PDL :: Volume #8

#711: Fights Jane Zhun

Qin Shi reveals to wipe the color of gratitude, when he hesitates light smiles: Big brother Fu, big brother Shen, many thanks you, but this is I and Jan's accurate gratitude and grudges, I come to destroy him on the line, if possible, helping me block periphery these small sun-dried shelled shrimp.” 秦石露出抹感激之色,但他犹豫之余淡淡一笑:“付大哥,沈大哥,多谢你们了,但这是我和简准的恩怨,我自己来将他打碎就行,如果可以的话,帮我拦下周围这些小虾米。” As if already expected Qin Shi saying that Fu Jun shrugs: This is natural, I still remember that complies with your matter, although I also looked that Jane Zhun and Liu Ming are not feeling well, but their dog's lives leave you, surroundings these small sun-dried shelled shrimp you do not need to be worried that has us here, they do not dare hurriedly.” 仿佛早就料到秦石会这么说,付军耸了耸肩:“这是当然,我还记得答应你的事,尽管我也看简准和柳明十分不爽,但他们的狗命就留给你吧,周围这些小虾米你不用担心,有我们在这里,他们不敢造次。” The word, wipes is not inferior creates the strength of world group to take Fu Junwei to be risen as the center of circle, with creating world group numerous disciples meets as an equal. 言罢,一抹不亚于创世团的力量以付军为圆心崛起,和创世团众多的弟子分庭抗礼。 Gigantic business area stagnates instantaneously. 硕大的商区瞬间凝滞。 The air/Qi field suppression of paid armed forces, Jane Zhun complexion changes, cold Li drinking sound: Fu Jun, you wants to bet the fog pledge really all shields this boy?” 被付军的气场压制,简准脸色一变,冷厉的喝声:“付军,你难道真想赌上雾盟的所有来袒护这小子?” Fu Jun smiles lightly: I have this idea, but my this little brother stubborn ruthless, he wants to want your life personally, I have to wait and see.” 付军淡淡一笑:“我是有这想法,不过我这小兄弟倔强的狠,他想亲自要了你的命,我只好观望了。” Um? What meaning is your this saying?” Jane Zhun puzzled knitting the brows. “嗯?你这话是什么意思?”简准不解的皱起眉来。 What meaning, i.e. your this life has not been my little brother, therefore you felt relieved that I will not get rid, but I come, wants to my little brother giving a present thing, I to think that you should not mind?” “没什么意思,就是说你这条命是我小兄弟的,所以你放心吧,我不会出手,但是我过来,是想给我小兄弟送份礼物,我想你应该不会介意吧?” Fu Jun like the rainbow, has not said one with Jane Zhunduo aggressively, at once his broad and level turning around, looked at each other with Qin Shi Fang Jiu, some Qin Shi also surprise. 付军霸气如虹,没和简准多说一句,旋即他坦坦荡荡的转过身,和秦石相视了方久,秦石也有些诧异。 But in people astonished, Fu Jun counts on the fingers a ball, a great sword floats spatially. 而在众人惊愕下,付军屈指一弹,一把巨剑浮空。 The great sword becomes the quiet blue color, sharp sword edge as if tears into shreds including the air, takes the sharp knife blade as central changes into two cold wind, plunges Qin Shi. 巨剑成幽蓝色,锋利的剑刃仿佛连空气都生生撕碎,以利刃为中央的化为两股冷风,扑向秦石 Upper Tier famous article: Cuts off the water supply?” 上品名器:断水?” Great sword, color with amazement such as Jiang Hong Huiju in the pupils of numerous disciple at present. 巨剑一出,骇然之色如江洪汇聚在众多弟子的眸眼下。 Brother, what thing does this cut off the water supply is?” Some cannot participate in the disciple of auction having puzzled, curious question. “兄弟,这断水是什么东西?”一些未能参与拍卖会的弟子带有不解,好奇的问句 „Don't this you know? This cutting off the water supply, is treasure that at the year auction ranked among the best a moment ago, is an extremely sharp famous article, finally has auctioned enough 2.5 million contribution values!” “这你都不知道?这把断水,是刚才年度拍卖会上数一数二的珍宝了,是一把极为锋利的名器,最终拍卖了足足2500000贡献值呢!” What? 2.5 million?” “什么?2500000?” Rumble!” One group of people throw the color of envying toward Qin Shi: „Does this boy, greatly actually manage a household with fog pledge is what relates? Did a 2.5 million famous article, such give to him?” “咕噜!”一群人朝秦石抛去羡慕之色:“这小子,和雾盟大当家究竟是什么关系?一把2500000的名器,就这么送给他了?” Does not know, but is not definitely simple.” “不知道,但肯定不简单。” Above the remote auction market, the forest apricot attractive phoenix eye also slightly condenses, flashes through several points of difference: This kid, is not really simple.” 在遥远的拍卖场上方,林杏诱人的凤眼也是微微凝聚,闪过几分异样:“这小家伙,果然不简单啊。” Sees to cut off the water supply, Qin Shi is also the surging emotions turbulent waves: Big brother Fu Jun, you are!” 看见断水,秦石也是心潮激浪:“付军大哥,你这是!” Taking, before looked that you cut off the water supply to this at the auction interestingly, you gave the fog pledge to refine over a thousand demon symbols, when all the elder brother gave to you to be good.” Pays armed forces natural smiling, seeing Qin Shi to probably shirk, said: Let alone, I thought that you can use it now.” “拿着吧,之前看你在拍卖会上就对这断水有意思,你给雾盟炼制了上千魔符,全当哥哥送给你好了。”付军自然的笑了笑,看见秦石欲要推脱,又道:“何况,我觉得你现在能够用到它。” The word, his cold looks askance at toward Jane Zhun. 言罢,他冷冽的朝简准睨视。 This sword should not see the blood, happen to you take away to his Kaifeng, do not bring disgrace on its skill!” “这剑应该还没见过血,正好你拿去给他开封吧,别辱没了它的本事!” To refuse, to hear Fu Jun to say like this that Qin Shi has also smiled, finally puts out a hand to cut off the water supply to meet in the hand, in front fast playing several, makes an effort to wield toward the left suddenly. 本想拒绝,听闻付军这样说,秦石也不由的笑了,最终伸手将断水接在手里,在面前快速的耍动几圈,突然朝左侧用力一挥。 Bang! 砰! Silver Ge Jianmang chops day to break together, the natural moat was torn by the air wave together directly. 一道银戈剑芒劈天断地,一道天堑直接被气浪撕裂。 Qin Shi pours the suction port cold air/Qi, loudly shouted: Draws a sword cutting off the water supply water traceless, good sharp cutting off the water supply sword, my disagreement big brother was polite.” 秦石不由倒吸口冷气,大呼:“抽刀断水水无痕,好一把锋利的断水剑,那我就不和大哥客气了。” Pays nod of armed forces satisfied, pats the shoulder of Qin Shi: Goes, making him look, our fog pledge do not have the soft persimmon.” 付军满意的点点头,拍下秦石的肩膀:“去吧,让他瞧一瞧,咱们雾盟可别没有软柿子。” The raising corners of the mouth of Qin Shi immensely pleased with oneself, are unable to put down the cutting off the water supply sword traverse chest, calculates that he had has not used the sword for a long time, the feeling of this long separation was really too comfortable. 秦石洋洋得意的扬起嘴角,爱不释手的将断水剑横放胸膛,算一算他已经有许久没有用过剑了,这种久别的感觉实在是太舒服了。 He nods, even if sets out. 他点点头,纵然起身。 Jane Zhun five senses when cutting off the water supply to appear on distortion one group, the scarlet waterfall wild waves surge up and down, his aura is not steady. 简准的五官在断水出现时就扭曲一团,血色的瀑布骇浪上下涌动,连他的气息也不在平稳。 Snort, thinks that a cutting off the water supply sword, can receive in exchange your poor life? Naive!” Jane Zhun fierce, original Fu Jun presents him somewhat to be awkward, but heard Fu Jun to say when will not get rid, his killing intent could not cover. “哼,以为一把断水剑,就能够换回你的小命吗?天真!”简准狰狞一声,本来付军出现他还有些为难,但听闻付军说不会出手时,他的杀意就已经遮挡不住。 I personally tear into shreds you today, give my younger brother and under the hands / subordinates revenge!” “我今日就亲手将你撕碎,给我的弟弟和手下报仇!” I thought that was inferior you accompany them, such far ratio revenged to have the sincerity to be many.” Qin Shi shrugs, the rough sound is serious. “我觉得,不如你下去陪他们,这样远比报仇要有诚意多了。”秦石耸了耸肩,粗犷的声音严肃不少。 Because he knows following, is a fierce battle. 因为他知道接下来,是一场恶战。 Leaves the move! Let me look, actually seven days of boundaries have any skill!” “出招吧!让我瞧一瞧,七天之境究竟有什么本事!” Qin Shi spout foul air, on cutting off the water supply sword slightly flood asterism. 秦石吐出口浊气,断水剑上微微泛起星芒。 You favored!” “那你看好了!” Jane Zhun shifty eyes shrink, opening that five fingers rise together simultaneously, void steps from vanish instantaneously same place, punctures toward Qin Shi at the extremely quick speed. 简准贼眼一缩,五指并起的张开,一个虚空的踏步瞬间从原地消失,以极快的速度朝秦石刺下。 Fast rotation of Qin Shi pupil in eye socket, the invisible psychic force overflows immediately, slight fluctuation from the air inquired Jane Zhun. 秦石瞳仁在眼眶中快速转动,无形的精神力马上溢出,从空气中细微的波动里查询简准。 Indifferently, his black pupil opens the eyes, corners of the mouth rising slightly: „To win from the speed? I accompany you to play!” 漠然,他的黑眸一睁,嘴角微微的上扬:“想要从速度上取胜吗?那我就陪你玩玩!” Three kilometers distance cut off by Jane Zhun instantaneously, having the remnant shade form to reappear sky over the business area, Qin Shi back: Boy, strikes to want you to assign! Broken heart Long Claw hand!” 三千米的距离被简准瞬间斩断,带着残影的身影浮现在商区上空,秦石的背后:“小子,一击要你命!碎心龙爪手!” Puff! 噗! But has not expected, five is pierced Qin Shi by the dragon claw that the scarlet blood wraps, the picture in imagination has not reappeared, the Qin Shi form from the sky ripples, cold wind slightly has stroked, unexpectedly only remaining several purple thunder. 而未料,五道被赤血包裹的龙爪刺穿秦石,想象中的画面并未浮现,秦石的身影在空中荡漾,微微的冷风拂过,竟只剩下几道紫雷。 Remnant shade?” “残影?” Jane Zhunxian is one startled, by his ear thunderously is then big, the Qin Shi under foot is treading purple Thunder dragon, does not know when appeared in his back, a fist strike leaves. 简准先是一惊,他的耳旁便雷鸣大起,秦石脚下踏着紫色雷龙,不知何时已经出现在他的背后,一拳击出。 Bang! 轰隆! Jane Zhun turns round rapidly, but still arrived at the left shoulder by the Qin Shi wound, making his complexion surge several points of scarlet, embarrassed withdrawing several steps. 简准迅速回身,但仍是被秦石伤到左肩,令他的脸色涌起几分血色,难堪的退后数步。 Quite quick!” “好快!” „Can the speed of this boy, be faster than Jane Zhun unexpectedly? Is the thunder attribute?” “这小子的速度,竟然要比简准还快?是雷属性?” Just confrontation had the moment, many disciple hearts lived to shock. 刚刚的交锋只有片刻,不少弟子心生震撼。 Pays armed forces several people are to reveal to wipe to be expected the happy expression. 付军几人则是露出抹预料中的笑意。 Spoke the honest remark, Jane Zhun was negligent, he underestimated Qin Shi, since Qin Shi dares to remain, dares to act independent combat with him, how to have a skill? 说实在话,简准还是大意了,他太小看秦石了,秦石既然敢留下来,敢出面和他单打独斗,岂会没有点本事? Seven days of boundaries, is mediocre?” Qin Shi has several points of disappointed shaking the head. “七天之境,也不过如此吗?”秦石带有几分失望的摇摇头。 Boy, I looked down on you actually, but did you think your speed to be able really the unmatched in the world?” Jane Zhun admits defeat very sets out from the rock, his air/Qi field all around changes suddenly, the strength several fold rises unexpectedly. “小子,倒是我小瞧你了,但是你以为你的速度真能天下无敌?”简准吃瘪的从岩石中挺起身,他周遭的气场突然大变,力量竟数倍上升。 „Before the end, I satisfy you, making you see the real skills of seven days of boundaries!” “临终前,我就满足你,让你见见七天之境的真本事!” Jane Zhun roared, but connected his surrounding air to be compressed, the hydrone was refined completely, in the people also immersed under that terrifying spirit prestige, his form changed into the air wave suddenly, disappearance that baseless Lian Daocan the shade has not kept after school. 简准咆哮,而接连他周围的空气被压缩,水分子全部被提炼出来,而在众人还沉醉在那恐怖的灵威下,他的身影突然化为气浪,连道残影都不曾留校的凭空消失。 A Qin Shi brow wrinkle, will cut off the water supply to keep off in the front suddenly rapidly. 秦石的眉头猛然一皱,迅速将断水挡在胸前。 ! 咻! Among half respites, Jane Zhunzhi has not met to appear before the Qin Shi body, that feeling probably passes through the space and time to be the same, but Qin Shi can affirm him not to have, he is clear speeds away, but the speed makes the human exaggerate quickly, is hard to throw to seize including his psychic force. 前后不过半个喘息间,简准直接出现在秦石身前,那感觉就好像穿越时空一样,但是秦石敢肯定他没有,他是真切的疾驰过来,只是速度快的让人夸张,连他的精神力都难以扑捉。 Bang! 砰! Cut off the water supply just fell, huge such as the momentum of tiger transmitted from the palm, Qin Shi felt that the entire arm hemp, rapidly dodged to draw back dozens meters far. 断水刚落下,一股巨大如虎的冲力从掌心传递,秦石感觉整条手臂都麻了,迅速闪退数十米远。 But Jane Zhun speed like the lightning, he cannot back up quickly hundred meters, Jane Zhun has instead surpassed him, in the hand is controlling the blazing sea of fire, not wrong, is the sea of fire. 而简准的速度快如闪电,他倒退不出百米,简准已经反超过他,手中操控着炽热火海,没有错,是火海。 Burns the Tsunami of raging fire to swallow Qin Shi, that feeling probably must burn down to be the same including the world. 燃烧着烈火的海啸吞噬秦石,那感觉就好像是要连天地都焚烧一样。 Quite quick!” Qin Shi knit the brows, his black pupil one under sea of fire winding bright, suddenly falls on the Jane accurate under foot, a pair of lithe footwear is glittering unceasingly. “好快!”秦石皱了皱眉,在火海缠绕下他的黑眸一亮,突然落在简准的脚下,一双轻盈鞋履正不断闪烁。 Is that depends on empty feather boots?” “是那凭虚羽靴?” Qin Shi suddenly, nips jaw, the scarlet sea of fire has covered the vault of heaven, half comes up to be dyed the red, is hard to take blazingly. 秦石恍然,咬了咬牙关,血色的火海已经覆盖天穹,半个上去都被染成红色,炽热难耐。 Realized? The brat, because of you, I desirably pats this to depend on the empty feather boots, only if this time you can escape, no matter what otherwise you desire to fly high, cannot escape from my palm!” The drinking sound of Jane Zhun ominous strength, the big hand is shifty, controls the sea of fire. “察觉到了吗?臭小子,就是因为你,我才刻意拍下这凭虚羽靴,这一次除非你能够金蝉脱壳,否则的话任你插翅,也逃不出我的手掌心!”简准凶力的喝声,大手翻云覆雨,操控火海。 The Qin Shi look is rigorous, exceptionally ugly. 秦石的神色严谨,异常的难看。 It seems like let guess right really virtuously.” “看来真让贤惠猜对了。” Expiration and inspiration in the sea of fire, the Qin Shi fast kneading together hand imprint, produces in his surrounding air/Qi field ripples, the First Rank invisible ripples gather slightly. 在火海中吐纳一声,秦石快速的捏合手印,在他周围的气场产生荡漾,一层无形的涟漪微微聚集。 Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl!” “舍利衣钵!” Sea of Consciousness changes into Jinta, Qin Shi hides in Jinta hastily, Jinta was built up in the sea of fire unceasingly, he holds up cutting off the water supply in hand gently, a look revolution. 识海化为金塔,秦石连忙躲进金塔之中,金塔在火海中不断被炼化,他将手中的断水轻轻举起,神色一转。 Swastika Sword !” 卍剑!” A move blowout of long separation, Cheng Wanzi the sword glow attacks to the sea of fire, in the wild waves of original tuck dive takes advantage of opportunity to stagnate, had several ancient grains to wind by the sword glow. 一个久别的招数喷出,成卍字的剑芒冲击向火海,本来翻腾的骇浪上顺势凝滞,被剑芒带起几道古老的纹络。 Swastika Sword , a 5-Step remnant volume, since the nether world disruption, Qin Shi again has not used, under the famous article cuts off the water supply, actually displays the exceptionally terrifying strength, that black sword glow as if must tear into shreds the space to be the same, opens a road in Xiong Tao's sea of fire. 卍剑,一个五阶残卷,自从幽冥碎裂,秦石就再也未曾用过,但是在名器断水之下,却发挥出异常恐怖的力量,那黑色的剑芒仿佛要撕碎空间一样,在熊涛的火海中生生开辟出一条路来。 Puff! 噗! sword-light pierces the sea of fire, Qin Shi treads the tuck dive hot wave to jump onto azure clouds, but Jane Zhun is not willing to relinquish in light of this, the scarlet drizzle such as the coiling dragon extends, pursuit on. 剑光刺穿火海,秦石踏着翻腾的火浪跃上青霄,而简准并不肯就此作罢,血色的雨雾如盘龙延伸,追击而上。 Bang! 砰! Just uppered shift several hundred meters, two groups of light gathered one group once more, the electric light flint, fought unceasingly. 刚上移数百米,两团光影再次汇聚一团,电光火石,争锋不断。 Rough such as the great strength blasts out in the vault of heaven unceasingly, such as the fireworks is the same. 粗犷如宏的力量不断在天穹炸开,如烟花一样。 Over a hundred moves, under this protracted battle numerous viewers are Qin Shi pinch tightly the fist heart continuously. 此起彼伏上百招,这种久战之下众多看客不由为秦石捏紧拳心。 Fu Jun, quiet azure, the Shen Fengchun and other fog pledge of the backbone pupil colors are dignified, congealing rain that fatty had already blasted out the temple: Big brother can he be good? This Jane Zhun, wants to carry on the protracted war, rubs the dead big brother on spiritual power?” 付军、幽青、沈逢春等雾盟的骨干眸色凝重,凝雨那胖子早就炸开了庙:“大哥他能行吗?这简准,是想进行持久战,在灵力上磨死大哥?” Fu Junzuan has gripped the fist, the strengths of seven days of summits are also the fast polymerizations, prepares for momentarily must that lends a hand to assist. 付军攥了攥拳,七天之巅的力量也是快速聚合,做好随时要出手相助的准备。 „It is not good, I helped Brother Qin!” Shen Feng spring this military person blows Hu Dengyan, has no more to do with want to Jane Zhun to attack. “不行,我上去帮秦老弟!”沈逢春这个武夫更是吹胡瞪眼,拔腿就想冲简准出击。 But at this moment, a beautiful figure keeps off in their lines of sight, Kong Xianhui shakes the head to them slightly. 而就在这时,一名倩影挡在他们的视线,孔贤慧冲着他们微微摇头。 Virtuous younger sister, what you make?” Shen Fengchun anxious straight doing a lot of talking. “贤惠妹子,你这是做什么?”沈逢春焦急的直磨牙。 The phoenix eye concentrates on the youth of black robe, Kong Xianhui said lightly: This is his gratitude and grudges, he does not hope that has the bystander to meddle.” 凤眼凝在黑袍的少年身上,孔贤慧淡淡道:“这是他的恩怨,他不会希望有外人插手的。” !! !!
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