PDL :: Volume #8

#718: Rips the day broken hot claw

Numerous disciple hearts live startled color, no matter what no one can think, solemn fog pledge manages a household greatly Fu Jun, will be struck unexpectedly to shake several hundred meters far? 众多的弟子心生惊色,任谁也想不到,堂堂雾盟的大当家付军,竟会被人一击震出数百米远? This actually real? 这究竟是不是真的? But what exaggerates, Sikong Lingnan from beginning to end is such calm, the smiling face that the corners of the mouth rise throughout, seems like temperate, made how much person of hair raise up. 而最夸张的是,司空岭南从始至终都是那样的从容,嘴角始终上扬的浅浅笑容,看似温和,却令多少人毛发竖起。 Big brother Fu Jun!” The quiet blue pupil gives a tongue-lashing to crack. “付军大哥!”幽青眸呲欲裂。 Your several, first peaceful watches a meeting there.” But does not wait for several people to respond that Sikong Lingnan big hand, a boundless air/Qi field spreads at 1 : 00, the quiet blue several people of statures stiffen suddenly. “你们几个,先安静的在那里看一会吧。”但不等几人反应,司空岭南大手一番,一股磅礴的气场在一点扩散,幽青几人的身躯猛然僵住。 Fu Jun goes all out crawls to set out, in his one-eyed reveals never has embarrassed and decides the color. 付军拼命的爬起身,他独眼中露出从未有过的难堪和决色。 You said perhaps right, I do not grow the memory, because of my this, I so many brothers will also follow, three years, are the time mediate!” “你说的没错,或许我是不长记性,但也正是因为我这样,我才会有这么多的兄弟追随,三年了,是时候了断了!” Paid the armed forces to say the sentence icily, at once his spout deep foul air, suddenly feels relaxed smiled the sentence to the quiet blue several people: Brothers, can meet you, has you in the side companion, is I pays armed forces this whole life biggest being honored, thank you.” 付军冷冰冰的说句,旋即他吐出口深沉的浊气,突然释然的冲着幽青几人笑句:“兄弟们,能够遇见你们,有你们在身边陪伴,是我付军这辈子最大的荣幸,谢谢你们。” Big brother, you left said like this that we met you are lucky!” “大哥,你别这样说,我们遇见你才是幸运!” Yes, if not you, we still drift in the foreign country, was you give us to live, gives us to hope that has given us a family!” “是啊,如果不是你,我们还在外域漂泊,是你给了我们生活,给了我们希望,给了我们一个家啊!” Is listening to brothers' words, Fu Jun the right eye struggles, that does not endure is that obvious, shaking the head that but he makes an effort finally, said with a smile: You can say that I felt to satisfy, but you listened to me saying that my Fu Junhe what energy, can have you to hound me like this.” 听着兄弟们的话,付军的右眼挣扎,那一份不忍是那么明显,但最终他还是使劲的摇摇头,笑道:“你们能这么说,我就感到满足了,但是你们听我说,我付军何德何能啊,能有你们这样追捧我。” Stops, his bitter and astringent [say / way]: If I live today by luck, that is I have good luck ever, I continue to give you to be the big brother, but if I died in battle unfortunately, you must promise me, dismisses the fog pledge, do not revenge for me, do not make the brothers bring death for me in vain!” 停顿一下,他苦涩道:“如果今日我侥幸活下来,那是我命大,我继续给你做大哥,但是如果我不幸战死,你们要答应我,将雾盟解散,不要替我报仇,不要让兄弟们白白为我送死!” Big brother!” “大哥!” The quiet blue several people of complexions change. 幽青几人的脸色一变。 Shen Fengchun clenches teeth saying: Is impossible, we pledge to fight to the death to follow you! Even if were the day collapsed, we also accompanied you to shoulder together, we will not leave you absolutely!” 沈逢春咬牙道:“不可能,我们誓死追随你!就算是天塌了,我们也陪你一起扛,我们绝对不会离开你!” Right! Must live lives together, must die dies together!” “对!要生一起生,要死一起死!” Type that fog pledge has not feared death, has spelled with them at the worst, killed us not to compensate, kills two us to gain, we did not fear death, we only feared that the big brother you left!” “雾盟没有怕死的种,大不了就和他们拼了,杀一个我们不赔,杀两个我们赚了,我们不怕死,我们只怕大哥你离开啊!” Quiet blue!” “幽青!” But at this time, Fu Jun lowered suddenly drinks, his voice very dreary, falling that the right eye condensed on quiet azure: You is a Second Brother, do you remember that you have promised me, the words that I spoke you will not violate! Promises me!” 但这时,付军突然低喝,他声音十分的萧瑟,右眼凝聚的落在幽青身上:“你是二哥,你记不记得,你答应过我,我说的话你不会违背!答应我!” I!” Ate to gawk quiet blue. “我!”幽青吃楞了。 His palm was punctured by the nail, blood tick-tock tick-tock falling in dust. 他的手掌已经被指甲刺破,鲜血滴答滴答的落在尘土中。 Quiet blue! Do not comply!” Shen Feng spring several people of raves. “幽青!不要答应!”沈逢春几人狂吼。 Has Sikong Lingnan strength suppression, otherwise Shen Fengchun currently estimated that will be quiet has overthrown blue, will not make him answer deals with armed forces' request. 就是有司空岭南的力量压制,否则沈逢春现在估计已经将幽青打倒了,也不会让他答应付军的要求。 Quiet blue also wants to reject, but when he just wanted to open the mouth, he and Fu Jun has looked at each other moment, body fierce trembles, he unexpectedly from that past the big brother eyes that he admires, saw the tiny bit hope. 幽青也想拒绝,但在他刚欲开口时,他和付军对视了片刻,身躯猛的一颤,他竟从那个昔日里他敬佩的大哥眼中,看见了一丝一毫的祈求。 Right, is the hope. 没错,是祈求。 He does not endure, tears of wisp of man fall, he makes an effort nods to Fu Jun: I knew, I promise you! Big brother!” 他不忍了,一缕男人的眼泪滑落,他使劲的冲着付军点头:“我知道了,我答应你!大哥!” Looks that quiet complies blue, Shen Feng spring several people probably finally hopes to burst, collapsed completely. 看着幽青答应,沈逢春几人好像最后的希望破裂,一个一个全部都崩溃了。 Fu Jun smiles lightly, wipes happily flashes through from the pupil, his eye socket is also slightly moist: Thank you, I best brothers!” 付军淡淡一笑,一抹欣慰从眸中闪过,他的眼眶也是微微湿润:“谢谢你们,我最好的兄弟!” Was good, sensational was so long, should be the time finished?” The Sikong Lingnan frail form transfers several steps toward below, blows out an extremely evil spirit indifferently the strength, smiles to Fu Jun: Has saying that dismisses fog pledge, is wisest choice that you make.” “行了,煽情了这么久,该是时候结束了吧?”司空岭南单薄的身影朝下挪移几步,漠然爆出一股极为凶煞的力量,冲着付军一笑:“不得不说,将雾盟解散,是你做的最明智的选择。” Because, even if you do not dismiss, will cross me also personally to beat him today, crushing!” “因为,就算你不解散,过了今日我也会亲手将他击垮,击碎!” End spark!” “末日星火!” Just like, the vault of heaven of half wall turns into the scarlet, the intense high temperature beats from the cloud layer, is also mixing with several points of rough fondness of countryside in the flame, elevates the several fold including the surrounding temperature. 俨然,半壁的天穹变成血色,强烈的高温从云层上跳动,在火焰中还夹杂着几分粗犷的野性,连周围的温度都升高数倍。 The earth of business area was baked, redness that changes. 商区的大地受到烘烤,都变的赤红。 Good terrifying temperature!” “好恐怖的温度!” This creates the true strength of world group regimental commander? This flame, somewhat is probably strange, can actually have such intense might?” “这就是创世团团长的真正实力?这火焰,好像有些诡异,竟然能够产生这么强烈的威力?” Disciples of innumerable surrounding withdraw hastily, does not dare to penetrate. 无数围观的弟子连忙退后,不敢深入。 Qin Shi also slightly knits the brows from outside, made him feel that in this flame vicious tendencies, how many minute of consciousnes this vicious tendencies did supplement unexpectedly? 秦石从外面也是微微皱眉,在这股火焰中令他感觉到一股戾气,这戾气竟然附带几分神智 „The flame of good ominous strength!” “好凶力的火焰!” This flame, is not the common flame, but is the dragon fire that Sikong Lingnan swallows, is a dragon rest of fire dragon, the might is far from the common flame can compare, if practices great accomplishment, the common famous article can melt.” Kong Xianhui explained the sentence in side dignifiedly. “这火焰,不是寻常的火焰,而是司空岭南吞噬的龙火,是一只火龙的龙息,威力远非寻常的火焰能比,如果修炼到大成的话,就连寻常的名器都能融化。”孔贤慧在旁边凝重解释句。 Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted: Originally is this?” 秦石恍然大悟:“原来是这样?” The word, his look is low and deep, goes to Fu Junwang embarrassedly: Had a disparity in the boundary, in addition this Long Long Xi words, in the attribute were also suppressed, big brother Fu Jun at is not his match.” 言罢,他眼神低沉下来,难堪的冲付军望去:“本来就在境界上有所差距,加上这真龙龙息的话,属性上也受到了压制,付军大哥根本不是他的对手。” Um, this war, obviously.” “嗯,这一战,显而易见了。” Words that Kong Xianhui faint shaking the head, Fu Jun wants to win, only if can present the miracle. 孔贤慧淡漠的摇摇头,付军想要胜利的话,除非能够出现奇迹。 Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, in the surging emotions is worried for Fu Jun. 秦石捏紧拳头,心潮中不由为付军感到担心。 Bang! 砰! The flame on vault of heaven crashes like the meteorite crazily, strikes bombing that to Fu Jun. 天穹上的火焰如陨石般疯狂坠落,一击一击的轰炸向付军。 Fu Jun the whole body launches palace error, the back strength wing makes an effort to shake, toward above pulls open fast, connects his five fingers to open and close, counts on the fingers a ball: Is broken to the world the hot prison!” 付军全身展开宫阙,背后的火色羽翼用力一震,朝着上方快速拉开,接连他五指开合,屈指一弹:“穷极火狱!” Bang! 砰! Refers to the front space twisting in his hand suddenly, was melted by the high temperature is the same, one after another is the fabricated flame ejaculation, in Sikong Lingnan like a hot snake winding. 在他手指前方的空间突然扭曲,被高温生生融化一样,接连是虚妄的火焰喷射,像一条火蛇般缠绕上司空岭南。 But Sikong Lingnan is only light shaking the head: You are the old style, wants to win depending on this move? Naive!” 但司空岭南只是淡淡的摇头:“你还是老样子,凭这种招数也想要致胜吗?天真!” Feng Tianhuo is firm!” “封天火牢!” They in sparring of airborne rapid, a heavy shackles the hot snake seal, among the blazing high-temperature tuck dive swallow it. 两人在空中快速的斗法,一座沉重的牢笼将火蛇封印,炽热的高温翻腾间将其吞噬。 But, Sikong Lingnan faces forward to search, his body melts unexpectedly in the flame, the indifferent firing into Fu Jun chest, a palm breaks the palace error armor of Fu Jun chest. 而就连,司空岭南朝前一探,他的身躯竟消融在火焰中,漠然的冲向付军的胸膛,一掌将付军胸膛的宫阙铠甲震碎。 Bang! 轰! Fu Jun was shaken flies hundred meters, his breathing heavily in gulps thick air/Qi, but Sikong Lingnan does not give the opportunity that he pants for breath slightly, goes forward once again. 付军被震飞百米,他大口大口的喘上粗气,而司空岭南根本不给他丝毫喘息的机会,再度上前。 Bang! 轰隆! The wild with rage raging fire as if burns the universe, their personal appearance fall into the flame, during each confrontation will inspire terrifying complementary waves in this way, that blazing temperature makes countless people streaming with sweat, cultivates to be inferior to disciple even by this flame severe wound. 狂怒的烈火仿佛将乾坤都燃烧起来,两人的身形陷入火焰里,每一次交锋间都会引动起恐怖如斯的余波,那种炽热的温度让无数人汗流浃背,一些修为不及的弟子甚至被这种火焰重伤。 Managing a household of two big influences, contending of seven days of peak and eight days of Initial Stage, this is the people to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up degree, is the foreign country wickedest fight. 两大势力的当家,七天巅峰和八天初期的抗衡,这已经是众人望尘莫及的程度,是外域最为惨厉的战斗。 The business area, already everywhere all, again could not see any another day liveliness, remaining has the quarry stone, with the broken Cheng Jifen dust. 商区,早已满目全非,再也看不见任何他日的繁华,剩下的只有乱石,和碎成齑粉的尘土。 Performs obviously, only then sores all over the eye. 尽显的只有满目疮痍。 Big brother!” “大哥!” Quiet azure, the disciple of Shen Fengchun, innumerable fog pledge clench teeth maliciously, look very Fu Jun of body under the raging fire, they felt that their heart is dropping the blood. 幽青、沈逢春、无数雾盟的弟子狠狠咬牙,看着在烈火下强挺身躯的付军,他们感觉自己的心正在滴血。 Bang! 砰! Continuously, the short moment, they have encountered hundred moves, the remaining prestige break the entire earth, the business area becomes a basin, hollow getting down. 此起彼伏,短短的片刻,两人已经交锋百招,余威将整个大地都震碎,商区成为一处盆地,生生的凹陷下去。 Hundred rounds, Fu Jun was already inferior, he and Sikong Lingnan disparity was too big, his palace error was torn to pieces, the rib break tree root of chest, even was burnt down the black including the flesh. 百个回合,付军早已不及,他和司空岭南的差距实在太大了,他的宫阙已经支离破碎,胸膛的肋骨断裂树根,甚至连肌肤都被焚烧成黑色。 But compares him, Sikong Lingnan actually fiercely competes and successfully competes, his high holding up fist wind, in the distance pays the armed forces the position ten meters away to wield strikes a fist. 而相比较他,司空岭南却越战越勇,他高高的举起拳风,在距离付军十米外的位置挥击一拳。 Bang! 砰! Merely one fist, his front space was broken, that savage impulse looks like the evil dragon that gushes out from the glen, under the flame tuck dive blood-stained mouth, swallows the spiritual power essence between world. 仅仅一拳,他面前的空间都被震碎了,那股凶残的冲劲就像是从幽谷涌出的恶龙,火焰翻腾的血口下,吞噬天地间的灵力精气。 The fist of eight days of boundaries, making countless people tremble for it heart, is only this fist, perhaps strikes to kill below over ten thousand people on the foot, Long Shoujian the flame, looks like the purgatory is the same, any object that touches, is the flying ash. 八天之境的一拳,让无数人为之心颤,光是这一拳,恐怕就足矣击杀下方的上万人,那龙首间的火焰,就像是炼狱一样,所触及到的任何物体,皆为飞灰。 „A very strong fist!” “好强的一拳!” This fist, Fu Jundang does not get down!” “这一拳,付军挡不下了!” Disciples disappointed shaking the head, did not have the suspense war to here. 弟子们失望的摇摇头,战事到这里已经没有悬念。 Bang! 轰! If the people expected that this strikes the hot fist to pass through Fu Jun, Fu Jun one of the body in midair stiff, is fierce trembles, palace error of whole body disrupts with a crash, then in gulps the bright red blood blowout, such as the shell flies upside down on the kilometer. 如众人料想,这一击火拳贯穿付军,付军的身躯在半空中一僵,然后剧烈一颤,全身的宫阙砰然碎裂,接着大口大口嫣红的鲜血喷出,如炮弹般生生倒飞出上千米。 Bang! 轰隆! Fu Junru the meteorite crashes in the surrounding of business area, the positions of five areas are blasting open, the gully splits from his together, until kilometer. 付军如陨石般坠落在商区的外围,连带着五区的位置都炸裂,一道沟壑从他的身后裂开,直至千米。 Half five areas, were divided into two. 半个五区,被一分为二。 Big brother!” Quiet azure, Shen Feng people insane were spring same, use up roaring in bottom. “大哥!”幽青、沈逢春众人疯了一样,竭斯底里的怒吼。 Sikong Lingnan, you dare to injure my big brother, my his mother kills you!” Shen Fengchun blue vein jumps, because both arms tearing of vigorous struggling in the space, the blood spurts crazily. “司空岭南,你敢伤我大哥一下,我他妈弄死你!”沈逢春青筋蹦起,因为大力的挣扎在空间中双臂撕裂,鲜血狂喷。 The eyes of fog younger sworn brother child were all red. 雾盟弟子的眼睛全红了。 Sikong Lingnan float in midair, he shook the head to under: I, if you, I will choose silent, so as to avoid lost Fu Jun just for the poor life that you strive for!” 司空岭南悬浮在半空中,他冲着下方摇了摇头:“我要是你,我就会选择沉默,免得丧失了付军刚为你们争取来的小命!” I am silent your Sir! Has to plant you to come to the father, the father I must wrinkle the brow, my Shen Fengchun is you raises!” The Shen Fengchun rough voice implements the business area. “我沉默你大爷!有种你冲老子来,老子我要皱下眉头,我沈逢春就是你养大的!”沈逢春粗犷的声音贯彻商区。 Spring!” But at this time, quiet blue drank suddenly lowly, his five senses Ai Mo struggling of distortion: Shut up, do not let the big brother be worried for us!” “大春!”而这时,幽青突然低喝,他五官哀默而扭曲的挣扎:“闭嘴,别让大哥为我们担心!” I!” Has words on the tip of the tongue, Shen Fengchun sobbed, the tear stains fall from his corner of the eye, grey pit-a-pat on the cheeks has delimited in him. “我!”话到嘴边,沈逢春哽咽了,泪痕从他的眼角落下,在他灰突突的脸颊上划过。 It seems like or has understands what has to done, this is right.” “看来还是有识时务的啊,这样才对吗。” Smiling of Sikong Lingnan ridiculed, but connected in his delicate look to flash through wipes the cold brightness, is Fu Jun of blood person stares to the ruins in: Actually, I very appreciate you, but was a pity that you stood mistakenly the team, looked in you is also the strip man, I let have a dignity point that you died.” 司空岭南讥讽的笑了笑,而接连他清秀的眼神中闪过一抹寒光,冲着废墟中已经是血人的付军凝望:“其实,我挺欣赏你,只是可惜你站错了队,看在你也是条汉子,我就让你死的有尊严一点。” The word, Sikong Lingnan raises left hand, that white glove very old-style fan device, bit by bit lagged behind by him, but in the white glove falls, gloomy dusk that the vault of heaven suddenly changes however. 言罢,司空岭南将左手举起,那白色的手套十分拉风,一点一点的被他拉下,而就在白色的手套掉落时,天穹突然变的暗淡昏然。 Under the glove, unexpectedly is the scarlet flame hot claw, vaguely has the rock magma mark to wind to flee in all directions on his hot claw, to human an alarmed terrifying. 手套下,竟是赤炎色的火爪,在他的火爪上依稀有岩浆纹络流窜,给人一种触目惊心的恐怖。 Rips day broken hot claw!” “是撕天碎火爪!” !! !!
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