, Sikong Lingnan air/Qi field reaches the unprecedented altitude, hadn't he exhausted before unexpectedly fully? 他心底一沉,这火龙的力量竟再次攀升,司空岭南的气场达到前所未有的高度,他之前竟然还没有用尽全力? Bang! 砰! Qin Shi responded the matter, he had been shaken to depart over a hundred meters hollowly, the chest directly. 秦石反应过来事,他已经被震飞出上百米,胸膛直接就凹陷了进去。 Goes bad my good deed, I deliver you dead first!” “坏我好事,我先送你去死!” Rips the day disruption disruption, makes Sikong Lingnan lose one's temper thoroughly, does not have the slightest to be forgiving to Qin Shi, Qin Shi was struck flies at the same time, his body such as light in a flash, one dodges to plunder behind Qin Shi. 撕天碎裂手的碎裂,彻底让司空岭南动怒,对秦石没有分毫留情,秦石被击飞的同时,他身躯如光影的一晃,一下就闪掠到秦石背后。 Connects his palm, the First Rank fire firm purgatory such as Mount Tai crushes. 接连他掌心一番,一层火牢炼狱如泰山压倒。 Qin Shi with rapt attention, a blood puffs out slightly, his turning round palm just resisted before the body, is a wild strength shakes him flies, his palm distorted, about small arm breaks directly. 秦石微微凝神,一口鲜血就喷出去,他回身手掌刚抵挡到身前,又是一股狂暴的力量将他震飞,他的手掌都变了形,左右的小臂直接断裂。 Very strong!” “好强!” Qin Shi is at heart flurried, a unprecedented death aura headed on. 秦石心里慌乱,一股前所未有的死亡气息扑面而来。 He at is not Sikong Lingnan match. 他根本不是司空岭南的对手。 Qin Shi!” 秦石!” The Kong Xianhui jade surface cries, saw that the Qin Shi injury aggravates, by Sikong Lingnan devastation, she was almost held the quiet profound left deviation unceasingly without hesitation. 孔贤慧玉面落泪,眼看着秦石伤势加重,不断被司空岭南蹂躏,她几乎不假思索的抓住幽玄左倾。 She cannot make Qin Shi die. 她不能让秦石死。 Bang!! But at this moment, silent form suddenly appears in her together behind, a big hand makes up on her fragrant shoulder, is such as Quan Yongban the strength pours into one after another, the strength that wants to erupt suppresses within the body her. 但就在这时,一道无声无息的身影突然出现在她身后,一只大手搭放在她的香肩上,接连就是如泉涌般的力量注入,生生将她欲要爆发的力量压制进体内。 Her fierce looking back, but when sees that back form she allows to change tenderly: Is you?” 她猛的回首,而看见那背后的身影时她娇容大变:“是你?” !! !!
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