PDL :: Volume #8

#705: Depending on empty feather boots

The word, Qin Shi has not been talking too much, he knows he can do, only then these, this emaciated disciple whether to change, must depend on his comprehension completely. 言罢,秦石没在多言,他知道他能做的只有这些,这个羸弱的弟子能否改变,全部要靠他自己的领悟。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” He greeted one to the congealing rain and Kong Xianhui, stepped toward the distinguished guest channel. 他冲着凝雨和孔贤慧招呼一声,朝着贵宾通道迈去。 But three people have not walked several steps, Qin Shi felt that behind hears the rapid sound of footsteps, made his slightly gawked. 但三人没走几步,秦石就感觉到背后传来急促的脚步声,令他微微的一愣。 This big brother, just many thanks you.” The thin disciple pursues, he breathed heavily several thick air/Qi, is pinching the fist: „The words that big brother spoke I understand, but I want to tell you, I have not admitted defeat to anybody, but I have not been able dead now, I have very important matter to do, I must live am being good, this is my mission!” “这位大哥,刚刚多谢你了。”消瘦的弟子追上来,他喘了几口粗气,捏着拳:“大哥说的话我都明白,但是我想要告诉你,我没有向任何人服软,只是我现在还不能死,我还有很重要的事要做,我必须要活着才行,这是我的使命!” Qin Shi wrinkled under the eyebrow slightly, does not know when why the mission two characters put out from the mouth of this disciple, he always thought that sacred, just likes the iron rule. 秦石微微皱了下眉,不知为何当使命两字从这弟子的口中吐出,他总是觉得那么的神圣,犹如铁律。 He smiled: This is best, I also felt that you should not be the common people of drifting with the current.” 他笑了:“这样最好,我也感觉你不应该是随波逐流的泛泛之辈。” This time you have helped me, I do not owe others anything, the big brother you told me you to call anything, although I do not have the skill now, but will happen one day, I will give back to you.” “这次你帮了我,我不要欠别人什么,大哥你告诉我你叫什么,虽然我现在没有本事,但是终有一天,我会还给你。” Qin Shi is somewhat surprised, originally is to shake the head the rejection, but sees the firmness of this disciple, he thought him, if rejects, the reversed image is trampling the self-respect of this disciple. 秦石有些吃惊,本是想要摇头拒绝,但看见这弟子的坚决,他觉得他要是拒绝,倒像是在践踏这弟子的自尊。 Qin Shi.” 秦石。” Qin Shi?” The disciples engrave on mind: Big brother Qin Shi, I am called Lingyun.” 秦石么?”弟子铭记在心:“秦石大哥,我叫做凌云。” Lingyun?” Qin Shi smiled, at once he wants to turn around, actually realized vision that reaches the clouds, throughout hopeful looking to auction room. “凌云吗?”秦石笑了笑,旋即他欲要转身,却察觉到凌云的目光,始终充满期待的望向拍卖行。 „Do you want to go in very much?” Qin Shi question. “你很想进去?”秦石问句 Lingyun breaking by biting lower lip, point under maliciously, but shakes the head immediately. 凌云咬破下唇,狠狠的点下头,但马上又摇摇头。 Looks to reach the clouds the puzzled appearance, Qin Shi smiles, racket congealing rain: Dead fatty , helping me make the Venerable card of auction again.” 看着凌云纠结的模样,秦石一笑,拍拍凝雨:“死胖子,再帮我弄张拍卖会的尊卡。” Um?” Congealing rain small eye stares in a big way: Big brother, do you crack a joke? You know that these three revere card, did I abandon the big vigor to get so far as yesterday?” “嗯?”凝雨小眼睛瞪大:“大哥,你开玩笑呢吧?你知道这三张尊卡,我昨天废了多大劲才弄到吗?” All right, you said that is on line that I want, if they do not give, said that I prepared to abolish all demon symbols, the matter I was frightened.” Qin Shi completely at ease confession. “没事,你去说是我要的就行,如果他们不给的话,就说我准备撤销所有的魔符了,刚才的事情我受到了惊吓。”秦石坦然自若的交代一句。 Poverty-stricken of congealing rain whole face, sighing of have no alternative, this three and two steps slightly run up to the distinguished guest channel, talks with the girl who before opened the mouth. 凝雨满脸的窘迫,无可奈何的叹了口气,这才三步并两步的小跑到贵宾通道,和之前开口的女郎交谈一番。 Perhaps is because before , they are in the wrong, the girl gave congealing rain one to honor the card very much naturally. 或许是因为之前他们理亏,女郎很大方的给了凝雨一张尊卡。 Attains a card, Qin Shi gives Lingyun: „, Goes in together.” 拿到尊卡,秦石递给凌云:“喏,一起进去吧。” This, is this distinguished guest Venerable the card?” Lingyun changes colors has swallowed a spit, hopes that withdraws continuously several steps: Big brother, I cannot want, this was too precious.” “这,这是贵宾尊卡?”凌云失色的咽了口吐沫,期许中连续退后几步:“大哥,我不能要,这个太贵重了。” Was good, first is owing, later together also I and that's the end.” Qin Shi will revere in the hand that Gombe enters to reach the clouds, has turned around with the congealing rain three people. “行了,先欠着,以后一起还我就是了。”秦石一把将尊卡塞进凌云的手中,和凝雨三人转过身去。 Lingyun hand grasps a card, in the pale complexion flashes through several differences, for a long time he sets firm resolve in the moral nature, overtakes three people. 凌云手握尊卡,苍白的脸色上闪过几道异样,许久他才在心底下定决心,追上三人。 Four people enter distinguished guest channel abreast in row. 四人并排的进入贵宾通道。 The distinguished guest channel leads to the auction market directly, just entered Qin Shi then to feel that a broad strength depresses from the top of the head, such as reliable shackles are the same, his hands and feet, dantian and Sea of Consciousness, all seal. 贵宾通道是直接通往拍卖场,刚一进入秦石便感觉一股恢弘之力从头顶压下,如一把牢固的枷锁一样,将他的手脚、丹田、识海、尽数封印。 In the auction market, cannot certainly stir up trouble, otherwise auctions big, certainly will crush you, moreover you, in this auction, Xing Moyuan they completely, do not capture their attention carefully.” The beautiful pupil of Kong Xianhui leaves in four lower reaches, having several points to be cunning and vigilant. “在拍卖场里,是一定不能惹事,否则的话拍卖大阵,一定会将你粉碎,而且你小心一点,这次拍卖会里,邢墨鸢他们全部会在,别吸引他们的目光。”孔贤慧的美眸在四下流离,带着几分狡黠和警惕。 Qin Shi earnest nod, he knows that Kong Xianhui is worried about anything, her status is special, cannot expose. 秦石认真的点点头,他知道孔贤慧在担心什么,她的身份特殊,不能暴露。 Relax, I know how should do.” “放心吧,我知道该怎么做。” Four people go forward along the channel, Venerable the seat comparison of card before, in the second row of auction market, one after another golden chair is very comfortable. 四人沿着通道前进,尊卡的席位比较靠前,在拍卖场的第二排,一把一把金色的座椅很是舒适。 Lingyun palm gathers ten, splash jumps at heart crazily, he has not seen this scene, follows to be somewhat anxious side Qin Shi. 凌云手掌合十,心里扑通扑通的狂跳,他是没见过这种场面,跟在秦石身边有些紧张。 Qin Shi looked at his one eyes, shows a faint smile. 秦石看了他一眼,微微一笑。 The adaptiveness that but reaches the clouds is very good, one gradually will calm down, after four people sit, massive disciple admission, the biggest two waves, are create the world group and fog pledge without doubt, they have the respective exclusive region respectively. 但凌云的适应能力很好,一会就渐渐冷静下来,四人坐好以后,大量的弟子入场,其中最大的两波,无疑是创世团和雾盟,他们都各自有各自的专属区域。 Just entered, caused not small clamoring. 刚一进入,就引起不小的喧哗。 Creates the world group! Um, this time is Xu Yan leads, it seems like creates the world group also very much to regard as important this auction.” “创世团!嗯,这一次是徐岩带队,看来创世团也很看重这次拍卖会啊。” Sure, the annual year auction, you look at the fog pledge quickly, the fog pledge all came.” “肯定啊,一年一度的年度拍卖会,你们快看雾盟,雾盟的当家们全部都过来了。” Had the good play.” “有好戏了。” Many disciples watch the fun are not afraid of getting into trouble big talking in whispers. 不少弟子看热闹不怕事大的窃窃私语。 The previous 100,000 seats are filled, the atmosphere in field is slightly stern, originally in well-illuminated auction market suddenly dim, the light goes out. 上100000的坐席坐满,场上的气氛微微严峻起来,本来通亮的拍卖场上突然昏暗,灯光熄灭。 But under extinguishment, a wisp of dazzling light beam projects in the strategy, puff illuminates the auction market central stage, in the stage, Xing Moyuan form reappears. 而熄灭下,一缕耀眼的光柱在阵法上射出,噗一声将拍卖场中央的舞台照亮,在舞台上,邢墨鸢的身影浮现。 He is such always said that crane bone immortal wind. 他还是那样老道,鹤骨仙风。 „, Disciple, I thinks that you know me, can attend here obsolete, feels unusual being honored, therefore I hope that you can sell the obsolete face, no matter before you, has any gratitude and grudges, today temporarily melts in this.” “咳咳,诸位弟子,我想你们都知道我,老朽能够出席这里,也感觉到非常的荣幸,所以我希望你们能够卖老朽个面子,不管你们之前有什么恩怨,今日在此都暂时化解。” When spoke this saying, Xing Moyuan vision is mainly creating the world group and fog pledge two sides has swept. 说这话时,邢墨鸢的目光主要在创世团和雾盟两方扫过。 His sound is very sharp, caressed above must smile Fang Jiucai to go down the stage. 他的声音很尖,在上面抚须笑了方久才走下舞台。 In a big hurry quick, should come to power to me.” Congealing rain in side suddenly excited, turns his sex appeal bucket waist to push the stage. “快快快,该到我上台了。”凝雨在旁边突然兴奋,扭着他性感的水桶腰就挤上舞台。 Hey, everyone / influential family is good, I am the congealing rain, this year unmarried, likes the beautiful woman, is this time biggest supplier, so long as you want, I am willing to prostrate oneself under your pomegranate skirt.” Congealing rain opening teases compared with the pattern, a series of laughter embarrasedly, Qin Shi was at that time poverty-stricken under, he wishes one could to look for a crack to worm one's way into. “嘿嘿,大家好,我是凝雨,今年单身,爱好美女,身为这次最大的供应商,只要你们愿意的话,我愿意拜倒在你的石榴裙下。”凝雨开启逗比模式,一连串的讪讪笑声,秦石在下面当时就窘迫了,他恨不得找个地缝钻进去。 Let alone I know this fatty!” “别说我认识这胖子!” Really has been drunk, the congealing rain does not care about the least bit image above completely, however his words actually played are good to affect, after original Xing Moyuan leaves office, takes along the serious atmosphere to be melted by him thoroughly, the scene is active. 真是醉了,凝雨在上面完全不顾及半点形象,但是他的话语却起到了非常好作用,本来邢墨鸢下台后,捎带严肃的气氛被他彻底化解,场面活跃。 But then, several other suppliers also come to power to explain that finally is the famous cat such as the colored female, this female named: Lin Xing, is the foreign country famous beautiful woman, the big or medium auction market will choose her to go to the organization. 而接下来,另外几个供应商也纷纷上台讲说,最后才是名猫么如花的女子,这女子名为:林杏,是外域出名的美女,大小拍卖场都会选择她去组织。 Hey, I do not introduce oneself, I can organize side this year auction to be honored today fortunately, everyone / influential family must support much.” “嘿嘿,我就不自我介绍了,我今日能够有幸组织这场年度拍卖会身边荣幸,大家要多多捧场啊。” The forest apricot frown and smile, disclosed that refined makings, Qin Shi under slightly absent-minded, on this woman truly has charm alone. 林杏一颦一笑,都透露出脱俗的气质,秦石在下方微微失神,这女人身上确实有着独自的魅力。 But has not waited for him to think that a skilled artist climbs up to his waist. 但没等他多想,一只妙手攀爬向他的腰间。 Have not thought that depending on you now, others may unable to have a liking for you.” Kong Xianhui white: This Lin Xing in the foreign country, is in the dreams of many men the sweetheart, you as early as possible gave up.” “别多想了,凭你现在,人家可看不上你。”孔贤慧白了一眼:“这林杏在外域,是许多男人的梦中情人,你就趁早放弃了吧。” „!” “!” Qin Shi curls the lip, he has not thought that but bases on the appreciation to be good? 秦石撇撇嘴,他又没多想,只是基于欣赏好不好? Helpless shaking the head, he in had not said. 无奈的摇摇头,他没在去多说。 The atmosphere in field was led immediately, Lin Xing revolves in the stage slightly: Then receives two, was the today's first something by auction, everyone / influential family may probably sharpen vigilance, favors!” 场上的气氛马上被带动,林杏在舞台上微微旋转一圈:“那么接下俩,就是今日的第一件拍卖品,大家可要擦亮了眼睛,看好了!” The cherry lips close up, she looks like the cat eye translucent beautiful pupil to select slightly, in the red bead curtain of white hands raises stage, pair of emerald green colored lithe flying shoes, about the flying shoes have been full of the merit merit gloss, is indistinct the wind direction in air as if to be affected. 樱唇合拢,她像猫眼般透亮的美眸微微一挑,玉手将舞台上的红色珠帘掀起,一双翠绿色轻盈的飞鞋,飞鞋左右充满了勋勋光泽,隐约间空气中的风向仿佛都受到影响。 Depending on the empty feather boots, the low grade famous article, holds the day ground wind to work, grasps fast of universe, under the wind promotes spirit, can be the perfect speed, even if the big energies of six days of boundaries, full speed under is also not necessarily able to overtake.” The introduction that the forest apricot starts, causes in the field clamors intermittently. “凭虚羽靴,下品名器,掌天地风灵,握乾坤之速,在风灵推动下,能达到极致的速度,即便是六天之境的大能,全速下也未必能够追上。”林杏兴起的介绍,在场上引起阵阵喧哗。 Was good, custom everyone / influential family understands, 5000 contribution values get up, each time can not be lower than 100 contribution values, starts to auction!” “好了,规矩大家都懂,5000贡献值起,每一次不得低于100贡献值,开始拍卖!” The forest apricot elusive sound has stroked, in the field has then blasted out the pot. 林杏空灵的声音拂过,场上便炸开了锅。 Has not thought that something by auction that same enters the stage is spirit, moreover is rare speed spirit, so long as has this type of spirit, although does not have the strength of attack, words that but wants to escape, truly maintaining life magical instrument. 没想到,第一样出场的拍卖品就是件灵器,而且还是件罕见的速度灵器,只要拥有这种灵器,虽说没有攻击之力,但是想要逃跑的话,确实件保命神器。 Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses, felt that several points look familiar, but he calculated started the contribution value, finally has cancelled the thought that after all then just started. 秦石眯眯着眼,也感觉到几分眼熟,但是他盘算了下手中的贡献值,最后还是打消了念头,毕竟这才刚刚开始。 5100!” “5100!” 5200!” “5200!” 5300!” “5300!” 5500!” “5500!” 6000!” “6000!” Short one minute, this depends on the empty feather boots then to be shouted person who 6000 contribution values, depend on the empty feather boots to have the idea in the field to this are many. 短短一分钟,这凭虚羽靴便被喊到6000的贡献值,在场上对这凭虚羽靴有想法的人不少。 10,000!” “10000!” A famous article, quick leaps 10,000. 一把名器,很快就飞跃10000。 But his value, generally also here, but in forest apricot drop hammer two, an ease sound resounds. 但他的价值,一般也就在这里了,而就在林杏落锤两次,一声悠悠然的声音响起。 15,000!” “15000!” Whish the audience is astonished, puzzled searches in the sound direction. 哗全场惊愕,不解的朝声音方向探去。 Sees only the person of start to talk, unexpectedly is Jane Zhun. 只见开口之人,竟是简准。 Jane Zhun lazy stretching oneself, on the scene has not had the response to the vision, Lin Xing were also pressed frowning, smiled: 10,051 times, 10,052 times, 10,053 times!” 简准慵懒的伸了个懒腰,并未对在场的目光产生回应,林杏自己也是蹙了蹙眉,才笑了笑:“10051次,10052次,10053次!” Good, this depends on the empty feather boots final winner, creates Sir Jane of Zhun world group!” Lin Xing very atmosphere will depend on the empty feather boots imposition, the disciple who before making are many, opens the mouth contort one's face in agony, but under creating the pressure of world group, actually angries but not dare say anything. “好,这凭虚羽靴最终的赢家,是创世团的简准大人!”林杏很大气的将凭虚羽靴安放,令不少之前开口的弟子呲牙咧嘴,但在创世团的威压下,却又敢怒而不敢言。 Qin Shi shook the head: No wonder said that creates the world group not to be good because of the reputation of foreign country.” 秦石摇了摇头:“难怪说创世团在外域的口碑不好。” You are more careful, I thought that Jane Zhun gets rid to auction this to depend on the empty feather boots, somewhat relates with you.” Kong Xianhui white hands anxious grips, lowered the sound to say the sentence. “你小心一些,我觉得简准出手拍卖这凭虚羽靴,和你有些关系。”孔贤慧玉手紧张的攥起,压低声音说句。 Qin Shi knit the brows \; Has any relations with me, I have not gotten rid to tender.” 秦石皱了皱眉\;“和我有什么关系,我又没出手竞价。” „Did you forget? Your speed is the superiority, could not hit Jane Zhun, but wants to run he unable to block you, but there is this to depend on the words of empty feather boots, Jane Zhun can pursue in the speed to you.” Kong Xianhui said the moral nature idea. “难道你忘了?你的速度是优势,本来就算打不过简准,但想要跑他还拦不住你,不过有了这凭虚羽靴的话,那简准在速度上就能追到你了。”孔贤慧将心底的想法道出。 Qin Shi suddenly, thinks that pours somewhat is really possible. 秦石恍然,这么一想,倒真有几分可能。 However he does slightly astonishedly, is then strange smiles: Is unimportant, I also feared that he cannot overtake, some gratitude and grudges were also the time make to settle.” 不过他稍作惊异,便诡异一笑:“不要紧,我还怕他追不上呢,有些恩怨也是时候做个了结了。” Looks at Qin Shi calm smiling, the Kong Xianhui cherry lips opened, finally has not opened the mouth, is only helpless shaking the head. 看着秦石从容的笑,孔贤慧樱唇张了张,最后也没有开口,只是无奈的摇摇头。 „The second something by auction: Crosses to plunder pill!” “第二件拍卖品:渡劫丹!” The first something by auction finished, Lin Xing holds up the white hands with a smile, a miracle cure offers a sacrifice. 第一件拍卖品结束,林杏笑着举起玉手,一枚灵丹祭出。 !! !!
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