PDL :: Volume #7

#700: The world is my I am a world

The Kong Xianhui elegant face is puzzled, but she has not gone to ask finally that prepares to take a look at Qin Shi to play to play tricks: I knew, but before closing up, you also needs to prepare something.” 孔贤慧俏脸不解,但最终她也没有去问,准备瞧瞧秦石能玩出什么花样:“我知道了,但在闭关前,你还需要准备些东西。” Um, this I know.” “嗯,这个我知道。” Qin Shi nods, at once has gripped the fist, will quench the god fruit to hold up slightly, the face on outstanding ability reveals several to wipe awkwardly. 秦石点点头,旋即攥了攥拳头,将淬神果微微举起,俊逸的脸庞上露出几抹为难。 Practices these two ** the body, the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body said that after all practice method in hand, but quenched the god Dharmakaya somewhat to be awkward, in his hand only then quenched the god Dharmakaya to obligato quench the god fruit, other need anything, how must refine him actually completely not to know. 修炼这两**身,乱域圣灵体好说,毕竟修炼法门在手,但淬神法身却有些尴尬,他手上只有淬神法身必不可缺的淬神果,其余需要什么,要如何炼制他却是完全不知。 Quenched the god Dharmakaya practice method I once the territory to see, I helped you.” Kong Xianhui sees the bitterness and astringency of Qin Shi, smiles embarrasedly. “淬神法身的修炼法门我曾在内域见过,我帮你吧。”孔贤慧看出秦石的苦涩,讪讪一笑。 Really?” Qin Shi great happiness. “真的?”秦石大喜。 Kong Xianhui shrugs the fragrant shoulder, pats chest that the racket has stuck out: Naturally, wraps on the elder sister.” 孔贤慧耸动香肩,拍了拍隆起的胸脯:“当然,包在姐姐身上。” Qin Shi is excited, this he worried finally does not have. 秦石不由激动起来,这一下他最后的顾虑也没有了。 In following in three day, Kong Xianhui peaceful accompanying side Qin Shi, directs the wrong way for him, carries on to two ** purchase before gate practice, many are some spirit grass and beast pill, these practice the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, with quenching the god Dharmakaya must the obligato thing. 在接下来的三日里,孔贤慧安静的陪在秦石身旁,为他指点迷津,进行对两**门修炼前的采购了,其中多是一些灵草和兽丹,这些是修炼乱域圣灵体,和淬神法身必不可缺的东西。 Has saying that these two ** the goods of gate consumption are huge, the light was beast pill and spirit grass these foundation things, Qin Shi has then spent enough about 1 million contribution values, feeling several points of meat pain. 不得不说,这两**门消耗的物品非常庞大,光是兽丹和灵草这些基础用品,秦石便花费了足足近1000000的贡献值,不由的感觉到几分肉痛。 Finally thinks that rather forever spiritual power without limits, with quenching in god Dharmakaya the great strength of strength of huge non- attribute attribute, he balances. 最后还是想到勿宁永无止境的灵力,和淬神法身上庞大的无属性属性之力的强大,他才平衡一点。 Hope, these two ** body, can make my cultivation to strive once more.” All preparations finished, the Qin Shi pinching tightly fist maliciously, the inner world of widow who does not remarry also causes the ripples throughout finally. “希望,这两**身,能够让我的修为再次精进吧。”一切准备完毕,秦石狠狠的捏紧拳,始终古井无波的心海终于也引起涟漪。 This ripples, look like calm sea level, suddenly was shot down the center by grain of gravel, the First Rank First Rank ocean waves toward all around spreads, watermark unceasing expansion, until finally, great unrest. 这涟漪,就像是波澜不惊的海面,突然被一粒石子击落中央,一层一层的海浪朝周遭扩散,水纹不断的扩大,直至最后,轩然大波。 He could not repress. 他已经按耐不住了。 These days must trouble you, helping me defend to close.” secure diligently endures the surging emotions, Qin Shi is holding the fragrant shoulder of Kong Xianhui. “这几日又要麻烦你,帮我守关了。”努力的安耐住心潮,秦石扶着孔贤慧的香肩。 Kong Xianhui nods with a smile, min red cherry lips gently huh: Goes, so long as there are me also to live, nobody can approach you.” 孔贤慧笑着点点头,抿着红色的樱唇轻轻哼哧:“去吧,只要有我还活着,没有人能够接近你。” Qin Shi surging emotions warm current, grateful nod. 秦石心潮暖流,感激的点点头。 He believes Kong Xianhui, is unconditional trust, he still remembers now initially, he when recuperating the Sea of Consciousness injury, move that Kong Xianhui that three day does not close the eyes. 他相信孔贤慧,是无条件的相信,他现在还记得当初,他在调养识海伤势时,孔贤慧那三日不合眼的感动。 Gave you.” “交给你了。” He light snort, alone enters the dark check that rather do not leave behind, launches the surrounding spiritual power strategy, forms with the condition of outside insulation. 他轻哼一声,独自进入勿宁留下的暗格,将周围的灵力阵法展开,形成和外界绝缘的状态。 The space of this dark check is not big, but spiritual power actually exceptionally rich, the surrounding strategy as if once more compresses spiritual power, makes to have 50 times of spiritual power, is purer. 这个暗格的空间不大,但灵力却异常的浓郁,周围的阵法仿佛将灵力再次压缩,令本就拥有50倍的灵力,更加纯粹。 Hope can be successful.” “希望能够成功吧。” Qin Shi clenched teeth, he indistinct has a feeling, is these two ** the goalkeeper will become then he in the Chaos Domain day, indispensable strong boost. 秦石咬了咬牙,他隐隐约约中有一种感觉,就是这两**门将会成为接下来他在乱域的日子里,不可或缺的超强助力。 At once, he will quench god fruit to receive, first grips the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body in the hand. 旋即,他将淬神果收起,先将乱域圣灵体攥在手中。 In both, he decides to practice the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body first, because he considers, if the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body practices successfully, his spiritual power forever will be without limits, then practices to quench the god Dharmakaya, the opportunity will increase. 两者中,他决定先修炼乱域圣灵体,因为他考虑到,如果乱域圣灵体修炼成功,那他的灵力将永无止境,再去修炼淬神法身的话,机会会增加很多。 After all Kong Xianhui and he has said that quenches the practice of god Dharmakaya to be quite harsh, is huge to the spiritual power demand, now he has four days of boundaries, cannot with nine day and day summit these spiritual power unusual conditions can compare greatly, but if there is Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, that regarded as another matter. 毕竟孔贤慧和他说过,淬神法身的修炼极为苛刻,对灵力的需求非常庞大,现在他只有四天之境,不能和九天、天巅这些灵力浑然天成的大能相比,但是如果拥有乱域圣灵体的话,那就另当别论了。 „The Holy Ghost tows, accepts Xumi of myriad things, the world is my I am a world.” “圣灵牵引,纳万物之须弥,天地是我我是天地。” The simple several lines of Sanskrit, Qin Shi knit the brows. 简单的几行梵文,秦石皱了皱眉。 Drinks, says the world, this Dharmakaya really has to suffice overbearingly!” The Qin Shi heartstrings are excited, at once he profound such as the nighttime sky facial features opens indifferently, is glittering the light gloss, just likes the stars. “喝,自称天地,这法身真是有够霸道的啊!”秦石心弦激动,旋即他深邃如夜空的眉眼漠然睁开,其中闪烁着淡淡的光泽,犹如繁星。 Connects, wipes the rushing thunder that withers to dodge to plunder from the looks, five fingers fast congealing synthesizes seal, the spirit prestige in dantian is transferred by him. 接连,一抹肃杀的奔雷从神色间闪掠,五指快速的凝合成印,丹田中的灵威被他调动。 The quiet for a long time Holy Ghost flower, was awakened by him finally. 沉寂许久的圣灵花,终于被他唤醒。 The Holy Ghost flower, was born in the day, produces in the place, is to the high halidom, Qin Shi still indistinctly remembers now that in Tianchi of desolated jungle, that insignificant thing does not float, bird attraction contends. 圣灵花,生于天,产于地,乃是至高的圣物,秦石现在还隐约记得,在荒芜丛林的天池中,那鸿毛不浮,飞鸟不过的引力抗衡。 Bang! 砰! The Holy Ghost flower regains consciousness, Qin Shi felt that his within the body has the huge constriction immediately, the five internal organs and Ren Du, Qi Jing, spirit vein, palace error, by wildly with rage the attraction hauling, that is full contends with the world attraction all the strength. 圣灵花苏醒,秦石感觉他体内顿时产生巨大的压迫感,五脏、任督、奇经,灵脉,宫阙,尽数受到狂怒的引力牵引,那是足矣抗衡天地引力的力量。 Puff!” “噗!” The Qin Shi five senses twitch fiercely several, the essence and blood in within the body starts to flow backwards unexpectedly, a bright red blood blowout. 秦石的五官剧烈抽搐几下,体内的精血竟然开始倒流,一口嫣红的鲜血喷出。 Good terrifying strength!” “好恐怖的力量!” Qin Shi turns very quiet hastily, within the body reappears he never to imagine ***, he felt that his whole body was being towed by the Holy Ghost flower, this huge attraction must explode his brace immediately while still alive. 秦石连忙屏住呼吸,体内浮现他从未想象过的***,他感觉他的全身上下都在被圣灵花牵引,这种庞大的引力马上就要将他活活撑爆。 Damn!” “该死!” His agitated low drinks the sound, connects his fierce gripping fist, as far as possible maintains calm by oneself. 他烦躁的低喝声,接连他猛的握住拳,让自己尽可能的保持冷静。 In him regards Holy Ghost flower in within the body social climbing in dantian, his look silent slightly. 他内视体内攀附在丹田中的圣灵花,他神色微微的沉默一下。 Just now starts, I cannot be defeated.” “才刚开始,我不能失败。” His forehead concentrates, wipes spiritual power that empty shakes to gather from the dantian, desert desolated definitely by his fast turn-around. 他眉宇一凝,一抹虚晃的灵力从丹田汇聚,大漠荒芜决被他快速运转。 Buzz! 嗡! A desolated strength and Holy Ghost flower collides, the desolated strength foot made the world desolated, the myriad things belonged to the dust, the Holy Ghost colored attraction are then suppressed several points by him. 一股荒芜之力和圣灵花碰撞,荒芜之力足矣令天地荒芜,万物归于尘土,圣灵花的引力这才被他压制几分。 Is now!” “就是现在!” Lives in the Holy Ghost flower stably, Qin Shi does not dare to have delaying of slightest, he knows that now is his final opportunity, if making that terrifying attraction blow out, he will be beyond redemption. 稳固住圣灵花,秦石不敢有分毫的耽搁,他知道现在是他最后的机会,如果在让那股恐怖的引力爆出,他将不可收拾。 Suddenly, electric light flint surges under his black robe, Ben Leican the shade, like is keen Lei She, sneaks into the Qin Shi dantian. 骤然,电光火石在他黑袍下涌动,一道道奔雷残影,像是灵敏的雷蛇一样,窜入秦石丹田。 Bang! 砰! Four palace error, five spirit vein. 四座宫阙,五道灵脉 The dantian nucleus float center, just likes many things around a center is the same, next instant in rushing to the stimulation of movement of thunder, the nucleus produces slight shivering. 丹田的晶核悬浮中央,犹如众星捧月一样,下一霎在奔雷的催动中,晶核产生轻微的颤抖。 Buzz! 嗡! But this shivering , to continue a point every time, he then felt that the temperature in within the body multiplies, on the flesh started flood red slightly. 而这种颤抖,每持续一分,他便感觉到体内的温度倍增,肌肤上已经开始微微泛红。 Like rock magma irrigates the whole body blazingly, the air in dark check is appearing mildly, like is the mirage, bean big sweat crazy on the Qin Shi forehead drippingly under. 一股如岩浆般的炽热灌溉全身,连带着暗格里的空气都出现温润,像是海市蜃楼一样,豆大的汗水疯狂的在秦石的额头上淋漓而下。 Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique!” 星陨霸体决!” Terrified, again, he revolves the method, a tedious hand imprint to the forehead, the flesh, meridians, skeletons, Sea of Consciousness and four big life gates, was being protected fully by him. 悚然中,再一次,他运转法门,一个繁琐的手印正对眉心,肌肤、经脉、骨骸、识海、四大命门,被他全力护住。 Then will burn day temperature to reduce slightly. 这才将焚天般的温度微微降低。 Deeply inspires, Qin Shi is not delaying, if the body of the emperor in three double-hour is inadequate, he believes that he must make a false counter-accusation by this anger. 深吸口气,秦石不在耽搁,如果在三个时辰中圣体不成,他相信他必会被这怒火反噬。 The nucleus above Holy Ghost flower glitters several, before the boundless attraction also finally richly became. 晶核上方的圣灵花闪烁几下,之前磅礴的引力也终于浓郁成一点。 The Qin Shi rapid respite in dark check, he felt suddenly the dark check seemed torn into shreds to be the same, a miniature light group raises from the Holy Ghost flower. 暗格中的秦石急促喘息,骤然间他感觉暗格仿佛都被撕碎一样,一个迷你的光团从圣灵花中升起。 All slow carries on, Qin Shi cautious and solemn. 一切缓慢的进行,秦石小心翼翼 He knows, if during this, he makes the Holy Ghost flower capture the situation once more, then before , his effort, is equal to wasting all previous efforts completely. 他知道,如果在这个期间,他让圣灵花再次夺取先机,那么之前他的努力,就等于全部都前功尽弃。 Therefore his unprecedented stern, only rolls in his Sea of Consciousness flutters gently, but instant, his black pupil that will soon lose control in palace error and spirit vein stares suddenly, wipes the stern countenance to implement the dark check. 为此他前所未有的正色,光团在他的识海中轻轻飘动,而就在宫阙和灵脉即将失控的刹那,他的黑眸猛然一瞪,一抹厉色贯彻暗格。 Connects, his big hand counts on the fingers a ball, an invisible fluctuation humming sound ripples, space ring flood blue glow on his index finger, strength of turning universe Xumi. 接连,他大手屈指一弹,一股无形的波动嗡嗡荡漾,在他食指上的空间戒指泛起蓝芒,须弥之力动转乾坤。 Bang! 砰! Dozens spirit grass, beast pill, were called all by him. 数十株灵草,兽丹,被他尽数唤出。 These completely is a work that he before and Kong Xianhui collected, was the Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body must the obligato several types of elements. 这些全部是他之前和孔贤慧采集来的幅作品,也是乱域圣灵体必不可缺的几样元素。 Under numerous spirit grass, there is a woods cold thousand years Chinese peony. 在众多灵草下,有一株森寒的千年芍药。 Bang! 砰! The Qin Shi palm makes an effort to grasp, a strength of pink / white essence pours into the Chinese peony rhizome, grinds the emerald green powder it, the powder comes under the Holy Ghost colored attractive effect, independent float drifting in dark check, from time to time glitters the spooky halo, is very mysterious. 秦石掌心用力一握,一股粉粹的力量灌入芍药根茎,生生将其磨碎成翠色粉末,粉末受到圣灵花的引力影响,在暗格中自主的悬浮漂泊,时而闪烁起幽幽光晕,十分神奇。 This Peony is cold, the temperature in dark check then cools several points, the Qin Shi big mouth spout foul air, his aura flood heat wave. 这芍药属寒,暗格中的温度这才冷却几分,秦石大口的吐出口浊气,他的气息都泛着热浪。 He can affirm that this Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, is these years he practices the most difficult move. 他敢肯定,这乱域圣灵体,是这些年来他修炼最为艰难的招数。 Is the most dangerous move. 是最危险的招数。 He is really is using the life abundantly. 他真是在用性命在博啊。 Under the alleviation of thousand years Chinese peony, the Qin Shi palm makes an effort rapidly, consecutively dozens galloping Thunder dragon concentrate to gather, tumbles in the First Rank fabricated spiritual power fog, to crown to other thirty types of spirit grass beast pill. 在千年芍药的缓解下,秦石掌心迅速用力,连续数十道奔腾雷龙凝合,在一层虚妄的灵力云雾中翻滚,冲冠向其余的三十几样灵草兽丹。 Bang! 轰! Under dark check fierce rocking, in this dark check the muddy day takes, dozens different strengths fast revolve around Qin Shi, enters the abdominal cavity from his oronasals. 暗格剧烈的晃动下,这一下暗格中浑天拿地,数十种不同的力量快速在秦石周围旋转,从他的口鼻间进入腹腔。 These different strengths are very cunning, swiftly condenses in his dantian. 这些不同的力量十分刁钻,迅速凝聚在他丹田。 Finally in his dantian, the Holy Ghost flower just liked the scarlet date in Milky Way, thousands of powder were the star new moons, rapid rotation given attraction. 最终在他的丹田中,圣灵花犹如银河中的赤日,数以千计的粉末便是星朔,在引力的牵引下快速旋转。 In revolving, inexhaustible spiritual power was pulled, Qin Shi felt that now his dantian is a microcosm of diminished version, small entire world. 旋转中,无穷无尽的灵力被生生拉扯,秦石现在感觉他的丹田就是一个缩小版的小宇宙,小寰宇。 The rotational speed is getting quicker and quicker, until is unable to throw to seize including the Qin Shi psychic force finally, at this time his brow gradually coagulated, pinching tightly fist maliciously. 转速越来越快,直至最后连秦石的精神力都无法扑捉,这时他的眉头才渐渐凝固,狠狠的捏紧拳。 Can arrive at the most crucial time?” “就要到最关键的时刻了吗?” The method of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body flashes through in mind, the throat of Qin Shi rolls, wiped unable to say stern flashed through the pupil heart. 乱域圣灵体的法门在脑海闪过,秦石的喉咙滚动一下,一抹说不上来的正色闪过眸心。 This time, if Cheng Biancheng, if inadequate!” Qin Shi light nan, but in the future words, he actually does not dare the spout. “这一次,若成便成了,若是不成的话!”秦石轻喃,但在往后的话,他却不敢吐出口去。 Because of this at the last minute, must release the Holy Ghost flower unexpectedly completely, if not successful means that Qin Shi will be broken by this Holy Ghost colored attraction. 因为这最后一刻,竟是要完全的释放圣灵花,那如果不成功的话就意味着,秦石会被这圣灵花的引力生生震碎。 At that time, decided to meet the bloodlines adverse current, the five internal organs dislocation, the root bone smashing, perhaps this situation, was the big [gold/metal] immortal is reincarnated, could not rescue his life. 那个时候,定会血脉逆流,五脏错位,根骨粉碎,这种情况,恐怕就是大罗金仙转世,也救不了他的命。 He estimated to make a mistake this Holy Ghost colored strength. 他估算错了这圣灵花的力量。 The Holy Ghost colored strength surpasses him to imagine are too many. 圣灵花的力量超出他想象太多。 Final one abundant!” “最后一博!” This whole life Qin Shi has made innumerable gambling stakes, but he dares saying that these time surely is most serious one time, is using the life to gamble. 这辈子秦石做过无数次赌注,但他敢说,这一次定是最严重的一次,是在用性命赌博。 Broken!” “破!” Suddenly, blocks Holy Ghost colored palace error and spirit vein to be relieved by Qin Shi in the dantian suddenly, sees only the spirit pressure that knows no bounds such as the strong winds to roar one after another, plunging Qin Shi of distance. 骤然,在丹田中封锁圣灵花的宫阙、灵脉突然被秦石解除,接连只见漫无止境的灵压如狂风怒吼,距离的扑向秦石 Bang! 轰! Among the respites, the Qin Shi black robe was torn into shreds, the attraction that type contends with the world, in not the big dark check, inexhaustible spiritual power will be found time. 喘息间,秦石的黑袍被生生撕碎,那种抗衡天地的引力,将本来就不大的暗格中,无穷无尽的灵力生生被抽空。 Puff!” “噗!” Qin Shi feels the vitality to collapse immediately, fierce staring greatly black pupil. 秦石顿时感觉气血崩溃,猛的瞪大黑眸。 Blood stream of reversal such as great, breaks in his mind, was been densely covered by the blood thread including his black pupil, is not the black, but is blood red. 逆转的血流如宏,生生冲入他的脑海里,连他的黑眸中都被血丝密布,已经再也不是黑色,而是血红。 „, Can be defeated?” “难道,要失败了吗?” !! !!
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