PDL :: Volume #8

#710: Pre-war

Cannot say the anger of clashes the crown immediately discontentedly, Qin Shi this. 一股说不上的怒火顿时冲冠,秦石这个不满啊。 Concerned about the status, he really thinks that comes back Lin Xingzhua, then makes her take a look at own true colors, dares saying that unexpectedly this few appearance doesn't go through a strategic pass? 要不是碍于身份,他真想一把将林杏抓回来,然后让她瞧瞧自己的真面目,竟然敢说本少的长相不过关? Whom is this scolds in this? 这是在这骂谁呢? Although this few is not handsome man, but also was charmed myriad females to be good? Now also how many people, because can't join this few harem to be anxious? 虽说本少不是什么美男子,但也迷倒了万千女子好不好?现在还有多少人因为不能加入本少的后宫而忧虑呢? This woman! 这女人! Qin Shi curls the lip, Kong Xianhui in side actually mindless laughs: Ha Ha, the appearance does not go through a strategic pass, was not good to tease me!” 秦石撇撇嘴,孔贤慧在旁边却没心没肺的大笑起来:“哈哈,长相不过关,不行逗死我了!” You leave to me!!!” “你给我滚!!!” Qin Shi hate, if initially Kong Xianhui were not blocking him, he did ask Wang Zheng to make fair flowered beautiful male Yi Rong to him? Can be talked into the appearance not to go through a strategic pass? 秦石怨恨不已,若是当初孔贤慧不拦着他,他是不是就叫王政给他弄个白皙花美男的易容了?能被人说成长相不过关吗? This girl is actually good, oneself make young Loli, annoys to oneself in all directions troublesome, how wants how unable to pass at heart this ridge. 这丫头倒是好,自己弄个小萝莉,四处给自己惹麻烦,怎么想心里怎么过不去这个坎。 Leaves the auction, Qin Shi four people of Qi Shen the line. 离开拍卖会,秦石四人齐身而行。 Quick, several strengths cover them, formidable spiritual power firmly its suppression. 很快,数股力量将他们笼罩,强大的灵力牢牢将其压制。 It seems like couldn't some people repress?” Qin Shi knit the brows, looks back saying: Lingyun, you walks first, this fan blade wooden spirit grass can under the alleviation Hui Er the injury, three days later you this crumb, I can induce to your position, will look for you.” “看来已经有人按耐不住了吗?”秦石皱了皱眉,回首道:“凌云,你先走,这扇叶木灵草能缓解下惠儿的伤势,三天以后你将这个捏碎,我就能够感应到你的位置,自会去找你。” The word, his big hand searches, pours into his psychic force together the magical amulet and fan blade wooden spirit grass gives Lingyun. 言罢,他大手一探,一道灌入他精神力的灵符和扇叶木灵草递给凌云。 But Lingyun has not put out a hand to meet, driving shaking the head: Big brother, you help my these many, I can, when your crisis do escape? I must remain, although I do not have the big skill, but certainly will not be a drag on your.” 但凌云并未伸手去接,主动的摇摇头:“大哥,你帮我这么多,我怎么能在你危机的时候自己逃跑?我要留下来,虽然我没有多大的本事,但也一定不会拖你后腿的。” Lingyun has pinched the fist, exposes unusual conditions the spirit pressure. 凌云捏了捏拳,展露出一股浑然天成的灵压。 Five days of peak?” “五天巅峰?” Qin Shi felt how many minute of amazed, this suddenly remembers here is Chaos Domain, which simplicity can enter here disciple to have? 秦石感到几分惊诧,这才恍然想起这里是乱域,能进入这里的弟子有哪个简单? He looks at color that definitely reaches the clouds, the forced smile: Good, but a meeting, you and virtuous they in the same place, this hatred wants me to come the result.” 他看着凌云的决色,苦笑:“那好吧,不过一会,你和贤惠他们在一起,这一次的仇恨一定要我自己来结局。” In Lingyun look flood spooky gloss, the nod is complying. 凌云眼神里泛着幽幽光泽,点头答应。 At once, Qin Shi looked at one toward congealing rain fatty, but he opened mouth has not spoken but actually, he too understood this dreadful fatty, although usually in always trifle without respect, if met the proper business, he is alone will not leave absolutely. 旋即,秦石又朝凝雨这胖子看了一眼,但他张了张嘴倒也没有说话,他太了解这个猥琐的胖子了,虽然平日里总是玩世不恭,但一旦碰见正事,他是绝对不会独自离开。 Ok, you with me.” “算了,你们都跟着我吧。” Helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness like Hong, determined after Jane Zhun several people of positions, opens the mouth: We shake under the sweep of this strategy first several, leaves anxiously departure, like this they think that we fear them, one will fight will have perhaps the unexpected harvest.” 无奈的摇摇头,秦石识海如洪,确定简准几人的方位后开口:“咱们先在这阵法的笼罩下晃悠几圈,别急着离开,这样他们会以为我们惧怕他们,一会交起手来会说不定会有意想不到的收获。” Um?” Among the Kong Xianhui mental perceptions flashes through several points of difference, obstructs the surface to smile bashfully: „Is this is called to show the enemy weakly to? Has not looked, you suffice slyly?” “嗯?”孔贤慧的慧眼间闪过几分异样,遮面羞笑:“这是叫做示敌以弱吗?没看出来,你够狡猾的啊?” Does not have the means that this time match does not compare commonly, needing the discrete point be good.” Qin Shi is rigorous, this is his first time must face seven huge energies, although already had the plan at heart, but unavoidable anxious. “没办法啊,这次的对手不比寻常,必须要谨慎一点才行啊。”秦石严谨不少,这是他第一次要面对七天大能,尽管心里早就有了计划,但还是难免紧张。 Let alone, if failed, Jane Zhun will certainly not let off has killed his opportunity, once they the head confrontation, that is the life and death extremely fights inevitably. 何况,如果失败的话,简准一定不会放过杀了他的机会,两人一旦正面交锋,那必然是生死殊斗。 Kong Xianhui curls upwards the tip of the toe, the broad and handsome forehead is also revealing to wipe light blushing, under blushes having made up mind that is wipes nobody to realize, but she carries on behind white hands, then closely is gripping the quiet profound left deviation. 孔贤慧翘着脚尖,螓首也露出抹淡淡的红晕,红晕下是抹没人察觉的决意,而她背在身后的玉手上,则是紧紧攥着幽玄左倾。 I will certainly not make you have an accident, only will not betray the friend of mine.” “我一定不会让你出事,唯一一个不会出卖我的朋友。” A determination in moral nature seed. 一个决心在心底萌芽。 Jane Zhun and Liu Ming several people leave the auction, rapidly becomes the lattice Qin Shi surrounding, in Jane Zhun foreheads the flashing black air/Qi, cloudy and cold [say / way]: Snort, the brat, thinks that hid I how you under the asylum of strategy? Naive!” 简准和柳明几人离开拍卖会,迅速成网状将秦石包围,简准的眉宇间闪动黑气,阴冷道:“哼,臭小子,以为躲在阵法的庇护下我就奈何不了你了吗?天真!” The word, he looks back to call one: Asks when this auction strategy removes.” 言罢,他回首招呼一声:“去问一问,这拍卖阵法几时撤下。” Yes!” “是!” Three create the world group disciples slightly to run, after half double-hour, returns to side Jane Zhun, whispered: Big brother Jane Zhun, asked understood, crosses three double-hour strategy to remove again.” 三名创世团弟子小跑一圈,半个时辰后回到简准身边,嘀咕道:“简准大哥,问明白了,再过三个时辰这阵法就会撤下。” Three double-hour? I give you three double-hour the life time!” Jane Zhun look even more cloudy and cold, the cold current agitation vault of heaven between spoken languages. “三个时辰吗?我就给你三个时辰的活命时间!”简准的神色愈发阴冷,言语间的寒流搅动天穹。 The Qin Shi four people do not know quite the same as, after the auction ended, he attains the huge contribution value, in addition before 800,000 cross 2 million, does the rare such sudden wealth, want the ruined family suddenly is not? 秦石四人浑然不知,拍卖会结束以后他拿到庞大的贡献值,加上之前的800000已经过2000000了,难得这样暴富,怎么也要败家一下不是? The auction ended, innumerable small trade routes still set up a stall outside trade, but his vision in bored suddenly concentrates, spreads paving on to realize a plain map remnant volume from one. 拍卖会结束,无数小商旅仍在外面摆摊贩卖,而就在无聊之中他的目光突然一凝,从一个摊铺上察觉到一张古朴的地图残卷。 Well!” “咦!” The black pupil polymerization of Qin Shi, wasn't this map remnant volume divided into nine points of ancient times lethal weapon conceal treasure charts? 秦石的黑眸聚合,这地图残卷不正是被分成九分的远古凶器藏宝图? But this, should be the top left-hand corner position. 而这张,应该是左上角的位置。 Really is the heaven does not lose the person with high aspirations, suddenly here was discovered by me?” Looks mountains and rivers that in the remnant volume flashes, he shows a faint smile. “真是皇天不负有心人,竟然在这里被我发现了?”看着残卷上闪动的山河,他微微一笑。 Boss, what is this remnant volume makes to use?” “老板,这张残卷是做什么用的?” Has the customer to visit, this boss emerges immediately: „Is little brother, how you interested in this remnant volume? Be honest with you, this remnant volume is hiding the world treasure, but looked that is predestined friends in us, is the treasure that is lower than 10,000 not to sell, now wants 998, turned over to you!” 有顾客访问,这老板马上兴起:“小兄弟,怎么你对这残卷感兴趣?不瞒你说,这残卷可是隐藏着天地珍宝,但是看在咱们有缘,本来是低于10000不卖的宝贝,现在只要998,就归你了!” 998?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, this boss is really interesting. “998?”秦石愣了愣,这老板真是有趣。 He bargained back and forth does not have, delimited 1000 contribution values directly, this remnant volume income pouch, looks at one after another only misses six storehouse treasure charts, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards on gently selects. 他连讨价还价都没有,直接划出1000贡献值,将这张残卷收入囊中,接连看着只差六张的藏宝图,剑眉轻轻的上挑。 Really not in vain this line.” “真是不枉此行啊。” Has licked the licking lips angle, he felt that this storehouse treasure chart and he is very predestined friends. 舔了舔嘴角,他感觉这藏宝图和他真的挺有缘。 In the leisure, he in the store middle reaches mark, collects many cure souls the herbal medicine, this became part in his life, perhaps some day, the Shu Zhongyu thorough restoration, will he also insist this custom? 闲暇中,他又在商铺中游迹,收集起不少的治愈灵魂的草药,这已经成为他生命中的一部分,或许有朝一日,书中玉彻底恢复,他也会坚持这个习惯吧? After all, this is the beginning end that he and Shu Zhongyu is acquainted. 毕竟,这是他和书中玉相识的始端。 Bang! 轰! When he alone falls into memory sea, a bang behind is shaking suddenly, becomes Genki auction strategy abates one after another indifferently, disintegration bit by bit. 而在他独自陷入记忆海时,一声巨响突然在身后震荡,接连成玄龟般的拍卖阵法漠然消退,一点一点的瓦解。 Bang! 轰! The bang has not fallen, has number to explode by ten forms shoots the vault of heaven, the creation world group disciple of Jane Zhunwei head, encircles Qin Shi immediately. 巨响未落,就有数以十记的身影爆射苍穹,简准为首的创世团弟子,马上将秦石围剿。 Brat, it seems like your time of death to!” “臭小子,看来你的死期到了!” Jane Zhun big hand like the sword, the scarlet wild waves of tumbling shoots up to the sky, dyes the blood red the vault of heaven of half wall. 简准大手如剑,翻滚的血色骇浪冲天而起,将半壁的天穹都染成血红色。 Innumerable disciples one startled, in heart in abundance absent-minded: Creates the world group?” 无数弟子一惊,心中纷纷失神:“是创世团?” Um, before is , that boy in auction market, he offended has created the world group, it seems like will create the world group not to let off him easily!” “嗯,是和之前在拍卖场的那小子,他得罪了创世团,看来创世团不会轻易的放过他了!” In numerous disciple's finishes up hand work, looked for a good commanding point to watch hastily, moreover spread out some with them intentionally, in order to avoid being injured. 众多弟子将手上的工作放下,连忙找了个好的制高点观看,而且故意和两人拉开些距离,以免被伤。 Lin Xing in the bidding block, in the hand is hugging a temperate jade hare on the moon, she sees outside being in sharp opposition, the cherry lips to ridicule: These had to live it up.” 林杏在拍卖会场内,手中抱着一只温和的玉兔,她看见外面的针锋相对,樱唇讪笑:“这一下有热闹了。” Under Jane accurate wild waves oppression, Qin Shi is actually free and easy smiles, he uses spiritual power to open the surface barrier in the top of the head, will be dripping the blood rain camouflage that falls: He he, I said that you followed to be so long, didn't feel tired? If your bonsai does not plant with a sense of urgency, that is water scarcity to perish, such 2 million on white bloom.” 在简准的骇浪压迫下,秦石倒是洒脱一笑,他用灵力在头顶撑开面屏障,将淋漓而落的血雨遮蔽:“呵呵,我说你跟了这么久,难道不感觉累吗?你的盆栽如果不抓紧种下,那可是会缺水而亡的哦,那样2000000就白花了。” Brat, few idle talk, you chose a rich and populous place to make the grave to yourself actually.” Jane Zhun look one cold, sneers: Dies in the business area, later you make trouble do not need to worry that did not have money to spend.” “臭小子,少废话,你倒是给自己选了个富庶的地方做坟墓。”简准眼神一寒,冷笑一句:“在商区死,以后你做鬼也不用担心没有钱花了。” He he, how you know that here does not elect to you?” Qin Shi smiles free and easy. “呵呵,你怎么知道,这里不是给你选的呢?”秦石洒脱一笑。 But Qin Shi is this, Jane Zhun spunk is even more cut-throat, being bossy to several humanity: Your several, give me to sphere him!” 秦石越是这样,简准的怒意越发凶狠,颐指气使的冲着身旁几人道:“你们几个,给我将他围住!” Yes!” “是!” Dozens create the world group disciples to ambush rapidly, beyond three three covering all round in Qin Shi, the number made him hit contracting malaria by ten six days of spirit pressures. 数十名创世团弟子迅速伏击,将秦石里三圈外三圈的团团笼罩,数以十记的六天灵压令他打了打寒。 „Did boy, fear? Gives you again an opportunity, hands over the demon symbol on your hand, then creates the world group to refine 5000 demon symbols to us, perhaps I can apply with above, forgives your life, but your spiritual power cultivates is, must discard!” Jane Zhun is feeling the surrounding scared look, put on a high and mighty act crosses the hands behind the back to laugh wildly. “小子,怕了吗?再给你一次机会,将你手上的魔符交出来,然后给我们创世团炼制5000张魔符,我说不定可以和上面申请一下,饶你一命,但你的灵力修为,必须是要废掉!”简准感受着周围的惧色,趾高气昂的负手狂笑。 Feared?” Qin Shi shakes the head: I want to ask you actually, nine revolutions of calcedony grass belts on body? If brought, remained, if has not brought, you will bring, came to bring death again!” “怕?”秦石摇摇头:“我倒是想问问你,九转玉髓草带在身上没?要是带了的话,就留下来吧,如果没带,你会去取来,再过来送死吧!” Jane Zhun corner of the eye dangles, the cold current between scarlet waterfalls, has frozen the air slightly, he finally not in tranquil wields the hand: Acts recklessly, that do not blame me!” 简准眼角垂下,血色瀑布间的寒流,已经将空气微微冻结,他终是不在平静的挥起手:“不知死活,那就别怪我了!” Begins!” “动手!” Issuance of order, creates world group disciples simultaneously to be pregnant the spirit, the vault of heaven upper extreme such as is raised by the rough sea waves, several hundred meters high cloud layer immediately such as jade plate disintegration. 命令下达,创世团弟子同时孕灵,天穹上端如被巨浪掀起,几百米高的云层顿时如玉盘崩碎。 Dozens five days six days of strengths are too strong, reach the clouds at heart. 数十名五天六天的力量太强,凌云心里咣啷一下。 A Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow bunch, she finds out the Qin Shi situation, perhaps if only then Jane Zhun, he can also strive for success 12, but these many people, are actually not good. 孔贤慧黛眉一簇,她了解秦石的情况,如果说只有简准一人,或许他还能拼搏12,但这么多人,却是不行。 Therefore makes an effort in the back small hands slightly. 为此在背后的小手稍稍用力。 But at this moment, a big hand holds her fragrant shoulder suddenly, Qin Shi to his confident shaking the head: If you do not want to bring in a bigger trouble to me, do not expose the strength!” 而就在这时,一只大手突然抓住她的香肩,秦石冲着他坦然的摇摇头:“如果你不想给我引来更大的麻烦,就别暴露实力!” But!” Kong Xianhui puzzled has congealed the congealing black eyebrow coloring eyebrow, looks at the black pupil of Qin Shi is such limpid, profound, making her vacillate. “但是!”孔贤慧纠结的凝了凝黛眉,看秦石的黑眸是那样清澈,深邃,令她动摇。 Good, I knew!” Finally gave to swing the broad and handsome forehead that she sighed deeply. “好吧,我知道了!”最终给她长叹的摇了摇螓首。 The Qin Shi big hand loosens, binds tightly the black robe of chest, wipes unprecedented to flash through the black pupil seriously: It seems like, is field fierce battle.” 秦石大手松开,将胸膛的黑袍裹紧,一抹前所未有的郑重闪过黑眸:“看来,接下来是场恶战啊。” Bang! 轰! But soon will erupt in both sides, burns the day raging fire to explode from beyond the highest heavens together shoots to fall, fierce breaks the earth, leaves behind several marsh lands. 而就在双方即将爆发,一道焚天烈火从九霄云外爆射而落,剧烈的将大地震碎,留下几个洼地。 Together bearing uncommon form bath fire, lonely right eye flood cold and gloomy happy expression, Fu Junxiao sentence: He he, Jane Zhun, what you make? Is bullying our fog pledge the small lucky star?” 一道器宇不凡的身影浴火而出,孤独的右眼泛着森冷笑意,付军笑句:“呵呵,简准,你这是做什么?在欺负我们雾盟的小福星吗?” Jane Zhun?” “简准?” Fog pledge?” “雾盟?” After Jane Zhun, quiet azure and Shen Fengchun does not know that from where comes, the people will create the disciples of world group to enclose from the addendum circle rapidly. 简准之后,幽青和沈逢春不知从何而来,众人迅速从外圈将创世团的弟子围上。 How? Is this must fight? How fought can be short of my Shen Feng spring?” Shen Fengchun pinches the gigantic fist to step to Qin Shi side, sneering sentence: Brother, today who dares to bully you, I destroy him!” “怎么着啊?这是要打架啊?打架怎么能少了我沈逢春?”沈逢春捏着硕大的拳头迈到秦石身边,冷笑句:“老弟,今日谁敢欺负你,我就将他打碎!” In foreign country quiet three years of two big influence, under the Qin Shi turning point, pulls open the campaign finally once more. 在外域沉寂了三年的两大势力,终是在秦石的契机下,再次拉开战役。 !! !!
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