PDL :: Volume #8

#701: The Dharmakaya becomes

The vitality alienation, the Qin Shi body temperature several fold increases, is quick he to feel that one turned into a stove, unceasing sprays the heat wave toward the surroundings. 气血狂乱,秦石的体温数倍增加,很快他感觉自己已经变成了一个火炉,不断的朝着周围喷射热浪。 Blood red pupil eye look in great surprise. 血红的眸眼神色大惊。 „It is not good, I cannot at this failure.” “不行,我不能在这失败。” He holds up the big hand that becomes flushed, a tedious hand imprint kneads together continuously, in his forehead, beats the spooky purple fire one after another. 他举起涨红的大手,一个繁琐的手印连续捏合,接连在他的眉心上,跳动起幽幽紫火。 God character Secret Art!” “神字诀!” The golden lightning fast passing over gently and swiftly dark check, Qin Shi also entrained into Sea of Consciousness this seesaw battle. 金色的闪电快速掠过暗格,秦石识海也拽入这场拉锯战中。 What is accidental, in the situation of essence and blood adverse current, happen to conforms to the rotation of god character Secret Art, the psychic force takes advantage of opportunity the inflow dantian from Sea of Consciousness, all rivers run into sea is common. 意外的是,精血逆流的情况下,正好符合神字诀的转动,精神力从识海中顺势流入丹田,海纳百川一般。 10%. 10。 15%. 15。 20%? 20? „The conversion rate of god character Secret Art outsmarts oneself unexpectedly, breakthrough?” “神字诀的转化率竟然弄巧成拙,突破了?” Qin Shi reveals the happy expression, before refined the demon symbol, his spiritual power cultivated to then achieve four days of Late Stage, unlimited approaching was full in peak, in addition this 20% psychic force transformation, the dantian must be blessed by God general, destroyed Huanglong. 秦石露出喜色,之前炼制魔符时,他的灵力修为便达到四天后期,无限度的接近于巅峰饱满,加上这20的精神力转化,丹田如有神助一般,直捣黄龙。 Five days, five days of Initial Stage, five days of Middle Stage! 五天,五天初期,五天中期 Cultivation of Qin Shi increases for the violent, the five fingers open and close grasp vigorously, wild with rage hurricane in his control formation, to dantian. 秦石的修为暴增,五指开合间大力一握,一个狂怒的飓风在他手心形成,正对着丹田。 Success or failure hinges on this one action!” “成败在此一举!” Ben Lei and [gold/metal] enhance one another's beauty, suppresses the Holy Ghost flower as far as possible. 奔雷与金芒交相辉映,尽可能的压制圣灵花。 Buzz! 嗡! Should be the promotion of Qin Shi, making the Holy Ghost flower feel the crisis, its attraction intensified once again, had formed Milky Way of track, suddenly was stave. 应该是秦石的提升,令圣灵花感到危机,它的引力再度加剧,本来已经形成轨道的银河,突然破碎。 Bang! 砰! Ten million spirit grass beast powdered cinnabar end, by its adsorption firmly on the body surface, the Holy Ghost perianth was wrapped. 数以千万的灵草兽丹粉末,被它牢牢的吸附在体表上,圣灵花被生生包裹。 But connects, these spirit grass beast pill's spiritual power flood into Qin Shi within the body rapidly, making his black pupil stare suddenly, an inexhaustible strength poured into the whole body. 而接连,这些灵草兽丹的灵力迅速涌入秦石体内,令他的黑眸猛然一瞪,一股无穷无尽的力量灌入全身。 Qin Shi trembled fiercely trembling, the beforehand consumption is full immediately. 秦石剧烈的颤了颤,之前的消耗马上饱满。 „Is this Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body?” “这就是乱域圣灵体?” „Did I succeed?” “我成功了?” He with rapt attention, feels that type to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study slightly, combines joy that with the world, the depressing corners of the mouth rise indifferently. 他微微凝神,感受着那种融会贯通,和天地合二为一的快感,压抑的嘴角漠然上扬。 He discovered that he can see spiritual power between world to be the same with naked eye, so long as adjustment slightly read the strength, then can its inspiration within the body. 他发现,他能够用肉眼看见天地间的灵力一样,只要微微的调整念力,便能够将其吸入体内。 Shouted whistling! 呼呼呼! Hurricane twines in an area, outside the gigantic pink mansion the world phenomenon, sky over the mansion remnant cloud by the strength of nihility was pierced, the remnant cloud forms a gigantic cyclone in the sky, 50 times of spiritual power such as receive the summon to be the same one after another, crazy gathering air admission spin center. 一股飓风在一区缠绕,硕大的粉色豪宅外天地异象,豪宅上空的残云被一股虚无的力量洞穿,残云在上空形成个硕大的气旋,接连50倍的灵力如受到召唤一样,疯狂的汇聚进气旋中央。 Trembles in the Kong Xianhui tender body that beyond the dark check guards, fierce was shaken by this strength draws back several steps. 在暗格外看守的孔贤慧娇躯一颤,猛的被这股力量震退数步。 Her almond eyes change colors, with rapt attention gathering air/Qi: „Is this strength, the self- attraction of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body?” 她杏眼失色,凝神聚气:“这力量,是乱域圣灵体的自我引力?” „, Did he practice?” “难道,他修炼成了?” Kong Xianhui slightly absent-minded, she knows that Qin Shi must practice the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, but hasn't actually thought of his unexpectedly really success? Moreover this strength, compares unexpectedly rather do not want the strong big several fold, that attraction as if can contend including the world. 孔贤慧微微失神,她知道秦石要修炼乱域圣灵体,但却没想到他竟然真的成功了?而且这力量,竟然比勿宁还要强大数倍,那种引力仿佛连天地都能够抗衡。 Is the true Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, is far from the camouflage. 是真正的乱域圣灵体,绝非伪装。 On him, there is a Holy Ghost flower?” Read thinks that has relayed in the Kong Xianhui train of thought that suddenly she remembered initially when the Desolate Beast mountain range, she spoke of the Holy Ghost to spend the difference that Qin Shi displayed, forced smile. “他身上,有圣灵花?”一个念想,在孔贤慧的思绪中转过,突然她想起当初在荒兽山脉时,她提起圣灵花秦石所表现出的异样,不由苦笑。 Originally, he is early in a planned way.” “原来,他早有计划。” She already knows that Qin Shi experiences uncommonly, has not actually thought that will exaggerate unexpectedly this step. 她早就知道秦石经历不凡,却没想到竟然会夸张到这一步。 It seems like, is destiny makes it so, he is doomed to become in this mainland, a turning point without parallel in history.” “看来,真的是命运使然,他注定要成为这片大陆上,一个空前绝后的转折点啊。” Kong Xianhui kneads together the white hands slightly, is looking up to sky over the vault of heaven remnant cloud phenomenon, the wild with rage rushing thunder interlocks, fills an area. 孔贤慧微微捏合玉手,仰望着天穹上空的残云异象,狂怒的奔雷交错,弥漫一区。 In the dark check, Qin Shi does not know outside situation. 暗格中,秦石并不知外面的情况。 He completely indulges in now by the inexhaustible strength to the crown, that feeling really such as Kong Xianhui said that will be forever without limits. 他现在完全沉溺在被无穷无尽的力量冲冠下,那种感觉就真的如孔贤慧所言,永无止境。 Good overbearing Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body!” “好霸道的乱域圣灵体!” Slightly with rapt attention, Qin Shi delighted smiling. 微微凝神,秦石喜出望外的笑了笑。 Had this Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, I want to be six days of Middle Stage, not necessarily is my match.” “有了这乱域圣灵体,我想就算是六天中期,也未必是我的对手。” Qin Shi self-confidence wants saying that but he not lax, because is the most crucial time, that quenches the refinement of god Dharmakaya. 秦石自信的想道,但他并没有松懈,因为接下来才是最关键的时刻,那就是淬神法身的炼制。 The hand grasps to quench the god fruit, wipes the cold and gloomy cold air rise, the pale blue fluorescence such as the nighttime sky glow, Qin Shi shows a faint smile: Kid, should to you!” 手握淬神果,一抹森冷的寒气上升,淡蓝色的荧光如夜空萤火,秦石微微一笑:“小家伙,该到你了!” Wipes the thunder light to wrap to quench the god fruit, swallows into the abdomen. 一抹雷光包裹住淬神果,一口吞入腹中。 Quenches the god in bloodlines middle reaches mark, quick arrives to the Qin Shi dantian. 淬神果在血脉中游迹,很快就抵达到秦石的丹田。 In the dantian, Qin Shi will quench the god fruit to consolidate under the Holy Ghost flower. 在丹田中,秦石将淬神果稳固在圣灵花下方。 At once, is the same with the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, he moistens with spiritual power first, activation bit by bit quenches the god fruit, the quenching god fruit of low-spirited non- light, exploded suddenly projects the evil spirit the cold current. 旋即,和乱域圣灵体一样,他先是用灵力滋润,一点一点的激活淬神果,本来黯然无光的淬神果,骤然爆射出凶煞的寒流。 This cold current, just like the Ice Age, Qin Shi trembled fiercely trembling, before because of the Holy Ghost flower, but the vitality of rebellion, coagulates under the cold current suddenly, freeze. 这寒流,宛如冰河世纪,秦石猛的颤了颤,之前因圣灵花而暴动的气血,在寒流下突然间凝固,冻结。 A Qin Shi brow wrinkle: Drinks, now cold now hot, these two ** the body really suffices the terrifying.” 秦石眉头一皱:“喝,一冷一热,这两**身真是够恐怖的了。” But this has not made him timid, the Holy Ghost spends him to suppress, let alone does this quench the god fruit? 但这并未让他胆怯,圣灵花他都能够压制,何况这淬神果? Gives me law-abidingly!” “给我安分一点!” The Qin Shi big hand makes an effort, buys in the dantian the spirit pressure in dark check, one after another four palace error and five spirit vein will go forward mutually, want to quench god fruit stopping firmly. 秦石大手用力,将暗格中的灵压吸纳进丹田,接连四座宫阙和五条灵脉相互上前,想要将淬神果牢牢的制止。 Has not expected, quenches the god fruit to be very stubborn, was oppressed under by the strength, it beats suddenly, wipes the cold current to revolve, forms a fabricated remnant shade. 未料,淬神果十分顽固,受到力量的压迫下,它突然间跳动起来,一抹寒流旋转一圈,形成一道虚妄的残影。 This remnant shade cruel ruthless. 这残影暴戾的狠。 Bang! 轰! Among the short ten rests, this remnant shade shakes Qin Shi palace error and spirit vein, the Holy Ghost flower that place above consolidates, receives his forcing. 短短十息间,这残影生生将秦石的宫阙和灵脉震开,就连上方稳固住的圣灵花,都受到他的逼迫。 Independent consciousness?” “自主意识?” Qin Shi does to be startled slightly, he has not thought that this quenches the god fruit, condensed simple consciousnes unexpectedly. 秦石稍作吃惊,他没想到这淬神果,竟然已经凝聚出简单的神智 But is like this just right.” “但这样正好。” His big hand, wipes the strength of soul becomes fierce tiger plunges the dantian. 他大手一番,一抹灵魂之力成猛虎般扑向丹田。 The strength of soul has the special suppression to consciousnes. 灵魂之力对神智有着特殊的压制。 Explodes!” “爆!” Qin Shi read the strength to open and close, in dantian sea chaotic situation slightly gentle many, but simultaneously he counted on the fingers a ball, was thirty spirit grass beast pill. 秦石念力开合,丹田海中混乱的情况微微平和不少,而同时他屈指一弹,又是三十几种灵草兽丹。 When these spirit grass beast pill and refine the Holy Ghost flower is completely different. 这些灵草兽丹和炼制圣灵花时完全不同。 The Holy Ghost flower is positive, needs the cloudy soul grass beast pill's alleviation, but this quenches the god fruit is cloudy, then must with suppress to the positive thing. 圣灵花属阳,需要阴性灵草兽丹的缓解,而这淬神果属阴,便要用至阳之物来压制。 Thirty spirit grass beast pill were absorbed, quench the god fruit to feel to dread obviously. 三十几种灵草兽丹被吸收,淬神果明显感到畏惧。 Snort, now knows that feared?” “哼,现在知道怕了?” Qin Shi self-satisfied smiling, he raises head at once, under the examination the strength in dark check, a Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body revolution, unwavebering suppresses the dantian. 秦石得意的笑笑,旋即他仰起头来,查看下暗格中的力量,乱域圣灵体一转,死死压住丹田。 Bang! 轰! Quenches the god fruit cruel is slightly pale, after he is quiet, Qin Shi finally can size up peacefully, the kid who in the dantian this is not obedient. 淬神果的暴戾微微淡去,而在他平静下来后,秦石才终于能安静的打量一下,丹田里这个不听话的小家伙。 „Does spiritual power transform the strength of attribute?” 灵力转化成属性之力?” He discovered that in quenching god fruit as if contains a water pump to be the same, this water pump can actually transform the strength of attribute spiritual power, moreover is strength of the purest non- attribute attribute, that is this day within purest strength. 他发现,在淬神果中仿佛蕴含一个水泵一样,这个水泵竟然能够将灵力转化成属性之力,而且是最为纯粹的无属性的属性之力,那是这天地间最为精纯的力量。 Really is mysterious!” “真是神奇!” This pure strength, not only can change into the thunder attribute under his trend, can change into five lines the random one type, lifts a simplest strength, Fu Jun is the hot attribute, so long as Fu Jun side him, lends his tiny bit hot attribute, he then can have from zero, releases the inexhaustible hot attribute. 这种精纯的力量,不但能够在他的趋势下化为雷属性,也能够化为五行中任意一种,举个最简单的力量,付军是火属性,只要付军在他身旁,借给他一丝一毫的火属性,他便能够从零化有,释放出无穷无尽的火属性。 But the premise is, his spiritual power is enough, enough quenches the god fruit to transform. 而前提是,他的灵力足够,足够淬神果进行转化。 Quenches the god fruit looks like a dial-selector switch. 淬神果就像是个转换机。 But this regarding had just practiced Qin Shi of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, is simply easy as pie. 但这对于刚刚修炼了乱域圣灵体的秦石来讲,简直易如反掌。 Really is a treasure!” “真是个宝贝!” He emerges, must know in Desolate Spirit Continent, finally striving for success strength of the attribute, a great strength of strength of person attribute, can decide the battle efficiency of this person. 他不由兴起,要知道在荒灵大陆,最后拼搏的还是属性之力,一个人属性之力的强大,能够决定此人的战斗力。 It seems like, was time condensation Dharmakaya.” “看来,是时候凝聚法身了。” The understanding quenches the god fruit, Qin Shi could not repress. 了解淬神果,秦石已经按耐不住。 In his black pupils glitters an unusual gloss, the dantian of widow who does not remarry is once more wild with rage, connects him to break thirty spirit grass beast pill, becomes the powder inspiration oronasal surely. 他黑眸间闪烁道异样光泽,古井无波的丹田再次狂怒,接连他将三十几种灵草兽丹震碎,成千万的粉末吸入口鼻。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Had learning from another's mistakes, Qin Shi this time is almost familiar and easy. 有了前车之鉴,秦石这次几乎是轻车熟路。 In the powder spheres to quench under the god fruit, the god character Secret Art rapid revolution, 20% transformation are terrorist, making his spiritual power purity increase, in addition Holy Ghost colored cause, the dark check sky gathers slightly the tide, finally clashes full in his whole body various places. 在粉末围住淬神果下,神字诀迅速的运转,20的转化非常恐怖,令他的灵力纯度大增,加上圣灵花的引起,暗格上空汇聚起微微潮汐,最终冲盈在他的全身各处。 Broken!” “破!” Qin Shi makes an effort slightly, calm. 秦石稍稍用力,静气凝神。 Quenches the god fruit to start also to struggle several, wants to launch one life-and-death to chase to fight with Qin Shi, but there is in a situation of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, the result of this seesaw battle is nothing to speak of radically. 淬神果开始还挣扎几下,想和秦石展开一场殊死逐斗,但有乱域圣灵体的情况下,这种拉锯战的结果根本不值一提。 Qin Shi also starts to rejoice that first what he practices is the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, otherwise he also is really not this quenches the god fruit the match, the strength of that boundless non- attribute attribute, is too strong. 秦石也开始庆幸,他先修炼的是乱域圣灵体,否则的话他还真不是这淬神果的对手,那种磅礴的无属性的属性之力,太强。 Dharmakaya becomes!” “法身成!” Suddenly, he stares to enlarge ones vision fiercely, the non- attribute strength was awakened by him, surges to various whole body places, but in simultaneously, dark check fierce tremor. 骤然,他猛的瞪开眼,无属性的力量被他唤醒,涌动向全身各处,而就在同时,暗格剧烈的颤动起来。 No, tremor , is not only dark check, but is the entire mansion. 不,颤动的不光是暗格,而是整个豪宅。 Kong Xianhui outside slightly absent-minded, in dark check gushes out the wild strength unceasingly, this strength she acclaimed, withdraws. 孔贤慧在外面微微失神,暗格中不断涌出狂野的力量,这力量就连她都不由赞叹,退后。 „The strength of very strong big attribute.” “好强大的属性之力。” Virtuous Sister Xi, my big brother?” But at this time, congealing rain fatty 2.58 million forward mansions, the excrescence on his face shook shaking, a point cannot see the situation. “贤惠姐,我大哥呢?”而在这时,凝雨这个胖子2580000的迈进豪宅,他脸上的赘肉晃了晃,一点看不出情况。 Kong Xianhui black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, said hastily: Draws back quickly!” 孔贤慧黛眉微蹙,连忙呵道:“快退开!” Um? Draws back? What draws back to open?” The congealing rain does not know the situation quite the same as stern. “嗯?退开?退什么开?”凝雨浑然不知事态的严峻。 „, Must explode quickly!” “快一点,要爆炸了!” The Kong Xianhui Bei Chi linking, connects her unable to give a thought to that many, a graceful step dodges to draw back hundred meters. 孔贤慧贝齿咬合,接连她顾不上那么多,一个曼妙的步法闪退百米。 Bang! 轰! She just withdrew, a rock the earth bang erupts from the mansion, is equipped with the dark check of seal to be broken directly, an invisible shock-wave toward throws to strike in all directions, the window of mansion blasts open completely. 她刚退后,一声震天动地的巨响从豪宅中爆发,设有封印的暗格直接被震碎,一股无形的冲击波朝四面八方扑击,豪宅的窗户全部炸裂。 The earth is probably hollow. 大地好像都凹陷下去。 The Kong Xianhui vitality tumbles, at once her fierce staring the beautiful pupil, does not attend to the sand dust being confused her almond eyes, drinks tenderly: Qin Shi!” 孔贤慧气血翻滚,旋即她猛的瞪开美眸,不顾沙尘迷乱她的杏眼,娇喝:“秦石!” But has not fallen on her voice, the form of military might takes from the dust together, this form whole body covers Zhen's blue law body, the surrounding area the dust within five meters is scattered by him, the corners of the mouth have a smiling face. 而就在她声音未落,一道威武的身影从尘埃中迈出,这身影全身覆盖着湛蓝色的法体,方圆五米内的尘埃被他驱散,嘴角挂笑。 Qin Shi!” 秦石!” Right, is this form not just Qin Shi? 没错,这身影不正是秦石 But is his helmet and armor, not just quenches the god Dharmakaya embodiment? 而他身上的盔甲,不正是淬神法身的具象化? „Did you succeed?” “你成功了?” Kong Xianhui excited throws to go forward, feels the strength of attribute on the Qin Shi helmet and armor is surging, To be Wild with Joy. 孔贤慧激动的扑上前,感受着秦石盔甲上涌动的属性之力,欣喜若狂 Yes.” Qin Shi nods, at once the black pupil is observing the situation the surrounding ruins: Is only, our houses, were given to destroy by me probably!” “是啊。”秦石点点头,旋即黑眸环视着周围的废墟:“只是,我们的房子,好像被我给毁了!” !! !!
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