PDL :: Volume #8

#712: Strikes to kill, next

But he will burn out like this!” Shen Fengchun stamps the feet presses hurriedly. “但这样他会被拖垮的!”沈逢春跺脚慌促。 But facing Shen Fengchun worry, Kong Xianhui actually smiles: Relax, if spells lastingly, perhaps on this day within also nobody is his match.” 而面对沈逢春的担忧,孔贤慧却莞尔一笑:“放心吧,若是拼持久,恐怕这天地间还没有谁是他的对手。” Moreover you think, he only then this skill? If so, he did not match is called Qin Shi!” The Kong Xianhui graceful [say / way] said that spoken language completely is the trust flees in all directions. “而且你们真以为,他只有这点本事吗?若是这样,那他就不配就叫做秦石了!”孔贤慧落落大方的道说,言语尽是信任流窜。 Um?” “嗯?” The people are puzzled, but at this moment, beyond the highest heavens has the stock wild with rage attraction suddenly, this attraction foot contends with the world, on gravel including below earth slightly float, loses the center of gravity. 众人不解,而就在这时,九霄云外突然产生股狂怒的引力,这股引力足矣抗衡天地,连下方大地上的石子都微微悬浮,失去重心。 People indifferently one startled, when the people get back one's composure, the vault of heaven already changed the color, the brilliant purple and red essence such as was summoned, crazy rushing Qin Shi. 众人漠然一惊,而在众人回神时,天穹早已变了颜色,姹紫嫣红的精气如受召唤,疯狂的涌向秦石 spiritual power of Qin Shi beforehand consumption was made up immediately. 秦石之前消耗的灵力马上被弥补。 This is, Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body?” “这是,乱域圣灵体?” Fu Jun the right eye in great surprise, he was also the Chaos Domain old disciple, although cannot since territory, but to Chaos Domain two ** the body, he slightly had hearing. 付军的右眼大惊,他也算是乱域的老弟子了,虽然未能进入内域,但对乱域的两**身,他还是略有耳闻。 Kong Xianhui nods with a smile, the laughter that Fu Juncai is suddenly enlighted, envies: No wonder this boy dares to speak the last words with Jane Zhun, originally has practiced the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body?” 孔贤慧笑着点点头,付军才恍然大悟的笑声,羡慕道:“难怪这小子敢和简准叫板,原来是修炼了乱域圣灵体?” This is the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body right, but if you think that this is the Qin Shi card in a hand, that may be completely mistaken.” The Kong Xianhui phoenix eye flood the spooky ray, making countless people puzzled. “这是乱域圣灵体没错,但如果你们以为这就是秦石的底牌,那可就大错特错了。”孔贤慧的凤眼泛着幽幽光芒,令无数人不解。 Bang! 轰! But does not loosen, the attribute big change between world, the Qin Shi position near in the sky of business area, the spirit pressure that will gather changes into the fabricated strength, fierce and Jane Zhun resists strikes. 而就不解下,天地间的属性大变,秦石位临在商区的上空,将聚集来的灵压化为虚妄之力,猛的和简准对抗一击。 This strikes the strength to be very big, has to greatly breaking mountains and rivers imposing manner. 这一击力量很大,大有要破碎山河的气势 Bang! 轰隆! Jane Zhun has stopped slightly the moment, when he rocks several palms lacking in vigilance, the body big change of Qin Shi, the First Rank Zhen's blue armor covers the body surface. 简准稍微停顿了片刻,而在他晃动几下麻痹的手掌时,秦石的躯体大变,一层湛蓝色的铠甲覆盖体表。 Sees this armor many disciples to change colors slightly. 看见这层铠甲不少弟子微微失色。 This is, palace error?” “这是,宫阙吗?” But under the suspicion, Fu Jun the pupil polymerization, wiping is hard tumbling that with amazement digests: No, is not right, this strength is this strength is, quenches the god Dharmakaya?” 而在猜疑下,付军的瞳仁聚合,一抹难以消化的骇然翻滚:“不,不对,这力量是这力量难道是,淬神法身?” Kong Xianhui smiles in side slowly. 孔贤慧在旁边缓缓而笑。 ! In Fu Jun the heart fierce trembles, this he gradually understands that just the Kong Xianhui implication, on the body of this Qin Shi, unexpectedly had practiced Chaos Domain two ** body? 咣啷!付军的心中剧烈一颤,这一下他才渐渐明白,刚刚孔贤慧的言外之意,在这秦石的身上,竟然修炼了乱域的两**身? Quenches the god Dharmakaya?” “是淬神法身?” Recognizes quenches the god Dharmakaya solely is not Fu Jun, Lin Xing, a pupil of Jane Zhun, people shrinks. 认出淬神法身的不单单是付军,林杏、简准、一众人的瞳仁一缩。 Quenches the god Dharmakaya to be rarer than the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, makes the human shock. 淬神法身远比乱域圣灵体更加罕见,更加让人震撼。 „Will brat, how on you have to quench the god Dharmakaya?” Before Jane Zhun confident was frozen gradually, changes colors drinks lowly. “臭小子,你身上怎么会有淬神法身?”简准之前的坦然渐渐被冻结,失色低喝。 Qin Shi smiled: Yes, surprised?” 秦石笑了笑:“是啊,惊讶吗?” Jane Zhun complexion is gradually embarrassed, deep has attracted an cold air/Qi: Is very surprised, no wonder dares to be so insolent, originally does the body have these many treasure? However, quenches the god Dharmakaya to be truly formidable, but in your hand also insufficient to fear but actually, can display him depending on you fully?” 简准的脸色渐渐难堪,深深的吸了口冷气:“是挺惊讶,难怪敢这么张狂,原来身上藏有这么多宝贝啊?不过,淬神法身确实强大,但在你手上倒也不足为惧,凭你能够发挥出他的全力吗?” „Did you try not to know?” Qin Shi no longer rubbish, void faces forward to move out of the way two steps, the big hand one grasps to the left, quenches the god Dharmakaya to change into Ben Lei fast. “你试试不就知道了?”秦石不再废话,虚空的朝前挪开两步,大手冲着左侧一握,淬神法身快速化为奔雷。 Quenches the god Dharmakaya, Lei Hua!” “淬神法身,雷化!” Wild with rage Lei Wang covers world immediately, strength of assistant company commander armed forces that gang of unusual attribute subdue. 狂怒的雷网马上覆盖天地,那股异样的属性之力连付军都不由折服。 But connects, the Qin Shi whole body like thunder, the speed achieves the naked eye the acme that is hard to throw to seize, under quenching god Dharmakaya the strength of attribute, his strength was promoted to six days, even approaches for seven days. 而接连,秦石全身如雷,速度达到肉眼难以扑捉的极致,在淬神法身的属性之力下,他的力量生生被提升到六天,甚至逼近七天。 Desert decides desolated!” “大漠荒芜决!” Brat, naive!” Jane Zhun complexion is pale, ten fingers knead together fast, strikes the insertion bloodshed: Scarlet startled day wave!” “臭小子,天真!”简准脸色铁青,十指快速捏合,一击插入血海:“血色惊天浪!” Hundred desolated grains wind with the bloodshed are deeply worried, the vault of heaven starts first half becomes enlightened two, but what unexpected is, Qin Shi takes advantage of this time unexpectedly, approaching Jane Zhun of quickening pace, uses fleshly body to knock out the fist as the medium continuously. 百道的荒芜纹络与血海焦灼,天穹上马上半开成二,而让人意想不到的是,秦石竟趁此功夫,加快步伐的逼近简准,以肉身为媒介连续出拳。 Bang! 轰! Jane Zhun courage vigor tuck dive, under quenching the god Dharmakaya was suppressed obviously, the strength of that broad attribute makes him unable near body. 简准血气翻腾,在淬神法身下明显被压制,那恢弘的属性之力让他根本无法近身。 Is impossible!” Jane Zhun confidence loses greatly, the annoying under five senses are fierce, but connects him to explode suddenly draws back, under the empty shade the bloodshed turns into the great hand, to grasping of Qin Shi ruthless offense under. “不可能!”简准信心大失,懊恼下五官狰狞,而接连他突然爆退,虚影下血海化成巨手,冲着秦石狠戾的抓下。 Scarlet evil clutches!” “血色魔爪!” Doesn't grow the memory?” “不长记性吗?” Qin Shi smiles lightly, the quenching god Dharmakaya on his left arm holds up high, but connects in the world to turn into the blue color, when the Dharmakaya contacts the bloodshed great hand, crush spiritual power gathers from the upper air, sees only that bloodshed great hand to shiver one after another crazily, lost the contact with Jane Zhun all of a sudden. 秦石淡淡一笑,他左臂上的淬神法身高高举起,而接连天地间变成蓝色,在法身接触到血海巨手时,一股碾压性的灵力从高空汇聚,接连只见那血海巨手疯狂颤抖,一下子和简准失去了联系。 Broken!” “破!” Strength of impact an invisible attribute, disintegrates from the interior the great hand, connects the blood rain to fall drippingly, changes into the nihility. 一股无形的属性之力冲击内部,生生将巨手从内部瓦解,接连血雨淋漓而落,化为虚无。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Jane Zhunmeng stared staring, a face amazed and stunned dull same place, just that struck, he moved fully, even if Fu Jun is also not necessarily able to keep off easily? 简准猛的瞪了瞪眼,一脸惊诧和愕然的呆愣原地,刚刚那一击,他动了全力,就算是付军也未必能轻易挡下吧? But this, unexpectedly actually by Qin Shi crushing? 但就算这样,竟却被秦石给粉碎了? This dropping variance, he does not dare to believe that but Qin Shi is treading below position void, among the appearances is also mixing with strangely: He he, has not thought that this quenches the god Dharmakaya, really has the so vast strength?” 这种落差,他不敢置信,而秦石在偏下方的位置踏着虚空,神彩间也是夹杂着怪异:“呵呵,没想到这淬神法身,竟然有如此浩繁的力量?” Only then he is clear, blood who he just broke Fu Jun, completely by quenching god Dharmakaya the strength of non- attribute, this degree of lethality, is only the common attack, feared that will be not weakly in the famous article? 只有他自己清楚,他刚刚震碎付军的血手,完全是凭借淬神法身的无属性之力,这种程度的杀伤力,只是寻常攻击,怕是就不会弱于名器了吧? After all, quenches the suppression of god Dharmakaya strength to attribute to be too strong. 毕竟,淬神法身对属性之力的压制太强。 But this had not finished, the black pupil of Qin Shi flood the difference, the profound at nightfall pupil is covering Jane Zhun, emerges slightly: Your skill looked like was also mediocre, but quenched the god Dharmakaya not solely so, then I made you look, quench the god Dharmakaya the true ability!” 但这还没有结束,秦石的黑眸泛着异样,深邃入夜的瞳仁笼罩简准,微微兴起:“你的本事看来也不过如此了,但淬神法身可不单单如此,接下来我就让你瞧一瞧,淬神法身的真正本领吧!” The big hand of Qin Shi finds out the sleeve robe, searches in the blue vault of heaven, grasps. 秦石的大手探出袖袍,在碧蓝色的天穹中一探,一握。 Quenches the god Dharmakaya, steals!” “淬神法身,盗取!” Drop of dripping blood rain falls on the palm, but connects his quenching god Dharmakaya to rouse slightly, in the situation that the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body opens greatly the attraction is infinite, strength endless. 一滴淋漓的血雨落在掌心,而接连他的淬神法身微微抖擞,乱域圣灵体大开的情况下引力无穷,力量无尽。 Quenches the god Dharmakaya fast turn-around, drop of blood rain transforms in his palm as the boundless blood rain big dragon unexpectedly, the strength of inexhaustible water attribute twines Qin Shi. 淬神法身快速运转,一滴血雨在他的掌心竟转化为磅礴的血雨巨龙,无穷无尽的水属性之力缠绕秦石 Sees this, the person of presence terrified in great surprise. 看见这幕,在场之人悚然大惊。 This, what's all this about? Is he using Jane Zhun the strength of attribute?” “这,这是怎么回事?他在使用简准的属性之力?” Is quenches the god Dharmakaya the strength of non- attribute! He uses to quench the god Dharmakaya, will not have the strength of attribute to transform the strength of water attribute, good terrifying Dharmakaya!” “是淬神法身的无属性之力!他用淬神法身,将无属性之力转化成水属性之力了,好恐怖的法身!” In Fu Jun cyclopias with amazement unceasingly. 付军独眼间骇然不断。 Qin Shi was circled by the blood rain crazy dragon about, in the black pupils has also filled excitedly, this is his first use quenches the god Dharmakaya, has not thought that has effect so unexpectedly. 秦石被血雨狂龙盘旋左右,黑眸间也是充满了兴奋,这是他第一次使用淬神法身,没想到竟有这般效果。 It seems like this quenches the god Dharmakaya, is more formidable than my anticipated.” He shows a faint smile, but his stride goes forward while this opportunity, under Ben Lei spraying of under foot, pours into the blood rain crazy dragon unexpectedly. “看来这淬神法身,远比我的预期要强大很多啊。”他微微一笑,而趁此机会他大步上前,脚下的奔雷喷射下,竟灌入进血雨狂龙中。 The sea mine dual attributes, such as the rainbow worry clouds, are seething the clouds thorn to Jane Zhun. 水雷双重属性,如虹的撕咬云霄,翻腾着云霄刺向简准。 Jane Zhun everywhere is startled to allow, to eat staying in same place, never has such one in his world outlook, he thinks that he should win, should kill Qin Shi. 简准满目惊容,吃楞的呆在原地,在他的世界观里从未有过这样一幕,他认为他就应该胜利,就该杀死秦石 Qin Shi can four days of boundaries, how like this? 秦石不过才四天之境,怎么会这样? Bang! 轰! The big dragon terrifying that the sea mine alternates in this way, pricks Jane Zhun forehead, is good before being attacked moment, he launches the bloody water palace error armor, so as to avoid this, but was still shaken flies ten thousand meters, in the under business area several pavilion instantaneous avalanches, the earth is the spider web splits the innumerable gullies likely. 水雷相间的巨龙恐怖如斯,生生刺入简准的眉心,好在受到攻击前的一刻,他将血水般的宫阙铠甲展开,这才免得一丝,但仍是被生生震飞万米,下方商区中数座楼阁瞬间崩塌,大地像是蛛网般裂开无数沟壑。 Big brother Jane Zhun!” “简准大哥!” Created the disciples of world group to fluster, the disciples set out in abundance. 创世团的弟子慌了,众弟子纷纷起身。 Whoosh! 唰! But has not framed in their movements, a spirit prestige of limit such as the river tide spreads, Mount Tai acts all people generally the suppression. 而就在他们的动作尚未定格,一股极限的灵威如江潮蔓延,泰山一般将所有的人动作镇压。 On Fu Jun the tip of the toe gathers the lithe tornado, floats off slightly three meters high about, domination people. 付军脚尖上汇聚起轻盈的旋风,微微浮起三米高左右,凌驾众人。 Who dares to meddle, whose life I want!” “谁敢插手,我就要谁的命!” Creates the world group to be inferior that fog pledge such unity, they work oneself to death for the wealth, see Fu Junzhan to come out to occur to tremble at heart, drew back timidly. 创世团不如雾盟那样团结,他们都是为了钱财卖命,见付军站出来心里发生发抖,一个一个退怯了。 Strikes to fly Jane Zhun, Qin Shi falls before the ruins smilingly, the Jane quasi-CW spouts several blood, scarlet palace error has broken to pieces Cheng Jifen under two big attribute impacts. 击飞简准,秦石笑盈盈落在废墟之前,简准连续喷出几口鲜血,血色的宫阙在两大属性冲击下已经碎成齑粉。 Whoosh! 唰! But has not waited for him to boldly thrust forward, sword glow of wisp of Youlan falls void, cuts off the water supply to puncture to him. 而未等他挺起身来,一缕幽兰的剑芒虚空滑落,断水冲着他就刺下。 He absent-minded drinks lowly: Qin, Qin Shi, what do you want to make?” 他失神低喝:“秦,秦石,你要做什么?” Qin Shi smiles lightly: Does a time good deed, delivers you to accompany your under the hands / subordinates, they who exempts are lonely below.” 秦石淡淡一笑:“做一次好事,送你去陪你的手下,免的他们在下面孤单无趣。” Qin Shi does not want to speak half a word idle talk, he was not the mental immature child, at this time hesitant obviously was the unwisest choice. 秦石不想多说半句废话,他不是心智未熟的孩子了,这个时候犹豫显然是最不明智的选择。 Jane Zhun, must die! 简准,必须死! Bang! 砰! Cuts off the water supply jabs into Jane Zhun maliciously, puts from his back of the body, Jane Zhun stares greatly by the bloody water to the full pupil, after foul air puts out, does not have the vitality again. 断水狠狠的刺进简准,从他的后心穿出,简准瞪大着被血水冲盈的眸子,一口浊气吐出后再也没有生机。 Jane Zhun dies, the atmosphere suddenly deathly stillness in business area. 简准一死,商区的气氛戛然死寂。 The innumerable disciples have choked maliciously a spit, no matter what no one has thought that the matter will develop this. 无数弟子狠狠的噎了口吐沫,任谁都没有想到事情会发展成这样。 Do four days defeat for seven days? This really possible? 四天战胜七天?这真的可能吗? Big brother Jane Zhun!” Creates world group many disciples or symbolic whins, but calls out the sound not to fall in them, wipes the ruthless offense the vision indifferently thorn to them. “简准大哥!”创世团不少弟子还是象征性的哀嚎一声,而就在他们嚎叫声未落,一抹狠戾的目光漠然刺向他们。 Qin Shi picks up Jane Zhun number and route plate and space ring, as well as on his foot depending on the empty feather boots, this smiled to Fu Jun: Big brother Fu Jun, puts next.” 秦石拾起简准的腰牌和空间戒指,以及他脚上的凭虚羽靴,这才冲着付军笑了笑:“付军大哥,将下一位放过来吧。” Um?” Many disciples have gawked the god, creates the disciples of world group to look at each other in blank diamay, is extremely terrified withdraws several steps. “嗯?”不少弟子愣了愣神,创世团的弟子面面相觑,也是极度悚然的退后几步。 Jane Zhun was killed, Liu Mingcheng the pillar of this group of people, he has made an effort is pinching the fist, clenches teeth saying: Qin Shi, do you want how is it? You have killed Jane Zhun, wants to create the world group to be ruthless us? Such consequence, you cannot withstand!” 简准被杀,柳明成了这群人的主心骨,他使劲的捏着拳,咬牙道:“秦石,你想要怎么样?你已经杀死简准了,难道还想要将我们创世团赶尽杀绝吗?那样的后果,你承受不起!” Qin Shi bound tightly the black robe, the big hand rubs the tip of the nose to smile the sentence: Is ruthless to be insufficient, but you, must die!” 秦石裹紧黑袍,大手揉了揉鼻尖笑句:“赶尽杀绝不至于,但是你,必须死!” I?” “我?” Liu Mingzheng has been startled the color, the whole face has referred to itself stunned, the moral nature sinks: Why? I have not sent for assassinating you, you have forgotten initially, I may also save you!” 柳明怔了怔色,满脸错愕的指了指自己,心底咣啷一沉:“为什么?我又没派人暗杀过你,难道你忘了当初,我可还救过你呢!” Liu Ming has been shocked, the Qin Shi skill he crosses obviously, Jane Zhun die on Qin Shi, his cultivation for may be inferior to Jane Zhun, withdraws hastily several steps. 柳明惊呆了,秦石的本事他可见过,简准都死在秦石手上,他的修为可不如简准,连忙退后几步。 Kills you and I have nothing to do, looks at individual to you, you should understand.” “杀你和我无关,给你看个人吧,你应该就明白了。” Qin Shi soars from the ruins, counts on the fingers a ball. 秦石从废墟中腾空而起,屈指一弹。 But connects, the blazing color flame from the sky explodes together shoots, the temperature of this flame exaggerates extremely, hot attribute Fu Jun knit the brows, the heart lives several to wipe the fear. 而接连,一道炽烈色的火焰在空中爆射,这火焰的温度极为夸张,就连火属性的付军都不由皱了皱眉,心生几抹恐惧。 The carditis from airborne blooms, the student soul of scholarly drifts together, but presently. 地心炎从空中绽放,一道儒雅的书生灵魂漂泊而现。 Is you?” “是你?” !! !!
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