PDL :: Volume #8

#714: Fights Liu Ming

One foreign country for three years launch in the business area from the unprecedented war, or have constrained for a long time, are long-premeditated, is a fate. 一场外域三年来从未有的大战在商区展开,或者说是压抑了许久,也是蓄谋已久,是一场宿命。 The fog pledge, creates the world group, finally was in the situation of being in sharp opposition. 雾盟,创世团,终于到了针锋相对的地步。 Therefore collides in Fu Jun and Xu Yan strikes, the disciple of that two side at daggers drawn then also erupts, Shen Fengchun was already created the world group to enrage, precipitates in moral nature for a long time anger such as Jiang Hong Fanlan, the wild with rage fist wields unceasingly, every time will shake the fist to claim the life that will create the world group disciples surely. 所以在付军和徐岩碰撞一击,那两方剑拔弩张的弟子便同时爆发,沈逢春早就被创世团激怒,沉淀在心底许久的怒火如江洪泛滥,狂怒的拳头不断挥出,每一次挥拳必定会带走一名创世团弟子的生命。 Since makes war, that do not remain!” “既然开战,那就别留守了!” Quiet azure will obstruct surface bamboo hat to put down slightly, covers up his green long hair, but when initiating dissipation, his aura as if also disappears, whole person very strange, such as the ghosts and demons walk randomly in the business area. 幽青将遮面的斗笠微微放下,遮掩去他那青色的长发,而在发起消散时,他的气息仿佛也不见了,整个人十分的诡异,如鬼魅般游走在商区。 Dunhuang calculates to be better, he excels at the defense, therefore does not have quiet azure, Shen Fengchun such to make widely known, but a tortoise shell protects on the body to puncture Armor, creation world group disciple who as long as gets rid to contest to him, all intense instead shakes to injure, is killed violently. 敦煌算好一些,他擅长于防御,所以没有幽青、沈逢春那样张扬,但一身龟壳护体上带有刺甲,但凡是向他出手过招的创世团弟子,皆是被强烈的反震所伤,毙命。 The business area degenerates into the battlefield thoroughly, the innumerable disciples are in abundance terrified. 商区彻底沦为战场,无数弟子纷纷悚然。 Two sides mass-criticize, Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe in upper air, the profound look is slightly dignified, the matter develops this situation, has been above his anticipated and imagination. 两方炮轰,秦石在高空上裹紧黑袍,深邃的眼神微微凝重,事情发展到这个地步,已经超乎他的预期和想象。 Xu Yan controls the blown sand to walk stone, shells unceasingly to Fu Jun. 徐岩操控着飞沙走石,不断轰击向付军。 Their confrontation should be most intense, after is two big seven days of peak expert, every time gets rid daringly, shakes the vault of heaven, moves the universe. 两人的交锋应该是最激烈的,毕竟是两大七天巅峰高手,每一次出手都气吞山河,震天穹,动乾坤。 Does not want such early to make war with you, since you not in calm and steady, that today makes us make to mediate.” Xu Yan grasps void, a sand palm of blocking the sky howls under. “本来不想和你们这么早开战,不过既然你们不在安稳,那今日就让我们做个了断吧。”徐岩虚空一握,一个遮天蔽日的沙掌呼啸而下。 Bang! 轰! Fu Junyu the fire lives, in the surrounding hundred meters was surrounded by the raging fire, the moment raging fire that the sand palm drops gathers in a point, such as an incisive dagger pierces it. 付军浴火而生,周围百米内被烈火包围,沙掌落下的片刻烈火汇聚一点,如一把尖锐的匕首将其刺穿。 But the sandstorm falls from the sky, Xu Yan rock rise, the natural moat horst, such as Longji is continuously same, before he rushes, a fist strike to Fu Jun. 而风沙陨落,徐岩脚下的岩石上升,天堑地垒连绵不断,如龙脊一样,他冲上前,一拳击向付军。 This fist is very heavy, but pays the armed forces moment in the distance, in Fu Jun the cyclopias the twinkle ray, sprays the dazzling flame unexpectedly. 这一拳很重,而就在距离付军片刻,付军的独眼间闪烁光芒,竟喷射出刺目的火焰。 Burns to burn the sacrifice!” “灼眼焚祭!” Xu Yanmeng moves out of the way one step toward the left, this lucky shunting flame, resentfully smiles: Fog pledge greatly burns to burn the sacrifice, was still that sharp, but was a pity that only remained the one-eyed, otherwise just should be able the severe wound I.” 徐岩猛的朝左侧挪开一步,这才侥幸的躲开火焰,悻悻一笑:“雾盟大当家的灼眼焚祭,仍是那么犀利啊,只是可惜只剩独眼,否则刚刚应该就能重伤我了。” Few idle talk, do not make to mediate?” Pays the armed forces cold and gloomy snort. “少废话,不是要做个了断吗?”付军森冷的哼了哼。 Xu Yan nods, has curious question: I am very curious, you calm and steady entire three years, in the three years how, regardless of creates the world group to exert pressure, bearing patiently that you can be indifferent to personal gains and losses, why appears after this boy, did you change the nature?” 徐岩点点头,带有好奇的问句:“不过我很好奇,你安稳了整整三年,这三年中无论创世团怎样施压,你都能够宠辱不惊的隐忍,为何从这小子出现以后,你就变了性呢?” No matter your matter!” “那不管你的事!” No matter truly my matter, but you think that you block me, can rescue the life of that boy? Liu Ming made me surprised actually, in creating the world group bore patiently these many years not to be easy, that boy in his hand must die without doubt.” Xu Yan palm opens and closes, Juntto has three giant stones, such as Mount Tai crush to Fu Jun. “确实不管我的事,但你以为你拦住我,就能够救那小子的命吗?柳明倒是让我惊讶了,在创世团隐忍了这么多年不容易,在他的手上那小子必死无疑。”徐岩掌心开合,沙云托起三块巨石,如泰山般碾压向付军。 Pays the armed forces to launch palace error, the rough hot arm wields loudly, a fist shoots down the smashing three giant stones: He he, that does not use ** heart, I, so long as stopped you to be good!” 付军展开宫阙,粗犷的火臂轰然挥出,一拳将三块巨石击落成粉碎:“呵呵,那就不用**心了,我只要阻拦住你就行了!” Snort, thinks oneself infallible!” Xu Yan complexion changes, under foot void treads, the earth of half business area slightly trembles: You try, looked that can the group block me!” “哼,自以为是!”徐岩面色一变,脚下虚空的一踏,半个商区的大地都微微一颤:“那你就试一试,看能组拦下我吗!” Bang! 轰! Startled day demolition inspires once more. 惊天的爆破再次引动。 The business area like the ruins, is dim, but another side that the vault of heaven changes, in everywhere spark, Liu Ming the fierce voice such as Long recited resounds through, tympanum of stabbing pain Qin Shi: Brat, was one's turn us!” 商区如废墟,天穹都变的昏暗下来,而另一方,漫天的星火中,柳明狰狞的声音如龙吟响彻,刺痛秦石的耳鼓:“臭小子,轮到我们了!” Qin Shi has pinched the fist, looks below battlefield slightly with rapt attention: Yes, big brother Fu, for I have achieved this step, this war looks like I can only win, cannot defeat.” 秦石捏了捏拳,看着下方的战场微微凝神:“是啊,付大哥为了我已经做到这一步,这一战看来我只能胜,不能败啊。” Drinks, the tone is not small, that makes me take a look, how you win, to do not kneel to ask me finally, I will not let off your!” Laughing wildly that Liu Ming ridiculed, but connected his stride to go forward, every step seemed like slow, actually among cloud penetrations date, remnant movie piece. “喝,口气不小,那就让我瞧瞧,你是怎么赢的,别到最后跪下来求我,我是不会放过你的!”柳明讥讽的狂笑,而接连他大步上前,每一步都看似缓慢,却穿云间日,残影片片。 Gold (spear|gun) explodes shoots!” “金枪爆射!” On the vault of heaven gathers the fierce diamond dust suddenly, a fabricated thousand zhang (3.33 m) long spear condenses, on spear head like tiger's roar tearing space, thorn to Qin Shi. 天穹上突然汇聚起狂烈的金粉,一把虚妄的千丈长枪凝聚,枪头上如虎啸般的撕裂空间,刺向秦石 The Qin Shi eyeground sinks slightly: Metallicity?” 秦石眼底微微一沉:“金属性?” This attribute, he little sees, perhaps is because he is the thunder attribute, is the metallicity derivation attribute, to this five lines is the attribute taking along difference of head. 这个属性,他很少见到,或许是因为他是雷属性,是金属性的衍生属性,对这个五行中为首的属性捎带异样。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” [gold/metal] Qiangru the shuttle, Qin Shi treadons Ben Lei withdrawing hastily, a tedious hand imprint kneads together one after another rapidly, puff the quiet fire ignition air one after another, is shining. 金枪如梭,秦石脚踏奔雷的连忙退后,接连一个繁琐的手印迅速捏合,噗一声一声的幽火点燃空气,金光四射。 Facing seven days of summits, Qin Shi felt that unprecedented is stern and oppression, this degree makes him not dare to have any retention. 面对七天之巅,秦石感到前所未有的严峻和压迫,这个程度让他不敢有任何保留。 Bang! 轰! [gold/metal] Qiang and golden light Buddhist relics move directly, just like explodes billowing Baleful Qi on the vault of heaven. 金枪和金光舍利正面触碰,俨然在天穹上爆裂出滚滚煞气 Cloud layer tearing. 云层撕裂。 Qin Shi seizes the opportunity, the bolt from the blue faces forward to search generally, two slender big hands find out the sleeve robe, simultaneously forms the vortex that two different strengths compose. 秦石抓住机会,晴天霹雳一般朝前一探,两只修长的大手探出袖袍,同时形成两股不同力量组成的漩涡。 Left hand spiritual power, right hand psychic force. 左手灵力,右手精神力。 Tun Tian Long Yin!” 吞天龙吟!” 500 Capsicum anomalum 22 unions, the mark on Capsicum anomalum wind very clearly, to human a primitive beastly nature. 500龙珠22结合,在龙珠上的纹络十分清晰,给人一种原始的兽性。 Oh? two strength fusions? A little meaning!” Liu Ming is startled slightly, at once his clothes flutter, the consecutively several void steps, each steps his finger will move from now on gently, when he stops the body, a nameless strategy revolves. 哦?两种力量融合?有一点意思!”柳明微微吃惊,旋即他青衫飘动,连续几个虚空踏步,每一次踏步过后他的手指都会轻轻撩动,待他停下身时,一个无名阵法运转。 Six glow Venus!” “六芒金星阵!” The halo complements one another, the innumerable six glow stars connect rapidly, such as a deity paint brush outlined general, each gold thread connection will then pass through a Capsicum anomalum, Capsicum anomalum springing that sped away, stopped suddenly. 光晕相辅相成,无数个六芒星迅速连接,如一把天神画笔勾勒一般,每一道金线连接便会将一颗龙珠贯穿,本来疾驰的龙珠弹动一下,戛然而止。 Liu Ming the five fingers vibrate, gold threads twist under the air, eye in six glow Venus such as being a go-between puppet, starts to transfer toward the surroundings instantaneously. 柳明五指抖动,一根根金丝在空气下扭曲,六芒金星阵上的阵眼如牵线木偶,瞬间开始朝周围挪移。 This gold thread is very sharp, including space foot tearing. 这金丝十分锋利,连空间都足矣撕裂。 Qin Shi!” The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is light, white hands cover the quiet profound left deviation, wants to go forward to assist. 秦石!”孔贤慧黛眉轻蹙,玉手捂住幽玄左倾,就欲上前相助。 Do not come!” But has not waited for her to act, the Qin Shi big hand wields, an invisible air wave shakes her draws back: Do not annoy to me troublesome, looks in the nearby!” “别过来!”而没等她动作,秦石大手一挥,一股无形的气浪将她震退:“别给我惹麻烦,在边上看着!” Kong Xianhui phoenix eye secret grudge, was worried that actually does not dare to go forward rashly, for fear that one stimulates Qin Shi, the charm in anger of stamping the feet: Knows fool who shows off power!” 孔贤慧凤眼幽怨,担心中却又不敢冒然上前,生怕一下刺激到秦石,跺脚的娇嗔:“就知道逞强的傻子!” Shows off power?” Qin Shi forced smile, these time probably truly a little, but does not have the means that the matter to this step, he had not expected, but since so, that only has been able to face. “逞强吗?”秦石苦笑,这一次好像确实有一点了,不过没有办法啊,事情到了这一步,他也万万没有料到,但既然已经如此,那就只能面对了。 But he does not make Kong Xianhui get rid, this point said that he showed off power is really unfair to him, if concerned about the Kong Xianhui status, he did not look forward to Kong Xianhui to get rid to kill Liu Ming, poured to save troublesome. 但他不让孔贤慧出手,这一点说他逞强真是冤枉他了,如果不是碍于孔贤慧的身份,他巴不得孔贤慧出手杀死柳明,倒省了麻烦。 But the issue is, if the Kong Xianhui exposition, that will certainly alarm Chaos Domain, when the time comes in the territory must in several territory boundary big energies, he cry not to have the place to cry. 但问题是,如果孔贤慧暴露,那一定会惊动乱域,到时候内域要在来几个域境大能,他连哭都没地方哭。 Compared with that group of old monsters in territory, Qin Shi thought that Liu Minghao copes. 和内域的那群老妖怪相比,秦石觉得还是柳明好对付一些。 Qin Shi, was I implicates you.” 秦石,是我连累你了。” The soul that Su does not leave is low in side, has several points of apology. 苏不离的魂魄在旁边低迷,带有几分歉意。 Qin Shi shakes the head: I choose to help you, is my matter, therefore does not have anything to implicate, first solved this Liu Mingzai to say together.” 秦石摇摇头:“我选择帮你,是我自己的事,所以没什么连累不连累,先一起解决了这柳明再说吧。” The word, he will explode the flame bead to offer a sacrifice to: Blood sorcerer, meets you not to leave the same place with Su, I from tow Liu Ming directly, creates the opportunity to you, you come through the strength of space, does not leave Su sends, sneak attacks him.” 言罢,他将爆炎珠祭出:“血巫师,一会你和苏不离一起,我从正面牵引住柳明,给你们制造机会,你来通过空间之力,将苏不离送去,偷袭他。” Knew.” “知道了。” Blood sorcerer extraordinary has not contradicted with Qin Shi. 血巫师出奇的没和秦石顶撞。 The chest of Qin Shi fluctuates slightly, puts out foul air, black pupil expansion. 秦石的胸口微微起伏,将一口浊气吐出,黑眸扩张。 Really three spirits decide the universe!” “真・三魂定乾坤!” The black robe makes noise in the wind cool and refreshingly, his rapid after moves, a giant vortex ties reappears in his front, three strange quiet hot tuck dive beat, a supporting-heaven pillar support world, the place above is carving Long Wen, penetration of bang to Liu Ming. 黑袍在风中泠泠作响,他迅速的朝后挪动,一个巨大的漩涡结界在他胸前浮现,三道诡异的幽火翻腾跳动,一根擎天柱支撑天地,上方刻着龙纹,轰的贯穿向柳明。 Supporting-heaven pillar, Liu Ming shifty eyes expansion: This is Fu Mo the meeting to high spiritual martial arts? The brat, how can you?” 擎天柱一出,柳明的贼眼扩张:“这是符魔会的至高精神武学?臭小子,你怎么会?” Surprised , is not only he, Fu Jun and quiet azure and other fog pledge people complexions change, Fu Jun the corners of the mouth even affect several: Is the three spirits decides the universe?” 惊讶的不光是他,付军和幽青等雾盟众人脸色一变,付军的嘴角甚至都为之牵动几下:“是三魂定乾坤?” Bang! 轰! Liu Ming is out of sorts slightly, the beforehand contempt restrains finally, wipes the unprecedented murderous intention to glitter under the eye socket: This boy is really uncommon, these time offended in the territory, I must write off him, otherwise was equal to that kept a grave to oneself, sooner or later will be a trouble!” 柳明微微失神,之前的轻视终是收敛,一抹前所未有的杀机在眼眶下闪烁:“这小子果然不凡,这一次就算是得罪了内域,我也一定要将他抹杀,否则就等于给自己留了个坟地,早晚是个麻烦!” Bang! 轰! The word, his five fingers are curving, perform obviously an ominous strength, at once he executes to launch the golden palace error armor, most noticeable in his back one pair such as machine Armor metal wing, effort fans, his speed suddenly to increase. 言罢,他五指弯曲,尽显一股凶力,旋即他施展开金色的宫阙铠甲,最引人注目的就是在他背后一双如机甲的金属羽翼,用力的扇动一下,他速度暴增。 Comet broken date!” “彗星破日!” Goes forward hundred meters, flees in all directions to wipe the golden asterism in the position of his fingertip, a comet is dragging the breaking through cloud layer of star tail unexpectedly, violent and supporting-heaven pillar collides one group. 上前百米,在他指尖的位置流窜过一抹金色的星芒,一颗彗星竟拖着星尾的冲破云层,猛烈的和擎天柱碰撞一团。 Bang! 轰隆! Dragon lamine laminae level ecdysis that on the supporting-heaven pillar carves, by comet altogether to central tearing, among the golden asterism also has several points to sprint, is opens out the cloud layer to be ordinary likely. 擎天柱上雕刻的龙纹层层蜕皮,被彗星一股脑的冲中央撕裂,金色的星芒间还带有几分冲刺,像是拨开云层一般。 The people are startled slightly. 众人微微一惊。 martial arts of good force, this is Top-Grade 9-Step peak martial arts: Comet broken date?” Countless person deep suction port cold air/Qi, made these in those days in the foreign country put on a high and mighty act, thinks the disciples heart hair that had fought many battles was cold. “好强迫的武学,这是上乘九阶巅峰武学:彗星破日?”无数人深吸口冷气,让这些往日在外域趾高气昂,自以为身经百战的弟子们都心头发寒。 This martial arts, was too formidable. 武学,实在太强大了。 What is this boy making? Unexpectedly also in? Can wait for death?” But has not subsided because of frightened of martial arts, the heart of people trembles. “这小子在做什么?竟然还愣在呢?难道要等死吗?”而因武学的惊悚尚未平息,众人的心头一颤。 Sees only Qin Shi to tread the breeze, in the foreheads is passing lightly delicate, in front of comet that in came from out of the blue, unexpectedly as stable as the rock of Gibraltar does not hide does not dodge, aloof? 只见秦石踏着微风,眉宇间透着淡淡清秀,在破空而来的彗星面前,竟然稳如泰山的不躲不闪,无动于衷? But brings when him is a focus of public attention, Liu Ming also slightly does is surprised, his black pupil dodges cunningly, the five fingers open under the sleeve robe rapidly: Blood sorcerer, is now!” 而在他引来万众瞩目,柳明也是稍作惊讶时,他的黑眸一闪狡黠,五指在袖袍下迅速翻开:“血巫师,就是现在!” Bang! 轰! A grating tearing sound pierces the tympanum of people, but in the people everywhere startled accommodate, the chest of Qin Shi explodes suddenly shoots the corrosion the black glow, tears a giant wormhole the space. 一声刺耳的撕裂声刺穿众人的耳鼓,而就在众人满目惊容中,秦石的胸膛突然爆射腐蚀的黑芒,将空间撕裂成一个巨大的虫洞。 !! !!
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