PDL :: Volume #7

#696: Compels to draw back Jane Zhun

Jane Zhun cloudy and cold scolding: Extremely arrogant boy, I wants to take a look but actually, I must kill you today, who can block!” 简准阴冷的呵斥:“狂妄的小子,我倒想要瞧瞧,我今日要杀你,谁能够拦得住!” The word, his empty shade in a flash, explodes the thorn that shoots to Qin Shi. 言罢,他虚影一晃,爆射的刺向秦石 In the hurricane howls, the people simultaneously are Qin Shi worry, many disciples discussed make noise: „Did this boy, offend has created the world group?” 在飓风呼啸间,众人同时为秦石捏了把冷汗,不少弟子纷纷的议论出声:“这小子,怎么得罪了创世团?” Does not know that Demonic Talisman Master, must die like this, was really is a pity.” “不知道,一个符魔师,就要这样陨落了,真是太可惜了。” Yes, but does not have the means that even if Demonic Talisman Master, impossible and creates the world group to contend in the Chaos Domain foreign country, this boy today was more unfortunate than fortunate, but has wasted such a long time, wanted to be on good terms, look can buy several demon symbols to maintain life, now looked like does not have the opportunity.” “是啊,但也没办法,就算是符魔师,在乱域外域中也不可能和创世团抗衡,这小子今日是凶多吉少了,只是浪费了这么长时间,本来还想要交好一番,看看能不能买来几张魔符保命呢,现在看来是没机会了。” Some disciple disappointed shaking the head, even turns around to leave. 一些弟子失望的摇摇头,甚至转身想要离开。 But in this tension-filled atmosphere, Qin Shi is unhurriedly, the meaning of completely not having been faced with an archenemy, even has not resisted including the resistance, the command approaches his Jane Zhun slightly congealing eyebrow. 但就在这种紧张的气氛下,秦石自己却不慌不忙,完全没有大敌当前的意思,甚至连抵抗都不曾抵抗,令逼近他的简准微微凝眉。 Boy, did your this give up? To die, I help you, goes to the hell to give my younger brother to apologize well!” “小子,你这就放弃了吗?想要死,那我就成全你,去地府给我弟弟好好道歉吧!” Jane Zhun accelerates once again. 简准再度加速。 Looks in Jane Zhun who in the pupil approaches gradually, the black hair of Qin Shi in the cold wind faded and fallen: Gives up?, I did not think that copes with you not to need me to get rid probably probably.” 看着在瞳孔中逐渐临近的简准,秦石的青丝在冷风中飘零:“放弃?不不不,我只是觉得,对付你好像好像还用不到我出手。” The Qin Shi voice has not fallen, many people stared staring. 秦石的话音未落,不少人瞪了瞪眼。 But at this moment, the space of Qin Shi front nihility disrupts suddenly the natural moat gully, Fu Junta is strolling to take together. 而就在这时,秦石面前虚无的空间突然碎裂出一道天堑沟壑,付军踏着漫步从中迈出。 He was still the one-eyed, was still such aggressive. 他仍是独眼,仍是那样霸气。 After a little while, he raises hand gently, in five fingers gathers the boorish raging fire, blazing that the air between world is changing, becomes everywhere fire dragon plunges Jane Zhun instantaneously. 少顷,他轻轻举手,五指间汇聚起粗野的烈火,连带着天地间的空气都变的炽热,瞬间成漫天的火龙扑向简准。 Bang! 砰! Originally by Jane Zhun look that blood rain wraps in great surprise, at once the fire dragon ominous strength twines him, his blood rain pants for breath then sublimates dissipates, strikes him shakes withdraws from over a hundred meters far. 本来被血雨包裹的简准神色大惊,旋即火龙凶力的将他缠绕,他的血雨喘息间便升华消散,一击将他震退出上百米远。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Fu Jun sudden presents the person of look command presence to be absent-minded, reveals puzzled. 付军的突然出现令在场之人神色恍惚,纷纷露出不解。 Is the fog pledge Boss? Is the fog pledge Boss saving this boy?” “是雾盟的老大?雾盟老大在救这小子?” Heart of one group of disciples hangs once more, turns very quiet. 一群弟子的心再次悬起,屏住呼吸。 Fu Jun, your what meaning?” “付军,你什么意思?” Jane Zhun is not Fu Jun the match, this attacks injured heavy all of a sudden suddenly, makes an effort to cough several talents very to set out, obloquies to say. 简准本就不是付军的对手,这一下子突然袭击被伤的不轻,使劲干咳几声才挺起身,大骂道。 Fu Jun smiled: What meaning? Any meaning, Qin Shi has not been my little brother, is our fog pledge brothers, therefore I, no matter you have any gratitude and grudges, if you want to injure him, I did not agree.” 付军笑了笑:“什么意思?没什么意思,秦石是我的小兄弟,也是我们雾盟的兄弟,所以我不管你们有什么恩怨,如果你想要伤他的话,我可不同意。” Not is only the big brother did not agree that is our entire fog pledge did not agree!” Fu Jun said that dozens fog younger sworn brother children protected all round Qin Shi under the quiet blue leadership. “不光是大哥不同意,是我们整个雾盟都不同意!”付军言罢,数十名雾盟弟子在幽青的带领下将秦石团团护住。 Sees this, the people heart lives with amazement. 看见这幕,众人心生骇然。 „Is this boy, unexpectedly the fog pledge person? No wonder, so was a moment ago secure.” “这小子,竟是雾盟的人?难怪,刚才那么有恃无恐。” Yes, was then interesting.” “是呗,这下有意思了。” Two big influences confront, atmosphere of area coagulates instantaneously. 两大势力对峙,一区的气氛瞬间凝固。 Jane Zhunwu the chest, is scolding saying: You talk nonsense, this boy has killed my younger brother, you said that did not agree I can let off him?” 简准捂着胸口,呵斥道:“你放屁,这小子杀了我弟弟,你说不同意难道我就要放过他?” Yes, I said did not agree that today no one can move him!” Fu Jun is relentless, aggressive supine beginning, wipes the boundless air/Qi field to implement the kilometer. “是啊,我说不同意,那今天就谁也动不了他!”付军毫不留情,霸气的仰起头,一抹磅礴的气场贯彻千米。 Fu Jun the air/Qi field is too strong, is formidable peaceful to the scene of clamoring immediately, complete silence. 付军的气场太强,强大到本来喧哗的场面马上安静,鸦雀无声。 Jane Zhun sinks, he knows that the fog pledge is helping Qin Shi, has not actually expected Fu Jun unexpectedly for Qin Shi, does not hesitate to get rid to him blatantly, pinching tightly fist maliciously: Fu Jun, you leaves goes too far, you know that what you are making? Do you want to such an unimportant person, to let create the world group and fog pledge really arrive do not die the continuous situation? Such, does not have the advantage to your fog pledge!” 简准心里一沉,他知道雾盟在帮秦石,却没料到付军竟然为了秦石,不惜公然对他出手,狠狠的捏紧拳:“付军,你别太过分,你知道你在做什么吗?难道你真的想为了这么个小人物,让创世团和雾盟走到不死不休的地步吗?那样,对你雾盟没有好处!” Has not expected, under Jane accurate exerting pressure, Fu Jun does not have drawing back of slightest to be timid, instead faces forward to take two steps, every step forceful, as if shivers including the earth several points. 未料,在简准的施压下,付军没有分毫的退怯,反而朝前迈出两步,每一步都铿锵有力,仿佛连大地都跟着颤动几分。 He he, first, one day is my fog pledge person, lives the world is my fog pledge soul, my fog pledge will not give up the brothers absolutely, second, if Sikong Lingnan, perhaps also somewhat component, but your Jane Zhun words, do not match, is impossible to change anything!” “呵呵,第一,一日是我雾盟人,生世是我雾盟魂,我雾盟绝对不会放弃兄弟,第二,如果说是司空岭南在,或许还有几分分量,但是你简准的话,不配,也不可能改变什么!” The loud and clear sound resounds through Yu Kong, Jane Zhun stares the big eye angrily: You!” 洪亮的声音响彻于空,简准愤怒的瞪大眼睛:“你!” Rubbish, since this Demonic Talisman Master is Brother Qin Shi, that looked like you creates the world group not to have the opportunity to gather, I gave you three seconds left, otherwise today do not walk.” The smiling face of Fu Jun corners of the mouth dissipates, exposes the rough constriction instantaneously. “别废话了,既然这位符魔师秦石老弟,那看来你们创世团是没有机会招揽了,我给你们三秒钟的时间离开,否则的话今天就都别走了。”付军嘴角的笑容消散,瞬间展露出粗犷的压迫感。 Jane Zhun corners of the mouth twitch several, the light is this air/Qi field then shakes him draws back several steps. 简准嘴角抽搐几下,光是这份气场便生生将他震退数步。 Liu Ming follows in his body back of the body lives to fear intent: Jane Zhun, the real man is not at a disadvantage from the outset, Fu Jun in does not have the stratagem which ensures success now, first walks!” 柳明跟随在他身后心生惧意:“简准,好汉不吃眼前亏,付军在这咱们没有胜算,先走吧!” hear that, Jane Zhun look arrives at the acme embarrassedly, he has not received such big shame, but Liu Ming the words he also understands that Fu Jun the strength is far from they can contend, clenches teeth saying: Good, Fu Jun, you are great, today's matter we have not ended, you wait to regret!” 闻言,简准的神色难堪到极致,他从来没有受到过这么大的羞辱,但柳明的话他也明白,付军的力量绝非他们能够抗衡,咬牙道:“好,付军,你好样的啊,今天的事咱们没完,你就等着后悔去吧!” We walk!” “我们走!” He greeted one to nearby creation world group disciples 他冲着旁边的创世团弟子招呼一声 Looked that Jane Zhun must walk, Qin Shi has not forgotten adding details while telling a story said: Was right, Brother Jane Zhun, if later sends for killing me again, remembers faction several contribution values many, do not send these poor wretches to come, otherwise many creates the world group to lose face to you.” 看简准要走,秦石还不忘添油加醋的笑说:“哦对了,简准师兄,以后要是再派人来杀我,记得派几个贡献值多的啊,别派那些穷光蛋来,不然多给你们创世团丢脸啊。” You!” “你!” Jane Zhun deep inspiration of: Boy, you remembers, I or make you die in the foreign country, my this whole life oath is not a human!” 简准深深的吸了口气:“小子,你记住,我要不让你死在外域,我这辈子誓不为人!” Do not say that I urged the day that you well treasured you to cultivate the behavior, because of your this whole life, how long time cannot live.” Black pupil of Qin Shi also indifferently bone-chilling cold, writes off intent to gush out finally. “别这么说,我劝你还是好好珍惜你做人的日子吧,因为你这辈子,没有多长的时间能活了。”秦石的黑眸也漠然凛冽,一抹杀意终是涌出。 He and Jane Zhun, were really to did not die the continuous situation. 他和简准,真是到了不死不休的地步。 Two side confrontation Fang Jiu, Jane Zhuncai lead the people to tread the anger to escape finally. 两方对峙方久,最终简准才率领众人踏着怒火远遁。 But Jane Zhun departs, the atmosphere in field was still constrained, the disciples in many foreign countries cannot alleviate. 但就算简准离去,场上的气氛仍是压抑至极,许多外域的弟子都没能从中缓解出来。 Fu Jun is always actually relaxed comfortably, looks back to Qin Shi question: Brother Qin, how is it? Injured a moment ago?” 付军倒是始终轻松自在,回首冲秦石问句:“秦老弟,怎么样?刚才伤到了吗?” Qin Shi shakes the head with a smile \; Is unimportant, wound that my this whole life receives were many, my this body bone already was also used to it, this small wound could not have wanted my life.” 秦石笑着摇摇头\;“不要紧,我这辈子受的伤多了,我这身子骨也早就习惯了,这点小伤还要不了我的命。” That is good!” Fu Jun inquires, the Qin Shi injury in the timely rain rain and dew definitely, similar that truly restored, he feels relieved saying: Let alone, your boy skill is actually not small, entered an area on the 1st, can cause such big sound, before had not looked, were you unexpectedly Demonic Talisman Master?” “那就好!”付军打探一番,秦石的伤势在甘霖雨露决下,确实已经恢复的差不多,他才放心道:“倒是别说,你小子本事不小啊,才进一区一日,就能引起这么大的动静,之前都没有看出来,你竟然还是个符魔师?” The Qin Shi awkward grasping head, he wants saying that he has also sufficed, peacefully where regardless of he goes not under. 秦石尴尬的抓了抓脑袋,他想说他自己也是够了,无论他去什么地方都安生不下。 However he copes with the armed forces to be very polite, shakes the head: Big brother Fu Jun was polite, falls far short compared with me with you now.” 不过他对付军很客气,摇摇头:“付军大哥客气了,和你比我现在还差得远呢。” Was good, modest point line, but excessively modestly was arrogant, the skill of your boy, I already said with big brother Fu Jun.” Quiet azure curling the lip of is unable to continue watching in side. “行了,谦虚点行,但过分谦虚就是自大了,你小子的本事,我早就和付军大哥说了。”幽青在旁边看不下去的撇了撇嘴。 He also has a vivid memory now, last night Qin Shi struck to kill the pictures of six days of boundaries depending on four days of boundaries. 他现在还记忆犹新,昨天夜里秦石凭四天之境击杀六天之境的画面。 By a quiet blue such saying, shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile. 被幽青这么一说,秦石苦笑的摇摇头。 Qin Shi smiles, the people all smiled. 秦石一笑,众人全笑了。 Qin Shi, no, Big brother, Big brother!” But at this moment, the congealing rain tumbles clashes, in his small eyes is also bringing the tears: „Are you all right the big brother? Hum, you may scare to death me! I think that you died!” 秦石,不,大哥,大哥!”而就在这时,凝雨连滚带爬的冲上来,他小眼睛里还带着泪花呢:“你没事吧大哥?呜呜,你可吓死我了!我以为你死定了呢!” Qin Shi has gawked staring, said with a smile: Dead fatty, do not curse me, my life is hard.” 秦石愣了愣,笑道:“死胖子,别诅咒我,我的命硬着呢。” The congealing raindrop nods, at once he very sincere said to Qin Shi: Big brother, thank you, my congealing rain this whole life does not have the submission elder brother, but, you are the big brother of my congealing rain, genuine big brother!” 凝雨点点头,旋即他很真挚的冲秦石道:“大哥,谢谢你,我凝雨这辈子没认过哥,但以后你就是我凝雨的大哥,真正的大哥!” No one is a fool, before the Qin Shi movement had it can be said that rescued the life of congealing rain, all these congealing rain watch. 谁也不是傻子,之前秦石的动作可以说是救了凝雨的命,这一切凝雨都看在眼里。 If before, because the congealing rain gambling stake some are not willingly, these brothers of present, are to proceed from the bottom of one's heart. 如果说之前,凝雨因为赌注还有些不甘心,现在的这几声大哥,句句是发自肺腑。 By a congealing rain fatty lane, Qin Shi was been actually embarrassed. 被凝雨这胖子一弄,秦石倒是不好意思起来。 The people look at the Qin Shi shy appearance, laughs. 众人看着秦石羞涩的模样,哈哈大笑。 Was good, be not gawking in this, tonight I give a banquet in the fog pledge, everyone / influential family together lively lively.” Pays the armed forces atmosphere such as one, beckons to the people. “行了,别在这愣着了,今天晚上我在雾盟设宴,大家一起热闹热闹。”付军大气如一,冲着众人招了招手。 The people cheer immediately, goes toward the headquarters of fog pledge. 众人马上欢呼起来,朝着雾盟的总部前去。 Qin Shi in the rear, but has not waited for him with, vault of heaven the disciple who comes up here to join in the fun welcomes, encircles him in the center. 秦石在最后面,但没等他跟上去,天穹上来这里凑热闹的弟子纷纷迎上,将他围在中央。 Little brother, sharply be not walking.” “小兄弟,别急着走啊。” Yes the little brother, I am the assistant regimental commander of purple wolf commission army corps, do you visit us to become friends?” “是啊小兄弟,我是紫狼佣兵团的副团长,你看咱们交个朋友呗?” You make way, little brother, I am a butcher, the human am very thick, did not say that the words of pleasant to hear, in your hand did have the unnecessary demon symbol? How many can buy my? I am willing to pay the high price!” “你让开一点,小兄弟,我是个屠夫,人挺粗的,就不说好听的话了,你手上有没有多余的魔符啊?能不能买我几张?我愿意出大价钱!” I am also! I am willing to pay the market price double!” “我也是!我愿意出市价的双倍!” Qin Shi has gawked, has gawked thoroughly, chirp the sound was startled to stare by the surroundings. 秦石愣了,彻底愣了,被周围叽叽喳喳的声音惊愣了。 He has not thought that the matter will develop this unexpectedly, but before his hand , happen to have greatly demon symbol, since now some people are willing to pay the high price to buy, he can reject? 他没想到,事情竟会发展成这样,但他手上之前正好有大把的魔符,现在既然有人愿意出高价来买,那他能够拒绝吗? Obviously cannot. 显然是不能啊。 He to Fu Junwang, has paid on the army horse the associative compound, shakes the head with a smile: You are busy first, we in fog pledge headquarters you.” 他冲着付军望了一眼,付军马上会意,笑着摇摇头:“你先忙,我们在雾盟总部等你。” Qin Shi look one bright, at once he straightens one's back, starts the matter that he most excels. 秦石神色一亮,旋即他挺起腰板,做起他最擅长的事来。 Comes, everybody should not be anxious, lining up of well, everyone has.” The demon symbol took out by him one after another, starts to trade. “来来来,大伙别急啊,好好的排好队,每一个人都有。”一张一张魔符被他取出,开始贩卖。 More than 100 Zhang Mofu, insanely was snatched by the people immediately, the value of demon symbol exaggerates, even is more valuable than many world treasures, these demon symbols have sold 500,000 contribution values finally. 100多张魔符,顿时就被众人疯抢,魔符的价值非常夸张,甚至比许多天地珍宝还要值钱,这些魔符最终足足卖了500000的贡献值。 The fullness in the Qin Shi number and route plate, all of a sudden changing, in addition before robbed the demon symbol that comes, wants the breakthrough 1 million numbers shortly. 秦石的腰牌里,一下子变的饱满,加上之前抢夺而来的魔符,眼看着就要突破1000000之数。 Entered from the goal much.” “距离目标又进了不少啊。” Thinks over several number and route plates, Qin Shi shows several points of satisfied smiling face. 掂量几下腰牌,秦石露出几分满意的笑容。 Then, he has not delayed, after binding tightly the black robe, disappears from the crowd, leaps forward toward the headquarters of fog pledge directly. 接下来,他没有耽搁,裹紧黑袍后从人群中消失,直接朝着雾盟的总部跃进。 But is also starting today, the given names of Qin Shi two characters, start to spread from the foreign country slightly, but what the people have not known, could not take several months later, this name will cause a stir in the foreign country, caused a stir in Chaos Domain, to eight territories! 而也就是从今日起,秦石两字的名号,从外域中开始微微传开,而众人还不知道的是,要不了几个月以后,这个名字将轰动外域,轰动乱域,以至八域! A having long harbored designs plot, expansion slowly. 一场蓄意已久的阴谋,正在慢慢的展开。 !! !!
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