PDL :: Volume #8

#713: Liu Ming city palace

Is this student, not just Su does not leave? 这书生,不正是苏不离? The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is light, quickly awakens. 孔贤慧黛眉轻蹙,幡然醒悟。 At first she is curious, Qin Shi and Liu Ming should not have the gratitude and grudges to be right, how to kill Liu Mingwei to antagonize people suddenly? But now sees Su not to leave, she understood. 开始她还好奇,秦石和柳明应该没有恩怨才对,怎么会突然想要杀死柳明为自己树敌呢?但现在看见苏不离,她就都明白了。 Su does not leave, although is not very charming, but long person who exceptionally is delicate, lets see his records very much unforgettablily, the pupil color that especially he has made up mind delicately, directs the human. 苏不离虽然不是很帅气,但长的却异常清秀,让见过他的人很难忘记,特别是他柔弱而决意的眸色,十分引人。 „Haven't you died unexpectedly?” “你竟然没死?” Sees this student, Liu Ming the shifty eyes to appear startles the color, understood anything instantaneously, at once he pours is also decisive, after having nipped under jaw, stands up from failure flies to escape toward the distant place on the desire. 看见这书生,柳明的贼眼惊现骇色,也瞬间明白了什么,旋即他倒也是果断,咬了下牙关后翻身就欲朝远处飞遁。 „To run? It is not easy!” “想跑?没那么容易!” The Qin Shi corner of the eye sinks, wipes the stern countenance to blow out, he already complied with Su not to leave kills with one's own hand Liu Ming, at this moment he waited for a long time. 秦石眼角一沉,一抹厉色爆出,他早就答应苏不离手刃柳明,这一刻他已经等待许久了。 Often thinks that Su does not leave with the Su not abandoned story, he bristles with anger. 每每想到苏不离与苏不弃的故事,他就怒发冲冠。 ! 咻! Ben Lei dodges on his foot, an arrow step then tears to pieces the horizon, reappears in Liu bright, blocks his escape route. 奔雷在他脚上一闪,一个箭步便撕破天际,浮现在柳明的身后,将他的退路拦下。 Qin Shi, you leave go too far, kill two to create the world group to be effective, this charge you cannot withstand!” The heart that Liu Minglian resists does not have, only hopes that can by creating the world group compels to draw back Qin Shi. 秦石,你别太过分,杀死两名创世团管事,这种罪名你承受不起!”柳明连抵抗的心都没有,只希望能靠创世团逼退秦石 He has not thought from beginning to end and Qin Shi does right, he still remembers that the day raises to his threat. 他从始至终就没想过和秦石做对,他还记得天扬对他的威胁。 Oh? he he, gets rid to Jane Zhun from me you should understand that actually I do not dread this so-called creation world group.” Qin Shi cold and gloomy shaking the head, in the five fingers makes an effort slightly, the palm strength on quenching god Dharmakaya polymerization attribute, becomes an incisive Ben Lei long awl, the ominous strength punctures. 哦?呵呵,从我对简准出手的时候你就应该明白,其实我并不畏惧这个所谓的创世团。”秦石森冷的摇摇头,五指间微微用力,掌心上的淬神法身聚合属性之力,成一把尖锐的奔雷长锥,凶力刺下。 I and you spelled!” “我和你拼了!” The dog sharply also jumps the wall, life is threatened, Liu Ming could not bear, the demeanor becomes fierce many, raises hand periphery air to tremble, a palm shakes to the chest of Qin Shi. 狗急还跳墙,生命受到威胁,柳明忍不住了,声色变得狰狞不少,举手间周围的空气一颤,一掌震向秦石的胸膛。 Qin Shi does slightly surprisedly, dodges to draw back hastily several steps. 秦石稍作惊讶,连忙闪退几步。 When he explodes draws back, Liu Ming seizes the opportunity, cuts half opening on the vault of heaven rapidly, pulls closer with the Qin Shi distance suddenly, attacks once more. 而在他爆退之余,柳明抓住时机,迅速在天穹上划开半个裂口,猛然拉近和秦石的距离,再次出击。 Bang! 砰! But has not expected, the fissure of that space has not exposed, suddenly was stagnated by an exceptionally evil strength, the place carditis in Qin Shi hand beats several, Baleful Qi of exclusive ominous demon counter-attacks. 但未料,那空间的裂痕未曾展露,突然被一股异常邪恶的力量凝滞,秦石手中的地心炎跳动几下,一股专属凶魔的煞气反扑而出。 Qin Shi stared staring: Blood sorcerer?” 秦石瞪了瞪眼:“血巫师?” Will not admit mistakes about him who demon clan depth knows absolutely, got rid to save his blood sorcerer a moment ago. 对魔族深度了解的他绝对不会认错,刚才出手救他的正是血巫师。 But did not understand that is since so long the blood sorcerer to be possible never on own initiative to help him. 但不理解,这么久以来血巫师可从未主动帮过他。 Do not be surprised, I do not help you, but wants to help that boy.” The blood sorcerer voice is somewhat strange, aims at Su not to leave. “别惊讶,我不是帮你,只是想帮那个小子而已。”血巫师声音有些怪异,指向苏不离。 This explodes in flame Zhu, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, has the fellow of acting as companion with great difficulty, I do not want to make him such die.” “这爆炎珠里,伸手不见五指,好不容易有个作伴的家伙,我可不想就让他就这么死了。” Hears, Qin Shi complexion changes countenance, loses one's voice to say with a smile: No matter what, just thank you, remaining gives me.” 听闻,秦石面色动容,不由失声笑道:“不管怎样,刚刚谢谢你了,剩下的就交给我吧。” Um, preserves the life of that boy to me.” The blood sorcerer curls the lip. “嗯,给我保住那小子的命。”血巫师撇撇嘴。 Qin Shi nods, the blood sorcerer did not say that he such will also do, binds tightly sky over the black robe successor dynasty business area to move hundred meters, the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body displays rapidly, spiritual power that before consumed filled immediately. 秦石点点头,血巫师不说,他也会这么做,裹紧黑袍后朝商区上空移动百米,乱域圣灵体迅速施展,之前消耗的灵力马上填充。 Human must always pay the price for own sin, Liu Ming, the present arrived at you.” Su did not leave the contrast ratio obviously calmly once, many, perhaps was being together of blood sorcerer, on him infected several points of ominous strength unexpectedly. “人总是要为自己的罪孽付出代价,柳明,现在到你了。”苏不离照比曾经,明显冷静了不少,或许是和血巫师的相处,他身上竟然感染了几分凶力。 His soul goes forward, firmly stops up Liu Ming. 他的灵魂上前,牢牢的将柳明堵住。 But in this critical juncture, Liu Ming was not left the converging attack by Qin Shi and Su, he suddenly changes unusual calm, raises head to laugh wildly: Ha Ha, ha, you want to say that I can encounter the retribution? Ha, I told you, this was impossible, today no one want to kill me!” 而在这种危急关头,柳明被秦石、苏不离夹击,他突然间变的异常冷静,仰头狂笑:“哈哈,哈哈哈,你是想说,我要遭到报应了吗?哈哈哈,我告诉你,这不可能,今天谁也别想杀死我!” Stubborn does not work!” Qin Shi narrows the black pupil to drink sound, at once his big hand wields, a shining pagoda stands erect: Pagoda normalizing!” “顽固不灵!”秦石眯着黑眸喝声,旋即他大手一挥,一座金灿灿的佛塔矗立:“佛塔归一!” The pagoda explodes shoots, one after another will be the fluctuation without limits forever, the cloud layer was being pierced. 佛塔爆射,接连就是永无止境的波动,连带着云层都被洞穿。 Suppressed different spiritual power of strength of soul, surrounded the disciple to be startled the god fiercely, felt in Sea of Consciousness to transmit the severe pain, reinforced several points to the view of Qin Shi. 灵魂之力的压制不同灵力,围观弟子猛的怔了怔神,感觉到识海中传来剧痛,对秦石的看法又加固几分。 „Is this boy, Demonic Talisman Master?” “这小子,是符魔师?” Um, looks at this degree, the spirit cultivates for also very high, when he and Jane Zhun fights, actually also left leeway the card in a hand?” “嗯,看这程度,精神修为还非常的高,他和简准交手时,竟然还留有了底牌?” The people call out in alarm, Liu Ming was also calm, after silent a meeting, smiled: Qin Shi, your skill is not truly small, Jane Zhun is in unfavorable situation but actually also naturally in your hand, I had already reminded him, but he does not listen, but I am not he, wants to kill me depending on you, indulges in fantasy!” 众人惊呼,柳明也是凝神静气,沉默了一会后轻轻一笑:“秦石,你的本事确实不小,简准在你手上失利倒也理所应当,我早就提醒过他了,但是他不听,不过我不是他,凭你想杀我,异想天开!” His five fingers hold up, the surroundings form not to have a fabricated light beam suddenly, under the light beam interconnection form a strange disc, the disc center is the withering hurricane. 他五指举起,周围突然形成无根虚妄光柱,光柱相互连接下形成一个诡异的圆盘,圆盘中央是肃杀飓风。 Does not have absurd putting to death!” “无妄诛杀!” His five fingers check, light beam central hurricane instantaneously like grinder equally wild with rage interlocks, the shining pagoda pours into, was torn unexpectedly? 他五指一勾,光柱中央的飓风瞬间如粉碎机一样狂怒的交错一番,金灿灿的佛塔灌入其中,竟然被生生撕裂? Qin Shi fierce knitting the brows, but when his accident, one, an invisible air wave breaks through the cloud layer, the spirit pressure between world was vibrated probably, presents the ripples. 秦石猛的皱眉,而就在他意外时,一,一股无形的气浪冲破云层,天地间的灵压好像受到震动,出现涟漪。 This strength, Fu Jun and the others fierce knitting the brows. 这力量一出,付军等人猛的皱了皱眉。 Good rich spiritual power!” “好浓郁的灵力!” Qin Shi discovered that this Liu Ming strength is unexpectedly more boundless than Jane Zhun? 秦石发现,这柳明身上的力量竟比简准还要磅礴? Buzz! 嗡! Liu Ming stands erect sky over the city, his straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards distortion, forehead glitters suddenly the profound light, coils the mark that varies to raise together. 柳明矗立在城市上空,他的剑眉扭曲,眉心处突然闪烁起幽深光影,一道盘曲不一的印记升起。 Is Lei Jieyin?” “是雷劫印?” Disciples of numerous surrounding call out in alarm one. 众多围观的弟子惊呼一声。 You think really that my Liu Ming is inferior to Jane Zhun? You think my Liu Ming, can, whatever you do trample? Joke!” Liu Ming the voice is very brutal. “你们真以为,我柳明不如简准?你们真以为我柳明,就能任由你们践踏?笑话!”柳明声音十分残酷。 Sees that Lei Jieyin, the Qin Shi black pupil deep several points: „Did you hide the strength intentionally?” 看见那雷劫印,秦石的黑眸深沉几分:“你故意隐藏了实力?” This is matter that he has not expected, Liu Ming in his impression should be inferior that Jane Zhuncai is right, but looks like probably is just the opposite now. 这是他没有料到的事,在他的印象里柳明应该不如简准才对,但现在看来好像恰恰相反。 Eight heavenly thunder disaster seal, that i.e. Liu Ming cultivation for is seven days of summits, is full existence that and Fu Jun contends with, although seems like is only Late Stage and peak disparity, but actually already was the day badly left. 八天雷劫印,那就是说柳明的修为是七天之巅,是足矣和付军抗衡的存在,虽然看似只是后期巅峰的差距,但却已然是天差地别。 Qin Shi can exceed seven days of Late Stage, but is not seven days of peak matches, he is clear. 秦石能胜过七天后期,但绝不是七天巅峰的对手,他心里清楚。 Snort, discovers? I in creating the world group bear and forbear, but does not want to expose itself, I want since territory, but you compel me today, do not blame me.” Liu Ming scolds, his strength rises once again, on the vault of heaven even starts to gather the boundless thunder clouds. “哼,才发现吗?我在创世团一忍再忍,只是不想要暴露自己而已,我想要进入内域,但今日你们逼我,就别怪我了。”柳明呵斥,他的力量再度攀升,天穹上甚至开始汇聚出磅礴的雷云。 Bang! 轰! Formidable constriction howls, the numerous disciple fierce withdrawing several steps. 强大的压迫感呼啸,众多弟子猛的退后数步。 Fu Jun is also the eyeground sinks, but when he wants to set out, together asterism from out of the blue such as the meteorite crashes, fierce hits one group with him. 付军也是眼底一沉,而就在他欲要起身之际,一道破空的星芒如陨石坠落,猛的和他撞击一团。 Bang! 轰隆! The strength of this asterism is very huge, Fu Jun was compelled to draw back several steps. 这星芒的力量十分庞大,付军被生生逼退数步。 He he, is quite lively, I said how to return to create the world group, an inside person's shadow does not have, originally here?” Xu Yan wears the clothes, the hand grasps the folding fan in the asterism shows a faint smile. “呵呵,好热闹啊,我说怎么回到创世团,里面连个人影都没有,原来都在这里呢?”徐岩身穿青衫,手握折扇的在星芒中微微一笑。 Xu Yan!” “徐岩!” Pays the armed forces complexion changes, among looks is even more serious. 付军脸色一变,神色间越发严肃。 Xu Yan is also seven days of peak, the strength and pays the armed forces to be equally matched. 徐岩也是七天巅峰,力量和付军不相上下。 Quiet azure, Dunhuang, Shen Fengchun, the three rapid closes up toward Fu Jun, in the short moment field has the momentous change, the hundreds of creation world group disciples the discussing area will encircle all round. 幽青,敦煌,沈逢春,三者迅速朝付军靠拢,短短的片刻场上发生巨大变化,数以百计的创世团弟子团团将商区围剿。 The forest apricot is out of sorts from the auction of distant place slightly. 林杏从远处的拍卖会上微微失神。 The atmosphere in battlefield is getting more and more tight, the smell of gunpowder is rich. 战场上的气氛越来越紧张,火药味浓郁。 Big brother, we what to do?” “大哥,我们怎么办?” Quiet azure looked all around in the surroundings, looks at the dense creation world group disciple voice dignified many. 幽青在周围环顾,看着黑压压的创世团弟子声音凝重了不少。 Shen Feng spring actually not has dreaded, being foul-mouthed of being ready to fight: Fears a ball, fights one with them, thinks really the fog pledge feared they are inadequate?” 沈逢春倒是了无畏惧,摩拳擦掌的骂骂咧咧:“怕个球,和他们打一架,真以为雾盟怕他们不成?” In Xu Yan opposite, Fu Jun has not always opened the mouth, but his complexion exceptionally is embarrassed, in the lonely right eye reflects the remnant glow. 在徐岩对面,付军始终没有开口,但他的脸色却异常难堪,孤独的右眼中反射残芒。 He is not worried about Xu Yan, truly what he is worried is Liu Ming, is Liu Ming opposite Qin Shi. 他并不担心徐岩,他真正担心的是柳明,是柳明对面的秦石 He had pledged that must protect Qin Shi. 他发过誓,一定要保护秦石 Big brother Fu Jun, you copes with here, I go to that gang Qin Shi.” Under his thoughts such as the mess interlocks, wipes the beautiful figure to go forward suddenly. “付军大哥,你们对付这里,我去那面帮秦石。”而在他心思如乱麻交错下,一抹倩影突然上前。 You?” “你?” Fu Junman is looking of doubt to Kong Xianhui. 付军满是狐疑的望向孔贤慧 Kong Xianhui white hands, how many [say / way] fabricated strength from paying the surroundings of armed forces has flashed, that strength unusual terrifying, how many minute of ancient meanings has, was crushed including the air unexpectedly? 孔贤慧玉手一番,从付军的周围闪动过几道虚妄之力,那力量异常的恐怖,带有几分古老之意,竟连空气都被粉碎? Fu Junmeng opens the eye, but has not waited for him to open the mouth, the Kong Xianhui white hands grasp, takes back the strength of that eight days of boundary rapidly, smiled: Right, depends on me, now did big brother Fu Jun believe? Moreover I want by his disposition, he should not to make me get rid, at any time do not look down on him, person who he easily cannot admit defeat, so long as because you are willing to believe that he to your unexpected miracle, you will say I said right? Big brother Fu Jun?” 付军猛的睁大眼,但没等他开口,孔贤慧玉手一握,迅速将那八天之境的力量收回,笑了笑:“没错,就凭我,现在付军大哥信了吗?而且我想以他的性格,他应该不会让我出手,任何时候都不要小瞧了他,他可不是轻易会认输的人,因为只要你愿意相信,他就会给你意想不到的奇迹,你说我说的对吗?付军大哥?” Fu Jun astonished for a long time, helpless shaking the head. 付军惊愕了许久,才无奈的摇摇头。 He suddenly discovered that Qin Shi Kong Xianhui, these two people simply is a riddle. 他突然发现,无论是秦石或是孔贤慧,这两个人简直就是个谜团。 I knew.” “我知道了。” Do not let this alarm him.” The Kong Xianhui mouth spits the fragrance, treads full Bu to leap to Qin Shi. “别让这面惊扰到他。”孔贤慧口吐香气,踏着满布飞跃向秦石 „To walk?” “想走?” Xu Yan knit the brows, everywhere sandstorm surges, becomes a great hand of hundred zhang (333m) grasps to Kong Xianhui. 徐岩皱了皱眉,漫天的风沙涌起,成一张百丈的巨手冲着孔贤慧抓去。 But has not waited for him to attack, a fire dragon explodes shoots, pays the armed forces to strike directly to Xu Yan: Your match is I, that has not needed you to meddle!” 而没等他出击,一条火龙爆射,付军正面击向徐岩:“你的对手是我,那面还不用你来插手!” Bang! 轰! Xu Yanmeng was shaken draws back, although both strength differs not much, but he loses in the air/Qi field pays the armed forces half minute, clenched teeth: Fu Jun, your big courage!” 徐岩猛的被震退,尽管两者实力相差不多,但他在气场上还是输给付军半分,咬了咬牙:“付军,你好大的胆子!” Very has been big, don't you know?” “一直都很大,难道你不知道吗?” Fu Jun smiled free and easy, had the safeguard of Kong Xianhui, he had not worried again that the wild with rage flame continually in his side combustion, the temperature of entire business area increased several times. 付军洒脱一笑,有了孔贤慧的保障,他再也没有丝毫担忧,狂怒的火焰不断在他身旁燃烧,整个商区的温度都上升几倍。 In the high temperature the air presents the distortion, the gravel on earth melts much. 高温中空气出现扭曲,大地上的石子都融化不少。 The raging fire burns the day. 烈火焚天。 Xu Yanzheng has been startled the god, the sharp claws stretches out: Good, you want to hit, I accompany you.” 徐岩怔了怔神,利爪伸出:“好,你想要打,那我就陪陪你。” Dust storm rips the day claw!” “沙暴撕天爪!” Makes an effort to wield, the space was crushed by Xu Yan immediately, he faces forward to find out rapidly one step, the gigantic hurricane curls up the giant stone together, drags to previous kilometer high. 用力一挥,空间马上被徐岩粉碎,他迅速的朝前探出一步,一道硕大的飓风卷起巨石,拖到上千米高。 Flame Long Po!” “炎龙破!” Pays the armed forces ten fingers to knead together, the rapid stretch, the infinite flame will gather one group one after another, becomes fire dragon fierce plunging hurricane. 付军十指捏合,接连迅速的拉伸,将无穷的火焰汇聚一团,成一条火龙般猛的扑向飓风。 The fire dragon central fishtails in the hurricane fast, disintegrates from the interior it. 火龙在飓风中央快速摆尾,将其从内部瓦解。 Bang! 轰隆! Strength panic-stricken audience who two startled days startle the place. 两股惊天骇地的力量惊骇全场。 !! !!
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