PDL :: Volume #7

#699: Fu Jun awkwardness

Great idea of making money?” “赚钱的好主意?” Hears, the Qin Shi origin interest, after all he to contributing the demand of value was huge. 听闻,秦石不由来了兴趣,毕竟他对贡献值的需求量非常庞大。 Yes.” The congealing rain hits on the snake immediately pole, meat toot toot the face shape smiles: I such deliberately considered that you are not Demonic Talisman Master, was inferior that our two form a partnership, you refine the demon symbol, I help you sell, you must believe me, my this opens mouth to hide that is not I blows in the foreign country, if I dare saying that second, nobody dares saying that absolutely is first, even if I can sell to you.” “是啊是啊。”凝雨马上打蛇上杆,肉嘟嘟的脸盘一笑:“我是这么寻思的,你不是个符魔师吗,不如咱们两个合伙,你炼制魔符,我帮你销售,你一定要相信我,我这张嘴皮子那在外域真不是我吹,我要是敢称第二的话,绝对没人敢说是第一,就算是个屁我都能给你卖出去。” Regarding the words of congealing rain, Qin Shi really has not doubted. 对于凝雨的话,秦石还真是毫不怀疑。 The congealing rain not anything merit, this place that makes the human admire. 凝雨没什么优点,就这点让人佩服的地方。 He thinks that his original intention is also this, in helping the fog younger sworn brother child refines the demon symbol period, he also thinks that refine some demon symbols to take away the auction, this can soon collect 9 million huge contribution values. 他想了想,他本意也是这样,在帮雾盟弟子炼制魔符的期间,他也想自己炼制些魔符拿去拍卖,这样才能早日凑齐9000000庞大的贡献值。 Good, I promise you.” Qin Shi nods, complies with the congealing rain: But reaches an agreement first, the money of making I want 80%.” “那好,我答应你。”秦石点点头,答应凝雨:“但是先说好,赚来的钱我要八成。” He is not awkward congealing rain, is he to contributing the demand of value, extremely was really huge. 他不是为难凝雨,是他对贡献值的需求,真的太过于庞大了。 But the congealing rain actually shakes the head: „It is not good, Big brother, 80%, do you crack a joke?” 但凝雨却摇摇头:“不行,大哥,八成,你开什么玩笑?” Qin Shi knit the brows: 80%, do you also think dissatisfied?” 秦石皱了皱眉:“八成,难道你还觉得不满意?” „It is not, I thought that my anything does not do, but takes the demon symbol that you are selling to sell takes 20%, I feel sorry, let alone you are my big brother, 90%, you 90%.” “不是,我是觉得,我什么也不做,只是拿着你卖的魔符去卖就拿两成,我心里过意不去啊,何况你还是我的大哥,九成吧,你九成。” Um?” “嗯?” Qin Shi stared staring, is quite actually accidental, he has not thought that this not cannot benefit the early fatty, will open the mouth to choose to want 10% unexpectedly on own initiative. 秦石瞪了瞪眼,倒是颇为意外,他没想到这个无利不起早的胖子,竟然会主动开口选择只要一成。 It seems like this fatty, pours also well.” “看来这胖子,倒也不错。” But what he does not know, the congealing rain really treats as the big brother him now, these year of congealing rain people, specially are really lonely, he does not want to give up Qin Shi . Moreover the benefit of demon symbol is huge, even if 10%, sells many that the news gains compared with the congealing rain. 而他不知道的是,凝雨现在是真的将他当做大哥,这些年凝雨一个人,真的特别孤单,他不想放弃秦石,况且魔符的利益非常庞大,就算是一成,也比凝雨卖消息赚的多。 „Did the big brother, we such settle?” “那大哥,咱们就这么说定了?” Congealing rain for fear that Qin Shi reneges on a promise, hey laughs foolishly to the bedroom, at once all kinds of spirit grass treasures will push to Qin Shi, hurries to retreat the room. 凝雨生怕秦石反悔,冲着寝室嘿嘿傻笑一声,旋即将各式各样的灵草珍宝推向秦石,赶紧退去房间。 Looks at the congealing rain the movement, Qin Shi laughs in spite of trying not. 看着凝雨的动作,秦石不由失笑。 This dead fatty!” “这死胖子!” But in the future, Qin Shi enters closing up of entire journey, the short half a month time, he will block in the Desolate Beast mountain range, unceasing carries on the demon symbol refinement. 而在接下来的日子里,秦石进入全程的闭关,短短半个月的时间,他将自己封锁在荒兽山脉里,不断的进行魔符炼制。 With his together also has Kong Xianhui, with the fog younger sworn brother children of ten five days of boundaries, they helps Qin Shi in the Desolate Beast mountain range, makes Qin Shi feel actually relaxed many. 和他一起的还有孔贤慧,和十名五天之境的雾盟弟子,他们在荒兽山脉中帮助秦石,倒是让秦石感到轻松不少。 Ye Ling will come to here to provide the good food to them every day, this is worth the happy matter, after all refinement demon Fu Shijian very laborious matter. 叶玲每日都会来这里给他们送上美食,这算是值得开心的事,毕竟炼制魔符师件很辛苦的事。 During this, congealing rain three day one time, every time will take away dozens demon symbols from the Qin Shi hand, is giving the Qin Shi massive contribution values. 这期间,凝雨三日来一次,每一次都会从秦石手中拿走几十张魔符,然后在交给秦石大量的贡献值。 This day after day, the Qin Shi belt-bag is getting more and more plentiful, is away from his first goal, 4 million broken snow cuckoos are getting more and more near, his working zeal is also getting more and more sufficient. 就这样日复一日,秦石的腰包越来越丰满,距离他第一个目标,4000000的碎雪杜鹃越来越近,他的干劲也越来越充足。 Moreover what is worth mentioning, in the unceasing refinement demon symbol, the Qin Shi psychic force is even more full, he already thorough consolidating in the boundaries of four incantation, moreover there is Ye Ling a good food catalysis, his spiritual power cultivates to also obtain qualitative leap, he felt that his dantian is full, is glittering unceasingly in golden light, has meaning that several points must work loose. 另外值得一提的是,在不断的炼制魔符中,秦石的精神力越发饱满,他已经彻底的稳固在四咒之境,而且有叶玲的美食催化,他的灵力修为也得到质的飞跃,他感觉自己的丹田饱满,不断闪烁着的金光中,带有几分要挣脱的意思。 He believes how long could not be wanting, he had opportunity breakthrough to five days. 他相信在要不了多久,他就有机会突破到五天。 Generally speaking, the harvest of this half a month his very satisfied. 总体来说,这半月的收获他非常满意 In the half a month of Qin Shi refinement demon symbol, the fog pledge and creates the relations of world group also thoroughly to crack, in this period had several hundred small conflicts, even one time, Shen Fengchun takes the lead, fights over a thousand rounds with Liu Ming, finally Fu Jun and Xu Yan act, terminates this war. 秦石炼制魔符的这半月,雾盟和创世团的关系也彻底裂化,期间发生数百次的小冲突,甚至有一次,沈逢春带头,和柳明大战上千回合,最后还是付军和徐岩两人纷纷出面,才将这场大战终止。 Big brother, created the world group to go too far, wanted me saying that do not bear patiently, declared war with them directly?” “大哥,创世团太过分了,要我说就别隐忍了,直接和他们宣战吧?” Yes big brother, let alone currently also has the demon symbol that Brother Qin Shi refines, we not necessarily are inferior to them in the battle efficiency!” “是啊大哥,何况现在还有秦石老弟炼制的魔符,咱们在战斗力上未必不如他们!” Half a month later some date high noon, Fu Jun, quiet blue, Qin Shi, Dunhuang, Shen Fengchun, as well as all high levels of fog pledge gathers one group. 半月后的某日正午,付军,幽青,秦石,敦煌,沈逢春,以及雾盟的所有高层汇聚一团。 The face of people was flushed crown angrily. 众人的面庞被愤怒冲冠。 Fu Jun the complexion is unattractive, but he shakes the head finally: „It is not good, now is also not the time, in the future will let your under the hands / subordinates brother carefully.” 付军的脸色也不好看,但最终他还是摇摇头:“不行,现在还不是时候,往后让你们手下的弟兄小心一点。” Fart! They create the world group to go too far, rode our napes of the neck to defecate, did you also want us to bear patiently?” The square table that Shen Feng spring under the vigorous racket the table, the profound crystal builds is hollow, he contorts one's face in agony scolded: Big brother! In these a half moon/month, my dragon group loses more than 30 brothers, is this you make me give their confession?” “放屁!他们创世团欺人太甚,都骑着我们脖颈子拉屎了,难道你还想要我们隐忍?”沈逢春大力的拍下桌子,玄晶打造的方桌生生凹陷下去,他呲牙咧嘴的骂道:“大哥!这半个月中,我的龙团损失30多名弟兄啊,这就是你让我给他们的交代?” Spring!” “大春!” Dunhuang has drawn Shen Fengchun lower hem corner. 敦煌拉了拉沈逢春的衣角。 But under this forcing, Fu Jun raises the head indifferently, stares at Shen Fengchun: I asked you, calculation that this fog pledge, was did I say calculation you who says?” 但在这种逼迫下,付军漠然仰首,凝视沈逢春:“我问你,这雾盟,是我说的算还是你说的算?” I!” Shen Fengchun becomes flushed the face to open the mouth, but under paying the armed forces formidable air/Qi field, finally sobbed: Is you!” “我!”沈逢春涨红着面庞就想开口,但在付军强大的气场下,最终哽咽:“是你!” That presses doing that I said!” Fu Junleng drinks. “那就按我说的做!”付军冷喝。 hear that, Shen Fengchun face was once again blue, the angry pinching tightly fist, psst makes noise: Good, I knew.” The word, he turns around to leave the assembly hall disappointedly. 再度闻言,沈逢春的脸都青了,愤怒的捏紧拳头,吱吱作响:“好,我知道了。”言罢,他失望的转身离开会议厅。 Shen Fengchun leaves, Dunhuang, Wang Kun, several high levels sighed departure that completely sighed, wiped the low atmosphere to cover the fog pledge. 沈逢春离开,敦煌、王坤、几名高层全部喟叹的离去,一抹低落的气氛笼罩雾盟。 In the low, Qin Shi knit the brows, he knows everybody who fog pledge is a personality people, Fu Jun like this suppresses them to work just the opposite, puzzled start to talk: Big brother Fu Jun, you do this, rather some wound morale?” 在低迷中,秦石皱了皱眉,他知道雾盟的大伙都是性情中人,付军这样压制着他们必会适得其反,不解的开口:“付军大哥,你这样做,未免有些伤士气了吧?” He knows, if in this way, even if creates the world group not to get rid, the fog pledge will also disintegrate from the interior. 他知道,如果在这样下去,就算创世团不出手,雾盟也会从内部瓦解。 Fu Jun alone depends on the wooden chair, hears the question of Qin Shi somewhat absent-minded, like this was silent half sound, his anything had not said that but single-handed makes an effort slightly, glitters together the beautiful red mark in his foreheads. 付军独自靠在木椅上,听闻秦石的质疑有些失神,就这样沉默了半响,他什么也没说,只是单手微微用力,在他的眉宇间闪烁起一道嫣红色的印记。 Saw this mark Qin Shi to stare the god, suddenly said: This, is this Lei Jieyin of eight days of boundaries? Did big brother Fu Jun move shackles?” 看见这印记秦石愣了愣神,突然道:“这,这难道是八天之境的雷劫印?付军大哥已经触碰到桎梏了?” Fu Jun helpless forced smile: Um.” 付军无奈的苦笑:“嗯。” Has been affirmed, Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted: No wonder, creates the world group to be like this excessive, is you also unceasing bearing patiently, you wanted breakthrough?” 得到肯定,秦石恍然大悟:“难怪,创世团这样过分,你还不断的隐忍,原来是你要突破?” „It is not, actually I suppressed this Lei Jieyin for a long time, before several months I can close up breakthrough, however under creating forcing of world group, I do not dare to close up.” Fu Jun fierce clenching teeth: Otherwise, I, once closes up, will create the world group to launch the general attack to the fog pledge surely, without my, this attack fog pledge will unable to withstand, I cannot make the brothers have an accident.” “不是,其实我已经压制这雷劫印许久了,早在数月前我就能够闭关突破,但是在创世团的逼迫下,我不敢闭关。”付军狰狞的咬牙:“否则,我一旦闭关,创世团定会对雾盟发起总攻,在没有我的情况下,这种攻击雾盟承受不住,我不能让兄弟们出事。” Qin Shi is like the first awakening after a dream, rapid [say / way]: But you do this, to your cultivation to have huge influence.” 秦石大梦初醒,急促道:“但你这样做,会对你的修为造成巨大的影响啊。” Evil Spirit once had said that Heaven Realm breakthrough is different from the virtual environment, the virtual environment after achieving the breakthrough shackles, you could continue to bear patiently, compresses the acme spiritual power, goes to breakthrough again. 邪魔曾说过,天境突破不同于灵境,灵境在达到突破桎梏以后,你或许能够继续隐忍,将灵力压缩到极致,再去突破 Even continuously breakthrough. 甚至连续突破 But Heaven Realm is not good, Heaven Realm each level needs Lei Jie the baptism, if suppresses Lei Jieyin forcefully, will possibly cause the unredeemable losses to the future practice path. 天境不行,天境每层都需要雷劫的洗礼,如果强行的压制雷劫印,很可能会对未来的修炼道路造成不可弥补的损失。 Serious, halts. 严重者,止步不前。 Does not have the means that I want and other, quiet azure and Shen Fengchun present cultivation to be seven days of Late Stage, is away from peak to be only poor, I want to wait till them to assume sole responsibility for an important task, I am closing up.” Fu Jun shakes the head: For my group of brothers, even if wanted my life to be good.” “没办法,我想在等一阵,幽青和沈逢春现在的修为都是七天后期,距离巅峰只差一点,我想等到他们能够独当一面,我在闭关。”付军摇摇头:“为了我的这群兄弟们,哪怕要了我的命都行。” Why didn't you tell them?” “那你为何不告诉他们?” These days being together haven't you understood them? If they know that I want breakthrough, decides lets my breakthrough that can disregard all consequences, at that time, the fog pledge must perish!” “难道这些日子的相处你还不了解他们吗?如果他们知道我要突破,定会不计后果的让我突破,那个时候,雾盟必亡!” Qin Shi was silent, he knows Fu Jun said right, any person of fog pledge, is very heavy, if makes them who the sentiment looks know the truth, they will decide will not permit Fu Jun for they will delay breakthrough. 秦石沉默了,他知道付军说的没错,雾盟的任何一人,都将感情看的很重,如果让他们知道真相,他们定不会允许付军为了他们耽搁突破 This matter, you must help me conceal the truth!” Pays the armed forces to be instantaneously pale much, has patted the shoulder of Qin Shi, said with a smile: Believes me, all will pass, ridge that so long as our brothers of one mind, anything could not have passed.” “这件事,你要帮我瞒着!”付军瞬间苍白不少,拍了拍秦石的肩膀,笑道:“相信我,一切都会过去,只要我们兄弟齐心,没有什么过不去的坎。” Wanted to reject, but sees Fu Jun to be so sincere, Qin Shi bursting out laughing. 本来想要拒绝,但见付军这般真挚,秦石哑然了。 He does not know how must be able to refuse this to sacrifice these many brothers. 他不知道要怎么才能拒绝这位牺牲了这么多的大哥。 I knew.” Qin Shi sighed to sigh. “我知道了。”秦石喟叹。 Said goodbye to Fu Jun, the heart of Qin Shi full was heavy, he thought that Fu Jun sacrificed to the fog pledge really very many. 告别付军,秦石的心满是沉重,他觉得付军对雾盟真的牺牲挺多。 Returns rather not to leave in his mansion, he alone depends in the room thinks. 回到勿宁留给他的豪宅里,他独自靠在房间里思索。 Fog pledge cannot this way, otherwise can leave the important matter surely.” “雾盟不能这样下去,否则定会出大事。” His deep inspiration, he has discovered the fog pledge potential crisis, although this crisis the present is only a point, but if erupts, will cause the unredeemable disaster. 他深深的吸口气,他已经发现雾盟潜在的危机,这个危机虽然现在只是一个点,但如果爆发出来,将引起不可弥补的灾难。 Through these days contacts, he liked fog pledge these friends, each of them was the true feelings reveals, he wanted to help Fu Jun. 通过这些日子的接触,他非常的喜欢雾盟这些朋友,他们每个人都是真情流露,他想要帮助付军。 Even if no this relations, he does not hope that the fog pledge has an accident, after all can contend in the foreign country creates the world group only then the fog pledge. 况且,就算没有这层关系,他也不希望雾盟出事,毕竟在外域中能够抗衡创世团的就只有雾盟。 If the fog pledge has an accident, Jane Zhunding however will not let off him. 如果雾盟出事,简准定然不会放过他。 However he also knows that wants to help the fog pledge, he must have enough strength. 但是他也知道,想要帮助雾盟,他必须要有足够的实力。 Therefore silent Fang Jiu, his big hand wields, takes out two goods, one, opens the reel, above flood the light emerald green colored ray, five forceful large characters are carving above. 为此沉默了方久,他大手一挥,取出两件物品,其中一件,是张卷轴,上面泛着淡淡的翠绿色光芒,五个铿锵有力的大字刻在上面。 Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body.” 乱域圣灵体。” Another goods, is a Zhen's blue fruit, beforehand Qin Shi in the quenching god fruit that in the Desolate Beast mountain range peak burrow gains. 另一件物品,是一颗湛蓝色的果实,正是之前秦石荒兽山脉顶端地穴中获取的淬神果。 Prepared to refine to quench the god Dharmakaya?” Kong Xianhui steps in the Second Rank pavilion, saw the Qin Shi movement pressed frowning. “准备炼制淬神法身了吗?”孔贤慧二层楼阁上迈下,看见秦石的动作蹙了蹙眉。 Qin Shi nods: Um, recently refined demon symbol, lost a lot of time, was the time is doing to strive.” 秦石点点头:“嗯,这些日子炼制魔符,耽误了不少的时间,是时候在做精进了。” Kong Xianhui light point broad and handsome forehead, she understands that the meaning of Qin Shi, she looked at one toward the reel of Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body at once, understands puzzled: That this Chaos Domain Holy Ghost body, do you want to sell out?” 孔贤慧轻点螓首,她明白秦石的意思,旋即她朝乱域圣灵体的卷轴瞄了一眼,不解懂啊:“那这乱域圣灵体呢,你是要卖掉吗?” Sells out?” Qin Shi strange smiling of: Naturally is not, such good treasure, if sells out, that not to know how to use things sparingly?” “卖掉?”秦石诡异的笑了笑:“当然不是,这么好的宝贝,如果卖掉的话,那岂不是暴殄天物?” Um?” Kong Xianhui is slightly puzzled. “嗯?”孔贤慧微微不解。 But regarding her puzzled, Qin Shi had not explained that but smiled: You leave first urgently were asking that before long you were waiting for the testimony miracle.” 但对于她的不解,秦石并未解释,只是笑了笑:“你先别急着问,过不了多久你就等着见证奇迹吧。” !! !!
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