PDL :: Volume #7

#695: Won the gambling to make

Perhaps a Demonic Talisman Master individual strength is not anything, since these disciples on the scene can move in an area, naturally is the outstanding person in foreign country, if the pure fighting showdown, Demonic Talisman Master is not enough to make them feel to dread. 一个符魔师的个人战力或许算不上什么,在场的这些弟子既然能够入住一区,自然全是外域的佼佼者,如果是纯粹的交手对决,一个符魔师根本不足以令他们感到忌惮。 However, the Demonic Talisman Master true potential and terrifying place are not their cultivation are, but is the Desolate Beast demon symbol that they refine, especially regarding creating world group and fog pledge influence, if each disciples of their can have an incantation level demon symbol, that almost will be able be said as the overall strength will turn time. 但是,符魔师真正的潜力和恐怖之处绝非是他们的修为,而是他们所炼制出的荒兽魔符,特别是对于创世团、雾盟这种势力,如果他们旗下的每个弟子都能有一张咒级魔符,那几乎可以说是将整体的战力翻倍。 Why this is also in eight territories, the occupation that Demonic Talisman Master most is popular, nobody is willing to provoke the Demonic Talisman Master reason on Desolate Spirit Continent, because definitely will have a very huge person network of vein in any Demonic Talisman Master back. 这也是为何在八域中,符魔师是最吃香的职业,在荒灵大陆上没人愿意招惹符魔师的原因,因为在任何一个符魔师的背后必然会拥有一个十分庞大的人脉网。 Hears Jane Zhun words, Fu Jun is also light smiles. 听闻简准的话,付军也是淡淡一笑。 Although he looked that Jane Zhun is not feeling well, but he does not want to fight with Jane Zhun today, because their fog pledge with creating the point of world group is the same, will be wants to win over this soon breakthrough Demonic Talisman Master. 尽管他看简准也十分不爽,但他今日也不想和简准交手,因为他们雾盟和创世团的目地一样,也是想要来拉拢这位即将突破符魔师 Big brother Fu Jun? You also in this?” “付军大哥?你也在这?” The tight atmosphere was just pale, the drake voice resounds in the crowd together suddenly. 紧张的气氛刚淡去,一道公鸭嗓音突然在人群中响起。 This sound was really too special, caused the vision of many disciple, explored toward the source of sound in the people, a simple and honest fatty rubbed the extrusion crowd that gu rubbed gu, in laughing that he exaggerated, the fat on face shook. 这声音实在是太特殊了,引起不少弟子的目光,就在众人朝声音的源头探索去,一名憨厚的胖子蹭咕蹭咕的挤出人群,在他夸张的大笑中,脸上的肥肉都晃悠起来。 Is the know-it-all congealing rain?” “是万事通凝雨?” Is this fatty, not just the congealing rain that and Qin Shi makes a bet? Has saying that he is really known to everybody to be known to everybody in the foreign country, even some did not know the disciple who Jane Zhunhe pays the armed forces, certainly will know him. 这胖子,不正是和秦石打赌的凝雨吗?不得不说,他在外域真是无人不知无人不晓,甚至一些不认识简准和付军的弟子,都一定会认识他。 In the people look to his vision, many are despise and shut out. 只是在众人望向他的目光中,多数是鄙夷和嫌弃。 Drinks, does this fatty join in the fun?” “喝,这胖子来凑什么热闹?” Is, is difficult to be inadequate also wants to become friends with this breakthrough Demonic Talisman Master? Snort, overestimate one's capabilities.” “就是,难不成也想要结交这突破符魔师?哼,不自量力。” Regarding the congealing rain, many disciples on the scene do not have what good complexion, actually the congealing rain is very base and low in the status of foreign country, especially in an area, is very awkward. 对于凝雨,在场的不少弟子都没有什么好脸色,其实凝雨在外域的地位很卑微,特别是在一区,十分尴尬。 Although he can be admitted to an area, but these all are close right up against his effort and assiduousness, do not look that he always does not have unable to benefit the early appearance, each one cent that but he spends, is gains completely, he is different most disciples in foreign country, most disciples in foreign country is the high official expensive child, only has him not to have any background. 虽然他能住进一区,但这些全是靠着他自己的努力和刻苦,别看他总是无利不起早的模样,但是他花的每一分钱,全部是自己赚来的,他不同于外域的大多数弟子,在外域的大多数弟子多是达官贵子,唯有他是没有任何背景。 „It is not really clear, his closes right up against sells the news, the class of natural talent mediocre petty people, for a long time he also keeps Chaos Domain to make anything.” “真不明白,他一个靠着卖消息,天资平庸的鼠辈之流,这么长时间他还留在乱域做什么。” You left said that this was the lives of some people, but his rather also too overestimate one's capabilities? Goes to and fog pledge Boss unexpectedly greets? He thinks that who he is?” “你们别这么说,这就是有些人的命,但是他未免也太不自量力了吧?竟然去和雾盟的老大打招呼?他以为他是谁啊?” Is, waits to look at the joke, perhaps one also by disciple suddenly to beat up of fog pledge one, however will be all right, his Pi Caorou thick did not fear that punches.” “就是,等着看笑话吧,说不定一会还会被雾盟的弟子暴揍一顿呢,但是没事,他皮糙肉厚的不怕揍。” Ha Ha!” “哈哈!” The people ridicule, regarding these, the congealing rain as if already was used to it, gathering that a face does not care about pays side the armed forces. 众人讥笑,对于这些,凝雨仿佛早就习惯了,一脸不在乎的凑到付军身边。 But then, Fu Jun the response made numerous disciples be surprised: He he, is the congealing rain, previous time matter many thanks you, this is complies to give your reward, the words that later is all right come the fog pledge, the fog pledge to need your such talented person.” 但接下来,付军的回应令众多弟子大吃一惊:“呵呵,是凝雨啊,上一次的事多谢你了,这是答应给你的报酬,以后没事的话来雾盟,雾盟需要你这样的人才。” The sound coagulates in the air rapidly. 声音迅速在空气中凝固。 This, this what situation?” “这,这什么情况?” Yes, was I misunderstands? Does the Boss of fog pledge make congealing rain go to the fog pledge? Moreover, moreover what did he say a moment ago? The congealing rain is a talented person?” “是,是我听错了吗?雾盟的老大让凝雨去雾盟?而且,而且他刚才说什么?说凝雨是个人才?” A disciple such as the bolt from the blue is the same, entire was all of a sudden scared. 一众弟子如晴天霹雳一样,一下子全傻眼了。 Regarding this, quiet azure in paying the armed forces snorts contemptuously: Fellow of one crowd of being a snobbish SOB!” 对于这一幕,幽青在付军的身后嗤之以鼻:“一群狗眼看人低的家伙!” If in this foreign country also has the disciple who the background comes in besides congealing rain, that was Fu Jun and quiet was certainly blue, they initially can enter Chaos Domain, closes right up against individual effort completely, makes several years enslaving to have today in the surrounding. 如果说,这外域中除了凝雨以外还有没有背景进来的弟子,那一定要数付军和幽青了,他们两人当初能够进入乱域,也全部是靠着个人的努力,在外围中做了数年的奴役才有了今天。 Moreover must have the honored person help one another, is their masters. 而且这其中少不了贵人相助,就是他们的师父。 Therefore quiet blue is clear, pain that the congealing rain bears now. 所以幽青非常明白,凝雨现在所承受的痛苦。 Fu Jun is the same, warm invitation congealing rain, naturally these also somewhat Qin Shi reason. 付军一样,才热情的邀请凝雨,当然这其中还有几分秦石的缘故。 Goes, goes to the fog pledge?” “去,去雾盟?” Regarding paying armed forces' invitation, he who the congealing rain exaggerates does not dare to believe stares the big eye, although stared in a big way only then strip slit size. 对于付军的邀请,凝雨是最夸张的了,他不敢置信的瞪大眼睛,虽然瞪大了还是只有条缝隙大小。 Real? Can I go to fog pledge really?” “真的吗?我真的能去雾盟?” Naturally, the front door of fog pledge, forever opens wide to you, but, when sold to my news, remembers that must discount to me.” Fu Jun smiles with sincerity. “当然,雾盟的大门,永远对你敞开,只是以后在卖给我消息的时候,记得要给我打个折。”付军坦然一笑。 Gets the affirmative response, congealing rain excited making an effort nods: Does not ask for money, later the news of fog pledge, I do not want any expense!” 得到肯定的回应,凝雨激动的使劲点点头:“不要钱,以后雾盟的消息,我都不要任何费用!” Pays armed forces satisfied has patted the congealing rain: Does well, I believe that one day, you can certainly mix an achievement.” 付军满意的拍了拍凝雨:“好好干,我相信有一天,你一定能够混出一番成就。” Congealing rain happy Yu Yanbiao has pinched the fist. 凝雨喜于言表的捏了捏拳。 Saw the person who they most are looking down upon joins the fog pledge, the people reveal to envy with the unwilling color, but actually does not dare hurriedly. 眼看着他们最瞧不起的人加入雾盟,众人纷纷露出羡慕和不甘之色,但却不敢造次。 Cracks a joke, offends fog pledge in the foreign country, that is not to bring about own destruction. 开玩笑,在外域得罪雾盟,那不是自寻死路吗。 This, congealing rain time of crispness, thought that felt proud and elated finally, then he is bored to death, sudden racket obese forehead: Oh, right Fu Junge, for these days did you have to see Qin Shi?” 这一下,凝雨倍爽,心想总算是扬眉吐气了,接下来他在百无聊赖中,突然一拍肥胖的脑门:“哎呀,对了付军哥,这几天你有没有看见秦石?” Qin Shi?” Fu Jun knit the brows. 秦石?”付军皱了皱眉。 Yes, ten day crossed, our gambling made, shouted, when collected this liveliness, collected this Demonic Talisman Master situation, I must ask him to go, in this year his number and route plate was my.” The congealing rain surging emotions are excited. “是啊,十日已过,我俩的赌约到了,呼,等到凑完这的热闹,收集一下这个符魔师的情况,我必须要找他去,这一年他的腰牌就是我的了。”凝雨心潮激动。 Bang! 轰! But has not waited for his voice to fall to the ground, a bang implements the clouds. 但没等他话音落地,一声巨响贯彻云霄。 Indifferently, the fierce suction causes in mansion, the Third Rank high mansion trembles slightly lightly, around it the air within kilometer is coagulating. 漠然,狂烈的吸力在豪宅中引起,三层高的豪宅微微轻颤,连带着它周围千米内的空气都凝固起来。 Takes advantage of opportunity, an invisible strength clashes the crown audience. 顺势,一股无形的力量冲冠全场。 Feels this strength, the energy of people are attracted immediately, Fu Junhe the congealing rain and Jane Zhun and the others all are so: Very strong big constriction, this person must complete breakthrough.” 感受到这股力量,众人的精力马上被吸引过去,付军和凝雨、简准等人全是如此:“好强大的压迫感,这人就要完成突破了。” Around the mansion air/Qi field is even more stable. 豪宅周围的气场越发稳固。 Jane Zhun leads numerous creation world group disciples slightly with rapt attention: In any event, must win over him, even if cannot win over, cannot make him join the fog pledge!” 简准率领众多的创世团弟子微微凝神:“无论如何,一定要拉拢他,就算是不能拉拢,也决不能让他加入雾盟!” Staring mansion that the people turning very quiet breath in abundance, atmosphere does not breathe heavily. 众人纷纷的屏住呼吸,大气不喘的凝望豪宅。 Squeek! 吱! Under being a focus of public attention, the door of mansion was shoved open suddenly, is binding the youth of black robe easely, the innocent appearance grasps the head. 在万众瞩目下,豪宅的房门突然被推开,一名裹着黑袍的少年悠然而出,一脸无辜的模样抓了抓脑袋。 He he, is quite lively, are everybody doing?” “呵呵,好热闹啊,大伙都在干什么呢?” The black robe youth appears, the people look on the scene concentrates, at once knitting the brows. 黑袍少年出现,在场的众人神色一凝,旋即不由的皱了皱眉。 „Was this boy, breakthrough Demonic Talisman Master just?” “这小子,难道就是刚刚突破符魔师?” Is impossible? Such young?” “不可能吧?这么年轻?” During the imagination of people, can achieve this spirit cultivates for the disciple, is an intelligence is unusual, fools around together dozens years of disciple in the foreign country? 在众人的想象之中,能够达到这种精神修为的弟子,怎么也是个资质超凡,在外域厮混数十年的弟子吧? Yes, is he?” “是,是他?” But at this time Jane Zhun, a look of Fu Jun, people surged. 而这时简准、付军、一众人的神色涌动。 Right, is the youth who this presents not just Qin Shi? Kong Xianhui follows in him behind, in moment that he just went out, outside he was clear had anything, was actually completely at ease in the people. 没错,这出现的少年不正是秦石孔贤慧追随在他身后,在他刚刚出关的片刻,他边清楚外面发生了什么,位列在众人之中倒是坦然自若。 Qin, Qin Shi?” Naturally, most surprised without doubt is the congealing rain, his obese body has almost not halted, side face anxious rushing Qin Shi: You, you how in this?” “秦,秦石?”当然,最吃惊的无疑要数凝雨,他肥胖的身躯差点没站住,一脸惶急的冲到秦石身边:“你,你怎么在这?” Sees the congealing rain, Qin Shi hey smiling of: Dead fatty, I naturally in this, here present am my family.” 看见凝雨,秦石嘿嘿的笑了笑:“死胖子,我当然在这了,这里现在可是我的家。” The word, Qin Shi turned round to refer to the back mansion. 言罢,秦石回身指了指背后的豪宅。 You, your family?” Congealing rain complexion is poverty-stricken, looked to disappear on the small eye thoroughly: „Is this your family? Were you breakthrough Demonic Talisman Master just?” “你,你家?”凝雨面色窘迫,本来就小的眼睛彻底看不见了:“这是你家?难道,难道你就是刚刚突破符魔师?” Qin Shi smiles not to speak, this default made the congealing rain thoroughly desperate: This, how is this possible?” 秦石笑而不语,这种默认令凝雨彻底绝望:“这,这怎么可能?” Not to be how impossible, I told you, my this was overfulfills, do not forget our agreement, do not want to settle a debt with me.” Qin Shi badly bad smiling, at once he extends to the congealing rain big hand: Was good, first my number and route plate also me.” “怎么不可能,我告诉你啊,我这算是超额完成,别忘了咱们的约定,你可别想跟我抵账。”秦石坏坏的笑了笑,旋即他冲凝雨大手一伸:“好了,先将我的腰牌还我吧。” I!” “我!” If the congealing rain wood the dull chicken, hearing Qin Shi must go back the number and route plate, such probably with wanting his life is the same. 凝雨木若呆鸡,听闻秦石要将腰牌要回去,那样子好像跟要他的性命一样。 But he is the person who is willing the gambling to concede, finally whole face unwilling gives Qin Shi the number and route plate, thought aloud snort said: What's wrong, how can like this?” 但他是个愿赌服输的人,最终还是满脸不甘的将腰牌递给秦石,自言自语的哼道:“怎么,怎么会这样?” Has snatched the number and route plate, Qin Shi snort: Do not love dearly this number and route plate, this time was I have won, you first think how later to be my little brother.” 一把将腰牌抢过,秦石哼了哼:“别心疼这腰牌了,这一次是我赢了,你还是先想一想,以后怎么做我的小弟吧。” I know!” The congealing rain put in great inconvenience. “我知道!”凝雨委屈极了。 But he is this, Qin Shi smiles even more happy, thinks can finally pit fatty one time. 但他越是这样,秦石就笑的越发开心,心想总算是能够坑这胖子一次。 But at this moment, his brow wrinkles suddenly, the black pupil like the sharp sword thorn to the vault of heaven, the incisive form is flushing him to explode together fully shoots. 而就在这时,他的眉头突然皱紧,黑眸如利剑般刺向天穹,一道尖锐的身影正全力冲他爆射。 Be careful!” “小心!” Qin Shi has a big shock, shoves open the fatty before his body. 秦石大惊失色,一把将他身前的胖子推开。 The congealing rain has not gotten back one's composure, was shaken by Qin Shi directly departs dozens meters, buttocks squat sore he to call out one, when but he has gotten back one's composure toward Qin Shi looks, the pupil gives a tongue-lashing to crack: Qin Shi!” 凝雨没回过神,直接被秦石震飞出数十米,一个屁股蹲疼的他嚎叫一声,但当他回过神朝秦石望去时,眸呲欲裂:“秦石!” Jane Zhunru thunder violent anger, whole body was covered by the scarlet wild waves, the sharp claws pull out to the Qin Shi chest: Brat, has not thought that unexpectedly is you, wanted to win over to create the world group, but this way does not have this to will now, I deliver you to see the yama today!” 简准如雷霆暴怒,全身被血色的骇浪笼罩,利爪冲着秦石胸口掏下:“臭小子,没想到竟是你,本来还想要拉拢到创世团,但现在这样看来是没有这个必要了,我今天就送你去见阎王!” The Qin Shi look sinks, the spirit prestige of seven days of boundaries such as Mount Tai avalanche, his wainscot of oppression one curved, the strength that stands up continually does not have. 秦石神色一沉,七天之境的灵威如泰山崩塌,压迫的他腰板一弯,连站起身的力量都没有。 Qin Shi!” 秦石!” The congealing rain and Kong Xianhui lose one's voice drink tenderly, saw the Qin Shi life hangs one anxiously, the congealing rain has cried, tears of fatty. 凝雨、孔贤慧失声娇喝,眼看着秦石命悬一线,凝雨焦急的都哭了,一个胖子的眼泪。 Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl!” “舍利衣钵!” Under imminent danger, Qin Shi does not dare to have the slightest general idea, he can see that Jane Zhun is thinks him dead, even does not hesitate the iron rule that destroys an area unable to kill people. 岌岌可危下,秦石不敢有分毫的大意,他能看出简准就是想他死,甚至都不惜破坏一区不能杀人的铁律。 The hundreds of small Buddhist relics multiply, twines fast in the Qin Shi surroundings, forms Jinta. 数以百计的小舍利滋生,快速缠绕在秦石的周围,形成金塔。 Bang! 轰! Jane Zhun blood rain all around explodes shoots, the advantage arrow that such as destroys the hardest defenses one after another, Jinta gets down in the blood rain only played the weak defense role, in seven days of boundaries strikes fully, immediately is torn to pieces like the dust. 简准周遭的血雨爆射,如一把一把无坚不摧的利箭,金塔在血雨下只起到了微弱的防御作用,在七天之境的全力一击下,顿时如粉尘般支离破碎。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi explodes under Jinta shoots, the chest by hit maliciously, a bright red blood face upwarded the blowout, wipes terrified sublimates from the bottom of the heart. 秦石在金塔下爆射,胸膛被狠狠的击中,一口嫣红的鲜血仰天喷出,一抹悚然从心底中升华。 Very strong big strength.” “好强大的力量。” He has not thought that Jane Zhun attack can be so strong unexpectedly? If not the Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl plays for several points to resist, he estimated that present he already passed away. 他没想到,简准的攻击竟然能这么强?如果不是舍利衣钵起到几分抵挡,他估计现在的他早已命丧黄泉。 I and seven days of boundaries have the huge disparity.” Meditates in the heart, Qin Shi eats pain setting out of , his chest is hollow. “我和七天之境还是有巨大的差距啊。”在心中默念,秦石吃痛的挺起身,他的胸口都凹陷进去。 This had not finished. 这还没有结束。 Boy, next year today, is your death anniversary!” After strikes, Jane Zhunta the blood rain, such as fierce Asura is common, fierce approaches toward Qin Shi. “小子,明年的今天,就是你的忌日!”一击过后,简准踏着血雨,如狰狞的修罗一般,凶猛的朝秦石逼近。 Under forcing that but in Jane Zhun continues, Qin Shi has not revealed the half minute the fear, instead before the company anxious also gradually disperses, smiles. 但在简准继续的逼迫下,秦石并未露出半分的恐惧,反而连之前的紧张也渐渐散开,轻轻一笑。 Strikes cannot kill me, you did not have the opportunity.” “一击不能杀我,你已经没有机会了。” !! !!
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