PDL :: Volume #8

#708: Bonsai

500,000? This person insane?” “500000?这人疯了吧?” 500,000 this digit, truly frightened many disciples, this regarding many disciples perhaps was several years, dozens years, digit that even is not always able to hope to attain. 500000这个数字,确实吓到了不少弟子,这对于许多弟子恐怕是几年,几十年,甚至平生都无法企及的数字。 The black ink wolf slightly is also startled, angry staring to Qin Shi. 墨狼也微微吃惊,愤怒的瞪向秦石 Qin Shi is actually confident, shows a faint smile to him, spreads out two slender big hands, then in nine revolutions of calcedony grass fingers toward stage. 秦石倒是坦然,冲着他微微一笑,将两只修长的大手摊开,接着朝着舞台上的九转玉髓草一指。 This movement has enraged the black ink wolf thoroughly, no wonder others said that he for lunatic, handled matters is really unambiguous, opens the mouth to shout: 600,000!” 这一个动作彻底激怒了墨狼,难怪别人称他为疯子,办起事来真不含糊啊,开口就喊道:“600000!” Qin Shi knits the brows slightly: These many contribution values that this boy, where comes!” 秦石微微皱眉:“这小子,哪里来的这么多贡献值!” Big brother has not to know that this person only understands alchemy, lives besides the purchase medicinal herbs, almost it can be said that does not have any expenses, but he refines the success ratio of compounded drug extremely to be also high, you refines the demon symbol the success ratio to differ not many with the big brother, almost must achieve 100%, the value of herbal medicine therefore buying was also promoted, being rich in!” Congealing rain know-it-all explained the sentence from side. “大哥有所不知,这人只懂得炼药,生活上除了购买药草以外,几乎可以说是没有任何开销,而他炼制丹药的成功率又极高,和大哥你炼制魔符的成功率相差不多,几乎就要达到100了,所以买回来的草药的价值又得到了提升,富有着呢!”凝雨这个万事通从旁边解释句。 Originally is this?” “原来是这样?” Qin Shi deep inspiration, raised several points of interest to this black ink wolf, can achieve the close 100% refinement compounded drugs, that truly was a talent. 秦石深深的吸了口气,不由对这个墨狼提起几分兴趣,能达到接近100炼制丹药,那确实是个天才。 However he will not give up these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, holds up the number plate: 650,000!” 但是他绝不会放弃这九转玉髓草,举起号牌:“650000!” They were on the bars. 两人算是杠上了。 680,000!” “680000!” 690,000!” “690000!” 700,000!” Qin Shi look gloomy low drinks one, the atmosphere in field once more in an uproar, but the black ink wolf also because of 700,000 large amount knitting the brows, obviously this also reached the limit that he can accept, finally has not gone to blind followed Qin Shi again. “700000!”秦石神色阴沉的低喝一声,场上的气氛再次哗然,而墨狼也因700000的巨额皱眉,显然这也已经到达他能接受的极限了,最终没有再去盲目的跟随秦石 Sees the unmanned start to talk, Lin Xing smiles the sentence embarrasedly: Nobody selling quotation? 701,000 times!” 见无人开口,林杏讪讪笑句:“没人喊价了吗?701000次!” 700,000 twice!” “700000两次!” 700,000!” Saw that the third hammer falls to knock, the heart of Qin Shi mentioned the throat, for a very long time the bitter homing five types of spirit grass had the whereabouts finally. “700000!”眼看着第三次锤落就要敲下,秦石的心都提到了嗓子眼,久久苦寻的五样灵草终于有了下落。 But the past events are unsatisfactory, made the sound that one did evil resound through in the auction market together incisively suddenly. 但往事不如人意,一道尖锐令人作恶的声音突然在拍卖场中响彻。 „Do 800,000, do nobody to open the mouth.” “800000,干嘛没人开口啊。” The Qin Shi extremely familiar sound conveys from the rear area together, Jane Zhunqiao one leg on the other, in the hand is holding appreciatively the number and route plate satire to smile. 一道秦石极为熟悉的声音从后方传来,简准翘着二郎腿,手中把玩着腰牌讽刺一笑。 The Qin Shi complexion sinks indifferently, the matter that he most does not want to see really occurred. 秦石的脸色漠然一沉,他最不想看见的事情果然发生了。 But when hesitates, he shouted the sentence: 850,000!” 但犹豫之余,他还是喊句:“850000!” 850,100!” Jane Zhun intentional raising hand of refers, corners of the mouth evil laughter. “850100!”简准故意的扬了扬手指,嘴角邪恶的笑声。 Qin Shi clenched teeth, but these nine revolutions of calcedony grass he must attain, he can sacrifice all for the restoration of Shu Zhongyu: 1 million!” 秦石咬了咬牙,但这九转玉髓草他必须要拿到,为了书中玉的恢复他能牺牲一切:“1000000!” 1.0001 million!” “1000100!” So long as the Qin Shi selling quotation, Jane Zhun are more than him 100, this movement made the audiences slightly knit the brows. 只要秦石喊价,简准就比他多出100,这一动作令全场都微微皱眉。 Jane Zhun such does, without doubt is wants this boy to be embarrassed, actually has he done what matter? Enraged unexpectedly has created the world group?” “简准这么做,无疑是想要这小子难堪,他究竟做了什么事啊?竟然激怒了创世团?” Does not know, but can make Jane Zhun so angry, we are leaving the boy distant point, otherwise, surely does not have the auspicious day!” “不知道,但能让简准这么愤怒,咱么还是离着小子远点吧,否则以后肯定没有好日子过!” One group of disciples are weighing at heart, influencing subtly being far away Qin Shi. 一群弟子在心里衡量,潜移默化的远离秦石 Qin Shi is disinclined to pay attention to them, among looks buying in slightly, he gathers the four number and route plates on hand, reaching the clouds almost can not count, he has 800,000, the congealing rain has 300,000, Kong Xianhui has 200,000, altogether is 1.3 million. 秦石懒得理会他们,神色间微微的吸纳,他将手上的四枚腰牌合起来,凌云的几乎可以不计,他自己有800000,凝雨有300000,孔贤慧有200000,一共是1300000。 He holds up three number and route plates: 1.3 million!” 他将三枚腰牌举起:“1300000!” 1,300,100!” Jane Zhunyou follows. “1300100!”简准悠哉跟上。 This, Qin Shi complexion is thorough, this has reached his limit, he has not thought of Jane Zhun to damage him, does not hesitate to consume over a million contribution values unexpectedly. 这一下,秦石面色彻底铁青,这已经达到他的极限了,他怎么也没想到简准为了祸害他,竟然不惜耗损上百万的贡献值。 1,300,110 times!” “1300110次!” 1,300,200 twice!” “1300200两次!” Lin Xing the little hammer knocks continuously, the heart of Qin Shi such as sinks to the deep sea to be the same, Jane Zhun always hangs the look of teasing, the whole face is not caring with excitedly. 林杏的小锤连续敲下,秦石的心如沉入深海一样,简准始终挂着戏谑的神色,满脸不在乎和兴奋。 Then to the feeling of person probably is, so long as can embarrass Qin Shi, spending the multi- money he to want. 那给人的感觉就好像是,只要能让秦石难堪,花多钱他都愿意。 Brat, does right in the foreign country and my Jane Zhun, I make you clear now, is fantasy story how!” Jane Zhun cold and gloomy congealing eyebrow, holds up the big hand to Qin Shi, on the nape of the neck has made the movement of writing off. “臭小子,在外域和我简准做对,我现在就让你明白明白,是多么的天方夜谭!”简准森冷的凝眉,冲着秦石将大手举起,在脖颈上个做了个抹杀的动作。 Saw this, Qin Shi to rub the forehead, wiped constraining that cannot say with angrily. 看见这幕,秦石揉了揉额头,一抹说不上的压抑和愤怒。 Qin Shi, what to do?” Kong Xianhui cherry lips min gathers slightly, the jade pupil is looking askance at Jane Zhundai the hatred: Or you continue the selling quotation, I will go to rather there not to borrow to contribute the value tomorrow.” 秦石,怎么办?”孔贤慧樱唇微微抿合,玉眸睨视着简准带着恨意:“要不你继续喊价,我明日去勿宁那里借来贡献值。” Qin Shi shakes the head, he does not want to owe others the favour, especially does not owe Ningxia, after all rather should not be the young female apprentice who Yuwen dies young. 秦石摇摇头,他不想欠别人人情,特别是欠勿宁的,毕竟勿宁是宇文殇的小师妹。 But in his look sad , the loud and clear laughter on the scene resounds together slightly: He he, Brother Qin, how non- selling quotation? Was the contribution value insufficient? All right, the elder brother leaves for you, 1.4 million!” 而就在他神色忧愁下,一道洪亮的笑声微微在场中响起:“呵呵,秦老弟,怎么不喊价了?贡献值不够了?没事,哥哥替你出,1400000!” Under field suddenly silent, complete silence. 场下突然寂静,鸦雀无声。 A disciple looks back to search toward the rear area, Fu Jun aggressive ice raising head however, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 一众弟子回首朝后方探去,付军霸气凌然的仰着头,负手而立。 Is fog pledge? Did the fog pledge get rid?” “是雾盟?雾盟出手了?” Drinks, has not thought that the foreign country two big influences did participate unexpectedly completely? These was interesting!” “喝,没想到,外域两大势力竟然全部参与进来了?这一下有意思了!” This boy, is not simple.” “这小子,不简单啊。” Under the people discussion, a Jane Zhun brow wrinkle, has not expected Fu Junjing to be able this time to stand obviously, moreover used over a million contribution values to help Qin Shi. 众人议论下,简准的眉头一皱,显然没料到付军竟会这个时候站出来,而且还动用了上百万的贡献值帮助秦石 But what he does not know, Qin Shi gave has paid armed forces over a thousand demon symbols, calculates according to the present market price that was close existence surely. 但他不知道的是,秦石给了付军上千张魔符,按照现在的市价来算,那可是接近千万的存在。 Moreover, during this, Fu Jun has experienced, the skill of Qin Shi that 100% refinement demon symbols, therefore he is also clear, so long as has Qin Shi, then the contribution value will want many to have many, whom therefore 1 million contribution value and Qin Shi compare more important, was obvious. 而且,这期间付军可是见识过,秦石那100炼制魔符的本事,所以他也清楚只要有秦石在,那么贡献值将是要多少有多少,所以1000000贡献值和一个秦石相比谁更重要,就显而易见了。 1,500,001!” “1500001!” Staring Jane Zhun of Fu Jun loathes, in the one-eyed full is contemptuous, Jane Zhun he does not care: He he, Jane Zhun, you must not have the meaning with the price like this, 200 with? Ok, 2 million, you come with me!” 付军厌恶的瞪了眼简准,独眼中满是轻蔑,一个简准他根本不放在心上:“呵呵,简准,你要这样跟价就没意思了,200跟是吗?行,2000000,你来跟我!” Hissing!” “嘶!” 2 million, 2 million?” “2000000,2000000了?” Is this how huge wealth? Contributes the room first ten goods, some also this value? 这是多么庞大的财富?就连贡献斋前十的物品,有的也不过这个价值吧? The black ink wolf that more and more disciple heart fresh chill in the air, opened the mouth before is the complexion is paler, cannot say the anger of constrains in the heart. 越来越多的弟子心生寒意,之前开口的墨狼更是脸色铁青,一股说不上来的愤怒在心头压抑。 You!” Jane Zhun trembles, 2 million he does not dare in easily the selling quotation. “你!”简准哆嗦一下,2000000他也不敢在轻易喊价。 But followed to arrive this step, if he with were not equal to that he did admit defeat to the fog pledge? He cannot lose this person, let alone Xu Yan also in side. 但已经跟到这一步,如果他不跟的话不就等于他向雾盟认输了?他可不丢不起这人,何况徐岩还在旁边。 2.0001 million!” Jane Zhun soon was mad has spat blood, this value has gone far beyond his anticipated, let alone he is not Alchemist, what brings these nine revolutions of calcedony grass to make? “2000100!”简准快要被气吐血了,这个价值已经远远超过他的预期,何况他又不是炼药师,拿来这九转玉髓草做什么啊? He thinks, after buying , the air/Qi Qin Shi, was selling to black ink wolf Alchemist, calculates that could not owe the multi- money, but now is different, who can spend 2 million to buy a spirit grass? 本来他是想,买回来以后气气秦石,在卖给墨狼这种炼药师,算一算也亏不了多钱,但是现在却不一样,谁会花2000000买株灵草? He can only pray now that Fu Jun again with the price should not be. 他现在只能祈祷,付军别再跟价才是。 But pays the armed forces not to prepare to let off him, opens the mouth to continue the selling quotation, but Qin Shi actually stood up at this time, feels relaxed smiles: Big brother Fu Jun, with the price, having the fool is willing to play dumb, you said that we why do accompany him? I want these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, is to look that certain mad dogs jump to play insanely!” 但付军根本不准备放过他,开口就想要继续喊价,不过秦石这时却站起身,释然一笑:“付军大哥,别跟价了,有傻子愿意犯傻,你说我们又何必陪他呢?我要这九转玉髓草,就是想要看某些疯狗跳出来耍个疯而已!” Um?” Fu Jun is out of sorts slightly, is having puzzled staring to Qin Shi: You said that you do want these nine revolutions of calcedony grass to be useless?” “嗯?”付军微微失神,带着不解的凝视向秦石:“你是说,你要这九转玉髓草没用?” Yes, I am not Alchemist, what do I want a spirit grass to make? Buys a pot to pick to treat as the ornament difficultly inadequately? I am not idle.” Qin Shi smiles, does intentionally calm tilting the head to clash Jane Zhundao: Yes, Brother Jane Zhun? I remember that you aren't Alchemist? Does that want the brother to deliver you a pot? Relax, does not want your money.” “是啊,我又不是炼药师,我要株灵草做什么?难不成买个花盆摘下去当做装饰品吗?我可没那么闲。”秦石嘿嘿一笑,故作从容的歪着头冲简准道:“是吧,简准师兄?我记得你也不是炼药师吧?那要不要老弟送你个花盆呢?放心,不要你钱。” The Qin Shi word, at auction probably static several seconds, resounds the fierce laughter loudly, the innumerable disciples burst out laughing. 秦石言罢,拍卖会上大概静止了数秒,轰然响起剧烈的笑声,无数弟子捧腹不已。 Fu Jun is also amazed, those who could not conclude Qin Shi to say was is really false, but since Qin Shi said that did not use with the price, he did not have to continue, after all the fog pledge was not booming recently, is not worthwhile and creates the world group to speak the last words. 付军也是惊诧,断定不了秦石说的是真是假,但既然秦石都说不用跟价了,他也没有在继续下去,毕竟雾盟最近也不景气,犯不上和创世团叫板。 But most miserable without doubt is Jane Zhun. 而最惨的无疑是简准。 The Boss who his shifty eyes stare, flood is killing the thorn of intent to Qin Shi: Brat, do you dare to play me?” 他贼眼瞪的老大,泛着杀意的刺向秦石:“臭小子,你敢耍我?” Qin Shi shrugs: Does not have, do I have to call you with the price? No? Are you willing with, whom you to obtain strangely? Big fool!” 秦石耸了耸肩:“没啊,我有叫你跟价吗?没有吧?你愿意跟,你怪得到谁啊?大傻逼!” Qin Shi snort, turns round to sit on the chair at once. 秦石哼了哼,旋即回身就坐在椅子上。 This, Jane Zhuncheng the focal point in people eyes, but most satirized was little hammer in Lin Xing the hand, when the third tone knocked off smiled embarrasedly: „The bonsais of that these 2 million contribution values, turned over to Sir Jane Zhun.” 这一下,简准成了众人眼中的焦点,而最为讽刺的则是林杏手中的小锤,第三声敲落时讪讪一笑:“那这2000000贡献值的盆栽,就归简准大人了。” Puff!” “噗!” This bonsai, brings in laughs. 这一句盆栽,引来爆笑。 Qin Shi also slightly stares, begins with the forest apricot four pupils supinely looks at each other, sees several points of happy expression from that wonderful Danfeng eye, he helpless shaking the head. 秦石也是微微一愣,仰起头和林杏四眸对视一番,从那美妙的丹凤眼中看到几分笑意,他才无奈的摇摇头。 Brat, you remember, this matter I and you have not ended!” Jane Zhun looks like clown is the same, rises to blush to pat the chair, indignant sitting down body. “臭小子,你记住,这事我和你没完!”简准就像是个小丑一样,涨红着脸拍下椅子,才愤愤不平的坐下身去。 Qin Shi shrugs, simply hasn't placed at heart, in his opinion them him already arrived not dead the continuous situation, what to come has not to end? 秦石耸了耸肩,根本没有将他放在心里,在他看来两人早已到了不死不休的地步,何来有完没完呢? Just like his words, offended toward dying to offend. 正如他的话,得罪了就往死得罪呗。 „Does this forest apricot seem like is really interesting to you? Dares unexpectedly, for you do offend Jane Zhun blatantly?” In Qin Shi absent-minded within, Kong Xianhui Eight Diagrams has pushed him, a face spring scenery peach blossom has selected the willow eyebrows. “这林杏看来是对你真有意思啊?竟然敢为了你公然得罪简准?”在秦石失神间,孔贤慧八卦的推了推他,一脸春色桃花的挑了挑柳眉。 Qin Shi stares, shaking the head of forced smile: Do not talk nonsense, my what others do not know that you aren't clear? Quickly person who I am the father.” 秦石不由一愣,苦笑的摇摇头:“别胡说,我什么样别人不知道,难道你还不清楚吗?我都是快做爹的人了。” Whoops, was this is shy?” “哎呦,这是害羞了啊?” Kong Xianhui smiles embarrasedly, at once question of stern many, pressed tight black eyebrow coloring eyebrow: Did not tease you, I asked that your matter, what to do did these nine revolutions of calcedony grass you prepare?” 孔贤慧讪讪一笑,旋即不由正色不少,蹙紧黛眉的问句:“不逗你了,我问你个事,这九转玉髓草你准备怎么办?” Um? What what to do?” Qin Shi plays the fool to say. “嗯?什么怎么办?”秦石装傻道。 You can deceive others, but you may not deceive me, knows you to start from me, has not seen you to what such earnestly, do you want these nine revolutions of calcedony grass definitely to have very important use?” Kong Xianhui has turned the head of Qin Shi, with his black pupil looking at each other. “你能骗过别人,但你可骗不过我,从我认识你开始,就没见你对什么这么认真过,你要这九转玉髓草肯定有很重要的用处吧?”孔贤慧扭过秦石的脑袋,和他的黑眸对视。 Under staring of pair of beautiful pupil, Qin Shi eats to gawk first slightly, is helpless sighing sighs one finally: Knows that cannot hide the truth from you, these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, are the herbal medicines that is used to give me the Elder Sister Yu treatment injury.” 在一双美眸的凝视下,秦石先是微微吃楞,终是无奈的喟叹一声:“就知道瞒不过你,这九转玉髓草,是用来给我玉姐治疗伤势的草药。” Your Elder Sister Yu?” Kong Xianhui does to change countenance slightly, [say / way] that the lip angle opens and closes: Was you said that for you, did conceal the love in the moral nature woman?” “你玉姐?”孔贤慧稍作动容,唇角开合的道:“是你说,那个为了你,将爱意隐瞒在心底的女人?” Nod of Qin Shi have no alternative, pinches tightly fist. 秦石无可奈何的点点头,捏紧拳。 Finds out the situation, Kong Xianhui obloquied charmingly angry: „Didn't you early say? Must know is this, I went all out also to help you take these nine revolutions of calcedony grass!” 了解情况,孔贤慧娇嗔大骂:“那你怎么不早说?要知道是这样,我拼了命也帮你拿下这九转玉髓草!” But behind speaking, her voice is somewhat weak, finally helpless shaking the head said: What to do do that then you prepare? Gives up?” 但说到后面,她声音有些无力,最终无奈的摇摇头道:“那接下来你准备怎么办?放弃吗?” Gives up? How possible!” The Qin Shi look strange raising corners of the mouth, are only in that black pupil even more woods are cold, sneer saying: Works as this Jane Zhun, spends 2 million groups of me to buy these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, some love and hate were also the time should understand, finished at this auction!” “放弃?怎么可能!”秦石神色怪异的扬起嘴角,只是那黑眸中却愈发森寒,冷笑道:“就当这简准,花费2000000帮我买下这九转玉髓草吧,有一些恩仇也是时候该了解了,就在这次拍卖会结束!” !! !!
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