PDL :: Volume #8

#707: Nine revolutions of calcedony grass

Seal Lei Jieyin?” The Qin Shi profound black pupil gets together immediately, flashes through wipes does not dare to believe: Really has this matter? That does this, to go against heaven's will?” “封印雷劫印?”秦石深邃的黑眸顿时聚合,闪过一抹不敢置信:“竟然有这种事?那这样做,岂不是逆天?” Evil Spirit that he records clearly has said to him, Heaven Realm breakthrough cannot delay, Lei Jie is the set world anger, perhaps once will delay forever is unable breakthrough, but there is this Feng Leisuo to be critically different, even if unifies Lei Jieyin, so long as weren't good its seal? 他清楚记的邪魔对他说过,天境突破不可耽搁,雷劫乃是集合天地怒气而成,一旦延误的话说不定将永远无法突破,但有了这封雷锁则大为不同,就算是凝聚出雷劫印,只要将其封印不就好了? Um, this is also this Feng Leisuo precious place, but this Feng Leisuo space-independent, is a very precious space elemental composition, is buys in world spiritual Qi again after ten thousand years of precipitation, the manpower is unable to make, therefore in world only then few little, has been lost several hundred years ago.” Blood sorcerer resentful [say / way] comes. “嗯,这也正是这封雷锁珍贵的地方,但这封雷锁的独立空间,是一种十分珍贵的空间元素组成,是吸纳天地灵气再经万年沉淀所化,人力根本无法制造,所以天地间就只有寥寥少许,早在几百年前就已经失传了。”血巫师悻悻道来。 Is void Gu Mo he, as if has inborn fearing intent to this Feng Leisuo space. 身为虚空古魔的他,对这封雷锁的空间仿佛有种天生的惧意。 The Qin Shi deep spout foul air, secure endures the surging emotions diligently the excitement. 秦石深深的吐出口浊气,努力安耐住心潮的激动。 Has not thought that under the world will have this type of thing.” “没想到,天地下会有这种东西。” He alone muttered, a look slightly revolution: If this, so long as can attain him, Fu Jun big brother’s Lei Jieyin did not need to be worried.” 他独自喃喃,神色微微一转:“若是这样,只要能拿到他,付军大哥的雷劫印也就不用担心了。” Thinks of this, he looks all around, the atmosphere in auction market slightly is strange, in the forest apricot three Feng Leisuo holds up, many disciples knit the brows, obviously does not know that this Feng Leisuo makes anything. 想到这,他环顾一圈,拍卖场上的气氛略显诡异,在林杏将三枚封雷锁举起时,不少弟子纷纷皱起眉来,显然是不知道这封雷锁是做什么的。 Lin Xingmei the pupil flood peach-color, she somewhat is also awkward, smiled: These three iron boxes, transmit from territory, although does not know that his function, however has a very strange space in his interior, is mostly the same except for minor differences with the function of space ring, 500 rackets!” 林杏美眸泛着桃色,她也有些尴尬,笑了笑:“这三个铁盒子,是从内域传来,虽然不知他的作用,但是在他内部却有个十分诡异的空间,和空间戒指的作用大同小异,500起拍!” Heard this saying, Qin Shi smiles at heart. 听闻这话,秦石心里笑了。 Iron box? Owes this Lin Xinggan to introduce that if makes them know that perhaps this Feng Leisuo function, must be surprised may not. 铁盒子?亏这林杏敢介绍啊,要是让他们知道这封雷锁的作用,恐怕一个一个非要大吃一惊不可。 But is like this just right, Qin Shi holds is installing clearly confused, from beginning to end has not opened the mouth, numerous disciples do not have the interest to this Feng Leisuo, occasionally in several hands has the disciple of spare cash to shout several, that also to the face of forest apricot. 但这样正好,秦石揣着明白装糊涂,从始至终都没有开口,众多弟子对这封雷锁也没有兴趣,偶有几个手上有闲钱的弟子喊上几声,那还都是冲着林杏的面子。 1000!” “1000!” Shouted 1000, again also nobody raised prices. 喊到1000,就再也没人抬价了。 About Qin Shi looks all around, thought that the opportunity similar has held up the number plate: 1100!” 秦石左右环顾一圈,觉得时机差不多了举起号牌:“1100!” Qin Shi start to talk, Lin Xing joyful has thrown a coquettish look to Qin Shi, she waited for that had not waited, holds up the little hammer to rap: 1011 times!” 秦石开口,林杏欣喜的冲秦石抛了个媚眼,她连等待都没有等待,举起小锤就敲击下去:“1011次!” 1000 1-2 times!” “1000一两次!” 1013 times!” “1013次!” Ownership of these three iron boxes are this Young Master, making us congratulate him!” “这三个铁盒子的归属者是这位公子,让我们恭喜他!” The auction frames, many disciples sobbed, 1100 contribution values bought three useless space rings, was obviously incomprehensible regarding numerous disciples. 拍卖定格,不少弟子唏嘘一番,1100贡献值买来三个没有用的空间戒指,对于众多弟子来说显然不能理解。 But regarding this sound, Qin Shi shows a faint smile, has fun. 但对于这种声音,秦石只是微微一笑,乐在其中。 Attains Feng Leisuo, Qin Shi is relieved, the following auction he has not participated, appears to the first demon symbol, he was awakened by swaying of congealing rain. 拿到封雷锁,秦石安心不少,接下来的拍卖他都没有参与,一直到第一张魔符出现,他才被凝雨的摇晃惊醒。 Big brother, Big brother, looks quickly, is our demon symbols! Our demon symbols appeared!” The congealing rain excited to is not good, resembles the demon symbol to the feeling of person is he refines is the same. “大哥,大哥,快瞧,是咱们的魔符!咱们的魔符出现了!”凝雨激动到不行,给人的感觉就好像魔符是他炼制的一样。 Qin Shi curled the lip, looked at the light shining in all directions stage. 秦石撇撇嘴,看了眼光芒四射的舞台。 This demon symbol is only an incantation demon symbol, is he refines over a thousand demon symbols most common one, should be only laughs uproariously, has not cared. 这一张魔符只是一张一咒魔符,是他炼制上千张魔符中最普通的一张,应该只是一个噱头而已,也就没放在心上。 But what makes his helpless is, the value of this demon symbol is really high, Lin Xingju crosses luxuriant that her plate gets up slightly to put out the fragrance: „An incantation fang pangolin demon symbol, base price 3000 contribution values!” 但让他无奈的是,这魔符的价值真是高啊,林杏举过她盘起来的秀发就微微吐出香气:“一咒獠牙穿山甲魔符,底价3000贡献值!” 3500!” “3500!” 3800!” “3800!” 4000!” “4000!” 4050!” “4050!” 4350!” “4350!” Just started, the price rapidly rose dramatically. 刚开始,价格就飞速飙升。 But surprised, Qin Shi side suddenly resounds together the sharp cry. 而正惊讶中,秦石旁边突然响起一道尖锐的叫声。 5000!” “5000!” Qin Shi has gawked looking askance, opening the mouth unexpectedly is the congealing rain? 秦石愣了愣的侧目,开口的竟然是凝雨? The excrescence of congealing rain whole face shakes, excited said to Qin Shi: Big brother, do not think so me, our demon symbols, naturally must raise the price.” 凝雨满脸的赘肉晃悠晃悠,兴奋的冲秦石笑说:“大哥,别这么看着我,咱们自己的魔符,当然要把价格抬高一点。” Qin Shi full heavy line: You did not fear that nobody did follow?” 秦石满头黑线:“那你就不怕没人跟了吗?” Cannot, you feel relieved that this demon Fu Mai to 17,000 was too normal, the small auction can achieve this price, let alone is this annual year auction?” The congealing rain has patted striking one's chest confidently. “不能,你放心吧,这张魔符卖到17000太正常了,小拍卖会都能够达到这个价格,何况是这一年一度的年度拍卖会?”凝雨信心十足的拍了拍胸脯。 Really, 5000 prices just fell. 果然,5000的价格刚落。 6000!” “6000!” The price by pull-up, many disciples was revealed the embarrassment again, backed down at heart, but many disciples were still unceasingly with the price. 价格再次被拉升,不少弟子露出窘态,心里打起了退堂鼓,但是很多弟子仍是不断跟价。 The congealing rain is also, has been shouting that with does not ask for money, but thinks carefully that probably does not ask for money, after is own demon symbol, so long as pays the handling charge on the line. 凝雨也是,一直在喊,跟不要钱一样,但仔细想一想,好像真的不要钱,毕竟是自己的魔符,只要交个手续费就行。 10,000!” “10000!” 10,000! Has auctioned ten thousand!” “10000了!拍卖过万了!” In the field, disciples in an uproar call out in alarm, but Qin Shi is smiles to blossom, like this calculates that perhaps his today's income can break 1 million? 场上哗然,众弟子惊呼不已,而秦石则是笑开了花,这样算下来他今日的收入恐怕要破1000000啊? Finally this demon symbol was taken by a rich merchant by the prices of 11,100 contribution values, countless people throw the vision that envies toward him. 最后这张魔符以11100贡献值的价格被一名富商拿下,无数人朝他抛去羡慕的目光。 In the later several auctions, starts to have the demon symbol to appear unceasingly, but many are incantations and two incantations, comes in Qin Shi commonly to cannot the common demon symbol, but in the price is makes his surging emotions disturbed. 之后的几场拍卖中,开始不断有魔符出现,不过多是一咒、二咒,一些在秦石开来寻常到不能再寻常的魔符,但是价格上却是让他心潮忐忑。 Yeah, this is the human must get rich, wants to block cannot block.” Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, how the happy expression of corners of the mouth actually covers up unable to cover up. “哎,这是人要发财,想要拦都拦不住啊。”秦石无奈的摇摇头,嘴角的喜色却是怎样遮掩也遮掩不去。 But under he is choked up with emotions, the light in stage is suddenly dim, makes his frowning of slightly, one after another innumerable quiet fire combustion, become a Panlong nest from the under foot of forest apricot. 而就在他心潮澎湃下,舞台上的灯光突然昏暗,令他微微的皱起眉头,接连无数的幽火燃烧,从林杏的脚下成一条盘龙窝巢。 The atmosphere in field changes immediately. 场上的气氛马上大变。 The innumerable disciples turn very quiet, this situation can only show one type, that must present the thing. 无数弟子屏住呼吸,这种情况只能说明一种,那就是要出现好东西了。 Lin Xing strolls to walk in the fire dragon, the slender beautiful leg is moving the conspicuous gauze skirt gently, made many young and vigorous male vitality ebullition. 林杏在火龙中漫步行走,修长的美腿轻轻撩动着惹眼纱裙,令不少血气方刚的男子气血沸腾。 Then, is at this auction, the first next to last act to the real most precious object, invited to polish the eye.” Lin Xing very delightful smiling , the white hands hit to refer to the sound to the ceiling. “接下来,将是本场拍卖会上,第一件压轴的至真至宝,请诸位将眼睛擦亮了啊。”林杏很甜美的笑了笑,玉手冲着棚顶打了个指响。 Follows this to refer to the sound, an elegant arc has delimited the darkness, this arc has transferred in the midair fully nine, sentences such as the graceful handsome butterfly. 伴随这声指响,一道优美的弧线划过黑暗,这弧线在半空中整整转过九圈,判如优雅翩翩的蝴蝶。 After nine, one group of enchanting cream halos stop in the forest apricot hand, under the halo is a nine jade spirit grass. 九圈过后,一团妖娆的乳白色的光晕才在林杏手中停下,光晕下是一株九叶玉色灵草。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi fierce setting out, his heart stops beating probably, wipes gushes out the eye socket that cannot cover up excitedly. 秦石猛的挺起身,他的心脏好像都停止跳动,一抹遮掩不住的兴奋涌出眼眶。 This, is this nine revolutions of calcedony grass?” “这,这是九转玉髓草?” These, Qin Shi to the dark green flame duplicate miracle cure home remedy research, he will not be admitting mistakes on every day absolutely, is this not just dark green flame duplicate miracle cure home remedy one on five types of spirit grass? 这几日,秦石每天都对着苍炎复灵丹的丹方研究,他绝对不会认错,这不正是苍炎复灵丹丹方上的五样灵草之一吗? He restrains himself diligently, puffs to congealing rain question: „Does dead fatty, how many in your hand have to contribute the value?” 他努力的克制自己,喘着粗气冲身旁的凝雨问句:“死胖子,你手上有多少贡献值?” Um?” The congealing rain has gawked staring: Big brother, how?” “嗯?”凝雨愣了愣:“大哥,怎么了?” Taking advantage of me, contributes the value taking advantage of me, many lends my many.” Qin Shi spoke frankly that the sentence. “借我,借我贡献值,有多少借给我多少。”秦石直言说句。 The congealing rain knit the brows, he also sees the Qin Shi difference, gives Qin Shi the number and route plate directly: Are not many, about 300,000, has to be many I to remain is paying the house rent.” 凝雨皱了皱眉,他也看出秦石的异样,直接将腰牌递给秦石:“不多,有300000左右,其中还有不少我要留着交房租。” Your that house, turns head I to give you 100 demon symbols, you buy, was I gives your interest.” Qin Shi has snatched the number and route plate, turns round to put out a hand toward Kong Xianhui: Virtuous, borrows me your contribution value.” “你那房子,回头我给你100张魔符,你自己买下来吧,算是我给你的利息了。”秦石抢过腰牌,回身又朝孔贤慧伸手:“贤惠,将你的贡献值借我。” Contribution value? Good!” “贡献值?好!” The beautiful pupil of Kong Xianhui dodges strangely, gives Qin Shi the number and route plate. 孔贤慧的美眸一闪怪异,将腰牌递给秦石 Looks at the Qin Shi movement, reaches the clouds also gives Qin Shi in side the number and route plate, said the sentence low voice: Big brother, although are not many, only then 3000, but also is a little brother's regard, you take away to use first.” 看着秦石的动作,凌云在旁边也将腰牌递给秦石,小声说句:“大哥,虽然不多,只有3000,但也是小弟的一点心意,你先拿去用吧。” hear that, Qin Shi stares slightly, at once he moderate smiling, with reaching the clouds politely, racket his shoulder: Many thanks, has turned head I to help you give your Hui Er therapy.” 闻言,秦石微微一愣,旋即他不由缓和的笑了笑,并未和凌云客气,拍拍他的肩膀:“多谢了,回头我帮你给你的惠儿疗伤。” Big brother where words, you helped my sufficing many, even if did not have the benefit injury, I certainly in one's power will also help you.” Reaches the clouds shook the head hastily, words that he said proceed from the bottom of one's heart, he owes Qin Shi were many. “大哥哪里话,你帮我的够多了,就算没有惠儿的伤势,我也一定会力所能及的帮你。”凌云连忙摇了摇头,他说的话句句发自肺腑,他欠秦石的已经很多了。 Qin Shi gratified nod, stares at once to the stage under dim light. 秦石欣慰的点点头,旋即凝视向幽光下的舞台。 The jade refers to pinching nine revolutions of calcedony grass, Lin Xingfeng the eyes flood the peach blossom is smiling the sentence gently: This is nine revolutions of calcedony grass, the spirit grass of day rank, is in the territory three big territory boundary elders, a narrow escape obtains in beast, brings the auction, the base price: 10,000!” 玉指掐着九转玉髓草,林杏凤眼泛着桃花轻轻笑句:“此乃九转玉髓草,天品级别的灵草,是内域三大域境长老,九死一生在兽界获得,拿来拍卖,底价:10000!” This grass, the atmosphere in field changed. 此草一出,场上的氛围都变了。 Day grade spirit grass? Has not thought that here will present the day grade spirit grass unexpectedly?” “天品级灵草?没想到,在这里竟然会出现天品级灵草?” 15,000! This spirit grass I wanted!” “15000!这灵草我要了!” Clamored, a wear was simple, the dishevelled hair and dirty face youth opening the mouth selling quotation, can look from his wear, he should be Alchemist, but was somewhat distressed. 喧哗中,一个穿着朴素,蓬头垢面的少年开口喊价,从他的穿着上就能看出来,他应该是个炼药师,不过有些狼狈而已。 20,000!” “20000!” 50,000!” “50000!” 80,000!” “80000!” 100,000!” “100000!” A spirit grass of day, the price is unable to estimate. 一个天品的灵草,价格无法估量。 The contribution value several hundred times of fluttering, quick exceeds the base price dozens times. 贡献值数百倍的翻飞,很快就超过底价的数十倍。 300,000!” “300000!” That Alchemist opens the mouth to shout the sentence, 300,000 high prices make many disciples suck the tongue to call out in alarm immediately. 炼药师又开口喊句,300000的高价马上让不少弟子咂舌惊呼。 This is many disciple to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up altitude. 这已经是很多弟子望尘莫及的高度了。 Is that lunatic?” “是那个疯子?” Lunatic? You said that only does understand the alchemy black ink wolf?” “疯子?你们是说,那个只懂得炼药的墨狼?” Yes, is that since enters the foreign country, with any friend, will not have closed in the dwelling place every day alchemy the black ink wolf, could not understand what really his brain was thinking, did not fear that which day of pill stove exploded to him killed?” “是啊,就是那个自从进入外域,从来没有和任何朋友,每天将自己关在丹房里炼药的墨狼,真理解不了他的脑子在想什么,就不怕哪天丹炉爆炸给他炸死?” You think that little exploded? It is said in this year, he built up to explode four pill stoves!” “你以为少爆炸了?据说这一年,他就炼爆了四个丹炉!” But his alchemy skill is also outstanding, it is said in the pill king in territory, not necessarily has his skill, if he cultivates for again the high spot, can perhaps refine the compounded drug.” “但是他的炼药本事也非常出众啊,据说就连内域的丹王,都未必有他的本事,如果他修为再高点,恐怕就能炼制出地品丹药了。” What??” “什么?地品?” Many disciples are startled slightly, Royal Court black ink wolf that envies look. 不少弟子微微吃惊,羡慕的朝墨狼望去。 Must know that Alchemist is also honored in Desolate Spirit Continent, is next to the Demonic Talisman Master second honored occupation, compounded drug that good Alchemist refines, same can be an influence increases a powerhouse. 要知道,炼药师荒灵大陆也非常尊贵,是仅次于符魔师的第二尊贵职业,一个好的炼药师炼制出的丹药,一样能够为一个势力增加一众强者。 Qin Shi also knit the brows, his plan was disrupted by this black ink wolf. 秦石也不禁皱了皱眉,他的计划被这墨狼所打乱。 But in any event, he must attain these nine revolutions of calcedony grass, holds up the number plate in hand high: 500,000 contribution values!” 但无论如何,他一定要拿到这九转玉髓草,将手中的号牌高高举起:“500000贡献值!” !! !!
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