PDL :: Volume #8

#715: With the aid of Lei Jie

Sudden that the wormhole presents, looks like to the feeling of person the space and time dislocation is the same, but dim that this wormhole appearance, the vault of heaven as if changes, a huge suction production, tows the surrounding area ten thousand meters business area completely, the continuous sandstorm walks the stone to pour into. 虫洞出现的很突然,给人的感觉就像是时空错位一样,而这虫洞一出现,天穹仿佛都变的昏暗,一股巨大的吸力产生,将方圆万米的商区全部牵引,连绵的风沙走石灌入其中。 Bang! 轰! But comet in people at present bit by bit vanishes, low-spirited in black hole. 而彗星就在众人的眼前一点一点消失,黯然在黑洞中。 Space fissure?” Among Liu Ming the shifty eyes is to also produce several points of mighty waves, but does not allow his to ponder many that the back transmits the stock cold current suddenly, making him be startled. “空间裂痕?”柳明的贼眼间也是产生几分波澜,但不容他多去思考,背后突然传来股寒流,令他一惊。 That cold current, is not very cloudy and cold, but thick killing intent actually deep bone to inter the body. 那寒流,并不是十分阴冷,但其中浓浓的杀意却深可入骨。 The soul that his fierce looking back, together and wormhole of Qin Shi front interconnection baseless and presently, Su does not leave explodes to shoot, the back is two fabricated wings. 他猛的回首,一道和秦石胸前相互连接的虫洞凭空而现,苏不离的魂魄从中爆射而出,背后是两只虚妄的羽翼。 Liu Ming, I have killed you, you give not abandoned are buried along with the dead!” “柳明,我杀了你,你去给不弃陪葬吧!” The five senses who Su does not leave gradually twist, is actually very difficult to imagine is the how deep resentment to read, can turn into this kind of ominous demon an elegant student. 苏不离的五官都渐渐扭曲,很难想象究竟是多么深的怨念,才能将一个文雅的书生变成这样一个凶魔。 His translucent soul such as ghost like demon, hoarse roared, on racket to Liu Ming. 他半透明的魂魄如鬼如魅,沙哑的咆哮一声,就拍向柳明。 Rapidness that too the matter develops, making many disciples not respond, when they realized that at the appointed time sucked the tongue, in the heart raises for several points startled to accommodate. 事情发展的太快,令许多弟子都没反应过来,等到他们察觉到时才纷纷咂舌,心中升起几分惊容。 They under the comet looked toward a moment ago that calm black robe youth, on the dim vault of heaven by wipes the sunset glow, but from the face of this youth refracts but , the people actually cannot see the sign that the slightest must decline, instead somewhat returns to consciousness just before dying, the sunset glow changes the feeling of rising sun. 不由间,他们纷纷朝刚才那个在彗星下从容的黑袍少年望去,昏暗的天穹上透过一抹晚霞,但从这少年的面庞上折射而过后,众人却看不见分毫要没落的迹象,反而有几分回光返照,晚霞变旭日的感觉。 The body of this youth has a strength, that strength probably is every morning scorching sun, full of vitality, full Han hopes. 这少年的身上有股力量,那力量就好像是每日清晨的骄阳,生机勃勃,满含希望。 Is the space shuttles back and forth? On him, has to be this degree of treasure unexpectedly?” “是空间穿梭?在他身上,竟有能达到这种程度的宝贝?” These are unimportant, what is most important, you have discovered that all probably in his plan, just free under comet, were not anybody can achieve, was that the big courage?” “这些不重要,最重要的是,你们发现了没有,一切好像都在他的计划中,刚刚在彗星下的自若,可不是任何人都能够做到的啊,那是多大的胆魄?” Yes, on martial arts of nine summits, approach for one point to mix with a partial pressure every time, but can be assuming the post cloud woolpack Shu, being without turning a hair how many can have? 是啊,上九巅的武学,每临近一分都夹杂一分压力,而能够从中做到任云卷云舒,面不改色的能有几个? Qin Shi, absolutely is one. 秦石,绝对算一个。 Kong Xianhui phoenix eye in side slightly lax, is mixing with full gratified: I know, so long as I am willing to believe that you will then take to my unexpected miracle!” 孔贤慧的凤眼在旁边微微涣散,其中夹杂着满满的欣慰:“我就知道,只要我愿意相信,你便会带给我意想不到的奇迹!” But Su does not leave after is only a remnant soul, his killing intent is strong, the strength actually cannot achieve the anticipated effect, has not waited for him close to Liu Ming, Liu Ming to react void, stamps, that the under foot makes an effort is sideways, spouts several air waves, fast spreads out with him. 但苏不离终归只是道残魂,他的杀意再强,力量却也达不到预期的效果,没等他临近柳明,柳明已经做出反应,脚下用力的虚空一跺,一个侧身,喷出几道气浪,快速的和他拉开距离。 But connects, his strength soars to the heavens, starts the kneading together hand imprint slightly, the First Rank golden element wraps his palm, such as a giant Jin Long xiong claw, the thorn does not leave to Su. 而接连,他的力量冲天,开始微微的捏合手印,一层金色的元素包裹住他的手掌,如一尊巨大的金龙凶爪,刺向苏不离。 Boy, I can kill your one time, can kill your second time, depends on you also to revenge, when the next generation will go, your too overestimate one's capabilities!” “小子,我能杀你一次,就能够杀你第二次,就凭你也想要报仇,等到下辈子去吧,你太不自量力!” Su does not leave!” The Qin Shi black pupil shrinks. “苏不离!”秦石黑眸一缩。 Was good because of this time, demon air/Qi of evil spirit dodged to plunder in the space fissure, a void strategy did not leave the body before Su revolves, moved out of the way in the space this Long Claw direction of attack. 好在这时,一股凶煞的魔气在空间裂痕中闪掠,一个虚空的阵法在苏不离身前运转,将这龙爪的攻击方向生生在空间中挪开。 Boy, I help you!” The blood sorcerer swinging remnant soul, the fabricated demon height reaches the hundred zhang (333m), the demon preliminary shock person heartstrings of devils: Broken spatial Long Hou!” “小子,我来助你!”血巫师摆动残魂,虚妄的魔身高达百丈,那凶神恶煞的魔首震人心弦:“碎空龙吼!” Half vault of heaven, direct smashing. 半步天穹,直接粉碎。 Bang! 砰! Attack command Liu Ming of coming in great surprise, wields the back metal wing hastily, explodes cancels an agreement hundred meters distance, when he leaves, wipes the vague strength to revolve quietly, leaves behind several naked eye rare golden color metal balls from the front space. 突然而来的攻击令柳明大惊,连忙挥动背后的金属羽翼,爆退约百米距离,而在他抽身之余,一抹隐晦的力量悄然运转,从前方的空间中留下数道肉眼罕见的金色金属球。 Realized that this metal ball Qin Shi knit the brows, roars suddenly lowly: „Before clipping on, there is an ambush!” 察觉到这金属球秦石皱了皱眉,猛然低吼:“别上前,有埋伏!” But he said late, the blood sorcerer and Su did not leave want to make use the pursuit, but has planted Liu Ming plotting, they just went forward dozens meters, in Liu Ming the shifty eyes Wen Yunjing, said with a smile evilly: Said goodbye!” 但他还是说晚了,血巫师和苏不离都想趁势追击,而偏偏种了柳明的暗算,两人刚上前数十米,柳明的贼眼中温韵精芒,邪笑道:“再见了!” Metal storm!” “金属风暴!” Hundreds of metal balls buzz under flash, at the same time has the billowing surfing, demolition under one after another embezzles them loudly. 数以百计的金属球嗡下闪动,同一时间产生滚滚的冲浪,一个接一个的爆破下轰然将两人吞没。 Blood sorcerer! Su does not leave!” Qin Shi shrinks in the rear pupil. “血巫师!苏不离!”秦石在后方瞳仁一缩。 Kid, leaves is so anxious, I such easily will not die in this!” But under rug -type metal explosion, a fabricated space splits fast. “小家伙,别那么焦急,我可不会这么轻易死在这!”而在地毯式的金属爆炸下,一个虚妄的空间快速裂开。 Broken spatial imperial shield!” “碎空御盾!” The evil clutches of blood sorcerer wield dozens, launches the number in the front by the space openings of ten ideas, holds nearby Su not to leave hides away, this is exempts has died. 血巫师的魔爪挥动数十下,在面前展开数以十计的空间裂口,抓住旁边的苏不离隐遁其中,这才算是免过一死。 But for all this, the wild with rage remaining prestige was still labor pain his back of the body, the soul of blood sorcerer changed slightly faint, partly visible. 但尽管如此,狂怒的余威仍是阵痛他的后心,血巫师的灵魂变的微微淡漠,若隐若现。 Qin Shi sinks in the rear moral nature, framing Liu Ming who the black pupil withers. 秦石在后方心底一沉,黑眸肃杀的定格柳明。 He discovered that he looks down on this willow tree to understand , the plans and city of palace this person deeply does not see the bottom, he still remembers that now initially when just entered Chaos Domain, Liu Ming the tendency to domineer and overbearing that in the surrounding shows, this thinks that is a rampant unimportant person, has not thought that all are he intentionally. 他发现他真的小瞧这个柳明了,此人的心机和城府深不见底,他现在还记得当初刚入乱域,柳明在外围时彰显出来的跋扈与霸道,本以为是个嚣张的小人物,没想到一切都是他故意的。 Show the enemy to weakly, he is a winner. 示敌以弱,他才是赢家。 Bang! 砰! Strikes inadequately, Liu Ming the surging waves slightly step, wipes god seal to expose in the palm, such as the great hibernation of insects of tumbling plunges the blood sorcerer they. 一击不成,柳明凌波微步,一抹神印暴露在掌心,如翻滚的巨蛰扑向血巫师两人。 Blood sorcerer demon eye stares, the evil clutches resist fast. 血巫师魔眼一瞪,魔爪快速抵挡。 But was a pity very much that the blood sorcerer is also only the soul, moreover is his fleshly body is in good health, the most prosperous time he also five days of boundaries, here is not Scarlet Flame Empire that small place, can his able to move unhindered world, here five days of boundaries rub hands to result , is not very pleasant, he is the past the season grasshopper, cannot turn the big mighty waves. 但很可惜,血巫师也只是魂魄,而且就算是他肉身健在,最鼎盛的时期他也不过才五天之境,这里可不是赤炎帝国那种小地方,能够任由他纵横天下,在这里五天之境搓手可得,根本不够入眼,他已经是过季的蚂蚱了,翻不起多大的波澜。 Qin Shi, he now is not a match. 就连秦石,他现在也不是对手。 Very is actually tenacious, but this time finished!” Liu Ming three translations, the void appearance does not leave in Su behind, golden great hand broken wind of hundred zhang (333m) grasps. “倒是挺顽强,但这次结束了!”柳明三步平移,虚空的出现在苏不离身后,一尊百丈的金色巨手破风抓下。 In great under the hands / subordinates, Su does not leave look Ai Jue, but that sorrow renounced because of fearing the death reappears, because must abandoned revenge to Su, his unwillingness. 在巨手下,苏不离眼神哀决,但那份哀决绝不是因惧怕死亡而浮现,而是因为未能给苏不弃报仇,他的不甘。 Pagoda normalizing!” “佛塔归一!” But has not waited for the great hand to fall, Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe to go forward. 但没等巨手落下,秦石裹紧黑袍已经上前。 Bang! 砰! The shining pagoda rapid rotation, thorn to the great hand, under dashing of two big strengths, the business area splits an abyss rift valley directly. 金灿灿的佛塔快速旋转,刺向巨手,两大力量的冲撞下,商区直接裂开一个深渊般的裂谷。 Bang! 轰隆! But follows the rift valley to split, Qin Shi bang was repelled, the tigers mouth was shattered directly, the strengths of seven days of summits were too strong, is not seven days of Late Stage can look disdainfully completely. 而伴随裂谷裂开,秦石轰的被击退,虎口直接被震裂,七天之巅的力量太强了,完全不是七天后期能够睥睨。 No?” Qin Shi clenches teeth slightly. “不行吗?”秦石微微咬牙。 Qin Shi, attacks his Lei Jie to print!” But while Qin Shi is anxious, elusive sending greetings wells up together, made his being out of sorts slightly. 秦石,攻击他的雷劫印!”但正当秦石焦躁,一道空灵的传音涌来,令他微微的失神。 Lei Jieyin?” “雷劫印?” Um, directs forcefully his Lei Jie, he had just consumed many spiritual power, Lei Jie who is impossible to resist the next eight days of boundaries!” The Kong Xianhui hurried tenderness breathes heavily. “嗯,强行将他的雷劫引下,他刚刚消耗了不少灵力,不可能抵挡下八天之境的雷劫!”孔贤慧急忙的娇喘。 The Qin Shi black pupil concentrates, suddenly. 秦石黑眸一凝,不由恍然。 Connects him to move out of the way fast several steps, Kong Xianhui said truly is means. 接连他快速挪开几步,孔贤慧说的确实是个办法。 But happen to now is an opportunity, after Liu Ming repels Qin Shi, has not managed him, the Royal Court Su wholeheartedly is not leaving approaches, the palm of galloping such as punctures the (spear|gun) to be common, a point pierces. 而正好现在就是个机会,柳明击退秦石后并未理他,正全心全意的朝苏不离逼近,奔腾的掌心如刺枪一般,一点洞穿。 While this opportunity, Qin Shi grips to explode the flame bead, passes on the tone channel: Blood sorcerer, uses the strength of space, the position that does not leave with Su exchanges me!” 趁此机会,秦石握住爆炎珠,传音道:“血巫师,动用空间之力,将我和苏不离的位置调换一下!” Um?” The blood sorcerer is slightly puzzled. “嗯?”血巫师微微不解。 Quickly, is now!” Sees Liu Ming the attack, only then square inch, Qin Shi explodes drinks. “快一点,就是现在!”眼看着柳明的攻击只有方寸,秦石爆喝。 Rare Qin Shi this, the blood sorcerer has not dared to ask that the fabricated demon body blocks from the half vault of heaven, the rapid about evil clutches fast analysis and synthesis, Su does not leave with the body of Qin Shi simultaneously glitters, at once a strength of tearing space and time gushes out in two people. 罕见秦石这样,血巫师没敢在多问,虚妄的魔身遮住半边天穹,迅疾左右魔爪快速分合,苏不离和秦石的身上同时闪烁一下,旋即一股撕裂时空的力量在两人身上涌出。 Brat, you died!” “臭小子,你死定了!” One meter, half meter, Liu Ming the fang reveals the lip angle, wipes such as the wild animal reveals fiercely without doubt. 一米,半米,柳明獠牙都露出唇角,一抹如野兽的狰狞袒露无疑。 ! 咻! But at this moment, his front space trembles slightly, Qin Shi only feels the present picture in a flash, appearance baseless does not leave the beforehand position in Su, but Su did not leave already move by the blood sorcerer. 而就在这时,他面前的空间微微一颤,秦石只感眼前的画面一晃,凭空的出现在苏不离之前的位置,而苏不离早就被血巫师挪走。 The appearance of Qin Shi made Liu Mingxian is one startled, one after another item of color ruthless offense: Brat, do you also want to go bad my good deed? You bring death, I first help you!” 秦石的出现令柳明先是一惊,接连目色狠戾:“臭小子,你还想坏我好事?那你来送死,我就先成全你!” The Qin Shi black pupil concentrates, unwavebering falls on the Liu bright forehead. 秦石黑眸一凝,死死落在柳明的眉心。 Brings death? No, I am deliver you dead.” Qin Shi seizes the opportunity, welcomed offensive under Liu Ming the straight bang to raise the left hand, two different strengths gathered in a point, rose to puncture. “送死吗?不,我是来送你去死的。”秦石抓住时机,就迎着柳明笔直轰下的攻势举起左手,两股不同的力量汇聚一点,上扬刺下。 His movement alarms many disciples, countless people are out of sorts slightly. 他的动作惊动不少弟子,无数人微微失神。 What does he want to make? Fight in which both sides perish?” “他要做什么?鱼死网破吗?” Liu Ming the attack falls, the golden referring to (spear|gun) hits the left shoulder of Qin Shi fiercely, Qin Shi stuffy snort, clenching teeth of making an effort: Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique!” 柳明的攻击率先落下,金色的指枪击中秦石的左肩,秦石猛的闷哼一声,使劲的咬了咬牙:“星陨霸体决!” The scales multiply, he makes the movement that unexpectedly makes the people shock, backhands to hold Liu Ming the arm, the under foot stamps, tidal current of warming up such as Jiang Hong Penchu, faces forward to pick up him fiercely. 鳞甲滋生,他竟做出个让众人大跌眼镜的动作,反手一把抓住柳明的手臂,脚下一跺,一股温热的潮流如江洪喷出,将他猛的朝前托起。 Broken!” “破!” Immediately, Qin Shi left hand on thorn to Liu bright forehead. 当即,秦石左手就刺向柳明的眉心。 „Does brat, want to trade the life with me by the life?” Under the incisive grating cold wind, Liu Ming feels the force the sense of crisis rapidly to close up toward him, will wipe startled allows not to dare to hesitate from now on, will explode hastily draws back. “臭小子,想要和我以命换命?”尖锐刺耳的冷风下,柳明感受到强迫的危机感迅速朝他靠拢,一抹惊容过后不敢犹豫,连忙爆退。 In striking distance, only then the iotas, he shaking forcefully opens the hand of Qin Shi, spreads out with Qin Shi, after withdrawing several hundred meters, breathed heavily continuously several thick air/Qi, looks angrily at Qin Shi: Snort, the brat, on your working as, has had almost saying that your skill is not but actually small, but I will not give your second opportunity again and again!” 就在攻击距离只有分毫间,他才强行的震开秦石的手,和秦石拉开距离,退后数百米后连续的喘了几口粗气,怒视秦石:“哼,臭小子,差一点就上了你的当,不得不说你的本事倒不小,但我绝不会再再给你第二次机会!” „The second opportunity?” But has not thought that Qin Shi is treading void, unexpectedly relaxed binding tightly black robe, shakes the head to smile the sentence: I think that I have not needed the second time.” “第二次机会吗?”但未曾想到,秦石踏着虚空,竟轻松的裹紧黑袍,摇摇头笑句:“我想我已经不需要第二次了。” Um?” Liu Ming knit the brows, cold Dao: What meaning is your this saying?” “嗯?”柳明皱了皱眉,冷道:“你这话是什么意思?” The superficial smiling face raises, Qin Shi has not opened the mouth, is only the holding up left hand slightly, alone has wiped own forehead, has referred at once to Liu Ming the forehead. 浅淡的笑容扬起,秦石没有开口,只是微微的举起左手,独自抹了抹自己的额头,旋即又指了指柳明的眉宇。 This marvelous movement made Liu Ming puzzled, studies Qin Shi to rub in own foreheads, but when he pointed at moved the forehead, fierce staring. 这奇妙的动作让柳明不解,学着秦石揉了揉自己的眉宇间,而就在他手指触碰到眉心时,猛的瞪眼。 At once, his stunned supineness begins. 旋即,他错愕的仰起头去。 Ka! Cha! 咔嚓! Gigantic business area is dim gradually, the First Rank First Rank boundless thunder clouds take him to gather in the vault of heaven as the center of circle rapidly, the pink clouds camouflage of toward evening, rough such as Ben Lei of big dragon will tumble unceasingly, the lightning is thunderous. 硕大的商区逐渐昏暗,一层一层磅礴的雷云迅速以他为圆心在苍穹上汇聚,将黄昏时分的彩霞遮蔽,粗犷如巨龙的奔雷不断从中翻滚,闪电雷鸣。 !! !!
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