PDL :: Volume #8

#706: Feng Leisuo

Crosses to plunder pill?” “渡劫丹?” Many disciples at present one bright. 不少弟子的眼前一亮。 When crosses plunders pill broken, the Qin Shi three days four days has used, is Kong Xianhui helps him receive in exchange in the contribution room, but this type of thing very scarce, occasionally can meet 12, is the fate. 渡劫丹,秦石三天破四天时用过,是孔贤慧在贡献斋帮他换取的,但是这种东西十分的稀少,偶能碰见12,算是缘分。 This crosses to plunder pill to be unusual, in stems from the territory pill king's hand, has five pill grains, can contend with 500,000 thunder clouds, the auction price 3000 contribution values.” Lin Xing explained spookily that plunders pill to hold up crossing in white hands, really flashes through five mysterious grains to wind above. “这枚渡劫丹不同寻常,是出自内域的丹王之手,拥有五道丹纹,能抗衡500000雷云,拍卖价格3000贡献值。”林杏幽幽讲说,将玉手中的渡劫丹举起,果然在上面闪过五道玄奥的纹络。 Hears the following introduction, Qin Shi is once more surprised. 听闻后面的介绍,秦石再次惊讶。 pill mark, with the spell correspondence of demon symbol, that i.e. this crosses to plunder pill's value, has achieved five incantation demon symbols the degrees, must know before him crossing plunders pill to have three grains. 丹纹,和魔符的魔咒对应,那就是说这枚渡劫丹的价值,已经达到五咒魔符的程度,要知道他之前的渡劫丹才只有三纹。 Really is good.” “真是不错。” Qin Shi meditates at heart, but had not gotten rid. 秦石心里默念,但仍是没有出手。 Finally this crosses to plunder pill, was taken at 4500 contribution values by a six days of Late Stage dispersion disciple, he should move seven days of shackles. 最后这枚渡劫丹,被一名六天后期的游散弟子以4500的贡献值拿下,他应该已经触碰七天的桎梏了。 Later is several something by auctions, each something by auction to really to expensive, is really rare. 之后又是几件拍卖品,每一件拍卖品都至真至贵,实属罕见。 Atmosphere in the auction is getting more and more intense. 拍卖会上的气氛越来越激烈。 Next something by auction, ices the soul cold pill.” Lin Xing the white arms in the stage in a flash, a quiet blue dragon pill fall slowly: Ices the soul cold pill, is from ten thousand meters cold deep pool, is in society extremely extremely cold and gloomy goods, has the enormous help to the ice attribute practice, the starting bid price is 3500 contribution values.” “下一件拍卖品,冰魄寒丸。”林杏的皓腕在舞台上一晃,一枚幽蓝色的龙丸缓缓落下:“冰魄寒丸,乃是取自万米寒潭,是世间极为极为森冷的物品,对冰属性的修炼有着极大帮助,起拍价为3500贡献值。” Ices soul cold pill one, the Qin Shi vision is attracted. 冰魄寒丸一出,秦石的目光被吸引。 Calculates, since Qin Xuexin leaves, how long hasn't he felt has been to the strength of this cold and gloomy attribute? Ices the attribute to be the same with the thunder attribute, is this in society extremely scarce attribute. 算一算,自从沁雪心离开,他有多久没感受到过这股森冷的属性之力了?冰属性和雷属性一样,都是这世间极为稀少的属性。 These years in the Qin Shi cognition, are only Qin Xuexin one person, are the strength of ice attribute attribute. 这么些年在秦石的认知中,就只有沁雪心一人,是冰属性的属性之力。 When hesitant, he holds up the number plate in hand for the first time, prepares to get rid of its racket, remains is giving Qin Xuexin to take the gift, he thought Qin Xuexin. 犹豫之余,他首次举起手中的号牌,准备出手将其拍下,留着送给沁雪心作为礼物,他是真的想沁雪心了。 3600.” “3600。” 3700!” “3700!” 4100!” “4100!” Just from the beginning, the auction price continually rose, makes Qin Shi knitting the brows of slightly, put down the number plate on hand temporarily, but along with the gradual rise of price, stopped in 5000 positions finally. 刚一开始,拍卖价不断上升,令秦石微微的皱了皱眉,将手上的号牌暂时放下,但随着价格的逐渐上升,在5000的位置终于停下。 He smiled, holds up the number plate: 5100!” 他笑了笑,才举起号牌:“5100!” He breaks the circumstance in field all of a sudden, competed for this ice soul cold pill only remaining several people . Moreover the fellows from some small influences, sees the Qin Shi such ease start to talk, then does not have the sound. 他一下子打破场上的情势,本来争夺这冰魄寒丸的就只剩下几人,而且都是来自些小势力的家伙,见秦石这么悠悠然的开口,便也没有动静。 Furthermore, ices the attribute to be rare, the value of this ice soul cold pill also reduces many, after all good thing, if cannot use, that can only 't treat as the ornaments? 再者,冰属性罕见,这冰魄寒丸的价值也就减少许多,毕竟再好的东西如果用不上,那不也只能当做摆设吗? 5000 contribution values buy ornaments, perhaps few want. 5000贡献值买个摆设,恐怕没有几个愿意。 Lin Xingpo has the profound meaning looks at one to Qin Shi, shows a faint smile, the Qin Shi auction skill is very high, consecutively three let fall: 5013 times, this ice soul cold pill, turned over to this Young Master.” 林杏颇有深意的冲秦石看去一眼,微微一笑,秦石的拍卖技巧还是很高的,连续三声垂落:“5013次,这冰魄寒丸,归这位公子了。” Qin Shi smiles with tacit understanding. 秦石会意一笑。 In following, is a very long process, in this process throughout is some treasures of being unfit to take a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one, about over a hundred. 在接下来,是一个很漫长的过程,在这个过程中始终是些高不成低不就的珍宝,大约上百件左右。 Although each many are very good, but is dispensable to Qin Shi, he again has not gotten rid, to several heat waves that by the ear surges suddenly, made him raise several points of spirit slightly. 虽然每件多很不错,但对秦石却可有可无,他就再也没有出手,一直到耳旁突然涌动起的几股热浪,才令他微微的提起几分精神。 Reaches the clouds becomes flushed in side complexion, pupil eye tight is staring at the stage, shivering holds up the number plate: 2500 contribution values!” 凌云在旁边面色涨红,眸眼紧紧的盯着舞台,颤抖的将号牌举起:“2500贡献值!” Lingyun gets rid, Qin Shi is accidental. 凌云出手,秦石不由意外。 He raises eyes to look toward the stage, grasps the miracle cure that three grains are winding in the hand of forest apricot, is one is called: Fan blade wooden miracle cure miracle cure. 他举目朝舞台望去,在林杏的手中握着一枚三道纹络的灵丹,是一名叫做:扇叶木灵丹的灵丹。 Qin Shi plunders when the memory, he remembers beforehand Lin Xing said that probably said that this fan blade wooden miracle cure can scatter the unmentionable diseasea and refrigeration to reduce heat, the striking effect. 秦石在记忆中搜刮一番,他记得之前林杏介绍时,好像说这种扇叶木灵丹能够驱散暗疾、清热去火、醒目之效。 He is very curious, Lingyun wants this fan blade wooden miracle cure to make anything. 他很好奇,凌云要这扇叶木灵丹做什么。 But at this time, does not calculate that the loud and clear sound resounds through in the location. 而在这时,一声不算洪亮的声音在场地内响彻。 3000!” “3000!” This several, Qin Shi knits the brows slightly, regarding can come here participating player, perhaps 3000 contribution values are not anything, but Qin Shi clear awareness, Lingyun has 3000 contribution values. 此数一出,秦石微微皱眉,对于能来到这里参赛的选手,3000贡献值或许算不上什么,但秦石却清楚的知道,凌云只有3000贡献值。 Does not have the accident, 3000 numbers resound, the complexion that reaching the clouds changed, wipes embarrassed and unwilling unceasing flashing. 不出意外,3000之数响起,凌云的脸色变了,一抹难堪和不甘不断的闪动。 Blames me, blames me, if I can at diligently a point if I can in many, even if only a point, can therapy for Hui Er.” The closing tightly lower lip that he makes an effort, bloodstain flowed. “都怪我,都怪我,如果我能在努力一点如果我能在多一点,哪怕只是一点,就能替惠儿疗伤了。”他使劲的咬紧下唇,血迹都流了出来。 All these map the Qin Shi view completely, silent a meeting, he shows a faint smile. 这一切全部映入秦石的眼帘,沉默了一会,他微微一笑。 He looks all around, this fan blade wooden miracle cure has reached 3600 contribution values, for this reason he swung has waved the hand the number plate: 4000.” 他环顾一圈,这扇叶木灵丹已经达到3600贡献值,为此他摇了摇手中的号牌:“4000。” Um?” “嗯?” In field slightly in an uproar. 场上微微哗然。 4000, have gone far beyond three mark compounded drugs the price, after all before five grains cross to plunder pill, auctions to 4500, let alone crosses to plunder pill except, in the mark winds outside, in the function also by far exceeds this fan blade wooden miracle cure. 4000,已经远远超过一个三纹丹药的价格,毕竟之前的五纹渡劫丹,才不过拍卖到4500,何况渡劫丹除了在纹络以外,作用上也远远胜过这扇叶木灵丹。 4100 times.” “4100次。” 4000 twice.” “4000两次。” 4300 times.” Lin Xing is rapping the little hammer in hand gently, smiles to Qin Shi: Fan blade wooden miracle cure auction ended, this Young Master was its master!” “4300次。”林杏轻轻敲击着手中的小锤,冲着秦石一笑:“扇叶木灵丹拍卖结束,这位公子便是它的主人了!” Qin Shi sets out to smile, but when his sitting down body, the side transmits the stock blazing air wave, making him return to go astonished. 秦石起身笑了笑,而在他坐下身时,身旁传来股炽热的气浪,令他惊愕的回过首去。 Sees only Lingyun look to be different, the mood of not being able to say. 只见凌云神色迥异,说不上的情绪。 Big, Big brother, your this is!” “大,大哥,您这是!” Was good, this you are also owing, but I want to know very much that actually Hui Er in your mouth did have what sickness? This fan blade wooden miracle cures are maintenance, does not have the effect of treatment.” Qin Shi is very natural, pats the shoulder that racket has reached the clouds: Can say with me that your stories?” “行了,这个你也欠着吧,不过我很想知道,你口中的惠儿究竟生了什么病?这扇叶木灵丹多是保养,并不具备治疗的功效啊。”秦石很自然,拍了拍凌云的肩膀:“能和我说说,你们的故事吗?” Perhaps is that in Lingyun eyes decidedly, in the mission with his mouth, Qin Shi very appreciates him. 或许是凌云眼中的那份决然,和他口中的使命吧,秦石挺欣赏他。 Reaches the clouds ten fingers of kneading together maliciously, he is not that supercilious look wolf, Qin Shi and he misses for no reason, has actually helped his these many times, he bears in mind. 凌云十指狠狠的捏合,他不是那种白眼狼,秦石和他无故无缘,却帮了他这么多次,他都记在心里。 Shouted!” He heaved a deep sigh, lowered the head forced smile looking pensive: Actually is this, Hui Er is my friends from childhood, her old name is Mu Hui, our two slightly sign the engagement very much, our two are also properly matched, although is not the everyone / influential family clan, but also is some background, afterward delivered both of us to come Chaos Domain.” “呼!”他长叹一声,低下头若有所思的苦笑:“其实是这样,惠儿是我的青梅竹马,她原名叫做慕惠,我们两个很小就签下婚约,我们两家也算是门当户对吧,虽然不是什么大家族,但也算是有些底蕴,后来就送我们两人来乱域。” Enters Chaos Domain, we two relations are like a fish in water, walk more and more nearly, had decided that at the end of this year returns to the family, discussed with two, held the wedding.” “进入乱域,我们两个的关系如鱼得水,走得越来越近,本来都已经决定,今年年底就回到家族,和两家商量一下,将婚事举办一下。” But six months ago, I and Hui Er a going out duty, was attacked by Desolate Beast unfortunately, she receives the evil fire invasion of Desolate Beast, whole person serious illness, I, for she therapy, has consumed our these year of all savings, but does not have the effect, afterward this matter fed in two, gave up her including the family, but I will not give up, she is my lover, I must therapy for her.” “但就在半年以前,我和惠儿一次外出任务,不幸受到荒兽的袭击,她受到荒兽的邪火侵染,整个人重病不起,我为了个她疗伤,耗损了我们这些年所有的积蓄,但就是没有效果,后来这事传回两家,连家族都放弃了她,但是我不会放弃,她是我的爱人,我要为她疗伤。” Actually I do not know that this fan blade wooden miracle cure can cure her, but heard to say a short time ago that this fan blade wooden miracle cure property is temperate, moreover can drive out the evil fire, I come to here to try one's luck.” “其实我也不知道这扇叶木灵丹能不能治愈她,只是前不久听闻说,这扇叶木灵丹药性温和,而且能够驱除邪火,我才来这里碰碰运气。” Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi is surprised, but the Desolate Beast evil fire he also is really first time heard, for this reason curious question: Evil fire that you said that is what appearance?” 秦石不由感到意外,但荒兽的邪火他还真是头次听说,为此好奇的问句:“你说的邪火,是什么样子?” I cannot say, is the black flame, said accurately is also not the flame, because it does not have the temperature, looks like the fog is the same, was taken possession by this black fire since Hui Er, the whole person does not have energetic, is always dispirited, moreover matter that will make once for a while also some not sanely controlled.” Reaches the clouds trusts Qin Shi very much, described this Mu Hui situation. “我也说不上来,是黑色的火焰,准确的说还不是火焰,因为它没有温度,就像是云雾一样,自从惠儿被这黑火附身,整个人就没有精神过,总是萎靡不振,而且时不时还会做出些不受理智控制的事。”凌云很信任秦石,将这慕惠的情况描绘一番。 But Qin Shi hears an item of color to be dignified. 秦石听闻却目色凝重。 Black fire? Without the temperature, some shape fog? 黑火?没有温度,有些像云雾? Read wants to flash through in the Qin Shi heart: „, Is the demon air/Qi?” 一个念想在秦石心中闪过:“难道,是魔气?” His eye slightly revolution, to reaching the clouds sentence: „After here finished, you lead me to have a look at your Hui Er, her condition I possibly know that perhaps can also add on you.” 他眼睛微微一转,冲凌云道句:“这里结束以后,你带我去看看你的惠儿,她的状况我可能知道,说不定还能够帮上你。” Real?” Lingyun great happiness. “真的吗?”凌云大喜。 Qin Shi nods: I cannot affirm, but if is really the condition that I think, this fan blade wooden miracle cure is simply useless, in brief here finished.” 秦石点点头:“我也不敢肯定,但如果真是我想的状况,这扇叶木灵丹根本没有用,总之等到这里结束吧。” Um!” Some hope, has reached the clouds the pinching tightly fist maliciously, the pray that in the mouth also keeps: Hui did Er, you see? We met the honored person, this time you could be saved!” “嗯!”有了希望,凌云狠狠的捏紧拳,口中还不停的祈祷:“惠儿,你看见了吗?我们碰见贵人了,这一次你有救了!” Looks to reach the clouds naively, but actually appearance decidedly, Qin Shi slightly laughs in spite of trying not. 看着凌云天真但却决然的模样,秦石微微失笑。 It seems like, in any event, you must cure this Hui Er, otherwise you simply in suffering human, hope and despair.” Kong Xianhui smiles the sentence embarrasedly. “看来,无论如何,你都要治好这个惠儿,否则的话你简直就是在折磨人,希望和绝望,一线之间。”孔贤慧讪讪笑句。 Um.” “嗯。” Qin Shi deep inspiration, he does not want to look that this has the youth of mission to be disappointed. 秦石深深的吸了口气,他也不想看这个有使命的少年失望。 The auction has continued Fang Jiu, something by auction that presents is also getting more and more precious, even many Upper Tier famous articles, good fortune martial arts, these Chang Rili rare treasures. 拍卖会又持续了方久,出现的拍卖品也越来越珍贵,甚至有不少上品的名器,造化武学,这些常日里罕见的珍宝。 During this, creates the world group and fog pledge competes mutually several, Qin Shi does not have the sound throughout, he does not want to be involved in this dispute, after all his wealth was inferior that two big influences are so vigorous. 这期间,创世团和雾盟相互争夺几番,秦石始终没有动静,他可不想被卷进这种纠纷,毕竟他的财富不如两大势力那样浑厚。 But when his silent side long time, his look concentrates suddenly slightly, was exposed three something by auctions that to attract by the stage. 而就在他沉默方久时,他的神色突然微微一凝,被舞台上所展露出的三件拍卖品吸引。 Lin Xing the white hands rise slightly, under the bead curtain reveals three squares the jet black boxes. 林杏的玉手微微上扬,珠帘下露出三枚正方形的漆黑盒子。 These three boxes and past something by auctions differed, above did not have the gloss of least bit, even could not feel the spiritual power fluctuation of least bit. 这三个盒子和以往的拍卖品相差很多,上面没有半点的光泽,甚至感受不到半点的灵力波动。 However, attracts Qin Shi is not these three boxes, but is the interior of these three boxes, he discovered that in the interior of three boxes, the strength that cannot say. 不过,吸引秦石的并不是这三个盒子,而是这三个盒子的内部,他发现在三个盒子的内部,有一股说不上来的力量。 Kid, these three boxes are the treasure, if there is an opportunity to get rid to seize.” But in Qin Shi obscure, explodes suddenly sound that in flame Zhu transmits the blood sorcerer. “小家伙,这三个盒子是宝贝,如果有机会的话出手夺来。”而在秦石费解中,爆炎珠中突然传来血巫师的声响。 Um?” Qin Shi knit the brows, the blood sorcerer is little driving and he talks: You said that these three boxes are the treasure? What treasure?” “嗯?”秦石皱了皱眉,血巫师很少主动和他对话:“你说这三个盒子是宝贝?什么宝贝?” If I have not guessed wrong, this should be being lost thousand years Feng Lei locks.” “如果我没猜错,这应该是失传千年的封雷锁。” Feng Leisuo?” Qin Shi amazed. “封雷锁?”秦石惊诧一声。 Um, this Feng Leisuo, itself does not have what use actually, however has a very special space in their interior, that space with the territory boundary greatly can the domain is the same, what is most important, this space can seal Lei Jieyin.” “嗯,这封雷锁,本身倒是没有什么用处,但是在他们内部有一个十分特殊的空间,那个空间就和域境大能的领域一样,最重要的是,这个空间能够封印雷劫印。” The blood sorcerer word, the heart of Qin Shi as if stops half racket. 血巫师言罢,秦石的心仿佛停跳半拍。 Seal Lei Jieyin?” “封印雷劫印?” !! !!
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