PDL :: Volume #8

#703: Business area

Annual auction, arouses very big disturbance in foreign country, eight side influences come with admiration, hopes that can at this auction, washes any treasure. 一年一度的拍卖会,在外域引起很大的风波,八方势力慕名而来,都希望能在这次拍卖会上,淘到什么宝贝。 Feels periphery the urgent atmosphere, Qin Shi was knitting the brows. 感受着周围紧迫的气氛,秦石不由皱了皱眉。 Quite depressing.” “好压抑。” Does not have the means that for this auction, the foreign country will invest very big fund, Lian Xing Moyuan will come to assume personal command personally, words that therefore causes trouble today here, obviously was not a very explicit choice.” Kong Xianhui outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent hum gently. “没办法,为了这次拍卖会,外域投入了很大的资金,连邢墨鸢都会亲自过来坐镇,所以今日在这里闹事的话,显然是很不明确的选择。”孔贤慧秀外慧中的轻轻哼声 The Qin Shi quite surprise, at once reveals to wipe smiles craftily. 秦石颇为诧异,旋即露出抹诡笑。 He he, that said that today my enemies will come?” “呵呵,那这么说,今天我的冤家们都会来了?” That is certain.” “那是一定。” The Kong Xianhui helpless min bosom smiles. 孔贤慧无奈的抿怀而笑。 Regarding Qin Shi, she also is really have nothing to say, has not entered the foreign country time provokes to be troublesome, no, said accurately has not entered Chaos Domain, had become enemies with Xu Yan, Xing Moyuan rank. 对于秦石,她也真是无话可说,没进外域的时候就招惹来许多麻烦,不,准确说是没进乱域,就已经和徐岩、邢墨鸢等人结下梁子。 Today conduct carefully.” “今日行事小心一点。” She hesitant, urging that finally cannot bear, Qin Shi sticks to one's own way of doing things the skill that and stirs up trouble she has seen. 她犹豫下,最后还是忍不住的叮嘱一番,秦石我行我素、惹事的本事她是见过。 I know, so long as others do not annoy me, I will not provoke others on own initiative.” Qin Shi shrugs, but his implication so is clear, that is if some people do not enlarge ones vision to annoy him, he will certainly not be forgiving, even if today. “我知道,只要别人不惹我,我不会主动招惹别人。”秦石耸了耸肩,而他的言外之意却如此明确,那就是如果有人不开眼来惹他,他一定不会留情,即便是今日。 Feels the Qin Shi change air/Qi field, the Kong Xianhui almond eyes condenses slightly, shaking the head of forced smile. 感受秦石微微变化的气场,孔贤慧杏眼凝聚,苦笑的摇摇头。 She knows that she said anything spoke in vain. 她就知道,她说什么都白说。 Three people walk in the business area, has saying that the liveliness of business area is not inferior to an area, here has filled all kinds of stores, Ling jade treasure number everywhere receives extremely. 三人在商区行走一阵,不得不说商区的繁华丝毫不亚于一区,在这里充满了各式各样的商铺,玲琅满目的珍宝数不胜收。 Qin Shi shows a faint smile, the midway he still tours in several shops, purchased several to have the effect spirit grass to the soul cure very much. 秦石微微一笑,中途他还在几家店铺里游逛一圈,收购了几株对灵魂治愈很有效果的灵草。 But what is disappointed, on six types of formulas about dark green flame duplicate miracle cure did not have the clue. 但失望的是,关于苍炎复灵丹上的六样配方仍是毫无头绪。 It seems like, the final expectation can only pin at this auction.” The big hand of Qin Shi kneads together slightly, fills with the ancient aura the home remedy to be gripped by him in the hand. “看来,最后的期望只能寄托在这场拍卖会上了。”秦石的大手微微捏合,充满古老气息的丹方被他攥在手中。 Enters business area central luxurious section, here crowd quantity is even more huge, was in the situation one by one. 进入商区中央的豪华地段,这里的人群数量越发庞大,已经到了人挤人的地步。 In the crowd, country divided into rival baronies, was divided into the innumerable influences, hugest and dazzling naturally is the fog pledge, with creating world group. 在人群中,群雄割据,被分为无数股势力,其中最为庞大和耀眼的自然是雾盟,和创世团。 Two big influences, about thousand disciples, creates the world group is leads by Xu Yan, Xu Yan was still that graceful Hua Zhuang, the green Daoist robe fluttered against the wind, behind him was Jane Zhun, Liu Ming. 两大势力,近千弟子,其中创世团是由徐岩率领,徐岩仍是那身雍容的华装,青色的道袍迎风飘动,在他背后是简准、柳明。 A fog pledge side, naturally is Fu Jun, quiet azure, Shen Fengchun and the others, two side influences just met, the atmosphere in field coagulates instantaneously, appears viscous including the air, is very stern. 雾盟一方,自然是付军、幽青、沈逢春等人,两方势力刚见面,场上的气氛瞬间就凝固下来,连空气都显得粘稠,十分严峻。 under the hands / subordinates disciple at daggers drawn, if not for Fu Jun and Xu Yan control forcefully, feared that already greatly got rid. 手下的弟子剑拔弩张,若不是付军和徐岩强行控制,怕是早已大大出手。 Yo, Fu Jun, is really does not see for a long time, heard that your fog pledge funding chain completely had crushed recently? In the economical such intense situation, what do you also come this auction to make? Disgraceful?” Xu Yan contemptuous smiled to Fu Jun. “呦,付军,真是好久不见啊,听说最近你们雾盟资金链已经彻底粉碎了?经济这么紧张的情况下,你们还来这拍卖会做什么?丢人现眼吗?”徐岩轻蔑的冲着付军笑了笑。 Fu Jun was still atmospheric Ling Ran: Xu Yan, you chatted, camel of skinny is big, the broken ship still 3000 nails, a small auction, my fog pledge could also withstand, moreover leads the disciple to join in the fun.” 付军仍是大气凌然:“徐岩,你说笑了,正所谓瘦死的骆驼比马大,破船尚有3000钉呢,一个小小的拍卖会,我雾盟还承受得起,况且只是带着弟子来凑凑热闹而已。” You as one likes, if finally makes any disgraced dirty business, I thought that you can also approach now are like this calm.” “那你自便吧,最后要是做出什么丢人的糗事,我看你还能不能向现在这样从容。” „The work you do not take the trouble.” Fu Jun refuses to admit being inferior. “不劳您费心。”付军不甘示弱。 Two big influences in view , the innumerable foreign country disciples in abundance toward retroceding one step, this degree of playing chess, is not they can participate, this matter should better lively do not look, exempts invites trouble. 两大势力的针对中,无数外域弟子纷纷朝后退开一步,这种程度的对弈,不是他们能参与的,这种事最好连热闹都不要看,免的惹祸上身。 Qin Shi three people in crowd surrounding. 秦石三人在人群外围。 Sees Xu Yan, Qin Shi to knit the brows: I want not to remember incorrectly, Xu should Yan be the foreign country deacon? How will he appeared creating the world group?” 看见徐岩,秦石皱了皱眉:“我要没记错,徐岩应该是外域执事吧?他怎么会出现在创世团?” Xu Yan himself creates the disciple of world group , because in Xing Moyuan hand nobody uses, how Xu Yan understands flatters, was moved to give Xing Moyuan to do to accompany, but creates the world group to have the words of any matter, he will stand to help to create the world group.” “徐岩本身就是创世团的弟子,是因为邢墨鸢手上没有人用,徐岩又懂得如何拍马屁,才被调去给邢墨鸢做随从,但创世团有什么事的话,他还是会站出来帮助创世团。” Is this?” “是这样?” Among the Qin Shi pupil colors woods are slightly cold, is fleeting: He he, interesting, that thought so that my personal enemy also has to suffice to unify but actually, is entire creates the world group?” 秦石的眸色间微微森寒,不过稍纵即逝:“呵呵,有意思,那这么看,我的仇人倒也是有够统一,就是整个创世团呗?” Hears, Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, at once her helpless shaking the head: Coming out that thanks to you can also smile, this solely is not creates the world group to be so simple, must know that is creating the back of world group, but the official influence of entire foreign country.” 听闻,孔贤慧黛眉微蹙,旋即她无奈的摇摇头:“亏你还能够笑的出来,这可不单单是创世团这么简单,要知道在创世团的背后可是整个外域的官方势力。” Lets him do what he pleases, is ready to cope with anything, resists by whatever means available, you said that what to do I don't smile? Also can show weakness? I may unable to do, offended in any case, that toward dying to offend.” Qin Shi indifferent shrugging, making him show weakness to be on good terms, cracks a joke. “管他呢,兵来将挡,水来土掩,你说我不笑咋办?难道还能去示弱啊?我可做不出来,反正都得罪了,那就往死得罪呗。”秦石无所谓的耸了耸肩,让他去示弱交好,开什么玩笑。 Kong Xianhui understands Qin Shi, is disinclined to urge him: In any case regardless of, me by you.” 孔贤慧了解秦石,也懒得劝他:“反正无论何时,我都在你旁边。” Qin Shi affected nod, connects his You Ji in the crowd, the black pupil flashes from Xu Yan, Jane Zhun, Liu Ming, three people throughout, wipes the biting cold cold current, flashes from the black robe under. 秦石感动的点点头,接连他游迹在人群中,黑眸始终从徐岩、简准、柳明、三人身上闪动,一抹彻骨的寒流,自黑袍下闪动。 Big brother, the auction was about to start, can we pass and big brother Fu Jun they meet?” The congealing rain does not understand what is heard their dialogs from side, the crowd of coming with admiration are getting more and more, he raises hand toward fog pledge direction one finger. “大哥,拍卖会快开始了,我们要不要过去和付军大哥他们会合?”凝雨从旁边听不明白两人的对话,慕名而来的人群越来越多,他举手朝雾盟的方向一指。 Gets back one's composure from the voice of this fatty, shaking the head that Qin Shi gets over an emotion: Does not use, like this is just right, we and big brother Fu Jun they move separately.” 从这胖子的声音中回神,秦石释怀的摇摇头:“不用,就这样正好,咱们和付军大哥他们分头行动。” „Do we enter the stadium?” “那咱们入场吧?” The congealing rain complies with the Qin Shi words very much, then his meat toot toot big hand, three golden cards offered a sacrifice to by him, above carves to honor the character. 凝雨对秦石的话很遵从,接着他肉嘟嘟的大手一番,三张金色的卡片被他祭出,上面刻着个尊字。 This is three Venerable seat, can enter the stadium from the distinguished guest channel directly, was I used the Boss effort to make yesterday, was feared that the big brother lined up.” Smiling of the congealing rain takes undeserved credit. “这是三张尊席,能直接从贵宾通道入场,是我昨天费了老大劲才弄来的,就是怕大哥排队。”凝雨邀功的笑了笑。 Qin Shi stares slightly, the great happiness, he really could not bear this crowd huge crowd at heart, when if must line up to refer to outside erratically must arrange. 秦石微微一愣,心里不由大喜,他是真受不了这种人群人海了,如果要在外面排队的话指不定要排到什么时候。 Was laborious you!” “辛苦你了!” Received a card, Qin Shi has patted the shoulder of congealing rain, actually sometimes has to acknowledge that this fatty truly has his forte, such as his rushed to the vigor. 接过尊卡,秦石拍了拍凝雨的肩膀,其实有时候不得不承认,这胖子确实有着他的过人之处,如他的这份闯劲。 Qin Shi believes that enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that regardless of any difficult environment, this fatty can mix, this specially is the charm of this fatty. 秦石相信,无论什么艰苦的环境,这胖子都能够混的风生水起,这就是专属于这胖子的魅力。 Three people abreast in row goes forward toward the location distinguished guest channel. 三人并排的朝场地贵宾通道前进。 But in this process, on the small arm of Qin Shi transmits the faint trace to be warm suddenly, Kong Xianhui holds up the white hands unexpectedly, surrounds him, the milk-white bosom that very draws out has rubbed rubbing on his small arm, is very soft. 而在这个过程中,秦石的小臂上突然传来丝丝温暖,孔贤慧竟举起玉手,环抱住他,挺起的酥胸在他小臂上蹭了蹭,很是柔软。 Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi stares slightly, they are together such for a long time, although relates very harmoniously, but never has such intimate contact. 秦石稍微一愣,两人相处这么久,虽然关系非常融洽,但从未有过这么亲密的接触。 But when he falls into this red light district, his brow inexplicable wrinkle, sees only the hundreds of unfriendly vision thorns to him, he curled the lip immediately, originally was used? 但正当他陷入这份温柔乡时,他的眉头莫名一皱,只见数以百计不友善的目光刺向他,他当即就撇了撇嘴,原来又被利用了? He is also disinclined to haggle over, this fiance's role did in any case was so long, this pleasantly warm bosom considered the welfare. 他也懒得去计较,反正这未婚夫的角色都做了这么久,这个温软的怀抱就当是福利吧。 After is getting such a peerless beautiful woman, is a very proud matter, especially Kong Xianhui is slender **, leaves the dust to be certainly colorful. 毕竟领着这么个绝世佳人,是一件很值得骄傲的事,特别是孔贤慧修长的**,出尘绝艳。 But has not gone out of the far, small arm gentle removes immediately. 但没走出多远,小臂的温柔马上褪去。 Qin Shi discovered that was very near to reserved seats, before was full of the envy the vision also to disappear. 秦石才发现,离贵宾席已经很近,之前充满妒忌的目光也就不见了。 Hey, you are dismantle the bridge after crossing.” “喂,你这是过河拆桥啊。” hear that, on the Kong Xianhui attractive cheek has actually covered entirely the graceful happy expression, near gathering Qin Shi ear that teased: What's wrong? To take this elder sister's advantage? Ok, if did not fear that your family that parents and children know, I did not mind makes four to you slightly, but you must think first that you can satisfy our four, leaves your this small physique not to be when the time comes good, then the bamboo basket fetches water, all ran.” 闻言,孔贤慧漂亮的脸蛋上却布满了盈盈笑意,戏谑的凑到秦石耳边:“怎么?这么想占本姐姐的便宜啊?可以啊,如果不怕你家那三口子知道,我不介意给你做小四啊,不过你要先想好,你能不能满足我们四个,别到时候你这小身板不行,再竹篮打水,全都跑了。” The Qin Shi full heavy line, shaking the head, this woman is really quite aggressive. 秦石满头黑线,不由的摇摇头,这女人真是好生生猛。 He knows that Kong Xianhui is cracking a joke, but at heart is slightly terrified, influencing subtly withdraws several steps. 他知道孔贤慧是在开玩笑,但心里还是微微悚然,潜移默化的退后几步。 Looks at his resentful appearance, Kong Xianhui obstructs the surface to smile tenderly. 看着他悻悻的模样,孔贤慧遮面娇笑。 Did not tease you!” “不逗你了!” Kong Xianhui white Qin Shi, said the sentence ill-humoredly. 孔贤慧白了秦石一眼,没好气的说句。 When three people are away from the distinguished guest channel still had a kilometer distance, a Qin Shi brow slightly wrinkle, feels the strength of several evil spirit. 三个人距离贵宾通道尚有千米距离时,秦石的眉头微微一皱,感觉到几股凶煞之力。 This strength, is existence that he is unable to contend with now, for this reason indifferent raises head to stare, sees only in the front is such as the construction of tortoise shell, was covered by the First Rank fabricated halo outside of this construction. 这力量,是他现在无法抗衡的存在,为此漠然的仰头凝望,只见在前方是座如龟壳的建筑,在这建筑的外面被一层虚妄的光晕笼罩。 But made Qin Shi feel that terrifying strength, came from this layer upon layer halo. 而令秦石感到恐怖的力量,正是来自这层层光晕。 „The strategy of good terrifying!” “好恐怖的阵法!” Qin Shi rare is serious, he dares to pledge this strategy, is he always has seen absolutely the most formidable strategy, the constriction that type came from the soul, making him not gasp for breath. 秦石罕见的郑重起来,他敢发誓这阵法,绝对是他平生见过最强大的阵法,那种来自于灵魂的压迫感,让他喘不过气。 Um, this strategy, is in the old fogies in territory establishes, in has set up domain alone, even if the Demonic Talisman Master psychic force, the strength of soul does not affect in, is an isolation strategy of thorough shield strength, moreover is you in three kilometers causes trouble in the outside surrounding area, this strategy will also revolve.” “嗯,这阵法,是内域的老家伙们建立的,在其中设立了独自的领域,就算是符魔师的精神力,灵魂之力在里面也毫无作用,算是一个彻底屏蔽力量的隔绝阵法,而且就算是你在外面方圆三千米内闹事,这阵法也会运转。” Has this matter?” “有这种事?” Qin Shi sucked the tongue, in heart has been startled darkly. 秦石咂了咂舌,心中暗惊。 Said that this strategy did have the independent consciousness?” “这么说,这阵法已经拥有自主意识了?” That is the affirmation, consciousnes of this strategy, do not miss compared with the common mortal, is one of the Chaos Domain extremely famous strategies.” The Kong Xianhui [say / way] said embarrasedly. “那是肯定,这阵法的神智,不比寻常凡人要差,是乱域极为出名的阵法之一。”孔贤慧讪讪道说。 Qin Shi exclaimed in surprise at heart once more that it seems like that this auction, Chaos Domain invested the large amount of money. 秦石心里再次惊叹,看来这次拍卖会,乱域真是投入了巨资啊。 This strategy should better in view of creating the world group and fog pledge actually, the auction in several years ago, two big influence confrontation are always unceasing, every year will have the disciple by the severe wound, finally has enraged in the old fogy in territory, has made such one.” Kong Xianhui explained this, did not forget to supplement one: Therefore, you pay attention, be not thinking stirs up trouble in the auction.” “这阵法其实最好就是针对创世团和雾盟,前几年的拍卖会里,两大势力总是交锋不断,每年都会有弟子被重伤,最后激怒了内域的老家伙,才弄了这么一出。”孔贤慧解释到这,不忘补充一句:“所以说啊,你自己注意一点,别想着在拍卖会里惹事。” In the Qin Shi heart records sincerely, curls the lip: I said that I am willing to stir up trouble.” 秦石心中谨记,撇撇嘴:“我说,我是多愿意惹事啊。” You think, the matter that you annoy are few?” “你以为,你惹的事还少吗?” Qin Shi is disinclined to explain that three people like this arrive at the distinguished guest channel, but has not waited for three people toward enters into, the indignant sound shouts together: Your what is this? Wasn't I have contributed the value to you?” 秦石懒得解释,三人就这样来到贵宾通道,但没等三人朝其中迈入,一道愤愤不平的声音喊道:“你们这是什么意思?我不是已经给你们贡献值了吗?” Gave? How don't we remember?” “给了吗?我们怎么不记得?” In the distinguished guest channel, three were leading the disciple of teasing snort, before them was a weak disciple, on this disciple filled the silt to be blue, the body rustlinged after of trembling moved the step. 在贵宾通道,三名带着戏谑的弟子哼了哼,在他们面前是名较弱的弟子,这弟子身上充满了淤青,身躯瑟瑟发颤的朝后挪动步伐。 Snort, has stolen sycophancy of this auction, but capital crime, you think that your this contribution value can make up?” “哼,偷了这次拍卖会的拍马品可是死罪,你以为你这点贡献值就能够弥补吗?” !! !!
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