PDL :: Volume #8

#716: Su not abandoned has not died

Vertically and horizontally hundreds of thousands of meters thunder clouds are just like rapid, lively now such as the ruins business area layer upon layer will cover past, that dark mass of dark command countless person moral nature constrain. 俨然纵横数十万米的雷云迅速密布,将昔日繁华今如废墟的商区层层笼罩,那乌压压的黑暗令无数人心底压抑。 This is, Lei Jieyun?” “这是,雷劫云?” Calls out in alarm in the disciple who the business area surrounds makes noise, the instantaneous scared color wells up the face, the sea of people that surrounds such as Jiang Hong Tuichao spreads toward the surrounding immediately. 在商区围观的弟子惊呼出声,瞬间恐慌之色涌上面庞,围观的人山人海马上如江洪退潮般朝外围扩散。 Cracks a joke, Lei Jie of eight days of boundaries, that is links seven days of peak existence that wants cautious and solemn to face, how many people on the scene has to be able to experience this impact? 开玩笑,八天之境的雷劫,那可是连七天巅峰都要小心翼翼面对的存在,在场有几个人能够经受得起这种冲击? Liu Ming back fierce has fled in all directions the cold air/Qi, looking angrily at Qin Shi of ominous strength: Brat, what have you made?” 柳明背脊猛的流窜过冷气,凶力的怒视秦石:“臭小子,你做了什么?” Has not made anything, visited you to arrive at the bottleneck, at will helped your one.” Qin Shi free and easy shrugging, begins toward to gather 500,000 meters thunder clouds to look at one at once supinely, has to say the thunder clouds of these eight days of boundaries really not with echo, when 500,000 meters still in wild with rage sweeps across the remnant cloud, quick on breakthrough to 800,000 meters, has to want the breakthrough 1 million meanings greatly: Such huge thunder clouds, one will make Lei Jie who falls affirm roughy uncommon, you said that you can resist?” “也没做什么,看你到了瓶颈,就随意的帮你一把么。”秦石洒脱的耸了耸肩,旋即仰起头朝已经汇聚到500000米的雷云瞄了一眼,不得不说这八天之境的雷云果然非同反响,在500000米时仍然在狂怒的席卷残云,很快就突破到800000米,大有要突破1000000的意思:“这么庞大的雷云,一会引落的雷劫会肯定粗犷不凡,你说你能够抵抗下来吗?” „Do you plan me? I have killed you!” “你算计我?我杀了你!” The thunder clouds are thoroughly stave Liu bright defense line, goes crazy toward Qin Shi launch the attack. 雷云彻底将柳明的防线破碎,发疯似的就朝秦石发起攻击。 Movement that looks at Liu Ming, Kong Xianhui hastily drinks tenderly: Qin Shi, shunts quickly, do not pester with him, otherwise was entangled to trouble by him!” 看着柳明的动作,孔贤慧连忙的娇喝:“秦石,快躲开,不要跟他纠缠,否则被他缠上就麻烦了!” Nod of Qin Shi congealing eyebrow, the Kong Xianhui words he also understands that saw Lei Jie must fall saturated, at this time prolonged contact with Liu Ming obviously is not the wise choice, such he wanted to kill Liu Ming the plan by Lei Jieji, didn't become drew fire? 秦石凝眉的点点头,孔贤慧的话他也明白,眼看着雷劫就要饱和落下,这个时候和柳明恋战显然不是明智的选择,那样他想要凭借雷劫击杀柳明的计划,不就成了引火上身了吗? His makes an effort to stamp, Ben Lei who four shoot spouts rapidly, fierce dodges to draw back several hundred meters far toward the rear area. 他脚下用力一跺,四射的奔雷迅速喷出,猛的朝后方闪退数百米远。 Bang! 砰! Attacks by the Qin Shi shunt, Liu Ming the sharp claws is torn the space, rolling up and pushing along that the strong winds howl, he got angry obviously. 攻击被秦石闪开,柳明的利爪生生将空间撕裂,狂风呼啸的卷动,可见他是真的怒了。 Strikes to fail, he not only has not given up, the speed instead wreaks havoc, sweeps across the lonely world to assassinate Qin Shi, he wants to kill Qin Shi. 一击落空,他非但没有放弃,速度反而更加肆虐,席卷着寂寥的天地刺杀秦石,他是真的想杀死秦石 Even if cannot kill, must drag Qin Shi dead together. 哪怕不能杀死,也要拖着秦石一起死。 That hatred, inexhaustible. 那股恨意,无穷无尽。 Bang! 轰! But when his body anteversion, a deafening bang reverberation business area, the gigantic foreign country appears shivers, the thunder clouds on vault of heaven take shape finally. 而就在他身躯前倾之际,一声震耳欲聋的巨响回荡商区,硕大的外域都出现颤抖,天穹上的雷云终于成型。 1 million, the thunder clouds are 1 million meters. 1000000,雷云足足达到1000000米。 Liu Ming raises eyes, when seeing that 1 million meters thunder clouds the pupil curls and shrinks, wipes the scared look is wells up the face finally, the thunder clouds pressure such as Jiang Hong Guangai, making his back be hard very to get up. 柳明举目,在看见那1000000米的雷云时瞳孔卷缩,一抹惧色终是涌上面庞,雷云的压力如江洪灌溉,让他连腰杆都难以挺起。 No!” “不!” This Lei Jie, if in his heyday, and perhaps makes various preparations can also resist, but before , he and Qin Shi fought has consumed massive spiritual power, now wants to cross the disaster, dream of a fool. 这雷劫,若是在他全盛时期,并且做好各种准备的话说不定还能抵抗,但之前他和秦石交手间已经消耗了大量灵力,现在想渡劫,痴人说梦。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Winds such as Lei Jiezhong of Longji to fall, is similar to startled day great hibernation of insects that regains consciousness, having the fierce tearing sound to plunge Liu Ming. 蜿蜒如龙脊的雷劫终是落下,如同苏醒的惊天巨蛰,带着狰狞的撕裂声扑向柳明。 The thunder disaster falls, has the huge impulse, the Qin Shi fierce feeling the heat wave caresses the face at present, links him to feel the rich thunder attribute that dreads splits the world. 雷劫落下,产生巨大的冲劲,秦石猛的感觉眼前热浪扑面,一股连他都感到畏惧的浓郁雷属性将天地分裂。 Dodge opens!” “快闪开!” The creation world group and fog pledge of two big influences below tangled warfare suddenly one stiff, movement on the disciple stopping hand hastily, four disperse. 下方混战的创世团、雾盟两大势力猛然一僵,一众弟子连忙的停下手上的动作,四下而散。 Eight heavenly thunder disasters? Damn!” “八天雷劫?该死!” Xu Yan obloquied in the moral nature that strikes yellow sand Sha Zhang to spout, with paying the armed forces spreads out several hundred meters, does not dare to continue to prolong contact, the sand wave of under foot drags him to tumble to go. 徐岩在心底大骂,一击黄沙沙掌喷出,和付军拉开数百米距离,也不敢在继续恋战,脚下的沙浪拖着他翻滚而去。 Fu Junbao draws back, quiet azure and Shen Fengchun and the others sphere it. 付军爆退,幽青和沈逢春等人将其围住。 Bang! 轰! The people just dodged to plunder, the earth of business area splits one after another such as the gully of spider web directly, Lei Jie of startled day sobbing ghost embezzles Liu Ming, that diameter hundred meters thunder light pours into the gully one after another, penetrates the earth to the previous kilometer depth, deeply does not see the bottom. 众人刚闪掠而出,商区的大地直接裂开一道一道如蛛网的沟壑,惊天泣鬼的雷劫生生将柳明吞没,那一道一道直径百米的雷光灌入沟壑,将大地击穿到上千米深,深不见底。 In the upper formation of gully, produces covers ten thousand meters Lei Wang. 在沟壑的上层,产生笼罩万米的雷网。 The people see in Lei Wangxin with amazement, to wipe the fear also to raise in several will of the people bottoms, Lei Jie of these eight days of boundaries were really too fearful. 众人看见雷网心中骇然,一抹后怕在几人心底同时升起,这八天之境的雷劫实在是太可怕了。 Quiet azure and Shen Feng spring several people gather Fu Jun the side, seeing below incredible picture center of area to shock: Qin Shi this boy, usually in looks amiably, has not thought that works so is unexpectedly ruthless?” 幽青和沈逢春几人凑到付军的身旁,看见下方荒诞的画面心中震撼:“秦石这小子,平日里看着随和,没想到做起事来竟然这么狠?” Nods of several people in abundance approvals. 几人纷纷认可的点头。 This time, they had been shocked by Qin Shi, with the aid of directs to fall eight days of Lei Jielai to strike forcefully to kill Liu Ming, perhaps entire Chaos Domain also dared Qin Shi such to do. 这一次,他们是真的被秦石震惊了,借助强行引落八天的雷劫来击杀柳明,恐怕整个乱域也就敢秦石这么做了。 How is it?” Is looking at several brothers, Fu Jun question with rapt attention. “怎么样?”望着身旁的几个兄弟,付军凝神的问句 Several people get back one's composure slightly, shakes the head quiet blue: We are all right actually, but the following brothers were injured, I had made Ling lead them to go back a moment ago therapy, and summoned that all fog younger sworn brother children rush to the business area.” 几人微微回神,幽青摇摇头:“我们倒是没事,但下面的兄弟们受了点伤,刚才我已经让叶玲带他们回去疗伤了,并且号召起所有雾盟弟子赶往商区。” Fu Jun serious nod: Um, today's matter develops this step, it seems like was very difficult dead a natural death, asking the following disciples to be ready, will meet Lei Jie to make first move and get control from now on, official and created the world group to make war.” 付军郑重的点点头:“嗯,今日的事发展到这一步,看来是很难善终了,叫下面的弟子都做好准备,一会雷劫过后先发制人,正式和创世团开战。” Shen Fengchun eye pupil dodges the limpid, ruthless offense the sneering sentence: On and other these words, father has been able help tearing into shreds to create world group of bastards!” 沈逢春的眼眸一闪清澈,狠戾的冷笑句:“就等这句话了,老子已经忍不住要撕碎创世团这帮畜生了!” But in Shen Fengchun emerges, Fu Jun does not have relaxation of slightest, the lonely right eye narrows the eyes slightly, outside the direction toward business area looks, has several points of unobservable dignity, with dreading. 但在沈逢春兴起中,付军却没有分毫的放松,孤独的右眼微微眯起,朝着商区外的方向望去,其中带有几分难以察觉的凝重,和忌惮。 But dreaded regarding this that several people of fog pledge understand completely, that dreaded is not Xu Yan, does not create any person of world group, creation world group regimental commander but who has not made an appearance throughout: Sikong Lingnan. 而对于这份忌惮,雾盟的几人全部明白,那一份忌惮绝非是徐岩,不是创世团的任何一人,而是始终没有露面的创世团团长:司空岭南。 Another side, Xu Yan raises eyes, the cloudy and cold vision stares in the thunder clouds, Liu Ming the body already swung however to vanish, has pinched the fist: Has not thought that the matter will develop this step!” 另一方,徐岩举目,阴冷的目光在雷云上凝望,柳明的身躯早已荡然消失,捏了捏拳:“没想到,事情会发展到这一步!” Xu Yan manages, what to do does that borrow us?” “徐岩执事,那借下来我们怎么办?” Xu Yan shakes the head, flashes through several points of density: All, above early has the opportunity, so long as you complete the duty-bound matter on the line!” 徐岩摇摇头,闪过几分森然:“一切,上面都早有机会,你们只要做好自己分内的事情就行!” Bang! 轰! The vault of heaven disruption, the universe is turbulent. 天穹碎裂,乾坤动荡。 This thunder disaster has continued half double-hour, the rich and populous business area indecently, sores all over the eye, incredible desolate. 这雷劫足足持续了半个时辰,本来富庶的商区不堪入目,满目疮痍,荒诞落寞。 Goes to Lei Jiedan, Shen Fengchun sets out, he of inborn supernatural power to creating the world group is a fist: Chop suey, your Grandpa Shen wanted your assigning!” 一直到雷劫淡去,沈逢春率先起身,天生神力的他冲着创世团就是一拳:“杂碎们,你们沈爷爷来要你们的命了!” Shen Fengchun begins, two big influences fall into the fierce battle immediately, moreover contrast ratio just savage, Xu Yan curls up the hundred zhang (333m) high sandstorm directly, a sandstorm great hand strikes to Fu Jun. 沈逢春动手,两大势力马上又陷入恶战,而且照比刚刚更加的凶残,徐岩直接卷起上百丈高的风沙,一只一只风沙巨手冲着付军就拍击下去。 In the wind has the clouds, Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe in the clear sky in distant place, he has not lost concentration because of the confrontation of two sides, instead very serious is low the black pupil, eight Fang Yongkai of psychic force below ruins. 而在风起云中间,秦石在远处的晴空上裹紧黑袍,他并未因两方的交锋而分神,反而十分严肃的将黑眸低下,精神力在下方的废墟中八方涌开。 But connects, he knit the brows, among the looks has several points of astonishment. 而接连,他不由皱了皱眉,神色间带有几分惊异。 Hasn't died unexpectedly?” “竟然没死?” The black pupil of Qin Shi stares, the broken body maps Sea of Consciousness together, made his fierce pinching tightly fist, an arrow step to flush away on the good ruins. 秦石的黑眸一瞪,一道残破的身躯映入识海,令他猛的捏紧拳,一个箭步就好废墟冲去。 He falls by the ruins, at once his big foot makes an effort to tread toward the front giant stone, becomes the powder to the crush that giant stone. 他落在废墟旁,旋即他的大脚用力朝前方的巨石一踏,生生将那巨石给碾压成粉末。 The powder diverges, is the First Rank reliable metal fortress, the upper extreme of fortress full is the crack, disrupts under the impact of remaining prestige piece by piece. 粉末散去,是一层牢固的金属堡垒,堡垒的上端满是裂纹,在余威的冲击下片片碎裂。 Liu Ming partly kneels on the ground, on the forehead the bright red blood is still flowing, his puffing in gulps, body very weak. 柳明半跪在地上,额头上嫣红的鲜血还在流淌,他大口大口的喘着粗气,身子十分的虚弱。 But sees Liu Ming, what is not sole is Qin Shi, Su does not leave with the blood sorcerer and Kong Xianhui look is all startled the color to clash full. 而看见柳明,不单单的是秦石,苏不离和血巫师、孔贤慧眼神皆是被骇色冲盈。 Is Liu Ming, hasn't he died?” “是柳明,他没死?” The disciples of Fu Jun and numerous surrounding are also but actually the suction port cold air/Qi. 付军和众多围观的弟子也是倒吸口冷气。 No matter what no one can think that under that terrifying thunder disaster, Liu Ming actually can also live remnantly? Is that the how formidable will? Or is how terrifying background? 任谁也想不到,在那种恐怖的雷劫下,柳明竟然还能够残活下来?那是多么强大的毅力?或者说,是多么恐怖的底蕴 Qin Shi, kills him! Quick!” 秦石,杀死他!快!” The Kong Xianhui jade surface changes colors, the rapid tenderness drinks. 孔贤慧玉面失色,急促的娇喝。 In the Qin Shi jet black pupils the cold current four shoot, did not need Kong Xianhui saying that he also understands. 秦石漆黑的眸子间寒流四射,不用孔贤慧说他也明白。 After Lei Jie, Liu Ming has not died, what does that prove? That explained he succeeds has completed breakthrough, present Liu Ming is eight days of boundaries. 雷劫过后,柳明未死,那证明什么?那说明他成功的完成了突破,现在的柳明已经是八天之境。 Eight days of boundaries, that is the foreign country peak boundary, the topmost level in Pyramid, so long as makes him relax the moment, restores little spiritual power, perhaps those present can block nobody, even if Fu Jun is not good. 八天之境,那已经是外域巅峰的境界,金字塔的最高层,只要让他缓和片刻,恢复少许的灵力,恐怕在场的人将无人能阻,就算是付军也不行。 „Under goes to repay a debt.” “去下面还债吧。” The Qin Shi big hand shrinks, the inexhaustible strength changes into, a rough vortex takes shape rapidly, strikes to the Liu bright chest. 秦石大手一缩,无穷无尽的力量化为一点,一个粗犷的漩涡迅速成型,冲着柳明的胸膛就是一击。 Bang! 砰! Liu Ming the chest caves in directly, originally weak his body one supine, center a fist, broke his means of livelihood thoroughly, in the pore that the final vitality overflows overflows. 柳明的胸膛直接塌陷下去,本就虚弱的他身躯一仰,正中一拳,彻底断了他的活路,最后的生机四溢的毛孔中溢出。 He as if already guessed correctly that can be this result, cold and gloomy laughter: „, It seems like the heaven is doomed, must make me die today here.” 他仿佛早就猜到会是这种结果,森冷的笑声:“咳咳,看来苍天注定,要让我今日死在这里啊。” Looks at his pale appearance, Su does not leave slightly absent-minded: „Did abandoned baby, see? I revenged to you were waiting for me, how long could not want, I will accompany you, will not let your lonely one person again.” 看着他苍白的模样,苏不离微微失神:“弃儿,看见了吗?我给你报仇了等着我,要不了多久,我就会下来陪你,不会再让你孤单一人。” But has not thought that his spoken language has not fallen, Liu Ming returns to consciousness just before dying to be the same, suddenly sticks out chest, holds Su not to leave with last spiritual power. 但不曾想,他的言语未落,柳明回光返照一样,突然挺起胸膛,用最后一股灵力抓住苏不离。 Su does not leave!” “苏不离!” Qin Shi in great surprise, but what is accidental, Liu Ming has not left the move to him, but does not leave the ridicule to laugh to Su: Ha Ha, the boy, you thinks that you have killed me, can revenge to your woman? You think really that was I have killed her? Naive! I bear patiently these many years, how to make this type to expose own matter?” 秦石大惊,而意外的是,柳明并未对他出招,只是冲着苏不离讥讽大笑:“哈哈,小子,你以为你杀了我,就能给你的女人报仇了吗?你真的以为,是我杀了她吗?天真!我隐忍这么多年,岂会做出这种暴露自己的事?” I told you, I have not bumped her, moreover she has not died, but is bearing the pain that was living to might as well die in some place, Ha Ha, therefore your dying hell, you forever are unable to see her!” “我告诉你,我从来都没有碰过她,而且她根本就没有死,而是正在某个地方承受着生不如死的痛苦,哈哈,所以就算你死去地府,你也永远无法见到她!” What did you say?” “你说什么?” The look that Su does not leave changes suddenly, fierce demon air/Qi gushes out. 苏不离的神色骤然大变,一股剧烈的魔气涌出。 Qin Shi in side one startled, puts out a hand hastily: Su does not leave, you calmly!” But has not expected, has not waited for him to approach, extremely cloudy evil demon air/Qi makes a false counter-accusation, opens his palm ball, makes his heart in great surprise, he has not thought that the blood sorcerer so is unexpectedly deep to the influence that Su does not leave. 秦石在旁边一惊,连忙伸手:“苏不离,你冷静一点!”但未料,没等他接近,一股极为阴邪的魔气反噬而出,生生将他的手掌弹开,令他的心头大惊,他怎么也没想到,血巫师对苏不离的影响竟然这么深。 Finally relies on Evil Spirit Baleful Qi, suppresses Su not to leave, Qin Shi said: He intentionally in stirring up you, after making your fan mental, makes the piffle!” 最终还是凭借邪魔煞气,才压制住苏不离,秦石说道:“他是故意在激你,让你迷了心智以后做出傻事!” Right? Do you such think really? Ha Ha, you have made a mistake, has a few words you not to listen? The human will die, its word is also friendly, what I said is the truth, lets understanding that you die, should this you know?” Liu Ming fierce grinning, in the palm, a puppet reappeared. “是吗?你们真的这么以为么?哈哈,那你们就错了,有一句话难道你们没听过?人之将死,其言也善,我说的是真话,让你死的明白一点,这个你应该知道吧?”柳明狰狞的咧了咧嘴,手掌中一番,一个木偶浮现。 !! !!
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