PDL :: Volume #8

#709: The appearance does not go through a strategic pass

If rainbow the air/Qi of withering heads on, Kong Xianhui embroiders the eye to have several points of surprised lax, in a moment ago that short instance, she unexpectedly felt a perfect killing intent from side youth. 如虹的肃杀之气扑面而来,孔贤慧绣眼带有几分惊讶的涣散,就在刚才那短暂的瞬间,她从旁边这个少年身上竟感觉到一股极致的杀意。 That type kills intent, is far from mortal can release. 那种杀意,绝非凡人能够释放。 It seems like, have you prepared for?” The Kong Xianhui fragrance winds around light. “看来,你已经做好准备了吗?”孔贤慧香气缭绕的轻哼。 Qin Shi cloudy and cold nod: Um, I must do accounts with him, now is ahead of time, who called the thing that he took him should not take.” 秦石阴冷的点点头:“嗯,本来我就要和他算账,现在不过是提前一点而已,谁叫他拿了他不该拿的东西呢。” Looks the fierceness on that resolute face flashing through, Kong Xianhui have no alternative, she knows Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha and Shu Zhongyu, the three all are inviting the wrath of the emperor that Qin Shi cannot be moved, the stubborn supineness begins: No matter how, I will stand side you.” 看着那刚毅面庞上闪过的狰狞,孔贤慧无可奈何,她知道沁雪心玉罗刹书中玉、三者皆是秦石不可触碰的逆鳞,倔强的仰起头:“不管如何,我会站在你身旁。” Qin Shi changes countenance slightly, at once has rubbed her luxuriant gently: Good, the words that wants, you in side look that such a small role does not need to care in any case.” 秦石略微动容,旋即轻轻揉了揉她的秀发:“好,愿意的话,那你就在旁边看着吧,反正这么个小角色不用太在意的。” The word, his black pupil scattering cold current. 言罢,他的黑眸散射寒流。 If before placing half a month, he perhaps did not have any assurance, but now is different, had two ** assisting of body, although cannot have 100% assurances to strike to kill Jane Zhun, but absolutely not like the past passive. 若是放在半月以前,他或许还没有任何把握,但是现在却大不一样,有了两**身的相助,虽说不能有100的把握击杀简准,但是绝对不会在像以往那样被动。 His several never have also used card in a hand. 况且,他还有几个从未用过的底牌呢。 For example, Long Bai real Long Mofu. 譬如,龙白的真龙魔符。 All waiting ended.” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth rise, but at this time, the atmosphere in field coagulated once more, the breath of many disciple were rapid. “一切等待结束吧。”秦石嘴角上扬,而在这个时候,场上的气氛再次凝固,不少弟子的呼吸都急促起来。 Looks quickly, is the demon symbol!” “快看,又是魔符!” Um, moreover is three incantation demon symbols?” “嗯,而且还是三咒魔符?” A disciple drinks the sound, pinching tightly fist in abundance. 一众弟子喝声,纷纷的捏紧拳去。 Qin Shi raises eyes, this something by auction is also his work, shaking the head of forced smile, but when he prepares to leave alone, the incisive sound suddenly resounds together. 秦石举目,这件拍卖品也是他的作品,不由苦笑的摇摇头,但就在他准备放任不管时,一道尖锐的声音突然响起。 10,000!” “10000!” Jane Zhun rocking number plate, the smiling sentence of bird's eye view audience: Fellow brothers, this demon symbol we created the world group to want, hopes that everybody can give face.” 简准晃动号牌,俯瞰全场的笑句:“各位兄弟,这张魔符我们创世团要了,希望各位能够给个面子哈。” Creates the world group? Created the world group to participate to auction?” “是创世团?创世团参与拍卖了?” Trembled to the disciple look that demon symbol moves, they are not because these 10,000 contribution values are timid, because behind Jane Zhun creation world group, that huge influence. 本来对魔符动心的弟子神色一颤,他们并非是因为这10000贡献值胆怯,而是因为简准背后的创世团,那个庞大的势力。 In addition in Jane Zhun words full Han the threat tone, many dispersion disciples consider in the moral nature, finally has not willingly lets go this opportunity. 加上简准话语中满含的威胁口吻,不少游散弟子在心底思量一番,最终只好不甘心的放弃这次机会。 Lin Xing is in the stage black eyebrow coloring eyebrow to be light, snorting contemptuously snort. 林杏在舞台上黛眉轻蹙,嗤之以鼻的哼了哼。 Such auction is unfair, but the people actually angry but not dare say anything. 这样的拍卖根本就不公平,但众人却敢怒而不敢言。 The atmosphere in field is peaceful, Jane Zhun shows the happy expression, but in him thinks that can take demon Fu Master, the sound made his look pale together. 场上的气氛安静,简准不由露出笑意,但就在他以为能拿下魔符师,一道声响令他神色铁青。 Hey, is really interesting.” Qin Shi throwing out the chest chest cavity: Good can such thing the value 10,000, that rather also too not to know how to use things sparingly? 20,000!” “嘿嘿,真是有趣。”秦石挺了挺胸膛:“这么好的东西要才值10000,那未免也太暴殄天物了吧?20000!” Brat, you!” Jane Zhun pupil color changes, angry pinches tightly the fist. “臭小子,你!”简准眸色一变,愤怒的就捏紧拳。 Standing up that Qin Shi refuses to admit being inferior: Brother Jane Zhun, were you? Difficult to be inadequate must hit me? I urged you to consider as finished, here may not probably resort to violence, moreover you wanted to delay a meeting, it is estimated that this demon symbol must turn over to me.” Here, he looked back to smile: „Was forest apricot miss, this drop hammer?” 秦石不甘示弱的站起身:“简准师兄,你这是怎么了?难不成要打我吗?我劝你还是算了吧,这里可不许动武,而且你要在耽误一会,估计这魔符就要归我了。”说到这,他回首莞尔:“林杏姑娘,是不是该落锤了?” Lin Xing the almond eyes get back one's composure, smiles delightfully: 21,000 times.” 林杏杏眼回神,甜美一笑:“21000次。” Squeek! 吱! Jane Zhun anger launches a psychological attack, but poverty-stricken under opens the mouth: 30,000!” 简准怒火攻心,但窘迫下还是跟着开口:“30000!” 40,000!” Jane Zhun offer has not fallen, Qin Shi holds up the number plate directly. “40000!”简准的报价未落,秦石直接举起号牌。 Auctions this demon symbol, but he is sporty, even if Jane Zhun shouts 10 million now, he also dares to be duty-bound not to turn back with. 拍卖这魔符,他心里可是底气十足,就算现在简准喊10000000,他也敢义无反顾的跟上去。 Naturally, if is really 10 million, he estimated that on disagreement Jane Zhunzheng, such he can contribute the room to receive in exchange for the broken snow cuckoo and demon soul after all. 当然,如果真是10000000,他估计就不和简准争了,毕竟那样他就能去贡献斋换取碎雪杜鹃和森古魔魂了。 The Qin Shi selling quotation embarrasses Jane Zhun. 秦石的喊价让简准难堪。 50,000!” “50000!” Brother Jane Zhun, 100 million does not have the meaning, was inferior we select in a big way can be good?” Qin Shi hit to refer to the sound, shouted the sentence to the forest apricot: 100,000!” “简准师兄,100000000的多没意思,不如咱们来点大的可好?”秦石打了个指响,冲着林杏喊句:“100000!” The auction is peaceful immediately, many disciples stare the big pupil eye. 拍卖会顿时安静,不少弟子瞪大眸眼。 Reaches the clouds flurriedly in side also with: Big brother, an demon symbol, is unworthy this price, we left him to struggle!” 凌云在旁边也是跟着慌乱:“大哥,一张魔符,不值这个价啊,咱们别他争了!” Oh, what is your boy anxious?” But has not waited for the Qin Shi start to talk, the congealing rain to hold on him in side: These demon symbols, all are the big brother refine, that is also not he wants to shout how many shouted how many?” “哎呀,你小子猴急什么?”但没等秦石开口,凝雨在旁边拉住他:“这些魔符,全都是大哥炼制的,那还不是他想喊多少就喊多少?” Um?” Lingyun is surprised: You said that the big brother he is Demonic Talisman Master?” “嗯?”凌云大吃一惊:“你是说,大哥他是符魔师?” The Qin Shi default smiles, reaches the clouds the language to choke. 秦石默认一笑,凌云才语噎。 The sentiment, is Qin Shi from beginning to end, is playing jokes upon Jane Zhun? 感情,秦石从始至终,就是在戏耍简准啊? 100,000 have gone far beyond this demon symbol the value, Jane Zhun hesitated obviously, however in his silent moment, Fu Jun summoned suddenly the disciple of fog pledge exudes the sobbing sound, making his complexion one red. 100000已经远远超过这张魔符的价值,简准明显犹豫了,但是在他沉默的片刻中,付军突然号召雾盟的弟子发出唏嘘声,令他的脸色一红。 Pinched the fist, Jane Zhun has struck the table saying: Brat, I with you! 110,000!” 捏了捏拳,简准拍案道:“臭小子,我跟你!110000!” Good, hey, Brother Jane Zhun is filthy rich, that this demon symbol delivers you, I do not follow.” In the pupils of Qin Shi flashes through wipes cunningly, to Jane Zhungong cuping one hand in the other across the chest. “好,嘿嘿,简准师兄就是财大气粗,那这魔符就送你呗,我不跟了。”秦石的眸间闪过抹狡黠,冲着简准拱了拱手。 Jane Zhun stares, this responded that was swindled. 简准不由一愣,这才反应过来上当了。 Brat, do you play me?” “臭小子,你耍我?” I said that are you willing to bid are not?” Qin Shi being disinclined manages him, but in the following auction, so long as is the demon symbol, so long as Jane Zhunhuo creates the world group to get rid, his carelessly selling quotation, sometimes will create the world group also to give up, but he will not have what loss in any case. “我都说了,你自己愿意出价不是?”秦石懒得理他,而在接下来的拍卖中,只要是魔符,只要简准或创世团出手,他就跟着胡乱喊价,有时候创世团也会放弃,但反正他是没有什么损失。 The handling charges of several hundred contribution values, he does not care. 几百贡献值的手续费而已,他不在乎。 More and more in the future, Jane Zhun starts to regret that regretted he provokes Qin Shi on own initiative, he has not expected Qin Shi to be unexpectedly more ruthless than him. 越来越往后,简准开始后悔,后悔他主动去招惹秦石,他怎么也没料到秦石竟比他还要狠。 But in this world has not regretted after the fact sells. 但这世上可没有后悔药卖。 In the future auction, presents many precious martial arts compounded drugs, as well as Upper Tier famous article. 在往后的拍卖会上,出现不少珍贵的武学丹药,以及上品的名器。 Then, is at this auction, only sword famous article, named: Cuts off the water supply.” Auctioned Late Stage, atmosphere gradually was gentler, Lin Xing held up a two meters great sword. “接下来,是本场拍卖会中,唯一一把剑型名器,名为:断水。”拍卖到了后期,气氛渐渐的平缓一些,林杏举起一把两米长的巨剑。 This great sword wields, cuts off the aura of many disciple. 这巨剑一挥,斩断不少弟子的气息。 This great sword enough half people wide, but sword edge actually exceptionally sharp, Lin Xing luxuriant was curled up by the cool breeze, flutters from sword edge will not have stopped including the stop from now on, was broken to pieces directly becomes two. 这巨剑足足有半人多宽,但是剑刃却异常的锋利,林杏的一根秀发被清风卷起,从剑刃上飘过后连停顿都未曾停顿,直接被碎成两节。 Drinks, this may really be easy completely to break.” “喝,这可真是吹毛尽断啊。” Qin Shi has wiped the eye, calculates that some of his also days, for this reason came the interest the cutting off the water supply sword to this unarmed. 秦石不由擦了擦眼睛,算一算他赤手空拳也有些日子了,为此不由对这把断水剑来了兴趣。 Starting bid price, 100,000!” “起拍价,100000!” 150,000!” “150000!” 250,000!” “250000!” 500,000!” “500000!” The value that this cuts off the water supply flies upwards instantaneously, in the black pupils of Qin Shi cannot bear dodge the corridor fine glow finally, holds up the number plate in hand: 600,000!” 这断水的价值瞬间飞升,秦石的黑眸间终是忍不住闪过道精芒,举起手中的号牌:“600000!” 700,000!” “700000!” 800,000!” “800000!” 1 million!” “1000000!” 1.5 million!” “1500000!” The price was too been suddenly high, 1.5 million made many disciples back down. 价格突然被太高,1500000令不少弟子打起退堂鼓。 Qin Shi also frowned, although this price has not been in the situation that another place is inferior, after all at this auction he also 1 million contribution value income, however consider in the moral nature, he chooses to give up. 秦石也是皱起眉头,虽然这个价格没到他处之不及的地步,毕竟这场拍卖会上他还有1000000的贡献值收入,但是在心底思量一番,他还是选择放弃。 After all he also needs contribution value, the distance 9 million also miss about 7 million, but he can the day in the foreign country treating not be many, small Qin Shi must be born. 毕竟他还需要很多贡献值,距离9000000还差近7000000之多,而他能在外域待的日子已经不多了,小秦石就要出世了。 For this cuts off the water supply to consume 2 million, is unworthy. 为了这断水耗损2000000,不值。 However he does not know, the fine glow that in his former pupils flashed through was seized by Fu Junpu, cutting off the water supply to achieve 2 million in this, Fu Jun set out to say with a smile: 2.5 million!” 但是他并不知道,他之前眸间闪过的精芒被付军扑捉,在这把断水达到2000000时,付军起身笑道:“2500000!” 2.5 million?” “2500000?” Hissing!” Countless people suck in the mouth cold air/Qi. “嘶!”无数人倒抽口冷气。 In addition the reason of fog pledge, finally this cutting off the water supply by 2.5 million to be patted by Fu Jun. 加上雾盟的原因,最终这把断水被付军以2500000拍下。 Jane Zhun does not dare to shout randomly that for fear that was deceived. 简准也没敢在跟着乱喊,生怕被骗。 Cut off the water supply to finish, auction also to end, after half double-hour, this auction was completely ended, numerous disciples revealed all kinds of mood. 断水结束,拍卖会也到了末期,半个时辰后这场拍卖会算是彻底结束,众多弟子露出各式各样的情绪。 Likes, has the sorrow, has the unwillingness. 有欢喜,有悲哀,有不甘。 Finished?” “结束了么?” Qin Shi is actually free, under extension exhausted wainscot. 秦石倒是自若,伸展下疲惫的腰板。 But he just set out, wipes such as cold ice killing intent to throw to strike to him, made his frowning of slightly, looked back looks at each other with Jane Zhun. 而他刚起身,一抹如寒冰的杀意扑击向他,令他微微的皱起眉头,回首和简准对视。 It seems like he also had the murderous intention to you.” Gripping Qin Shi that Kong Xianhui worries about. “看来他也对你动了杀机。”孔贤慧担忧的握住秦石 Qin Shi has gawked staring, backhands gently holds Kong Xianhui, such as the black pupil of sharp sword welcomed Jane Zhun: Yes, but is like this just right, so as to avoid exits I also to seek for him, so long as like this I waited for gains without pains on the line.” 秦石愣了愣,反手温柔的抓住孔贤慧,如利剑的黑眸迎上简准:“是啊,但这样正好,免得出去我还要寻找他,这样我只要守株待兔就行了。” Has refused to compromise the moment, two talented people diverge along with the human tide. 僵持了片刻,两人才随着人潮散去。 Later Qin Shi arrives at the backstage, starts to exchange him to be his something by auction. 之后秦石来到后台,开始兑换他属于他的拍卖品。 This auction his harvest is good, an ice soul cold pill, a fan blade wooden miracle cure, most important also has three Feng Leisuo. 这次拍卖会他的收获算是不错,一个冰魄寒丸,一枚扇叶木灵丹,最重要的还有三个封雷锁。 Qin Shi delicious lining up, the graceful form welcomed him together suddenly, made his knitting the brows. 秦石正美滋滋的排队,一道曼妙的身影突然迎上他,令他不由的皱了皱眉。 Forest apricot miss?” “林杏姑娘?” Hey, what expression Young Master this is, sees me to be very accidental?” Lin Xing the white hands obstruct the surface, sweet smiles to Qin Shi. “嘿嘿,公子这是什么表情,难道看见我很意外吗?”林杏玉手遮面,冲着秦石甜甜一笑。 Shrugging that Qin Shi thinks little of: Yes, is very accidental, I think that forest apricot miss fairy, should not note my this unimportant person to be right likely.” 秦石不以为意的耸了耸肩:“是啊,是挺意外,我以为像林杏姑娘这种仙女,应该不会注意到我这种小人物才对。” Hears the praise, the forest apricot is the dimple is naturally unceasing, graceful smiled faintly to Qin Shi: Young Master will chat, dares the tribunal with creating the world group does right, can make fog pledge managing a household stand to shield greatly, if this unimportant person, the girl is the same like the dust?” 听闻夸奖,林杏自然是笑靥不断,落落大方的冲秦石浅笑:“公子真会说笑,敢公堂和创世团做对,能让雾盟大当家站出来袒护,如果这样还是小人物的话,那小女子岂不是如尘埃一样?” Qin Shi awkward smiling, has not gone to say. 秦石尴尬的笑了笑,没去多说。 Lin Xing shows a faint smile, will be Qin Shi several something by auctions to offer a sacrifice to: Was good, I am give you to exchange something by auction.” 林杏微微一笑,将属于秦石的几件拍卖品祭出:“行了,我是来给你兑换拍卖品的。” Um?” Qin Shi has gawked the god: „, Don't I need to line up?” “嗯?”秦石愣了愣神:“难道,我不用排队吗?” Naturally, you are at this auction the biggest merchant, has provided several hundred demon symbols for us, this preferential benefit also has.” Lin Xing the almond eyes dodge are flattering color. “当然,你可是本场拍卖会上最大的商户,为我们提供了数百张的魔符,这点优惠还有有的。”林杏杏眼闪着媚色。 But she does not open the mouth fortunately, as soon as she start to talk, the atmosphere changes. 而她不开口还好,她一开口,气氛一变。 Innumerable disciple astonished staring to Qin Shi. 无数弟子惊愕的瞪向秦石 Especially creates the disciple of world group, angry looking angrily at Qin Shi, Jane Zhun pinches tightly the fist directly, a fist bang on wall. 特别是创世团的弟子,一个一个愤怒的怒视秦石,简准直接捏紧拳,一拳轰在墙壁上。 Qin Shi feels the surrounding spunk, the forced smile: I said the elder sister, you in intentionally pit I am right?” 秦石感受到周围的怒意,苦笑:“我说姐姐,你是在故意坑我对吗?” Hey, no, I think that you are fearless.” “嘿嘿,没有啊,我只是以为你天不怕地不怕呢。” Lin Xing teases to throw the facial features to Qin Shi, made Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, suddenly remembered the Kong Xianhui words, teased: I said the elder sister, didn't you have a liking for me?” 林杏挑逗着冲秦石抛去眉眼,令秦石无奈的摇摇头,突然想起孔贤慧的话,调侃道:“我说姐姐,你不是看上我了吧?” Has a liking for you? Beauty that thinks! The elder sister did not accompany you, elder sister walked first.” “看上你?想的美啊!姐姐不陪你了,姐姐先走了啊。” Gives Qin Shi something by auction, Lin Xing rotates the attractive line to set out to depart, but she just before leaving gently blows the fragrance to leave behind one near the Qin Shi ear, lets the spoken language that the Qin Shi half sound has not gotten back one's composure. 将拍卖品交给秦石,林杏转动着诱人的线条起身离去,而她临走时在秦石耳边轻轻吹着香气留下一句,生生让秦石半响没有回过神的言语。 Kid, if not your long is extremely so mediocre, the elder sister did not mind actually really accompanies you to rest an evening, but was a pity that your anything is good, is this appearance, does not go through a strategic pass in elder sister this!” “小家伙,如果不是你长的这么太过平庸,姐姐倒是真不介意陪你睡上一晚,只是可惜你什么都好,就是这个长相啊,在姐姐这不过关!” !! !!
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