PDL :: Volume #7

#694: Fu Moshi of breakthrough 【51 joyful】

The smell of blood in oral cavity made Qin Shi raise several points of spirit. 口腔中的血腥味令秦石提起几分精神。 Then, he suppresses the exhausted body not to sleep actually, because he also has a very important matter to do, alone arrives in this mansion dark check. 接下来,他强忍着疲惫的身躯硬是没有睡觉,因为他还有件很重要的事情要去做,独自来到这豪宅里面的暗格里。 This dark check is not very big, hides in the basement in mansion, Qin Shi enters into, the surroundings only remaining about three meters spaces. 这个暗格不是很大,隐藏在豪宅的地下室中,秦石迈入其中,周围只剩下三米左右的空间。 But the surroundings densely covered knot strategy of this dark check, the place above glitters the quiet blue ancient mark to wind unceasingly, is very firm. 但这个暗格的周围密布结界阵法,上方不断闪烁着幽蓝色的古老纹络,十分坚固。 This dark check, not rather the institute of original closing up. 这暗格,是勿宁原来的闭关之所。 Qin Shi from the internal gathering spirit, strikes not to cause including the half minute ripples in the outside slightly fully, then obviously the defense capability of this dark check strong. 秦石从内部微微聚灵,全力一击下在外界连半分涟漪都不曾引起,便可见这暗格的防御能力有多强。 Drinks, is really reliable.” “喝,真是牢固啊。” Qin Shi acclaimed in the heart darkly, since previous Sea of Consciousness restored, his spirit cultivated to then achieve three incantation peak, in addition these ten day disciplining and opportunity, he had tried to find out that four incantation shackles, he prepared breakthrough. 秦石在心中暗赞叹,自从上一次识海恢复,他的精神修为便已经达到三咒巅峰,再加上这十日的磨练与机遇,他已经摸索到四咒桎梏,他准备突破了。 These on the 10 th, was very grave to his influence, especially a war in Desolate Beast mountain range burrow, that war made him realize his tiny and frailty. 这十日,对他的影响很深重,特别是在荒兽山脉地穴的一战,那一战让他意识到他的渺小和脆弱。 Therefore he must change is stronger, because he knows matter that he then must do, each matter difficult such as last blue sky, the person who then must face, everyone will not compare Ren Guodong to miss. 所以他要变的更强,因为他知道他接下来要做的事,每一件事都难如上青天,接下来要面对的人,每一个人都不会比任国栋差。 The Qin Xuexin enmity, awakens the Shu Zhongyu treasure, with the Evil Spirit injury, as well as most important, facing obstructing day saving Feng Hen. 无论是沁雪心的仇,唤醒书中玉的珍宝,和邪魔的伤势,以及最为重要,面对遮天的拯救封痕。 These matters, a narrow escape, he does not dare to neglect, does not dare to have slight lax by oneself again. 这些事,都九死一生,他不敢怠慢,不敢再让自己有丝毫的松懈。 He adjusts slightly the mood, has pinched the fist. 他将情绪微微调整好,捏了捏拳。 Impressively, in the dark check gathers the rich mist, in these mist is sending out the lavender ray, from time to time has You Cuan who the lightning occurred simultaneously, is very wild. 赫然,暗格里汇聚起浓郁的雾气,这些雾气中散发着淡紫色的光芒,时而有闪电交加的游窜,十分狂暴。 Really worthily is an area, here spiritual power rich degree, is not the outside can look disdainfully completely.” “真不愧是一区,这里的灵力浓郁程度,完全不是外界能够睥睨啊。” Densely covered in thunder and lightning mist, Qin Shi look great happiness. 密布在雷电的雾气里,秦石神色大喜。 Was the time.” “是时候了。” Qin Shi is thinking at heart, profound black pupil gradually closed, wipes the invisible air/Qi field all around to circle in him. 秦石心里想着,深邃的黑眸渐渐闭合,一抹无形的气场在他周遭盘旋。 His god read thorough Sea of Consciousness, 360,000 meters Sea of Consciousness length and breadth was boundless, everywhere was flushed the crown by the golden ray, such as in the nighttime sky wound around the eye-catching Can star, but the midpoint position was gigantic Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, the above golden halo was the star cluster center, just liked many things around a center. 他神念深入识海,360000米的识海广袤无垠,漫天被金色的光芒冲冠,如夜空中缭绕夺目的灿星,而正中央的位置是硕大的玄天古阵,上面金色的光晕位列星群中央,犹如众星捧月。 Qin Shi is staring at Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, quite feelings. 秦石凝望着玄天古阵,颇为感触。 He recalled that once under the unfeeling all sorts of mountain valley and Qin Xuexin acquaintance, came clearly into view. 不由间,他回想起曾经在绝情崖谷下和沁雪心相识的种种,历历在目。 And moves in his Sea of Consciousness process including Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, at that time also frightened him, now thinks that Profound Heaven Ancient Formation really helped him be too many, he dares to assert, if did not have Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, does not have his present spirit to cultivate is. 其中包括玄天古阵入住他识海的过程,那个时候还把他吓得要死,现在想一想,玄天古阵真是帮了他太多,他敢断言,若没有玄天古阵,就没有他现在的精神修为。 He cannot arrive at today. 他走不到今天。 Are innumerable, Profound Heaven Ancient Formation saves him in the water and fire , helping other party on today's magnificent years. 无数次,玄天古阵救他于水火,助他造就今日的辉煌岁月。 Kid, thank you.” “小家伙,谢谢你了。” Profound Heaven Ancient Formation as if induces to the Qin Shi sound, joyful beat two. 玄天古阵仿佛感应到秦石的声音,愉悦的跳动两下。 Qin Shi shows a faint smile, then he no longer delays, turning very quiet breath silently. 秦石微微一笑,接着他不再耽误,默默的屏住呼吸。 God character Secret Art!” “神字诀!” Before breakthrough, he buys in surrounding 50 times of spiritual power, takes advantage of opportunity compresses in the dantian in within the body, the profound crystal in dantian receives Lei Wu to affect, flood extremely the ray of monster eye, likely is beginning every day Chaoyang of early morning, vitality abundant. 突破前,他将周围50倍的灵力吸纳,顺势在体内的丹田中压缩,丹田内的玄晶受到雷雾影响,泛起极为妖眼的光芒,像是每日初晨时分的朝阳,生机盎然。 The dantian is full, nine spirit vein rapid revolutions, a simple and crude strength following his meridians revolution, after a sidereal revolution, such as the great antiquity rough sea waves emerge Sea of Consciousness. 丹田饱满,九条灵脉迅速运转,一股简单粗暴的力量顺着他的经络运转,一个周天后如洪荒巨浪般涌入识海 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, his psychic force multiplies, moved Sea of Consciousness of shackles peripheral, under this strength huge impact, starts to present the several fold opening in a flash, the opening forms the spider web quickly. 骤然,他的精神力倍增,本就触碰到桎梏的识海周边,在这一股力量巨大的冲击下,一瞬间开始出现数倍裂口,裂口很快就形成蛛网。 Was the present?” “就是现在了吗?” The Sea of Consciousness disruption, Qin Shi raised 200% spirits. 识海碎裂,秦石提起200的精神。 His pinching tightly fist maliciously, at once soul disaster float sky over, he starts to carry on final breakthrough. 他狠狠的捏紧拳,旋即灵魂劫悬浮上空,他开始进行最后的突破 Should be the reason of holy spirit spring, this Qin Shi breakthrough is very smooth, the soul disaster did not have past painful that. 应该是圣洁灵泉的缘故,这一次秦石突破十分顺利,灵魂劫也没有以往的那么痛。 Three incantations win four incantations, is the same with spiritual power, is a big boundary surmounts. 三咒胜四咒,和灵力一样,是一个大的境界跨越。 This breakthrough is very important to Qin Shi, he believes that so long as this breakthrough succeeds, grasped four incantation Demonic Talisman Master the strength of soul, even if meets six days of Middle Stage, utilizes Tun Tian Long seal, he also has a confidence war. 这一次突破秦石来说很重要,他相信只要这次突破成功,掌握了四咒符魔师的灵魂之力,即便是遇到六天中期,运用吞天龙印的话,他也有信心一战。 [gold/metal] in Sea of Consciousness changes into the spirit snake rapidly, alienation You Cuan in the Sea of Consciousness center. 识海中的金芒迅速化为灵蛇,狂乱的游窜在识海中央。 Then, his black robe surges in the calmness, starts to enter the final impact time. 就这样,他的黑袍在无风中涌动,开始进入最后的冲击时刻。 Next day, in the morning. 翌日,清晨。 Kong Xianhui regains consciousness in the boudoir, the beautiful pupil of having a drowsy look opens slightly, the next instant her the fierce black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is pressed, a strength of evil spirit hovers in the mansion extremely. 孔贤慧在闺房中苏醒,睡眼惺忪的美眸微微张开,下一霎她猛的黛眉蹙紧,一股极为凶煞的力量在豪宅中游动。 Good rich psychic force.” “好浓郁的精神力。” She sets out to seek following the source of strength, found the dark check of basement continuously. 她起身顺着力量的源头寻去,一直找到地下室的暗格。 , Her heart lives the startled color indifferently, the psychic force and spiritual power are different, not himself only then spiritual power cultivates is, therefore in the dark check the barrier suppresses again strongly to spiritual power, stop Qin Shi this crude psychic force. 漠然间,她心生惊色,精神力与灵力不同,勿宁本身就只有灵力修为,所以暗格上屏障对灵力压制再强,也阻拦不住秦石这粗暴的精神力。 This psychic force such as ceratop transforms, unceasing gushes out from the dark check, toward a surrounding area ten thousand meters proliferation, has alarmed an entire foreign country area, made the innumerable powerhouses in great surprise. 这股精神力如角龙蜕变,不断的从暗格中涌出,朝着方圆万米扩散,惊动了整个的外域一区,令无数的强者大惊。 „Is this strength, Qin Shi in breakthrough?” “这力量,是秦石突破?” Kong Xianhui understands gradually, but her willow eyebrows are then dignified, fierce outside the clear sky toward mansion searches. 孔贤慧渐渐明白,但接下来她的柳眉凝重,猛的朝豪宅外的晴空探去。 ! 咻! !! 咻!咻咻咻! In the clear sky of ten thousand li (0.5km) non- cloud, the hundreds of forms gather toward the mansion rapidly, this group of people completely in some foreign country status disciples. 在万里无云的晴空上,数以百计的身影急速朝豪宅汇聚,这群人全部是在外域有些身份的弟子。 Induces to existence of this group of people, the Kong Xianhui pinching tightly white hands slightly, the position reappearing white of joint place: It seems like, is the strength is too strong, has aroused the disturbance?” 感应到这群人的存在,孔贤慧微微的捏紧玉手,关节处的位置浮现白色:“看来,是力量太强,已经引起风波了吗?” More and more disciples come, gather outside the mansion in thousand li(500 km) the upper air. 越来越多的弟子闻风而来,汇聚在豪宅外千里的高空上。 Very strong fluctuation, is this strength spiritual breakthrough?” “好强的波动,这力量是精神突破?” Yes, does our area, when present such position formidable Demonic Talisman Master? Looks at the strength, should not be five incantations, was six incantations?” “是啊,咱们一区,什么时候出现这么位强大的符魔师?看着力量,应该不是五咒,就是六咒了吧?” „It is not simple, has this opportunity, a meeting must become friends with well, Demonic Talisman Master of five incantation six incantations are not simple, perhaps later can enter Fu Mo the meeting, that was really the flying great wild goose hurts in a big way.” “不简单啊,有这机会,一会要好好的结交一下,一个五咒六咒的符魔师可不简单,以后说不定能够进入符魔会,那就真是飞鸿疼大了。” Alarming this group of area disciples who more and more disciple gatherings, Qin Shi causes, feeling envy continually, must know that Demonic Talisman Master breakthrough is different from common breakthrough, if now Qin Shi in the breakthrough six days, or is seven days, it is estimated that nobody comes back your account, after all in the foreign country, which isn't the God's favored one? Which isn't the world Longfeng? Five days six days seven days of such breakthrough, did not say that every day has, differs not many. 越来越多的弟子汇聚,秦石所引起的惊动连这群一区弟子,都不由的感觉到羡慕,要知道,符魔师突破不同于寻常突破,如果说现在秦石是在突破六天,或者说是七天,估计都没有人回来你的帐,毕竟在外域之中,哪个不是天之骄子?哪个不是人间龙凤?五天六天七天这样的突破,不说每日都有,也相差不多。 But Demonic Talisman Master is different, Demonic Talisman Master is in this mainland the most honored occupation, is the threshold highest occupation, can become Demonic Talisman Master, is the matter of being destined, any incantation level Demonic Talisman Master, must be the popularity of major influences. 符魔师却不同,符魔师是这片大陆上最尊贵的职业,也是门槛最高的职业,能不能成为符魔师,是命中注定的事,任何一个咒级符魔师,必是各大势力的热门。 This group of people, hope that can extend the olive branch through this opportunity toward Qin Shi. 这群人,都希望能通过这次机会朝秦石伸去橄榄枝。 Although the people had not known now. 尽管现在众人还不认识。 Solely is not this group of people, Fu Jun also and quiet azure and other numerous fog younger sworn brother children treads to empty to come, Fu Jun was still the one-eyed, crossed the hands behind the back Yu Kong, was very dignified. 不单单是这群人,付军也和幽青等众多的雾盟弟子踏空而来,付军仍是独眼,负手于空,十分威严。 But stands firm the body quiet blue, seeing below pink mansion to be quite accidental. 但幽青稳住身,看见下方的粉色豪宅颇为意外。 Well, is here?” He has been startled being startled: „, Is he?” “咦,是这里?”他怔了怔:“难道,是他?” How does the second child, you know here the breakthrough person?” Fu Jun looks back to quiet azure inquires one. “怎么老二,你知道在这里突破的人?”付军回首冲幽青询问一句。 Smiles bitterly quiet blue: Um, solely is not I knows that the big brother you also knows.” 幽青苦笑一声:“嗯,不单单是我知道,大哥你也知道。” „Do I also know?” Fu Jun is not quite clear. “我也知道?”付军不太明白。 In any case, meets you to look that I guaranteed after this person comes out, you will certainly be surprised.” Kept guessing quiet blue, making Fu Jun stare one ill-humoredly, but he does not have to make the inquiry, because the truth must be revealed immediately. “反正,一会你看吧,我保证这人出来以后,你一定会大吃一惊。”幽青卖了个关子,令付军没好气的瞪了一眼,但他没有多做询问,因为谜底马上就要揭晓了。 But at this time, blue sky in ten thousand li (0.5km), caused the giant mighty waves suddenly, a serious strength approached from the East, was the dark mass of dozens forms, was the person of head is not just Jane Zhun? Liu Ming also. 而在这时,碧空万里上,突然引起巨大的波澜,一股沉重的力量从东方逼近,接着是乌压压的数十道身影,为首之人不正是简准?柳明也在。 Creates the world group?” “是创世团?” Sees Jane Zhun, many disciples keep at a respectful distance. 看见简准,不少的弟子敬而远之。 Jane Zhun approaches, sees Fu Jun, making his complexion under pale. 简准临近,一眼就看见付军,令他的脸色唰下铁青下来。 He he, has not thought that easy and comfortable such long fog pledge these time has also joined in the fun? Moreover does the Boss personally send out?” Jane Zhun taunted sound. “呵呵,没想到,安逸了这么久的雾盟这一次也来凑热闹啊?而且还是老大亲自出动?”简准冷嘲热讽的呵声。 Fu Jun smiled: Yes, we are truly easy and comfortable, like certain people, always does not bully the newly arrived disciple, what finally most makes the human despise, bullied has also bullied, finally has not bullied others unexpectedly, finally compensated the madame to fold the soldier?” 付军笑了笑:“是啊,我们确实挺安逸,不像某些人,总是欺负新来的弟子,结果最让人不齿的是,欺负也就欺负了,结果竟然没欺负过人家,最后是赔了夫人又折兵吧?” Fu Jun, you courts death!” “付军,你找死!” Jane Zhun flies into a rage, seven days of pressure behind are forming the scarlet waterfall. 简准勃然大怒,七天的威压在身后形成血色瀑布。 What's wrong? Can fight?” “怎么?要打架啊?” Quiet blue stubbornly disobedient, in Jane Zhun revolution spiritual power instant, his indifferent mentioned the strength. 幽青的性格顽劣,在简准运转灵力的刹那,他漠然的将力量提起。 Bang! 砰! Two seven days of strength impacts, the disciples of two sides pose the battle formation, at daggers drawn. 两股七天之力冲击,两方的弟子纷纷拉开阵势,剑拔弩张。 The disciple who the surroundings surround makes way hastily, fighting between this influences, is not the matter that they can inquire about. 周围围观的弟子连忙让开,这种势力间的交手,不是他们能过问的事。 Jane Zhun, if you also want to live going back with your behind person, I urged you well calm and steady, otherwise I did not mind that was ahead of time the war, you understood my meaning.” In the tension-filled atmosphere, Fu Jun start to talk with a laugh, is this brief several characters, such as the startled day thunderclap is common, the audience withers. “简准,如果你还想和你身后的人活着回去,我劝你最好安稳一点,否则我不介意将战争提前,你明白我的意思。”紧张的气氛中,付军笑呵呵的开口,就是这简短的几个字,如惊天霹雳一般,全场肃杀。 Fu Jun the air/Qi field was too strong, initially including Qin Shi and its looking at each other, the moral nature was terrified. 付军的气场实在太强了,当初连秦石与其对视,都心底惶恐。 Jane Zhun was suppressed by Fu Jun directly, he and paid the armed forces to compare or miss was too many, suddenly closing tightly jaw maliciously, these in ten day he lost nine under the hands / subordinates, moreover he and Fu Jun had a tacit understanding, he knows that the death fog pledges of his nine disciples could not be inseparable from, therefore his present anger has spouted the eye socket, wished one could to tear into shreds Fu Jun. 简准直接被付军压制,他和付军相比还是差了太多,一时间狠狠的咬紧牙关,这十日中他丢失了九名手下,而且他和付军心照不宣,他知道他九名弟子的死雾盟脱不了干系,所以他现在的愤怒已经喷出眼眶,恨不得撕碎付军。 Jane Zhun, you, we today do not come to here to stir up trouble calmly, meets us also to have other matter to do.” Is good under Liu Ming makes an effort to pull him, his gradually is calm. “简准,你冷静一点,咱们今天不是来这里惹事的,一会咱们还有别的事要做。”好在柳明使劲拉扯下他,他的情绪才渐渐稳定。 Good, good, good, now the fog pledge was fierce, I acknowledge that the punishment is deserved today, I am not cause trouble today, after our enmity, slowly calculates that dares to injure me to create the disciple of world group, will not have the good result.” Jane Zhun deep inspiration, anger suppression forcefully in the moral nature, the vision from paying the body of armed forces moves out of the way, looks toward below pink mansion. “好,好,好,现在雾盟厉害了,我今天认栽,我今天也不是来闹事的,咱们的仇以后慢慢算,敢伤我创世团的弟子,不会有好结果。”简准深深的吸了口气,将怒火强行的压制在心底,目光从付军的身上挪开,朝着下方的粉色豪宅望去。 Just like Liu Ming said that he also has other matter to do today, that is wins over this soon breakthrough Demonic Talisman Master, Demonic Talisman Master to an influence, was very important. 正如柳明所言,他今日还有别的事要做,那就是拉拢这位即将突破符魔师,一个符魔师对一个势力来讲,十分重要。 ---- ---- Fellow readers, the dawn wished you 51 joyful shallowly, had a vacation playing well. 各位读者,晓浅祝你们51快乐,放假了好好的玩耍吧。 !! !!
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