PDL :: Volume #8

#702: Year auction

With Qin Shi face-to-face, feels the heat wave that exhales from the Qin Shi oronasal, Kong Xianhui is smiling. 秦石面对面,感受着从秦石口鼻中呼出的热浪,孔贤慧不由莞尔。 This big boy, can always take to her the miracle. 这个大男孩,总是能带给她奇迹。 Country bumpkin, the house did not have, at the worst has you to accompany me to sleep outside the street, but if you did not have, even if the house , you are still cruel enough to ask me alone to live in such spacious place?” Kong Xianhui has selected the Qin Shi disorderly sending silk. “傻帽,房子没了,大不了有你陪我露宿街头,但若是你没有了,即便房子还在,难道你忍心叫我一个人独自住在这么空旷的地方?”孔贤慧挑了挑秦石杂乱的发丝。 Qin Shi slightly absent-minded, said: Knew, how I will be cruel enough, therefore my this not safe and sound standing before you?” 秦石微微失神,笑说:“知道了,我怎么会忍心,所以我这不安然无恙的站在你面前吗?” Um.” Kong Xianhui joyful nod, the white hands have stroked the quenching god Dharmakaya of Qin Shi chest, is feeling the strength of rich attribute said: This quenches god Dharmakaya? I first time saw, had his words, even if bumped into Jane Zhun, you will not be distressed.” “嗯。”孔贤慧欣喜的点点头,玉手拂过秦石胸膛的淬神法身,感受着其中浓郁的属性之力称赞道:“这就是淬神法身吗?我还是头次见到,有了他的话,就算碰上简准,你也不会太狼狈了。” Won't be far more than distressed?” In the Qin Shi black pupils dodges the corridor strange gloss, ruthless offense cold Dao: He chased down me is very long, if there is an opportunity, I want to kill him.” “何止不会狼狈?”秦石黑眸间闪过道诡异的光泽,狠戾的冷道:“他追杀我也挺久了,要是有机会的话,我真想打死他。” Throws!” Kong Xianhui was annoyed to smile by Qin Shi, has the profound meaning smiles tenderly: Truly, that unimportant person, killed also kills.” “扑哧!”孔贤慧秦石惹笑,颇有深意的娇笑:“确实,那种小人物,打死也就打死了。” Qin Shi shrugs, Jane Zhunzao had been included the blacklist by him. 秦石耸了耸肩,简准早已经被他列入黑名单了。 Solely is not he, Liu Ming is also.” “不单单是他,柳明也是。” Often wants saying that Su not to the Su not abandoned matter, his then anger launches a psychological attack. 每每想道苏不离苏不弃的事,他便怒火攻心。 He has pinched the fist, is feeling in the world boundless spiritual power, with the strength of rich attribute quenching in the god Dharmakaya flees in all directions, the mind is big. 他捏了捏拳,感受着天地间磅礴的灵力,和淬神法身上流窜的浓郁属性之力,心神大起。 Two ** the body practices, now is six days of Late Stage also not necessarily is his match, although Jane Zhun cultivation to have seven days of Late Stage, but if adds on his spirit to cultivate is, pours is not cannot wrestle. 两**身练成,现在就算是六天后期也未必是他的对手,虽然简准的修为有七天后期,但是如果加上他的精神修为,倒也不是不能一搏。 Entered the foreign country also for sometime, the next time was the time should make to mediate.” “进入外域也有段时间了,下一次是时候该做个了断了。” He wants to say in the heart silently that begins toward Kong Xianhui question supinely: Was right, tople days that I close up, had the human to look for me?” 他在心中默默想道,仰起头朝孔贤慧问句:“对了,我闭关的这些日子,有没有人来找过我?” Has the human to look for you?” The Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow was light, has thought deeply about a meeting, the beautiful pupil stared suddenly: Was right, how I gave to forget him.” “有没有人来找过你?”孔贤慧的黛眉轻蹙,思索了一会,美眸突然一瞪:“对了,我怎么把他给忘了。” Um?” Qin Shi knit the brows: Who.” “嗯?”秦石皱了皱眉:“谁啊。” I!” “我!” Has not waited for the Kong Xianhui start to talk, the hoarse sound resounds in the ruins together. 没等孔贤慧开口,一道沙哑的声音在废墟中响起。 Who!” “谁!” Qin Shi had a scare, has turned round hastily, received him to stare the god, suddenly could not bear laughed. 秦石吓了一跳,连忙回过身去,接下他愣了愣神,突然忍不住的大笑出来。 Smiles , is not only Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui also throws the covering cherry lips. 笑的不光是秦石,孔贤慧也是扑哧的捂住樱唇。 Sees only in the following dust, emitting that a dirty fatty, shakes soaks, his full mouth sand, opened the mouth to throw to throw the comedy. 只见在后面的尘埃里,一个灰头土脸的胖子,晃悠晃悠的冒出泡来,他满口的沙子,一开口扑哧扑哧的搞笑极了。 Smiles, smiles, you do not have humane smiles!” Is this fatty not just congealing rain? “笑,笑,你们两个没人性的就笑吧!”这胖子不正是凝雨吗? He was depressed, this was chart anything, just entered this mansion not many meeting, came across this bad luck matter, he sufficed. 他郁闷极了,他这是图什么啊,刚进这豪宅没多一会,就碰到这种倒霉事,他真是够了。 Doesn't smile, does not smile, that anything, I said that congealing rain, puff!” Just an start to talk, Qin Shi could not bear, this fatty was long interesting, now simply is a joke. “不笑不笑,不笑了,那个啥,我说啊,凝雨,噗!”刚一开口,秦石又忍不住了,这胖子本来长得就有趣,现在简直就是个笑话啊。 You have not to end!” The congealing rain got angry! “你有完没完!”凝雨怒了! Has, has, this ends!” Qin Shi controls itself hastily, suppresses shaking the head of happy expression: „It is not, I said that you did do?” “有,有,这就完!”秦石连忙控制住自己,强忍笑意的摇摇头:“不是,我说你这是干嘛了?” „Do I do? You also feel all right to ask that I do do! My good intention comes to deliver the contribution value to you, finally I just came not to know that which exploded, buried all of a sudden to me, this was also I fat, the fat fat of these year of raising have saved me, otherwise must be killed may not, you said that I was easy I!” This fatty must cry. “我干嘛?你还好意思问我干嘛!我好心来给你送贡献值,结果我刚进来不知道哪就爆炸了,一下子就给我埋进去了,这也就是我胖点,这些年养的肥膘救了我,要不然非要被炸死不可,你说我容易吗我!”这胖子真要哭了。 Qin Shi shakes the head: Ok, this time was I have made a mistake, at the worst contributed the value minute your half.” 秦石摇摇头:“行,这次算是我错了,大不了贡献值分你一半。” Really?” “真的?” The complexion of congealing rain changes, the beforehand anger vanishes into thin air, the small eye narrows the eyes groaning of strip slit: That settled, cannot renege on a promise.” 凝雨的脸色一变,之前的愤怒烟消云散,小眼睛眯眯成条缝隙的哼哼:“那说定了,不许反悔啊。” Qin Shi has gawked the god, he to this fatty was really dumbfounded, the sentimental beforehand suffering from injustice appearance was to install? Mentioned the contribution value, entire was good. 秦石愣了愣神,他对这胖子真是无语了,感情之前委屈的模样都是装出来的啊?一提到贡献值,全好了。 Does not renege on a promise!” His helpless smiling. “不反悔!”他无奈的笑笑。 Congealing rain simple and honest smiling, delimits half the contribution value on hand, gives Qin Shi. 凝雨憨厚的笑了笑,将手上的贡献值划出一半,交给秦石 Big brother, if next time has anything explodes and so on matter again, you early inform me, I wear the body solid point helmet and armor.” “大哥,下回要是再有什么爆炸啊之类的事,你早早的通知我啊,我穿身结实点的盔甲来。” „Do you want to do?” “你要干嘛?” Makes money, this was exploded, has gained all of a sudden these many contribution values, that may sell the news compared with exiting that I work to a frazzle every day.” Congealing rain brazen not shame has selected the eyebrow. “赚钱啊,这被炸一下,一下子就赚了这么多贡献值,那可比我每天累死累活的出去卖消息强多了。”凝雨厚颜不耻的挑了挑眉毛。 Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, immediately does not want to talk with this fatty. 秦石咂了咂舌,顿时不想和这个胖子对话了。 Right big brother, I ask you also to have the individual matter, is the proper business.” The congealing rain proceeds to collect, rare enforces. “对了大哥,我来找你还有个别的事,是正事。”凝雨往前凑了凑,罕见的严肃起来。 Qin Shi knit the brows, what proper business does this fatty look for himself to have? 秦石皱了皱眉,这胖子找自己能有什么正事? You said.” “你说。” Is this, tomorrow will have the auction, I deliberately considered you, if will be all right might as well take a look with me?” Congealing rain excited saying. “是这样,明日有场拍卖会,我寻思你要是没事的话不如和我去瞧瞧?”凝雨兴奋的说道。 Qin Shi actually knit the brows: Every day has the auction, how this time to deliberately consider that called me?” 秦石却皱了皱眉:“每天都有拍卖会,这次怎么寻思叫我了?” This time was different from the past, was the year auction of foreign country.” “这次和往日不一样,是外域的年度拍卖会。” Year auction?” “年度拍卖会?” Yes, year auction is the auction of Chaos Domain official organization, one year of one time, on each time will present many treasures, the fog pledge and creates the world group to go tomorrow, is very lively, moreover above also has many our demon symbols.” Mentioned the demon symbol, congealing rain was put on a high and mighty act. “是啊,年度拍卖会是乱域官方组织的拍卖会,一年就一次,每一次上面都会出现许多珍宝,雾盟和创世团明日都会去,很热闹的,而且上面还有许多咱们的魔符。”一提到魔符,凝雨趾高气昂起来。 Is this?” “是这样?” Qin Shi knits the brows slightly, this matter he does not know. 秦石微微皱眉,这事他是真不知道。 „, The tomorrow's auction momentum is truly big, if there is a time to look.” The approval of Kong Xianhui light point broad and handsome forehead said. “确实,明日的拍卖会声势很大,如果有时间的话可以去瞧一瞧。”孔贤慧轻点螓首的认可道。 They said like this that Qin Shi was silent. 两人都这样说,秦石沉默了。 Ok, tomorrow I and you look.” Hesitant, the Qin Shi nod complies, if said that the common auction he will perhaps not go, since is the Chaos Domain official conducts, that was critically different. “行,明日我和你们去瞧一瞧。”犹豫一下,秦石点头答应,若是说寻常的拍卖会他或许不会去,但是既然是乱域官方举办,那就大为不同了。 Let alone, fog pledge and creates the world group , since, him certainly must join in the fun. 何况,雾盟和创世团既然都在,他肯定是要去凑凑热闹。 Moreover there is the most important point, that can restore the Shu Zhongyu dark green flame duplicate miracle cure, in six types of goods that on the home remedy needs except for territory boundary beast pill, other five types of until now he did not have not to know, perhaps at this auction can find any clue. 而且还有最重要的一点,那就是能恢复书中玉的苍炎复灵丹,丹方上需要的六样物品中除了域境兽丹,其余五样至今为止他还没有毫无所知,说不定这场拍卖会上能够找到什么头绪。 Sees Qin Shi to comply, the congealing rain was immediately excited. 秦石答应,凝雨顿时就兴奋了。 „The big brother settled, tomorrow morning I look for you.” This fatty sways from side to side the meat toot toot the bucket waist, leaves the mansion. “那大哥说定了啊,明早我来找你。”这胖子扭动扭动肉嘟嘟的水桶腰,离开豪宅。 Just before leaving before , has not forgotten to shout sentence: Right big brother, matter of explosion before said that do not forget the younger brother, must inform me!” 临走前还不忘喊句:“对了大哥,之前说的爆炸的事,你可别忘了弟弟啊,一定要通知我!” Go away!” “滚!” Qin Shi ill-humored obloquies one. 秦石没好气的大骂一声。 Looks to the far death fatty, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, connects the contribution value that he congealing rain will leave behind to be included within the number and route plate, was examining internal quantity is out of sorts slightly. 看着离远的死胖子,秦石无奈的摇摇头,接连他将凝雨留下的贡献值划入腰牌,查看着内部的数量微微失神。 800,000?” “800000吗?” Since has been so long saving, his contribution value has reached as high as 800,000, this is also not beforehand practices two ** the god consumes small 1 million. 经过这么久以来的积攒,他的贡献值已经高达800000,这还不算之前修炼两**神消耗的小1000000。 Then, must diligently be better.” “接下来,要更加努力才行啊。” Qin Shi smiled, kneading together number and route plate of effort, in the black pupils dodges the corridor to make Kong Xianhui slightly absent-minded renouncing. 秦石笑了笑,用力的捏合腰牌,黑眸间闪过道令孔贤慧微微失神的决绝。 Two ** the gate casts, night of time Qin Shi has not practiced again, but was relaxed by oneself thoroughly, because he knows that the body stretches too tightly, does not have the advantage to him. 两**门铸成,一夜的时间秦石没有再去修炼,而是让自己彻彻底底放松一下,因为他知道身体绷得太紧,对他没有好处。 Practices a way, proceeds in an orderly way, cannot finish in a hast. 修炼一途,循序渐进,不能急于求成。 Next day, display of vigour and vitality. 翌日,旭日东升。 Very early in the morning congealing rain fatty then arrives at mansion, today he puts on unusual is official, neat Daoist robe and vertical stroke Qin Shi that the sending directly spirit, looked at one. 一早凝雨胖子便来到豪宅,他今日穿的非常正式,整洁的道袍和竖起来的直发精神极了,看的秦石一愣一愣。 Dead fatty, do you want to do?” “死胖子,你这是要干嘛啊?” Qin Shi is the rare and beautiful flowers of congealing rain feels puzzled, curious question. 秦石为凝雨的奇葩感到不解,好奇的问句 The congealing rain beamingly and buoyant, said excitedly: „Don't this you know? I am the super client of today's auction, more than 100 demon symbols are I provide to completely their, when the auction starts, I must come to power to illustrate.” 凝雨神采奕奕,兴奋的说:“这你就不知道了吧?我可是今天拍卖会的大客户,100多张的魔符全部是我提供给他们的,等到拍卖会开始的时候,我还要上台解说呢。” Furthermore, it is said this auction will have the pretty girl to come, moreover is the special young ladies, I naturally must dress up charming, which princess if by electing to be the emperor's son-in-law, this whole life I did not need to worry.” “再者,据说这次拍卖会会有很多漂亮的女孩前来,而且都是出身不凡的大小姐,我当然要打扮的帅气一点,万一被哪家的公主给选去做驸马,这辈子我都不用愁了。” Hears the god general logic of congealing rain, how many Qin Shi eyelid beats , thought that if who if has a liking for this fatty, that is blind? 听闻凝雨的神一般的逻辑,秦石眼皮不由跳动几下,心想如果谁要是看上这个胖子,那才是眼瞎吧? Big brother, don't you change the body clothes? This time opportunity is rare.” Congealing rain tease is not better , must instigate Qin Shi unexpectedly. “大哥,你不换身衣服?这一次的机会难得啊。”凝雨自己逗比还不行,竟还要怂恿秦石 Qin Shi shakes the head hastily: „.” 秦石连忙摇摇头:“不了。” Spoke, he alone looks to already the total wreck black robe, in the black pupils lax, the faint smile said: This clothes, are my wife do to me, even if broken becomes any appearance, in my opinion is also best, irreplaceable.” 说完话,他独自望向已经破烂不堪的黑袍,黑眸间不由的涣散,浅笑说:“这衣服,是我妻子给我做的,就算破成什么样子,在我看来也是最好的,无可替代的。” Looks at this softhearted man, the Kong Xianhui jade pupil is out of sorts. 看着这个温情的男子,孔贤慧玉眸失神。 The congealing rain shakes the head, he does not understand these sentiments the love, since Qin Shi does not change him not awkwardly, greeted one to them: Walks, the auction was about to start.” 凝雨摇摇头,他是不懂这些情啊爱啊,秦石既然不换他也没有为难,冲着两人招呼一声:“走吧,拍卖会快开始了。” Qin Shi should next, follow to go with Kong Xianhui. 秦石应下一声,和孔贤慧跟上前去。 Leaves the mansion, three people go forward in the directions of five areas. 离开豪宅,三人朝五区的方向前进。 This auction conducts in five area suburbs, mainly for appearance foreign country all disciples, if establishes in an area, many disciples are unable to participate. 这次拍卖会在五区郊外举办,主要是为了面相外域所有弟子,如果设置在一区,很多弟子无法参与。 Moreover this auction scene is very huge, imposing manner like rainbow. 而且这次拍卖会场面十分庞大,气势如虹。 Just like the congealing rain said that was by the Chaos Domain official sponsor, started to buy the location several months ago, but Qin Shi did not care at that time does not pay attention, did not know. 正如凝雨所言,是由乱域官方主办,在几个月以前就开始置办场地了,只是那个时候秦石不关心不关注,才不知道而已。 This location in five area foreign countries, is called the domain in business area. 这场地在五区外域,一个叫做商区的地盘。 The business area, as the name implies, is a region focusing on commercial, foreign country most industries stands erect completely once more, big decimal by the auction market gatherings of ten ideas, is in the foreign country the contribution value business volume hugest place. 商区,顾名思义,是一片以商业为主的区域,外域大多数的产业全部矗立再次,大小数以十计的拍卖场汇聚,也是外域中贡献值交易量最庞大的地方。 In this not big region, will introduce all kinds of day material rare treasure every day, Lian Wumeng XX that is responsible for collecting, sometimes also will rush to here. 在这片不大的区域中,每日都会引进各式各样的天材异宝,连雾盟负责采集的XX,有时也会赶往这里。 But therefore, is also promiscuous in this business area fish snake, all kinds of influences fool around together here, the battle that every day has here, the casualties, innumerable. 而也正是因此,在这个商区鱼蛇混杂,各式各样的势力厮混在此,每日在这里发生的争斗,伤亡,数不胜数。 But what is accidental, in today's business area exceptionally, on the pedestrian travelers including street has the well to be ordered calmly and steadily, disclosed that on the face of everyone the dignified colors and several points anticipated. 但意外的是,今日的商区里却安稳异常,连街道上的行人过客都有井有序,在每个人的面庞上都透露出凝重之色和几分期待。 Because of today, is the annual foreign country auction. 因为今日,是一年一度的外域拍卖会。 !! !!
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