PDL :: Volume #8

#717: Sikong Lingnan enters the stage

Saw the puppet, the body that Su did not leave to stiffen. 看见木偶,苏不离的身躯都僵住了。 This puppet is very crude, but above is carving two very deep delicate handwriting: Not abandoned. 这个木偶很简陋,但上面刻着两个很深的清秀字迹:不弃。 Su does not leave holding up control slowly, a puppet of appearance took out by him, but the puppet on his hand carves is not leaving two characters. 苏不离缓缓的举起手心,一个一模样的木偶被他取出,而他手上的木偶则是刻着不离两字。 Does not leave not abandoned. 不离不弃。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! On vault of heaven dim slightly, next month. 天穹上微微的昏暗,下月了。 Black hair drizzle dripping in the ruins of business area, had increased a loneliness to the incredible business area. 青丝细雨淋漓在商区的废墟中,给本就荒诞的商区增添了一份寂寥。 Su does not leave the fierce face such as the primitive wild animal to be the same, uses up calling out in bottom to Liu Ming: This puppet, how in your hand!” 苏不离狰狞的面庞如原始的野兽一样,冲着柳明竭斯底里的嚎叫:“这木偶,怎么会在你手上!” Hey, surprised? I have said that she has not died, now believed that but you want to know that she was at which right? You could rest assured that I forever will not tell you, I want your such to die with a remaining grievance, wants you more painful than me, Ha Ha, ha!” “嘿嘿,惊讶吗?我说过,她没有死,现在相信了吧,但是你想知道她在哪对吗?你放心,我永远也不会告诉你,我就是要你这样死不瞑目,要你比我更加痛苦,哈哈,哈哈哈!” Why, you why must such do!” “为什么,你为什么要这么做!” Why, only cannot say that your lives are not good, all perhaps are the destiny, today must die like me here, your destinies are also doomed to separate, always separates!” Laughing wildly that Liu Ming wreaks havoc, his sound such as the ancient grave morning bell, a rap of character character the hearts that does not leave in Su, the defense line that Su does not leave collapsed thoroughly. “没有为什么,只能说你们的命不好,一切或许都是天命吧,就像我今日要死在这里一样,你们的命运也是注定分离,永世分离!”柳明肆虐的狂笑,他的声音如古墓晨钟,一字一字的敲击在苏不离的心间,苏不离的防线彻底崩溃了。 Qin Shi sees the clue in side, grasps Su not to leave the shoulder that: Su does not leave, you leave this, he spoke not necessarily real!” 秦石在旁边看出端倪,抓紧苏不离的肩膀:“苏不离,你别这样,他说话未必是真的!” But facing Qin Shi, Su does not leave shaking the head that is in deep sorrow, in the hand is grasping in two rain the lonely puppet: You do not know that these two puppets, are I and not the abandoned presenting a gift faith token, in has our essence and blood, if not abandoned, this puppet will also vanish, before I sought for a long time, but had not found, therefore concluded that not abandoned, was given to kill by him, but the puppet appeared now, the puppet still, that proved he said right, not abandoned is also living!” 但面对秦石,苏不离痛不欲生的摇摇头,手中握着两个雨中孤独的木偶:“你不知道,这两个木偶,是我和不弃的定情信物,在其中有我们的精血,如果不弃死了的话,这个木偶也就会消失,之前我寻找了许久,但是都没有找到,所以才断定不弃死了,被他给害死了,但是现在木偶出现了,木偶还在,那就证明他说的没错,不弃还活着!” Qin Shi reveals several to wipe the startled color, grasps the Su not abandoned puppet in the hand, sizes up several above with the energy, realized unexpectedly really several wipe the light vitality, but this vitality actually exceptionally weak, does not have to depend on, four float to leave. 秦石露出几抹惊色,将苏不弃的木偶握在手上,用精力在上面打量几番,从中竟真的察觉到几抹淡淡的生命力,不过这生命力却异常的微弱,无枝可依,四下漂离。 You leave this, this should be the good deed, so long as you are also living, so long as she is also living, after all one day, you will find her, rescues her, don't you love her? That to find her continued to go on living, I will help you!” Qin Shi earnest [say / way]. “你别这样,这应该是好事,只要你还活着,只要她还活着,终归有一天,你会找到她,解救她,你不是爱她吗?那就为了找到她继续活下去,我会帮你!”秦石认真道。 Su did not leave trembled trembling, died heart certainly to be brought back by Qin Shi, he began suddenly supinely, is flashed through several differences by the face that on the rain water moistened. 苏不离颤了颤,死绝的心被秦石勾起,他突然仰起头,被雨水打湿的面庞上闪过几道异样。 Um!” He nods. “嗯!”他点点头。 „Do you help him? Ha Ha, ha, is really joke!” But at this time, Liu Ming grating laughing wildly resounded once more, his scarlet eye pupil looked angrily at Qin Shi, had several points to tease: Qin Shi, do you also help him? You think really finished? Naive, I acknowledged that I have defeated, but do not want to go on living today, solely is not you, is the entire fog pledge, comes to be buried along with the dead to me, how long could not want is you and fog pledge time of death!” “你帮他?哈哈,哈哈哈,真是笑话!”而在这时,柳明刺耳的狂笑再次响起,他血色的眼眸怒视秦石,带有几分戏谑:“秦石,你还帮他?你真的以为结束了吗?天真,我承认我败了,但是你今日也别想活下去,不单单是你,是整个雾盟,都来给我陪葬吧,要不了多久就是你和雾盟的死期!” Qin Shi hear that knit the brows, looks back on direction staring that encounters toward under both armies, looks that the chaotic battlefield makes him reveal several points of puzzled. 秦石闻言皱了皱眉,回首朝下方两军交锋的方向凝视,看着混乱的战场让他露出几分不解。 The fog pledge and creates the disciple engaging in fierce battle vault of heaven of world group, the world therefore seems to be dim, but because pays the air/Qi field of armed forces to be boundless, completely Xu Yan suppressing, making the fog pledge instead have several points of superiority, got the winning side. 雾盟和创世团的弟子鏖战天穹,天地仿佛都因此而黯淡,但由于付军的气场磅礴,完全将徐岩给镇压下去,令雾盟反而取得几分优势,占据上风。 Bang! 轰! But at this time, Ye Lingtuo the color skirt, was treading the graceful beautiful figure to come spookily, in her behind was thousands of fog younger sworn brother child. 而在这时,叶玲拖着彩裙,踏着曼妙的倩影幽幽而来,在她身后是数以千计的雾盟弟子。 Boss, we came!” “头儿,我们来了!” Can look that the disciple of fog pledge copes with the armed forces to respect, just arrived at the business area to break in the battlefield, these creates the disciples of world group to collapse thoroughly, falls into enemy hands again and again. 能看出来,雾盟的弟子对付军十分尊敬,刚来到商区就冲入战场,这一下创世团的弟子彻底垮台,连连失守。 But why does not know, looks the fog pledge that immediately must win, Qin Shi actually cannot feel any joyfully. 但不知为何,看着马上要取胜的雾盟,秦石却感觉不到任何喜悦。 He is listening to Liu Ming the words, the worriedness that the Chest has not come, he always felt that in Liu Ming the words has the words, the matter so will not be simple. 他听着柳明的话,心口没有来的烦闷,他总感觉柳明的话里有话,事情不会就这么简单。 Your what meaning?” “你什么意思?” What meaning?” Liu Ming the aura is getting more and more weak, on the pale face is wan, his all-out effort final one breath, smiles by the ear of Qin Shi gently evilly: Jie Jie, you carefully looks that did not think created the world group to be short of a person? Is very important, person who can change the course of events?” “什么意思?”柳明的气息越来越微弱,苍白的面庞上再无血色,他拼劲最后一口气,在秦石的耳旁轻轻邪笑:“桀桀,你仔细看一看,不觉得创世团少了一个人吗?一个很重要,能够扭转乾坤的人吗?” Um?” A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, the black pupil rapid looks all around from below battlefields, but when seeing Fu Jun the one-eyed, a personal name reappearing mind: Situ Lingnan?” “嗯?”秦石的眉头一皱,黑眸迅速从下方的战场间环顾,而就在看见付军的独眼时,一个人名浮现脑海:“司徒岭南?” Ha Ha, ha, thought? Ha, the idiots, you were planned, you think really that creates the world group only then these influences? You think really your fog pledge can win? Joke! You were dying, the strength of that person is not you can imagine, here is your tombs, Qin Shi, do not worry, I below you, the road to Hades accompany me!” Liu Ming crazy laughing, smiled completely the final one breath. “哈哈,哈哈哈,想起来了吗?哈哈哈,白痴们,你们都被算计了,你们真的以为,创世团就只有这么些势力?你们真的以为你们雾盟能赢?笑话!你们就要死了,那个人的实力不是你们能够想象,这里就是你们的墓地,秦石,你别着急,我在下面等你,黄泉路上来陪我吧!”柳明疯狂的大笑,笑尽了最后一口气。 But regarding Liu Ming laughter recklessly, Qin Shi only felt Chest by giant stone crush, slightly gets hold of the fist, black pupil fierce searches toward the cloud layer outside. 而对于柳明肆意的笑声,秦石只感觉心口被巨石碾压,微微的将拳头握紧,黑眸猛的朝云层外探去。 Cannot say pressure that irrigates from the distant place. 一股说不上的压力,从远方灌溉。 Buzz! 嗡! From the vault of heaven of distant place, the First Rank invisible air wave sudden crush falls, that air/Qi field on such as giant evil clutches, the discussing area will grasp. 从远方的天穹上,一层无形的气浪突然碾压而落,那气场就如一只巨大的魔爪,生生的将商区抓在其中。 But in moment that this strength surges, in the world coagulates, the pupil of Qin Shi shrinks suddenly, the frail form crosses the hands behind the back to stand together, spookily. 而在这股力量涌动的片刻,天地间都为之凝固,秦石的瞳仁骤然一缩,一道单薄的身影负手而立,幽幽而来。 The form wears the Daoist robe, on the left hand wears the white glove, is treading the void position near the business area sky over, a technique presses the meaning of outstanding heroes greatly. His anything has not done, the atmosphere in field then instantaneously changes, a panic-stricken color spreads to open in the eye sockets of people. 身影穿着道袍,左手上戴着白色手套,踏着虚空的位临商区上空,大有一种技压群雄的意思。他什么也没有做,场上的气氛便瞬间大变,一股惊骇之色在众人的眼眶间蔓延而开。 But he smiles, on very face of outstanding ability, the pair of profound and delicate eye pupil, in that pupil heart is glittering from beginning to end mapping out strategic plans in an army tent self-confidence, calm is not startled. 而他轻轻一笑,十分俊逸的面庞上,有一双深邃而清秀的眼眸,那眸心中从始至终都闪烁着运筹帷幄的自信,从容不惊。 Yo, here is quite lively.” “呦,这里好生热闹啊。” The form smiles lightly, is only few characters, the people in field tremble suddenly, Qin Shi is the brow is heavy, a pressure wells up from the bottom of the heart. 身影淡淡一笑,只是寥寥几字,场上的众人猛然一颤,就连秦石都是眉头沉重,一股压力从心底涌上。 Pays armed forces that force air/Qi field to be broken, in the lonely right eye flashes through several points of startled color. 付军那强迫的气场被生生震碎,孤独的右眼间闪过几分惊色。 Situ Lingnan?” “司徒岭南?” Right, this form creates the regimental commander of world group, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Situ Lingnan. 没错,这道身影就是创世团的团长,神秘莫测的司徒岭南。 This is Qin Shi first time sees him, he is dragging a silver long hair, fresh and elegant flutters in the wind, to human a force of being insufferably arrogant. 这是秦石第一次看见他,他拖着一头银色的长发,清逸的在风中飘动,给人一种不可一世的强迫。 Eight days of boundaries!” Qin Shi pinching tightly fist maliciously. “八天之境!”秦石狠狠的捏紧拳。 Creates the regimental commander of world group!” “是创世团的团长!” Has not thought that also appeared including him, he did not ask the humans affair for a long time, did not participate in the matter of foreign country, it is said that he must since territory, not think that today makes an appearance!” “没想到,连他也出现了,他已经许久不问世事,不参与外域的事情了,据说他就要进入内域了,没想到今日还是露面了!” Fog pledge was hopeless!” “雾盟没戏了!” Lin Xing also slightly sinks in the phoenix eyes of distant place. 林杏在远处的凤眼间也是微微一沉。 Fu Jun, you do this, bullied the human? Made several thousand disciples to come to here, wanted to create the world group to annihilate us?” Smiling of Situ Lingnan calm, the eye pupil looks all around audience over a thousand forms, has not actually revealed slight worry, instead exceptionally relaxed. “付军,你这样做,是不是太欺负人了点?弄了几千名弟子来这里,难道是想要将我们创世团歼灭吗?”司徒岭南从容不迫的笑了笑,眼眸环顾全场上千名身影,却没有露出丝毫的担忧,反而异常的轻松。 Fu Jun sees Situ Lingnan, unprecedented to kill to intend to right eye spraying: Few idle talk, our two sides already did not die continuous, that might as well make to mediate on today.” 付军看见司徒岭南,前所未有的杀意在右眼喷射:“少废话,我们两方早已不死不休,那不如就今日做个了断吧。” Depends on these people? Does not suffice to look.” “就凭这些人?不太够看吧。” Situ Lingnan shakes the head, but when his laughter has not fallen, a strength of unusual conditions harasses the cloud layer, as if the vault of heaven avalanche is the same, the disciple tiger bodies of over a thousand fog pledges are stiff, the color of unexpectedly simultaneous revealing pain. 司徒岭南摇摇头,而就在他的笑声未落之际,一股浑然天成的力量扰乱云层,仿佛天穹都崩塌一样,上千名雾盟的弟子虎躯僵硬,竟同时的露出痛苦之色。 Qin Shi slightly one startled, evil fire flashes through from his moral nature, if not for his mental maturity, the formidable body and spirit, feared in addition was then already by the severe wound. 秦石微微一惊,一股邪火从他心底闪过,若不是他心智成熟,加上强大的体魄,怕是便已经被重伤了。 But fog pledge over a thousand disciples may not have his skill, spurts the blood continuously. 但雾盟上千名弟子可没有他的本事,连续喷血。 Sees this, the people were shocked. 看见这幕,众人都惊呆了。 What's wrong, what's the matter?” “怎么,怎么回事?” Strikes? Strikes? Moreover has not moved including the hand, were over a thousand fog younger sworn brother children like this defeated? This creates the strength of world group regimental commander?” “一击?就一击?而且连手都没有动,上千名的雾盟弟子就这样被击破了?这就是创世团团长的实力吗?” Good fearful strength!” “好可怕的力量!” In disciple heart that surrounds, immediately are many a weight. 围观的弟子心中,马上多出一份衡量。 Fu Jun sees this mind chaos, has selected the fang fiercely, seven days of peak strengths make an effort rapidly, explode shoot at Situ Lingnan. 付军看见这幕心神大乱,狰狞的挑了挑獠牙,七天巅峰的力量迅速用力,爆射向司徒岭南。 Situ Lingnan, wants to injure them, you passed my this pass first!” “司徒岭南,想伤他们,你先过了我这关!” „The three years ago under the hands / subordinates defeated generals, discard your eyes, it seems like cannot call you longer the memory, your match is not I!” Situ Lingnan shook the head, has smiled one. “三年前的手下败将,废掉你一只眼睛,看来也没能叫你长些记性,你的对手不是我!”司徒岭南摇摇头,笑了一声。 But follows his corners of the mouth to rise, everywhere sandstorm rolls up and pushes along, Xu Yanbao shoots on, sneak attacks to Fu Jun from behind, strikes the sand palm severe wound to pay the back of the body of armed forces. 而伴随他的嘴角上扬,漫天的风沙卷动,徐岩爆射而上,从后面冲付军偷袭,一击沙掌重伤在付军的后心。 Bang! 砰! Fu Jun the chest fluctuates, feels the blood in within the body to turn instantaneously wells up, leaves to wield the fire dragon toward the rear area hastily: Scram!! Is addicted to the flame broken!” 付军的胸膛起伏一下,瞬间感受到体内的血液翻涌,连忙抽身朝后方挥出火龙:“滚开!嗜炎破!” Bang! 轰隆! That side trembles, quiet azure and Shen Fengchun squint, simultaneously explodes shoots to set out, vibrates the back wing to fire into Xu Yan. 那一方一颤,幽青和沈逢春相觑一眼,同时爆射起身,震动背后的羽翼冲向徐岩。 But has not waited for them to go forward, Situ Lingnan frivolous shaking the head: Disturbs others is not good to be familiar with.” At once his big hand, everywhere sea of fire four shoot, gives to burn the business area of half wall completely. 但未等他们上前,司徒岭南轻浮的摇摇头:“打扰别人可不是好习惯。”旋即他大手一番,漫天的火海四射,将半壁的商区都给焚尽。 Bang! 轰! Dunhuang that quiet azure, Shen Fengchun, are good at defending continually cannot support under the sea of fire has struck, the disciple of entire fog pledge was shaken completely flies, under this terrifying strength, the innumerable will of the people lives desperately. 幽青、沈逢春、连擅长防御的敦煌在火海下都未能撑过一击,整个雾盟的弟子全部被震飞,在这种恐怖的力量下,无数人心生绝望。 Black pupil of Qin Shi as low and deep as the extreme. 秦石的黑眸低沉到极点。 A person, merely is a person, like this broke the deadlock? 一个人,仅仅是一个人,就这样打破了僵局? Situ Lingnan cultivation is, imagines compared with him must be higher than too. 司徒岭南的修为,远比他想象中的要高出太多。 Sees quiet blue several people of injuries, pays the armed forces mind chaos, that anger spouts from the right eye. 看见幽青几人的伤势,付军心神大乱,那怒火从右眼喷出。 Burns the eye to burn lonesome!” “灼眼焚寂!” Fu Jun the eye pupil ignites burns a day of fire, fierce sprays toward Xu Yan, Xu Yan is caught off guard, explodes toward the rear area hastily draws back, but pays the armed forces at all not to this opportunity, while winning the pursuit goes forward, on the palm spatters in all directions such as the heat wave of rock magma, the hot tiger birthplace comprised of the flame shoots at Xu Yan chest. 付军的眼眸燃起焚天之火,凶猛的朝徐岩喷射,徐岩一个措手不及,连忙朝后方爆退,而付军根本不给他这个机会,趁胜追击上前,手掌上迸溅出如岩浆的热浪,一尊由火焰组成的火虎贯射向徐岩的胸膛。 Xu Yanmeng one startled, a scared look flashes through in the moral nature. 徐岩猛的一惊,一股惧色在心底闪过。 But at this moment, the Xu Yan surrounding space twists slightly, the misfiring self-ignition gets up unexpectedly, burns the day to boil the sea high temperature to lift off, changes into a more terrifying tigers mouth in a fabricated vortex, savage making a false counter-accusation to Fu Jun. 而就在这时,徐岩周围的空间微微扭曲,竟然无火自燃起来,焚天煮海般的高温升空,在一个虚妄的漩涡中化为一个更加恐怖的虎口,凶残的反噬向付军。 Bang! 轰! That impulse melts below rock, Fu Junmeng was shaken departs several hundred meters far. 那冲击力将下方的岩石都融化,付军猛的被震飞出数百米远。 But connects, Fu Jun the form transforms from the flame, smiles: „To make to mediate, today helps you, starting today, the fog pledge can remove from the foreign country, here no longer needs the fog pledge.” 而接连,付军的身影从火焰中幻化而出,轻轻一笑:“想要做个了断,今日就成全你吧,从今日开始,雾盟就可以从外域除名了,这里不再需要雾盟。” !! !!
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